The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, July 15, 1825, Image 1

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i s . ; * mmm aiii'fini— ,nlll l “ Many of tho political evils, under which every Country in tin: world labours, arc not to any want ol lim for our Country, but to an it-noii.nca ol its real c... .niliition mid . ,tercyi phi 1 S r, •, NEW SERIES Vol. 111. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 15, 1825. No. 6. 'tifiTWlP iß' “••I tnWiTT I-mi if I—■■■ IB iiihiih i ■ .iNTi. I■ , \ , TiiTV'i.'. ' i ■n i ~ i ~~7~ ' ' ~~~ TT_ ~ ' ■■ " —.— ' ~~ .' .. .. ™ r— : <£lje Cantftitutioaali^t IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND E 111 DAY, BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. ro KENT, Fi •om the first of October next. MTHK Dwelling House oppo s'd- Mr H ry .1! .|i g, Ed:s-.slr - t he western IVnemf-r us the Hnclc Huiirling opposite the City II tel, ;md the eisit iMi renemt tit of the Wooden il msr i next below, Ilrond-sMeet. i v lho — l 1 our Stores on the east side of. Center s ree l . commencing at the corner ot l!e\ •iioldstreet. an I ranging north—they are a ell. ( ; calculated t>r Grocery Business and would he) Rented on m «fi‘rale terms, and p n-.session given! 'immediately Apply in the ahs.uce of the sub - p eriber tn his Attorney (oun Phimzi. L. C. Uantelou. ■lnly 12 T< i II E > r. And possession given on the Is/. October. AjgjA THAT Dwelling House and r.nt. at i,resent nccti: not by Major M’Gran, on Keynold-m ot. 'The two small dwelling Houses 1 frond ng the < -it v M- li. «nd at present occupied by *Mr V. Gary and Ih ul nin. A I SO Three Stores with Dwelling llou * «8« aUac'i d nlt idge How.—. Apply to M, W. W»'r o, or Wn, G. Ntintno, who are <lti!y author ised to ad (or me, during my absence. li H. Warren. July 3 4 To Went, From Ih' first of October next, I HE two fire-proof STORES, "ex a!> v Mr. K-ie.- and lie) af\ tßiitaS f* l e.l up m the bo-t mu er, tor a«yl -m n;'Jt3Ev t)p\ Good business, with cellars and) ‘back .■ nno. at ached. 1 l S'-ire with the celar under it, next to I he j Pott- dfi't;, now occu lie Ibv Kri-.-r Ik !so‘,,J as a Aoc ion room -it is re -d-red very c mve - ient fur toa l busin ss by the covered way, in front.! I’tie two aoartrne its web cellars, next s otb, in{ 1 ■ the sain - rang ", and one or two Law.-dli-'-s, ottj the seen Isl .or. Also, a convenient Hae'ling mi Kvnfid street, now rented to Col. M'Kiume.— j Ap.ilv in the absence of the subscriber Hi in- - at luroi-'s, A. Moore, W. Gummi g anil H H. Cum miitg, or either of them. Thos Gumming. J'llv 1 4 f 2 ~y—~- The lirick Store next to the Ci. er ni Or m1 and M’ln osh-Suve s, ,t p e eot I ncc.ipned by Mr. 8-uHi Three or tour Count- i ing Houses or Offic- s'm VtHntosh-tfi ie t, Tw - or three Stores n ar Mr. Mai ones* 'Vape U .use u . town.—Possession can be had first Oc ob. r next. Hugh Nesbitt. July 8 4 j r ~7~ TiTkE 'i I . “ 1 From the first of October next, ! THE STORE in the brick tenement, at pre> u;jied by Mr. U 1) r il. R.isj^iovr. Al'Pi.Y TO Robert F. Poe. Job 8 4 j ~~~ tI) su7t Jd-.i, 1 l ,e ‘“’tore and Dwelling? 11 ousi ! in Hroad-Btr^f t, opposite tiie Flinurs’i Hotel, at nccupipd bv A. G mLI. A Dwelling Jlonse on Reyuold ftrert. o |) sit r Epi'C at (Jhuioh, at pre-, sent occupied b Moos l{o(f, jonr. —also— j A new and very comfortable f)wr ling <n It ynohl mPit , immediately in ike rear ol our -tore. Possession to be g vtn the 1 first of October next. Hall & Hardin, j July ot A — |( , ,t 1 THE undersigned has apoointed John I! Vl»xn Emj. ilia agent during bis absence from Augusta. f . Avd has also to Vent, feN . A 1-ii-rJ A Com in tdions Dwelling 1 Jh'U with a g Mil <. , Caniagr.House, ,• idi odi r needful ou* boiu.