Newspaper Page Text
Month ty Adon rti»emrnt».
N oiice.
WjINE months slter date, application will b
Anl made u the Court ot Ordinary ot FranW. (
County, tor leave to mII one hundred Acres i' (
Land, in said Ounty, as »he property of Adair. (
Linn, deceased for the bam fit of the Heirs am 1
Creditorsol ml lec-ased
John B. Carson, adm’r.
January 18 IB2> )in6m 63
S oiice.
fXIIVF months after date application will be
JJvJ ms r to the Honorable Inf ri >r Court o'
Columbia Comity. wh.’i setting <s a Court ol Or ■
dinary for avetns 112J2 1 2 acres of Land v .
ine , , the 2d Os' rict of Monr- e C unty, Cot No i
208 n being the real estate of William Kmalley, (
deceased, and to be sold tor the benefit of th. ,
heirs and cred" rs of said deceased. 1
Jtimes Smalley, Anmr. '
January 4 11 ,rl<) 11 I
n oiice.
NINE months aft. r date, application will br (
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Uicnmoiid County, wnen -itting for Ordinary
ptirp sea, tnr leave to s II one halt of tour and
tlir-e (l larlers acres ol Laid, in said County
adj oi. invf Imds nl Ware and Coleman, forth,
benefit of Seaborn Ski ner, or nv
Livingston Skinner,
Guardian. 1
Sep* 11 1824. ImOm 2d I
,N ulice.
NINE months alter date, application will b
ma l. i> the Hoimi abl ■ 'lie Jus cos of th>
lot nr Court setting f,r ordinary purnoses, for
th ■ county of Ilurke, fir leave to s-dl all the rial
es dens Stephen C nance, late of Hi trice county
deceas I. "r the bn i ft of 'he heirs and cred •
tors of said deceased.
Mary Chance, Ado’x,
Joseph Chance, Adm’r.
Hu h'-counni n '■ In ’4 1 ym 22
% otice.
TVTIN’K months ati»r date, application will b
it made to the Honoiahle court ot Ordinary
Col rni) a Count', lor 1 «ve to sell two bin dr.
t. (i nl a (n»!t seres-n land Lot No. 18, 17ib
D.s .ic (originally tla'dwin, now Jasper) grouted
to lli* jmim ii Smithson, to he sold lor 'he benefit
of th ■ heirs of He ij «m • S*n 'I. son, dec "Hed.
Tlioma 0. Bolton,
. f/mi listrn'or <lr /touts non.
J U\
, otice.
’ INK, m.nilis if nr I •, uppl cati"" wi-l b.
i '• made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary
ol 0 inmbia County, tor lav I > sell » I H e
re , es'a e belonging in the orph n* of Sanmel
S dliva , 1 Cease I, and dm. an un livid’d tra i
vl Land, lying in Columbia County, h. I". gi"t
to said "rplnins, and to Midi dn .fines, a Minor,
John Cartlhlge,
Hnardinn of mid Orphans,
Polly Jones,
(in inn of 0/ Hilda tones.
M,.. 95 1 n 0;
r *. 't mtlis slier d»t,, appl cmlbn wrl b
6? J nude to the limn, s'de I f. nor Ci’U'l ot
It ebni >n I County, for leave 10 sidi the undivided
h, ( oi I n. meut No 7, If ige H w also, tw
in mimived lots Corner ol Klber' and Reyi...|ii
gin; 'm, tor the ben fi. nt Margaret P- Uones, a
John Bones, (Sturdinn.
O-t be- 95 in r
‘ OtlC'C
Vx l’<f month- ait. r d . application will h
ill i made to (lie Honorabl. the Ju-ticoa ot I lie
Interior Court of s.i.l c-.u ty when sitting t"
O-.fina y nurposrs. fir leave to sett the wb de
(tie • a K-t«'e of Irvirt It .yet, decease I, late .
B;df| con >tv, fir he benefit of the heirs and cr.
dittos of said. i--r,--.s <1
■*7'" 'T'" 5 : 1 ' i Mm’rs.'v.iru Hoyot. \
$/•>•• t» t **<l f : 1 S' 1 >iD i
iSU 1 iLlib.
