The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, May 03, 1825, Image 1

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■wwwwwmwwm—>—"ww—— bm— ,wi mu w—!■»— —— 1 —f 1 1.1" 1 * ‘ lll,l '■ 1 Wfjt ©SWStltMtfollSifet* •• Him of the |ioliucat evil*, uiuUr which every Country in the world labours, are not owing to miy waul of love for our Country, hut to au ignorance ofil- real constitution »nd interests.”— plUKs'l'l V NEW SERIES Vol. 11. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1825. No. 89. nn ■■■ii MM—a——aaieillilMMW iWllWiflfr Cfce Cautftltutionalitft 18 PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. DIAIO K 6c W Ut^H, Merchant- Tailors , OPPOSITE THE CITY HOTEL, Have received per the last Steam Boat, a new and additional supply of (SM)iciansf®. Wit tiii with their otb-r slock on hand will mak their assortment complete, persons in want an respectfully invited to call and judge fur them Bfclv"S. • -vil 5 81 M wTWARREN Has just received from .A 'ew York , wid is not: opening an elegant assortment of •'Seasonable DRY GOODS. Anri! 12 * -8? (]J* Darien Money will be taken for ! -te following Winds c icon from me W ha, 1 which will he received this week, Pr. Steam Boat No. 6 and 15. TOMS Sweeds Iron assorted 29 J Barrel* lies’ Baltimore Whiskey Pr. Boat Hub Roy. 234 Keps patent cut nails assorted 20,0(10 do Castings assorted 2,000 do Hut) Irons 4 000 do Blistered Steel 194 K gi White Lead ground in Oil 30 .dlls. Loaf Sugar 18 VIIII I. Super! >r N. Orleans Sugar 21 bbis. Muscovado fio 109 C”ils Hale Hope 58 Pieces Bagging 20 Hhd. White’s Baltimore Gin 7 I iernes p ime Bice 78 Boxes ti sh 11 ilsius 72 Kegs Pickled Salmon cheap 4 Boxes Cast Steel axes. Thomas S. Metcalf. March 29 79 OX OOXoLWX.MEKT. UHLS. Washington Gin 5 lids. Philadelphia Whiskey J 59 libls, Whites Baltimore Gin 16 Boxes Loaf Sugar 80 Tlbls. No. 3 Mackerel 15 Bbls. Whiskey 111I 11 do Cider. AViiich will be sold low lor cash or approved Town paper. William 11. Egan. Anril 22 3( 86 An Elegant Assortment of YAXIX 3J © © D 0> JUST RECEIVED AT THE Dvy UmuYs tStoue, AMONG WHICH ARE Rich Harege, Silk and Gauze Handkerchiefs. Blue c Velveteen, for Dresses, and a variety o» Striped Siiks. F. Dupont. April 112 t 80 XoyUwyu Urn aud \V\usk«\,. ( BARRELS Northern GIN, f 0 Barrels Whiskey, iirtalrtTMaiiii just iiewitkd AND for sale by Bei.'j. Barton. Arr’l 8 82 ToVisVifcd ssteeA WaistbeVts, fL’aculeia, &c. jTjp'lE subscriber In, this day received per ship Doris from Liverp m) an elegant assortment ot Polished Steel Waistbells. Bracelets, Buckles and Clasps, of the newest fashion. —also— Yard Neck Chains, Necklaces, Negl gies, B rt London Hair, Cloth and Habit Brushes, i Perfumed Soaps, &c. &c. George Oates. March 18 76 MOLASSES, &c. Q-i lIIIDS. Molasses, new crop 11 Tieices do do 20 Hhtls. New Orleans Sugar 30 Bags Green Coffee Just receiveil and for sale by Thomas S. Metcalf. Mar~h 29 /y v) GALLONS prime new Honey, at one dohar i gallon. Jvsi received and for sale by Thou. S. Metcalf. Ma-h 29 7g biaiiK f<» of (JoiiVt-yaace, Neat.y /‘noted on Vet'"m Paper, Fur sale at tins Office. i $ SDj®®© for $ !l®o Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery, Samuel Hale, Robert It. Reid, Thomas I. I Tray, Augustin Slaughter, William IV. Holt, John IV. Wilde, li. I). Thompson, &UUVi<ME. 1 Prize of §30,000 is §30,000 1 Priz« of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Piizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Piizes of 10 is 50,000 rms etinki. ( ,80 ’ 000 18.000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS, Less than two and an half Blanks to a Fuze. The prizes only to he drawn, and to he all floating irom Ihe commencement except the fol h'Wing, which will be deposited in the wheel as definite periods, viz : on the first drawing, 1 prize of 10,000 & 1 of 500 2d. 1 prize of 5 000 & lof 1.000 &1 of 500 3d. I prize of 10 000 h lof 500 4th. 1 prize of 5 ,900 ik lof 1,000 hI of 500 s'b. 1 prize of 10 00” Ik lof 500 6fb. 1 priz- of 5 000 &1 of 1.000 &1 of 500 7th. 1 prise of 10,000 Si 1 of 5 000 & 1 ot 500 Bth. 1 prize of 20,000 & 1 of 1,000 Ik 2 of 500 9lh. 1 prize of 3Q.000 & 1 of 1,000 Ik I of 500 The Scheme is splendid, and