The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, March 08, 1825, Image 1

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f .. ... \ .. Many or til. political or ill, un.ler which eery Country in the world labium. or.- not owner to any worn nflove forour Country, but to ignorance of its real constitution snd ...icrcts." PKIKMJ.V ~ —- ~ "- = ' = ~ m * t NEW SERIES Yol. 11. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1825. No. 73. €i}t &anotitutionalijtt IS PUIiiISHEI) EVERY TUESDAY AND 1-KIDAY, \V. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. THIS DAY OPENED AT THE AUGUSTA ClotOin-t Stove, KEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY-HOTEL, Jlnd for Sale by a saASsasL A FRESH SUPPLY OF IADIES’ :tr.d Gentlemen’s CLO IKS, A Hint* mid Ul. ck DRESS COATS, FROCK COA L’S of the most fashionable co lours, COATEES, A large assortment PANTALOONS, New S'yle VESTS, LINEN SilUt L’S, CHAV ATS, drawers and SUSPENDERS, All unusually tlu-ap For ready Cash. February 15 6t 67 SCOFIELD, PHELPS & Co. DRAPERS AND TAILORS HAVING formed a connection with Mr. Henry Howard, late of Baltimore, tiave remover heir E itablishme.'il to No, 08, Broadway, comer o Wall-Street, where their Business will in dilute be conducted under the firm of SCOFIELIL PHELPS h HOW Mil), New York, .luoe, 18‘id 7 "WILLLAAL U. EUA-V, Renews the tender of his services in the COMM iSSXON 1 1 AND STORAGE Ii USLVESS, ' TO HIS DIIKNIIS AXU Till' PUIUIC, EJS WAREHOUSE at the tipper end, sou’h sole Pnml-str -et, is now ready lor the iv ceptior. of POTION and other PRODUCE, ttpoi. which liberal advances will be .made, when re qu>re d. Any business with which he may be favoured, »haH he punctually attended to. Ott iiber 1 28 Uo.)l UISSKfX BUSINESS. The, fewbsctVbc,Tl , HAVING engaged Waiieu .usls .nd Stoiiks, in die upper part of this city,i'fl’( rs hisst-rvices at a general Cl) VISH SSION M EIiCH A NT- Persons exertion being used, to give general satisfaction. Rama M‘Kiune. September 28 27 TUte 6ubscvVbv.v INTENDING to reside in New-York, with a view *or the transaction of Commission Bus mess, in all its branches, will feel grateful fer any contdg rut or orders, witli which lit may h. favor ■ h insuring his Iriends tnat his unremilted aUer'ini wd be exerted to promote tiieip inter est. Si will be prepai-ed on the receipt of any consign en s, tir of the inyqices with bills of la ding and orders tor insurance, to make the cus iom..r, -dva can if required Any references that is desired, can he obtained es Messrs. M .cket tc P nice, Augusta, or Be;i jamin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah. Ralph Kelclium. October 25 85 / TilE CONTINUES THE AND COMMISSION 1J VSINE SS, At hi s old stand m n -ur I ie Kurt, and is !'?ep - dto make suit; Ile advances upon ul! produce placed i.» Ins biovstn* sa e. •1 oilii Rveringharn, jr. Febnn-v 22 Kg* 69 THOMAS G. HALL, ~ C vu* v u\g«N\ uIvPV. HV Vi\G tat.,- ne Sit..; s r cutly occtlf'ied oy Mr. .lines I ynes, intends earning on the i.tisiness i't all us virions branches. From hi long experience it t' e North, he flatters J himself, iha l he wi I h able to give general -a tisfact'on to such, as wd favour niru with a call in the Repairing Lute. All favour* will he thank fully received and punctually executed. He I xpects s mn ;o receive from the Northern Manufactories, a complete assortment of Carriages. (O* GiGS and GAILILi VCES built to qrder. Vs>v Sale. 8 Rigs, 3 -Sulkeys, 52 Carriages. November 5 Sg AIA).VZ.