The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, April 26, 1825, Image 3

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quoted by a member of the House, [Mr. Bartlet, (which does not appear in the ♦ report of that genileman’s speech ) Gen Vives wis assailed as either unwilling or finable to do what his duty required. It •»Vas to viiulicate Gen. V. from tlut attack, 'that an examination of the authority of the Regia story was made- I gave what were jlomy mind satisfactory reasons for disbe lieving it to the discredit of Gen. Vives. {The statement made to me, afterwards, by Mr. Randall and now published," that this fact” occurred prior, to the arrival of Gen. Vives in Cuba, would have been the best Answer to the charge of Mr. Bartlet, as I afterwards mentioned to that gentleman. This mistake of Mr. B. was perfectly na tural. Mr. Randal! wis sent to Cuba to collect evidences of tbe state of piracy I there, in 1824. In one of his letters this (anecdote was related. Extraordinary mea* I aures were suggested to Congress as neces sary, this letter among others was sent by the Executive to prove that they were ne- Icessary. Under these circumstances f '(heard with some surprise that “ about the ■per : oii of the greatest activity among Ike Miral ,s ”refe» red not to the year past, but to an epoch anterior to the accession of Gen. Vives to the government of Cuba. In jus tice to Mr. Randall, 1 now repeat what I Ahad the hono- to state in Congress, but I which also does not appear in the report of Jij u; discussion ; that he did his duty in re | poking the story to the s xretary of state ; ft that was no doubt satisfied of its truth ; I and that it was received from a gentleman ■of unquestionable veracity. But the evi- Idence of the truth of the story was imperfect. I The»story was, that a particular conver- V. aati> n took place between the Governor fjGe eral of Cuba, and some unnamed per |«on relative to transactions at Regia. The ft povernor said he would not prosecute an B<inquiry, because all Regia would be found ||mplicated in a piracy which had been emu- I jmitted. If the person who gave the infor iination to Mr. Randall held the cunyersa ftion with the Governor, the evidence was perfect; but if he was not, (I concluded that if lie had been, Mr. Randall would have stated it.) The story rested for its Mtruth on the character of a person or per v' sons unknown to Congress or to Mr, Ran \V4all. The story itself was improbable, as ' it presupposed in the Governor Gen. base mess and stupidity. Knowing Gen. Vives, */ Mo whom I supposed it referred, I was sa tisfied that it could not be true. Mr. Ran -1 dall supposes that lie finds strong evidence of the probability of this story, and the jus- I tification of the conduct of tnat Governor who is referred to, in these remarks imput l ed to me which are quoted by him. I have L no desire to discuss the probability of the r story, nor the character of that Governor ; but the remarks quoted furnished no evi dence of that probability. A Governor of Cuba might, if a wealt, timid and base man, refrain from exerting his authority to de tect atrocious crimes, for the purpose of preserving his own popularity and promot ing the interest of the crown of Spain ; but to disclose to those who would repeat the story tiiat he had done or intended to do k so, could not benefit the Government of I Spain while it would be disgraceful to him ' self. The story may be true, but it is not on the evidence before the public probable. The last sentence of the letter will the construction. That I omitted to do what I was under an obligation to perform, 1 am-quite confident that it could not have been Mr. Randall’s intention to leave me exposed to any imputation, if it was a mo ments reflection, will satisfy him that he ! has been indiscreet; answerable only in Congress for what is said in Congress. I could be under no obligation to correct the errops of one press or