The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, March 01, 1825, Image 4

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.MICM, a LUiIVUiE. Wl 1„ lx; n >1 (lie [i t olli •; i• i M icon, I >he tnne-l bidder, at pub ic on cry, o Fr d,y iln* 15tli of \pil neX'. the bull'll ol llHliil.b .cr s i ln- !><•' uli< •• river at die (dr ol die »treel leading to th. noble square in Mi c 1 lie iiv'i ui ■ie intended ue lias, ii is lx licv I, a in - , firm bn, tom, die moat ol winch li„, W ii to be o hick Ik width ai coinruon w, ter is estimated at 250 1. et : the h. igllt id th pe. r-. aS3 eel, the wh lc length<4 the hridg u 4d Jj ind ih contemplated width 32 left, atom to d i tuber may b v ry conveniently obtain and mid gial.s on the adjoining public Land*. 'I he t>t* rs .Hid abutments to he id atotii til' - tit. p rw o k-of a pr v il timber, aid to be ailing |, ,| w.-«t Iter board land painted, I lie undet tuk will hr r* <| 111 r dto give bond with ihrti ap ,r .vr I Hi'cnr i.ri* m the stun d gJUUdO feu tint taillllul performance of his con fact Ih names of t fie persona offi red a-, stea dies must be Huh nitied in the c iminissioii r» by the Bth ol Aprils leu. rs tor tins pnrp )»e tosy he directed to ilk c m nissioners to the cue ol Mortimer It AVafi«, Eq. p si’ m ister, M icon. 20 per cei.l 0 t■ i* - aiiiiiunl ot die contract will he advanced, and lurtlier adva; ces w ill lx made at the disere lion of the emi i,.smo . i as the work progresses A m del ■(' the oilendcd bridge and the torn n( die co onn w'iil b ni en t ' inspection at the ro iin over (i If s i- & ttirdsong’s store in Macon, ■i, amt I. r ilx- twent)-first ol March, until the t me ol letting, trehneCK are invited to prepare and furnish in "h Is in wood on a sc de of an inch to the foot, w.lh ia ytog ex lunations in writing— which w li be rtciyed at the room above men tio , d un d 1 nrHilav the 15th ot March, inclu sive. A premium ol §IOO will he paid tor lbs n del winch vbail be adopted as best uniting th pr i.iei ties id cheapness, strength, durability atm convex e ce in repairi"g. Jauko, J. Morgan, 'j Char ,es Bulloch, | Mortimer It. Wallis, >»fWrs. haniut*! (iillespie, I A\ ilium Bivins, J (J'jf Tile id .in ot i|ie CnnSti'n'loimfist, lilt Colo lib a II I. cope, and the Hi.leigh Ibg'st-i, are '(joes'id ii) mi ll the ah v until the 15c of March, a. d forward ilnir accounts to M. II Vi alii I. q. M c in, 1,.. , M vti I’ - b n I I "3 MAM 65 A .minisiiaior s .' ON 'Htlur ay it iho.luv of An- I n-xl, in th l .ant \\ rig nshornugii, fhilumbiu couie ty, octwecn the ■> n>l fi o s I d . NN V\V be the whole of t . . r- na p hinging I the tstaii ol tv I inn Mo ■ s>- 1, cousin' ing o. Ilorsjrs If Terms m Tl ~11 a 4 " lldAVtllf I J'tf'r. V . n r- ’ -I I'd .Ul'iUiM *5 rulMlf’fi ttaVvi. SO TICK. i tc-.t, xBLE to an tikr obtained from tin 2 lu - .itees f die Inlermr Onud of Itutk C u . ,w . i-• 11 i g • r On’ miry purposes, tv ILL 15 K SOUL at tin; Court , o door, in die I own of Waynes b'TOUg'i. ' 'ween he usual sale hours, on ill firs' f si(«\ i i pnl "■ \ • All limt l,ot or Tract of Land, lying "d ..g noe l i inly et ileniy, conui ing .w’o mdr d wo ii I me halt teres o I,aim in dir Ii 'li Hi ric', nuillher siXlern Sold t i the hen 11 if ''e h ois mil rrt d'• rs ol Cm G (Ihec, jilor. I. I Uurk County, deepa ed. JtyliM Skutficr, . Idurr . *i'M*r* I •!