Newspaper Page Text
W\}t &&n*Wniten»M»i*
“ Many of the political evils, under which every Country in the world labours, are not owing to any want of love lor our Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” pR 1 KSTLF
- - ■ - ■ i ■ ■. ■ -- . . . a •
Cfie 'Constttutionaltot ;
Have for Sale ,
2000 do Prime Virginia Corn,
25 Tons Swedes Iron assorted,
40 Bundles Hoop do.
4000 Pounds fjerman &. blistered Steel,
6000 Pounds Plough Moulds,
30,000 Assorted Castings,
100 Kegs cut Nails assorted,
40 Hhds. prime Si. Croix & Muscovado Sugar,
50 Bbls. second quality do.
SO do. Loaf and Lump Sugar,
SO Bags and barrels prime Coffee,
40 boxes Hyson, Gunpowder & Imperial Tea
20 Hluls. prime Molasses,
5 Pipes Cognac Brandy,
4 do. Holland Gin,
5 Hhds. Jamaica and W. 1. bum,
20 Quarter casks Pico, Sicily, Madeira & Ten
neriffe Wine,
30 do. do. Malaga and Dyes Currant do '
100 bbis. Whiskey,
150 do. N. Gin,
60 do. Cider Brandy,
50 do. N. bum,
20 do. Cider and Beer,
50 do. Fresh Richmond Flour,
100 do. No. 3 Mackerel,
100 Whole and hail bbls. of Nos. 1 and 2,
2UOO Prime Bacon Hams.
100 Pieces prime 42 iucli Hemp Bagging,
100 do Twilled Saving,
30 do. Hessians,
20 do. Oznaburrs,
600 Pounds Twine,
50 Kegs No. 1 and 2 Tobacco,
150 Reams wrapping Paper,
5 Box s Wliittemoiv No. 10 Colton Cards, >
20 Bags Pepper and Spice,
Writing and Le’ter Paper,
Spanish and American Segars,
Powder and Shot,
Salts, Ball Petre and Ailum.
OCjr* For CASH or on a libera! credit for City
Acceptances only.
May 25 6t 96
|||3| iI£KD BARRELS Fresh North
-250 Casks Fresh Stone Lime, of
a supen- r q’ti ilit y just received and fop sale at
No. 308, Broad-Street bv
Thomas 8. Metcalf.
May 27 - 96
* vrt .. . - -
T\io Subscribers
Desirous of closing (heir present concern,
offer for sde at reduced pric- s, llurir stock of
Wines, fine old Liquors and Groceries, generally
assorted—what is not previously sold, will be d is
posed of at AUCTION on the second of June j
next :
flggl a®®
4 Hhds- Jamaica do
3 Pipes Cognac Brandy,
6 do, Holland Gin,
20 Barrels Northern do.
4 Pipes Tenneriffe Wine, assorted brands,
10 Barrels do do. > r
8 do. Malaga (10 . £ some very fine.
Madeira, Sherry, Lisbon, Malwesy, Port, Ula
ret, Pico, Madeira, in hall' Pipes, Quarter!
Casks and Dem Johns,
40 Pieces Baltic Hemp Bagging,
500 Lbs. .German Steel,
>< 62 Bags Coffee, Green and big White,
15 Hhds, Jamaica, St. Croix and Muscova
do Sugars,
1000 Lbs. Loaf and Lump do
Mackerel, Spice and Pepper, Teas, Blown and
Basket Salt Vinegar, Tobacco, Segars sac Sic.
A. I. & G. W. Huntington.
May 17 Vl
M BARRELS Mackerel,
No. 3, of a superior quality
for sale, to be delivered at the
Wharf, on the arrival of the Steam Boat South-
JB. Pioquet.
May 10 91
JB'D DEMIJOHNS of old llorix Port, Vin
tage u( 1820.—Certified by the Royal Company
of Oporto.
25 Dozen bottles ditto, Vintage of 1816.
A. 1. & G. W. Huntington.
March 22 V7
THE Copartnership of A. SIBLEY & Co. is
dissolved by mutual consent. Those having
unsettled business with the late firm, will please
call on George Collins, who is duly authorised
to settle the same.
A. Sibley,
Geo. Collins.
