The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, July 08, 1825, Image 1

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. «/ y, f ' ' '*' *■ * *l'"i‘ 1,1 " ul ' 1 " al BV '' B . Im ‘tnr wlii.-h every ' junir, in the world It hours, are not owing to nny want of love for our Country, but t,o an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” PRIKsTI.V NEW SERIES Vol. 111. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 8, 1825. \o. 4. Clje Caufiftitutioaalist IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. FRESH SHOEs. The subscribers are now receiving an exten sive and well selected assortment of ©©(DUS & SSLOSSSa OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, If hick they offer tow, for Cush or acceptances. Also, oi\ Eousigmufcnt, 2 barrelo prime Stnoaked IK el, 2 do. do. do. Tongues. An assortment ot PICKLES, in jars, consisting of English Gerklns, Mellon Mangoes, Cabbage, Feccolidy, &.c. &c. Luke Reed & Co. " July 1 • , (0* Wm. 1). A EUMhI’HY, <S du ly authorized to transact business - «r me during niy absence from ibis place. Adna Rowe. P. S.—The subscriber bus on band a general assortment of sensnn"h;e DRY GOODS And will be occasionally receiving n sh sup plies through the summer. Adua Rowe. June 28 6f 1 Q'D BOXES Window Glass, 8 by 10 8t 10 by 12 4 du London Mustard, 2 do Grass Cut Tobacco, 10 Casks Superior Londo i Porter, 5 do London pale Ale, 15 Parrels Green Coffee, 6 Cases Tumblers, 4 llbds. Philadelphia Rye Whiskey, six{ years old, 1 Bale Oznabnrgs 4 Kegs Pearl Barley, 7000 Heal Cabana Segars, 10 Bids. 4lb proof Philadelphia Rye Whis key, 20 do 3d proof do do Just arrival to William 11. Egan. June 28 ,p SURE UVVUV V VaA AL r? HOXE't first quality CHATEAU MAIL gacx claret, For Hale by -** Pillot & Leßarl )ier. At Mr. J. B. LA Firm’s. Broad Street. June 27 4t 1 To VVfcul, From th first of October next, I HE two fire-proof STORES,!. t| JRkL ” ex: ab,,ve Mr. Kaeeta id. 1 ney ,i jH lilXlSsP fifed up in I lie best manner, for any 1 dBBSSKfWt Dry Good business, with cellars and back stores auached. •he Store with the cedar under it, nelfrto the' - Post-Oflice, now occupied by Eraser &. Bowdre,i as an Auction room—it is rendered very conven j lent for that business by the covered way, in front.) The iwo apartments smith, in 1 the same range, and one or two Liw-olfices, on'l ihe second floor. Also, a conveniedfclwelling on i Reynold street, now rented to 1 Apply in I lie absence of (he subscriber to his at ’■ tornies, A, Moore, W. Gumming and H 11. Cum ming, or either of them. Thus. Cummins:, ’ July i 4t p 2 ' To Rent. f JaajL FROM the first of October, n fJTjBL next, ilia' commodious two-.virfy ii UkiSM DWELLING HOUSE, on Ellls-stri r t JMMKKKk immediately in die rear of the brick store, ccupied by Messrs. Wilson fk Cochrane— f For further particulars, enquire of Mr. Robert F.| Poe, or to the subscriber. M. A. B, White, July 1 > n 7~ |Vjc ~ niHF. undersigned has appointed ,Infix H. M. Manx. Esq. his agent during his absence from Augusta. r . . And has also to Rent , A LiltH- A Cjoimuddinus Dwelling - House, with a good Garden, Carnag; -House.,j all other needful out houses, situated near the;. Eagle Tavern, on Reyno d-Si reet. Possession ‘ to be given on the first ol O :■ 'her next. Asaph w aterman. June 28 1 F oTI »ALE, El THER tog her or separately, four Lots and improvements, on Bros 1-Street at present occupied by Mes-rs. John Cam ,lx*ii, lohn Beach A. I & G. W Huntington and B. Pyne, all well adapted and eligibly situated for business. If not sold before the 10th Inly next, they will b rent ed for the year, comm noing the first October next. Augustus Moore, Cashier. | June 21 6l 103 I- Rliv aALh, TWO pair ot Iron Screws, tor compressing! Cotton ; together with the Frame, which I will be sold very low. Apply to 1 Wm. J. Wood, Treasurer Steam-Boat Company, 9t 103 LA FAYETTE HAT CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE The Subscriber \ r s opening in Broad street one dot, beloru Mr. Al len's Ha: Store. A LAUQK A\ G t VKHA I. AsSOUTMKNT OF AND CLOTHING, Consisting of OIiKSS COATS, Frock Coats Drab box coats Double &; single mill’d Gassimere Pantaloon Broad Cloth, Salinelt and Corduroy du loilinetl, Valemia, Svvansdown Ik black silk Vests Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain Shirts i Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Lambswool, Shirts and Drawers Flannel do do Tartan and Camblet Cloaks f.adies do Boy’ii Dresses Vouth’s clone