prevent errors in an other respecting it, and could have no mo tive for imposing upon .myself such a task. In suggesting the best modeVf accomplish ing what he wished (I understood his wish es to be first to vindicate himself from a charge of giving information to the G >ver nor for which he had not good authority, and secondly, from that of reflecting upon Gen. Vives) I entered into no proibise to watch over the report to be made of my speech. He lias now done justice to him self, and I should have made no remarks upon what has been done, if he had not, as 1 think very unnecessarily, inserted the last paragraph of his letter. JOHN FORSYTH, Sugusta, Jipiil 22 d, 1825. |C7“ The editors of the National Intelli gencer are requested to insert this article in their paper, as soon as it is received. Silk Cotton of Columbia.—We have re ceived from a gentleman in the country, a specimen of a peculiar kind of cotton, which is produced in the republic of Colom bia, and may be seen at this office. That in our possession, was obtained near Bogo ta, the capital. It is of an extremely soft and perfectly silky texture and glossy ap pearance, of a short staple and dark or din gy color. VVeare informed that it grows on a tree of considerable height, different from our plant. Tbe cotton grows round the seed, in something like the shape of a pine-apple, so that when picked it requires no ginning. The Indians work it into shawls, &c. and a quantity has been sent to France, tor the purpose of ascertaining whether it cannot be incorpora ed in the manufacture of silk goods. We understand that a gentleman of Scriven County, has planted a small quantity of the seed, by waj of experiment. [Atop. Georgian. s, Charleston, April 20, b By the Catherine, we have received our files of Havana papers to the 14th inst. The r following is an extract of a letter to the t Editor:— , " Havana, April 14. ; “ Since we wrote you last, two large ■ Spanish Convoys have arrived here with a - bout 4000 troops, having left 1800 at Porto . Rico on their way. The last expedition was r convoyed by a Freucb frigate, and brig of i war. jolm Bull seems to bo keeping a sharp| , look out; 0000 troops have arrived at New t Providence, and there are four English frig j 1 a»es now in this harbor. Conjectures are} , various, and it is the opinion of well in - formed men, that something serious may be i looked for.” *!#•— i There are at present two persons in Jack ■ sonsboro’Jail, on charges of murder, a cir | cuiustance unprecedented in that part of'i ri the country. One of them is Rushing, ac-n jcused of the murder of Mrs. Plait, which!! ! was noticed some time since. The other J i ; is a man named Spenok, seventy years ofa ■ age, who lived near the Ogeeche, in Scriven | ijCqunty, and is charged with the murder of'l ,'his wife, aged only twenty years, in Febru- I ary last. The verdict of the coroner’s in- i i quest in the la'ter case was, that her death t had been caused by blows, inflicted by her f husband—he attributes her death to IPs • to which she had been subject, but it is said ;;that the murder was committed under the ; influence of jealousy. Rumunq appears to i tally unconcerned respecting his situation — - but Spence labors under occasional depres . sion of spirits. The trials of both will coni • mence in the Supreme Court, at the present • Term. The evidence in both cases is cjr - cumstanlial, and both have retained counsel. i Georgian. 1 i n il i The House of Representatives of the ' state of New-Vork, have passed the Com mercial Bank bill, which gives to the‘heirs ' {of the late Robert Fulton, the bonus of JjJtiO, | 000, as a compensation to Jus destitute cliil ' clren, for the loss they have sustained by the 1 late decision of the courts of law, relative * to the steam navigation of the Hudson. 