The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, April 26, 1825, Image 1

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®l>e 'l Any of the political evils, under which every Country in toe world labours, art*, not owing to any want of love for our Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” rPRIESTLV NEW SERIES Vol. U. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 26. 1825. No. 8?. WtßßKßrzszzsrjmmamKy wwhi—Umwkti———e——— Cfte Cantftitutioualitft IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. .T. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. fcFLLN'BVU DVIAWLVU^ PRIZES ALL floating. GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND, ss the follow ,ng brilliant capitals still un drawn, viz. 40,0Q0 ttoWa. 11M000 V>o\\s. M\U. \ 5,000 DoUs. Beside. 12 of 1000 6 . u 500 Sic. the who!" pay able in cast), which as usual it COHEN’S OFFICE cun be bad the moment they are drawn. 19di drawing on Wednesday, 30di nf March 20ih and last on Thursday, Slat * if March Unless the great caoiial of g-10,000 should be undrawn after the 19th is over, in -which case the 80th drawing will be deferred to tlie 12th April, when tile scheme must he c implrted Whole Ticheli gl2 i Quarter* - 3 00 , Halve* • -6 ( Eighths • 150 f To be had, warranted undrawn, at ®©SmSP,3 Where both t<ie great Capitals of 20,000 and 10,000 DOLL AKS, di*awn in the UONUMKNT LOTTERY, on the 28th ult. were sold, and where were sold, the Capital Frizes of 100,000 Dollars, half and one quarter to citizens of Gear gia ; 20,0005, 10,000 s, 5000s,''In the last Grand State Lottery, and where more capital prizes BATE lIEEN OUTAIMKI) THAI* AT ANT OTHER OFFICE IK AMERICA. Orders left with I. K. St.JOHN, Broad-street. AUGUSTA, Georgia, will be promptly attended to, FUEBOF POSTAGE. April 1 80 LA FAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE The Subscriber le opening in Broad one door below Mr. Al ten's Hat Store, A LARGE Atfll GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF AND CLOTHING, Consisting of {Less coats, , Frock Coats Drab box coats Double & single mill’d Casaimere Pgntalooi Broad Cloth, Sat.nett and Corduroy do Todinetl, Valencia, Svtansdown St black silk Vesta Blue and black Cloth and Cassivnere do Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plait Shirts Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Lambswocl Shirts and Drawees • Flannel do do Tartan and Camblet (Jloaks Ladies do Boy’s Dresses youth’s close body Goats Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wide brims Immitation beaver 7 do La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks I Silk Umbrellas 110-iery Gloves, &c. ALSO Negro Jackets nod Truwsers House servants Coatees and Pantaloons Fearnought great Coats Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check do Common Linen ( J„ Woollen Gloves, and many other article; in his line. The above GOODS are New-Yorx made, am will be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New York prices. J. P. hetze. December 3 4b An Elegant Assortment of , fc'AXLX © ® © ID 3j> JUST RECEIVED AT THE ¥aucy Viv)tuV\s tolune, AMONG WHICH ARE Rich Barege, Silk ami Gauzi Handkerchiefs, Black Velveteen, for Dresses, and a variety o Striped Silks. F. Dupont. A;'rii 112 t 89 JVoy\Vum*u liiu and NV uiskes BARRELS Northern GIN 7 u Barrels Whiskey, mhKEBS just received AMO FOR SALE BY Benj. Barton. April 8 H 2 IMWWLN*, RESFEC I FULI.Y atinonnces to his friend and the public, that he has r em ved lo Co lu.nbia Court House. Me mav be und at Mr Baal’s, when not Professionally engaged. April IS St r 84 DIMOCK & MVRSH, . Merchant - Tailors, OPPOSITE THE CITY HOTEL, Have received per the hist Steam Boat, a new am l additional supply of Which with their other stock on will make their assortment complete, persons in want are respectfully invited to call and judge for them selves. April 5 81 QfT Darien iMoney will be taken for me fiillowi .g G mris it .akeii troui me vVuarf which will be received this week, Hr. Steam Boat JVo. 6 and 15. S TONS S weeds Iron assorted a9O Barrels best Baltimore Whiskey Pr. Boat Hob Roy. 334 Kegs patent cut nails assorted 29.000 do Castings assorted 2.000 do Sad Irons 4,009 clo Blist-red Steel 194 Kegs White Lead groupd in Oil 30 bbls. Loaf Sugar 18 Hhd. Superior N. Orleans Sugar 21 bbls. Muscovado do 109 Coils Bale R ipe 58 Pieces Bagging 20 Hhd. White’s Baltimore Giu 7 Tierces prime Rice 78 Boxes irrsh Rils'iis 72 Kegs Pickled Salmon cheap 4 Boxes Cad Steel axes. Thomas S. Metcalf. March 29 79 OLD IHHVT VVLiVfc. DEMIJOHNS of old Rons Port, Vin 'age ot 1820.