The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, June 03, 1825, Image 4

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-• «*• • • ... ,».• . . . *tt Monthly . htverliseini’nlH. JN (dice. «jX»!NK month* liter, ajjplication will be O'] mde t die Conn of Ordinary of Frankl C- i .ly, for leave to sell one hundred Acres ■ Lr J, ill said County, OS the properly ot Adan Linn, deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs am Cre litora oi a> t 1 "■ • s"d John E. Carson, adm’r. January IS, 1825 1 mf> n 63 \ olice. OtjilNE months after (lain application will !)■ 1 I n > to the Honorable Inferior Court >.! Colum da County, when (citing as a Court of Oi dinary lor I ■ ive to s- ll 202 1-2 acres of Land I) iog ni ill ■ 2d l>.s rict of M mr a* C unty, Lot N' 208, ii being I lie real estate of William 'mallei, - deceased, a . I to be sol I lor lb - benefit of tli heirs a id crediors of said decent J James Smalley, Adm’r. Jurninrv 4 1825 1 t9rn 57 Notice. a S.'S#! ■- E months after date, anplication will In u J made to the Honorable the Interim Court of -<ic iinond County, when sitting btr Ordinal - ' . in r I ins, (or leave to In II one half of four am. tli,-. • r lll triers acres of Land, in said County, iidpiinin..' 1 mils of Wire and Coleman, forth benefit of Seaborn Skinner, minor Livingston Skinner, Guardian. S-pt. 11. 1824. Im9m 23 N oticc. NINE months after (Isle, application will b ma 1c to the Honorable Hie Justices of tin Ini ,-rior Court, setting lor ordinary purposes, so, lb • county of Iturke, lor leave to sell all (be real estate of Stephen Chance, late of Iturke county, deo il nr the benefit of the heirs am) crc.ib tors of said deC' a‘ed. Mary Chance, Adm’x. Joseph Chance, Adm’r. Hurke county 8 t. ti 18 .‘4 10.'.1 ti 22 Notice. VO INK months after date, application will b <i'| made to ibe llom rable Court ol Ordinary (i* C Itimbia County, lor leave to sell all tli real estate belonging to the orphans ot bamue S<i'liviiii, d ’Ceased, and also, an undivided tea* i \>t Lund, lying in Columbia County, belonging to said ni'idians, and t V i da .limes, a Minor. John Cartridge, * Guardian of mid Orphans. Polly Jones, Guanhtin of Ah Hilda •hues. May 25 1 ..i9in 93 Notice. IjXfilNl', months after date, application will b. JM made to the. honorable Inf nor Conit Uicluuond County, lor leave to sell the undividi > lin t iif i moment No. 7, Hnoge How —also, tw ip. mproved l bs Corner o( Elbert and It ynoki streets, for the benefit of Margaret I*. Hones, : Minor. .John Bones, Guardian. October 23. 18 ’ 1 lm9m N olice. V'vjf I \ I', inonlli. alter d" ', application will b, vl'l to the Honorable Hie Justices ot It.t f, eroir Can’t i i a.. i ty, when sitting f i (). linaiy mtrpona, lor leave to sell the Whole . the i a Estate of Irvin Iloyet, deceased, late ot said county, for the benefit of the heirs and civ ditoi s of asid. d 'censed. James Lambert, ? , , , ii ,i> , > Adorns. Edward Boyd, 3 Srrivrn I on: •• I. ,’H 1 Hia lni9m 63 nUTIU E. N r INIi months ui.»; date, application will bi m ile to the Ho.i nn >u; Coiirl ofOrd.nary oi Co’ i id).n enuer, for leave lo sed two tract a <»* la lin said county, lying on Greenbrier Creek o.i c eitm.nng 318 acres Joining Pollard, t’nllii and nt i,'is, (lie iilier c >n.aiding 172 acres joining latk ■a id others, il being a part of the real i-sta 1 of sh .inas Jones, dec. used, sold lor the beiieti of the heirs nt sai I decease 1. William Booker, Ad in'r. ‘/i '/hf of his ivift ,1 *M’» I»• v ■* » 1 ’ » 19 Notice. >. 