TkT I\E 'iioiilhs ane due, application will b
m , I • to toe Ho inra tie G."lift of Ord nary n
C> i nb.a ennu v, for .leave ,o sell wj tracts o
L- . i i -a..l conuv, tying o G ee brief Oeek
<i i • v> is. ing ild .c s j nning l'o ard, Fillln
a I > le-s Ii i pop cm si dig 172 acres joiiiuu
Inn and oners, it being i part of ■h • real estat
of i'll >'.iia. Jones d. c-ased, sob) for the benefi
of the heirs d T.' .1 .m- 1,
William Booker, Adm’r.
In it'll! of his wif
J mosrv IV I i.y o til
> oiice.
LV|t montbs after dine, application will be
ci i .ii d - to he Inferior Court of Co umhi.
C■ . i.y, nb •. Mi g for Ordmaiy purpnans, in.
le .v ■ l . a II 2->j sci • s of l.and. (in aa d C .uni) i
bt'l" gi gto ilit- estate ot William It Ctabb, d
Cess d,
John Kennon, adnrr.
N i ■ nb». fi I .
I'vß mnnins aner da e, ion will In
J* n ,i|e i > tile linn .rail e Uie Interior Court
Uni s '.m dv. when sninig for ordinary purp»a>
for leave In *eil ill he r al estate ol Joseph Mu
r»y, late of Hut kt c.oioty, deceased "or uie bene
fit nt the heirs itnl t - liters of s,i deceased.
Berij tmin Madray, idm-v.
In 1 !«■.; 9
IN E months at. i o e applicaii m wifi.
Ahf made to ill.* HOnorab.e lit Cnurt of Uni.
r\ >1 Columbia County, tor leave to sell 222
ere* of ia.l, l\ g m Coin nma C unty, on 'I.
wa rs t th- big Iv ukee Creek, adj mii.g La u
o Ila ndinn. Graves ail itl.ers, P be sol I 1
benetil of to.- heirs (' .1 .n. s Vl ir , , ,-c e,d.
t«ol)' it tlartiu, udniv.
N vemh. r 8 11
WINE .n nulls alt i ...• , ..(iplicgii > • will u
Jr id tin II nna 1 io Court I Udn
a i it i ke county, !ni . »ie n »ell .ne real E-
Uue f. tn cli K 1 .. i" d-r . ...
Jo.ill Kunucr, adm'r,
toarhe CvUio'/, 1 1 u, I, lOiJ liu9m t>s
NINE months after dale, application will he
made to the Honorable the Infeiior Court
~1 Uichmond county, whne sitting for Ordinary
iurp sea, for leave to sell a Lot in the City ol
i.ugusta, bounded by Elba arid Houston streets,
belonging to the estate of Michael Silvert, de
ceased, tor the benefiit of the heirs and creditor
ot said estate.
Andrew J. Dill, adm’r.
Nathan Leeds, adm’r.
in right oj his -wife.
Mary Leeds, adm’rx.
Jhigustn F b 11. 1 H ,V lni9m
jIN oiice.
'aWINE months after date, application will be
■ahj made to the Honoiahle the Justices of th
tnteri .r Court of Semen County, when stiing
for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a certau
tract or parcel of Land lontaming two bumlre.i
iwo and an half acres, situated lying and being
in the District of Henry County, G .
and known and distinguished in the plan of said
District hv the number eighty, (80) the whole of
the real Estate of Sarah Callaway, deceased, la .
.1 said County, for the benefit of the Heirs and
creditors of said deceased.
Samuel Doughty, adm’r.
Striven Vauntg ■' b 25 18 j 1 »9m 72
i\ oiice.
VSjfINE months af'er dale, application will be
A J made to .he Honorable the Inferior Court ol
the county ol Franklin, while silting h r ordinary
purposes for leave lo sell the real estate of Thom
as D Jordan, laieot -aid county, deceased.
Robert Pulliam, Adm’r.
er Ik IS M 1 -,9'r 41
.iN otice.
VTINE m mills alter da e, apnlication will be
Lv made to the Honorable the Inferior Coun
i Hi.rk. County, when sitting lor Ordinary pur
l> .ses for <e ve 'o s.-li the real estate of Wni y
la..berry, (Mmir ) dec“ns« d, for Hie ol
die h,-irs and credi or« of said deceased.
Jona. l ewis, adm’r.
