The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, March 04, 1825, Image 1

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®:om® Many of the political evils, under which every Country to the world labours, are not owtpi; to any want nflove foronr Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” PRIESTLY NEW SERIES Yol. IL . . AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1825. No. 72. Cfte €anstitutiauaHst IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. '/VUUUrj l\\ | HALL LOTTERY, AUTHORIZED by general assembly of THE STATE OF GEORGIA. l Prize of §3(3,000 is §30,000 I Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 3 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 ! 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 \ 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 SIS Prizes, > 180,000 J2f i; Blanks. $ A 18000 TIC KE rs at TEN DOLLARS. Leas than two and an half Blanks to a prize, r —— THE PRIZES ONLY TO BF. DRAWN. ' Ai'Phe Prizes to be Floating from the commencement ,j e'ecep the following, which wi Ibe deposited in th - ■fvneei at d finite bevlmU viz : OA the In Drawing-1 prize of $-'U,llno A lof SSOO -*i tl-e II ■■ I of 5,0 )0 Sc lof 1,000 St lof A 500 the ltd “ I prize of lU.OoO &1 of 500 , I. : :im flh “ 1 prize of 5,000 &1 of 1,000 &1 of 500 i Cl.tHie slh “ I prize of 10,000 &1 of 500 Onto. iJi i* j prize- of -6,000 At of 1,000 &1 of 500' On the 7th “ 1 prize of 10,WO A1 of 5,000 A. lof 500 f On tnc Kth “ 1 prize of 20,000 A1 of I’OJOA.iof SOU On the Oth “ 1 pr.ze s of 30,000 *1 of 1,000 At lof 500 Pile whole Lottery to Oe completed in .Wat iH*a>N*m£s OaV^. ACT* I 'le drawing io c minen te as m.ou as a sufficient niin it if rick its are sold. Ihe of dn Pr.z s payable in tiiiny days alter •he •sorn..’] ’i i i if the d awing subject to a tie due oi offt teen percent. All Priz-s not ap plie I hr in twdve m mths, to oe considered as a cloiut.jn to the lands of toe Misonic Hall. ’ £vtseut IVict o£ Tickets, fiUD h'o ■ s- e !•>. i oreal variety. ot number., at the uO if tffS SI ONE R’ S OFF! Cl' hi. itro.itl street, Augusta, a tew floors below ihe Hank J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Board of Cominissio tiers. T”/* Orders i n Tickets tr im ..any part nl the ,T 1 c I ‘U Paid . il cnc.;;. UasA, sd-ir s’zti !o the Secret immediate j attention. U’ltes’Kiid regulations adopted at a meeting oil' th • Itnnj-d of Gotmnsinnery of the .'VIASONIcj HALL LO I’TRIIJf, January 8 h, 1825. Ist. t'he Co nuit .sinners shall assemble on the! Saturday of every other week. 'id ,-v irnj li’uy of the Contmi-sinners shall cou-j Atitul" a q nrnm tor the transaction of business,! . snd a nnj nhiy of those present at any meeting,i ohsll govern ui ad. Cases, except those hereinafter! specified. 3J. slid?l be the duly of the Chairman to pre :erve order, to appoint Committees to supcrvisej die I! inks and conduct of t io 8 'Cretary, and he shall have the privilege of voting upon£.l subjects; and a'i>o ofexpressing his opinion. 4th, A Secretary sod. be appointed with a sal- r ary ol eight hundred d dims pi-r annum, and shall give bund and security for the faithful performance ■ oth;s duties. Me shafl keep lair minutes of the proceedings ol the Hoard of Commissioners—shall act as an agent for the «a!e of tickets—keep a re gular account of his sales, and deposits all noniet received by him, (as soon as received,) in one ol| the Hanks of this chy. He shall, moreover, trail fact ail business rela i g i the Lottery, to which he shad be required to attend, by the Gommisp sinners. ; slh. No ticket shall he sold on a credit, unless’, by an order ol the Hoard ot Commissioners; and) nut then, without such security as sluill be saj^stsc ' tcry to a committee’appointed for the purpose of receding the same. 6ih. The tickets shall be signed by tire Com missioners, in equal proportions ; and not more titan one Commissioner shall sign any ticket. 