for tidiness and safety of investment, off rs equal if not superior niducemeuts to any of the Northern Lotteries. The whole Lottery to be compiled in Nine Drawings Only, Prizes pavahle in Thirty Days alter the com pletion of the Drawing, if applied fur within twelve months. Prize Tickets will be received in payment for "tv Tickets that miy remain unsold in the course d' th Drawing. Present Price of Tickets, Whole Tickets §lO I Q larters, §2 60 ! Halves, 5 | Eighths, 125 j, For sale in a trrent variety of numbers at the COMMISSIO WAVS OFFICE, Xo. &4A, Broad fell*eet. i 1 A FEW HOURS ItKLOW THE DANK. Xj" O ilers tor Tickets and Shares from any part ot the United States, POST PAID, and enclosing the Cast), addre-sed to the Secretary . will meet prompt attention. J S. Beers, Sectetivy to the Commissioners. N, B. Darien Rills -will be received at par Jur TICKETS April 25 87 SPLENDID muiWUVGS. PRIZES ALL F .<» V PING. GRAND i STATE LOTTERYj OF MARYLAND, Contains the following br.lna >t capitals still un drawn. v z . AD,DDD ttoWs. I ID,ODD ILAVs. • 2D.DDD DoUs.| S,DDD Dolls. Besides 12 of 1000 6 >f 500 &n. I m whole pay tide in cash, which as usual u COtIEVS OFFICE! can be bad the moment they are drawn 19 h drawing on Wednesday, 30 b ■(' March | 20lh and Inst on Thursday, 31 -t n March Unless the great capital of §40,000 should be; undrawn after the 19ih is over, in which case dp - 20i.1t drawing will be deferred to the 12Ui April, when the scheme must be completed Whole Tickets §l2 j Quarters - 500 j Halves - -6 | Eiolnhs - 150 To be had, warranted undrawn, at • 04DH1S j Where both the gieat <Japi ,d n 20.000 and 10.000 DOLLARS, drawn in the VIUNUMENI LOTTERY, on the 28th u!t. were sold, and where were sold, rlie Capital Prizes of 100,000 Dollars, half and one quarter to citizens of Gear i gia ; 20,u00-, 10,000 s, 5000 s, in tlie last Grand State Lottery, and where m irk capital prizes HAVE BEEN OBTAINED THAN AT ANY OTHER OFFICE ■W AMERICA, _ Orders left with I. R. St. JOHN, Broad street. AUGUSTA. Georgia, will be promptly attended to. FREE OF POSTAGE. April 1 80 ! OLD I’WAV' WAXL. iß© DEMIJOHNS of old R .rix Port, Vin ‘.age r t 1820.—Certified by the Royal Company O orto. 25 Dnz n bottles ditto, Vintage of 1816. FOR SALE IIV A. 1. & G. W. Huntington. Marcl 22 77 e LUJALLA YALTDIUiGL AND Com w issiou li asi u ess. At his old stai d oi navammu, near t e Fort, an ~ I s prepared to su table advances upon al liroduce placed ih-I” ’s i r sa'e , John iSveririgSiani, jr. April 12 bo I jin— s-..kju. LA FAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE The Subscriber r s opening in Broad street, one door below Mr. Al len’s Hat Store, A I. A ROE AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF AND CLOTHING, Consisting of Ores 9 coats. Frock Co’ut.a Drab box coats Double k single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloon Broad Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy do Toilinetl, Valentia, Swansdown & black silk Vests Blue nod black Cloth and Cassimere do Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled mid plain Shirts Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Lambswool Shirts and Drawers Flannel do do Tartan and Camblet Cloaks Ladies do Boy’s Dresses Youth’s close body ooats Gentlemen’s superfine Hat , some very wide brims Immiiation beaver do La Fayette, boys an mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jack.- and La Fayette blocks Silk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, ike. —ALSO— Negro Jackets and Trousers House servants Coatees and Pantaloons Fearnought great Coats Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check do Common l»i sen ( j 0 Woollen Gloves, and many oilier articles in Ins line. The above GOODS are New-York made, anil vit) be disposed ol wholesale and retail, at New- York prices. J. P. Setze. December 3 46 ERE all LIME. “ a©® (’ASKS fresh Stone Lime, of a superior I quality, just received ami for sate by T. S. Metcalf. March 29 SCOFIELD, PHEjuFS a, Co. DRAPERS AjVD TJV a^RS HAVING formed a connection'with M" llciirr Howard, late of Baltimore, heir Establishment to No. 88, Broadway, cornea u Wall-Street, where their Business will