Hark’' county. '■ r 7 152.1 1 57
J|N|INE months alfer nate, application will be
i made o he Honorable tne Inferior Court, of
Hurke Cou'.iy, when gluing t.,r Ord".ary purpo
' ses, 1 r leave io sell die undivided part of the
r al i s ate ol Learis Ema mel, deceased, for th
l> oefil ol the heirs ami creditors of said d cess
Jona. Lewis,
Surviving Jidmimslru or de boms nun.
'lit ke county. I t-u 7. | 12» 1- 9 . 75
S otice.
|N|INE montlis after application will be
■i'll in d to the II morabie Hie Inferior Couri
o C d .moia county, for 1 ave to sell a tract oi
1 Laud in -.i I cou.iy of 105 1 2 acres, jonin g
durray, Hay and odiers, il >emg part ot the real
e-iate of vV.lliam 11.-non, deceased,
Biniou, adm’rx.
1 * iv) f * n
(icoigia. da ue County
Court of Ordinary, March Verm, 1825.
OdiIEUED, i In.l a l applications hereafter t.
be made to. Letters of Guardianship, o'
dmor under the age ot fourteen years, be
fi d io die Clerk at least twenty davs befor
the term of the Coun ai which uch applicaim
sin be acie.i oi by the Coun An 1 that the at.
dicant or appi cants shad ob'aii. from the Cl. ik
. i oi ce m writing, which shall be posted at tin
1 : "Uri House door, at lea-1 weoly day- before tin
.. nu »' which the application is to be acted on,
signifying hi- or I heir .otentioo to make such ap
■bcation,— Omikßkd. That in case the right ~f
Coardianship ccur widiiu twenty days befon
be meeting of the Court as above expressed
the Court will exercise its discretion as lo the
course to he oil. Sited.
A true ext rut t from the Minutei,
Samuel Sliirges, CHc.
' '' 19 1 I,', SI
‘ I < chmouU uun y.
liy he Honorable he Cowl of Ordinary of the
. County of Ifichmomi
To all whom it may concern.
EI.KAb D beat, au.iun.slraior,
V/w de l oins non, on the estate of Hez kia
bt,(., ill cea-ed late i f smd county, has applied
o his Court tor Letters Dismis.oiy
I Ite.-e art here lore to rile and admonish ail
md singular Ihe kindred and cieditors ol tin .
-aid deceased, Mi fie their objections (it any liny (
av, ) m the fin e ol die C•i kot said Court o.
nr before the first Monday in November uex', ,
tiler wise Letters Dismissory w ill be granted tn
inn. |
Witness 'he Honorable Samuel Male, one ot
the Jn g. s of said Court, this l‘2lh day ol
Apr.l, 1825. ;
Dm Isaac Herbert, Cl’k.
O' h ‘ nun of () i-n p '■
bl'-H ViiA Hun mu, ui County
Hy the Uun. .he C .art oj U“Uinary uj said County ,
WULIIEAS Lucy M. Varnold. f.-r nery Lucy
?* M. I’earson, adinmistra'r.x, and John 11.
'lnin, admimatraior, on the Es.ute of Genrgt
I’ea son, deceased, have applied io said Couri
’ .r Letiers Dismissory. (
1 he-e are i" r -iore, lo cite and admonish .41 (
and singular, ihc ki ulre.l and creditors ot the
till decea-ed, tie. their objections, (u any
'ey havt ) iii the ttfiicf «t the Cle.k of die sail.
C urt ot Ordinary, on or betnre die Monday
in June next, otherwise Let ers Dismissory will
he granted to them.
Witness, the Honorable Samuel Hale, one ol
the Justices ot said Court, this sdi day . f No
vember, 1824.
•5m Isaac Herbert, Cl’k.
Os 'he t our of 0 dinary.
• 1.-t ,' i 'inhmonil County.
Hy the Honorable the Coun of Ordinary of Hit
Cuiiiuy of Uichmond.
4 171| KKE AS John I’himzy, Administrator t
v v I luniias A. Bones, decea-ed, has applied
tn ■ a.d Coun for Letfeis Dismissory,
Now therefore, these are to cite and admonish
.1 and singular die kindred i-d creditors ot the .
aid decea-i <l, u. file their objections (it any they' ill di- otlice nt the Clerk ot said Court ol
Ordinary, on nr before die first Monday in Maid
in xt, otherwi-e letters of Dismissory will bt
grinned lo hi n.