body Coats Gentlemen’s superfine Hals, some very wide brims Imputation beaver do La Fayette,, boys and mens seal skip Caps Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Blocks Bilk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, tkc. ALSO Negro Jackets and Trowsers House servants Coatees and Pantaloons Fearnought great Coats Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check do Common Linen ( jo Woollen Gloves, and many other articles in his line. I , n >e above GOODS are New-York made, and I will be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New i (fork prices. J. P. Seize. | December 3 46 I BARRELS Whiskey, 2d Gaps Coffee, 20 Bhls. Loaf Sngsr, 2 Hhds, Jamaica Rum, 2 Pipes Cognac BranJv, SO BbU. FI .nr, 1 Rah' Oznaburgs, 20 lllids. Molas *es, Received on Consignment, and for sale by Win. Si. hi Iran. F LOU VI ai\d MH-D© barrels Fresh North 250 Casks Fresh Stone Lime, of a superior qnulitv, just received and for sale a> No. odß, Broad -Si 1 bv Thomas ft. Metcalf 9!> SCOFIELD, FhELPSTCo. HHATERS AND TAILORS H'VhNG formed a connection with Mr. Henry Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed ifir Establishment to Vo. 88, Broadway, corner ot tVall-Slreet, where their Business will in future be conducted under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS fk //OWARD. New Vr 1 ’ i, 1 op's y iP a u TTdX 'T’HE Subscriber has tak n tin- SPRINGS for 1 merly occupied by C >l. J, Hauohton, back of the Planters’ Hotel, and intends keeping all kinds of liEVU.ESIIAVE.XTft, for gentlemen, who m u <- d , 1, M1 Daniel Clements. June 10 i<U EUAVUEW VAimuUUiE AND i Commission Business. At his old stand m Savannah, u i.r t ie Fort. and 1 s prepared to make suitable advances upon all produce placed in Ins hands 1 ir sale. John Rverinslmm, ir. April 12 An Canciagvi, ViVg aiuV ftaAAVc HOR iE s, For sale by the Sub sc iter, John Dillon, No. 341, Bkoaii STtIKET, Opposite the third Engine House. May 31 i t' omY>ahses . JUST RECKIVtI), A supply 0/ v y superior Jive an /nr inch Mold us Compasses anil for sale bo Horace Fly. lime 17 fi is olicb. I ’HE public are gai si Hading lor a| . Note of Ihe subsn iber, made payable to J. I. Thompson, sixty day s irom the 28 li ol .May last, for Five Hundred Dollars- 11s I have oflk-is, 10 nearly, or quite to tl.» 1 nnout Cilbert Lougstreet. June 13 <tw 101 THOMAS G. HALL, Eavviage .Makvv. ’ JLI AS receiv-d a lan o' Ins Spring Supply of E 1 CARRIAGES and GIGS, which makes hi assopt neni of Gigs complete-—consisting of first, second and third rate Leather and Suntop Gigs, one Coachee and one Ghariotee. Being regular ly supplied with an extensive assoitment, clireci from the various manufactories of Newark and its vicinity, he is disposed to sell on as good terms a the articles can bi obtained in Augusta’. tTy-Orders for any kind of Carriages will be forwarded and executed in the best manner, at the manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriages built to order. Repairing in all brandies, at short notice, on the most reasonable terms. M irch 22 ts 77 AND STEAM. B ITiIS. DU. IIOUEL, a French Physician, respectfully informs the public, that he has established | STEAM aid MEDICAL BATHS in Augusta. The very high repute these Baths have acquired in Europe, where (although a lute discovery) they are to be found in every hospital, and the great cures they have performed in Bouton, Plfi ladelphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt ol the ir efficacy. The most gentle as well as the most powcrlul medicines ate administered byiha: means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the patient. They are a never fading remedy in all culaue ous affections; from Psora, Ringworms, he. to Seal,Uiead and Leprosy. They also have nevei failed of success in either acute or chronic t hen mstism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, auasarcou'- swellings, incipient dropsy; i n all diseases of the joint.", gouty affections, dispersion of tumors, ill cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections •, in all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypoccndriasis. epilepsy—these baths have been found most ser vie. able,and have often succeeded even in here ditary complaints. In fine, this maimer of admin s istt ring almost every remedy belonging to the ’ healing art, may be rendered applicable to almost I'every case, and (it is repeated) without any pain. 1 trouble, or disgust to the patient. 