The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, March 01, 1825, Image 1
s Sst &ow»WntiomiU*t* “ vlnH > °^ ll * e political evils, umlci* *vuich e% pry < ounlry in the world labours, are not owing lo any feaut of love for our Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” PRIESTLY " ~~~"- . ■ ■ ” ' ■" * - ■■—■—■— -- NEW 5ER1E5....... Vol. 11. _ * AURtTST-G- TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH J, 1825* No. 71. ,L * ,law * v ■ - - ---- - —~- - - 1 '' ~ ■■ -■ ■■ ■■ ■ - -■■ ~■» - - - ■ i i i - l■ ■ » . ■ Cite Conoftitu£ianaUjst is published EVEiiy Tuesday and fkiday, BV VV. J. BUNCE. AUGUSTA, GA. LA FAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE HOUSE JThe Subscriber h opening in Broad street, one dour below »MK ,11 ten’s Hut Store, X LARGE AVI) OKVEHAT. ASSORTMENT CP AND CLOTHING, i Consisting of J3ress coats, s Frock Coais Di al) box Coats Double k single mill’d Cuasimere Pantaloons . Broad Cloth, Sulinetl amt Corduroy do Toilinelt, Valentis, Swnnsdown Ik black silk Vests * Blue and blsck Cloth and.Ca.sioierc do Superfine Linen and Cotton, trilled and plain \ Shirts Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and uambswoo Shirts aiid tirawers Flannel do do Tartan and Carablet Cloaks Ladies do * Hoy’s Dresses Youth's ciose body Coats’ Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wide brims . Inundation beaver do La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jackson and La Ftyctte Stocks Bilk Umo roll as Hosiery Gloves, &c. —"ALSO— Negro Jackets ami browsers House servants ,Coai.- v s and Pantaloons F arnoughl great Cna'-a Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shifts Striped and Check do Common Linen do Woollen Cloven, and many other article* , in busline. The above -GOODS are New-Y.>rk made, ai will be -disposed ot wholesale and retail, at Me*-' ■ Vork prices. N I J. F. ? et/,e. I December 3i - ' -)■ WILLUi.M ii. tuM An, Renews the tender of his services in the ,C OMMI SS I O A AND STORAGE BUSINESS, TO HIS FKIENIIB A N 1) THE PUBLIC. HIS WARE HOUSE at the upper end, south side Broad-street, is now ready for tin, r . Ccption of ( U I I ON and’other PRODUCE, upo. which liberal advances will be made, when re quired, - ’ , Any business with whi-h he tpay be favoured, cbali be punctually attended to. October 1 ‘ 2d 1; Oi u. n I sal ov • BU&L »*!, d)s7 The &v\bsci*ibfcr 9 H AVING engaged VVarbitui o> an- 1 • i mns, ii the upper part of this cltv.olf. rs uis»- rvices ast a general COMMISSION MliUCtl \N 1 . Persons! I who may place merchandise pr pro;-nee under Ids) flare, may safely rely on every possible exertion being used, to give general satisfaction. li.arna ATKinne. Septjsmber-.SS-' t v 37 NOTICE. The Subscriber Fjl FiSPEC'I'FULLY informins . riends and the ■■ t public that he lias sold out bis U 1: T GOODS 1 Establishment, corner ot Bro-id street a:ul Bridge ■ J«ow to his brother G. Dillon, aid s lie t fo him a continuation of that patronage so iiLn-rally conferred on himsolf— he is also authorized to s act as my leg.i Attorney in every capacity as re'« lates to the c dlection of all accounts due me, andi' in tlie management of my real estate. if All persons to whom ! am indebted, are re •[nested to present their accounts wi'bout delay. |< Robert Dillon. i| 1 Augusta. 7'b February. 