M .toes- the Honorable Valkstimk Walkkb,
me ot the Just ces of said Court, tins 3lst day
•t August, 182-1-.
bm Isaac Herbert, Cl’k.
Os the Court oj Ordinary
GEORGIA, Richmond County,
R.y the Court of Ordinary fo' said County,
WHEREAS R. John Meigs and Robert l)i
Won. Administrators, de bonis non, on lb
'•state of Jesse Dimon, deceased, late of sai
County, have applied to tins Court (or lettei
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
■nd singular the kindred and creditors of the sail
deceased, to file their objections (if any they havej
n the office of the Clerk of said Court on or be
ore (he first Monday in June next, otherwise let
ters Dismissory will be granted to them.
Witness the Honorable. Samuel Hale, one of (In
Judges of sanl Court, this 26th day of No
vember, 1824.
6m Isaac Herbert, clerk,
Os the ('nu t of o"'h*ia"n
GEORGIA, Scnven Comity.
WHEREAS Georg Pollock, Adm i nisi ratei
with the wd annexed, of the Estate o
William llnolhe, deceaied and aLo administrator
. 1 the Estate of Mary Roothe, deceased And
William H. Wade, administrator de. bonis von of
i tie Estate of George M Henderson, dectased
ach applies for letters Dism ssory.
These are therefore to ede and admonish al
and singular the kindred und cr . i of th
aid deceased’s, to fi.e their -bj t s , ■ is of
. 'ice, on or betorfc the first VI m Augusi
next, ensuing, to shew calls-' (1: 1 vi)
. why letters Dismissory should n i> grumed i
. the applicants.
Given under mv hand at offu • in J.r». n»•
thi 28lb day ot Janllarv. 18‘a.j.
6ra Seabori Goodall. I’k.
i. ■ > t IA, Emmet n County
VCWHEREaS Sainuc. Row. r Ado *r. and Hat
cU nah late Adm’rx. applies lor Letters o
it,aim sory on the estat of W.iliam Taie, dec.
I hese are therefore lo cue and admonish »l
and singular tut kindred and creditors ol ’lit
■.aid deceased, lo file their ohj, cions in my offic
within the time prescribed by law, to shew cans
(if a iy they hnv ) why said letteis of Dismissory
hould not be granted lo them.
G ven und r my h nd at office in Franklin, th -
7th day ol Marc 1825,
■ 6m Frederick Beall, C/’k.
whdllnl.i, t i I.nkun C an y.
WHEREAS James m Lime and oamuel Slian
mg, a.iphe- tor L t rs Disimssoiy on die
• state of William VI C ukn g, deceased.
I'hese are iheelore o cit an.i admonish al
uid singular the k ndi d ami creditors of th,.
sod decs ised, to fie th ir bjecu ns in my o
lice, within the turn presc ii> d by law, to shew
• use (it any t hey li -t; why s. id letters Dis
misviry suouid n -t be grume.! o new.
Give i under my ha d at office in Franklin, t>
71 i day of Mats h, 1825
6m Fredurick He 11 <I k.
• EORGI i, t.ankun C bun y.
WilhitEAS John Evans, spp'ies for > ettei
Dismissory, on the estate ot W 1 lam Isham
d ceased.
t nese are therefore to cite and admonish a.,
nd singular the kindred and credit rs or th.
and deca-cd, to file their obj. cu us in my ol
lie, w hot the tune prescribed by law, to sli m
cause (if any they have) why said Letteis U.
m ssory should not hr granted to him.
Given uud> r rny hand at office in Franklin, th
Bth day of Decc nl) r, 1824
6m Frederick Beall, Clerk.
GEOKGI V, Coumbia County,
WHEREAS It mi i Oral on, has applied so
let.era of Dis nissoty on the estate <
George G, Eankersley, deceased, late of su
I'hese are therefore to cite and admonish a !
and singular the kindred and erditors of t
'am deceased, to be and appear at mv olfic
within tie lime rr scribed hi law 'o fie fit
ihiecdons (if any liey have) t ■ shew canse w
■id letters of Dismissory should nui lit giant’’ ,
Given under my hand at ffice, in Columb
this Ist day of vp. 11 1825.