-s, situated near the liag <■ tavern, on !f vo- d-S reel. Possession to be given on t'i" li l '- •)' iber vt, Aisaph a term an. Jlln. 98 | FU ti fAIiE, [ El 1 lE(J t>g h ror s , irately, four l.ots and | mpr ivem -ots, ou 11 1 oa I Si r. et at present i iccitpted by vfes-rs, lulm Cam ibeil, lobn iteach l , i. I Si G '-V Ho itingtii i iiid It Pyue, ad \\ f , S (lapt- tmi l elig !>ly situate )hr business. If ~-ill s cld before the lota (o.v next, di.-y will b ren ! c d for the year, c,-- m c g be fi,. r * r ext. Augustus ’t'onre, nntlier \ June 21 ' ;j J n IP ' f.'lElt together or separa-f l\, a seccnd ho |" ti CAUUIAGb, and pair oi ha 1 d n,.- ovi li iOES ES. R. ii. Wilde. I, July 5 6t 3 I i MOBSMMI •» ateic.ik. ©amuDißisL ft saA!B3ai* No. 164 Broad Street, lUvve this A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ALT 4 vIEH Gin) r'HIJfG, ' ’ f wliich will be disposed of low, for j Mav 20 94 ~ LA FAYETTE HAT AND I CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE t The Subscriber e I ts opening in tiroad street, one door below Mr, .it ' ten’s Hat .Store, A T.»wan ami OUVIiIIAI. ASSORTMENT OP AND CLOTHING, Consisting of coats, Frock Coats Drab box Goats Double & single milt’d Cassimere Pantaloon <■ Broad Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy do J Toilinett, V’alentia, Swansdown ti, black silk Vests Rbio and black Cloth and Cassimere do Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain Shirts ' Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and I ambswool * Shirts and Drawers j Flanni-1 do do Tartan and Camblet Cloaks Ladies do Boy’s Dresses V'Uith’s close body Costs Gentlemen** superfine Hats, some very wide brims Imputation beaver do La Fayette, boys am! mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks Silk' Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, &c. t ALSO— Negro Jackets ami I’rowsers House servants Goatees anti Pantaloons Fearnought; great Goa's Frocks, red Humid Shirts Striped and Check do Common Linen do Woollen (doves, and many other articles in his line. , b Phe above GOODS are New-York made, andj 'dll be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New-L York prices. ' J. P. Setae. December 3 46 - Wm. 1) A ERNETHY, !S (1(1- ly antliorize*l ro transact h i i esi » ir me tlur.hg j n»y abacnct: from this place. Atlna Rowe. P. S—The subscriber has on hand a general assortment of «e hi b e DRY GOODS, | And will he o«.:ca> oti/iliy receiving fresh sup- plies throng i the summer. •. A (In a Rowe. June 28 fit i I'bbVUl a,ud LL\ih. fSsTlil BARRELS Fresh North , f -rn Flour, \ 250 Casks Fresh Stone Lime, of a a superior qual >v r ceivt. fl and for sale at s< No. 308, Hroad.Stre •<. hv 0 Thomas S. Metcalf, h May 2 7 gt? ft — —l V Lorn/for >ale. b rom 1000 to 3000 Bushels Prime li 'UDiiiTij, J For Sale hy the Subscriber, at No. 341, BjIUAD-STUKET, AUHUSTA. John Dillon. I* Jnlv 5. ,j £5 IP ji Uil W&. ’ ' - J JL merly occupied by C >l. J. Halhhton, back ■ • f the Plautera 1 Hotel, and intends keeping all I kinds of u lIEFW.EtsVVAIE.VTS, I Cor gentlemen, who may call o i 11■ m P Daniel Clements. f( Jit op 10 11 <;> \N :A V» L W V ALT VUIAVi E AND Co in m ins io n Hus i n ess. At his old st.