\t Da\, Couch-Maker, "YAjfILL keep constant'y on hand, and for Sale » * at Mr. Lovn .thskt’s Livn-v St"ble. AN ASSOR TMENT OF (EIMSo CT? Orders fir GiGS or C t UIHAGES from tlu North, will be promptly auendtd to and wmA warranted. N. B —Repairing done at the shortest notice. November 30 45 LA FAYETTE HAT AND | CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE The Subscriber ts opening in Broad street, one door below Air. AI ten's Hat Store, . a liner, and OK.vruat, assortment o? AND CLOTHING, Consisting of OrESS COATS, Frock Coats Drab box Coats Double fk single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloon." ■ Bread Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy do Toilinett, Valcntia, Swansdown & black silk Vests Bl'ie and biack Cloth and Cassimere do { Superfine i inen and Cotton, frilled tmd plain Shirts Knitted, Cotton. AVdrsted end Lambswor Shiris and Drawers Eisnnel do do Tartan and Cainblet Cloaks Ladies do Boy's Dresses Youth’s close body Coats Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wide brims Inundation beaver do La Fayette, boys ami mens seal skin Caps VTa-iv- gten, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks Silk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, &o. ALSO Negro Jackets and browsers House set vends Coates s and Pantaloons Fearnought great Coatg Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check do i Common I,inen do Wooden Gloves, and many other articles in Ids hue. j The above GOODS are New-York made, and vill be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New ( York prices, J. P. !Betze. • December 3 46 Taliya T a. HE snDscr'ihpr having irsumcd the practice ■of I,a v Y, tenders h'S services to tbs puhhc. He will attend most of the Courts in the Western Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and Ocnnilgee, and the counties of Luwrens, 1 wiggs n a.,d I'ulagEi, in the Southern Circuits, ■s Thomas W. ii arris. s CL? F.etters addresse ito him Monroe, AA'a) » ton county, v oil be a tended U. n F> bmarv 8 3m 65 wNoViefe. jfTl'IE subscribers have connected thems elve in the practice of die LAW they will uni o,rm y attend all u e counties of the Northern k Lircui , and the county of Franklin, of 1 he Wei o-ni oircuit, one of them will be generally found r at their office in Elbeiton, where they will tale. • ileasure i*» transact! ig ih.» business ul those who 11 nay be unfortunate enough to he involved in lie ■ Law. y John V. Heard, Tiioißas J Heard. January I, 1825 17 7" to reive Slid | JiiTiL One Tenement in the Lons: u Yellow Range of B.i |di egs. n-x 1 door ah'.ve the _ sign ol the “ Asiatic tiilive,” in “Colton Range,’ 1 continued. — Also, several lencnv-nts of one story each,with two rooms, recently the possession ol •Mr. Ans.ey, and a convenient Warehouse in the rear, which has been recently n pa red and the ;1 -t enclosed with a good tence. For terms, apply to Mr. James Harper, during the absence ol the subscriber. ,i E. F. Campbell. 11 Jannarv 7 56 k o liLaS r. From the first October next, ijkeSa Three Stores anil a Uwelling njjjML House, ii;.p r end soudi sole Br .ad • siiSuLt S'reet, a-ipniiing Egan U, M’l.atigli- Ini’s, viz :—• l lii Store occupied bv d I). Henry ic Co. th ; S ore occupied bv ill'. Si i, A'den—and the tw story Frame House and Store njadjcini'tg 'lie same—the house is well calculated •s for a p ivaie family or hoarding H >u,-e —having ar i- .xc 'lent Brick Kitchen. The Stores are ~1l most i, desirably si mated for the Grocery Business. App § tv William H. Egan. 1 7 '2 4 >. ■ BOX MISSING. SUPPOSED to be tak.