7th. The Secretary shall not be entrusted at any one lime, with more than five hundred Tickets, ami shad exhibit at every meeting of the Commis sioners, Ins Hank Ho- k, and an account plainly •hewing the amount ot tickets sold, and the num ber in hand. Bth- The tickets, after they are numbered and signed, shall be deposited at Bank, and only drawn thence by a committee, of which the Chairman livid be one. 9-li No money shall be drawn from Bank, but by a ctieck, signed by a majority of ihcr Commis sioners, and for no other purpose, but the pay ment of prizes, or not. * - *nses. ,1 money ’8 v * j 61 ’ I'Uc feuWci-Vher INTENDING to re-ode in New York, with a vie w for the transaction of Commission Bus iness, in all its branches, will tee! grateful lor an} consignments or orders, with which he may b( favored, assuring his mends that' his unremitted attention will be exerted to promote their inlet est. He will be prepared on the receipt of any consignmen's, or of the invoices with bills of la ding and orders for insurance, to make the cus- 1 ternary advances if required. Any references that is desired, can be obtained! of Messrs. Mackenzie &. Ponce, Augusta, or Ben jamin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah. Ralph Ketchum. October 26 35 Pol* Sva\e, AI.TKEI.Y NEGRO WOMAN, a good Cook . vl aiher and Ironer—for further particular iq nre at the Office of the Constitutionalist, December 21 51 EXCHANGE OFFICE UNITES STATES AND POST NOTES, ALSO, DRAFTS On Boston, Baltimore, Provitlence, Washington City, New-York, Petersburg, Va. Philadelphia, Charleston, S. C. And Savannah, For Sale by Beers, Bunnell & St. John. Jiroad, corner of JWlntosh street. anil Silvkh col.v and all kinds of Bank Nutks, Bought and Sold. November 12 40 CONTINUED SUCCESS AT Cohen’s Office. Baltimore, January 6, 1825. <6can& s>tate Hotfcru, No. 3. NOW drawing every week, under the super intendence of tliv Commissioners appointed !)y the Governor and Council. YAgVUIv liar's Drawing: 1*1197 15701 Prizes of- . £IOOO 1*144-03 a prize of . . 500 11527 do - . . 100 ♦19094 *19862 14888 9115 58.50 3426 50 ■ All marked thus* sold at COHEJVS OFFICE, Ibis Lottery is now i-amdily progressing to wards a close—no tune should be lost in securing ickets. I hcre are still undrawn, the Capitals ot a?- 1 oury thoUsa.yd dou.ahs, OJ* TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS i Tj" 'LEV THOUS.I Y/J HOLLARS UIT Five THOUSAND DO!.LARS 1/ of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS 14 of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. D'hote Tickets §l2 . Quarter - 3 00 Halves - -6 j Eiyh.hs - 150 To bo hail, warranted undrawn, at ©tSoljm’s Where both the great Capita); of 20,000 and 10,000 UCLLAUS, drawn in the MONUMENT 1.01 lEHY, on the 28th t;lt. were sold, am 1 where wire sold, the Capital Prizes of 100,000 Dollars, ha f and one one,"ter io citizens of Oeor gia-. 20,0005, 10,000 s, .30003, in the last Grand Slate Lottery, and wnKits j, -he capital viuzks IIAVJt BKKN 'IBTAISISB THAN AT ANY OTHKII OFFICK ijr AMpittcA* O ders left with I. K. St. JOHN. R end street aU-iU I' r.i, ueo'-gia, will tit promptly attended tu. | KHEKOP POSTAGE. January 21 60 NVUAAAAV 11. Renews the tender of his services in the C 0 MM l S SlO N AND ; STORAGE fi USI.VESS, * 1 TO HIS FIUENL-3 AMI TUF. PUHUC. HiS WARE HOUSE at the upper end, soul) side Broad-street, is nyw ready for the re eption of CO 1’ I ON and oilier PRODUCE, upoi which liberal advances will be made, when re quired. Any business with which he may be favoured, thall be punctually attended to. October 1 23 COJLuissio Y HUSIN'ESS. Tl\<a ftwbscrVber, HAVING engaged VVauehousks and Stores, in the upper part of t.his city,offers his services ns a general COMMISSION MERC HAN I.—Persons | who may place merchandise or produce under his care, may r-sfely rely on every possible exertion I being usee, to give general satisfaction. Barna M‘Kinne. September 28 27 IWal VvlsVv l*otu,lofcß, IN HAMPERS. Just received per ike am Boat Hamburg, A FEW Hampers real Belfast Potatoes, which fa. will be sol-1 in lots to suit families, by apply ng immediately at Jacob Moise’s. M’K’enzie & Bennuch’s Row. December 28 53 ODD Weight Yi I’viux BACON FOR SALE. irpr.T TO Robert 1). Ware. December 3 46 BOX MISSING. SUPPOSED to be taken by mistake from tin Wharf, about the lull or 12- ti ot November, a Bos of Shoes landed from Boat No. 14. Mark ed A£; E. Wood,or K.Wood £k Co. Any person paving it in his possession