•■>-» 1 ■ * 58 Atlili nisirftlor's r ale. Agrerah ■ >an derof tm lon.n anle Court 1 1 O I nos Warren Comte, will be sol i i i d., )i s oesdav in Apid next, at the Cull' li " Ml w .I', f’ ■) ,| V, One hot of hand in the lib Dis trie dit isto.i C n y h hmgi gto du es.a Ot llo’lia ’ lira), dee. a and known by tb numb, i 21 j contain ng 202 1-2 Arps I elllt nl tab nil '<* kn< we . n tb v dae. Amos NV right. Adm'r. 5 u. t y Bray, . dm'r.v Janus'v 5,182 s. ' r 75 Afliiiini-lrdior’s nah. Agreeable to an . id -r . f u e 11 tuirali e the .linoi ce» f the I ifern i’Court nl Kicnmimd County \v .ile s.Oing lor ordtiiar; purjioses, .. i I be sol. ill the Maik ’’ House, in die cdy o I Augusta in tin firs 1 I oesdav in Match next, at pubdr i u cr> All tin* NKGK'IKS, boloi.ging to I e K* uie (li rsiiain Sedei'k dtcea.ed. t> wit .- I‘ctef. I.uci, I tiornton, bob, Sam, Foi l Henry a id M .n Ann AMO Al h" same time aol l ire, one I’ ol Land, situate and being in the „6ih disliicl ot Early conn ty, known as LolN . 27... ---ALSO- An umlivide.l par M’ of Land in tin cou i’v of Greene, si uaie mi me south w est bank ol lie Oconee It v r, —s i i for ih. betufii of U' creditor! </f tin; said I . au iXj'l'cnns made ku wu mi the d»v ot «ale. hake Kw'd, Arthur .l /mi'iif/rutof f '.it i i; . c k .1 , . 4 .A 11 at Itils 11 a till - s Uic* W ill be S Id 11. oe ills i ueutay to April uex ui the Court House door, m t\ - aynesbor< ugt - Hurke County, agreeable in mi nulm ol tl. Ho orahie the I■ t rior Court ot smd Com t w e sitting f , or ,ia r y pil ~M . S Two hundred and fifty Acres of Li ■ ii, lying n ll.i first 1 1 *siru.I . M a „ ty known as I ot No luo, in the |.|a . ot said Ui Oici. sold a« the proper i ol the estate ol Sol. mi" Da m. I. deceased, lor the benefit of the fieii and creditors. Simeon Hampton, adm'r. Janoari 24 ISJ.i Ur sy ■ A feVUuiUou Wauled, I YOUNG i'ii an laiely limn K gland wonh 2* be glad to obtain a siiuttiun in some | ion and respectable family. She has been accustom cd t ’ cv.ti sort of work usual in, am would make herself very itamiil either with th. Needl’, or in any of the depai keeping. Si li-'aci tv releieitccs can be made, Enquire a' tin- (Jllice. February 18 city lots yon s ilk. r\N luesduy tbe 15tti of March next, at 12 t " ~M ck, will tie offered for sale, before tbe •at Ossie, several vacai.l Lois on Hroad-fttreet, i the upper part of the coy ot Augusta—also, veral Lots on (be riv r, and on It ynold-slreet. 7 Eli.MS— One half cash, the ha aoce payabj. 'i the Ist day of January, 1H26, for which notes aring interest fr m fie day of sale, at 7 per ■nt. per annum, and mortgage on the properly • ill be required. A plan ot (he LOTS and other terms, will be xlnbiled on the day of sale. E. F. Campbell. dj’ I'he Charleston Courier, Savanmih Kcpuh .'Can, and M be Igevdlc Journal, it is reipieate' nay publish the af> .ve, weeklv, ’till the lime n he proposed sal-, and forward their accounts tn ties Office tnr payment. r-*briivit*v H 6t t 65 Cily feAvwiff’s i Will h“ add n i the first Tuesday In Marcli next nt the market house, between the usual hour of S’-de, One Bed, two Matrasses, one Bar rel crockery, six Windsor Chairs, wearing ap pare!, fkc. — Two Harmonica’s in Mahogmy ases, and a fine collection of Music, levied on a the property of Vnn It chardson, to satisfy a fi la i at the instance of Eliza Payne, issued from the Mayor’s Conn. A. Ficquct, Sheriff, C. A. P'brna v Id olr 68 hOli oaEE TO OR REIN i. , ”, IIHE unexpired leuse and improvements on JL the Lot known as the Littleman’s Garden, situated on Bliis-Sireet, near the corner of Ccn iic-8 rent—having ail the conveniences f r c;.r rving on Confectionary upon a large scale, be ud.