6m G Jones. It I'Vlr
tv the Inferior Court sj Juc/i miu Comtty s..
liny us a Court of Ordinary
Monday, February 7th, 1825
Danforth & Savage, ,
vs. C nuLti msi
Vdm’rs. of Rai ih Thomas, j
If appearing to the Coup - , that the petitioner
are possessed of a liond given by Ralpn flioir.
,s in his lile time, together with others, conditio.,
al tor mak ng titles to par ot Lot No. 22, in tin
City ot' Align la, c n a dug a front of thirty nine
■ eet on Uroa I s reel ami m depth two hundred arm
seven feet, and bounded on the somh by said
treet, on the E.stby a lot usu.uiy cdled Poll
Keatings and on the other sides by a lot late Job
Willson’s, and that the said Ralph I nomas lias lit
,'ii rted this life wiihout raaki guiles to said lot
and that letters of administration oo his esiate am
s fli cts have be a grained to Ahiel Camlield o.
said County.
When up in and on Motion of petitioners attoi
ney. It is ordered by the court, that the Heirs a
Representatives ol said Ralph Thomas, be cited .
appear before this Court on the first Monday i
Viyil to show cause, if any bey have or can, w \
he said Administrator ot Ralph I humas slioul
nut be ordered to execute lilies lo the said lot i
he petitioners according to the prayer of me p ;
tition ; and that a copy of this order be publisher
in one. of the Gazi-tos oft Ilia City for two Months
Taken from list .Minutes
Isaac Herbert, Clerk
of the Court of Ordinary.
February 11 Ilf' f 66
N otice.
4 GREEARLE to an order of the Honorable
iT Inferior four of Jefferson County, wild
sitting (oi Ordinary purposes, will be sold ai th
Markei House, in the town of Louisville, on tin
first M ' dar in July next.
A Tract of Laud, contaiuing one
ntmdred twen y-mne and » halt acivs l,i g i
he wa er< of Buck Jack C'eek. in said county
(joining lands m Eason and Kennedy, sold for
tit benefi of Jngudi S Patterson a minor.
Mary Clements, (Guardian.
Anr i 9 1 J ■ I‘2 f 84
4 LI. persons having demands upon the estate
.TL 1 Nicholas W ire, deceased, ”re requested t«-
make them known to the subscribers, i'lmse win.
re indebted to the said estate, will please to raakf
mmeuiate payment.
Susan B. Ware, Ex’trx.
W . W. Holt, Ex'r.
December 24 5t
♦TiIIERE is perhaps no medical observation bei
1 A ter established, none more generally confirmei
: by ihe txperience of the best physicians of all aget
s id countries and none of mure importance lo tin
, practitioner,than the fact,that many of the most diffi
i cult and <i curable complaints origins ein neglecti
d colds . In a climate as variable as ours,where tin
clianges of the weather are frequently sudden and
mexpected, it requires more care and attention
guard against this subtle and dangerous enemy o
fe. than ost peojile imagine, or are able an
willing to bestow. Hence the vast number of pat
i cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthma
1 onsiimptions, and other affections, and hei.Ce tin
i larrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried u|
by (he learned and ilhserate, the many cases ot
I lie kind, fell under my ob-ervatiou ; the prepost
emus compositions of inflaming drugs, whicl
ire in vogue ; the disappointment I experienced ii
practice from remedies highly recommended , am
my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints
sere strong inducements for me to consider
'' whether a compound consisting of mild vegeiaolt
) substances could not be invented, more free Iron
i lie well founded objections of practitioners, am
better calculated to avert the threatening d<
t ruction of the In gs.
ot‘ Vegetables,
Forc ujghs, c fids, asthmas and consumptions
, * remedy is superior to any medicine whici
ias been offered to the public, as it is prepare l
j rom ihe most valuable herbs of our vegetabl
e kingdom, and its qualities are such ttiai every de
pendence may be placed in its virtues lor th
, ,|re °f fbe above diseases. From the knuwledgt
he proprietor lias of the pulmonic virtues of tin
syrup, he has no hesitation in recommending if
lo those who labour under those distressing com’s as a safe anfi efficacious remedy, and hav
ig administi-red it to thousands in New-York aim
Philadelphia, he feels no hesitadon in offering p
(o the public, and after trial, those persons wh<
purchase the genuine syrup, will have their m
i ■ev relunded by returning the bottle, if they di
i- i :-t (tel sa’isfied that they have reaped henef
rom the use oi' it.