-n by mistake from the Wharf, about the lltli or lUdt of November, a Box of Shoes landed from Boat No. 14. M ,rk ed A &K. Wood, or K Wood & Co. Any persoi having it in li is possession will confer a favor h. informing the subscrioers at their residence, o, througii this office. E. Wood To. 5 C 2 I ’* ' -r - N oiice. s '| 4 LT, persons indebted to Ihj subscriber prim IT to the Ist of January 18i4, are requested to come forward and make immediate payment, as s jlonger indulgence cannot be given. Persons in d l . bled to ihe la e firm of B. D. & L . I linin' son, , are aN - r aif sled to make immeci.le sc.l. menls with the subscriber, who is alone authorised to close the accounts of the concern. ! R. D. Thompson. I Augusta, March I 3t 71 exchange orrzczs UNITED STATES AND POST NOTES, ALSO, DRAFTS On Boston, Baltimore, m Providence, Washington City, ( | New-Vork, Petersburg, Va. | Philadelphia, Charleston, H. C. i And Savannah, ‘ For Sale by ji Reers, Rumiell & St. John. * Hvottd, comer of M’ In tosh street. “ Gold r.nd Silvku coin and all kinds ol Bank VuTi's, Bought and Sold. v N ■vemher 12 40 A LMx IJ is I V MASONIC HALL LO TTKR V y AUTHORIZED BY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. 1 Prize of is »30,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is r 20,000 | 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 5 00 is 5,000 i 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 f 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 ' 5175 Prizes, ? . 180,000 . 12825 Plants. 3 I 18000 TICKE PS at TEN DOLLARS. Less than two and an half Ji tanks to a prize. THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. All the P tzes to he F/unnng J) out he commencement,] except the following, which wi t be th posited in the wheel at fl finite In" inibt viz: Ju the Ht Drawing 1 prize of $1(1,000 .tc t of sr.oo$ r .OO On the 2d “ 1 prize of 5,0(10 He lof I.OUO &lof Ss SOO On the 3d » 1 p r i Zß of 10,000 fz lof 500 On (he dill 1 prize of 6,000 &1 of 1,000 &1 of 500 Un I lie 6lh I prize of 10,000 & 1 ..f 500 Uu the till) 1 prize of 6,000 i1 of 1,000 &1 of 500' On the 7ih “ I |irize of 10,000 A. lof 5,000.'t lof 600 On the Blli “ 1 prize of JO,OOO it. lof I’OOO &i of 500 On the Olh 1 prize of 30,000 &1 of 1,000 St lof 500 Tin*, whole Lottery to be completed in •Vuui Diravauga Dn\\j. iO’ Ihe drawing to cumnuoce aa sm.n as a (efficient number of Tuk ti are sold. Ihe . whole of .the Frizes payahj? thirty days aitei lie c .mpl linn if the Drawing subject to a <!•■ luction o! fi iecn jer cent. All Frizes not ap ■ plied for in twelve months, to he considered as « lunation to tiie funds of the Masonic Hull, IT’Aiseui V‘vict of T'ickeis, ; TO JJXJJLILiA'iiSa Fo-sale in « gr.-at variety of numbers, at th. , COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE in Broad street, Augusta, a lew doors below the Bank. J. S. Rums, Secretary to the Hoard of Commissioners. OL? Orders ho I ieken from any part ol in. 'J i ed Slates, Post paid md enclov ,g the Cash, oldressed to the Secretary, will mjei immcdiat. attention. Roles and regulations adopted at a meeting ol In* Board of C ol the MASONIC r II ALL LO I TERY, January 8 h, 1825. ’ Ist, The C. mmissioiiers shad assemble on the j Saturday ol every other week. 2d. A niaj .rity of the Commissioners shall con j rtitute a q lorum for the transaction of business, Und a majority of those present at any meeting , jshall govern in a.l cases, except those hereiaaftci specified, ; 3.i. It shall br* the duly of the to pre serve order, to appoint Committees to supervise till- Books and conduct of t le Secretary, and In shall have the privilege of voting upon all subjects; and also of expressing his opinion. ’ 4h. A Secretary shall be appointed with a sul try of eight hundred doliais per annum, and .