-s an Oven, Dryhouse. Stc. There is also a Ice House in good order, where. 15 or 18 tons u Ice can he secured for summi r use. Tlte whole w,lt b ; shewn by application on the premises,— ( For terms apply to B. Bouyer. \no-iisl 10 14 ‘ FiJA hAi-E. 1 LOT OF I. AND, three miles from Aitousta » cmitaining 70 or 80 Acres, forty of whn h n cleared and under good fence, the balance II on (.and, I here is on the premises, a c ntitnviab, >w Ih g Home, which has lately undergone : h r.'Ugh ' . pair. A new Kitchen, tnvat (louse, u U gaiit R tele Pantre, Cnh, Stables, Fmlder ai *’arriage I 1 use £ic. all complete—a huge jur .ell shaded; a handsome Orchard ol Appl ’each, and Plum trees, a never failing pnng of excellent water, within 80 yards of tie 'wi ll' ig, and as healthy a situation a- any in litch n. nil County, The above w -l l he sold a bargain, if early ap ilication is made to Jno. C. Holcombe. Ifinnni’i' 8 .59 Imardiait’s ftn.e. Will he sold on the fi st I uesday in April next, i • the Court House m Jacksonboro’. Scriveitcoi ■ ty, between the hours of ten am) (inir o’ct rk pursuant to an or lers ~f the llu,.orahie the Jus , lice* of the inleriur Court of said comity, whei sii'i’ C for ordinal’, mi’poses ; All that tract or parcel of I .an I, , ’ontai i.gto .r liu nli ed and ninety a. res piitn r less) s.inal*- 1 mg and h ing in the Inurteem 'i-trici of Irwin c unity, Geor a. and known am , stingni hed in th-’ plan of sa d district, by th nmb r two ty thr e (23.) -old for the hem fi. id 'arali Lee, rpltan, of .Inlin M. Lee, deceased ’erms nn V known on he lav of sde, Peler Uedtlick, Guardian. Scriv'n county lv nan 28 HJt r 6! ( a\ ulice. Vt.ltEE Alil.P, to anordt r of the Honorable the Intii’ior Cnurl ol Kichmond County, w i ie sold on tne fi st I uesday in March next, a he market house in tfie city of Augu-ta, b" ween 'be usual hours of sale : Four Hundred and sixteen 6 lOtli crcs m Land, It mg on M'iloan, mu filth par . tree hundred and fifty acres, lying on Sp* - irei k. 'Three negroes : Nancy, Billy and I't’tnk, tile wlio.c being lite rial estu e ol Lew : Unis, deceaied, I3r the benefit ol he heirs <1 ml, deceased. Terms made known on the da. d Sale. Beijamin Howland, } q , , ItobiTt Alim. 5 ““m is. |a 7 T buVluvs Vvt wavtV. UVNViX.vY fr.nn the subacrit'. r .hint t 25th ult. a negro man named HAMILTON t .it thirty five years o' age. six feet high, ven larkskn. and arge thick lips. Had ot ivnen I aiVay, a blue short Jacket, with hue mix," «alttne'tr iwser*. H- is well acqnain ed n Iln at. Liberty and M’lntosh Cou if. s. ff ho. v. will return him t . the subs rb-r, shad receive tie above reward and all reason ,bl ■ c arres. I.evi Hiils, Per Attorney, 11. B Hathaway ■Yy" 3Vi / J n.r,ui .Ua.cilgiTi'le. anil (.itic tc •ten, will y,ve he above 1710 1 sections ■ ami h t onstituhoua Ist, Jiu ‘ist i, three insertions anti In Kuril thnr ucconn s 10 this office for payment, Felvuan 11 3t 07 F YV» MoUvWS» Ut W ik \ A. 4 UScOMtEI) from trie subsciih , , At i. gtoe, on the night of the 21N ve m ,1 '•824, » buy by lie name of Mar. us. ab u . gfi eo years ot ag. . five feet t nr or' five inene gh, a bright mo'aHo, smart and mteing, „t I| u C 1. V.’ reward 11 be p d fir ins d< nvej-y i„ tin nh-r. dn-r. and a 1 reas able expenses paid ■ n hemg I >dgey! in any J„d m nte slate, th-.’t h. . ight be gut. James Davant, February 22 4t T "‘lh* swap . • H.vTEL) OK STOLE.nT tiie subscrioM- on the m K ht of the M. • ‘ a sorrel HOUSE, stynch tail, wlut. i ( '.roak