—Certified by the Royal Company jf Oporto. 25 Dozen bottles ditto. Vintage of 1816, FOR SALE MI A. 1. & G. W. Huntington. March 22 77 ToUaUeA WaisibfcVts, BvaccVela, &c. 'A IJHF, subscrib-r has this ilay received per ship Doris trnm Liverpool, an elegant assor'ment of Polished Steel Wmstbelts, Bracelets, Ruckle, and Clasps, of the newest fashion, —ALSO Yard Neck Chains, Necklaces, Negl.gies, Beat L niden Hair, Cloth and Habit Brushes, Perfumed Soaps, Sic. &c, George Oates. March 18 MOLASSES, &c. m HHDS. Molasses, new crop 13 Tierces do do 20 llhda. New O'deans Sugar 39 Bags Green C ffee , dust received and lor sale by Thomas S. Metcalf. 1 March 29 79 anxHJWe a©o GALLONS prime new Honey, at one dollar a gallon. '■ Just received and for sale by Thos. S. Metcalf. March 29 79 SCOFIELD, PHELPS & Co, DRAPERS AMD TAILORS HAVING formed a connection wiih Mr. Henry Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed leir Establishment to No. 88, Broadway, corner ol Wall-Street, where their Business will in future be conducted under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS & /TOWARD. Mew-Yorh, June. 1823 7 s i FHEsH UME. a©© CASKS fresh Stone Lime, of a superior quality, just received and tor si.c by T. S. .Metcalf. - March 29 79 A FRESH SUPPLY OF ftoila & OfeiviUtz, I'owAtYs, OR sale by the Srnuli or large q i-.-ii.ty I'hose who purchase to retail w.d oe suppli -d ai a reduced price. 1 John Beach. & Co. ApKI 1 HO * Agency \ \ |¥ WING constiiu e.d J A.IRS THOMPSON' '' JJL Jr. E\q. my Age it I earn. .;ly aohei. 1/10 - jci'.jns indeoted to me for tue Hamburq Gnzeuee ind an otlie s u pectin ary arr ars . in k. e p,i,. orient to immediately. F. W. Pleasants. Clj’A Subscription Paper 1- open us Office m Wa.hington-street, where th >se wishing <1 1 ■ come subscribers, have an opportunity a I rdr.u 1 hern F. W p. I 1- i 11 71 iv olice. A LL persons to who n hr la'c Francis Bouven _i \ of the city of Augusta, dec as. cl, is indi hi d, tre requested to present llieir dt rna ds «nh 11 tne time prescrib' d by law ; and ihosr indent ed, tre requesti d to make immediate payment. B. } Faul liussigaol,s D -snmber 21 }l ifimi - f | m miwi'ii ■« mi BrrTrnrTiirmr-- 1 M. W. \VARH r : \ T Has just received front JVViu York, and is now opening an element assortment of Seasonable , DRY GOODS. 1 Anri I 12 83 I \AJwMfcEtt. FAETvUIAbE AND Commission Business. At his old stand in Savannah, near tat fort, and 1 is prepared in make suitable advances upon ail I produce plaCc.(W»hi‘ hands lor sa'e. d John Everinghara, jr. I A pi’ll 12 83 11 OX EDXSkttXwVtEXT. I IIBLS Washington Gin 1 5 lids, Ph hi. elphia W hiskey 150 Bbls. Whiles Baltimore tiin 1 16 U 80 Bbls. No. 3 M.ckerel * 15 Bbls. Whiskey • l't do, Cider. • Which will be sold low for cash or approved ' Town paper. ' William H. Egan. ( Aor ; l 22 3t 86 , I I OaiTiage 1 ILT AS ce.ved * ,i»n of his Spring Supply of ' *-A CARRIAGES and GIGS, widen maxes his 'assort ren( of Gigs complete—consisting of fist, 1 I . second and third rate Lein her and Suntup Gigs/ one Coanhee and one Charimee. Being regular-( ly supplied wilh an extensive assortment, direct . from the various manufactories of W - Turk and its •Ivicinily, he is disposed to sell on ti> good lernts as the articles can h r obtained in Augusta , CCy’Orders for any kind of Carriages will be forwarded and executed in th" best manner, at the manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriages! budt io order. Repairing in alt branches, at short | notice, on the most reasonable terms. - March 92 (I 77 _ Gy a. ml v u£ utovrvgia. it; subordinate Chapter indi-r du juris " ■ dieti,.,, „f ,he GUAjYD ROYAL ARCH CHARTER of the Plate ot Georgia, are he reby nodfi :d to attend, by their legs' representatives, the annual met ting on MOND AY (he 2d of Ma\ next, at the Masonic H li in Lnu sville. Chap tern in arrears are requested to comply with the 6ih section, 3d article of the Grand Constitution, as it will be strictly enforced. Daniel Hook, Grand Secretary. . (T3* The Savannah Republican and Milledge ville Journal, will give the above two insertions ' and forward tlieir accounts to this Office for pay ment. e LouisvWe. April 7 1895. 