1825 6' 65 I. The Subscriber ! INTENDING to reside in New York, with aj view tor the transaction of Commssi n Bus-i --jness, in all its branches, will feel grate'ul t-p- any 1 sonsignments op orders, with which he may be' favored, assuring Ins (Hernia that his unrenniled 1 attention will be exerted to promote their inter est. H-will be prepared on the receipt of any, 1 con-igi. neins, or of the invoices with bills of la ding and orders for insurance, to make the cus tomary advances if required. Any references that is desired, can be obtained * as Messrs. Mackenzie & H-nice, Augusta, or lien- ■ jainin Burroughs, Esq, Savannah. s lialjJi Ketchum. Oetober 26 35 Wanted to Yuvohase, i! mvt O Negroes of tue following trade, Black | A smith and Wheel maker, of good-character.i' Ajiply to it li. Picquet. 1 E bsiigrv R Cut _ J i wi* »uie, l A LIKELY NEGRO W OMAN, a good Cook' . Washer am Ironer— for further particularW iq lea! (he Ofiice of the Goiiatiiutioua- st. December ;’i 5-j INDISTINCT PR IK BMi ttJ* C I IT I I—«■ Hiiailll il ■l l IMI—.II—_JJJL AND POST NOTES, ALSO, DRAFTS jOu Boston, iiuitiiaiire, FroviiltMce, Washington City, New'-Vork, Petersburg. Va. Philadelphia, Charleston, S. C. Aud Savannah, For Sale, by lieers, Bunnell & (< St. John. It road, corner of ,H‘inloih street. Gold and Silver coin and all kpnds of Bank Notes, Hought a d Soul, N v- b, l‘s 40 a 'i (• •• r a MASONIC HALL LOTTERY, AUTHORIZED RV GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. 1 Prize of 83ii,00’0 is 830,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Pnzes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 “3 50,"00 3175 Prizes, ) 180,000 12825 Blanks. 5 1.8000 lICKF. PS at TEN DOLLARS. Less than two and u,i half Hlanlcs to a prize, THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. dll th /’>irsi , ■ Floating from he commencement, e.ecef) h- ohoming tohich will be deposited in tin oh ,i finite per toils, viz: 1 Jn Pit; 111 Drawing I prize ol §1(1.1100 A 1 of SSOO Uu the U 1 (true of 5.000 ii lof 1,000 &1 of flfiOO On tue DH “ ] prize of 10,000 &1 of bllU Oulhe4lh “ I prize of 5,000 &1 0 f 1,000 &1 of 600 lOu the sth “ I )irue of 10,000 All of 500 jOn the 6th 11 1 prize of a,OOO AI of 1,000 &1 of 600 iOn the 7lh “ 1 prize of 10,01)0 ,V. lof 6,000 A] „f 600 Cl) the Bth 11 1 prize r.f 20,1100 .Si lof |’OUU& 2of 600 lln the Oih 1 prize of 00.000 it lof 1,000 ii lof 600 l’he whole Lottery to be completed in - Vcc DuVj. if I’He drawing to comm mine as n as a sutheiun number of Ticket- are sold. '1 In .vtinle of ilid Pnzes payable i.i thirty duyj ahti Ik- ci mpletioo ot (lie Drawl g subject to a dt- UCU-JII oj lilteen per cent. All Pmo- not ap [)m-il for in iw\ .ve rn mills, to be considered as u loaation to the luuds of me Masonic Hall. present Price w£ Tickets, To. 1 t i; - j rea vam -i > umln r», at the COJLMISSIOXEIi’S OFFICE in liro.d sue. I, Augusta, a If w doors below me Hank. J. H. liters^ Secretary to the It out d oj C o mnussiouertt, (IT Orders tot Tickets trom any part, ot tin U i ed -Stales, Cost paid aod enc o-i-.g the Cash, ! addressed to the Secretary, will meet itnmcdiait attention, j t H ilea and regulations adopted at a meeting ot 'he 80-ird of Goo in -s m-rs of the MASONIC I H/.LL LOTTERY, January Bth, 1825, 1-t. Ihe C iniin-siuut'rs si all assemble on the Saturday ol every oth?r ween. 2u. K m-jority ot the Commissioners shall con putuU a qin ur.i lor Pie irs.iiaacutm ot business, and a majority of those present at any meeting.' shall govern in ail cases, except those hereinafter I sji.