will confer a favor by lUiiformirig the subscribers at their residence, oi through this office. E. Wood # Co. December 24 52 »\ aike. ' I'HE co-partnership of Julian & Thompson is ®- dissolved. The subscriber has resumed Ins j j ftice near the mfcrket. N. B. Julian. j Feb.lß ta THIS DAY OPENED AT THE AUGUSTA ciotif)in® store* NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY-HOTEL, And for Sale by a atamaia* A FRESH S UPPL Y OF [A DIES’ and Gentlemen’s CLOAKS, A HI le and Black DRESS COATS, FROCK COATS of the most faahionable co lours’, COATEES, A large assortment PANTALOONS, New Stvie VESTS, LINEN SHIRTS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS ami SUSPENDERS, All unusually cheap for ready Caah. February 15 6t 67 SCOFIELD, PHELPS & Co. DRAPERS AND TAILORS HAVING formed a connection vlth Mr. Henry Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed heir E itablishment to No. 83, Broadway, corner of Wall-Street, where their Business will in future he conducted under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS fit HOWARD. New-York , June, 1823 7 , THE«L7 HSCRIBEIL ) CONTINUES THE * | VAMDEVI YAUTDIVAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, At his old staftd in Savannah, near the Fort, and is prepared to make suitable advances upon, all produce placed in his hands for sale, > John Everingliam, jr. February 22 10t* s 69 THOMAS G. HALL. I * i Caviriagfc Maker. H.AA’ING taken the Shops recently occutiied by Mr. James l.ynes, intends oanying on the business in all ns various branches. From In. long experience at the North, lie flatters ! uimself, that he will be able to give general sa tisfaction to ouch, as will favour him with a call in die Repairing Line. Ail favours will he thank i fully received and punctually executed. He expects noon to receive from t|te Northern I Manufactories, a complete assortment W' Carriages, i OCT GIGS and CARRIAGES built to order. Yor Sale. 8 Gigs, . ' y ~* A S Sul keys, 2 Carriages, November 5 3g Coach-Maker , WILL, keep constantly on hand, and for Sale, at Mr. Losostrebt’s Livery Stable, AN ASS 0 R 7'. VI ENT OF CTjr* Orders for GIGS or CARRIAGES from the North, will be promptly attended to and work warranted. N. B.—Repairing done at the shortest notice. November 30 45 TO RENT~ ' One Tenement in the Long Yellow Range of-Buildings, next door above the 1 sign of the “ Asiatic Lenitive,’’ in “Cotton Range,” s continued.—Also, several Tenements ot one story 1 ; each, with two rooms, recently in the possession ol s Vlr. Ansley, and a convenient Warehouse in the 1 tear, which has been recently repa'red and the I t enclosed with a good fence. For terms, apply to Mr. James Harper, during the absence ot the subscriber. E. F. Campbell. 1 •laminr’- 7 56 io kevl ; From the first October next, 1 Three Stores and a Dwelling House, upper end south side Br-oacl- Street, adjoining Egan k M'Laugh links, viz : —The Store occupied by I). Henry Ik Co. the Store occupied by Mils Ik Mden—and the two story Frame House and Store idj-lining the same—the house is well calculated : for a private family or boarding H-mse—having an xccllent Brick Kitchen. The Stores are all most desirably situated for the Grocery Business. App $ t» William H. Egan. Set t- mber 17 24 JS*o\kfc. JTpHE subscribers have connected ‘hernselve A m the practice of the LAW they will uni rmly attend all tt.e counties of the Northern drcuit, and the county of Franklin, of (he Wes 1 ern Circuit, one of them will be generally found d their office in Elberton, where they will tak< leusure in transacting the business ot those wh; nay be unfortunate enough to be involved in tin Law. John A. Heard, Thomas J. Heard. January 1, 1825 57 s VHmVon Abt\ s i \\J ILL act as our authorized Agent, during otu absence frt m this State. Bachelder & Codwise. February 21st, 1825. 