1 i E months after ime, application will h 1 (I o d" to tin Honorable the Inferior Court oi Ki'bi ; county, wide sitting tor Ordinary pi . ses I.r n-av.' to sella Lot in the City ot Ml is a. 1) "ltd. by Ell and if uston streets b i gi .; . .lie estate ot Michael S.lvcri de i ■ .d. or tlv• b lefii: of Hie In irs and creditor . of said estate Andrew J. Dill, adm’r. Nathan Leeds, adm’r, ’ll M?V ni his wt/'r Mary Deeds, adm’rx. .dmrnsla Fb n. 11, 1n25 in. 9 . olice. lIJ ‘ Vil ' wr, -r ilate. application will bt # nude to the lion ruble the Court of Ordin ry "I 1 Columbia County, lop leave to sell 222 a ores of •an lying in Coin nbta County, on lb. waters f the big Kuikee Cre k, adj ining Lands ol 1 1 a ndton. Graves and oil. rs, l ■ be sold for tin beneli us the lieirs of i uses Martin, ec . t.d. Hubert Martin, adm’r. N mb. r S 1s ' i I i) y.. • olice. TVT i >'E non ns alter tate, application will In Jat made to die H titrable the Justices ol tli 1 . n r Court ol Franklin County, whan siltn a to: iidinaty put poses, ter leave to se'l the teal K tit ot J ilin Getting , late of said county, dt ceii ed, for the lieirs and creditors of said d* ceased. John (Tellings, adm’r. April 12, 18 >5 I 9iti 87 N olice. vNf'NK months atier uate, application will b 4&\| made to die Honoiable the I if nor Court, e ft ke County , when sitting tor Ordinary pum ses fir leave to s"ll the undiv .ted part ot lit real (’ Stale ot L( wis Emanuel, deceased, for tli hi oefit of the heirs and creditor, of said decern, ed. Jona. Lewis, Sw t'tvinff Administrator tie bonis non. litnkc county, March 7, 1825 lt»9m "5 .N olice, Ni|rKß months after dale, application will be -si made to the Inferior Court of Columbia County, when h.tling for (Jrdinaiy purposes, tor ■ ave to sell 235 acres of Land, (in said County) . longing lo the estate of William If. Crabb, de reused. John Kennon, adm’r. November 6, 1824 lm9 n 40 N olice. t.-WINE months after date, application will bt J in do to the Honorable tile Inlerior Cour i Columbia county, for leave lo sell a tract of Laud in said county of 105 1 2 acres, joining in tray, Kay and others, it being part ot tiie real .tale of William Kioion, deceased. Peggy, Binion, adm’rx. March Iv 1823 10,9*m 75 N olice. .\IINE months nfler date, application will bt made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol ..if county of Franklin, while sitting for ordinary i n poses for leave to sell the real estate of Thom as 1). Jordan, la'e of said county, deceased. Robert Pulliam, Adm’r. December 18. 1823 lm9 • 41 JM olice. wNJINE months alter date, application wilt be ii x l made to the Honorable the Jnsiices of the i I nor Court of Scriven County, when sitting f c Ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell a certain tract or parcel of Land containing two hundred 'wo ami an half acres, situated lying and being ni the thirteen!h I).strict of Henry County, Ga and known and distinguished in the plan of sani O' *rici by (be number eighty, (80) the whole of die real Estate of Sarah Callaway, deceased, la’.* ■t said County, for the benefit of the Heirs and creditors of said deceased. Samuel Doughty, adm’r. Hcriven County •*’•-,>. 25 M 5 - lm9m 72 N oticc. NINE in mtbs after date, application will bo made to the Honor,ib c the Interior Cour . it Unrke Comity, when silting (nr (h dinary pur post”, tor leave to sell the real estate ol Wi dey tlanberry, (Minor ) deceased, f-r the benefit ol be heirs and cred.: n - s of said I ceased. Jona. Lewis, adm’r. liurke county, M”cb 7 1825 1: 9 37 N olice. NI NE months alter da.>, application will b< mad ■to the Justices of tint Inferior Gone l Franklin County, when sitting I .r Ordinary ni poses, tor leave (o sell the real Estate of Da vol Clark, deceased, for the lieirs and creditor of said deceased. Tlios. Mays, ex’r. April 12, 1825 lm9m 87 JN olice. VINE months after date, application will b made to the Justices of the Interior Cour I Franklin County, when sitting (or Ordinal) purposes, for leave m sell the real estate of Stal ing Procror, a Minor. James R. Haley, Guardian. V pri 12, 1825 Im9m 87 A olice. i.'