The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 15, 1825, Image 1

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]£==■' ' VL ~4, gr , ".".iL , . i i i '■ ■"= - I —._.. ‘ —...- a ' —. *- Many of the f> ol > t,cal evils, unJer wliiuh e-try Country in toe worltf Inlioors, »re not owinifto any want "f love lorottr Country, but to an ignornn.u of its real rotr»lilulion and interests.” PUIKSTLY '. . ~ ~ S' ~ ' ~ g~""" ~ • ' "" NEW SERIES Vol. 11. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15, 1825. No. 67. —-. . —— .... % ... ———^— " ' • ii—ii—l V Cfte Con.dtituttatiali£t , 13 PUDLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY,’ BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL LOTT RY, AUTHORIZED BY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. 1 Prize of 530.000 is 830,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 " 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50, 00 5175 Prizes, 1 180,000 12825 Blanks. 5 » 18000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS. Less than two and an half Blanks to a prize. THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. AH (he Prizes to bt • Floating from h* commencements •e-i'ceP' ihe following, which will be deposited in .h wheel vs dfinite periods, viz: On the Ist Drawing 1 prize of SIO,OOO Ac 1 of SSOO On the 2d “ 1 prize of 5,0 H) jfc lof 1,000 &lof $ 500 On the 3d “ ] prize of 10,000 A. lof 500 On the 4lh “ 1 prize of 5,000 k1 of 1,000 Ac lof 500 On the sth “ I prize of 10,000 &1 of 500 On the 6lh •• 1 prize of 5,000 U. lof 1,000 Ac lof 600 On the 7th “ 1 prize of 10,000 Ac lof 5,000 Ac lof 600 On the Bth “ 1 prize of 30,000 Ac lof 1 *O3O Ac 2of 500 O o the 9th “ ip*izeof 30,000 Ac lof 1,000 Ac lof 500 The whole Lottery to be completed in A iue Drawings DnUj. 03* the drawing to euuimen :e os on as a puiHcient number of ’ rickets «re sold. I h while of the Prizes payable in thir'y days aftei ;{lie com pi tint of the I>.a'vi,.g, subj. ct in a d dnetion ot ft Teen p«r cent All frizes not ap plied for in Cwe'Ve in milts, to oe considered as : donation to the loads ol 'be M .sonic Hall. Tiresent Virlce of Tickets, a© ©DJJL&JiS, For sate m » great vuiie - -,t numbers, at tilt COM )IISSK)NEIi’S OFFICE m Broad-street, i.iij’tisla, a lew doors below -,i:r Hank. J. y. Beers, to l/te Uemtl-nf Co ttimisstouers. XT Orders tm rickets from any part ot tin.- U it eel States, Tost paid anti euclotr.g the Cash, addressed to the Secretary, will meet immediate attention. Kales and regulations adopted at a meeting o. the Board of Comm'SSioneYs of the MASCNiG ii ALL LOTTERY, January 8-n, 1825. Ist. The Commissioners shall assemble on the Saturday oi every oilier week. 2d. A majority of the Ootniiii-sioners shall con stitute a quoFotn for the transaction ot business, and a majority of those pi.taint at any meeting shall govern in all cases, except those Irsremullei specified. 3 I. It sh ill be the duty of the Chairman to pre serve order, to ap.i hut Committees to tbe Btoks and conduct of t S'-creiany, aid tie flb'dl have tile prtvdege ot volingupon &:i subjects; and also of expressing bis opinion. 4th. A Sec.•e'ary snail be appointed with a sal-j ary ot e.gtlt hundred d-d ats per annum, and -ball < give bond anil security ft r the tl perlormanee Ot his ditties, He shad keep lair minutes of tie • proceedings of the Board of Commis.