1 As these baths are not yet generally known. (Dr. Houel will be happy to give the most res pectahle references to persons who have been cured by taking them. V\uf ftWvuw MeAicyA EaVE EslabUsVvvufcuV, Is in Ellia-Street, opposite Mr. M. Mealing’s Brick House, a d has an entrance in Broad street immediately opposite the city /foul. Ja.miiry il 57 E. AUDjuEK, t ft URL EON DEN TIST, RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Cen tlcmen of Augusta, that he will be teady tt; serve them et all times, at his or their houses, ir • the line of his profession, and hopeu he will mee share of the public patronage, as he will extrac teF iii and stumps, and in the easiest manner if eve nt difficult, id all its other branches. Taste tv£ Cavium, A superior dentifrice to any ever offered (01 cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth am making the breath sweet and greeabic. SC OUB UTIC ESSENCE. Os Roses, Which removes all scorbutic humour in Iht 3ums and teeth, and makes them firm at the same time. Prepared and sold by E. All tiler. At Ids Drug and Medicine Store, at (he Cottoi Range. Sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta Julv 4 ' AuAtet’s wVUVk otiioaes. A N elegant cosmetic for whitening, sofienini -f 1 a ,!' d l^ au,l *')' in S ;l| e skin, and removing pimt lies, freckies and chops from the face, neck, he ■he Mnkol Uoies possesses many qualities, for is j"’t only serves for the above purposes, but it put. Cite bloom of youth on age, which valuable property | every lady is fond of enjoying. This beautiful rose |Wos metic has a delightful fragrance, and is anartieff bull cl. cap be used with safety, as it contains noth big (oat will in jure the skin, and il is an indisr ensa ;the article to every lady, and should be found on 1 their toilets. j Di HECTioNS,— After being washed and d I then take a small quantity on a piece of white flan anduel then wash face, neck, hands, he. Each hot tie will be signed by the proprietm , Price I Prepared only and sold by E. Audler, sign ol the Golden Eagle, Augusta. j 4 2 is* otice. J pHE subscribers have connected themselves ■-A /n the practice of the LAW—they will uni -1 mm y attend all the counties of the Northern Circuff; and the county of Franklin, of the Wes. j ern Circuit, one of them will be generally found it their office in Elberton, where they will lake ffeasure in transacting the business of those who nay be unfortunate enough to be involved in tin Law John A. Heard, Thomas J. Heard. January L 1825 57 NOTICE. | a LL persons having demands against the estateT m ; Robert Lang, deceased, are hereby notified j k- thcr return agreeable to law , those in | .1 bn .1 to said estate, are notified to make irnme j <1 ale payment. Wm, Brux, Exf. July 1 fit » ‘2 TO THE PUBLIC. HERE is perhaps no medical observation bet ter established, none more generally confirms 1 . , the experience of the best physicians of all ■g, s , alK ‘ countries and none of more importance t , practitioner,than the fact,that many of the most efiffi cult ana incurable complaints originate in neglec ed colds. In a climate as variable as ours,where in changes of the weather are frequently sudden a- < .unexpected, it requires more cure ami atientioi guard against this subtle and dangerous enemy hie than most peojiie imagine, or are able t-n to bestow. Hence the vast number of pm cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthma consumptions, and other affections, and hence Hr farrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried m by the learned and iffiserate. The manv cases e kind, fell under my observation ; the prepo erous compositions of inflaming drugs, who are in vogue ; the disappointment I experienced i: [tracticc from remedies highly recommended ,am my qwn predisposition to pulmonic complaints were strong inducements for me to consit er whether a compound consisting of mild vegetabb substances could not be invented, more free Iron the well founded objections of practitioners, an. hotter calculated to avert the threatening d -3 struction of the lungs. PULMONIC of YogoUvM^, For coughs, colds, asthmas and consumptions I his remedy is superior to any medicine wind ’ las he l eu o,Jtre<l to ‘he public, as it is prepare; rom the most valuable herbs of our vegetable kingdom, and its qualities are such that every dt pendence may be placed in its virtues for ih. cure ol the above diseases. From the knowledg. t ic proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of th> syrup, he has no hesitation in recommending o to those who labour under those distressing com lainls as a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav mmi j"l"l!