-cilied, 3 I. It shall he the duty of the Chairman to pre. serve order, t app lot * t s te- sU]>e.rvise| the Books and conduct of t .e Sect-- ary, and he) -hal- have tin- privilege ol voting upon a.I subjects; | md also of expressing ids opinion. 4th. A riecrelary siiali be appointed with a sol-! try ,J t e.ght bun lied d.-iiais pet annum, and shall g .ve bond jin! s- cavity fur Pie faithful pei'tormancej ot Ins duties, lleslia l keep Ih,’v minutes of th |. proceedings ol the Board ot Comeus-inne 8--slia': act as an agent for the sale of-icke'S—k e . a re gtdar acc-ni'ii <„ h.» »; i.-s, and deposite ail ncciet received by bin , (as soon as received,} in oiii ol j ■he Banks ot tin- ci y. II - shall, mo euv.-r, Ai-a> |- fact all business rela ing *o the L ittery, to wliich 1 L he shall be required to attend, by the Cumnn . si oners. s'h. No ticket shall be sold on a credi*, unless by an order ol the Board ct Gommis-i n.ers; and nut then, without such security as ahull be salisfac tory to a committee appointed lor Hie purpose oi [ receiving the same. 6-1). 1 lie t.caets shall be signed by the Com inissioiiers, in equal proportions ; and not more ban one Ceinnnx.sioner .-.hall sign any ticket, 7th. The Secretary shall n t »e en r is'ed at ant one time, with more than five hundred Tickets, and shad exhibit at every meeting ot the Commis sioners, Ins Bank Bo k, and an account pi duly shewing the amount ol tickets sold, and tin- num her in hand. Bth. The tickets, after they are numbered am' Signed, shall In deposited at Bank and o It iha .' i' (thence by a committee, of which the Chairmai Ishad be one. 5 h. No money sindi be drawn (rom Bank, bn by a check, signed by a .m.jorlty of the Commis stoners, and tor no other purpose, but the pay ment of prizes, or necessary expenses. _ January i’B " 61 Ktt.Uce. PHL co-partnership m Johan Si Thompson is 1 dissolved. The subacnb .r hat resumed his ofiice near the market, N. li. Julian, , Feb. 1? (js VT CONTINUED SUCCESS AT Cohen’s Office, ( Baltimore. January G, j 45ran& Ilottcrp 5 No. 3. \TOW drawing every week, under the super ! I i-N introdence of the C-immissioners appointed by the Governor and Council. LigAilli Drawing*. *119? 15701 Frizes of-- sftlOOO *14403 a prize of-- 500 -11527 do 100 ♦19094 *19862 14388 9115 5850 3425 50 All marked thus* sold at COHEJV’S OFFICE, I his I,ottcry is now raoidily progressing to wards a close—no time should be ioD in securing ick-ts There are si ill undrawn, the Capitals ol 027* FORTY THOUSAND HOLLA US. OJ* FIFEXTi: TJWUfi.fYJ) HOLLA US >U* J'E V 77/(>;R:, W/J dollars (L}‘ FIFE I'no ( G t\ D DOLLARS i? o,t O.VE rna, lv.o dollars 14 of FIFE DOLLARS. H hole rickets g!2 j Quarter - 300 Halves . ’ -6 ( Eighths . 150 Jo be had, warranted undrawn, at Where both t e great 10.000 DOLL Alls, .draw:- in the MONUMENT 1.0 TVERY, on ie '2811; ult. Were sold anti .t here were sold, >lt Capital Ifrizes of 100,000 Dollars, ha f and tr uti-ter to citizens of <jf cor gia ; 20,0005, 10,t SOOOs, in the last Grand Mate Lottery, air. .vueiiE more•,capital frizes HAVK BtKJV OBTAINKII ATAXY OTIILiI OFFICK f X AMERICA, Orders left zoith I. R. St. JOHN, Bread street. lUG Ui’l,l, Georgia, w id be promptly attended to, FREE OF POSTAGE. January 21 60 VlreA Vriah Potatoes, IN HAMPERS. Just received per Steam Boat Hamburg, A FEW Hampers real Belfast Potatoes, which ia. will he sold m lota to suit families, by apply ng immediately at Jacob Moise’s. I M'Ken tie d teunoch's Row. December 28 a j i - : 5,000 NVfcigViV BAOON FOR SAUL. AJ’I’LY TO Hubert I). Ware. Decembers * 4 g BOX MISSING. - UPPOSEI) to be taken by mistake from tin I Wharf, about the nth or 12ili ol November. i '*ox of Shoes landed from Boat No. 14.