-donei s— shal. act as an agent fir the sale ol ickets—k up a ret gtil ir aec'iunt ol Ins sd and depo-i'e till iiomef receive,-1 by him, (as anon as received,) in one of the Banks ofthis city, tie shall, moreover, Ira ■ fact all business reia i,.g o the Lottery, to winch l ’ he shall bf required to attend, by the Commi-I. sicme|», l< sili N.. ticket shall be sold on r. crediv.unlessi 1 by an order ol t'it- Board t Coo nns-i ,< ers; stvli net then, wiihom sue-. security -s shad be atisluc-i 'lory to a c ini'iiittcc appointed for the purpose of i receiving the sain 6'.h, I'be tickets shall V signed by the Com-j missioners, in equal prop.oi”; ois ; and not more; dian one Commissioner shall sign any tick t. 7tb. The Secre'sry shall not b -eiitrn- d titan;, onetime, with mure than five 1, .-.tired tickets., and shad exhibit at every meeting ot <i.e Cominis | sioners his Bank Bo it, i d an account plainly shewing the amount ot tickets sold, and the num btr in hand. Bvh- The tickets, after they are numbered ami Signed, shall be deposited at Bank, an . o-.lj drawn thence by a committee, ot winch me Chairman shad be one. 9li No money shal 1 be drawn from R ink, bin by a check, signed ova majority of tin. Commi-t 1 sinners, and for no othrr purpose, but the put • ment of prizes, or necessary January 28 fit Z‘< O*. K fc. IE sub: cribt-rs i,„ e eu t-cfetl vuemsp 'i id in the p.-cliCc ol >li>- LAW- they will in i form l / a'tenil ad tie couu ies ia the. Northern Circuit, and Hie county *•' Fra- klm, of the Wev tern t.'ircuit, one of. lh'm will be general!” fount! at their offic.’ in where neywvi. : takt plei'fitire i-t transsc- • r tb<» lut .1 ess of those who tm y be unfortunate enough to be involved in the John U*, Tit ■ub -i Heard. .Linn “V t ’325 u Nt.\\ at u Vivvu, / fi' 1 \i. l av. .re Negm Boy 1 t 14 nr 15 jf., years . f go. For one thn 1» well-e --c min-nd'” 1 I lonef ■ • v »• iiber-i prxe wi.i ..u d. j’ pin at this Office. February 8 ot 65 gmtfa—l I— ■—l ■IIWIHI II I MIW lIIMBBnWZWBPB V, . CONTINUED SUCCESS AT Cohen's Office. Baltimore, January 6, 1825. <ojrmiO s>tate Hotterp, ' No. 3. WTOW drawing every week, under the sttper-| Lv mtendcnce of tile Cummiasioners appointed; iy the C’ vi i-tior. and C it tcil EVg\vl\v Day’s Drawing: *1197 lu/oi frizes ot - • 8 l(W0 *14403 a prize of-- 500 11527 d. - - . 100 *19094 *19862 14388 9115 5850 U marked thus* sold at COHF.V'S OFFICE, j I bis Lottery is now ra idily progressing to 1 vards a close —no time should be lo t in securing >ck t- I’here ure st’d* undrawn, tbe Cauitals ol £r fohty CHOUSA.Vn noi.LAUS. XT rtvß.vTr rmws.wn dollars O' TEV THOU>A VO DOLLARS ’XT FlVf. THOUSAND hollars U of O VE THOUSAND dollars Hos FIVE HUNDRED) DOLLARS. IVhole Tickets BL<! i Quarter - 3 00 Halves - -6|E' .h hs • .Jl 50 To be had, warranted undrawn, at (^'ogett’s Wliere both the great Capitals of 20.000 and 10,000 DOLLARS, drawn in the MONUMENT LOri'EKY, on the 28th idt. were sold, and where were snl ibe Caudal Prizes of 100,000 ' lullars, half ami one qua'ter to citizens of Gear tfia ; 20,u005, 10,000 5000 s, in the last Grand -Pale I. ttery, and wok nr. m.uik capital phizes lAVE BEEN ' UTAINEn THAN AT AN V OTUEH OFFICE IN AMERICA | Orders left with I. It. 8-p JOHN, Broad street, . iU tUST.i (ieurgia, will he promptly attended to, EdEE OF POS TAGE. la'Mi'i'y 21 60 A. large aASD tmrwt ol fresh. OffiAWb JUST RECEIVED FHUM THE SHAKERS. -2-ALSO — A small quantity ofFresn llt)P3, growth of 1824 you ** AI. K BY R B. & D. G. Raviland. Jannarv 11 57 ’SCOFIELD, PHELPS & Co. DRAFERS AND TAILORS H AVING farmed a (uiiintcliuii wuti Mr. Henry Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed heir Etablisbment to v'o. 88, Broadway, corner of iVaii-Street, where their Business will in future be •onducted under (he firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS & 7/OVVARI). Yew-Ynrk, June, 1H23 7 VV ILVA.LW wT lL sAN, Renews the tender of his services in the CO .VIMISSION AND STORAGE HUSLYESS, TO HIS FIUF.NIIB ANII TUB PUBLIC. HIS WARE HOUSE at the upper end, south side Broad-street, is now ready tor the re eoli'ill.of CO I' ON and "ther PRODUCE, upm rliich liberal advances will be made, when re piireil, I Any business with which he may be favoured, shall be punctually attended to. (V her 1 28 VOJlAii sSJiJ Y JW*l '> E*S The Subscriber, UAVING eng’g d Waueii uses res, in he unp part.if liii-city,utf rs hiss-rvicesas i g. -erul COMMISSION MERCK AM l'.