in the fort head, one hind leg white om 1; • MC,e “ larger than the other. When u n Ktr " ■*''“) !le I,! * 1 s short piece of rope on hi , .eck. Any one giving information , r reiurnliu t. , " 1 "‘"‘l’* l subacribir, shall meet with a hand e- , "V7“ rd ’ 111 Cumnung’s Budding, Broad •sireet, Au^usu Ora Howard. February 31 3» t TO THE PLf/UJC. THERE is perhaps no medical observation bet ter esiabliilied, none more generally -oiifirmei !ty the experience ot the best physicians ol all ages vui countries anti none of more importance totht practitioner,than the fact,that many ol the most dilh 1 tilt and incurable complaints originate in neglecli tl colds . In a climate as variable as ours,where thf , jl,al, S t, » at ,lie weather are frequently sudden am mexpected, it requires more care and attention ijuard against this subtle and dangerous enemy m . fe than most people imagine, or are able am vilbng to bestow. Hence the vast number us pa (Mils, ylllictecl with coughs, catarrhs, asthma consumptions, and other aliedions, and hence tin hi iago ol rational and absurd remedies, cried us nv the learned and illiserate, Ihe many cases ol , 'be kind, fell under my observation ; the prepose rotis compositions of inflaming drugs, which ere in vogue ; the disappointment 1 experienced ii oractice from remedies highly recommended , am r n y own predisposition to pulmonic complain'c were strong inducements fop me to considn - whether a compound consisting of mild vegeiabl 1 (distances could not be invented, no re free Iron he well founded objections of practitioners, aru mt'er calculated to avert the tlireatening d strnction of the lungs. PULMONIC Syvvrp of Vugolables, For coughs colds, asthmas and consumptions , dins remedy IS superior to any medicine whicl las been offered to the public, as it is prepare' , rom the most vh cable herbs of our vegetabh . kingdom, and its qualities are such that every de •lemlence may be placed in its virtues for th cure of the above diseases. From the knowledge r tnc proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of th syrufi, he baa no hesitation in recommending n io those who labour under th '3e distressing com lamls #s a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav mg administered it to thousands in New-York and _ * "‘lt'delphia, lie fe>!s no hesitation in offering it ■ n die pnbhe, and after trial, those persons win mrehase the genuine syrup, will have their me ic) refunded by returning thfc bottle, if they d< iut (eel si'isfi d ( hat they have reaped beneb from the use of it. directions for Use. lake a tea spoon lull three limes a day, s-,i norn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re heved. (O’ Each bottle will have the signature of tin ! proprietor. O' Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sig. of the Golden Eagle, Augusta. Aew autl mv auaoie fflamDasKs, HVENTEIITHE UMTEII STATES OF AMERICA, AUDLER’S Asiatic Lenitive foe Tain. 118 cineisanev the 1 until- Ache, Head Ache, and other dis- US remedy is good against the tooth ache o L pam in 'he teeth and Jaws when duly sptdiei »nd employ ed, it possesses sovereign efficacy n lieving swellings ol the gums, tacc and udjacen I.artv, arising from or connected with tooth-acht it relieves head-ache or pains in the head, i be most easy and agreeable manner; lor this fr. pient and distressing complaint, tins, Ins net 1 Medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re lores both the organs of sense and the nerves a "mir healthy condition