4 The East FI orida Herald says, it is un derstood that Gen. Lafayette will locate his township of I ncl ir> Florida, at or near ( the seat of Government ; and that Gan. Call is his agent for this purpose. He of ; fers for saje one half of it, ami the other half he will retain. r ~ The National Journal gives a list of the j members of the Eighteenth Congress, desig , nating the country and state where each vva-, . born. From this we learn that all the rep . iresentatives of New England, are nalives f of the eastern states ; and that these statue Jhave, besides, the honor of having given , j birth to twelve of the representatives of N. f York, two of Pennsylvania, one of Georgia, . Jive of Ohio, and one of Louisiana. |n all t twenty one. B All the representatives of Pennsylvania i are natives of the. state, except Mr. Allison f who was born in Cecil County, Maryland, . Mr. Breck, born in Boston, Mr. Forward, t at Hartford, and Mr. Farelly, born in Ire . land Messrs. Little and M’Kam of the Ma ryland delegation. Mr. J ungs Stephenson, tof the Virginia, Mr. Rankin'of the Missis [ sippi, Mr. Isaacs of the Tennessee and . Messrs, Bartjy, Sloan, Patterson, Russ, and . Vance of the Ohio D legation, (1U in all,) . are natives of Pennsylvania. | jj Seven menjbeis of the Eighteenth Con , gress are of foreign birth, viz, Hector Craig I of New York, burn in Scotland ; John Rich Cards, also of New-York, born in Wales ; . Patrick Farrellv, of Pennsylvania, bom in . Ireland; Richard Henry Wilde, ofGeor . gia, born in Ireland, Mr. Reynolds, of . Tennessee, born in Ireland ; Mr. Pucker, . of Virginia, born in Bermuda ; and Mr. i Richard, of Michigan, born in France. J Only 18 of the 34 representatives of New , York, are natives of that state ; and Mr. , M’Arthur of Ohio, Mr. Joseph Johnson of d Virginia, and Mr. Livingston, of Louisi y ana are the only natives of New Yoik, who . represent sister states, sj Two of the representatives of North Car -9 olina, two of those of Georgia, seven of Ken t tucky, six of Tennessee, one of Ohio, one of Indiana, two of Alabama and the delegate from Florida, (in all 21,) are natives of Vir ginia. b Some of the great astronomers of Europe attribute the phenomena of Hie extraordinary seasons, the numerous tornadoes, hurricanes, , earthquakes, &c. recently < xperienced in t various parts of the world, to the present f iapproximations of the Moon to the Earth, _ 1 which, they state, is nearer than it ha» ap tlpmached for 300 years. They add that the J Moon w ill not commence a retrograde course, i lor some months to come, and that it wiij not . again attain its present proximity to the - Earth, for several centuries. i 1 The loss by the late fire at Boston, is va 1 riously estimated, from 500,000 to 1,000,000 l of dollars. The the is said to be the most > destructive that ever occurred in that city, ’ and by far the most extensive of any since [ the great fire of 1787. Many of the largest 5 dry goods importers and dealers, were a ; mong the sufferers. They had, most of * them, just received their spring importations * from Europe, and though consideuible of 1 their property was saved from the tire, it was not without damage. / Milledgevillk, April 19. Creek Nation, April 12, 1825. To Governor Troup—l have taken th< liberty of sending to you a Memorial of oui Chiefs to the Legislature of your State, anc request the favor of you to cause it to bt laid before them, with such remarks of yout approbation as you may, in friendship to wards us, think proper to bestow. to giving voluntarily our consent for the survey of the land in the late Treaty, we were actuated by motives of friendship pure ly toward you and toward your people. No jconsideration of a mercenary nature could be permitted to enter our breasts when a favor was asked of us, particularly by your Excellency, and in behalf of your people. We know tlie great importance it was to your people to be ready to occupy the couti- Itry immediately after our removal from if, land have with true hearts of friendship ac [ceded to your request. We would have thought it