Newspaper Page Text
■■ rniiiriii unm r« t wr wr—nnrnnn i. >11111. i__j_ ,1
i' o» lUI •
C!ic Canstttucioiiali.ot
Have for Sale,
2uuU uo Prime Virginia Guru,
25 Tons Swedes Iron assorted,
4U Bundles Hoop do.
4000 Pounds G a man 8c blistered Steel,
t 6jjJ Pounds Plough Moulds,
30.000 Assorted Castings,
lUO Kegs cut Nads assorted,
40 Hilda, prime St. Croix 8c Muscovado Sugar
SO Bols. second quality do.
50 do Loaf and Lump ougar,
50 Bags ar.d barrels ; rime Cotfe,
40 Boxes Hyson, (,unpowder 8c Imperial Tea
20 Hlids. prime Molasses,
5 Pipes Cognac Brandy,
A do. Holland Gin,
5 11 lids. Jamaica and W. I. Bum,
20 Quarter casks Pic >, Sicily, Madeira 8c Ten-!
nertrte Wine,
o 0 do. do. Malaga and Dyes Currant do.!
iOO Bbls. Whiskey, ;
' 150 do. N. Gin,
>( 60 do. Ciuer Brandy,
50 do. N, Bum,
20 do. Cider and Beer,
50 dm Fresh Uichm md Flour,
100 do. No. 3 Mackerel,
100 Whole and halt bbls. of Nos, 1 and 2,
2000 Prime Bacon Hams,
100 P.eces prime 42 inch Hemp Bagging,
100 do. Twilled backing,
30 do. H. ■Asians, .
20 do. Oznabnr, s,
6uo Pounds Twine,
50 Kegs No. 1 and 2 Tobacco,
150 Beams wrapping Paper,
5 Boxes Wbittemort No, JO Coltop Cards,
20 Bags Pepper and Spice,
Writing a-.d Le ter Paper,
Spanish and American Segars,
Powder and Shot,
Salts, Salt Petre and Allum.
iXj 5 For CASH or on a liberal credit for City!
Acceptances only.
May 25 6t 96
YLMUti* ‘A id, lAMAi.
li :» VBBELS Fresh North
-250 Casks Fresh Stone Lime, of
a siijii-i r qnal.ty, ju-t received ami tor rale ai
No. 306, Broad Sin* *, hv
Tliomas S. Metcalf.
May 27 9t>
The Subscriber
h opening in Broad street, one door below Air, Al
len's Hat Store,
Consisting of
Frock Coats
Drab box coats
Double & single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloon
Broadcloth, Satinett and Corduroy do
Toilinett, Valentia, Swansdown Sc black silk:
J Vests
Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do I
Superfine Linen and Cntton, frilled and plain!
Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and LambswooJl
Shirts and Drawers
Flannel do do
Tartan and Gamble! Clonks
Ladies do
Boy’s Dresses
Youth’s dose body Coals
Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wide 1
Immitation beaver do
La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps
Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Slocks i
Silk Umbrellas
Hosiery 1
Gloves, See. |
Negro Jackets and I'rnwsers
* House servants Coatees and Pantaloo.ns
Fearnought great Coats
Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts
Striped and Check do
Common Linen do
Woollen Gloves, and many other articles
in his line.
The above GOODS are New-York made, ami
will be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New-
York prices.
J. P. Hetze. (
December 3 45
HAVING formed a connection with Mr. Henry!
Howard, late 01 Baltimore, have remove** I
heir Establishment to v*o. 88, Broadway, corner o.''
Wall-Street, where their Business will 111 future beL
Conducted under the firm of r
JW7ll.Kurt. ,)u C-. 1823 7
A CAR i7.
DB. HALL, offers his professional attendance i
to the public, in surgery, the obatctrick arti-1-
cle 11 the practice of Physick.
A-plication made at the U. S. Arsenal, near!
Aug o'a. Geo. will receive his attention.