-.liall j give bond and securiiy for the faithful performance| if Ins duties. He shad keep lair minutes of thej r proceedings of the Board of ConnriisHoners— shalii .{act as an age.rl for the -ale of tickets— keep a red -igular aecount of.lns sales, and deposite all nonief rir. ceived by him, (as soon as received,) in one of , he Banks ofthis ciiy. He sliall, moreover, Iran . 'taci all business relating io the Lottery, to which 1 ie sliall be required to attend, by the Commio n sioners. i sili No ticket shall be S'dd on a credit, unless ay an order ol the Board of Ct>mmis*i mersj and .mt then, without such security as shall be va'islac I ory to a commit lee appointed for the purpose of reviving the » one. 6.1 i. The tickets shall bo signed by Hie Com nisaloners, in . qua! proportions ; and not more ban one Commissioner shall sign any ticket. , 7th. 'I he Secretary shall not De entrusted at any me time, with more than five hundred Tick ts . md shall exhibit at every meeting of the Commi* , loners, his Bank Ho k, aed an account plainly v inewing the amount of tickets sold, and the nuiii j ber in hand. Bth- I lie tickets, after they are numbered am signed, shall be depostedat Bank, a:.d only elrawi ’oeiice by a committee, of which the Cliairmai shad be one. 9 h No money shall be drawn from Bank, bu by a check, signed by a majority of the ConmiN i loners, and (or no other purpose, but the pay ■ , neni of prizes, or necessary expenses. D ( I■. ii. rv tit 8] Wauled lo FuTcMiisvi, ' rn\VO Negroes of the following trade, Blark J JL smith and Wheel maker, of good charactei Apply to Ji. Ficquet. February 8 §6 CONTINUED SUCCESS AT Cohen’s Office. Baltimore, January 6, 1825. sranD &tate llottecp, No. 3. NOW drawing every week, uinlrt* the super itUcndeuce of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor and Council E’u»A\V\\ Uaj’s Dxa’wlugt •1197 15701 Prizes oi‘ - - isIOOO *14403 a prize of . . ad,, 11527 do . . . 1(w *19094 *19862 14888 9115 5850 34 ’« 30 Alt marked thus* sold at COHEN'S OFFICE. 1 his l ottery is now ra othly progressing (■ wards a close—no time should he 10-t in securing iickots. I liere arc. mulrawn, the Canitals o IL? FOR TY THOUSAND doll IRS' tL? TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS II? TE V TIP)USA VI, DOLLARS aj“ FIVE 'THOUSAND DOLL IRS 17 of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS 14 of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. tVhole 'Tickets gIJ j Quarter - 300 Halves - -6 ( Eitfhdis . 150 To be had, warranted undrawn, at Where both the great Capitals of 20,000 arul UJ.OUU DOLL Alls, drawn in the VIONU MEN I I.OITERY, on the 28lh nit. were Hold, and where w-re sold, ihe Capilal Prizes of 100.000 Dollars, ha f undone quu-ter to citizens of Gear gin; 20,000-., 10,000 s, st)ot)s, in the last Grand Slate Lottery, and wiieui: m uik capital piiizk' HAVE BEEN ÜBTUNKU THAN AT ANY OTHKU OFPIIH. IN AMKHICA. Orders left with I. R. St. JOHN, Broad street AUGUSTA, Georgia, will be promptly attended to FREE OF POSTAGE. January 21 60 H&aV Ivish V?Dlatoes, IN HAMPERS. Just received per Steam Boat Hamburg, A FEW Hampers real Belfast Potatoes, which (a. will be sold in lots to suit families, by apply ng immediately at Jacob Moise’s. ATKenzie U Bennuch’s Row, December 28 53 Weight, ji IVuvsfc BACON FOR SALE. APPLY TO Robert 1). Ware. December 3 46 SUI I*ll ATE QUJNINK A LARGE supp y of the above valuable Medi cine prepared by one of the first Chemists in I' rzlice, for s «te at u reduced (irice hv R. R & D. G, llaviland. Pehnmpy 