Augusta, 25th Mar, 1825. 3t 96
subscribers have bought the entire slock I
I. of GOODS of A. Sihlky & Co, and taken
the store recently occupied by them, and will
transact business under the firm of METCALF I
Thos. 8. Metcalf, !
Geo. Collins.
Augusta, 25th May, 1825. 3t 98
TbvAv entire StocU o?
ID air (S H)<DID
Being desirous of closing their present con
cern. Liberal terms will be given, both in pri
ces and credits.
Mav 24 3t 95
China auA Glass Wave.
7 1
JVo. 5, Gibbons' Jluiidings,
Hy the late arrivals from Liverpool, New-York and
Boston, a large assortment of
And Glass Wave,
Which will be sold low for Cash, or approv-i 1
ed Paper.
Savannah, May 12. 6t 95
The Subscriber
's opening in Broad street, one door below Air, Al
len's flat Store,
Consisting of
Frock Coats
Drab box (joats
Double U single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloon
Broad Cloth, Salinett and Corduroy do
Todineti, Valentia, Swansdown &, black silk
Blue and black Cloth and Cpsaiinere do
Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain
Knitied, Cotton, Worsted and Lambsvvool
Shirts and Drawers
Flannel do do
Tartan and Cloaks
Ladies do
Boy’s Dresses (
Youth’s dose body Coats i
Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very widtdc
immitation beaver do "■
La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps „
Washington, Jackson and Lu Fayette Stocks ■
Silk Umbrellas
Gloves, kc. '
V f
Negro Jackets ami Trowsers
House servants Coatees and Pantev, ons l9t
Fearnought great Coals 1
Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts \sa
Striped and Check do ii
Common Linen do
Woollen Gloves, and many other articles
in his line.
The above GOODS are New-Y’nrk made, and
vili be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New- I
York prices. 1
J. P. Hetze.
j December 3 49
; The following articles having been received
by Steam Boat Company’s Boats, and are now
I in the Ware-House, if nut claimed previous
■ to the 251 h June next, they will on that day be
T sold at Audi Jii, to pay freight and other ex
.1 Turks. Articles.
No Mark 15 bundles Paper,
do. do. 1 barrel Liquor,
\ “ Jos. Gresham” 1 box,
i Diamond Mark 1 Jarrel Liquor, i
’ j D. 1 box.
I I. D. 1 bundle Fish,
“ Rev. \. Hammond 1 box,
VV. I barrel Liquor,
j G. 1 crate,
1 ** J. L. Graves” 2 boxes,
VYm. J. Wood,
Treasurer Steam Jiout Company |
j Augusta, May 15 1825. 93
'STAVING formed a connection with Mr. Henry
II Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed
heir Establishment to No. 88, Broadway, corner of
Wall-Street, where their Business will in future be
. conducted under the firm of
New-York, June, 1823 7
Commission Business.
At his old stand in Savannah, near the Fort, and
s prepared to make suitable advances upon ab
iroduce placed in his hands for sale.
John ir.
April 12 3 h; J
Fov Salt, ov to Want.
I property of the subscriber in the village
I A of Summerville. The three Tenements wil j
be sold or rented together, or separate as mav ) c
[best suit,
Samuel H?.?e.
May 20 6* 94 i
1 & massm*
No. 164 Broad Street,
Haye. t\\\s lay VlftftftVml
which will be disposed of low, fur cash,
Mhv 20 04
For sale by
Beers, Bunnell & St. John,
Broad, corner of JfP Intosh-straet.
Gran and Silveii Cons and all kinds of lUah
Notes, Bought and Sold.
Nnversb°p 12 40
§ m 9 ®smj<>r caST
Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery,
Samuel Hale, "A
Robert It. Reid,
Thomas I. Wray,
Augustin Slaughter,
William W. Holt,
John IV. Wilde,
Ji, I), Thompson, J
1 Prize of 5530,000 is £30,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000
5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000
10 Prizes of 500 ii 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000
100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000
5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000
5175 Prizes, )
12825 Blanks. $ 180,000
Less than two and an half Blanks to a Brize,
The pfiZ's only to be drawn, and to be all
floating tnr.n Hie commencement except tbe fol
lowing, Mnic’i will tie deposited in the wheel at
definite periods, viz : ■*
1 prize of 10,000 & 1 of 500
2d. 1 prize of 5 000 Sc lof 1,000 &I of 500
3d. I prize of 10 000 & 1 of 500
4th. 1 prize of 5,000 Si lof 1,000 Si lof 500
sth, 1 pnze of 10.00 ;Si lof 500
6th. I prize of 50,05 i 1 of 1,000 Si lof 500
7th • 1 prize of 10,000 Si 1 of 5,000 Si 1 of 500
1 prize o' 20,000 Si lof 1,000 Si 2 of 500
e 1 prize of 30,000 Si 1 of 1.000 St 1 of 500
1 ", it splendid, and fur richness and
lately investment, ofi’.rs equal i( not superior
induce nents |() H , iy o( - t)le jvjorthe r n Lotteries.