1 Directions for Use.
lake a tea spoon ull three limes a day, gar
v orn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re
!Tj Each bottle will have Ihe signature of the
O’ Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sig
of the Golden Eagle, Augusta.
October 21 33
ISevv anl invaluable
Asiatic LcnitWc for Pain.
I his Medi> is a nev
ItHiS remedy is good against the tooth-ache o
I rju in \l»r; teeth and jaws when duly appliee
n.'l empli y ed, it possesses sovereign efficacy ,i
heviog swellings of the gums, face and adjacent
■ >rts, ar sing from or connected with tooth-acb
It relieves head-ache or pains in the head i
most easy and agreeable manner; for this frt
{■tent and distressing complaint, tins, his nev
nedicine. if a charming prescription, for it 're
• ores both the organs of sense and the nerves
■ cir healthy condition at a quick and adm’ a‘> i
- I bis new and useful preparation produces, b)
dil and genii" stimulation, a cheering operatic
I'bti the spirits—it quickens tiie sensations
arpens the peiceptiens, and invigorates th.
motions of the mind, by dissipating gloom and
rnours it acts truly like a nervous and cephah
dicine of the first order.
Nor is its effect less beneficial when considers'
relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, tin
id and the spirits, by its qualities it acts up-.n
the sight and immediate organs of digestion a. :
,rminative and cordial, expelling wind, remnvin,
irpur, correcting acidity, and ertatmg a mos ;
1 nTvfortsble warmth.
‘ The operation of this invention and improvt
»ent is quite as favorable to diseases ot the ea'
more especially it acts to gneat advantage in du
'ess and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi
ent deafness, restoring the failing organ to thr 1
■•xercise of its true and healthy functions ol hea
Certificate, from Dr. Samuel //. Mitchell.
Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city ot New-York !
• Pis day submitted to me his letters patent fron 1
he United States, for compounding and vending '
a remedy winch he calls 'he Asialic Lenitive, and
isked my opinion upon the same, whereupon, ai
ter examining the receipt contained in the specifi
'’ation, I find it contains a mixture of -uch amma
c, anodyne, and anti acid articles, as are well ca
ciliated to produce a composing effect on the hn
man body,
Samuel L. Mitchell.
JWw- York. ' I 81^
•ivuUe v\s «MUk ol Koaes.
AN elegant cosmetic (or whitening, sos 6mng
and beautitying the skin, and removing pin'
pits, freckles and chops from the face, neck, St
ine Milk ot Rises possesses many qualities, for i
nt only serves for the above purposes, but it pul
ne bloom of youth on aye, which valuable property
very lady is fond ol enjoying. This beautiful rosi
cosmetic has a delightful fragrance, and is an arlicf
i h ch can be used with safety, as it contains noth
ng that will injure the skin, and it is an indispensa
>le article to every lady, and should be found oi.
Heir toilets,
UirtECTioMs. —Af'er being washed and drie
then take a small quantity on a piece of white flan
induel..then wash face, neck, hands, &c. Each hot
tie will be signed by the proprietor Price gl.
Prepared only and sold by E. Audler, sign of th*
Golden Eagle, Augusta.
July 4 2
¥oi* »ft\e or Wire,
A Negro Woman, a good Cook. Washer and
ii. Ironer. For particu > s apply to
William Mackie.
February 3$ ts 49
RESPECTFULLY inform the Ladies and Gen’,
tlemen of Augusta, that he will be ready to
serve them at all times, at his or their houses, in
, the line of his profession, and hopes he will meo
share of the public patronage, as he will extract
teeth and stomps, and in the easiest manner if ever
of difficult, and all its other hranehcs.
TaaVe ol Carbon,
A superior dentilrice to any ever offered so?
cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth and
making the breath sweet and greeabic.
Os Hoses,
Which removes all scorbutic humour in thu
i ums and teeth, and makes them firm st the
rime time.
Prepared and sold by
E. Audler.
At his Drug and Medicine Store, at the Cotton
Range. Sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta.
July 4 2
At Uachtlder c/ Cod-wise's, Broad Street, An.
neui ly opposite he Planter's Hotel,
ÜBS PEC 1 FULLY informs the Public, •
has returned again to this City, and ’
it.ty solicits the Patronage of the La' ,j
Gentlemen who may require his services in the
several Hranehcs of his Profession,—Persons
wishing his service in private Families can call id
see his work Manulacturcd on a new principle,
which he warrants.