April 26 j 37
§ B 9,® £)($) for 0 TDj
Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery,
Samuel Hale, "A
Hubert It. Held,
Thomas I. Wrap, f
•Augustin Slaughter,
William IC, Holt, I
John IV. Wilde, |
li. I). Thompson, J
1 Prize of 830,000 is gSO.OQQ
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20.000
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20 000
5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000
10 Piizes of 500 is 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is 5.000
100 Prizes of 50 is 5.000
5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000
5175 Prizes, )
12825 Blanks, \ 180,000
Less i/iu i hi/u utiil u/, 5i t /Hunks to it i J i zc, |
Lite prizr-s only to oe drawn, and to he all:
floating iro n (he C'lnjav-noemenl except Hie fob
lo ving, which wiF a- deposited in die wheel at’
definite periods, viz : I
1 prize of lIi.OOU Sc 1 of 5()0
2d. 1 prize of 5 UUO \ lof i UDO 8c lof 500
3d. 1 prize of lU.OOU 8c lof 50c.
4th. I prize of 5.U00 Sc lof 1.000 8c lof 500
slh. 1 pp.zf' of 10 00'. Sc lof 500
fitli. 1 prize of .5 0,0 8c lof J.OOO 8c 1 of 500
7tP. 1 prize of 10,000 .* 1 of 5 000 8c 1 of 500
Bm. 1 prize ol 20.000 8c 1 of i.OOu 8c 2 of 500
9lh. I prize of M.uiO 8c 1 of I 000 8c 1 of 500
I he Scheme is spb- ,1, i, and ior lichness a, d
safety of it vest me u, AT oeq t d d not snneriori
inducements to a v of th • N i thern Cutleries.
The whole Loaety ‘n he comfil 'trtl in
Nine Drawings Duly,
j Frizes pa sale m < nir,y Gays the com |
Iplelion of die Drawing, it applied for within!
(twelve months.
I Prize Tickets tyiil be received in payment for I
any Tickets that may remain unsold in the
course fth Dr-wing.
Present Price of Tickets ,
Whole Tickets jjjlo j Q .art r«- js iSO
Halve-., 5 I Eu'b’lc 1 -5
Tor sale in a threat vi : e xi of numbers at the
Xo. 241, V\vtvAt\ ftlvefct.
A FEW II ill.S It 11. W THE II Aii K.
I Xj' Order- tor Tier -is and ''lnns trnm any
part ot (he United S’ i.-s, LOST PAID, and
enclosing the Ga«h, addressed to the. Sccretan
will meet prompt atte hio ..
J S. Beers,
SecreUv y to he Commissioners
N. R —Jtarien Hilts will be receiv tl at bur for
I I -
iN w *. L.. L
The following articl-.i iav tg bet it rec. iv. .
by Steam-Bow Company’s U ats, uul are now
ot the Var'-Hous'-, b not da m*' 1 pn vi on
to the Js l ti .(me next, they wi lut ibai duv b
si' it vucti m, .to pay freight an 1 other ex
pencts: -
• Murks. Articles.
No Mark 15 bun let Paper,
do. do. 1 i hit, I Liquor,
“ Jus. Gresham” 1 box.
Diamond Mark 1 >an el Liquor,
D. 1 box.
I. 1 bundle fish,
*.* Bev, V. Hammond 1 h x,
W. j barrel Liquor,
G 1 crate,
| ”J, L.” 2 box, a,
Wm. J. Wood,
Treusw. i Slsum How Company
Augusta, Mav 15 Iho, y.j
Commission Business.
j At his old .land in Savannah, n *r 1... F Tt, and
| is prepared t • make suitable advances upon all
produce placed in Ins hands rsa e.
John Evoringham, jr. 1
An-!' lb
} To Gent
M THE Ware-House ami Dwel
ling. ..ecupied 1-t M T. • . Vrfl ,;
Possession will be given the first of
Sanuirl Dale,
V u 27 8t 95
Vot r uic.
Two Stores and Lots, upper
lillm f'O soulh side id ad street—nearly
B Mai ne Sc Go’s Ware
house j which will be sold low t< r
cash or approved acceptance, on reasonable
lerms. Ajjply to
Janies P. Maguire
April 29 v
IS utice.