It he to be completed in
, Mine Drawings Only,
Prizes payable in Thirty Days alter the com.
pletiun of he Drawing, i’s applied for within
twelve months.
Prize Tickets will be received in payment for
any Tickets that may remain unsold in the
course of th• • Drawing.
Present Price of Tickets,
Whole rickets £lO I Quarters, £2 50
Halves, 5 | Eighths, 125
For sale in a cereal variety of numbers at the
coMMissro. vr./r v office,
<No. 24A, bvoad Strftftt.
(Tj” Orders for Pickets and Shares from any'
part of (he United Stales, POST PAID, and
enclosing the Cash, addressed to the Secretary
iwill meet prompt attention.
J. S. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioners. |
N. R. — Darien Bills trill be received at tar to,
j April 26 87
| L*oUs\\ftA Slftftl WavstbftUs,
Bvacft\ftls, &c.
I —TV . 7
JTJMR subscrib' r has this day’ received pership
A Doris from Liverpool, an elegant assortment
of Polished Steel Waistbehs, Bracelets, Buckles
md Clasps, of the newest fashion.
—also —
Yard Neck Chains,
Best London Hair, Cloth and Habit Brushes,
Perfumed Soaps, Sic. Sic.
Deorge Oates.
March 18 76
To Kent,
A THE Ware-House and Dwel
ling, occupied by Mr. P. Stovall.
Possession will be given the first of
Samuel Hale.
May 27 8t 96
V uv fcvMe..
JbsdL Two Stores ami Lots, upper
end south side Broad street—near!)
opposite U. Malone k t.’o’s Ware '
house ; which will be sold low forp
cash or approved acceptance, on reasonabh 1
terms. Apply to
James I*. Maguire. |
April 2P * «8 ‘
"T -
DU. HOUEL, a French Physician, respectfully i
informs the public, that he has establishe.i ;
I The very high repute these Baths have acquired!
in Europe, where (although r late discovery)!
they are to be found In every hospital, and the 1
! great cures they hava performed in Boston, Poi
ladelphiu and Charleston, can leave no doubt ol
itheir efficacy. The most gentle us well as the
■ most powerful medicines are administered by that
means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to tlsi
j patient.
j They are a never fail'ng remedy in all cutane
ous affections; from Psora, Ringworms, &.c. to
Scaldbead and Leprosy. They also have nevei
failed of success in either acme or chronic t hen
, In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous
swellings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of the
joints, gouty affections, dispersion of tumors, ill
cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections ;
in ail bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondriasis, (
epilepsy—these baths liavc been found most ser |i
viceable,and have often succeeded even in here jt
ditary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin- jt
iatenng almost every remedy belonging to the I
healing art, may be rendered applicable to almost :t
every case, and (it is repeated) without any pain. I
trouble, or disgust to the patient. i
As these baths are not yet generally known. <
Dr. Hovel will be happy to give the most res- I
pectable references to persons who have beenn
cured by taking them.
The, Vilyam 4r Medical
Establish vvvftuV,
Is in Ellia-Street, opposite Mr, li. Mealing**
Brick House, a id has an entrance in Broad-slreei
immediately opposite the city /find.
January ll 57
At liachelder t/ Codtutse’s, Broad- Street, Augustt,
nearly opposite .he Planter's Hotel.
RESPECTFULLY informs the Public, that he ,
lias returned again to this City, and respect- ,
hilly solicits the Patronage of the Ladies hiul ,
Gentlemen who may require his services in the ,
several Brunches of his Profession. —Persons ,
wishing his service in private Families can call and
see his work Manufactured on a new principle
which he warrants.