—Mark -d A &K. Wood, or E. Wood & Co. Any ptrsoi having it m big possession will confer a frv.r b, mfonning the subscribers at their residence, oi through this office. E. Wood A* Co. December 24 52 toTient, j VT.. fl -L1...” One Tenement iu the Lorn.; Yellow Rang)'of Buddings, next door a'mvi* Hu sign of the “ Asiatic Lenitive,’’ in “Colton Rangt jc mtiuued.—Also, several Tenements of one stor j each,with two r mins, recently in the possession o, I ' lr - A sley, and a convenient Warehouse in the j j ear, which-has been recently reps red and the ' ji t enclosed with a gooi! fence. For terms, apply v to Vr. James Harper, during the absence ot Uk (subscriber. j E. F. Campbell. Janusi"- 7 5 g - -1 u REN T. " From the first Ocloier next, h Three Stores ami a Dwelling jJfgjlSfL House, upper end south snle Uroah jUL- LJM ! ’' re, l, adjmnii.g Egan k M’Laugl ■ lin’s,, viz : The Store occupied b’ D.H, ;iry St (!o. th; Store occupied by fills Si Aid.-n amt 1 lie two stor Frame House and Store sdj nning the same—the house is well calculat' d . lot s\ private family or hoar ling Hnu-e—having un T < yr '. 4 Hrirk Ki chen, The Stores are all most desirably si'iuted for the Grocery Business. App to William H. Egac. September 17 34 1 zz~~ 1 hllCC. 4¥l IE sub-crib, rs have connected themselve I fJa m the piacice of 1 lit- L AW—they will uni 'C rrinty alien I ah t f . CO uniies of tlie Northerns lircuit, and the county of Franklin, ol the We - ern Circuit, one of it. -m will be generally found ti their office in E'beiton, where they will taVi ileasun; in 'ransacting the business ot those who nay be unfortunate enough to be involved in the •aw. .Tolm ,\, Heard, Tliomas J. Heard. , fanuary I. 1825 57 u I’ 1 HE subscriber having resumed the practice - •I. \ tV. tenders his services to the publ-c. lie will attend m -t o( the Courts in Die Western Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and f\ Dc.milgee, and the coutuies of l.awrens, Twiggs J and Pulaski, in the Soul hem Circui’s. a, 'l'bomas \\. ti arris. 1(1 ffp T.eUers sddres-e I to Inm iJonroe, Wal 11 ton county, will b« altsuded to. February E 2 m 55 THOMAS S. METCALF, this inetho)! of informing his Ii lends A and the publ.c generally, that lie baa just re ceived, and is now receiving a very large and j well assorted stock of ®iUiOT-Wff3Sf'* 1 ami it they will favor him with their cnstonr,’thej' will find Inm "at home,” attending to his own business, rexily and willing to supply them with r.ny ol the following articles, on tile rea,on sole terms, for casu or prime city acceptances : Kid I (INS well assorted Sweetie 1k Russia Iron . 