The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, May 10, 1825, Image 2

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- ( 0 O.V ST 11' Vi T VOX A VAST. t PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BT ' WILLIAM J. BUNCH. j - • '• ~ ~ | Conditions, tsrr,. QCT* For the CITY PA I* KK, twicw » w««k, Five Dollars per tiiauiii, payable in advance. CDF N Tit V PAFKKi once a week, Three Dollars per annum, in advance. * p£f*No paper discontinu' d till directions to that effect are given L and ai l arrearages PAID. TF.K.MS.. . . Five Dollars per aiirjiirn payable in advance. } YT KNTS .... Will be inserted el the ruleof - i>inly-I.vo and • n-If ch, pn «<junre, l #r the lirst insertion t and V.irly-lure • and Lire ■ ijtm lercents, lor each continuance . ty'r COM VTM CATIONS by Mail, imulbe Post paid. fry Sales :>( land arid nf frof.i, by Administrators, Kxecutors , .(I tiardians, ai«- r pi r« *l, -»y iu,to he l»' , ld on Ibe (ir.U I'ncs diy in tin: in >,.* i, bet v < i t . • lionr< ol leu in Inc (orflnoon and j thr> : i t lb*aflerno>n, at 111-* 1 > rl-'lo.iso of the couily in which Inc pi->p rty i .slLUiilc.— Voiic * ol these s must be gi\i in a p.iblic g.<>;<: tie SIS.TY days pre /ions to the day of | Notice of the sat.-* ol per«'inal properly m-tal be given in like man t ner, FORTY days j revions to tne uuy ol sale. • Notice to the, delitois and credilorsof an estate mnst b rr published for FORT If days. * Noli ■« that appiicit'ion will be made to the Conri of Ordinary for I leave to sell land, must In: published for ’JINK MOV I iIS. , ' ■' - - 1 - ■- f— " iieucvaV iiaU’s AVwuvuWi-y, , Os the Campaign of the North Western t Army, in the year IBl‘2. Addressed to I, the people of the. United States. L No. XIX. s Before I left (lie enemy’s country, liaving received inform ition some beef cuttle t hud arrived at or near the river Hiisin, es- s curled by a company id' militia from theji Stale of Ohio, I made a detachment of two p hundred men, under the command of Major h Vm-horn, with orders to proceed to die , river Rdsin, and guard these cattle safely j to camp. At Brownstown, this detachment was attacked by a body of savages, and entirely defeated. According to Major Van hoi n’s' report, eighteen men were killed, twelve wounded, and ab >ut seventy missing. ILs opinion was, that three hundred Indians crossed from Malden,'and dial from one hundred and fifty to two hundred were ac tually engaged. Tills report was received oa the alb of Augu t, two days belme the retreat from .Sandwich. Tins unpiopitious event increased thedidiculty .d my situation, and more strongly convinced me how im possible it was io continue offensive opera tions, and furnish at the same time a suffi cient force to give security to -ai extensive a communication. The war had now become botli offensive and defensive, and the little army t commanded was alone left to carry it on in both characters. This was among the reasons which induced me to recross the river, that 1 might be able to detach a more powerful force to open the communication. For tins purpose, therefore, on the very ♦lay the army retreated to Detroit, I order ed a detachment of six hundred men, undei the command of Colonel Miller, of the 4d United States’ regiment. This commam consisted nl all Hie effective men of tha regiment, and a selection of the must elVec live of the militia. It was likewise accom panied by a field piece and howitzer, Iron the tort at Detroit. Colonel Miller met i body of the enemy, consisting of Brilisl Loops, Canadian militia, and savages which, having received information of ins up proach, was formed in the woods in regain order of battle. A disposition was innnedi ately made on his part for an attack, and at ter a severe contest, honourable to the Amcri can arms, the enemy was compelled to re treat, \fter pressing on his rear about tvvi Hides, Col met Miller thought proper to dis continue the puisuit, and the enemy cm lurked, undercover ot his armed vessels and recrossed to Malden. The loss, it killed and wounded, in the battle, on oui part, was about eighty. As soon as I re ceived an account of the action, a re-enforce ment of one hundred men, with a supply o| provisions, under the command> of Colonel McArtnur, was ordered to join Colonel Miller’s detachment at Maguago. As soon as the detachment hail recruited from its fatigue, my intentions was, that it should have proceeded on the expedition to‘.he river Uaisia. A severe storm ol rain intervened, and the troops wore