-od in Savannah, near toe Fort, and'_ s prepared to mike suitable advances upon uil| oroduce placed in Ins hands for sale. John Everingham, ir. { Anri’ 19 ' a; VViKE.V ’OM the hack par f ihe house belonging to . .I.iiihi, Fra-er, E q in FJlis-stieet, a Liquor < s‘. with Mottles—'he case had been just painted mahogany color and being put out to dry was a km off. Whoever wrl return it to the plact ■rom whence it was taken, n r leave it at the An is a Bnok-t re or give information of il, so that uvoci g.-ts it sliali receive a reward if re quued, together with the owner’s thanks. June 21 104 INDISTINCT PRINT aro f ~ sac hmwnw MASONIC HILL LOTTE 111 fpilK Board of Cn'ii nn siooers have the pi num 4. 4’a moo icing to the public, from tin large sales of tickets up to £bis time, and the in ceasing demand tor I limn, they arc enabled de fioitively to fix a day for the co nmencernet t of (he Lottery—and to give the inns’ positive asmi'a-u er of its being carried t'uilv in'o <• (T ct. I'be first drawing will BOSI ! IVELY take pi me on the IM\\ of .Yftgusl uvxV, Persons wisomg u> advocure are adv s. d to pur chase \v tlimit delay as an advance in the pi ice ol tickets is highly probable. Dealers in Lottery tickets in tins .a id oilier States will be supplied on advantageous terms by making application lo the Bo ird of Commissioners through their Sec retary. J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Board of Commissioners, June 17 l > VI\KE HAS f K Toßuy Tvckftts Vu Vhe, AUGUSTA j Masonic Mall Lottery. J The first drawing of this highly approved \iUTTEU\ |t will positively take place on the FIFTEENTH OF AUGUST NEXT. A F which ’im" will commence the iLs'i ibuUun of the . fnl , 'i'ivinir vnlwih/e presents : 1 Prize of 30,000 Dolls. I Prize of 20,000 Dolls. | 4 Prizes of 10,000 Dolls. 4 Prizes of 5,000 Dolls. 5 Prizes of 1,000 Dolls. ! 10 Prizes of 500 D 11s. 50 Prizes of 100 Dolls. I 5000 Prizes of 10 Dolls, j WHOLE TICKETS, glO d HALVES. 5 QUAR I FRS, f 250 EIGHTHS, 125. For -Me in the greatest possible variety of nmn ' bers at the Commissioners office, I 241, Lvoad StYcet. Where orders i n ll KE I S post paid enclosing!' tiie cash will be promptly attended to, if addressed , J. S. Beers, Secretary ( 0 the Commission wit, N. R Darien Fills will be received at par for IJCKETS ' • 17 103 -- i SCOFIELD, PHELPS k Co. intJtPEUS AND TAILORS S S AVING formed a connection witii Mr. Henry Howard, late ol Baltimore, have removed neir Kxtablishmenl to Vo. ,88, Broadway, corner of Wall-Street, where their Business will in future be ’ conducted under the firm of , SCOFIELD, PHELPS & i/i) WARD. . New. York, June. 1823 7 THOMAS G. HALL, ; Lavriage, Mate. HAS received a ran o' ni< Spring Supply o'p CAUItIAGE Vain) GIGS, which makes in 1 assortment of Gigs complete—consiatiog of first, 1 tecond and third mte Lea’her and Suntop (.ig-,; one Goachee and one Churio'ce. Ueit.g regular -j* ly supplied with an extensive assoitment, direct from the various manufactories of Newark and its 1 vicinity, he is disposed to sell on a good terms as! B the articles can b ; obtained in Augusta. M OCT’-Orders for any kiml of Carriages will be J orwarded and executed in the best manner, at j Die manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriages l ! built to order. Repairing in all branches, at short 1 notice, on tile most reasonable terms. March 22 11 77 i ■■ - t .WAV SUM) (MPVU)VED (SvDlftfiDf! (BUiUBo I: !