18 68 Tke 55ayai\ua\\ Liua of STaG L.S. IT'AVING discontinued running on (be Snnlli- I 1 Carolina side, will leave this ( lace every Holiday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A. VI. on tiie Georgia side, by the way of Cutlu’s Mdlliavei! and Pearce’s. For aegis, appß’ at die CHv Hotel. Joseph I. Thompson, Proprietor. February 22.1825, 69 Take, Notice. City It ad and Well Fax tor 1825 is now 1 due, and the Collector and Treasurer may be fiundalthe store occupied by N. L. Sturges, jjun’r. on the corner of Washington and Broad- Street, every day (Sunday excepted) until tin (first day of May imxt, t> receive payment for In |same. Public notice is hereby given that ex- cn jtions will he issued against all delaulters mimt ulately utter the time «i>it find. Natkanii‘l L- Hturgug, Collector and Treasurer Ala rcli 1, 1825. 10 r 71 N oiice. PERSONS being daily m the habit of trespass , iny on Hie Hickory lidge tract of land, ownei i by the Bank of Georgia, and cutting the wood ami undergrowth therefrom : Not'd* is hereby given 'Hat the utmost vigilance will he u-e;l in detecting . and prosecuting the offenders. Ihe said Laud h bounded on tlm west by I urkaoet’s Spring, am oart ol the village of Summerville, on the by the lands of A. Martin, P H. Carnes am •tilers, it may he more particularly known by tin ( Milledgeville road, passing thr ugh it. By order of the Board 1. Henry February 1 1821 ts 63 •\ uViefc. • 'ME co-partnership of Johan & Thompson h 1 dissolved. The subscriber has resumed hr (lice near the market, N. R. Julian. Feb. 18 68 Yui* naVfc ml* Hire., A Negro Woman, a good Cook, Washer and i\ Ironer. For parficn •*, apply to V/illiaDi Alackie. February 32 if 69 .IcavVeui^. JT is witli |,,e«si,re ami cunti-.euce that the 1 ruslees ol tins Institution, present its claims •h tins occasion, for the. support and pa'r mage of in enlightened public. Although endowed mure .i be rally perhaps than any other county school in he s ate, yet its funds having hern unproductive mr several years past bi i g mostly vested in state hank slock, the academy bus been much cloggey} in jts operation, Ihe board have not been abie to fler an adequate iiniUcentcnt to engage the servi, ces of a Rector, who c mibined quaufications and character, that would insure succ sa to the s< mm. ory. This bar we are happy to state is removed mil we congratulate the community in having ■roqnred lor the ensuing year, the Rev Thutnaa ♦ molding, formerly of Liberty county, a gentle man whose scholarship and general character are •uo notorious to require the feeble tribute of our raise. Mr. Colliding will superintend b thsuhools —lns personal services und attenti(% will be principally besto ved on (he female de luriment. in the male academy he will be assia ledbyMr. Lathrop—a northern graduate who has some experience in teaching—and who is re commended as unexcep'i liable in talents and morals. 'To these considerations we hav? to add, local inducements, snph as health, cheapness of hoard, kc. and perhaps it would not be thought ■ upeiflnons to suggest, that inasmuch ss most ol the important elections are transferred directly to the people, it would become doubly necessary to enlighten their minds, (of untru h stands on u fir mer basis than this, that in proportion as we give • to the people powfcr, we shoo d also give them knowledge. On the practical adoption of this rinciple depends the preservation of our republ ican institutions. Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Sei.i entry. 