exposed to 't without any covering. I therefore thought it expedi ent, on account of their great fatigue, to or der them back to Detroit, and make an ar rangement by another rout to open the com munication. The roa (to the river Raisin, which passed through the Indian village of Brownstown, being principally on the margin of the De troit river, both troops ami convovs could easily be annoyed by the gun boats and arm ed vessels of the enemy. Besides, in ns course, there was only Me river which sepa rated it from the enemy’s piincipal post at Malden. Being thus situated, it was al most impossible t« secure it in such a man ner as dial convoys could pass with any kind ol safety. After Colonel Miller’s return to Detroit, therefore, seeing the indispensable necessity of obtaining the supplies which had arrived at the river Raisin, and being in formed of a circuitous rout, distant tiom the river, 1 thought it expedient to make die at tempt in that direction. 1 communicated my intentions to Colonels McArthur an Cass, and they not only lully approved ot the measure, but off-red their services, as volunteers, on the expedi ion. 1 likewise communicated to them a leijor from Capl. Brush, who commanded the escort of provis ions, informing tne that he sh ml 1 take the back road, and sh mld have occasion fur sup port. I authorized Colonels McArthur and C--ss to select tin most healthy and effective m-:n of lh> ir regiments, and' directed the Quarter M ister to lurmsh pack-horses to carrv provisions tor them during their march. w On the 14th of August, they commenced their march, under the command of Colonel McArthur, attended by Colonel Cass. The progress they made, and the circumstances which attended the expedition, will hereafter be related. ! bus will be seen the measures which were adopted, and the efforts which were made to open the communication, 1 have been the more particular on this subject, be cause it was made an article of charge a gainst me. What more could have been done, in my situation, anti with the force at my disposal, 1 know not, unless I had re treated with my whole force to the Miami. , t he reasons why I did not, have been slated , in these memoirs. By the statement here made, (he truth of \ which will be manifest by the evidence and , documents in my trial, it appears that 1 made , thiee attempts to open my communication— one by a detachment of two hundred men, under the command of Major Van-horn ; , another by a detachment of six hundred of the best and most effective part of the army, ; under the command of Colonel Miller; and the third, by all the healthy and effective men of McArthur’s and Cass’ regiments, which the two Colonels were authorized to select and command themselves. 1 now ask the candid reader, in itnagina- - tion, to fix himself at Detroit, and view my situation : i ask him to read the orders ot jtlie govendnent, which positively placed me iui tnis situation, eighteen miles in die rear j'd die enemy s principal post in the province | ol Upper Canada ; to look over the waters jOl the hike, and behold the hostile naval ; [armament which commanded the in ; to view ' not only the enemy’s principal post, situated jon tnese waters, hut all his magazines es-l {lablished on tiiem, protected oy th.s nav.d armament, and capable oi oemg iiansporied, '■wiln the greatest salely ami f-icilc.y, to any' ’ j point where they be necessary. After! 'viewing the situation Ith enemy, ami Ins, ■ liesources, 1 ask you more punicut.irlv to look at mine. \on must thr-iugii a ; : dreary wilderness ot mure than two hundred' ’ miles, tilled with hostile helm y-m l > can find a base on which .my magazines wen * established, by which my iitle at my could be supplied vvitli the means of suosi-tenee. through tins wilderness you will see no H possible cuinniuuicatiuii, excepting n a sin gle road, opened by the labour ami tudg-o- 1 ‘ of this little army, in penetrating to the pu»i --y tion to which it was ordered. Tins only ami £ single line ol operation, was liable to be ob e strucied by the savage force, to which the e nature of the country was peculiarly suited ; by the wit >le force ot the enemy’s troops, >’ both British and Canadian ; and between the Miami and Detroit, seventy miles, by :| the gun boats and armed vessels on the lake. ’ I • o lve security to this communication, you d will see nothing but two or three solitary 11 blockhouses, built by the troops when the road was opened, and guarded only by a few ' invalid militia, le.t in them