* The .Subscriber < H AVING been appointed gent for JAMES* 1 Ll I'l LE & SONS, Manufacturers of Cotton | C Goo-, wilt attend to orders (or'he same of any di mensions wit li promptness, and assures tiie plan- 11 lers that the same shall be executed in tiie best; 11 style "f workmanship on the newly improved: 1 principle. The (tins will be delivered at bis Ware-House for the prices charged m the Manuftcto> y. William il. Egan, Upper part south side Broad street. | —Gu Wand— , 1 GIN of thirty six Saws, |a June M 4t t ir An assortment of Carriage. L\g and rvaddVv, HORSES, For sale by the Subscriber. .John Dillon, [ No. 311, Biioaii stbbkt. Opposite the thiril Engine House. “ Mhv 3t D 97 - i gr’A l.arge Vssortment of WLANKS, For Sale at this (JJfict. I n TO THE PUBLIC. INHERE is perhaps no medical observation bet . tsr eslaWisbed. none more generally confirmed I »*• ‘Le experience ot the hot physician's of all ;go I tod countries sud none of more Importance t" in j practitioner,than the fact,that many of the rn »si dilli coll aori incurable complaints originate in neglect ed colds. In a climate as variable as ours,where ibt changes of the weather are frequently sudden ami 1 unexpected, it requires more care and attention yourd against tins subtle unci dangerous enemy of life, than most people imagine, or are able an whhr.g to bestow. Hence tiie vast number of pm cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthma consumptions, and other affections, ami hence tlu fan .go of rational and absurd remedies, cried m bv the learned ami iDieerale. Hie many cases of the kind, fell under my observation j the propose emus compositions of inflaming drugs, whicl ’ |are in vogue i tiie disappointment 1 experienced ir juraedee from remedies highly recommended ; and 01/own predisposition to pulmonic complaints, .vote strong inducements for me to consider. I " ‘ l(J thet’ a compound cons'slitig of rjnlhi vegetable ’ibstanees could not be invvmed, more free fron ■he wen founded objocti ns of practitioners, and ibrtter calculated to avert the threatening d( | .I ruction of tiie lungs. PULMONIC Sjicup of YttgfctaVjlfca, cor coughs, colds, asthmas ami consumptions j f (its remedy i; superior lo any medicine which| iias been ottered to the public, as it is prepared: 1 troin lae most valuable herbs of our v. getaiih j 1 kingdom, and its qualilies are such that every de : pendcnce nmy be placed in its virtues for ih< I cure of the above diseases. From the fcmiwledg j' the proprietor liss of the pulmonic virtues of iht ' syrup, lie has no hesitation in recommending ui lo Close who labour mmer those distressing com-j iluints as a sale and eflicacious remedy, and bav j ing steroil it to thousands in New-York omul I’bdiidelplna, lie feels m> fiesltalion in offering h s to tiie puolic, and after trial, those persons win ( purchase the genuine syrup, will have their m .. t j l,e .v I’efunded liy returning the bottle, if they di f not (rel sati.mied that they have reaped benefi r from the use of it. r JHrectiuns for Use. , I vke a lea spoon lull three limes a day, say 1 morn ng, noon ami night, and continue it until re ' dieved. j. OJ" Eacb bottle will have the signature of tht (‘ I proprietor- s o'/’ Prepared only’and sold by R- Audlt'r, sigr ‘ of the Golden Eagle, Augusta. I October 21 33 a ;\ew and Invaluahle ' SQiHDIIIHiaX, PATENTS Eli WT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AUDLER’S | Asiatic Lenitive t*o\* Tain. 1 I his Metli- cine is a nev- ‘ er tailing remedy tor the Tooth- Ache, Head- f Ache, and gf other dis- \ 7«X:'is remedy is good against the tooth-ache «||f >t pain ot tb'. teeth ami jaws vvhen (July applied |' and employed, it p«8;e-.