The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 18, 1825, Image 4

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————■ I ulov’s raAe. Or. the fin . i 1 'i-c.nex .at li o'cluct. ■ Wiil hr ddatth Mark- One Lot LVN U, ZW Acres. N«. 193 pnth D.» rei K.rv G > belonging i. the Estate of .1 «' "ills..* ■ Ho tr'l-r vs the Executort. i Fraser, Bowdro Jfc Henkell, jiuciiontt” >■ D-c. " r3l ' 1 i .VLaOO.V I X%7it.L be le at the |> >st office in M-«con, t> 1 W ilie lowest bidder, at (mb ic onirry, oi y, ,|,y ihp 1301 nf April next, the boil h gos i BRIDGE ,criss the Hcmulgee river at t lie lon « ot me street leading to the pnbl c square in Ms . cm. The river hi I lie intended site lias, it mbe lieved, » verj firm tfi<; moat of w hich "■ n k mwn to be oi roc*. Its width at comm in w* f ,pp , s estimated at 250 feet : the height ol lb. i peers a' 38 left, the wll. le length of Hie bndg t a’ 4M; and the contemplated width 32 lent, wont il and limb r mav be Very convenienliy obtained n aid bad grabs on tl.e adj lining public Lands I Tlic mers and abniments in b• of stone—the up- b p r works ol a iprnv -d timber, and to be ahing ir JeJ, weather b iard-d and painted. Ibe undt r tak(-r will be required to give bond with tine, ap ,roved securities m ihe sum of g’O.UOO loi the faithful pertormance ol Ins compact Jh names of the persons offered as securities must b- submitted to the commissioners b> the Btli ol April ; Letters lor tins purpose liny be directe( to die C'lin.inssioners to tne cire ol Mortimer II Wal is, K'fj post master, Macon. 20 per cent o , the’amount of Hie contract will be advanced, J and further advances will be made at the discre .< I,on .f the c .rnmiHsioners as the work progresses A model of Hie intended bn Ige and the torn of the contract will be « en to inspection at tlu a mom over Gill ••pi* & Uhdsong’s s ore in Macon 0 i and sfier he twenty-first ol March, until Hu time oi letting. , Architects are invited to prepare and nirnisl m "dels in wood on a scale of an inch lu the fno , ( will Hccomnaov mg t* .lunations in writing M whic iwdlbe received at. the room above mmi tin. (lull'd Tuesday 'be 15lb ol March, mclo t «iv A premium ol gIOO will be paid for th , n , ,11 w i, eli ,bu I b ad pb dns best uniting ill p ,er m* cb ap n ss. aireng b, durabiliiy aim cunvemei ce m repamiog 1 ,uke I. Vlorgan, "j Charles Ballocli, j Mortimer ({,. .Vallis, 'fCum’n. {Samuel Gillespie, j V\ iltiani Bivinw, J C[y Tlie cil irs of me Constllun nslist, tin Colo b IVI. sC >pu. and I'm If.itrigli Ifegotoi ar r’q o s dm insert the ib v n ti! tlie Isi ■ ot M iron, aid forward iheir accounts to M, It Walds, Esq. M .c > ■. H* •* Macon Ebu nll ’5. 1 1 4M 65 Font »AiiK. a (__()(' OK I.ANII, tiir. i miles from Ausosta J\ cool,lining 7u .1 do Acres, forty of winch i cle.ivd ami un.l. Igo ml feuc., the balance li uo I.iod I 'uto is on the premises, a c mloriabn llw* I g I louse, whicn lias lately undergone' thorouyii repair. A new Kitchen, meat House, a elegant’ Il'ich Pan'rv, G' ib, Slabl-s, V older am Carr, ig.- li.iiSe, Ike. al conipn-i.—a large yai Wed i.ade.l ; « b idn me Orchard ot Ap t le, J'l-'icb J’ or and elnm tr-es, « never iadiop spring of exc' ldi' w . r within 80 yards ol tin 1 'h g, a .(I ns h.aiihy n situation a. any lit Kiel, ramiid County. Tn- ihav ■ will i>« sold a bargain, if early ap plication is made lu Jim. C. Holcombe. Isnusrv t 8 t 1 * fe acrid* s cjule. Wi.l be su'd on tin* iu*s I uesda) n March nex I al me 0 itirt H os-, in tin (own m V\ay es I),a- ,ji, l{ irke (. , v.,Av thin al< h. u r s : - 1.) 1 Acres of Fuio ,liau l, adjoin ing , i. i .i.i-ol) (java ij, aid li/O aeres wor on \r mi, I' w l mjw liv«s, adj nniug Lands o I'. ,1.