— Persons Iwtiii may place mercha idis-' or produce under his lesre. may safely relv on every possible exertion 1 be.jpg used, togivi- general satisfaction. Btvnia M‘Kinne. September 28 27 1 . ’ THOxMAS G. HAiaL, ! Carriage. «N\aker. HAVING taken me Shops recen'ly occupied by Mr. James I.ynes, intends carrying on toe business in n'l i's vari us branches. Jk onP hit 1 ng experience at the North, he fi .iters 'o ms.-li, tb.a' he will be able to give general r a-, lislaction to such, as will favour him with a call in| the R;pa ; ring Line. All favours wi I be (bank-, fully received and punctually e»ecut.-d. He expects goon to receive from the Northern | vloiiufactories, a cimpleteassortment of Carriages. XT GIGS and CARRIAGES built to order. ¥or Sale. 8 Gigs, 3 Sulkeys, 2 Carriages. V- v<‘m L rr 5 38 JUaDXZiD dan," Coach-Maker, WILL k eep constantly on hand, and for Sale at Mr. Lono treet’s Livrry Stable. XV ASSORTMENT OF (BUBSo j XT Orders for GIGS or CARRIAGES from the 'North, will be promptly attended to and work w„r- anted. N. b.—Repairing done at the shortest notice. . i November 30 45 A handsome Hussar Uniform. nearly new, may be had cheap ' > luiiuetliaie ap olicatlon at this oWre. February I sh y ■ Jusfalqpeived AT THE •Ivigwsta CVoUvVlig &tov*e, nv , DIMOCK & MARSH, Anotner Case of BLUK BUKSS CO VI'S, H in- anti fancy colored CAN' I'ALOONo, N w stile VESTS, Sic. : f I hie h the;/ offer for salechedp Jor rent I;/ Cush. 1 February, 1 _ <>■> - ft iii Aism: [j AT THE SIGN OK THE 1 Aug vista Clothing Sloto, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITE HOTEL. - tVouhl most respectfully inform their friends anil the !• community , that they are now ready to attend to th,eir calls for Frock Coats, Dress Coats, Coatefcs, , Big Coats, h Plaid anti Carnbhij Cloaks, Ladies’ Cloaks, Pantaloons, Os the most fashionable kind . 1 Vests, Hhirts, Cravats, i Drawers, 1 Elegant patent Suspenders, i La Fayette velvet Vesting, ji Which thy off-r for sale this season, lower ! than ever—but (despising the principal of mi derselling) tliey would only have it understood , that they are not to be undersold by any in their , line of business. Jnnnary II 57 -I ~ N&rvum: * ■ bb!s. first qualiiy Family Flour will be land ed this diy from Steam-Boat, Maid of Or cans, which will be sold low if taken from the Wharf. APPLY TO Bugg & Savage. [ November 16 41 CormST ~ cf/sv BAGS PttlME COFFEE (on consign meuf.j will be disposed of on accommo dating terms by B. Picquct. / November 26 , v ( 44 » Real Vvi<\\ Potatoes, IN IUVlliEB& Just received per Steam Boat Hamburg ,• A FEW llunpe.s reatoehast Potatoes, which will be sold in lots4B suit families, by apply .ng immediately a£ •“ Jacob Moise’s. JiVKrvzie if Itennuch's How. December 28 53 |j Lbs, prime bacon, FOR SALE, On Consignment, by B. Picquet. November 30 45 , S,CCD Weight aC I’Kiu.e BACON FOR SALE. APPLY TO Robert D. Ware. Decembers 46 — - m (• BOX MISSING. jj SUPPOSED to be taken by mistake from then Wharf, about the 11 111 or X2lh of November, i a tlox of Sloes landed from Boat No. 14.