82 Eauk in late «{ Georgia. Savannah, 31st March, 1825. NOTICE.— An Election will be held at the Banking House in this city on MONDAY Hie , 2d day of May ensuing for Nine Directors on ill*- part of the Stockholders in this institution. The , poll wi:i be opened at Ten o’clock, A, M. and y closed at 2 o'clock P. M ( l By order of the Board. >f A. Porter, Cashier. ,03* The Kd : t' rs of the Augusta Constitutional-1 ist Washington News, G orgia Journal and South- ’ ern Recordar in Milled.;eville, will please publish i _ -be above until the da) ol E.eclion. A. IJ.1 J . March 3l 81 I £>* B, H. Hopkins having deter- 1 ' r min.-.d to rend- per nmen ly on the sand-Hills, I 1 wishes to dispose of Ins house in Augusta. The|* terms V(ill be reasonable, and accommodating as-' to payments As tlial part of the city is likely to 1 hcconie the scene ot extensive business, the house * s very avourably situated t>r .hat purpose. The!' building is well caLcmaied .or both a s,ore and' 1 dwelling. Abe lower story being entirely se/ara- * ied from'htse ab-ve, . Shoal I dtp prop -rtv not be sold by the 251 hof \pihl it wj!| be Rented. Possession can be had 1 • • die fi'' t,.)f May. t Marc. 18 7g 1— ■■ 1 '< i NOTICE. ; I* E Public are cautioned against trespassing iii 'hn Houses and Lots of the aub cnber o. per end ot town—especially against hauling and or earth Irm the river bank or contiguou t thereto. Each aid every person emending shall , • .jVi: the law rigorously enforced against him id diem. Hugh \esltit. t I miiory 21 (j a 1 LOS i’, i AI EAV days s nee, a onah Red Morrocco HOC 1 El HOOK, cons. J< ; abl> worn c n I .. .g a I‘V.v. Dollar Note of the Eire huu .men ||J yO) Savannah—a Two D.i.lar An , . I in k No.e—William so moon’s Doe Bill, for Vjs‘' jo c n •o.yrbte m H Mealing or heart r”— »,■„ ~ ...ini Ko'ii,.ainCk’* du-* bill tor £27 70 r in >atd. o (he same. Also several odn r pa,.,-, i it> vatu, but to tie owner. A suiubl c, u ] ensaij-. widheg.vcoto any person leaving it i- ibis i.lhoe or to the subscriber. d V\ m. li. llartied. Aj.rd 22 8o An Ordinance Regulating the -Mooring of Duals u. the Wharves. I Sue. 1. Be it O'dained by the City Council ot Aug ista, that from and alter the publishing of | laia Ordinance, no empty boat having mss lira., {three able and competent (itep on board ai ah times, shall be permuted to tasten to, or such or at, a..y p-act oppont the city above the Bridge, lor more than lour days unless when securely las tened with a strong chain or cable at least fifty (eet in lei gib to a growing tree, not less than twelve i .cues in diameter, and that in the event ol a considerable rise in the River, such empty boat, not fastened as aforesaid, shall be immedi ! amly removed below the Bridge. | 2. Each boat engaged in lading or unlading ' .during a high river, shall have st least four able • men constantly on board, a d shall be securely Hastened or anchored, in such a manner as to pre* vent her swinging or drif-ing on the Wharf. < 3. Ihe City Marshal, or any other officer ol 1 Council shall have, and they are hereby vested with power, and are required to remove or cause to be removed, at the r.i-k at.d . x,reuse of the owner, to some place below the Bridge, any boat or boats, winch may be neglected by tiie owner i or agent , and f>r each boat s > ri-m v. d the offi t cer shall be entitled to ten dollars, to be receiv ed from the boat owner, in the same manner as other expen .es incurred in the removal. 4. The owner or owners of any and every boat shall be liable to h f. e, at the discretion of Coun cil, not exceeding two hundred dollars, for each and every violation ol tliia Ordinance, and shall moreover repair all ge.« done to the Wharves or Bridge in c-mseqne c of uch violation. Done in Council, the Slh January, 1825. 11. R. Hejtl, Mayor oj the city of Augusta By the Mayor Gao M Walxer, Clerk, April 22 86 AN I) S IE AM UaTUS. DR. HOC EL, a Prench Physician, respectfully informs the public, that he has established IS I LAM and MEDICAL BA IHS in Augusta. The very hiph repute these Baths have acquired in Europe, where (although a late discovery) >iie\ are to be found in every hospital, and the great cures ihey have performed in Boston, Phi I 1 ole Iplim and Charleston, cm leave no doubt on their efficacy. I'he mist gentle as well as the! most powertpl medicines are administer! d by iha. means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to th patient. They are a never sassing remedy in all cutane ous ass ctions; from Psora, Ringworms, &c to Scaldhead and Leprosy. They also have never fsil.