on the march 1,1 By tiie loregning memoirs, and by the evi • l deuce on my trial, you will perceive there -a was no adequate force, on tins long line ol * > operation, turni.shed by the government, to T gi'o security to it, lor the prolmtion ofcoii * r voys. And when you consnlei the a in, ;s I hail made and their const qu ores, I dunk I you will be satisfied, that with m< whole i l uce I could not have slrelchei 'back so ’’ great a ilistance as to have preserved the communicatioM. To illustrate a subject ol * tins kind tlie best writers on miliiai y omve '■ ments compare an army’s lines of operation s > to the muscles ol the human body, on which n tne lile and mot.ons of the members depend. Ir M lieu the whole moving spring of a member “• lis confined to a single muscle, the loss of which would render it useless, it is the more d important to defend it from every hurt. :So ‘1 u single offensive line is, to an army march ‘l ing towards an object, a part singularly n sensible, and cannot be too carefully guard -8 ed from contact ot the enemy, d From the nature of the country from Mi r *mi to Detroit, it was impossible to have . more than one line of operation, and it lias t been sho vu how singularly it was exposed ■ to be intercepted and rendered useless. 1 ims 1 think, from the expositin given of - my situation, every unprejudiced reader - will be convinced that, there was no possi bility ol obtaining any supplies, from any | magazines from my country. I shall now , offer for your consideration, the best evi-| . deuce mid the best documents the nature of 1 the case will admit of, to satisfy you of thel . state ol the magazines at Detroit, and thel j supplies which could have been obtained . from the country around it. t As a true knowledge ot this subject is very . impur.ant in forming an opinion of the mca* . sures I adopted, and as the grossest misre -1 presentations have been made by my ene i mies, I shall make it a separate article in i my next number. 1— UOD - Internal Improvement. — The London pa ; pers inform us that “ of the only two canals which unite Liverpool and Manchester, the! 1 thirty-nine original proprietors of one oil them, the Old Quay, have been paid every! I other year fur halt a century, the total a ] s mount of their investments; and a share in . this canal, which cost only has recent ! .Iy been sold for jC1,250. With regaul tJ the other, the late Duke ol Bridgewater’*' . there is good reason to believe, that the net income has, for the last twenty years, aver-l aged nearly Tl()0,0l)l) per annum.'’ A Paris papersays, that an Knglish As-' B *'ciali m, possessing a capital of one hundred 1 millions, is forestalling all the cotton ! j From tht National InUlligtncer. TALLAHASSEE—in Florida. We received, yesterday, the first number of a new paper, printed in Florida, at Talla hassee, the spot fixed upon and recently occupied as the Seat of Government, by the title of the “ Florida Intelligencer .” the following account of this “young capital” w ill be interesting to most of our readers, some of whom have scarcely ever heard the name of it: Fnlluhussee. —This young capital of Flo rida is already attracting the attention of capitalists. Many buildings are erecting, and others are in a state of preparation, even before the sale of the lots, which will take place on tbe fourth day of April, ft is situated on a beautiful and commanding em- i tnence, about 18 miles north of St. Marks, in the bosom of a fertile and picturesque country. Ihe south side of the town is wa tered by innumerable springs of pure water, and a clear and pleasant stream passes by the east and south sides, at the distance of a few yards, and after passing the town, as if sensible of the point of its usefulness was past, fails over the rock which beds the stream, forming a pleasant cascade,and pas ses off by a subterraneous passage. The country around Tallahassee, and ex tending from the Suwannee to near the Apalachicola river, has deservedly attracted ♦he attention ot travellers, and those who have visited it with a view of a permanent settlement. The fertile lands between the above mentioned rivers extend from east to Svest from eighty to one hundred miles, and (i-mi north to south about fifteen miles.