2t 69 LA FAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WAREHOUSE The Subscriber i Is opening in Broad street, one door below Air. Al lea's Hat Store, * LIROF. AWO OKNKRAT. ASSORTMENT OF AND CLOTHING, Consisting of Oress coats, Frock Coats Drab box Coats Double St single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloons Broad Cloth, Satinetl and Corduroy do I'oilinetl, Valentia, Swaosdown St black silk Vests Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do | Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain , Shirts , Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Latnbswoo , Shirts and Drawers , j Flannel do do Tartan and Camblet Cloaks , Ladies do | Boy’s Dresses Youth’s close body Coats Gentlemen’s superfine Hatn, some very wide brims , Immitation beaver do La Fayette, boys and mens seal shin Caps Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stock# Silk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, &.C. —also — Negro Jackets and Trowaers House servants Coulees and Pantaloons Fearnought great Coats Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check do Common Linen do i Woollen Gloves, and many other in lies line. d The above GOODS are New-York made, and 1 will be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New- ! York prices. f J. I*. Seize. I December 3 46 r <o» PAutauuri, : DENTIST. r informs the l.ixlies and Gen- i tleinen ol Augusta and its vicinity, tl*»t he i will be in the city about the first of March. , January 28 *IM 62 Copy of o- Certificate from James Afonroc, Pres’t. I| 'l'he testimonials presented to me by Mr. Parm-|i lv, of his great talents as a MENTIS I’, are of I high character—in addition to which I state with < great pleasure, that Ins operations in my family,ii have afford' d a practical and very satisfactory 1 evidence of his merit. | JAMES MONROE. < Washington, Dec 9th 1822 I 1 il Oa&Wo ; 'P —■ 1 HE subscriber having resumed (he practice ot L.AtV, tenders his services to the public. He ! will attend most ol the Courts in Ihe Western Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and Ocmnlgee, and the counties of Lawrens, Twiggs and Pulaski, in (he Southern Circuits. Thomas W. Harris. « flCjr’ Letters addressed In him Monroe, Wal-:“ ton county, will be attended to. February 8 3tn 65 SULPHATE QUININE. A LARGE supply of the above valuable Mcdi 1 iIL cine prepared by one of the first Chemists in IJ France, for sale at a reduced price by o R. B &D. G. Haviland. t February 18 68 ' Lost, 'I ON the 12th Inst, (with a small sum of moneys F. Walker’s Ch -ck for §.»(), on the Bank oi - Augusta, dated the 1 llli inst. pay able to bearer.— The Public is cautioned not to trade for the - Check. Tlie finder by leaving it with the sub scribers, will be suitably rewarded. R. B. Duncan & Uu. i January 14 58 < iS otice. A LL persons havingdemands upon the estate s l\. ofNicholas Ware, decea-ed, are requested to 1 make them known to the subscribers. Those who are indebted to the said estate, w ill please to mak' immediate payment. Susan H. Ware, Ex^lrx. \V. W. Holt, Eoc’r. December 24 52 Is oti( e. A LI-persons indebted in the subscriber prior j.‘V to the Ist of January are requested to come forward and make immed-a'e payment, as s longer indulgence cannot be given. Persons in | debted to the late firm of B. It. k I. Thompson, | are also requested to make immediate settlements with the subscriber, who is alone authorised to , close the accounts of (he concern. > B. U. Thompson. Augusta, March 1 .‘lt 71 —— - •S’egToes i’ov! feaVw. rjYMF- suhscrilter offers for -ale TWENTY like I ly Negroes, consisting of Men, Women, Girls mid Boys, They will be sold low, on applicatioi 1 to me al the Eagle Tavern, where the Negroe may be seen. / I John 1). Walker. January 13 59 ! and STIJ U1 U v t'HS. DU. HOUEL, a French Physician, respectfully informs the public, that he has established STEAM aid MEDJCAL BA THS in Augusta, Ihe very high repute these Baths havi acquired in Europe, where (although a late discovery) they are to be found in every hospital, and the great cures they have performed in Boston, Phi Indelphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt of their efficacy. The most gentle as well as the most powerful medicines are administered by dint means, without any pain, troub.e or diigust to the patient. Th'-y arc a never failing remedy in all cutane ous affectionsfrom Psora, Ringworms, &c. to Scaldhead and Leprosy. They also have nevep failed of success in either acute or chronic rheu matism. 