disgraceful in us to attempt to make a condition founded on your wants or desires, a price lor our acquiescence. The opportunity itself, and we hope the circumstance will have only the ef fect to render ourselves worthy of your es teem and friendship. I remain your brother and friend, (Signed) WM. McINTOSH. Extract of a letter from Gen. Wm. Mcln tosh to Governor 7'roup, dated "LOCK, CHAN-TALO-FAIT, April 12, 182 S. “ I request your Excellency to publish in some of the public newspapers, that persons wishing to make purchase of properly of any kind, or to buy out our improvements for the balance of our time, must hist attend at my house and enroll their names, specify ing the kind of property purchased, and from whom, stating the residence of each party; all such persons we shall consider coining amongst us as fair traders, and all such as may settle on land improved or not in the bounds of the late Treaty, will be consider ed by us, and reported as intruders, to your Excellency, it they do not comply with those terms.” A VvucVan at ion. GEORGIA— By his Excellency GEORGE M. TROUP, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Jinny and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. WHEREAS, by a Treaty concluded at the Indian Springs on the 12th day of Feb. 1825, and duly ratified by the President and Senate, the Indian claims to all the lands oc cupied by (lie Creeks within the limits of this State, were extinguished for the benefit of Georgia, by the United States, in virtue ot the articles ot agreement and cession of the year eighteen hundred and two, where by the title to the same has become absolute in the good people of this State, subject only to the temporary occupancy of the Creeks, preparatory to their removal beyond the Mississippi. And whehkas, it is highly important • ll die aforesaid, should be organized and settled with as little delay as may com port with the provisions of the Treaty ; and to this end the assent of the Indians having been obtained, to the running and survey of the country under the authority of the State;— Now be it known, that the events before recited forming an extraordinary occasion to convene the General Assembly, I do, as well in virtue of the powers in me vested by the eig ith section of the second article of tlie Constitution, as by authority of u Resolution passed by the General Assembl y on the 20th day of December last, hereby require the members of the Senate and of the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of : h s State, to convene at the Stale House in Milledgeville, on Monday the twenty third day of May next to deliberate and de cide on such matters as shall then and there be submitted, or as in their wisdom and gene ral welfare shall seem to require. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at the State House in Mil leogevilje, this eighteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and twenty five, ami of the Independence of the United States ot America the forty-ninth. By the Governor, G. M, TROUP. E. H AMILTON, Secretary of State. 4 FAT JURY. The average weight of the twenty-two gentlemen who composed (lie Grand Jury of this County ai the late term, was two hun dred nine and a half pounds ! ONE OF THE JURY. Mount Zion Missionary. (0* v meniiig, ol the citizens is r*q i s-e ' I . i t ,re it >um over the Femau sy'mn Ml M- Ml ROW EVENING, at half past 7 •’< lot k, to adapt in. a-ures to promote Sabbati Vf’ I nsirunion in Ons cry anil iot vicinity. - I 76 I h7 A C ARD. H LI, ofii-rs Ins professional aUendanct tn tin- public, in hingery, the obstetrick art, i o* in 'he prlct.ce of Phy-ick. V plicmi mmale at 'he U. S. Arsenal, near Audi’si a Geo. wdl receive Ins attention. Ari 6 T 87 A O j i i I'j. DURING my temporar absence from the slate,l m I. limsld, K q is authorised to uttei-i , nv Law bujinsns, to whom my clients are re ■-.