— I his tract < f country, much of which is | adapted to the sugar, is finely | wateied by the tributary streams of the Su wannee, the St. Mai ks, Wakulla, Okelock 'Oii'-v, Little river, and several other smaller {livers and -tceaiii*, and is beautifully sind : •led with lakes and ponds of the purest wa-j ;t'T. Ihe land is rolling, with here and l 'liere an emi erne, that rises considerably; .above the sm rounding cotmliy, which will ..rt i ! deligo.tlul seats (or the opulent or me at leisure. i Ins country, notwithstanding its singular 1 oeau y and le dli v, becomes more intere*t •| ing Iron, the indubitable evn enre of as Imv ■ ing been mice densely popumted by acivili /■ a lace ot iien. Almost every eminence is capped widi anc ent ratifications, which appear regular, and some o them sub-tan ' formed. At F- it St. Louis, about 5 (wo mu, s west oi Tallahassee, , ve been 1 > found reiiioa as of iron , anniHi, spikes, hin i 1 ges, locks, cite, which ate , videntiy of Spun•; ' isii manutacturr, and which have not been) • much n juren by the rus', i 1 V\ ithin the pi n cipal fort, for the outwoiksj seems to have been numerous and exlen -2 si ve, are (he ruins of two brick edifice# ; >2 one was about sixty (cet by f rty, the o hm about thirty by twenty. Tin si’ai- in to t i tuitis, and nolliaig but a in umi appears (2 whe re die walls stoo composed wholly of 11 broken bricks, which had he o composed of 11 ' oarse sandy clay, and burned in the rno ici n fashion. Vet on tin very walls of these * buildings are oaks, eighteen inches in diam * eter. Un die same idli, and in fact within c in out win ks ot to is tort, are to b<* seen grape I amors in parallel Sines, which still maintain t‘ then p; i-.|u,e regularity. *i Ihnkii seem m have been in general use, l lo‘ Kiev have been discovered in several 1 pnice- by digging a little bel iw the surface >o) heeaith. Within the town of Tallahas . -ee some were dug up, having a substance ■ i adhering to them resembling lime mortar. II die (nil, about a halt a mile south 2 east ol he t 'apitol, are to he seen the greaf * esi proof of a dense population. On this hill me to ne seen streets or roads, running dneatly at right angles, at such distances as ' demonstrate the former existence of a pret ty large town. The shade trees of he for • mer inhabitants still remain,and are gene rally of live oak, and near which mav be > discovered grape arbors of more or less re°-- 1 ularity, in several instances we discovered a species of the plumb tree. 1 There has been much speculation ami in jquiry concerning the former inhabitants of ithis country, who they were, and at what time they flourished. No records are with in our reach, and the Spanish inhabitants at the extremes of the Territory had no knowl edge of this country, much less of the people 1 who once lived here, but have long since disappeared. Some, however, say that re cords of the fact do exist at Havaona, and tliat measures have been taken to obtain them; that Leon was the adventurer, who led a colony hither, but the precious metals ol Soutii America and Mexico so occupied 1 the attention ol the Spanish Government, that this infant col my was suffered to fall a prey to the Indians. The traditionary accounts of the Indians at every plausible, and are coroborated by many existing and cimnnstantial facts,— 1 | 1 hey claimed this , ountry at their late trea- 1 1 1y at St. Augustine, as belonging to them by right of comptov, achieved'by their an cestors. They represent, that it was once (densely populated by u race of white men, | who settled in this country, and incorporated themselves with rtie Vumissee Indians.— j I hut the anussees adopted theii habits and! became Christians, but ceased to be Inditing, 'men. I hat this people had fine houses,! j carriages, herds of cattle, &c and made wide Iroads, and bridges over rivers and stieani pt! water. 1 hut they also had m i.iv forts land big guns. At this time the Cie, k fn i Idians made frequent attacks upon them, but were generally unsuccessful, as they then ■ fought with bows and spears, for they had not yet learned the use of the rifle. At . length, after losing many warriors, they as sociated with themselves all the tribes be tween Georgia and the Mississippi, with many others far in the North, and came down unexpectedly into this country. The w hite inhabitants generally fled to their forts, while most of the Yamasses fell into their ■ hands. The men were put to death, but the j women and children were carried into cap- ( livity. They carried universal desolation over the face ol the country, as the. surest method of reducing the fortified places. T hey had 1 made attempts to storm these, and bound 1 thick pieces of wood before their persons, as • a protection from