1 In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous 1 Wettings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of (he joints, gouty affections, dispersi-m ot tumors, ill cured syphilis, spasmodic op nervous affections; in all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondriasii, epilepsy—these baths havfc been found most ser viceable, and have often succeeded even in here ditary complaints. In fine, this manner of ad run istermg almost every remedy belonging to the healing art, may be rendered applicable to .almost every ca-e, a> d (it is repealed) without any pain* trouble, or dojfust to the patient. As these bulbs are not yet generally known. Dr. Hntißt will be happy to give the moat res pectable references to persons who have been cured by takii g them. T\ui Steam fy MeAicaV Walh Establishment, Is in F.llis-hlreet, opposite Mr. if, Mealing’a Brick ll,ouse, and has an entrance in Broad-street immediately opposite tbn city //oul, January 11 57 Meson Jicanem^. XT is with pleasure and confiofeuce that the I ruslees ol tins Institution, present its claims |on tliis occasion, for the support and patronage of an enlightened public. Although endowed more | liberally perhaps than any other county school m the stale, yet its funds having been unproductive dor several years past bt ing mostly vested in slate bank slock, the academy has been much clogged in its operation. Ihe board have not been able to idle r an adequate inducement to engage ihe servi ces ot a Rector, who combined qualifications anl character, that would insure sucetsa to the semin ary. I his bar we are happy to state is removed and we congratulate the community in having procured for the ensuing year, the Rev. Thomas Gouldmg, formerly of Liberty county, a gentle man whose scholarship and general character are 100 notorious to require the feeble tribute of our praise, Mr. Gouldiug will superintend b .lhschools —his personal services and attention however -will be principally bestowed on the temale de ipai-lorient, in the nude academy he will be assis (ted by Mr. Lathrop—a northern graduate who has some experience in leaching—and who is re commended as unexceptionable in talents anil morals. To these considerations we have to add, local inducements, such us health, cheapness of board, &c. and perhaps it would not be thought fiipeifluous to suggest, that inasmuch as most of the important elections are transferred directly to the people, it would become donb y necessary to enlighten their minds,.tor no truth stands on a fir mer basis than this, that a-, we give to Ihe people power, we should also give them knowledge. On the practical adoption of this principle depends the preservation of our repub lican institutions. Joseph Henry Lumpkin* Secretary. (Ur The. Editors of the Constitution,din, Augusta , and Republican, Savannah, will publish Hie above, and forward their accounts to Lexington far pay. men I. J. It L. January 18 59 sausage Mrs. thkod. £ayoli. E, nas flip honor to inform her friends and the public of Au gusta, that her intention is to teach the I‘ihiio Forte and Spanish Guitar —als >, the art of Sing ing 01 ihe newest style. Mrs. F. will attend at private houses, or give lessons at her own resi dence. For terms and furiher particulars apply at lower tenement Bridge Hunk. Tehi-uarv 3 65 A LARD. MRS. OR If (late Miss Hooper from London,) ami Miss v) li it, inform the public that dtey are- engaged in t he Millinery business, inclu ling Dress and Cor-et making, t hey occupy a house on Monslon-Mreet. at the lower end of Judge Rein’s lot, and not far from the Hospital. N. B. Straw—Chip and Leghorn Bonnets [Pres sed, altered, dyed and cleaned at the shortest no tice and on the most reasonable terms. V< In-uarv 8 65 The Savannah. Line ot STAGES. I ¥ WING discontinued running on die South I • Carolina side, will leave this [dace every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A. M. on the G -nrgii side, by the way of Culto’s Milffiaven and Pearce’s. For seals, apply si die City Hotel, Joseph L Thompson, Proprietor. February 22.1825. 69 AtVanloA to Vuvc\\aso, 'HWO Negroes of the following ir.«de, Black- I. smith au'i Wheel maker, of good character. Apply to B. Picqubi. February 8 65