at a quick and udmirabn rate. I’/iis new and useful preparation produces, h mid and gentle stim ■ latent, a cheering operatioi pon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, mrpens the perceptions, and invigorates tl. motions of the min i, by dissipating gloom a; , vapours it acts truly like a nervous and cephalu nediciiie ot the first order. Nor is its effect less beneficial when consider ■ relation to the stomach, thru to the mouth, tin mad and the spirits, by its qualities it ads upoi he sight and immediate organs of digestion as • ironnative and cordial, expelling wind, removin; orpor, correcting acidity, ami creating a runs comfortable warmth. The operation of this invention and improve nent is quite as favorable to diseases,ol the ear, nore especially it ac s to great advantage in dm ess ard aid iess of hearing, and even in incipi nt deafness, restoring the failing organ to the exercise of its true and healthy functions of hear Cert fcate from J)r. Samuel L. Mitchell, I)'-. Kzt kiel Audler, oftne city o; New-York tl is day submitted to me his letters patent frou he Untied Mates, for compounding and vendim i remedy which he calls the Asiatic Lenitive, ai I ,ski dmy opinion upon the same, w hen upon, »f ut > xamining the receipt contained in die specif) cation, I find it contains a mixture of such aromat ! c, anutiy e, snd anti acid articles, as are well ca dated to produce a composing effect on the hn nan body. Somnel L. Mitchell. AVrr- York, November '2d, 181 b. •iudWr’s AUVk oi Roses. \ N eh guut cosmetic lor whit «jng, sos ening iA anil beautifying the akin, and removing pm,’ ■■l s, Ireck.ffs and chops from the face, neck, &c I be Milk oi Roses possesses many qualities, for is ml only serves fur the above purposes, but it put bo bloom of youth un age, which valuable properl' •'Very lady ii Imnl ol enjoying. This beautiful rot« c s itv tic has a dc igtitfu fragrance, and is ansrtich wh ch can be used wit It sate ty. as it contains noth ng that win i jure ih ■ skin, and it is an indiapensa ole article to every lady, and should be lound oi heir todi is. DiKEcrto'S. —After being washed end drie ■ then take i small quantity on a piece of w hite Ha,- tiiduel then vva h face, neck, hands, &c. Each bin de will be s.gned by the nronrietor, Price gl, Prepared only and sold by Audler, sign ofth. Golden Eagle, Augusta. .Inly 4 2 (CT LOsT "p) ~ ON Tuesday last, a Hunch of KEYS, tie. with Red Tape.—The finder on leaving! at this Ofiiss, shall be rewarded. E. AUDLER, £ JUENTIST, EBPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gen tiemen of Augusta, that he will be ready n i i >e them at all times, at his or their houses, t be line of his profession, and hopes he will mee bare ol' the public patronage, as he will cxtrac teeth and stumps, and in the easie-t manner if eve ot difficult, a til all its oilier branches. Paste, ot Carbon, A superior dentifrice to any ever offered sot cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth am making die breath sweet and greeabic. SCORBUTIC ESSENCE. Os Roses, Which removes all scorbutic humour in the oms and teeth, and makes them firm at thi one time. Prepared and sold by E. Audler, At his T)nig and Medicine Store, al the Guttoi Range. Sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta. .Tnlv 4 g a. uakd. Z. FLCJULXCL, SURGEON DENTIST, At Bachelder ty Codmte's, Broad Street, Augusta nearly opposite .he Planter's Hotel. UESHEU li ULLV inlorms tiie Pnbl c, that he has returned again to this Cry, and respe'cl inly M.licits the Patronage of tlie Ladies am Gentlemen who may require his services in tin -eveial branches of his Profession.