- tut ean, 1.-v.ed. on aa ihe’prop -ny ot \r niiis I* ive‘l, to sat.siy three ex-c Hums in lavnm 0 S. L. Uoyal, Executor, tfr ibe use of Wiliiati Ked. A L O 03 Acres of Land, adjoining Th uittH l» > i *.H u<\ >«heis vit-d on »l»c pt riy it C*diui Vlerni, dec a*ed, t > satinlv J* exi cutioii iii tuvoiir. I v\ in. ii.vm, ileccuscd) lt>» the use of W dlia’ii B.»rr«*n, 135 Acres of Land, adj dining L.a id *t S. 1., if )da ol Olilel-9 levieil on as tl ( piuper y f lienjamin G lost, m s.iisl) anex -en 1 -oli favour ot L. If iyal, fir the use of Wi - liam lied. also— One (xray Horse, levied on as the property ol Ab r Molb ay to satnsiy a.i execu tion in lavor of Thom.i li aril. A I.S' I 3 Negroes viz: Lucy, Sosa, anti ,-K ./. >r*lli i . vul wi 00 . ilie pr pt ri' ol he »i• li) ue, t s iiiHfy wu d. y h. »as. iwsucd ro»n a ji» tioe« O 'un, in uv»»nr >t* * ttleb rry M rsli. —AISO— Tne 9ll» part of taree Negroes, viz: b i .iie, t. pulla an • ueriit, leviio on .i the property m v n Wallace, to sutisly ihrt ■ exec f ions in tavour ol William Keynolds, ponu ed ooi by Win. Wallace. ALS— O-5 iNegroes, viz : Vlary and her 4< childr -o, .il, . lar-..!«, Kelly a i * Uy .Cf, levi** oi is the property ol Ab mr satisfy a.i i-xeci"im in favour o' die administrators ot W tv Jones, dec -a-seil, p noted mu by said aom’is ALSO — Oue negro hoy naiued Jerry, levi ed 0, as tl r• • riy if Job i Hr ,i m, G i.u- . a i if f ee J 'b. to satisfy tw ft. ihs. ih favour • E .-sba fay so oi Jim. r. Fiirth, s, b. c. Jihimry 27 1 f sheriffs sSale. W ill be I'd 'I dm ay ie instant, at tn Ve-idu 8. re 'it B. P,cq im, between the i jo 1 i r .( sa'e. Sundry articles of Merchandize, a*ta ic s toe ro >.-my m Le.ier iluiiip rev a, ilu i i. v .c- i 1 ’Jero'n Case By Ortle’ -f C jurt. i. Ficq icl. Sheriff.(\ ,1. V SfUB f 1 1 It 6*> Vio Vi wo A Aob I’v’uUug, aVetM/y Hxecuted el this Otfioe. Tn ihe J /mV Court »f Richmond Courtly, «'<-! ,ing at u Cowl of Ordinary Mo it DAT, February 7th, 1525 •lanforlh 8c Sivage, 1 us, b RULE NISI, \dm’rs ot Ralph 1 homas, J [P appearing to the Court, that th" petitioners are possessed of a Bond given by Ralph I bom it- in his hte time, together with others, condition 4 , for mak og titles to pur' o! Lot N . 22, in the Oity of Argo t«, ci nigining a front of thirty nine ft on Broad atpeel and in depth two hundred and , ven feet, and bounded on the south by said . a reel, n the Balt by a lot uau.dly called Fol Keatings and on the other sides by a lot late Job. ; Willson’s, and that the said Ralph I homas has cle .nrted this life wi bout making titles to said lot hul dja' letters o I administration on bis esiate ami off. cts have be-n granted to Abiel Camfield oi isid County. .... c Whereupon ami on Motion of petitioners attor ney. It it ordered by lh‘ court, that the Hmrsaou Representatives ol said Ralph i homas, be cited in vppear before this Court on tne first Monday in \r'ril to show cause, if any they have or can, why die said Administrator id Ralph Thomas spool . not be ordered to execute tides to the said lot t. , be petitioners according to the prayer of the pe it ion : and that a copy of this order be pnblislid n one of the Gazettes of this Cdy for two Mom hs Taken from th<• Minntet Isaac Herbert, Clerk 1 oj the Court of Ordinary- February 11 Id' r 1 AAiuiui»U , atm* , s ttaVc. NOTICE. AGREEABLE to an rder obtained from thi Justices of the Inlenor Court ot Burk» 1 Jounly, wlmn setting f - r Ordinary | opposes, WILL BE SOLD , it the Court llous, door, in the Town of Waynes •orough, be'ween the usual sale h'-urs, on the irat I’nesday in April nex l , All