■red. Uenrj L. Sims. April 26 2t 1)7 I DAMAGED SALE. «• Bj BVG6 & SAVAGE, 11- 1 1119 DAY 26th lost, at 11 o’clock, j WILL BE SOLD, Along side (he wreck of the Steam Boat Her ie ry Shultz, on account of the underwriter* an. r .11 cortCerued, a quantity of damaged Grocerie* i- &c. saved fp-om llis cargo of said B at. Condition* Cash—Darien and North-Carolin money taken at par. Api-il 26 It 87 e E\SWJS"IT\3IVR. • ST received from Philadelphia* an Invoice of el eg ant “ M A HOGAN Y FU RNITUBB. r ' -CONSISTING U*— SIDEBORD9 u SECIIEf ARIES BUREAUS DIVING TABLES ’ CARD do. TEA do. 6 BEDSTEADS 0 wash & candle stands. j. For sale low by Bngg k Savage. e April 26 It 87’ X \T OU are hereby ordered to appear at your Pa 9 JL rade Ground, in front of he City Hall, 'oi f MONDAY the 2d May, at 9 o’clock. A. M. ayinet and equipped as the bye-laws of the company di . reel. Prepared to shoot for (he Medal. * Uy order Can 1 ' W, W Holt Elswprtli l at SergH. 1 April 26 «7 • 1 " -i ii j . ■ " ? Georgia Fencibies. * 1 TTEND a C inpany Meeting at (In- City-Hal ! TV on FRIDAY (he inst. precisely si i ■ o’clock, P. M. for ihe purpose of electing firs p and second Lieutenants and Ensign, to fill the va > canri'-s occasioned by the resignation ot Lieut Biqklow. Lieut, Chawforp ami Ensign Stcbgks Byorierof Caftt HOLT. Fib worth, Is#. Serg’t. A'Til 19 4 85 (• t Messrs. SeVwm & Scott, ,.F TIIK NPHTHhUM TUKATHKS. RF.S PEi -) FULLY inform the Ladies and Gi n ‘if-me of Augusta, that tliey «-'i>( give a VVieatrical YaoUM’tuiiuueut • \th i\e v i a e F/li—sTeel, 1 ills EVENING. e cr* particulars see Hills oj the <Lu,J ! 03* HOX OFF ICE open at the t heatre from MO lo 12, A. M A ’ 26 D 87 W vockcd Vxooas. I’LL permit ar o . ■(>> cut, . ed against > t\. withholding any Goods, Wares, or Mer ! c’-aiulize, beitpg pan of the cargo of the Sles" float Henty Shul.i lately dsTO’ ed by fire -oi i any part o( tip ringing o I said Boat, which ms I nave come into their possession, or which may b, lound On either shore of the River, as the U* ’ will he rigorously enforced against them. Per ! sons having any of the above described proper ; v, are requested to give notice thereof to tin ■ subscriber at this ;.Tc a< toon as posable. Jacob Moise, Jgenf. April ■’fi ’o7 AO HUE. ALL persons who may wish to obtain either R. tail, or Dray Licenses die present year, an .cei oby jiot.fied, that they must make application m the City Council, (in the usual way) on the Is’ Saturday in May next. All licenses expire the econd Monday in May, which is only two days at 'er the first Saturday. Blank applications can be obtained by calling on the Clerk. By ofiler of Council. Geo. M. Walker, Cleric. A nr 1 °6 87 ti YttHUilA, as.? i j.f 1 f Cat* of Augusta. ) MONDAY, April 25, 1825. I THE Honorable liter Mavui’sCuirt ot theCi’y . it Augusta, met pursuant lo adjournment, being Coun in Course. Present, W/.stun U. Thomas, Esq M. C. C. and Mayor pro tenfpore. I i constquence of the absence of the Mayor, at Scrtven'superior Court, the Court was ad jammed till ten o’clock, A VI. on Monday next. True extract from the .Minutes, Andrew J. Miller, Deputy Clerk. AnrH 26 2> 87 Collector amt tVccctvcv’s No TICE. WE will attend al ihe following times and piiices, for the purpose of collecting the , ax s ’ f ih- year eighteen hundred ai.d twenty toiir (18-4) and receiving returns of Taxab P( ..pi rly lor the year eighletn hundred and ■ wenly five (1825), vz. at the City Hotel, or Monday the 251 h of April, 9ll) and 2.lrd of Mav 1 next, al the Globe Tavern, n Tuesday the 26U. ii April, lOdi and 24’h ot May next —at tin Planters’ Hotel, on Wednesday the 27. h of April and 11’.h ami 25'h ol May next, and will re main from ten to one o’clock, A. M. al each place. E. Fugg, Tax Collector. Richmond County, M. F. Boisclair, Receiver Tax Returns, Richmond County. Apr 1 12 ' 83 A L. OUR .Tice aid Grocery i» removed from tin corner Store on Broad Street, lu the Uriel ( ’louse d.mctly opposite (lie I’ng' Office, until Is’ October, where cu-'omer* are req ’"‘t d lo call as they hate on hand a GOOD ASSORTMENT m Groceries J. W, L Simmons, Co. April 2* * TVus .Morning, by n- 13. PICQUET, 1,1 Will he said without reserve, before his blare at iO o'clock, m VfNI elegant Side Board. 