—Person vishing’ Ins service in private F milies can call am ■ee his woi k Manufactured on a new principle which he warrants. Teotb aud Rums. The diseases ot the leelb a.,d Gums are chiel iy owing to our own neglect; th - pails of th dirmnts which nidge almui them alter niastica non growing acrid and corrosive the gums at' thereby first affected, as being the mo-l tende laris, aUer these corruptions are produced, com mnly call-d the I'artar of the I eetb, w ine tmiii gb ith their texture and whiteness no deprives the mouth of its piincipal orna i is, u I bring, ioi violent tooth aches. and rein ners 'he Guns |,vid and putrid, aul offensive i< u-selves and o ' ers.—lint ih-'Ugh people i general may prevent those inconveniences, by -re and -ilitiilion a- first, y, t, il tney are one idler U to i d.e plan , a is no longer in the pow. r ■ ' lie stiff' ' er to emove 'hen tins being pro i■ ly the (irovmc of die experienced U,m s who lias made t ,*» maladies ot die Teeth a' i' -a ims, with ibeir attendant evds, the principle "bject and e d >t i- stu- i-*s, •Mv. Vlwrauee, Lvui\s\ 3 By long pru- • ac) application n, uns ess, and a in irongv kn nvh- -ge ot the s'lucutn- I the le ,h a<l Gus, Pa made all the. opera ns in those pa s quite famdi ir to Pirn, ms nch that what some Dentists h iv, judged i lacucadie, be hath performed with' ease am iH'ety. He Pisces I eeth b ,th real and art.filial, (miff og d,e lat'er witlv pure e. amel) from a aingl ■me to an enrye set so accurst ri», timi *hey «ha. •nswer every imrpos.- ot tlie natural. I tins ih, grealc'-t deficiencies aregup[>lied with ornament , which Lgve the recommennation of utih y. 1 bos»‘ i eeth that h ve (alien out tiicir sock et», which fi eqoently h ippens, though in a per , eel sound state, Pc, by a method pi culiar to hn ■d, replaces as firm as ever, without the lea pain or nneasmesa to the pat ent. He clears the l eeih, il ever so disci Jnged, o 1 their foulness and tartar, w ih ul pa n, an enders them white and as fairua ever in imp a dour. leelb and Slumns extracted in the e« iert mai 1 er, if ever so difficult. Hi asai-ls young ladies ami gentlemen in tin first and second dentition, and remove*'’he Mi I IV-eth at proper seasons, lest they -h ni l me n node 'lie regular growth oi the snccei du g oi c. •nd if a deformity of this kind nas taken [due, lirmigh the want ol a Desns', Mr Florance'ui i i takes to correct it; provided die subject i; •of more than twenty ye. rs old, and restores iP■ eeth to their natural, regular and beautiful nr hr. N. 11. A Tmoture and Dentrifice Paste, pvenar dby him only, w hich pres tvcs the Teeth an changes .lit m to a h auldul white, cures h<- gum f the Scurvey and niakt-s breath at all -wee old agreeahh , and cores die Tooth Ache i.iuio baiely, vvi b npeper directions how to use it. October 12 31 QUAKER SPRINGS, SEVEN JULES FROM AUGUSTA. at .E übsenber having la* ly j uichisedibe Jk above esta. hshment, is now furmshi.ig i ■d thoroughly r paring die buildings. 