that Lot or Tract of Land, lying and ocinj* in the County ol HfnrVi conui iwo hundred '.wo and ne h ill acre ol Lml in the fifth Dialric*, numtier sixteen Sold f be henefi- of the heirs sod creditors of Cvry tiudbee, jiinr. la' of B"rke C-iunty, tk-'ea ed. John Hkiuoer, Jidtn’r. IVav"?shorn’ lann ir 1 ’ 4 1825 1 H .58 Aonumsirator’s ha e. ATI be sold mi the first Tuesday in March next, at Mie Court-Mouse in Jacksonborutlgh, Sc. ven County, between the Hours of len a d ton o*cl ick, agre-able to an order ol die If..nor ble the justices f the I itt rior Court of sa <J. unty, wh le sitting for Ot dinary purpi se« One negro man slave, named Be ■r, belonging ■<, the esiate of W indsor Uiiksmi. teceased, sold fop the purpose of making a divi ion among the Heirs of the said dec use ’ Terms made kn wn on the day ot sale. 24 hda J 1 Dpcemoer, 1824. 53 JamTS Hickson, Adm’r 2V (lmim.trator’s »alc. grecalde to an order of ibe IL.itorab e the Jus'■ cesof the Inti rior C mrt of Richmond Cottnti while sitting for ordinary, wid be sol at lie Mai k t House in die city ol Augu-ta. oi tl" first Tuesday in Vlaich next, at pob'ic outer. All the iNEWIIOks, belonging i the Ea'iub of Gersliam Scileck, deceased t wit.—Peter, l.uct, Thornton, Hob, Sam, Pol j 'lenry and Mary Ann. ALSO At the same time and place, one Track o* Land dtuate and being in the 26th district ol Early conn y, known as Lot No. 273. —ALSO— An undivided part oi a track of Land in tin '“nuntt of Greene, simate on the south west bank if Ihe Oconee River,—sold for the benefit ot th creditors of the said Fsiaie. j3*Teyna made know i on Ihe dav of .-ale, Luke Heed, Acting Ailminiilrator F.atatr of G. Seliich, dec’ll J nr t 55 ivtiaumelialur'g ale. Will be sold on 1 lie lira Tuesday in \ ird nex' al the Court House door, in Waynesbor iu.;h Burke County, agroeab'e t ( , a n order of Hi. Honorable the InP rinr C mrt of sa d Count) wt"|p f t Ordinary pu'-onses. Two hundred and fifty Acres of Land, lying in rlo fitst Hislricl ot Vta'ion Con t\. known as Lot No. 1(15, in the plan of said 111 fict, sold as the property ol the estate of Sn|n "in Hani< I, deceased, (or the benefit of the heir nid creditors ’Simeon Hampton, tidin'r. January 24, 1825 10 r 63 Administrator's itale, Vgreeab’e loan order ot the Honorable Court cl Ordinary of Warren County, will b ■ sold on 'be ft si Tuesday in April next, at the Coum- House in 'Var n en 0 m ’y. One Lot of Land in the 4th l)is tr ct "f Houston Cou.i-y, belonging m ihr esla i >t Richard llray, deceased, and known by the number 215, Containing 302 1-2 Acres Terms o! suit- ma ’e know n ..n the dav, Amos Wright, Adm'r. Lucy Bray, . idiu'rx. January 5. 1835. r 75 ■■ y .m ...I - ■■ ,i lx Harman's >''a e. A ill be sold on loe li si l uesday m Aprd nev| a the Court House in Jacksonburo’, Scrivencon ty, between the hours of ten and four o’clock pursuant to an orders of the H moruole the his 'tees of tne Inferior Court ot said county, who billing for ordinary pm noses; All that tract or parcel of Land, contai i"g our hundred end ninety acres (m-ir ■t loss) s male Long and being in the louneenl. district oi li win.county, Georgia, and known am. s'i iguished in the plan of said district, by th umber twenty-three. (33.) sold fur the hen .fi ol saiall L-e, . rphan, of John M. Lee, deceased - Terms mi . known on the 1 n nf sale, Peter Reddick, Guardian. Scriv. H coun’y ,ln na a 28 Lit t 6 $ si it vVKI) oit siu. E ~ IiAROM the subscriber on the night ofthe7ih inst. a sorrel HORSE, switch tail, win oak in the tor-head one hind leg while, on* cle a nttle larger than the other. When lit vot away he lia a .hurt piece of rope on he "ck. Any one giving inf irmatinn or reiurnini mto the subscriber, shall meet with a hanclg nn.