A IT. persons havmg di tnands against the es
tate ol Ebza A. Lovett, late, ol Burke Cuun
| y, deceased, are req icste t to present them 1.
g dly attested, and those indebted, to make imme
diate payment to
Jonathan Lewis, ) M»i’r.
nnil C aKf/
Jtosina Morrison, \ bonis non ,
Mav 2 T( T gj
& A t arge Assortment of
f'sr sale at this OJfite.
iTIHIUtE is perhaps no medical observation bet
JL ter established, none more generally continnei
by the experience oi the best physicians of all gt
Mid countries and none of more importance K in
I practitioner,than tile fact,that many of the most ilitfi
cnli and incurable complaints originate in neglect
ed colds. In a climate as variable as ours,where tin
changes of the weather are frequently sudden ant
unexpected, it requires more care and attention
guard against tins subtle aqd dangerous enemy oi
hi', than nosl people imagine, or are able anr
jivillmg to bestow. Hence the vast number of pat
ice nts, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthma:
I consumptions, and other affections, and hence iht
'iarrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried uj
by ihe learned and illisorate. The many cases of
I'tie kind, fell under my observation j the prepose
jerous compositions of inflaming drugs, which
are in vogue ; liie disappointment 1 experienced in
jin actice from remedies highly' recommended, and
■my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints,
[were strong inducements for me to consider
| whether a compound consisting pf mild vegetable
-'itostances could not be invented, more free Iron,
(t o well founded objections of practitioners, and
' , r calculated to avert the threatening di
situation of the lungs.
Syrup Vegetables,
1 1,1 coughs, colds, asthmas and consumptions
this remedy is superior to any medicine which
has been oflered to the public, as it is prepared
ram the most valuable herbs of our vegetable
ingdoi’,l, and its qualities are such that every de
peudeoce may be placed in its virtues for the
cure ot the above diseases. From the knowledge
itoe proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of the
j s yiup, he has no hesitation in recommending is
jto those who labour under those distressing com
.lamis *.» a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav
j.og administered il to thousands in NewVork and
i. h'laaelpliia, tie feels ho hesitation in offering it
to the public, and after trial, those persons who
. nit-chase the genuine syrup, wijl have their mo
, uey r funded by returning the bottle, if they do
i u feel satisfied that they have reaped benefi
Horn the use of it.
Directions for Use.
, Take a tea spoon full three limes a day, say
- morn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re
heved. ■*
(Ij* Each buttle will have the signature of the
• 'XT Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sigi
i d the n ’den Eagle, Augusta.
v Ort 2\ 33
>ew ami invaluable
ffijaa)ama 9
Asiatic Lenitive for Pain.
Medi- ' S a nG **
I 1 ! US remedy is good against the tooth.ache of
pain in ike teeth and jaws when duly applied
<o. employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy in
I -licviug swellings of the gums, face and adjacent
P iris, arising from or connected with tooth-ache
li relieves head-ache or pains in the head ii
the mum easy ami agreeable manner j for this fre
fluent and distressing complaint, this, his new
medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re
■“ore.-v both the organs of abuse and the nerves or
_ (he r healthy condition ala quick and admirable
■ ate.
• big new and useful preparation produces, by
mid and gentle stimulation, a cheering operation
ipon the spirits—it quickens the sensations,
diarpens the perceptions, and invigorates the
I unctions of the mind, by dissipating gloom and
(■vapours it acts truly iike u nervous and cephalic
I nedicine of the first order. 1
] Nor is its effect less beneficial v/hen considered
oi relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, the
• lead and the spirits, by its qualities it acts iipoi
;the s;ghi ami immediate organs of digestion as a
. carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing
.torpor, correcting acid.ty, and creating a rnosi
j comfortable warmth.
The operation of this invention and improve
ment is quite as favorable to diseases of the ear,
more especially it acts to great advantage ,n dul*
ness and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi
‘ ent deafness, restoring the tailing organ to tin
exercise of its true and healthy functions of hear
■ *"£•
Certificate from Dr. Samuel L. .Mitchell
Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city of New-York
, this day submitted to me his letters patent from
he United States, tor compounding and vending
a remedy which he culls the Asiatic Lenitive, and
asked my opinion upon the samp, whereupon, at
ter examining the receipt contained in the specifi
Cation, I find it contains a mixture of such ar.omai
ic, anodyne, and anti acid articles, as are well cal
culated to produce a composing effect on the Inr
man body.