in future b. conducted under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS 8. HOW MU). ■Wvy- York June. 1823 - 7 '-I'-EDiS 43 Carriage .Water. HAS received , ,iart o his Spring .Sunply «' CARRIAGES w\ GIGS, which inaices his |a .sortmen: of G gs complete— consisting of fii si second and (bird raie Lea her and Suntop <.ig one Coachee and one Charimee. Being regular Iv supplied with an extensive assoiiment, direc from the various manufactoiles ol N walk and i vicinty, he ia disposed to sell on a; good terms a the articles can b ; obtained in Augusta . kC/’Or lera for any kind of Carriages will b> orwaided and ex ented in the best manner, a lie manulacturing prices. Gigs and Carnage, built io order Repairing in all branches, al short | notice,'on i lie most reasonable terms. Mare 1 - 22 if 77 A FRESH SUPPLY OF & *aAa\Vvli I’auwaLa's, FOR sale by Mie Small or Urge qumtity - I’hose who purchase to retail wdl he suj.'pli ed at a reduced price. •John Heath. & Go, | April 1 f 21.-j.jy a j s»l).criher liaving reßumc.l thepraCc. lot I.AW, tenders his service, to the public. He | vnil attend most ot the Courts in the Wes Urn Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and I Ocmulgee, and ybe counties of Lawrens, I wiggs and Pulaski, in the Southern lo cuiis. | T’liomas \V. Hams. 07? Letters addrea-e 1 In turn Monroe, Wal , ion county, will be attended to, Fehruar 8 3 65 j■” : ‘ 1 ' ■" ' "■ ! Police. 4 IpHE Mtbscribers have cmnecied Vhemselvei 4JL in the practice of the LAW they wi I urn t nn'y attend all tl.c counties of the Non lien ircup, ami the county of Franklin, of tin. \A e-- ern Circuit, one ot them will be generally found it their office in Elbetlcn, where they will (aki leasure in transacting tho business ol tin se win niy be unfortunate enough to be involved in tin Law John V. M pfii'd, Thomas J Heard. January 1, 1825 57 The Subscrioer continues the Practice the LAW, and may be found at me Lot' r\ Office next to M ssr Smi li ik Wright’s Vy C’onviying or Notarial business that h may be favoured with, will receive particular at t nt'on. J. S. Beers. | I April 15 t>4 TO THE PUBLIC. 6TIHBRE is perhaps no medical observation bet .11. ter e t .bhsl.ed. ivme moiege cully oi the . > nee of he I c p, y siciitns o) s sou cum,li e and none ol ~or importance l« <m practitio. er.lltun U,e Ike ,that many ot the most cifti cull aou incurable complaims originate in negl. cl en colds, 1 adm at. as variable as ours,where Ihe change of o e are f equeidly sudden am. unexpected, it requires more care and attention gnaul again t tin . subtle and dangerous enemy of • .than most people imagine or are able apt 1 n W,II J"S l0 OT besU , w - .Hence the vast number «fpM cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthma c consumptions, and other affections, and hence tin farrago of rational and absum r. no dies, cried ii| • *hc learned and illis.-ra'e 'I lu many cases ol I the kind, fe!| under my .ffi erva ion j the prepost erous compujitiuns of inflaming drugs, which 1 ii e in vogue ; ti;e diazppointnicni 1 experienced ii practice trom remedies highly recommended, and my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints, strong inducements for me 1 to consider whether a compound consisting of mild vegeigblt substances could not be invented, more free iron the well founded objections of practitioners, am belter ca,enisled to avert Uie threatening d< strucuon of the lungs. PULMONIC Syrup of Vegetables' For c ughs, cold*, asthmas and c<n sumptions I his remedy is superior to any mt*diciiie wliicl lias brm offered to the public, as it is prepare* from the most valuable herbs of our veg’etabh , king'cioin, and its qualities are such -nit every de , pendence may be placed in its virtues for tin cure of the above diseases. From the knowledgt the proprietor has ot the pulmonic virtues of tin syrupy lie has no hesitation in recommending 1 if> to those who labour under tli »se distressing com i lumls as a safe and efficacious remedy, and hay mj; administered it In th >usaiuN m New-York and I Philadelphia, he feels no hesitation in offering i‘ - the public, and after trial, those persons win purchase the genuine syrup, will have their m ney refunded by returning the bottle, if they d< not tcel satisfied that they have reaped belief „ from the use of it. Directions for Use. 1 ;.kc a tea spoon lull three time, a flay, sa) mom itg, noon and night, anil continue ii until re r lievefl. 