‘’,-s sovereign efficacy in!” iilelieving sweliings ot the gums, face and pans, arising from or connected with tnoth-ache. j I’- relieves head-ache or pains in the head in!” tin* most easy and agreeable manner ; for thm fire |J quent: and distressing complsint, ti ts, bin new j medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re ' stores both tiie organs of sense and the nerves or j' |(he/r healthy condition at a quick and admirabh | f Tate. _ I® ; This new and iisef'e! preparation produces, by j 'mild and gentle stimulation, a cheering operation T upon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, * sliarpens tiie perc.ejilioos, and invigorates the t ( ] functions of the mind, by dissipating gloom and! .vapours it acts truly like a nervous and' cephalichj imedicine ol the first order. j ( j Nor is its effect less beneficial when considered | ' mi relation to Lite stomach, than to the mouth, the ncad and the spirits, by us qualities it acts the right and inline Hate organs of digestion as a (j carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing I, torpor, correcting acidity, and creating a most (a comfortable warmth. The operation of this invention and improve men; is quite as favorable to diseases of the far, more especially it acts to great advantage in dul i it:si and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi- ’ ent deafness, restoring the failing organ to Hu exercise of its true and healthy functions of hear u g. C ’ertijlctp' from j)r. Samvel 1,, Mitchell , Dr. Ezekiel Audlcr, of tiie city of New-York, Hi; ilay submitted to me Ills tetters patent Iron 'lv United Slates, for compounding and vending a remedy wlucl he calls the Asiatic Genitive, am! asked niy opinion upon Hie same, whereupon, at ter examining the receipt contained in the specili '’alien, ! find it contains a mixture of such arutnut c, anodyne, and anti-acid articles, us are well cal culated to produce a composing ellect on the hn l nan In dy. Samuel L. Mitchell. 1 New-York, November 2tl, 1818. i JV-olictt. LL persona to whom the late Francis Bmiyer of the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebt il, are requested to present their demands with n trie lime prescribed by law , and those indebt- , cd, are requested to make immediate payment | B. Bouyer, I , Paul KossigQol, Lx Vii December 2( 51 E. AI DLER, I SURGEON DENTIST, RESPECTFULLY inform- the Ladies and Ceil i tlemen of Augusta, 'hat he wiil be ready to ! serve tbem at till times, at hi or their houses, in 8 die line ol bis profess! m. and (lopes lie will mce share of i! e public patronage, as he will extract tpci'i and stumps', and in the easie-.t manner if ever . of difficult, id all its other hranehes. Raste of LarLon, superior dentifrice to uwy ever offered for cleaning* beuutifym|f ami whitening the teeth and <naking ihe breath sweet ami greeabic. SC a JIB UTIC ESSENCE. Os Roses, Which removes nil scorbutic humour in the Jams and teeth, and makes them firm at the same time. Prepared and sold by E. Amller. At his Drug and Medicine Store, at the Cotton Range, Sign of the Golden Eagle., Augusta. July 4 >2 i. UAKI). Z. YVAUULNLL, SURGEON HEN I IS I', •At Hachelder HI Codwtse’s, Broad St,-ent, Augusta nearly opposite he Planter’s Hotel. Respectfully informs the Public, ih« he has returned again to this City, and respeat (uily solicits the Patronage of the Ladies and i*Piilleraen who may require his services in lhe several Branches of his Profession.—Pers-ms j wishing bis service in private Families cm call mid see hia work Manufactured on a new principle, which he warrants. TeeUi and Gums. I lie diseases ol the I edit and Gums arc chief ly owing lo our own neglect j th. parts ol Hie aliments which lodge about them alter mus ics tioo, growing acrid ami corrosive, tiie gums arc thereby first affected, as being the most tender pai ls, alter these corruptions are produced, c nt moidy called Hie Tartar of the Teeth, winch destroy mg both tneir texture and whiteness not only deprives the mouth ol its principal ortta pmus, hut brings on violent tooth acin s, and ren mers Hie Gums livid am) putrid, am! offensive to ourselves and oilers.