Teeth and Duma. t
The diseases of the Teeth and Gums are chief
ly owing to our own neglect ; the pails of tin
aliments which lodge about them after mastica *
tion, growing acrid and corrosive, the gums arc
thereby first affected, as being the most lendei
parts, alter these corruptions are produced, com f
monJy called the Tartar of the Teeth, which
destroying both their texture and whiteness no
only deprives the mouth of its principal orna v
dents, hut brings on violent tooth achea, and ren *
nitre the Gums livid and putrid, and offensive tv (
ourselves and others, — But though people in u
general may prevent those inconveniences, by
■ are and attention at first, yet, if they are once
suffered to take place, it is no longer in the pow i
er of the sufferer to remove them, this being pro
perly die province of the experienced Dentist, -
who has made the maladies of the Teeth and
Gums, with their attendant evils, the principal .
object and end of his studies. J
•Sir. iterance, Dentist, ,■
By long practice, a close application to busi (.
ness, and a thorough knowledge of the struclun -h
of the Teeth and Gums, has made all the opera [a
tions in those parts quite familiar to him, inso (p
much that what some Dentists have judged im- n
practicable, he hath performed with ease end I,
He places Teeth both real and arlificial, (mak
ing the latter with pure enamel) from a singh
one to an entire set so accurately, that they shall
answer every purpose of the natural. Thus (lit “
greatest deficiencies are supplied with ornaments
which have die recommendation of utility.
Those Teeth that have fallen out their sock j - *
ots, which frequently happens, though in a per
feet sound stale, be, by a inelbod peculiar to bun
self, replaces as firm as ever, without the leasi
I pain or uneasiness .o die patient.
He clears the Teeth, if ever so discolured, ol j.
all them foulness and turlar, without pain, aiidj"
renders them while and us luiras ever in half ai r
hour, j
feeth and Stumps extracted in the easiest man j
jner, if ever so difficult. !j
He assisis young ladies and gentlemen in thel
first and second dentition, and removes die Milk
Teeth at proper seasons, lest they should incoin i (
mode the regular growth of (he succeeding once ‘
and if a deformity of tins kind lias taken plac •
through the want of a Deslist, Mr. Florance uu J
dertekes to correct it ; provided the subject i
i not more than twenty years old, and restores the y
I'eelli to their natural, regular and beautiful or
i der.
N. B. A Tincture and D-nlrifice Taste, prepar
ed by birn only, which preserves the Teeth am. '
changes them to a beautiful white, cures the gum*
of the Scurvey and makes breath at all times swee 1 >
and agreeable, and cures the Tooth Ache i time
diately, with proper directions how to use it. i
October 12 31
i\ otice.
Dividend, Mo. \
A DIVIDEND of Six Dollars per share, ha
T been this clay declared, on the profits of th r
Steam-Boat Company, for the last four months,'
payable on tlie first Monday in June next, to th
Stock Holders, or their authorised Agents, at the
Steam-Boat office, Savannah.
VVm. P, Hunter, L
Treasurer S B. C B
Savannah, March 2, 1825 90
A Branch of the Classical and'
[English Seminary of Augusta, will be removed ii | .
the Sand-hills, The school, under the directioi I
I ■( the Rev. Mr. Sheehan, will open on Monda) !
! May 16th, 1825. ‘j u
Edward Swiney, prefect. f
' May 13 92
A3 ®, SUlfi&a
CtwtVttge .N\ak\ v - .
>fl 1 'S rRO'-iv <1 i , sp,. ,g Supply of
I®-*- CAIiUIAG ES and GIGS, winch mans Ills
! a-s<»rt -l om ot ti> jgi complete—consisting of first,
J: second and third rale Leather and Suntop Gigs,
)i one Coachee and one Charioiee. Being regular*
.'|ly supplied with an extensive aa.suiim nt, direct
IVnin the various manufactories of N >vtirk md its
l vicinity, he is disp >sed to sell on a good terms as
? the articles can b; obtained in Augusta .
1 10’Orders top any kind of Carnages will be
forwai ded and ex cute 1 in the best manner, at
the manufacturing prices, (tigs and Carriages
bttill to order. Repairing in all branches, at short
i notice, on the most reason ble ti rtns.
March 22, it 77
Ail 1 Irdmaiice
| Regulating t!\e .Mooring-of Hants nt the IVhnrves.