4 Bed Steads. —1 Coil Hope, 12 Barrels Cider, 4 Barrels Mackerel, ' ' 16 Boxes Soap, 12 Boxes Sugar Plumbs, One complete b«x of Carpenter* Tools, 2 Feather Beds, 2 Crunks of Shoes, With a Variety of other articles too tedious to enumerate; —ALSO— A middle aged Negro Woman, a plain cook, washer and ironer,' ALSO— A fine fiig and two Horses. And at 12 o’clock precisely, at the place known as the Little Mao’s garden : ’ TheOctogon Room, The Bar Room adjoining, Lumber ot Arbours, Bcc. One Long Shed, The Shed covering, Ice House, The materials ot the Ice House, with sbout 400 bushels of Coals. Sic. Tho materials o( an Oven and drying House, 0 ie pair handsome panne lied Couhteri, Shelve*, Desk, tic. in store, The Sign Boards, ( Condition* Cash, before delivery, the matairala • to be removed. > April 26 87 n ———-———— f S3®.®®® Kon g Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery, Samuel Hale, Robert R. Reid, ~ Thomas I. li T ray, Jluguatin Slaughter, 1! ff’illiam W. Holt, 7 John IV. Wilde, v B. D. Thompson, J BCUKM. 1 Prize of $30,000 is $30,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Piizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes, > 12825 Blanks, £ 180,000 18,000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS, 1 Less i/iivi two and an half Blanks to a trite. The pr zi a only to be drawn, and to he all H iating trom Hie commencement except the fob lowing, which will he d -posited in the wheel at t definite periods, via:— ! ■ O* THE FIRST DIUWIKa, 1 prize of 10,000 8c 1 of 500 1 2d. 1 prize of 5.000 & lof 1,000 &1 of 500 ■'Ll. 1 prize of 10 000 8c 1 of 500 4'h. 1 prize of 5 000 Si lof 1,000 Si lof 500 s'h. 1 prize of 10 00 - 8i lof s(jo 6th. 1 prize of 5 000 8c lof 1,000 8c lof 500 7th. 1 prize of 10.000 8c I of 5 000 & 1 of 500 K'h, 1 prize of 20 000 8c 1 jtf I.ooa & 2 of 500 9th. 1 pnke of 30,0''0 8c lof 1 000 8c 1 of 500 I he Scheme is tpie -did, and for richness and safety of investment, AT is equal if not superior • inducements to any of the Northern Lotteries, The -whale Lottery to be comb! ted in Nine Drawings Qnly, Prizes payable in I hip y Days after the cons, nleiion of the Drawing, if Applied for within twelve .months. ~ ' ‘ Prize rickets will be received in payment for any Tickets that may remain unsold in the course of the Drawing. Present Price of Tickets, Whole Tickets glO I Q larters, $2 50 Halves, 5 | Eighths, 1 25 For tale in a erreal variety 0 f numbers at the CoM.%ffs.srn vkh’ v office,, •No. 2.41, Bvoatl Street. k few nouns HFLi y; the hank. IT Orders fur I ick»-ts apd Shares from any part of the United Stales, LOST FAHJ, and , enclosing the Cash, addressed to the Secretary will meet prompt attention, J. 8. Beers, Secretary to the ( nmmismeners. N. B. Darien Bills will be received at bar sot TICKETS. April 26 gy N otice. NINE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Interior Court of franklin County, when sitting or Ordinary purposes, (or leave to sell the real Estate of John Lettings, late of said county, de eea ed, (or the lieij-a and creditor# of said de ceased. John Wettings, adm’r. April 12, 1825. lic l Jni 87 1— N otice. N'INF. months after date, application will be made to the Justices of the Inferior Court I ul Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for lease to' sell the real Estate of Da vid Clark, deceased, for the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Thos. Mays, ex’r. April 12, 1825 lm9m 87 JS otice. N’INE months after date, application will be made to the Justices of the Interior Court I Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Slar ng Proctor, a M-nor. James R. Haley, Guardian. April 12. 1825 ImSnn 87 g/ 5 A Large Assortment of 3u\eu\\e Boobs, For tide at this fffhte.