—But 'hough people in general may prevent those inconveniences, bv i are and attention at first, yd, if they are one’e suffered to take place, it is no lunger in th pow er of the sufferer In remove them tins being pro perly the province of Hie experienced IK mist, who hsa made the maladies o| the Teeth and Gums, with their attendant evils. Hie principal object and d-d of bis studies. «Mir. ELmuvce, LviuUat, By long practice, acl *se apptieati ,o , busi ness, and a thorough knowledge ol me *pructure ot the Teeth and Gams, has made all the opert'- 6’ins in those pa’ls quite familiar lo lion, inso much that what some Dentists havi judged in practicable, he hath performed with ease a,,d safety. Me places Teeth both real and artificial, (mak ing the latter with pure enamel) from a single ■me to an entire set sn accurately bat they shall nits',vi r every purpose of the natural. I bus Hie greatest deficiencies are supplied withernam nts which have the recommendation ot utility. 1 hose Teeth that h-v.-tullen out their sock ets, rvlnch frequently happens, though in a per tei’i sound slate, he, by a method peculiar to him self, i t places ss firm as ever. wiHiuut the least pa n or uneasiness to the patient. Me dears the Teeth, d ever so discolored, of all their foulness and tartar, without pain, and renders them white and as Tairas ever in hdf an hour. I t elh and Stumps extracted in the ea-iest man ner, if ever so difficult. lie assists young ladies and gentle nen in the ( rat and second dentition, and removes he Milk Teeth at proper seasons, lest they ,1 ou 1 fi com mode the regular grow th of the sue ouces and it a deformity of tins kind Ins i»k m place through the want of a Destis', ft-. I finance un dertakes to correct it ; provi led th ' o iject is mil more than twenty years old, and re tores Hie I eelh to their natural, regular and beautiful or der. N. B. A ’ inc.itre and Uentrifice Paste, prepar 'd by him only, which preserves the ( evh and Hianges them to a beautiful white, cures Hp gums it the Scurvey and makes breaf i at all limes -weet tod agreeable, and cures the 'Tooth Acne i.rone bately, widi proper directions how to use it. October 12 ;i uciooer tc ,y AviAVfcr’s of Robots. VN elegant cosmetic Tor wltirening, sofiening and beautilying Hie skin, and removing pi nt ) les, heckles and coops from the face, neck, Uc. he Mdk ol Ko-cs possesses many qualities, fop i: ot only serves tor the above purposes, but it put ebe bloom of youth on ago, which valuable property : very lady is fond <d enjoying. This beauuful rose wos metic has ad" iglitfu. fragrance, and is an article nil cb can be used with safety, as i' contains noth, ■dg that will injure the skin, and it is; an mdispensa be article to every lady, and should be found on heir toilets. Di hkctioxs. — After being washed an 1 d 1 'lieu lake a sm.'.ll quanlitj on a piece of white flan utduel tlteo wash face, neck, Its ids, Bcc. Each bot tle will be signed hy the pro irlelor. Price $1 Prepared only and sold hy K. Andler, a go of the Golden Eagle, Augusta. July 4 2 N otice. 4 LL person- having demands against the Es l\ ta r of Reuben 'Tipton, d -ceased, are here py notified to mak: their return agreeable to law, tliose indeb'ed, are notified to make imme* diate payment. Ezekiel Lester, Adrn’r. I June 7, 1825 5i x JOf