-d of success in either acute or chronic rbeu m.-tlim, lii glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous iwe Rings, incipient dropsy; m all diseases of tfie joints, gouty sffectiuns. dispersion of tumors, ill 1 cured ayphil’s, spasmodic or nervous affections in all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondriasis’, epilepsy—tlu-se baths have been lound most ser vice-able, and have often succeeded even |n here ' ihtury complaints. In fine, this manner of admin istepiog almost every remedy belonging to the lieah ig art, may he lendcrtd applicable to almost ev.ry case, and (ii is repea ed) widiout any pain, rouble, or disgust to the patient. As these baths are not yet generally known Dr. Houel w.II be happy to give the must res pectable references to persons who have beer oii'-ed by taking them. T\ifc Steam Sf .Medical Bath Establishment, Is ill Ellis-htreet, opposite Mr, H. Mealing’* Brick House, d.,d has an entrance in Broad-street immediately opposite the city Ha tel. Jaini*rv I] ' 3. tebinu’a Panacea. 11HE subserber hiving discovered the compo . sniou of SWAIM’S celebrated Panacea has now a supp;ly on ha- d for sale ; he has redu ced the price from g 3 50 to g 2 50, or by the dozen 5g24 Ad char table iiistilutions in the United States and the pi.or will be supplied gratis. If the citizens of the principal cities and towns, will appoint an agent to order and distribute this medicine lo the poor, it will be supplied. This medicine is celebrated for the cure of the following diseases, “ scrofula or king’s evil, ulcer- i jaird or putrid sore throat, long standing rhu inane alleclions, cutaneous diseases, white swell ling, and disease ol die bones, and all cases gen- ; ■ tM’ally ol the ulcerous character, and chronic dis leases, generally arising in debilitated conslitu- < lions, but more expecially from syphilis, or affec tions arising therefrom ; ulcer* in the layrnx, i nodes, &c And that dreadful disease occasioned i by a lonjf and excessive use of mercury, &c. It is i also useful in disease of the Liver.” j CERTIFICATES. ( 1 have aviibin the lust two years had an oppor (unity ot seeing several cases of very inveterate - ulcers which having resisted previously the regu lar m ties of treatment, were healed b> the usr oi Mr. Swaim’s Panacea, and 1 do believe, from I wtiat I have seen that it will prove an important remedy in scrofulous, veneriul and mercurial dis- I ‘- fls ‘ s N. CHAPMAN, M. U. Professor of the Institutes and Piacdce of i Physic, in the University of Penns) Ivania. i I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim in i numerous insi.inces, within the last three years, i and nav- always found it extremely efficacious, i especially in secondary syphilis, and mercurial i diseases, 1 have no hestiiatinn in pronouncing it | 1 a medicine of inestimable value. ( W. GIBSON, M. D. \ Professor of Surgery in the University of Penn i sylvania. h JOHN SHINN,' bend. i , N. B. For sale at Smith and Pearsall’s. N, E. ;nriif-r of r - l ird and AJarket-ntre- Is. Tluladelrddu l-'eb ua vl7 12! Iml2m 87 T) Tt Pa n r. . FDR the present leason, & can- ' !}|}|fflL vein, .1 II -use a d l-oi, „li 'he San i- -c si 'fSB Hills.— l r particulars, appiy to th. --a subscriber the prend'es. ,i< toarah Al, Fendall. April 19 85 j E. AUDLBR, t SURGEON DENTIST, RESPECTFULLY Informs tlic Ladies and Gen* tlemen of Augusta, that lie will be ready to serve them at all tiroes, at his or their bouses, in the line of hia profession, and hopes he will meo siiare of the public patronage, as he will extract teeth and stumps, and in the easiest manner if ever of difficult, ana all its other branehcs, Taste, ot Catbon, A superior dentifrice to any ever offered for cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth and making the breath sweet and greeabic. SCORBUTIC ESSENCE, Os Roses, Which removes all scorbutic humour in tha urns and teeth, and makes them firm at the ame time. Prepared and sold by E. Audler. At his Drag and Medicine Store, at the Cotton Range. Sign of the Golden Kagte, Augusta Julv 4 9 1 A. CAKD. 2.. EUUUiXCE, SURGEON DENTIST, At Bachelder & CodwUe't, Broad-St reel, Augusts nearly opposite ;he Planter's Hotel, fl ESPECTFDI,LY informs the Public, that he *.» has returned again to this Chy, and respect, fuily solicits the Patronage of the Ladies and Gentlemen who may require his services in the several Hranches of his Prof-SMon.