07/" Bach bottle will have the signature of tl,t proprietor. a:? Prepared only and sold by E- Andler, sigi , of tlie Golden Eagle, tiiirusta. 0(1 i* 1 >l3 .new and in\aimiDle ' SMlDli®m£ 9 ) PATENTEE!) BY THE UNI I'Eil STATES OF AMERICA AUDLER’S Asiatic Lenitive tor Tain. This M®di- c^ne a ■p 18 remedy is good ..gainst he tooth ache oi I pain in the teeth and jaws when duly applied not employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy n I lieving swellings of the gums, face and afljaceni parts, arising from or connected with lootli scln ' It relieves head-ache or pains in the head n ' tlie most easy and agreeable manner ; (or thia fre quent and distressing complaint, ibis, bis new , medicine, is a charming prescription, for it,re stores both the organs of sense and the nerves ot i their healthy condition ala quick and admirabh i la'e. Thia-new and useful preparation produces, by ■ m Id anti geiult: stimulation, a cheering operation upon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, , sharpens tlie perceptions, and invigorates tin • tunclions of the mind, by dissipating gloom and . vapours ii acts truly like a nervous and cephalic ' medicine ot the first order. Nor is its effect Ic-s beneficial when considered in relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, tin head and the spirits, d> its qualities it acts upoi d 'the sight and immediate organs of digestion as t. jctfrininative and Cordial, expelling wind, removing ' torpor, correcting acidity, and creating a most J comfortable warmth, j s I'tie operation of this invention and improve ,'ment is quite as favorable to diseases ot the ear, t more especially it ads to great advantage in dul s ness and hardness ot hearing, and even in incipi ent deafness, restoring the tailing organ to tin exercise of its true and healthy functions of hear ! ‘"K- , Certificate from Dr. Samuel L. Mitchell, Dr. Ez -kiel Audler, ot the city of New-York. | _lthi» day submitted to me his letters patent fron lie United Suites, for con,pounding and vending a remedy which he calls the Asiatic Lenitive, and r ssked my opinion upon the same, w hereupon, at , •ter examining the receipt contained in the speed! ( ■ Ication, 1 find it entains a mixture of such aroma' | • lie, siiodyoe, and anti acid articles, as are well cal i diluted to produce a composing effect on the liu man body. Samuel L. Mitchell. New-York, November V, 1818. DA. DdWLX, UESBEC IFt LLV anoonnees to his friends ( r| and tlie public, that he Ins removed to Go- * ■ilooibia Gourl-House. He may be found al Mr. e . ;|i«4Ll’s, wlien not Brofessionallv engaged. Ann! 15 ot f 84 ‘ tor feaVtt ur Wivii, '* 4 Negro Woman, a good Cook, Washer ant'; ii Ironer. For particu " ■•np'y to | Williaai Mackie, co February 22 H (59 E. AUDLEK, t S URGEDJS DENTIST, Respectfully interns ihe Ladies and Gen tlemen of Augusta, that he will bo ready to I serve them al all times, at his or their houses, in , 'be line of his profession, and hopes he will nice share of the public patronage, as he will extract teeth and slumps,and in tlie easiest manner if ever , of difficult, ami all its other branches. Vastti ol UarLon, A superior dentifrice to any ever offered for cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth and | mnk ng the breath sweet and grceabic. SCORBUTIC ESSENCE. Os Roses, Which removes all scorbutic humour in the urns and teeth, and makes them firm at the aine time. Prepared and sold by E. Audler. At his Drug and Medicine Store, at the Cotton Range. Sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta, Ju'v 4 2 •avuUva's JSUVk ot Rosts. AN elegant cosmetic lor whitening, softening and beautifying the skin, and removing pimt pies, h eckles and chops from the face, neck, Ike. The Milk ol Roses possesses many qualities, Cor is not only serves for the above purples, but it put ihe bloom of youth on age, which valuable property every lady is fond of enjoying. This beautiful rose cosmetic has a delightful fragrance, and is an article wh ch can be used with safety, as it contains noth ng that will injure the skin, and it is an indispensa ble article to cveuy lady, and should be found on ilieir toilets. Directions.