Bamuel L. Mitchell.
Nem-Yurk, November 2d, IS]B
I®MR Public are cautioned against trespassing
. on tin Mouses and Lois of the sub cribei
upper end of town—especially against hauling
•ami or earth from the river bank r contiguou
hereto. Barli and every person offending shnl
have the law rigorously enforced against him nf
Hugh Neshit.
January 21 60
' ~'rir „ umiii.i.""; TTi
Respectfully inform* the Ladies ami Go
tlemen of Augusta, that he will be ready t
;c serve them at all times, at his or their houses, i
es l,e line of his profession, and hopes he will me
n s l |are fhj public patronage, as lie will extrai
ii (ccib and stumps, and in the easiest manner ii evr
i of difficult, .id all its other branches.
it lasie nl Carbon,
A superior dentifrice to any ever offered fn
11 cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth an
1 making the breath sweet and greeabic
I. Os Roses,
1 Which removes all scorbutic humour in tin
f 3ums and teeth, and makes them firm st th
'I same lime.
e Prepared and sold by
I E. Audler.
( » At his l . )rllfi ' and Medicine Store, at the Gotto
Mange. Sign of the Golden Earle. Angutta
July 4 ' 2
Axuitee’s Aiiik ot Rosea.
A elegant cosmetic for whiitning, sotieiung
**■ and beautifying the skin, and removing pimi
l ies, freckles and chops from the face, neck, fiic
nbe Milk ol Hoses possesses many qualities, for is
tot only serves lor the above purposes, but it put
ehe bloom of youth on age, which valuable property
every lady is fond of enjoying. This beautiful row
wos ( metic has a delightful fragrance, and is an article
1 ir >h ch can be used with safety, as it contains 1 noth
■ big that will injure the skin, and it is an mdispensa
the article to every lady, and should be found 01
their toilets.
DinscTioas.—After being washed and d -|
then take a small quantity on a piece of white •
xnduel then wadi face neck, hands, &c. Each
b :tle will be signed by the proprietor. Price §1
‘j Prepared only and sold by B. Audler, sign ol the
'Golden Eagle, Augusta.
|| ■ Tl,lv 4 2
"' (tL iSI -ilhlbi
\\ Carriage Maker.
H\S receiv d ( .art o his Spnng Supply ot
CARRIAGES ami GIGS, which makes his I
assortment of Gigs complete-consisting ot first,
second and third rale Lea hep and Suntop Gigs.
; (one Coarhee and one Chariot ee. Being regular- '
ilv supplied with an extensive assoitment, direci
f jfrom the various manufactories ol N walk and its
| vicinity, he is disposed to sell on as good terms as|
( the articles can bi obtained in Augusta. i 1
I (Q’Orders (nr any'kind of Carriages will be I 1
.forwarded and exrcuted in the, best manner, at I'
.jtlie manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carnages ;
built to order. Impairing in all brandies, at short 1
notice, on the most reasonable terms
M.rcb 22 ii 77 '
»U HOUEL, a French Physician, respect folly a
informs the public, that he has establishei'('
SIEAM and MEDICAL BATHS in Augusta f
The very high repute these Hatha have acquired 1
in Europe, where (although a late discovery)!
• they are to be found in every hospital, and Hu f
r great cures they have performed in Hoston, Phi
. ladelphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt ol 1
their efficacy. The m-st gentle us well as the c
most powerful medicines are administered by hs' hi
means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to tht
it patient.
d They are a never failing remedy in all cutaiie
ii ous ali'cl 10ns j from Psora, Hii-.gworms, Etc. lev
,1 Scaldbead and Leprosy, fliey also have nevei n
■ failed of success in either acme or chronic rlieu
, matism. j-
In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcom (,
, iwellings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of tlu „
joints, gom y affections dispersion of tumors, id „
~ cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affi-ctiona, e
t jii» all bilious disnnh-rs, dyspepsia, liypocomiriusis ~
lepileiisy —these baths have been found most ser 1;
j iviceahle, and have often succeeded even in here q
11 ditary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin
_ jistenng almost every remedy belonging to tin b
(.(healing art, may be rendered applicable 10 aimos, K
)(every case, and (it is repea'ed) without any pain
1 (trouble, or disgust to the patient.