11 < ..ill spare no ai s to accommodate parties o* -ntlemen and Irav I ers. a id k ep m *. d a supply of the best Liqo rs that die Align i, Char eslon and Savannah .narkets will afford . nd his lab'e » ill noi be infeii<«r to the best pub ic House in Augusta, and Upon -is reasonable terms. James ! ynes. N. R. James l.ynes, takes dns mi of re nrning his'hanks to his numerous friends ami jc 'piaintances, *or the lib- ml support afforded him i) the Co .cli Making business, and flatters himsed In industry and atten'ion, to merit their contin •ted favours in the proiessior. which lie has rt ndy adopted. F b-n "• *< fit 65 - - , IJ}JMJ AND SCOURING. * •jphr. Shi) er.ber n-uirns his (ha k» to die pub i- he generally, for die encouragement tha he has received since his commencmenl in tin Dying Uusmess, in this place, and Popes, by .. 1 s net attention to Ins busine-s, to have a c ntinu ' ance of their custom ; be slid continues at In ' jold stand, on the north side of Reynold sirec, ] near the intersection of Bridge R . a-—where he | Rends to carry on the DYING BUSINESS, i j ill its various branches, on Cotton, Silk ant I Woollen ; also. Straw Leghorn ai d Crap jGendeonen can hare their Coats, Pantaloon* a> d ! Vests secured, grease, paint and staines extrac cd at the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. "NVm. Taliaferro & Son. November 2 37 iVtmlv vviu\ Job Printing, Neatly Executed «t this (Jifioe. mxiDaft&ib f AMU STEAM B Vt’US. % DU. HDUEL, m French. Physician, respectfully f informs the public, that lie lias established f' STEAM aid MEDICAL BU MS m Augusta. fc I'lie very high repute these Baths have acquired m Europe, where (although a late discov. rv) A i they ere to be found in every hospital, and the /jJI ..real cures they have performed in-Boston. Phi , ludelphia and Charleston, cm leave no doubt of their efficacy. The must gentle as well as the most powerful medicines are administered by i hat Jjf neans, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the i( patient. Th-y are a never failing remedy in all cutane- 'ts ous affections; from Psora, Kir.gworms, Ike. to Scald head and Leprosy. They also have never 11 1 "led of success in either acute or chronic rheu- 3 ' m.itism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarenns JMj ■wellings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of the » loints, gouty affections, dispersion of (amors, ill M/M cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections: t in all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, liypocoudriasis, t pilepsy—these halhs have been found most ser viceable, and have often succeeded even in here- Hi li tary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin stenng almost every remedy belonging to rte 1 tiealing an, may be rendered applicable to almost 1 every case, and (it is repealed) without any pain, •rouble, or disgust to the patient. L As these baths are not yet generally known, A - Dr. UnUKi. will he happy to give the must t\s nectable references to persons who have been cii--. d by lalci.ig them. , Tl\e Steam $■ «MeAica\ WaAb j 3 EstabUs\ui\aut, Ism Ell s-Street. opposite .VI.-. 11. (Healing's IlncK Mouse, and has an entrance in Broad-street immediately opposite the city 7/ou>L W January If 57 •XiffeSO li el CatAtilUV. K IT is with pleasure and confi Icate tlut tW I ru.-lees of tins Instiluiion, present its 4 cla,nrs ■ n 1 Ins occasion, for the support and patronage of m enlightened public. Although endowed more K iherally perhaps than any other county school th he state, yet its funds having been unproductive TlmrA or several years past being mostly vested 111 s.ate ’ \JmA lank stock, the academy Ins been much clogged in its operation. The board have not been able to 4(■ Iter an at. equate induct 1 lent to engage the servi es of a Hector, who combined qua ifications and tCK characer, that would insure succ-. ss to the semin- .!