.tflNE months after date, application will b. jJI made lo the Honorable ibe Court of Ord. n y nt Ilm ke county, for leave lo sell the real E.s 'ate nf Enoch Faint -r, d ased. John Farmer, adm’r. Unrke. County, F ti. I 1825 liti9i't 65 liEOHGt t, Jhirke Conn:// !ty the Honorable the Conn of Ordinary of /lurks County. To all whom it may concern. WHEIIEAS Vt illiam Sapp and Phenicy Sapp, a Iminiatrainr and administratrix, on the state o( Philip Sapp, late of said county, de eased, have applied to this Court for letters Dis missory. I lie-e are therefore lo cite and admonish al ini singular Hie kindred and creditors of the said decea-ed, to file their objections (if any thet l ive) m the 1 Hiec ot the Clerk of said Court, in r tllf first Monday in Ja (iiiry next, other v «e letters Dismissory will be granted to (hem. Witness the H morable Atl n Pemh non, one of the Justices of said Court, this 7th March, 1825. t j Hamuo.l Sturges, Cl’k. Os the Co, rt of O Hoary. (tEORGIA, JSurke County. II the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of said County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCBIIN, AaTHEUKAS Abraham D.niforth in right m it bis wife, and Augustus H. Anderson, ad ministrators on the estate of Elisha Anderson, I ceased, have applied to said Court for letters Disnussory. Now therefore, these tre to cite and admon ish all ami singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to file their objections (if any they have) in the office ol the clerk of this Court, on or before the fi. si M onlay in January next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted. Witness the Honorable James Torrance, om of the Justices of said Court, this 7tb day of March, 1825. In Samuel Sturges, Clerk of tnc Court of Ordinary. (ihUiililA, liurke County. Ily the Hon the Court of U dinaty nf said County. T ALL WHOM IT MAT COM'KIIX. I EKE VS Janies Audi, son, Executor of the Estate ol Elisha Anderson, deceased, ar s i i.’slamentary Guardian of Virginia C. Ancle s m, oaa applied to said Court lor letters Uisntis o.y. Now theiefore, these are to cite and admonish o and singular the kindr. d and creditors of tin 1 d deceased, to file their objections (it any liter ve) in ttic dfice of the clerk of this Court, on hr fore the first Monday in J innary nest, other vise letters dismissory will be granted. Witness the Honorable James fornmee, one ot the Justice- of aid Con t, thi -2d Ma', 1525 (5m Hiumiel Sturges, Clerk n/ the Com t of Ordain: yi N olice. , V EE persons to whom the estate of John 111 I.achin, deceased, is indebted, are requesU . present their accounts within the time pre (.nbed by law, and those who are indebted ti ml estate, are requested to make immediate pay .cut to Peter Benuoch, Adm’r. July 23. m »j Georgia, Burke County. Court of Ordinary,, Myrch Term, 18 -I >, ORDERED, 1 hal ail applications hereafter t( he made (or Letters of '.Guardianship, .)( i Miners under the age of fourteen years, aha!! b< notified to the Clerk at least twenty days before' the term of the Court a' which such application j is to he acted on by the Court. And that the ap (dicant or applicants shall obtain from Iho Clerk a notice in writing, which shall be posted at thi ' Court House door, at least twenty days b- fx:t tin term at which the application is to bo acted on. . ign'dying bis or their intention to make ouch ap- ’ nlicatiou.— Oudebf.d, That in case the right of Guardian .hip occur within twenty days befun ihe meeting i.f the Court as above {repressed the Court will exercise its discretion as to tin course to be pursued. A true extract from the Minutes. Sami' ;1 Sturges, CVk. April 12 1 m-ln 1, '■ 1'• 1 .