- tered il t 0 thousands in New-York and , Uhiladelpbia, he feels no hesitation in offering ii to the public, and after trial, those persons wh. purchase the genuine syrup, will have their m . ney refunded by returning the bottle, if they do no. feel satisfied that they have reaped benefi from the use of it. Directions for Use. * “I 1 - 6 a (ea s Poon lull three times a day, say morn ng, noon and night, and continue il until re licved. df Each bottle will have the signature of the proprietor. (I? Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sign ot the Golden Eagle, Augusta. October 21 33 .New and Invaluable lUiUDIKIHIHIBs . VAXENVEKO 1H THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AUDLER’S Asiatic Lenitive for Pain. I his Metli- c ' inc j 9 a „ ev er failing remedy so, ie Head Aclie, and other dis eases. lls remedy is good against the tooth ache ol -H. pain in the teeth and jaws when duly applied and employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy 10 deheving swellings of the gums, lace and adjacent parts, arising from or connected with toolh-aclu It relieves head-ache or pains in the head 1, the most easy and agreeable manner ; for tips fee quent. and distressing complaint, this, his new medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re stores both the organs of sense and the nerves or their healthy condition at a quick and admirable rate. This new ai.d useful preparation produces, by mdd and gentle stimulation, a cheering operation > "P°" the spirits—it quickens the sensations, 1 sharpens the perceptions, and invigorates thei functions of the mind, by dissipating gloom and i f vapours it acts truly like u nervous and cephalic' medicine ol the first order. ■ Nor effect less he. when considered! ; m relation to the stomach, nao to the month, the f head and the spirits, b) its qualities it acts upon! Hie sight and immediate organs of dig. stion a.- a carminative and cordial,expelling wind, removing '| 'orpor, correcting acidity, and creating a most l comfortable warmth. ' The operation of this invention and improve ment is quite as favorable to diseases ol the ear, - more especially it acts to great advantage in dm less and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi ' ent dcafner.s, restoring the failing organ to tin exercise of its true and healthy functions of hen mg. Certificate from Hr. Samuel L. Mitchell. Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city of New-York H is day submitted to me his letters patent iron i he United Slates, tor compounding and vending j / remedy which he calls the Amalie Lenitive, ann J isked my opinion upon the same, whereupon, «■ ter examining the receipt contained in the speci/i cation, I find it contains a mixture of such aroma' c, anodyne, and anti-acid articles, as are v/ell cal dilated to produce a composing effect on the ho ' man body. Samuel L Mitchell. Ne-v>-York. November 2d, 1818, Js* otAcu. < ! LL persons to who o Hi late Francis Bouye/1 |itbVof the city of Augusta, dec ased, is imp bi d, are requested to present their demands with j n the time prescribed by law j and those indeh! I d, are requested to make immediate payment B. Bouyer, f , ■ Paul December 21 si I A. DA »<||. Z. EViOVUiXCE, SUUGEON MENTIS I Ac Uachehler & Codwtse’s Mroad Street, Augusta nearly opposite he Planter's Hotel. KESFKC TPULLY informs the Public, that he ha» returned again to this City, ami respect fully solicits the Patronage of the Ladies and Cent.emeu who may require hts services in die ■evifil Branches of his Profession. Persons winning his service in private Families can cull and see his work Mannfac ur d on a new principle, which he w .rrauts. Teeth and Uums. I tic diseases of the i ee t. .. nd Gum* are chief ly owing to our own neglect t the parts oi the slioK-nts which lodge about them after mastics j°", growing acrid and corrosive, the gums are ■ hereby fust affected, as being the most tender units, alter these corruptions are produced, corn only culled the Tartar of tbe Teeth, which 'trojing both their texture and whiteness not ly ’ deprives the mouth of its principal orna p ms, hm brings on violent tooth aches, am! ren ners the Corns livid and putrid, and offensive to nrselves am! otl’ers,— Hut though people in general may prevent those iitconvenienceK. by ■ are and attention at