Teetb and bums.
The diseases of the Teeth and Gums are chief
, W owing to our own neglect; the parts of the
, aliments which lodge about them after mastic*
hon, growing acrid and corrosive, the gums are
hereby first affected, as being the most tender
tarts, alter (hese corruptions are produced, com
monly called the Tartar of the Teeth, winch
destroying both their texture and whiteness not
only deprives the mouth of its principal orna
dents, > but brings nn violent tooth aches, and ren
mers die Gums livid ami putrid, and offensive to
ourselves and outers, —Hut i hough people in
general may prevent those inconveniences, by
■ are and at'entiou at first, yet, if they are once
suffered to take place, it is no lunger in the pow
er of the sufferer to remove them, this being pro
perly the province of the experienced Dentist,
won lias made the maladies of the Teeth and
Gums, with their attendant evils, the principal
hject and end of his studies.
Mr. Floraoco, Dentiat,
By long practice, a close application to busi
ess, ami a thorough ki owl- lge of the structure
d the Teeth and Gums; I as made all the opera
tions 111 those parts quite familiar to him, msoJ
much that what some Dentists have judged im
practicable, lie hath performed wiu’i ease and
He places Teeth both real and artificial, (matt
mg the latter with pure enamel) from a single
■ne to an entire set so accurately, that they shall
mswer every purpose of the natural. Thus the
greatest deficiencies are supplied with ornaments
wh*ch have the recommendation of utility.
Those Teeth that hsve fallen out their sock
ets, which frequently happens, though m a per
■ ect sound stale, he, by a method peculiar to him
■■eif, replaces as firm as ever, without the least
■ain or uneasiness to the patient.
He clears ihe leeth, i| ever so discolored, of
II their foulness and tartar, without pain, and
coders them white and as fairas ever in half an
Teeth and Slumns extracted in the easiest man
or, if ever so difficult.
He assists young ladies and gentlemen in the
first and .-econdT dentition, and removes ihe Milk
Teeth at proper seasons, lest they should incom
mode the regular growth of the succeeding onces
md if a deformity of tins kind has taken place
lirnngli the want of a Destisi Mr. Florance tin
intakes to correct it; provided the subject is
not more than twenty years old, and restores the
Teeth to their natural, regjlar and beautiful or
der. v
N. B. A Tincture and Dentrifice Paste, prepar
'd by him only, which preserves the Teeth and .
changes them to a beautiful white, cures the gums I
of the Scurvey and makes breath at all times sweet
ami agreeabl-, and cures the Tooth Ache imme
diately, with proper directions how to use it
Oct b- r 12 31
'| DIE Sub cnber returns his thanks tu ihe pub.
I. he generally, for the encouragement that
he has received since his commencement in the
Dying Business, in 'this place, and hopes, ny a
s'not attention to his business, to have a continu
ance of ; heir custom; he still continues at his
old stand, on Ihe north side of Reynold street
near the intersection of Bridge- Row—where he
intends to carry on the DYING BUSINESS, in
■II its various bra .cites, on Cotton, Silk and
Woollen , also, Straw Leghorn and Crape.
Gentlemen can have their Coats. Pantaloons and
Vests scoured, grease, paint and slaines extracted
at the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms,
by ’ (
Wm. Taliaferro & Sou.
Nnvember 9 37
f|TIE annual meeting ol the Stockholders of the
1 Steam Boat Company of Georgia, will take
Uce, agreeable to the constitution, at their office
"t t> le city of Savannah, on the 2 1 Monday in May
next, at which time an election will be held for
thirteen Directors. Polls open at 10 o’clock, A
M. and close at 2 o’clock, P. M.
Any absent Stor kholder, may by power ofattor
• my, under seal and certificate by a notary public
■r justice of the peace, authorize any other stock,
holder to vole for him or them.
NN m. P. Hunter,
Treasure Steam-Boat tompanv
April 9 til j.;j
IS otice.
j ALL persons to whom the estate of Joan M
1 xuiun, deceased, i- indebted, are reque.-ie
o present their accounts within the time pre
scribed by law, and those who are indebted to'
satd estate, are requested to make immediate nav
; ment to 1 J
Peter Bennoch, sidin’r.
■ July 21. , 8