• ■ County WlfGH' » rg- Pollock, Admmistratm with the wdi annexed, of the Kstate ot William Boothe, deceased, and also administrator nl the Estate of Mary Boothe, deceased. And William H. Wade, administrator <le bonis non i;f the Estate of George M. Henderson, deceased, . each applies fop letters Uismissory, These are therefore to cue and admonish al; and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased’s, to file their objections in this of ; (ice, on or before the first M uiday in August 1 next, ensuing, to shew cause (ii any they have) ; why letters Uismissory should not be granted l -1 die applicants. Given under my band at .’ifice in J icksonbn this 28th day u January, 1825. ; 6m Seaborn (roodall, cl’Jc, GEOtt iIA. Uichmond Couniy 1 JJy the Conn of thiliumy for said County, TO ALL WHOM IT MAT COSOSHN. WHEREAS IJ |.,na Meigs and Hubert Ui ino'i Ad.iii'ii-' rators, /fc bonis non, on th - estate of Jesse Uimun, deceased, iate ot sail Couniy, have applied to this Court lor letter Uismissory, These are therefore to cite and admonish all , and singular the kindred and creditors of the saiu deceased, to file their objections . h any they have) I in lire office of the Cli rk of said Court on or hi ore (he first .Monday in .in .e next, otherwise It; let's Uismissory will he granted to them. Witness Mm (lonorabl.: Samuel Hale, one of dr Judges of said Court, this 26th day us N, veinber, 1824. 6in Isaac Herbert, clerk, Os lit ' Conn of Ordinary GEMlil l a, H■■ohm.,in County. Ily the Honor ;.!• e. ihe Court of Ordinary of the Couniy of /iiclunj d To all whom it in ty concern. .EKEAS Nathan 11. Heal, aijmi' o tor '4‘J Me bo tin • on, on the estate f Hezeio'd B. ai, deceased, late of t> c nnty, has ap lied to i his Court foi Letters Uismisiory These an therefore t» rite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of tht said dec used, .> file their obj' elions (if any th y nave) in l),o -dice of the Cl .rk of said Court on or before the first Monday in Novembo n xi,, otherwise Letters Uismisiory-.vill be grained l- ■ him. Witness ihe Honm ,bi.-Samnc *i , ■ the Judges of said Court, th- - ’ April, 1825 6m . Ap isfiitc Herbert, f Os th ■ Cow of ; I . uoy (■EOUGIA, Franklin County. Wf 1 *AS John Evans, applies ft -ei V? Uismissory, on the estate ui Wdliai 1 hltn. d,-c ase.d. I'liese are therefore to cite and ailmo. »ii and singular the kindred and creditors th said deceased, to file their objections in n.i i lice, within the tune prescribed by law, to s. a : cause (if any they have) why said Letters Uis uissory should not be granted to him. Given under my hand at office in Franklin, lb 8(h day of December, 1824. 6m Frederick Beall, Clerk. ' GEORGIA, Columbia County. WHEREAS Rennet Oration, has applied (o; letters of Uismissory on the estate ot ( George G. I’ankersley, deceased, late of sai . ( county, I bese are therefore to cite and admonish ah . and singular the kindred and creditors of the sod deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the Mine prescribed by law to file then objections (if any they have) to shew cause why - aid letters of Uismissory shot Ad not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Columbia, ■ this Ist day of April. 1835, 6in G. Jones, />. <Tk GEORGIA, Scnven County. 'fWHEREAS I'hos. W. Oliver, Administrator of the estate and effects, and James uli V- r, deceased, late of paid County, applies foi ■; Utters Uismissory. t These are therefore to cite and admonish al t and singular the kindred and creditors ot tin , said decta-ed, to tile their objections (if any they liave) in the office of the Clerk of said Court, on r before the first Monday in November next otherwise letters Uismissory will be granted t" him. Given under my band at office in Jacksonbo rough, this 25Mi day of April, 1825. 