first, yet. if they are once suffered to take place, it is no longer in iho pow er of the sufferer to remove them this being pro perly the province of the experienced Demist, who has made the maladies of the Teeth and Cums, with their attendant evils, the principal bjecl soil end if his studies, Ma*. Vlorauce, Dentist, By long practice. close apphraltoi insi ness, ami a thorough knowledge of the .vnictnre of the leelh and Cums, lias made all the op. ra tions in those pails quite familiar to mm, mso ■midi that what some Demists have judged im practicable, be balli performed witii ease and 1 salety. lie places Teeth both real and artificial, (muk mg the latter with pure enamel) from a single ■me loan entire set so accurately, ihai they shall answer every purpose of the natural. ( hus die greatest deficiencies are supplied with m laments which have the recommendation ofn miy 1 hose I eetfj that have fallen om t.ieir sock els, winch frequently happens, though in a per , ,e< r l 80Und state > he > b y a method peculiar to him sell, replaces as firm as ever, wiihout die least pain or uneasiness to the patient. lie clears the Teeth, if ever so disc dured, of all their foulness and tartar, without pain, and 1 renders them white and as floras ever in half an hour. Teeth ami Stumps extracted in the ca-iest man ner, if ever so difficult. Ife assisla young ladies and gentlemen in the | -irst and seennd dentition, and removes the Milk Teeth at proper seasons, lest they should ■ mode the regular growth ot the succeeding onces jandita deformity of this kind has taken place through the want of a Deslist, Mr. Flotation un dertakes to correct it j provided the subject is jiiot more than twenty years old, and restoia « die leelh to their natural, regular and bcuu itnl ul - N. I! A Tincture and Dmuriftce Paste, prepar ed by him only, which preserves the Tee,h and changes t limn m a beautiful wliile, cures dm gums of the Scurvcv and makes breath at alt times -weel and agreeahh and cures the Tooth Ache i diately, vvidi iropoi* directions how to us. it On, hi r 12 31 - «1. blvlmi’a M *b- sub cro r ‘ i. V .g discovered -e c -tnpo wA Miii.n of SWAI M’S celebrated Panacea hu - "ow a “tUpPily on lih d for sale ; tic hus rt du O'd the p ice from go 50 to g 2 50, or hv tie dozen g 24 1 All charitable institutions in the United States 1 and dm p-or will be supplied gratis, i If the citizens of the principal cities and towns, . will appoint an agent to order and vli ir.htu dm’ medicine to die poor, it will be supplied. This medicine is celebrated lor the cure i toe following diseases, “ scrofula or king’s evi ulcer ,ated nr putrid sore throat, long standing mu malic affections, cutaneous diseases, win . swell ing, and disease of (he bones, and all cases gen • eraMy ot the ulcerous character, and chronic dis eases, generally arising in debilitated conslim lions, but more especially from syphilis, afl. c lions arising therefrom; ulcers i. die layrnx, ■ nodes, five And that dreadful disease oe. asioned by a long and excessive use of mercury, fkc. It is ■ 1“Iso useful in disease of the Liver.’* j OKUTIFICATK3. I have wi liiii the last two years had an oppor tunity of seeing several cases of very inveterate ! ulcers which having resisted previously the v gu 'lar modes of treatment, wen heated by Hi use , ot dr Swairn’s Panacea, and I do believe, Irom i what i have seen that it will prove an important 'remedy in scrofulous, vt-nerial and mercurial dis |(' ah ‘ s N. UHAPM VN m. d. Professor of the Institutes and I* actice f Physic, in the University • I Pennsylvania. 1 have employed tin Panacea ot Mi siurm in imimerMis instances, within the las' thr< i years, and have always found it extiemely eflic.. i- us, especial,y in secondary syphilis, and mercurial diseases. I have no hestitatnm in pi mi unnng it a medicine of inestimable valui , W. GIBSON VJ. D. Professor of Surgery in the University oi Penn sylvar ia. JOHN SHINN, hen.i t. N. B. For sale at Smith and Pearsall’s, N E, ■I nor of Third and '-larket-st re-Is. /‘/u/tiflel/i/iia, Feb a 17 I 2> linl2 H7 .NOTHK. i't'R Public are cautioned against trespassing mi the Houses and Lo's oi the subscriber ■t per end of lori—especially against tianling -and or earth from tbe river bmk nr contiguous ■Hereto Each and every person offending shall ■ ave the law rigorously enforced against 0 f 'hem. Hugh N esliit. fmiiarv 91 ait litiliier Curnining, w/U r ** my Attorney during m ■ s , h e jik Ce. J. iVI, Jtlaud, May 13 ts 92