1-9 Hilda, prime ti. Croix and N. Orleans Sugar) 100 bags prime Green Coffee o 0 Idids. prime Jainaica Colfee 59 pieces prime 42 inch Bagging 59 dobeal Tow Bagging, very cheap 50 do best T will’d Sacking *>o coils Rope 200 hbls. best Northern Gin, best brands 200 do best Philadelphia Whiskey 190 do Northern Rum 25 hhds. do do 20 do Di'lllltt Mill HO* \ti)laUoaii I uu piiint i'eiaiimg’ Molasses 4 do superior old Jamaica uum 15 pipes do Holland Cim sdo do Cognac /Vrandy 1 pipe do old Port Wine | I 60 1 a and 1-4 casks Malaga and Sherry Wine ' I 13, 14 and 1-2 pipes Sicily and Pico Ma cleira Wines t 20 bbls. best Cider Vinegar c 200 do Irish Potatoes 50 do Jtfeets 2000 Lunches Onions 100 bids, prime Northern Flour 25 hall barrels do do 50 bbls. and boxes Loaf ami Lump Sugar 50 too cuttie boxes fresh //y sou lea 25 bags Pepper 20 do Spice tdnger 25 boxes Raisins 20 kegs No. 1 Richmond Tobacco 2d boxes Georgia Candles 30 do Spermaceti Candles 250 whole and half boxes No, 1 Scap 50 kegs best Duponts Powder 200 bags Shot, assorted 2500 lbs. JW Lead 2000 lbs. hoop and band Iron 0000 do German and blistered Steel 2000 ( o Share Moulds 0000 busnels Liverpool Ground Salt 2XOO do J{. own I 1000 Jhssupc ior Virginia//ama 10,000 lbs Logwood i jO, 000 Russia Quills I 300 dozen Tumblers < 100 casks [latent Cut Nulls, assorted * 25 ) aletu Ploughs and Paints J.O dozen Carolina Hoaa 25 boxes Homes’ and White’s and Wbitte more’s Cards 100 boxes prime Cheto 20 casks do do ‘ 50 rcaois Wrapping Paper 20 casks Lime * 300 nests Dry Measureu I 200 nests boxes 20 bbls Shad u 50 half barrels Shad 1 200 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel 100 do. No. 1 do 100 ball barrels No. I do 150 bbls No. 2 do 75 bait buirels No 2 do 50 five gallon Utmajohiis 30 boxes y/ivanu Wh ie Sugar 10 do / do brown do 250 hall, quarter and tenth boxen superior Spanish Cigars, Dos Amigos and Flint's brands. November 5 33 r> k Nils r. V| RKSPKC I’PUJ.LV informs the Ladies and Gen llemen of August 1 and its vicini y. Unit he will be in die city about the first of March. January 28 jtM 62 Cofiy of a Certificate from ■hun''» .Monroe , Pret'l, The testimonials presented to me by Mr. Farm 'v, of his great talents as a DDNTISI', are of r | bigli character—in addition to which I stale wi'b ' great pleasure, that bis op. rations in my family, u l have afford-d a practical and very satisfactory * vidence of his merit. tl( JAMES MONROE, 'l 1 Washington , Dec 9.7*. 1 K22 11 SULPHATE QUININ^ A L VRCK sii|i[) v ol I* ifb vr vsluili e Medi ” • « cine tiicpiircd by one of the fir.t Chemists in France, for free at a re hired price by ,* R. B A: L). (*. Haviland. Ft hritery 1( 68 ‘ z ON 'he 12th insl. (with a small turn nf money) F Wa k-r’» Cluck for gSO, on the llunkai Vngna's dated the IMi in I pay ab-e to bearer, Tin. Public is cautioned not to trade for the Check The tinder b\ leaving it with the suh scribets, Wii be suitably rewarded. J il. 15. Duncan & Co. January 14 5H L, -) . i A elite. A LL persons having.', mauds upon the esta‘. l\ of Nicholas Ware deceased, re nq n sted i< matte them known to the subscribers, I win ire indebted to the said estate, will please to rnak ~ immediate payment Susan H. Ware, h'x’lrx .» V\. W. Holt, i.x-'r. Becemher 24 y y •Viigvofcs £ov nultt. 