the bullets, but the big, guns broke their defences in pieces, and des- , troyed their warriors. At length famine and war destroyed all, save the garrison in ‘ Fort St. Louis, I his, after resisting every)* diversity of attack was at last abandoned.! and destroyed, and the garrison retired tojj a considerable fort near the mouib of the I Okelockony, where was afterwards fought ai 1 great and decisive battle, which made the 1 Creeks masters of the country. t The Indians designed, when they under- I took to possess themselves of the country, . to settle and reside here. But, as they ex pressed it, they were too foolish, and hud 1 rendered it uni ,habitable. They had des- ‘ st roved the houses, and there was no wood i to build others. They had destroyed or^| consumed the domestic animals, and there) was no game to subsist them. They were 1 therefore, obliged to retire from the scenes 1 o( their own desolation, a small part west of i the Apalachicola river, and the others to ] their own country. Many of the leading statements in the foregoing account are strongly coroborated ' )by circumstances and facts within the jknowledge of many Americans. This is said ' jtohe the country of the ancient Vamassees, | .and iti-a fact that the Creeks have held a slave race, descended from the Yamassee * nation, which has but recently been incorpo- 1 rated with her tribe. It is also a fact, that 1 forts were very numerous, and that Fort St. ( Louis bears evident marks of having been ■ destroyed by the whites, from the mutilated appearance of tiie cannon, which must have ' b eti broken by sledge hammers. There is 1 also said to be a very considerable fortifies- i tion in the neighbourhood of the Okelocko- , ny. From the growth of the forest trees, ji f must have been about two hundred years since the country was laid waste. Be that’ jas it may, it is rapidly populating anew and i 1 1 he power of the natives is now broken.— , VVe have nothing to fear from them, and \ :they cannot, if they would, repeat the des- . 1 oia'ing scenes which once swept over this 1 beautiful domain. i [ 'Flor. Intelligencer. . From the Connewungu, (Penn.) Emigrant. Corn planter, the Season and a Famine ■ Cornplunter is one of the chiefs of the Sene .ca Nation <>| Indians, lie lives on the Al , leghany river, 16 utiles above this place. He is noted for courage and the active part i he took against the Americans in the bloody . * scenes at Wyoming ; he is averse to saying j ; any thing on that subject or even to hearing it spoken of. He was instigated to (he , part he took (as is said) by the noted But- I 1 ler. He is about 90 years of age; retains i , his power of mind remarkably well. His speeches, though quite untutored, are gene ! , rally forcible and prevailing. He is deci , opposed to selling out their lands.— 1 The nation is about equally divided on that < question-have held several councils on ( the subject, and lie was the means of carry ing the vote against it. He is also opposed to have the * Black coals’ (missionaries * come among them and to schools. The t reason of his opposition to the latter, is j this;—lie gave ids son Henry a tolerable good English education, which he perverted c to the worst purposes. It made him impu- 1 dent, arrogant and roguish. Among a great t many acts of villainy, of which he has been t guilty, there is one which has incensed the mind of his father against him perhaps more than any other :—The old man left a quan tity of lumber at Pittsburgh to be sold at commission. So soon as Ids son Henry as- 1 certained that it was disposed of, he forged < an order, went and drew the money to the \ amount of several hundred dollars, and spent the whole in gambling and dissipation.) About the first of January last this chief * prophesied and declared it in a council of liisj 3 nation, that there is to be a Famine. He, 1 stated it had been revealed to him by the | “ Great Spirit ;” he told them the winter ; would be mild ; but little snow, and that / there would be no freshet in the spring to run lumber. He enjoined it on them to f save all their corn, and bring all they wished to sell to him. He has actually bought in a t quantity of corn and other provisions, in the t full belief that a famine will take place.