-reward, in Cuminmg’s Buiklipg, Broad reel, Augusta. Ora Howard. February 11 3‘t fifi E. AUDLER, t SURGEON DENTIST, RESPEC 1 FULLY informs the Ladies and Gen tlemen of Augusta, that he will be ready h serve them at all times, at his or their houses, t die line of his profession, and hopes he will tnee' share of the public patronage, as he will extrac teeth and stumps, and in the easiest manner if evn >f difficult, and all its other hranehcs. Taale of Carbon, A superior dentifrice to any ever offered so cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth am nskmg the breath sweet and grt eabic. SCORBUTIC ESSENCE. Os Roses, Which removes all scorbutic humour in th< i ns and teeth, and makes them firm at th< ame time. Prepared and sold by E. Audler. At his Drug and Medicine Store, at the Cotto’ Uange. Sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta, Julv 4 2 UAlfi REST*) it \ UVE And Preservative Vegetable Cerate, I' HE important discovery of a veg iab e sub . stance, capable ol restoring and pn serving ihe hair, wa- accidently made oy an individual who has neither the capacity nor the dispositio o practice decepti m or fraud. The fullest re 1 ance miy be placed on the efficacy and powei I the. Vege abe (1 ra e no* only in restoring uid preventing the f’alli g oil' of the hair, but in orodueing the greatest lu tre and liveliness of it e ; a id die public may rest assured lha i s effects will he clearly manites ed in the coursi if a short urne by th ■ renewal and v gorous growth of die hair, and by effectually prevent ng its coming out or (alii g of}'. I fie Vegetabh (1 rate, tends to re-ust itate and excite he em gies of the capillary vessels, which conslilu those organs that secrete tlie matter forming In hair j thoe, like many other organs of tfu am ■ mal body, which have b-en in a of dorman yor disease, may he r. stored to iheir healthy , iction. a id perform all those functions ss-tgne t 'em by nature. I'fte piopne or being awa r e of the mimerou: ■pecifics panied on the pu>>lic, and desirous tha he present article may not suffer, re*»B its me pits on the i (Feci it has produced on hundreds oi persons, both male and female, and found to be he only thing in restoring aid preventing th hair from coming out of the In ads of those who ave used it, and all that is asked, as it relates to tlie verily of its eff ct, is a fair trial. Elderly penple, with bald heads, must rest as nrt d that by applying a few boxes of the ahovi ernie, their hair wdl be restored with all its . out hi ul beauty and life. Ihe proprietor ol the above valuable discove cv intends appointing agents thriugh he United 'tales for the sale of d. mid ah o i,, Europe, Directions. The Vegetable derate being perfectly inno cent, may b • pi ntifully applied, night and morn ; ng, and rubbed hard into dl" pores of the In ad with the fi gers, without apprehension of dan ;er. In addition to its other value, it beaut fi •he hair and whiskers. N. B. Gentlemen that ate bald, after using n for some weeks, will find a sma 1 fibre n) frail , row rig on the place that is bald , they will cot mue it for about ten days after its appearance hen they will shave their hair cl se off where t * afF-ctrd, after that it will receive its natural am rigorous growth. And th ise Who have (he misfortune of loosing he.r hair by sickness, the Genre will restore I them in a very little time a fu l and beautiful n : d of hair, as it is beyond al l doubts that it i lie'Uily thing that has ever been discovered it his country, or prrhaps in any other. A constant sm.plv for sale by K. B. & D. (t, Haviland, Agents faGeorg. a li-’iiarv 14 ,58 Aa.vteVs PILLS. »YSPEPSIV, and its attendant symptoms, habi lual costiveness, chol.c, diamnca, cholera .