'JTHK subscriber offer - t ir sale I WKs t y bk. A ly Negries, cousin mg t•! -ri. Wont (i r 'td Boys. They will be sold I w, on applicate-- i me at (he F.agle 'i'avern, where the: N. gro»- nay be seen. Jehu D. Walker. January 18 49 — THIS DAY OPENED AT THE AUGUSTA criotijftis stove, NEARLY OTI’OSITE THE CITY-HOTEL, •dnil for Sale by aHia*®(SJ& A atA'AS'ila A FUESU SUPPLY OP IADIES’ and Uentlenrmu'a CI.OAKS, i Blue and Black IJJ{B%B c6ats, ■ FROCK COA TS of the moat I'asliiouable co- * lours, COA TEES, A laig ■ assortment PANTALOONS, New Style VEST*}, LINEN SHUM'S, CM WA TS, DKAWCUS and SUSHENUEKS, All unusually cheap Tor ready Cash, February 15 6' 67 J w y SCOFIELD, PHELFS St Co7 UHJiRAHS AJSTI) TAIt.ORS ' HAVING formed a connection widi Mr. Henry Howard, tale of Baltimore, nave removed i. heir Establishment to No. 88, Broadway, corner of Wall-Street, wherethejr Easiness will in future be conducted under the linn of SCOFIELD, PHELPS & 7/OWARD. JVen'-York, June. 1823 7 THE MtliHClilHKii, CONTINVES THU FAUTOIUUiE AND COMMISSION li US IN ESS, At his old stand in Savanna) -artiie F rt, and is prepared to make suitable advances upon ujl produce placed in b * ha -<'s f M sale. Jtilin JEveringhnm, jr. February 22 ]oi» r,<i MUS. THEOD, I'AVOI.I.E, uts the honor to inform her friends a. d the public of Au* ttilsta, Inal her intention ia to tench the Piano Forte and Spanish Guitar—ais.,, the art of Sing i S'in the newest style. Mrs. F. will attend at private housed, or give lessons at hep own resi dence. For terms and further particulars apply at lower tenenuyt Bridge Hank. ? ebnian 8 £5 „ A . % uU. MUS. Oltli (la I M,a. Cooper from Loudon,) and Miss V) I tit, nlurin the pubic tout 'll y Ur. engaged in Hie Millinery business inclu iug Hi ess and Ci r-et making' I hey pccupy a house on Houslon-streii. at the lower end «f j m ige hum’s lot, ami noi far froni tiie Hospital. N. It. Hiiaw Chip and Leghorn itnnnets pres ued, altered, dyed .nicl cleaned at the shortest no tice and on the most reasonable terms, F binary H ( e,s 1 T'litt SiivaimivU \Aue of Hl'.Ui E nAV'Nfi discontin'ied running on (be South (.’amin.a side, will leave tins place every Monday, Wednesday and Fnday, at 4 o’clock, A. VI. on the Georgia sole, by the way of CuUo*d Millliaven and Pearce’s. For seals, apply at '.be (’My flniel, Joseph I, Thompson, Proprietor, February 22,1825. P 9 KUTiCJK i r I'II E Pubi c are cautioned »g dust trespassing , I on llie II- uses and Lois o I die -nb-enber , up/per end of town—especially against banhng ami or eaii’i from the river b’nk r contigu in inert to. Each and every person’ ndn g -bai| have the law rigorously enforced against bun op them, ’ Jluuji Nesbit. •l o ut-) 21 dfl dice. A f-L pc sons to whom me estaie of Jo iv Me Lai hiw deceased, is indebted i.ri req esieil to present their accounts wiitim Hie h e- de scribed by law, and those who are bubbled to said estate, are requested to nuke immediate paV nent to 1 JVier Uennoch, JJdin’r. Inly 2.3. F 0 VLL persons to who . tu lie Francis Houyer, id the City of Augusta, deceased, is uni ,t --1 d. are requested in present iheirdema d, with ■ii me time p escribi d by law ; ami 'hose ■ debt d, are requested to make immediate pay rue t. Koujejr, ) j. , Paul iioßWgnol, C vs ’ I < 2' * - j *» * K ti •>% l ijiiE, iiuemlidg "• tu ' “ ■ »'■’ n tune ifrom Align ta, reqn is ■se wno ay liar.- or i sio at bi,,jue»s a u.i ,m ''> '’ I' 'l’> M Ku-h ti LT h vi g<JS _ UAwroMii & CuMMiNtt Samuel lilt,K E--q «(j <ct a-Ids egem in ivi.nion to los pr.vrte . ffair* i d widi respec io die e state of Joim (!».. he ~ ee.aed duy antiionecd to receive dac- Hints anil give receipts, Jan .are I l i2S. 6i P irP A <luzp.ii ij; ■ nte *i youmeii Cl hr I,CO 111 1,0-1 led *1 li Hi) , (Ul ,ti I ply ts ,lV ' 1 Mr. G. Clcuud’s Hat store. 1 February * is