6m Seaborn Gnodal 1, CVk. GEORGIA, t'raukiin County. ( YfWIIEUBAS bamuei I’nwtr Adn ’r. and Han ■ nuh l ate Adm’rx, app-lics (or Letters oi | Uismissory or, the estate of William Tate, dec. . I hese are there I ore to cite and admonish all • md singular the kindred and creditors ot the i aid deceased, to file their objections in my office within the tune prescribed by law, to shew cuus-. (if any they have) why said letters of Uismissory 1 should not be granted to them. Given under my hand at office in Franklin,this 7 h day of March, 1825 ' Uni Frederick Beall, CVk. , GEORGIA, i Scnven Couniy. WHEREAS Jacob M‘Gowin, applies for let ters ot Administration de bonis non, on the i. ate and effects of John M’Gowin, late of said County, deceased. Tiieae are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the II s.-id deceased, to file their objections in the office e of the Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of said t County, within the time prescribed by law. to i drew cause (if any they have) why said letters p should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Jacksonbo rough, this 27th day of April, 1825. 16m Seaborn Goodall, CVk. GEORGIA, Franklin County. , WHEREAS James H. Liltu- and Samuel Shan ing, a[j plies for Letters Uismissory on the --tale of William M Crackitig, d« ceased. These are therelore to cite and admonish al and singular the kindred and creditors of lh< said deceased, to file their objections in my o fice, within the tune prescribed by law, to shew cause (if any they have) why said letters Uis mlssoiy should not be granted to them. Give i under my hard at office in this. 7Mi day of March, 1825 6in Frederick, Beall, CVk. bUERIFF’h SALE? Will be sold on tue first I uesday in July next, at the Market House, in the city of Augusta, be tween the usual hours of sale. Six .Negroes, viz: Charles Gil bert, Nancy, Gabriel, William, Jinney, and Biddy levied on as the properly of A. Rhodes, to sati IV a fl fa. on foreclosure of a mortgage, Ander son Watkins vs. said A. Rhodes Terms Cash, Bankable money—purchasers pay for Cities. Peter F. Boisclair, SIVJf. u. c. Mav 6 r 90 Administrator’s Siale. ■)n the first Tuesday in July next, at the Mar ket-House in the City of Augusta, al the usual hours will be sold : ’['he Lot and improvements on itr.-ad Street, fronting the Planters’ Hotel. The properly of the late U. C. Leavens worth, and s.-Id by order of the Honorable the Inferior Cour ■f the county of Richmond, for the benefit of the leirs and creditors. Samuel Hale, Jldm’r. May 4 f 90 Administrator’s »ale. IN purstia x, of an order of the Inferior Coui of Richmond County, sitting for Ordinary u. poses, there wdl be sold at the Market House he City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in tune nex : One undivided third part of the i."I in Hie City ■ Augusta, at present occupied b» Messrs, Badiey &. Doherty, having a (runt on Broad and E lis streets of about twenty U-ei which Lot is the seventh part of Lot No. 26, n the pla of said city This -ale is ordered for Vie benefit, ot the Heirs and Creditors ol Samue Bowers, jun. deceased. Win Ci. Dillon, .^MrrVr. April 1, 1825 llt r * 80 Administrator’s hale. Will he loldoo lue first Tuesday in June next at llie Court-Home in Burke County, at the u suul hours, agreeable to an order of (lie Hon orable the Justices of the inferior Court foi said County, when silting fur Ordinary purpo ses , —e Three negroes, named- Hannah, "lucky d Moses, belonging to die Estate ot Rtu h o Moore, deceased, sold i.i order to make adi vision ~mong 'he Heirs of said deceased. Terms m . It- k' own on lay of sale. Elizabeth Moore, admr’x. M-rcb V . 