—After being washed and dried then take a small quantity on a piece of white flan undue) then wash face neck, bands, &c. Each bot tle will be signed by the proprietor. Price §l. Prepared only and sold by E. Audler, sign ofthe Golden Eagle, Augusta. July 4 j AMI Sl'E.Ul BATHS. DU HOUEL, a French Physician, respectfully informs the public, that he has established 8 I LAM ai d MEDICAL BATHS in Augusta, ihe very high repute these Baths have acquired in Europe, where (although a late discov. ryj they are to be found in every hospital, and the great cities'hey have performed in Boston, Phi. l.delphia and Ulisrksini, cm leave no doubt of their efficacy. The rn >si gentle as well as the nv it p werful medicin. s are administered by Bint means, without any pain, trouble or disgust tn the patient. Fliey are a never fading remedy in all cutane ous affections; (rnm Psora, Ringworms, Ike. to Sealdhead and Leprosy, They also have never failed of success in either acute or chronic rheu matism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcons writings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases.of the joints, gouty affections, dispersion of tumors, ill cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections ; in all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondriasis’ epilepsy—these baths have been found most ser viceable, and have often succeeded even in here htury complaints. Jr. fine, this manner of admin istering almost every remedy belonging to the healing art, may be rendered applicable to almost '■very case, and (it is repea’ed) without any pain, 'rouble, or disgust to the patient. ‘ As these baths are not yet generally known, Hr. Houel will be happy to give the must res. portable references to persons who have been cur d by taki. g them. TLe intfcam $ .MptUc*a\ Bath L »iabUs\i me nV,, I is in Elhs-Street, opposite Mr. If. Mealing’a dnek House, a d lias an entrance in Broad-street immediately opposite the city //old 11 ’ 57 L teVuuu’ti Yanaeaa. sub-icrber iiVvmg discovered tue enmpo* Jl siliun of SWAIM’S celebrated Panacea; has now a mppily on lia d for sale : he has redu ced Ihe Piicetrum §3 59 to §2 50, or by me dozen g'24 All charitable institutions in the United States and the poor will be supplied gratis. If the citizens of the principal cities and (owns, will appoint an agent to order and distribute this medicine to the poor, it Will he supplied. This medicine is celebrated lor me cure of the following diseases, “ scrofula or king’s evil, ulcer ated or putrid sore throat, long standing riiu matic affections, cutaneous diseases, white swell mg, and disease of the bones, and all cases gen '•rally ol tlie ulcerous character, and chronic dis rates, generally arising in iT bilitated cunslitu ions, but more especially from syphilis, or affec lions arising therefr in ; ulcers iti the lay nix, 'odes, ScC. And that dreadful disease occasioned by a long and excessive use of mercury, he. It is 'iso useful in disease of the Liver.*’ CER 11F1CATES. I have within tlie last two years had an oppor ’unity of seeing several cases of very inveterate ulcers w inch having resisted previously the regu lar modes of treatment, wet healed by the use al Mr. Swaiin’s Panacea, and I do believe, from wbal I have seen that it will prove an important remedy in scrofulous, venerial and mercurial dis eases N. CHAPMAN, M. I). Professor ofthe Institutes and Practice of Bbys'c, in the University of Pennsylvania, I have employed the Panacea of Mr. bwairn in numerous instances, wiihyi the last tluce years, and have alway s found it extremely efficacious, especially in secondary syphilis, and mercurial liseases. I have no liestitation in pronouncing it i medicine of inestimable value. \V. GIBSON, M. I). I’rofessor of Surgery in the University of Penn sylvania. JOHN SHINN, ( bemist. N. B. For sale at Smith and Pearsall’s, N. E. orner of Third and Market-streets. Philadelphia, February 17, 1823. Iml3m 87