— However it may turn out, we hope it may ' have this effect : lobe so far believed bv - those who are in the habit of selling then grain at a low price, or exchanging it for ( whiskey in the fall and winter, and before harvest having it to buy at double as much' 1 jas they soi l it for, as to cause them to save; 1 .enough at least to last them till next fall, j At any rate his prophesies turn out t 1 far to be literally true. Our winter o' n , ther our winter months, are gone. \\ have at no time had more than three icht of sno v —ami that but twice, and lr . hree or four days. , CONSTITUTIONALIST. AUGUSTA'. TUESDAY, MAY 10. 1825. Ihe account of the death ol General MTntosh was very unexpected, aad has produced much regret. Humours had in deed readied us ol the disattcction ol si me ot the Indians towards him, but tliej seem ed to be entitled to little respect; lor, ilioiougiily acquainted with me cnaiacter of ins countrymen, he would, it was presum ed, have Kept out ol harm’s way or taken pioper measures of precaution, had there been good reason to suspect danger, it appears however, that he was deceived— surprised and murdered—and those who remember his attachment to the whites, ami his services to the country, deplore sincere h his cruel and untimely death. W e have not at hand materials for sketching either the life or character of Gen. M'lntosh— but he was certainly an extraordinary man —possessed of ardent feelings— strong in leuect and dauntless courage. His view* of the condition and future prospects of the red men ol the South are said to have i been accurately and wisely formed—he wa* ‘he most clear-sighted and intelligent of 1 the Chiefs of his nation. His son has gone to Washington with information ot the bloody business, and it is hoped that the Government will promptly coerce such a- I tenement, as it is now in the power of lh» ilmlians to make. If tins be done, the sur [veying of our newly acquired Lands may be accomplished, we think, without either dread or danger. Thanks to the firmnes* of our Governor, and o Ur delegation in Congress—to the spirited exertions of the Commissioners appointed to negotiate the- Ireaty, the time is now in prospect, when we shall be annoyed no more by the war whoop—or by the butcheries of the scalp ing knife; ami in thus expressing ourselves, we do not exclude from consideration the prosperity of the Indians, which we hav* before said, will but be promoted by a re moval to the vast plains beyond the Mis sissippi, where a well digested scheme for their civilization should be immediately put into operation. We have talked and writ ten much about the amelioration of tlie con dition of (he Indians, and theorists, ignor ant of their character and habits, have ad vanced splendid and captivating doctrines but what has been done f A few schools— a few proficients in liteiature ;— a few churches—a few converts to the religion of Christ: a few fields and a few laborers— are the mighty trophies won by the htnnan jiiy and wisdom ot the Government from large tribes of unlettered Heathen—indif lerent but to the gratifications of die mo ment and as reckless of human suffering, as of the pangs of the wild-deer that fall beneath their death-dealing rilles. Indiana like other men may be trained and cultivat ed, but the Philanthropist who would suc ceed, must intimately know them, and even then with cai e and caution to the opinions and practices of a more enlightened socie ty. He who shall hereafter exert his know ledge and his powers to frame and to apply ( a scheme tor their improvement, will merit more the honors and applause of the nation, than any Missouri Jiestrictionist or projec tor of Roads and Canals. —eoo - Our market has exhibited for several days past a gloomy prospect to holders of Cotton ; and prices have gradually declined, without any indications of a disposition in sellers or buyers to do any thing. The few parcels that have been sold went off at 20 a 24 cents, according to quality. By the mails of Saturday evening, we are put in possession of Liverpool quotations to 29th *' Match, at which time upland Cotton ranged ftom 12$d a 16 a d and 17d had been refused for prime on the evening of the 29th. Ihe total st,.es during 6 days amounted to 60,000 bales at Liverpool. It is thought that the article will continue to improve?— Our latest dates from Havre are of the 25tK March. Uplands were steady at 30 to 36. The stock left on hand was 9000 bale* Cotton of a- ascriptions, and the monthly consumption rated at 12,500 bales. All the other markets on the continent were equally 1 re. In consequence of these flattering accounts vee hi ■ e had more enquiry for Cotton, and 'ct has been offered and refused for lota. ' -.took in warehouses is about 20,00# b; _•».