Six. 1. He it o'-ilaitml by the Ci,y C oined of
j Augusta, that from and after the publishing of
'this Ordinance, no empty boat having iess than
ithree able and competent men on board a' all
|time?, shall ha permitted to tusten to, nr anchor
pit, any place opposite the city above the Bridge,
!lor more than four days unless when securely fas
tened with a sti ong chain or cable nl l-.ast fifty
feet in length in a growing tree, not I -s than
twelve inches in diameter, and tha' in the event
lot a considerable rise in the River, such i mply
boat, not laslened as aforesaid, snail be iimuedi
lately removed below the Bridge.
I 2. Kadi boat engaged in lading or unlading
during a high river, shall have at least f ur able
men constantly on board, and shall be s..purely
fastened or anchored, in such a manner a.-: o pp e .
i vent her swinging nr drifting on the Wharf.
3. rhe City Marshal, or any other officer of
Council shall have, and they are hereby vested
with power, and are required, to remove or cause
. to be removed, at the risk aid expense of the
owner, to some place below the Bridge, any boat
or boats, which may be neglected by the owner
nr agent , and for each boat so fin >ved tin* Hi
cer shall be entitled to ten dollars, to b rec< iv
ed from the boat owner, in the same manner as
other expenses incurred in the removal.
4 i'tie owney or owners of any and every boat
shall be liable to a fine, at the discretion of Coun
cil, not exceeding two hundred dollars, for each
and every violation of this Ordinance, and shall
moreover repair all d.un ,ges done to the Wharves
or Bridge in conseqnc .co of Mich violation.
Hone in Council, the sth January, 1825
R R. Reid,
Mayor of the city of Augusta,
By I lie Mayor
(Inn M Waikku, Clerk,
22_ 86
M. HR subscriber having resumed the practice
ot LAW, lenders his services to the public. He
will attend most ol the Courts in the Western
Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and
Ocmulgee, and the counties of Lawrens, Twiggs
ami Futaski, in the Son.hern Circuits,
Thomas VV. Harris.
(O' Letters addressed to him Monroe, Wal
ton county, will be a'tended io.
February 8 3m 65
JTpHK subscribers have connected themselves
iA in the practice of the LAW—they will uni-
Firmly aiten I all ti.e counties of the Northern
Circuit, and the county ol Franklin, of the Wes
tern Circuit, one of them will be generally found
at their office in Elberton, where they will take
pleasure in transacting the business of those who
may he unfortunate enough to be involved in the
John A. Heard,
Thomas J. Heard.
January 1, 1825 5 7
ij |IHF, public are cautioned against purchasing
sJL the lea-e of the lot aod improvements on
Broad Street in the upper part of Augusta, where
I now reside. The reason of ibis Ca nion is, mat
Mr. James F. Stuart having tailed to dispo-e of
the lease ami im jroveme its this day, at auction,
in cinisi qiience of the notice given to the bidders,
relative 10 Mr. Stuart’s title may attempt a less
public mode o sc ling that which is in lad not
his lam in pnss-ssi n, of the property and will
not abandon it 10 qon-l the luiinoura of Mr. Stuart.
Tins property is pledged 1 o h.m to secure the
pa> mem ot from tour to leur hundred and fifty
dollars, which debt it snail pay as soon as it can
fairly be sold according (o the agicement be
tween Mr. Smart and myself, but I should do in
justice to myself and my creditors were 1 to suffer
this property to he sacrificed to the whim or pas
-ion ol Mr. Stuart, who has no right to 11 beyond
what is above slated.
A, (x. Halford,
May 16 1825 6t y,
r |fllß Public are cannoned against trespassing
JL on the Houses an- Lots ol the subscriber
upper end of town—especially against hauling
sand or earth from the river bank or contiguous
thereto. R ich and every person offending shall
have the law rigorously enforced against him of
Isus;li .Ne.sliit.
fflmmrv 21 *SO
»V oUcfe.
i y£\ I f- persons to whom the late Francis Bouyer
ol the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebt
ed. are requested to presi nt their demands with
in tne ti ne prescribed by law , and those indebt
ed, are requested to make immediate payment.
H. Houyer, / ~ ,
Paul Rossignol, rSm
£/■ The concerns of Joseph li»ve,
will be attended to during his absence from the
stale, by James C. Campbell and Edward A.
May 20 3t <H