—Persons wishing his service in privf. Families can call and see Ins work Manufactured on a new principle, which he warrants, ’ TeetU and Duma. The diseases of the Teeth and Gums are chief. Iy owing to our own neglect i the parts of tha j aliments which lodge about them after mastics tmn. growing acrid and corrosive, the gums are | thereby first affected, as being the most tender parts, alter these corruptions are produced, com monly called the Tartar of the Teeth, which destroying both their texture and whiteness not only deprives the mouth of its principal orna. dents, b it brings on violent tooth aches, and ren mers the Gums livid ami putrid, and offensive, to ourselves and others — though people in general way prevent tho-e inconvenience », by care and attention at. first, yet. if they are once suffered to take place, it is no lunger in the pow ,er of the sufferer to remove them, this being orn iperly the province of the experienced D, mist, jwho has made the maladies the Teeth and Gums, with their attendant evils, the principal object and end of bis studies. 3Mr. FVorancfc, Dentist, l)y long practice, g>close application to busi ness, and a thorough knowledge of the structure ol the Teeth and Gums, has made ail the opera tions in those parts quite familiar to him, mao much that what some Dentists 'have judged im. practicable, he hath performed - with ease a; d safety. He places Teeth both real and artificial, (mak in£ the latteP' with pure enamel) from a single one to an entire set so accurately, 'hat they shall answer every purpose, of the natural. Thus the greatest deficiencies are supplied with ornaments which have (lie recommendation of utility. Those 1 eeth that hsve fallen nut their socle, ets, which frequently happens, ttiough in a per lect sound state, he, by a method peculiar to him. self, replaces as firm as ever, without the lest pain or uneasiness to the patient. He clears the Teeth, if ever so discolored, of l a ‘l l | ,eir foulness and tartar, with, ut pain, cud renders them white ami as tanas ever in halt an hour, T eeth and Stumps extracted in the easiest man ner, if ever so difficult. He assUts young ladies and gentlemen in the first and second dentition, and removes the Mine Teeth at proper seasons, lest they should incom mode the regular growth of the succeeding onces and if a deformity of this kind has taken place through the want of a Des’ist, Mr. Florence un uici takes to correct it ; provided the subject is pot more than twenty years old, and restores the Teeth to their natural, regular and beautiful or uer. N. B. A Tincture and Dentrifice Paste, prepar ed by him only, which preserves the leeth and changes them to a beautiful v/i lie. cures'he gupis of the Scurvey and makes breath at ad limes sweet and agreeable, and cures the Tooth Ache diately, with proper directions how to use it. October 12 . VYING AND SCOURING . Subscriber returns Ins thanks to the pub. A lie generally, for the encouragement that lie has received since his commencement in the Dy ing Business, in this place, and hopes, by a strict attention to his business, to have a continu ance of their custom ; he still continues at his old stand, on the north side of Reynold street, near the intersection of Bridge-Row—where he intends to carry on the DYING BUSINESS, i« all its various branches, on Cotton, Silk and Woollen, also. Straw Leghorn and Grape. Gentlemen can have their Coats, Pantaloons and Vests scoured, grease, paint and staines extract'd it the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms, by Wffl, Taliaferro & Sou, November 2 37 In otice. iA LL persons to whom the estate of Joan U Lauaia deceased, is indebted, are requeste o present their accounts within the time pre en bed by law, and those Who are indebted to aid estate, are requested to make immediate paj 'enl to Peter Bennoch, JidmW, July ?S. e ' t