-■rbus, looseness, irregularity of the bowels an • I es, sek head idles, y llowneas of the eve-, ami kin, oppression ofstomach af'< r meals,eructation, i. art burn, fee'd breath, &c. are some of the pr ■ minent const que ecs of a deranged and weakened stale of the organs of digestion. Ihe \im Dtspkptic Pills, invigorate the stn much and bowels, by a simple, and almost imper cr ptible operati or, and prove a safe, easy, a: d •fficacums, remedy forthe above symptoms, and • r every mollification and degree of Dyspepsic mm Us commencement to its most obstinate ami confirmed state. run SALK IT R. J 3. & D. G. Haviland. Agents so G,o gia Mncernber If 5 ) aiiuiWci*'s *>V'iVW ol* Hoses. 4 N el gam cosmetic lor whitening, ms enmg il. ami beautify mg the skin, and removing pun pics, ireckles and chops from the face, neck, fee The Milk ot Roses possesses many qualities, for is nit only serves for the above purposes, but it put. he bloom of youth on age, w hich valuable property very lady is fond ot enjoying, t his beautiful rose c s ns tic has a de'ightful fragrance, and is an artich h ch can be used with safety, as it contains noth ng that will i' jure th. skin, and it is an ir.dispensa de article to every lady, and should he found or heir toilets. lit BKCTloss.—Xf'er being washed and dried then take a smsll quantity on a piece of white flan indue! then wash face, neck, hands, Bcc. Each hot e will be signed by the proprietor. Price sl. Prepared only and sold by E. Audler, sign of lh< (.olden F.sgle. 4ngusta. If •» •\ otvee. \LL persons to whom <it Francis Bouyer, of the city of Augusta, deceased, is iudebt d, are requested to present their demands with n the time prescribed by law , and those udebt d, are requested in make immediate payment. ft. Bom er. ) , u i o • i > Ext ra. Haul Hossigtiol.s December 2) 51 1 Cr" A dozen genteel young men can be accommodated with BOARDING, by ap plying over Mr. G. Cleland't Hat Store. February 8 v (~5 TO THE PUBLIC. THERE is perhaps no medical observation bet ter established, none more generally confirmee •jy the experience of the best physicians ol all ages and countries and none of mortrimportance to tin practit ioner.than the fact.tliat many of the most ditti cult ana incurable complaints originate in neglecti ed cohle . In a climate as variable as ours,where th changes of the weather are frequently sudden ami nexpected, it requires more care and attention guard against tins subtle and dangerous enemy ot ife, than most people imagine, or are able am willing tp bestow. Hence the vast number u s pat cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthma consumptions, ami other affections, and hence the arrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried u) by the learned and illiserate. The many cases ot me kind, fell under my observation ; the prepost emus Compositions of inflaming drugs, whict are in vogue j the disappointment I experienced i practice from remedies highly recommended , anil ny own predisposition to pulmonic complaints r ere strong inducements for me to consider whether a compound consisting of mild vegetabl rubstances could not be invented, more free frun the well founded objections of practitioners, am better calculated to avert the threatening dt struction of the lungs. PULMONIC Syrup of "Vegetables, For coughs, colds, asthmas ami consumptions. This remedy is superior to any medicine which has been offered to the public, as it is preparer mm the most valuable