—Mark-1 ed \& E. Wood,or E Wlfod & Co. Any peiaonji having it in his possession will confer a favor by 1 bifoi ming the subscriber* at their residence, or through this office. E. M ood of ( o. December 24 -» j The subscribers HWING united themselves in the practice of Law, uuddr the firm of Julian & Thompson, [respectfully tender their service* to thcif Iriendf [and the public, to transact any business that may j be entrusted to them, in the '.iiie of their pro- Ifession, in the several Courts,of Georgia and [South Carolina. Their office is .on the corner of [Ellis and Washington streets, where one of the [firm mav at all times he found. N. B. I whan, • J. i\l. {i'hompson. January 11 * 57 NOTICE Public are cautioned against trespassing I on the Houses and Lots of the subscriber upper end of town —especially against hauling sand or earth fr-m the river bink < r contiguous thereto. Each and every person tiff-tiding shall have the law rigorously enforced against him ori diem. 1 Hugh Neshit. J mart 21 [ 60 j Brought to the Jail jif Columbia County, on tin I3tb instant, a negro mm by tin.)' named JE'-S or IESSR about 6 tee high, ra | thej- fight comi lex mg about 25 or 26 years of lage smys that lie belongs to Benjamin Gcbert, of Jefferson County. 1 he owner is requested to entire forward prove his property and t-k- him a ay. Bei.j. T. Rods, Jailor . January 22, 1825 3t> 62 NEW Astronomical licvAurcs. EZRA A. STEVENS, Respectfully invites the Ladies ami Gentlemen of Augusta, (the Ladies in par ticular,) to attend gratuitous Lectures on Aatro inomy, ai the Richmond Academy, on 'lues-lay land Wednesday evenings, February Bth and 9th, ' o commence at 7 o’clock, j In the course ni his introductory Lecture, Mr. - Stevens will by a tpmhod entirely new, dlu irate phe Planetary motions—Seasons —Eclipses— (Changes and Phases of the Moon —Cause of the | Ebbing'and Flowing of the Tides, Btc. &c. The i whole rendered plain by means ot apparatus, to jthose who may h«v e p a j f l no previous attention ;lo the subject— No children admitted except !wilb parents. )| On Friday evening the 12th, Mr. Stevens will commence a regular senes of six Astronomical Lectures, to be given three times a week, on , such evenings as shall best accommodate the Class. The principles of this sublime science, will be (illustrated in such a manner as shall render litem perfectly familiar to those who may not have made it their study. XT 'Tickets for the Course, to admit one per son at g 3, or a whole family at §lO, may be hud at the Book Stores. DEC QMM BN DA 1T ONS, From Col. Richard M. Johnson, Senator in Congress from Kentucky, who was one of a nu merous Class at Washington.' SENA IE CHAMBER. City of tYushington Feb 26th, 1823. To all whom it may concern, I have attended a course of Lectures delivered by Mr. Ezra A. , Stevens, on Astronomy— 1 consider Mr. Steven* a complete master of his subject, and his Lee- I tures are well calculated to amuse and instruct . the learned and tbe unlearned. This manner is interesting, his language chaste and appropriate, lus Aslronom cal knowledge appears to be pro _ found, and Ins illustrations «re extremely happy, and calculated to give the most distinct ideas and clear conceptions of the various laws and c. m ■ plicated revolutions and motions of the whole heavenly bodies; and 1 do recommend him most ? earnestly to all who ate patron* «t La ruing and; science, BICHARD M. JOHNSON. From the Rev. Dr. W oous, professor of Theolo gy, at Andover. Theological Seminary, Andover. Nov. 22, 1823. i Having attended the Astronomical Lectures, j which Mr. E. A. Stevens has recently delivered belorca majority of the students ol this seminary and many inhabitants of Andover, I take great ■ pleasure in testifying the entire, and I believe uni versal satisfaction, which he has given. Ihe hap py talent which lie possesses of ihustruting, b) a simple ..ppa.uiu . the nans' important pirn* iole« astronomy, renders tlum’imehigible, and highly ■ interesiing to all his hearers, whether more or less , acquainted 'with the science , and v.hat adds much;, io tfie value of his lectures, lie takes frequent oc-!, cssions to show the übserviency of this