( As these bad.* are not yet generally known L
i( Dr. Mot bj, will be happy to give the mos' res |„
dpectable references to persons who have heei
jcured by tski, g them.
V\\\i 'tAk'aww 4* .MeAical kulh »
I EsVaVjUaVuufcut, t
Is in Eliis-Street, opposite Mr. U. Mealing’-
Brick Mouse, a d lias an entrance in Broad-street
.liinmediately opposite (lie city //o >l.
January II 57 11
i j
A HE subscriber having resumed the prac'xe *
of LAW, tenders his services to tfie public. Mi |
(will attend most oi the Courts in the Wester'
, Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and
j Ocmulgee, and the counties of Lawrens, i'wigj.
and Pulatlci, in the Southern Circniis,
Thomas W. llan-is.
o O’ -Letters addressed to him Monroe, Wal
toil county, will be attended in.
F'-brmrv 8 801 65
—— t
i"SillE subscribers have connected themselves
iA m the practice of the LAW—they wj.l uni ,
lorrnly attend all lot counties of the Northern
kreuit. and the county ot Franklin, of the Me
■ i n Circuit, n■ of tin m will b- generally found 3I
d their office in L beMon, where tliey will tali,
deasure in transacting the business ol those win
nay be unfortunate enough to be involved in tin
John X. llearil,
Thomas J. HeanK
January I, 1825 57
A. (JaKli.
SUIU.KON tiKi\,lf,i
At Uucheller if Vo.lwae’, Hroa,l Street, Augusta
nearly opposite he J‘Uniter'a Hotel.
ll B ta.s I ?.V’ FU V LV m, ' ~msU, ‘' i J ‘*bhc, th!*i he
, I,BS relur " e<t to tins City, »i,a fisnect-
solicits lilt Tutruiiage ol u, e Ladies and
le.Kltme.i who may require his a* , vices m uie
v et a) Hranche, of Ins Prole as,ou Tersoiis
' 'slung Ins service in private Families ca,. call ~„d
-- -wprinc.p,. a f
TtefttVi amV Vi mu a.
I he diseases ul lilt iven mi.u ..urn, are chief
i owing to our own neglect, th parts 0 t the
nnents which lodge abou. them alter masiica
■o i. growing acrid and corrosive, tin to ms are
hereby first affected, as being the mother
aits, at ter these corruptions are pr duced, C . rn
"id) Call* d the I'artkr of (lie l eet'h, winch
strovmg both their texture and whiteness not
-ly dep,, V( , s llle ni , mUl of lU p IIIICI uni4 .
ids, but brings ..ii violent to.nh aches, am!
Tf * .' he Gum « ,ivi d and putrid, ami olfensive to
■urselves and others-Hut though people, in
general may prevent those inconveniences, by
fare and atienti"" a, first, jet. they are once
snllered to take place, it is no longer in th ■ ■ ~w .
er of the sullerer to remove them this being pro.
perly ihe province ol the experienced li, „ I|St
who lias made the maladies ..l the I .-, di ami
i ," n>S : w, . tl ' dieir attendHi" evil., the prmcinal
bjecl anil e d .1 Ins studies
V'Wvaiice, VK uUst,
B .v, H • a„p ’usi
, tvesH, and a tiioroog., knowledge ol u,e ~ , -nature
>1 the eelh and l.tnis, na- made at* th. „„era.
? Hons m those pa. Is quite fain liar to him, mao
much that what some I), Hist, have judged nn
pml.o..ble. he hull, peptofriud won ease a,ld
He places Teeth boll, real and artilica*. tnnlc
mg the latter with pure enamel) from ,™| e
. "ne to an entire set so accurateiv, .l,ai ihev
answer every purpose of the naitiral. i bus , e
wlrnmn leh , Cienc ' es ar ‘ : *“i" ,K,, J «■"“
which have die recomnn nda ion of util, v
• hos. Teeth dial It v fallen om thcr Mict.
els which treijuently happens, though ... „ p e ,'.
tect sound slate, he, by a method pecu.iar to
sell, replaces as firm as ever, wnltout U.c- (east
pain or uneasiness to the pai;.-ul
He clears the I'eelh, ,( ever so disc lured, of
all their foulness and arlar, with ol Hum,
renders them white ami as fs.ras ever ... I.Lil an
teeth and Stumns extracted in the eaoes. man
ncr, if ever so didicult.