herbs of our vegetabl. ingdom, and its qualities are such that every de icndence may be placed in its virtues for thr • Tre bf'Wlp above diseases. From tfie knowledg 'he proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of thr syrup, he has no hesitation in recommending is 'o those who labour under those distressing com la.n's as a safe ami efficacious remedy, and hav ■ng administered it to thousands in New-York am Philadelphia, lie feels no hcsiladon in offering i to the public, and after tria', those persons win puichase the genuine syrup, will have their nn ney refunded by returning the bottle, if they dt yrt feel satisfied that they have reaped benefi from the use nf it. Directions for Use. Take a tea spoon full three times a day, sux nonvng, noon and night, and continue it until re lieved, 03* Each bottle will have the signature of ilu proprietor. 03* Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sigt >f the Golden Eagle, Augusta. October 21 33 New and Invaluable BTEHTEOTHE VWITEJI STATES OF AMERICA, AUDLER’S Asiatic Lenitive fox Pain. This Medi- cine is a nev er failing remedy for the Tooth- Ache, liead- Ache, and other dis eases. THUS remedy is good against the tooth ache o I pain in the teeth and jaws when duly up,,lit t , nl employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy n lelieving swellings of the gums, lace and adjacent parts, arising from or connected with tooth-aclu It relieves head-ache or pains in the head, n ne most easy and agreeable manner; for this fn ■ (uent and distressing complaint, this., his new medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re -tores both the organs of sense and the nerves or icir healthy condition ala quick and admirable rate. Phis new and useful preparation produces, by , mid and gentle stimulation, a cheering operatic ipon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, marpens the perceptions, and invigorates tin unctions of the mind, by dissipating gloom and vapours it acts truly like a nervous and cephalic nedicine of the first order. Nor is its effect Jess beneficial when considered ... relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, tin .cadand the spirits, by its qualities it act. upon he sigh' and immediate organs of digestion a- a carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing ! torpor, correcting acidity, and creating a mils’ comfortable warmth. The operation of this invention and improve i nent is quite as favorable to diseases ol the cai, nore especially it acts to great advantage in dm ness and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi ent deafness, restoring the failing organ to the exercise of its true and healthy functions of hear Certificate from Dr. Samuel L. Mitchell. Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city of New-York this day submitted to me his letters patent Iron ; the United Slates, for compounding and vending ' a remedy which he calls the Asiatic lenitive, am ask. d my opinion upon the same, whereupon, at * ter examining the receipt contained in the specifi • cation, 1 find it contains a mixture of-uch aroma 1 ic, anodyne, and anti acid articles, as are well cal ’ cnlated to produce a composing effect on the hir ' man body. Samuel L. Mitchell. |( New-York, November 2 il, 1818. d LOS V. undersigned, lost between this place and H Uapi I). Berry’s on the main Savannah road, hi< POCKE T BOOK, containing one Five Dollai ' Bill and a few Doil.trs in small change—likewise sundry notes, to wit : One mode Ly M. Tarver, for due and payable to 2. S. Barney; as ud minis’rator of G. V. . Evans, one for g'2i 50, en dorsed and payable as the first ; one by Itenj •, Palmer, fnr gB, one by John Williams f-r g 6 18, and one by J ines Collins, for sls. nay aide as the . first—and all of them were due on the first day .ot January, 1825. Likewise one other Note, made by John James, in favr urns S. Tarver, foi $lO, and one by M, Bethune in tavnr of M. M Dye, for S3O. Ad persons are cautioned not ti ttade for the aforesaid Nrtes, and the Drawer are hereby notified not to pay ttie same to ant - person but the subscriber, who will pay a siiiu 1 ble reward lor the delivery of the Pocket Book and papers to Mr. James M’Laws, or to Samuel Tarver. January 18,13‘>5 4t r *2 INDISTINCT print Useful and Inter eating. Dr. A. G. HULL’S Lately improved Self-adjusting Patent HIM GE_TRUSS. THE superior utility of this Truss consist* io its simple mode of application, as well as 3 die happy effect (from its approximating quali s des) ot the Rupture Rad, which in iis form and i operation, difl'us from all others; inasmuch ae t acts on the principle of a double hinge, pre entmg its flat border on the outer walls of the aperture only, with its concave part and cushion a to it* centre : and is, by its own power ol adjust i ment and approximating qualities of the rupture ■t j'ad, super eminently calcula ed not only to keep the rupture in its place without harm to the ad jacent par s ; but als. calculated to, and has in many instances effected a perfect cure, in per- V 0,18 tr,)m 30 lo 70 years of age. And even when I 1 cure ls hopeless, it will, by approximating those , narts on which the Irusspudis applied, actually .essen the dimensions ol tue rupture opening, instead of enlarging it , as is the great fault with the convex or round formed pads, mechanically, I though erroneously designed to ruxss into its opening. In evidence of the superiority of this Trus*,. many certificates of its woi dertui cures iiav t been . ieceived, winch more ihan verily all that the Fa- tentee has said ol its excellence. Among them is a certificate ot the Medical Society of the State of New V4rk. Also from many of the most respectable medical Institutions, as well as eminent medical practitioners in New York ai.d other S afes, Ihe loilowi g may suffice : Copy of a letter from Samuel U Mar-h.i 1, Hospital ISurgeon United Unites Navy, JVew York, tu F. l.e 11 iron, E j q. Apothecary genera! (J. ,y. Army, UtAit bin—This will uc Handed to you by Ur. Hull, the inventor of a fru s,which promises,to be xiremely useful in every species of Hernia,—it s, in my opinion, so far superior to ah the Trusses hitherto used, that 1 have determined to make use bf them in ad the Uni'ed States Shi, s, which may oe fitted out at this port* As a production of nienean ingenuity, it is entitled to a lair trial; and lam persuaded you will lake pleasure in af fording n that justice, by employing u in the ur ny. With great respect and esteem, 1 am, Dear Sir, truly your obedient servant, SAMUEL H. MARSHALL New-York June 24,1819 Extract oi a certificate from Natha i Smith, M. D. i C. S. M, S London, Profess.>r ol Theoiy and Practice »f Physic, Surgery, and Obstetrics, Yale College. I his may certify that 1 have examined Ur. A. G. Hull’s self adjusting Patent Hinge I ruse, ami have ipplied it in several cases ol Hernia. Prom my knowledge ot the principle on w nidi it acts, and iivm its effects, 1 do not hesitate to give it a deci ded prefeience to any thing of the kr d 1 have ver seen. N A 111 AN SMI IH. Extract of a certificate Valentine Molt, M. I). Professor ot Surgery, University ot New- York. ihe subscriber -has had fm quent opportunities I examining Ur, Hub’s patent truss, and ofsee ng the application of it