07? The Editors of the Constitutionalist, Augusta, and Republican. Savanna/} will publish the above, und forward their aecouuis to Lexington fur pay me'd. " J. If L. January 18 59 ' miiiM'g&iTi AN l> S I' ii v 1 hH. DR. HOUEL, a French 1’ ivsic aii, re»|.eclfnljy informs Ihe pnbhc, that he has established ’’TEAM a d MEDICAL BATHS in Augosia. The very high repute 1 hese Baths h»vi acq nr- d in Europe, where (although a late discOv rv) they are to be found iu every hospital, and the rest cures they have performed in Boston, Phi- I delphia and Chariest mi, c.Ol ti ave no doubt of their efficacy. 'The most gentle as well as the niost powerful medicines are administered by hat - ueans, without any pain, trouble or disgust to ike salient. They are a never failing remedy in all cutane oys aflections; from Psora, Ringworms, &,to SeuMhead ao'l Leprosy. They also have never failed of success in either acute or chronic rheu matism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, aoasarcoiis It Wellmgs, incipient dropsy ; in all diseases »t the. j|< 1 i 11 1 s, goutv affections, di-p»rM n ol tumors, ill cured syphilis, spasmodic sir nervous cti()os; iu all bilious dis. rd un, dyspepsia, hvpobiiudj’fubi*, j epilepsy—these baths have been found inns' sor -1 viceable,and have offen succeeded even in here -11 lltury complaints. In fine, this ma mei* fad mn .sternig almost every remedy belonging to the healing art, may he rendered applicable to almost -•very ca-e, and (it is repea t'd) without any pain, - rouble, or disgust to the patient. As these baths are not yet generally known, Dr. llobEL will be happv to give the inns r s teclahle references 40'persons who li ,ve been nor (1 by ("king litem. V\vti Steam If *M edieaV VnuVU VifslaViUnUmeuV, Is in Ellis-Stre.-i, .p ...s .e v| ; M.-übog’s 'rick House, and has an emra ■ -e to Broad street mmediately opp .aile the citv Hr A .f ninnr' I I 57 ■ iMiliyiiUn MRS. IHEUti, l.v it 11. i. E I lie tumor to inform tier friends a> d the public of All, that her intention is to teach Hie Piano F ire and Spanish Gohiir—»ls >, ti.e art of Si g. 1 gto the neweM style, Mrs. F will atle d at private houses, or give I ssons at It r own r 1- - deuce. For terms ami further part>culars app.y it lower tern-mi nt Bridge Hank. I’elu-yarv 8 65 Ai 1 Ali I). MRS. ORR (1 •- Mis. Cooper fro"* London,) and Mis.* ORR, inform the .mb.ic Unit b y •r« engaged in ‘be Millinery busioer-s rir.ln iog j Dress and Cr et m«kt .g They necupy aln n e .ni I Imistoii - silt eel. at the low r end of Judge Ram’s lot, aid not far from the Hospital. N. It. S'raw —Chip and Leghorn Bonnets pres sed, altered, dy d and c eaned at the shortest 110- ■ m c.u and on the most reasonable terms. ’’ 1 65 JiUfil, 4 ]XV the 12th lost. ( rh ~ .n all sum of money) R * P. Waker’s Cln ck for s>) T on tlie Bank of 1 yogns'a, dated l lit- lldi in-l pvyab'e to hearer,— Ihe Public is cautioned not to trade tor Hie i Check lie Under bv laving ii with the sub ■ -cribers, ml bi snin hly r» *• aided. R. R. Duncan & Cm. Jnniprf 14- 5« ¥v\ ft \ViV\vu t 6 V\t*NvavA. \BS( ONtiEI) from i fit subscrjl" r, •■ar M ash* ingioi , on Hie night of the il»l N vejtnor, IBJ4, s b'‘V by lie name of Marcus, ab' ut i gJi ren years ol ag' , five feet four 'r five inches ■ ■ j.'ll a bright m tatio. *niart and intelhgent. Ihe •I" ve reward w II hr p d for liis dcoivi ry to the , übicriber, and a•! reas liable expenses pan! ; or n being lodged in any Jail in the state, that he | night be gnt. James Davant, | U iikcs County* ( 22 4t t 69 Guv Aim Abel IU ILL .o tas ♦)• if anti o.i ized Agetn, co i t our *' absence from this Bta e. Rachelder & Cod wise. February 21st, 1625, 2t 69