He assists young ladies and m the
Itirst and second dentition, ami remove, he Mhk
[Teeth at proper Seasons, lest Uiey sh ol i „, Cl
[mode the regular growth or the succeed c a
jindifii dbfonnity of this kind has i uk ,',, ~„c e
hhrough the want ot a Uestist. Mr. FI
; dertakes to correct it provided t o mp.j.-r, , s
not more than tweiny years old. milt le -h.r „ l 0
teeth to i (leir natural, regular and beaut dill -r.
N B, A Tincture and Uentnfice Taste, iir e. «r.
ecl b y ly* which preserves tin |... p and
Changes them to a b i.iitdnl white, cures gums'
Of-he Scurvev and makes hrealli at ah tin, . weet
ami sgreeabh. and cores Hie Tool),
diaiely, wi h .roper directions how t ’
rnilT aiuscro . v g ..,00 .i .. c
JL silion of SVVAI.VI’S celebrated T
lias now a supplly on In. ,r| f„ r Hi „ . „ e ~ Js |>( , (|a
ced the m ice iron, g:J 50 to gj su, or bv las
dozen &J 4
AH cnar tahl, institutions in the United States
and the p -or will be supplied gratis.
fi Hie citiz us of tin: principal cities amt towns
will appoint an agent to order and ii irdml* this
medicine to the poor, ii w.ll l)t su^,
This medicine is celebrated toy Hi. , U r, ~me
following diseases, “scrofula or king’ */,., olcer
“led or otitrid sor*- iln-oat, long stan"imp rb
rnatic affections, cytane. us diseases, swe/j.
mg, and disease ol Hie bones, and ah case*! ,-eii
erally otlhe ulcerous chancier. and chrome'dig.
eases, generally arising io debilitated const,
lions, hut more especially iron sypoih,, ,(f. c .
lions arising thereto ,m ■ outer,'. , the h.jn.x,
nodes, Jtc A*id that dreadfo disease occasiooerl
by a long and excessive n-e i,l nercury, ike. It ni
ilso useful in iliS’oi eot the l.iv.-r.”
t;i;;t i ikt; \ i km.
I li.ive within the li.’# two years had an oppop.
mniiy of seeing several cams » v ry hiveterate
nicer* which havi g resists.d pr*:vi nslj *oe r* po
lar modes of treatment, were healed by lie use
>1 Vlr. - wami s I’aitacea, t*nd I do hflieve, tfom
what I have seen Hut u v II pr. v- a; imp -r ait
remedy in scrofulous, veneriala xl d u ls .
eases (;ll ATM *N. M. |).
Professor of the Institutes a d T actict- f
Physic, io the University , fT, n .svvah.a.
I have employed the Tanaci a of >.!i Svva.n ,n
mimerons instances, wit In,, the las’ thr. *■ ...s
and have always found It extremel' us,*
especially in .econdary syphilis, and merc.ur al
diseases. I have no (institution in pronouncing It
a medicine of inestimable value. °
Trofessorof Surgery in the University-u Tenn
JOHN SHINN he-o-t.
N. 11. For sale at Smith and Tears,ill’s, N. £,
r. .pner of Third and Market. slreets
PhUntlrlhhin, Febniarv 17 I2f lml2o 87
T .
I HF. inhabitants H vij, nsta awd vicinity, are
1 homed Hill a siipplv «f h F- im*. been rece.v. d
'I "'f ' l( 'W Ice House, back ■ Hie Kagle iavern
vbere it mivbe obtained (io.n sumise ta sunset
very day doiour the summer
T rsons living at a di i,*,ce, -ati have it packed
io as to keep several davs.
ilez. Dickinson,
Jce flmisc K ppet*,
Bldtik Itvt is of Dotivey mcßj
J\ cutty fr, bird on \\h m i'uptr%
For saie at ihi» ofhee.