5 Mr t 81 AdiuinMrator’s Will be sd 1 a In, la residence of John 1). Morrison, bite .f Burke Couniy, deceased, on tne 16'ii <In■ ot June next, V stock of Horses, Cattle and pep, and sundry other articles 100 tedious to -ition. de to continue from day to day until all is sold, Ilosina Morrison, Jldmr’x. (Cj* All persons indebted to the said estate, an q es'.ed to make immediate payment, and thosr rviug demands, are requested to present then. • •galiy attested. H. M. Adrnr’x. Mar 2 : 1825 7t t 91 Administrator’s rtale.. Will be sold on the firs' I uesday in August next, at the Court-House, in Waynesborough, by or der of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary : Seven N egroes, viz: Monday, tlen, lurad, IVgg. Henry, Jim and Arch, b lung ing to the estate of Gotten Merritt, deceased, ■nd to be s-dd for the benefit of the heirs and ■reditors of said deceased Comfort Merritt, JidnVrx. linrke County Hay 3 1825 13t v 91 Administrators Hale. Will be sold on the fiisi Tuesday in July next, at the Court-House, in ttie town of Waynesbor ough, Burke County, within sale hours, agn e able to an order obtained from their Honors the Justices of the Inferior Court, while sit t up- for Ordinary purposes : Four Negroes, viz: David and Saber his wife—Hill, and hi.-, wife Jude ■, sold at the property of William Royal, deceased, for the benefit of (he heirs and creditors of said Es tate. Benjamin Guest, fldm’r. May 4, 1825 ' 7t r 95 Notice. A GRKEABLE to an order of the Honorable /». Inferior Court of Jefferson County, while -itting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold al the Market House, in the town of Louisville, on the first Monday in July next, A Tract of Land, containing one hundred twenty-nine and a half acres, lying on the water* of Hlack Jack Creek, m said county, adjoining lands of Eason and Kennedy, sold for the benefit of Josiab S. Patterson, a minor. Mary Clements, Guardian. April 9, If-25 12t f 84 ~E STRAY. GEORGIA, Scriven County. JOHN RAWLS of Capt. James T. Poytbress’ District, Tolls before me a sorrel Killy, three years old, no brand or mark perceivable, apprais ed by William Gross and Willis Taylor, at fifteen dollars, this 23d April. 1825. R. 1). M‘KINNEY, j. r. Extract from the Estray Hook this 7lk .May. 1825 Seaborn Goodall, CVk. N olice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Cotton /l Merritt, deceased, are requested to render their accounts in properly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to Comfort Merritt, Admr’x. Burke County. May 3, 1825 13t r 91 TO THE PUBLIC. I'MIEHE is perhaps no medical observation bel . ter established, none more generally confirmed by the experience ot the best physicians of all ges and countries and none of more importance t the practitioner,than the fact,that many of the mgst diffi cult ana incurable complaints originate in neglect ed coltle. In a climate as variable as ours,where the changes of the weather are frequently sudden ana unexpected, it requires mare cure and attention guard against this subtle and dangerous enemy of ife, than most people imagine, or are able and willing to bestow. Hence the vast number of pat cents, afilicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthmas consumptions, and other affections, and hence the farrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried up by the learned and illiserate. The many cases of the kind, fell under my observation; the prepose erous compositions of inflaming drugs, which are in vogue ; the disappointment I experienced in practice h orn remedies highly recommended ; and my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints, • were strong inducements for me to consider, • whether a compound consisting of mild vegetable substances could not be invented, more free from f I the well founded objections of practitioners, and better calculated to avert the threatening dp I struction of the lungs. PULMONIC Syrup of Yegetables, For coughs, colds, asthmas and consumptions. I bis remedy is superior to any medicine which - has been offered to the public, as it is prepared from the most valuable herbs of our vegetable kingdom, and its qualities are such that every de pendence may be placed in its virtues for the cure ot the above diseases. From the knowledge ( 'he proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of the syrup, he has no hesitation in recommending is ■ 10 those who labour under those distressing com bunts as a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav- ' "B administered it to thousands in Ncw-York and Philadelphia, he feels no hesitation in offering it (o the public, and alter trial, those persons who purchase the genuine syrup, will have their mo. "Cy refunded by returning the bottle, if they do not feel satisfied that they have reaped benefi trom the use of it. Directions for Use. Take a tea spoon full three limes a day, say morn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re lieved. 