science io the principles of re ignpi. Hy his unassuming and , amiable manners and his unexceptionable conduct, | while resident hi re, Mr. Stevens bus endeared ( himself to all who have had any intercourse widi , dm- 1 join most c rdudly, with many others, in recemmending him to lite patronage of the pub ick, wherever he may go. J-EONARD WOODS. Mr. S. has similar leCornmendatnms from Judge Berrien of Savannah, where a very numer ous Glass of Ladies and gentlemen recently at- Item! d. From G"V. Pleasants, Bishop Moore, jand John Adams, E-qs. who were committee of a Class at Richmond—and from mult of the princi pal men throughout the United Stales. Mr. Stevens has taken Lodgings at the Man- I sion House, where he will be happy to see Ills friends ever) day from 12 until 2 o’clock. February 8 65 I The Lancastrian Ffee School, ( I will again be opened on MONDAY, the IBih n si land the Board of Managers cordially invite the [return of those Scholars whu have hevetofon !been educated at this institution, as well as ol all ' lothers whif choose to emhracethe advantages ot linstri'C ion free of expence. , | XT Pupils will also be thankfully, received ifrom P irents wiio are disposed to pay at three , dollars per Q, iarter. t October I‘2 31 i FRENCH TUITION. . A FEW young Ladies w II be dmiued to s new , course of Tuition ol the French Languagi | iat the residence of the subscriher, familiar con | versa lion will be inlrnducen wlncli by the as j :si. j nice of bis daughters, the subscriber flatters him j-elf the acquirement ot that useful Language will ■ b" more -peetlily and more accurately obtained. Tuition three times a week from nine to elevei 1 o’clock, A. M. J J. R. l afUte. Notp»r»Ler 30 4.5 ddaiiduvg. ; G1 BN TEEL Residents, or Sojourners, may be t I accommodated with Board and Lodging next ( door above Dr. Turpin’s, Hr ad s'rcet. s S. H. Lafilte. j November 30 t 5 Notice. PERSONS being dal y in the habit of tresp. -s log on the Hickory ildge tract ol lai d. own*” Iby the Hank of Georgia, and cutting the wood aim undergrowth therefrom : No'me is liereh)- give' that the utmost vigilance wdl be used indetectmp ’ land prosecuting the offer tiers. The said/Land i- '* (bounded on the west bv I urkanet’s Spring, am r part of the village ot Sn om-rvillr, on ill.: Has j" (by the lands ol A. Martin, P I). Carnes am.)’’ others, it may be more pan cu >rly known by ill' 1 Milledgeville road, passi >. thr ugh P, Bo order of the Board 1. Henry February 1, 1325, [j <>3 A Large Assortment of . JUVENILE Btnth'S, For bale at tins Office. s ‘ msiDiSiXiL AN I) St'KA.VI HAI HS. DU. MODEL, a French F.ivsician, reapictfully informs the public, that he has established SI HAM ami MEDICAL U ATI IS in Augusta. The very high repute these Haths have Required in Europe, vhere (although a late dincov.ry) they are_to h<* found in every hospital, and tha great cnTes they have perlornted in Uosmn, Phi ladelphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt of their eflie.acy.- .The must gentle as well as the most pnwenu! medicines are administered by that means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the patient. They are a never fuiTng remedy in all cutane ous affections j from Psora, King worths, &>'. tp ScijMluutl anj Leprosy. They also Have never tailed of success in either acme or chronic rheu ruatism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous ■wellings, incipient dropsy; in ali diseases of the joints, gouty affections dispersion oi tumors, ill cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections } in alt bilious disordm s, dyspepsia, hypucondhasit, epilepsy—these baths hart; bi eu found most ser viceable, and have often succeeded even in here ditary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin* istenng