to different kinds of Her ns, and he docs not hesitate to say it is the best . .strument he is acquainted with. He thinks Ur. Hull's truss, from Hie limited mom liy and flatted 'n in ol the rupture pad, a preferable conn ivunce, i and one which nt believes wid contribute largely to abridge the stiff rings of that par cl cominunoy 1 alH.cted witn rupture. Uoctor Hull is entitled to. j he thanks oi tbe pub ic lor baying directed Ins i attention to the construction of tins iiiMiunienl; lossefsi g professional kn >wledge united vvi-.h me- * . lanical ingenuity, would alone, entitle his inven- » r 1011 to die notice and regard of his surgical br-th en - • VAI EN I INK MO I I. M. U. Extract of a letter from Ur, S 11. Woodward, of V. i Con. who experienced Hie Imp- , | 10 i fleet of the instrument on himself Ur. A G, Hull, \ U.'ar Sir—l can inf rm real pleasure, ; i dial after two years I have found your ‘ * ( • i us- tu be decidedly preferable to any instru ment of die kind 1 have ever used or seen, li is asy l i the wearer, yet fully adequate to prevent he descent ot the bowel —Perhaps ab ive all the •.dvaiiiages o: your Truss is the concave pad , diis, t believe, is peculiar to your nisi rument, and is, t j. "onceive, well calculated *o i fleet a radical cine d die disease. lam resp. ctiuby vour friend and servant, • SAMUEL It. WOODWARD. Any Size, form or preasuie may be ob'ained of R. B. & 1). G. Haviiaiul. v ij Agents for (yeort/ia, February 4, ” 64 I •Vv«a<m •iicauwuvy. i ■" I’ is with pleasure and confidence that the A l i ustees of tins Institution, present iis cla ms i. Ins occasion, tor the sup port and patronage of , hi eiibgiitened public. Although endowed more , iberally perhaps than any other county school in ■ he s ate, yet ns funds having been unproductive or several years past hi ing mostly vested in stale • bank stock, the academy tins been much clogged , in its opera ion. Ihe board have not been able to ffer an adequate inducement to engage the servi ces of a Rector, who combined qua ifical ions and E characier, that would insure success to the semm a-y. This bar we are happy to state isremovtd and we cengiauilate the .community in having procured lor the ensuing year, the Rev Thomas : Gould ng, foimeriy of Liberty county, a genile , man w hose sc oiurship and general character are j, too notorious to require the feebie tribute of our (i praise. .Mr. Goulding will superintend bbthschools i —lns personal services and attention however j will be principally bestowed on the female de .ariment. In the male academy he will be assis 1. ted by Mr. Lathrop—a northern graduate who n has some experience in teaching—and who is re commended as unexceptionable in talents and morals. To these considerations we have to add, local inducements, such as health, cheapness of board. Sic. and perhaps it would not be thought supetfl mus to suggest, that inasmuch as most of tlie important elections are transferred directly to t ] the people, it would become doubly necessary to ( enlighten their minds, for notruib stands on a fir ,l mer basis than tlvis, lhat in proportion as we give f to the people power, we “Should also give them . knowledge. On the practical adoption of 'his I principle depends the preservation of our repub . lican institutions. Joseph Henry Lumpkin, ’• Secretary. p dj” The Editors of the Constitutionalist, August*, I and Republican Savannah, ■wW publish the abort, ' an !forward their Uk counts to Lexington for pay ment. " J, H. L. Jannarv 18 59 \VavUwA to BvvrwuAse, IT.VO Negroes of tiie following trade, Black . smith and Wheel maker, of good characier. [Apply to B. Picquet. February ?