0 f Etch bottle will have the signature of the proprietor. t!7 Prepared only and sold by E* Audler, sign if the Golden Eagle, Augusta. October 2 1 33 > New and Invaluable saoßJDaoasjißa I'ATENTEKU BV THE USITKD STATES OF AMERICA, AUDLER’S Asiatic Lenitive i!oi* Pain. 1 his Medi- cine is a nev- I jj l idling remedy for rSIHIS remedy is good against the tooth-ache of X pain in tl-io teeth and jaws when duly applied possesses sovereign efficacv iu delieving swellings of the gums, luce and adjacent , parts, arising from or connected with tooth-ache. It relieves head-ache or pains in the head in . 'he most easy and agreeable manner; for this fre quent and distressing complaint, this, his new medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re stores both the organs of sense and the nerves or their healthy condition at a quick and admirable rate. I his nev. and useful preparation produces, by mild and gentle stimulation, a cheering operation upon the spirits*—it quickens the . sensations, sharpens the perceptions, uud invigorates the functions of the rrind, by dissipating gloom and vapours it acts truly like a nervous 'and cephalic medicine of the first order. Nor is its effect leas beneficial when considered hi relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, the ie«d and the spirits, by its qualities it acts upVn the ‘ight and immediate organs of digestion as a carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing lorpor, correcting acidity, and creating a most comfortable warmth, Tiie operation of this invention and improve ment is quite as favorable to diseases of the ear, more especially it acts to great advantage in dul ness and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi ent deafness, restoring the failing organ to the exercise of its true and healthy functions of hear ing. Certificate from Dr. Samuel L. .Mitchell. Hr. Ezekiel Audler, of Hie city of New-York, this day submitted to me his letters patent from he United Slates, for compounding and vending -a remedy which he calls the Asiatic Lenitive, and asked my opinion upon the same,., whereupon, af ter examining the receipt contained in the specifi cation, 1 find it contains a mixture of such aromat ic, anodyne, and anti-acid articles, as are well cal , culaled to produce a composing effect on thfc hut man body. Samuel L. Mitchell. Neou-York, November 2d, 1318. Audler’s «Mllk ot Roses” AN elegant cosmetic for whitening, softening and beautifying the skin, and removing pimt pies, freckles and chops trom the face, neck, &c. - The Milk ot Hoses possesses many qualities, for is not only serves for the above purposes, but it put the bloom of youth on age, which valuable properly , every lady is fond of enjoy ing. This beautiful rose . cosmetic has a delightful fragrance, and is an article wit ch can be used with safety, as it contains noth , mg that will injure the skin, and it is an indispensa ble article to every lady, and should be found on their toilets. Dhuxtiows. —After being washed and d ! then take a small quantity on a piece of white anduel then wash face, neck, hands, &c. Each , tie will be signed by the proprietor. Price gl Prepared only and sold by' E. Audler, sign ol j 11 Golden Eagle, Augusta. r duly 4 2 D &' A Large Assortment of Juvenile. Looks. for sale at this Office.