■ o>. I his bar we are happy to slate is removed oil v.e cmgiaitilwe the .community in having ’ irooored for the ensuing year, the ifev. Tliomai S, formerly of Li it rtj county, u gentle- ■ man whose scholarship and genera! character are ' too not.ii-i.-us to require the feeble tribute of our ■ ■ra se. W, Doubling will superintend b thsehcols ■ hie personal set vices and attention however ' wi l oe p.inci pally bestowed on the female de- W part in fn(. In the male academy he will be ussis- H ed by Mr. Lathrop—a northern graduate win, m nas some experience in leaching—a .id who is re- I 01. mended as unexceptionable in talents cmi ■ no-iU. I o these con dderal ions we have to add, jH 1 •fd i, m.'t-da, such as health, cheapness of dM .card. Sue. and perhaps it would not be thought H upr. llnous td i iig ftst, (hat inasmuch as must of fl :,le ''l'pnrtaiit ei. ctio.ns are transferred directly to 9H me people, it would become daub y necessary to •uhghieu their minds, lor no truth stands on a fir- dH •n. 1 ba-is than this, that in proportion as we give > the people power, we should ai m give them *■ tonwlcdgtv 'On bhe practical adoption of this ,■ rmerpi.- depends »he preservation of ouriepub- • .can iiiaiituti'ins. Josepli Henry Lumpkin, s Secretary. ( U The Editors of the ConstilutiunidiU, Jiuyusta, i* and I'epub ium -Savannah mil publish the above, V an'ijo mar,l their at counts to Lexington for licit m"“- j. n. l. y 'inn rv 18 59 V\ KITTLE 1 RCiLOSALS. 1 VI/' ill oe received by at.y of the ui di-rrigr.ed I » » tiff the iiDl l, iiisl. lor lurnishing and plan I ti g "ii Broad Steel, .a tin,-, city, swamp widow I n-k a id irc-.-s. alternately uccoidii.g to the I ovisions of an ordinance of the City c mncil pas* I ed on the Bth of las! month. The proposals may J -■ = l ici eiiibi-ice the whole siroet tir so much ol i ■ as passess through an, parlico ar war-l, H N. 1 H. M. Warren, I Jhiiics, \ J Committee, ■ p ff- 11 4,i f,r, | THOMAS G. IJAITE; I ijavviage «Mukor. • lIMV'I.NG taken die Shops r e inly occupied , K U by VB-. James 1 yoer., intends carrying on die business in ad n.- vr.ri- us branches! Eroia hi long experience t the No th, he flatten; ilinseir, tha' he wi.l be sole to give general s»- slaclion to sueI', 1 ', <8 v | favour nun with a call in he U- la ring Line. VI. fivourv will be thank fully received and ptiii -.iiiHll) ex' cured. I He < xpects s n n o rec- ive from the Northers i ‘' vjanu*act*iri >-1, • te assoriiik..) t [ ) Oarriages . I Litis, and LAlflflAhLS built to order. t Tor fettle,. 8 frigs, I 3 hulkpys, 2 Carriages. November 5 A\MS'LS\ \) i\, Coach-Maker, WILL keep constant y on hand, and for Sale, at Air. Lono-turkt’s Livery Stable. c JiN ASS o ; l\ m.L i OF ; 03* Orders ”01- GIG- or Ca.. UIAGES from the North, will be promptly aUcrmtd-to atm work | warranted. j N. B.—Hepairing done at the shortest notice. j N- vember >0 45 ■ | JS dice. PEHSONS being daily in the habit of trespass. v mg on the Hickory lidge tract of l ai J, owned I loy the Bank of Georgia, and cutting l*.- worn! and I . undergrowth therefrom ; N-f.ce is 1,, , -by g.- to i j I ,ut ,ile 0 most vigilance will b. used i. delectirp . d prosecuting the < ' 1 ders. if- j ■ j hounded -the west by I t.rkancn’s bpring. and P art . ot ,* “j Vl • :0 Sn m ili ,hc East bv the lands ot A. Martin, |* 11, (j i.ties s ,.d oihe-s. it may he more (larticularly known by ”li« - Millcdgoville road, passing M p ug'i it Fy order c-J the Mould i. Henry k Febi uary 1, 1C25, y