almost every remedy belonging to the healing an, may be tendered applicable 10 almntt ‘every case, and (it is repeated) without any pain, trouble, or disgust to the patient. As these baths are not yet generally known, , Dr. Hcmpc will be happy to the must res . pectable references to persons who have Ijeen cured by taking them. I’l'lms Steam Sf Me&lcol KaVabUsVumiul, i Is in Ellis-Streel, opposite M■. H. Mealing’* Urick House, n d has an entrance in Hroad-atreef immediately opposite the city 7/otel. , January II 57 $ TU« /Subscriber INTENDING to re ode m New Vork, with a view lor 'he transaction of Commission ling, imess, in all its branches, will feel grateful (or any consignments or orders, with which he may be favored, assuring his Irieuda that his unremitied 'attention will be everted to promote their inter |est. Me will lie prepared on the receipt of any consignments, or of the invoices with bills of la ding and orders for insurance, to make the cus torn ary advances if required. Any references that is desired, can be obtained ol Messrs. Mackenzie Si Ponce, Augusts, or He nr jamin burroughs, Esq. Savannah. Ralph Ketchunj- October 26 35 TO RENT~ * HI- One Tenement in the Lons Yellow Range <»( (in | lings, ■ xi door above me s'g t of the “ Jhiutic Li mlivc,’’ in “Colton Range,’t jt ontlnued. —Also, Several i cm mi nts of one story it CCll,Wltll tWO rooms, PqfCcillly in the possession of Mr. Ansley, and a convenient Warehouse in the bear, which lias been recently r p i red and the dot enclosed with a good fence E r terms, a(»ply to Mr. James Harper, during the absei.c ot the sub-criber, K. K.*('ainpSell. January 7 - 5* r. From thi first Odder next, ikajJL Three Spires and a Dwelling fflTsgL Mouse, upper emr-ou'h sioe Hr •jit litW Street, adjoining Egan & MT.augh- JMIML liu's. viz :—The .Store occupied by D. M eory U Co. the Store occupied by Hl' ijt Alden—and the tw story Frame Mouse and Store adjoining the name—the house is well calculated for a private family or .boarding H^u-e—having an ■xcellent Hric.k Kitchen. The Stores are all most desirably situated for the Grocery Htisiness. Jlfilily to William H. Egan. Sc temhnr 17 21 EUR HALE OR IU REN V. 4|IMK unexpired lease and improvements on 'UL the Lot known as the Littlemai.’s Garden, situated on Ellis-Sirecf, near the center of Cen tre Street—having all the conveniences for cur rying on Confectionary upon a large scale, be ,ules an Oven, Dry house, Sic. There g also an Ice House in good order, wh, r< 15 nr IS tons of Ice can'be secured for summer use. The whole •«.- ill be shewn by application on the premises.— F »r terms apply to B. Bouyer. August 10 1.) Notice. BY virtue of s J'ifu to me d.reefed, will be sold on the first I uesday in April next at the Market House, in the City of Augusta, between lie usual hours of sale. One Lot with the im, r vermntH t lereon, in the city ot Augusta, houn ded on the north by Jacob Uaotonh’s Lot, S nth hv Reynold street, west by Kaifili K< tclium’s Lot and eas' by Ca I’s alley, levied on a* the property, of Mrs. Khza 3. M Laroche to -at sfy her lioad aod well Tax fur 1823 and 1824. amounting to g2B 50. John W. Reiul C. M. Feb'iiorv 1 »■' 61 H I liAVhll Uit h KJI.E.t, 171 ROM the subscriber on th» night of tile 7lh not. a sorr>-; HOUSE, switch lad while * l;i the tori head one hind leg wln'e, one ancle alit • If- larger than the oilier. When he went away he !ia a short piece of rope on liig o-elr. Any one giving information or returning ini io the stibecnb r, shall meet wdh a ha d eor.e reward, in Gumming’,s Uul'ding, Broad .treet, Augusta. Ora Howard. February 11 3* 66 ~FDR HAITk^ V LIKELY Negro GIRL. about 16 years old b 1 ugln up o Sewing and House bosine ;>o i II . Apply at tins office January 18 3t 49