The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, July 15, 1825, Image 2

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U O .V ST IT \5 TlU*r AlAftT. PRINTED 4ND PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM J. BUNCE. Conditions , iVc. fry- Fur the CITY PA MICH, twice a week, Five Dollar* per annum, payable in ' |3r COl \ rllY PAMKK, once a week, Three Dollar* per ( annum, in advance. Vo paper discontinued till direction* to that effect are given and all arrearage* PAID. j §crTh RMS. . . . Five I>o 11 r.rf per annum payable in advance. | A I) V KRTISKM KNTS .... Will be inserted at the rateof | M: sty-two and a half rent*, per square, for the. first insertion nit F rly-three and three quarter cent*, fur each continuance ■ fry (.() ■>! VI: f NIC ATIO.NS liv Mail, mml be Paul paid. land and negroes, by Administrator*, Kx ecu tor* j or (iiJurdiium, are required, ny law, to he held on liie first Tues day in Itio ru mtb, between the hours of |.»n in the forenoon and I ,ree in Um:afternoon, at the Court-Hon**' of the county in 1 which the. properly is situate.—'Notice ot those sale* inustbe jriycn in a public gazelle SIXTY day* previous to the day of sale. Notice of the shift of personal properly must be given in like man ner, FORTY Jays previous to the nay of sale, tier lothe debtors Mini creditors of an estate must be published or FORTY day*. fc -W "■-'■Ml- ■ i-.ti - I ■ . ' ■«■»» From the. Baltimore American June 27. PERU—BOLIVAR. The Editors of the American have been politely favored with several numbers of Pe-j, ruviaii papers, received by the ship Henry, | Capt. Davis, at this port on Saturday, from Choriilos, the present port of entry of Lima. The Henry left at that port, besides the list of vessels under the marine head, the frigate United States, Commodore Hull, and U. S. sloop Peacock, Lieut. Comdt. Kennon. Also,| The British 74 Cambridge, and the Chilian | blockading squadron, consisting ol the frigate O’ Higgins, Admiral Blanco, the sloop of war Pinchinca, aid brigs Guayaquillanos and Chimborazos. Since the proceeding paragraph was put in type, the gentleman to vvuom the Peru vian papers were handed, has politely fur nished the editors with the following Trans lation of the Message transmitted by the Liberator Bolivar to the Peruvian Congress, which body convened on the 10th of Febru ary. The sentiments contained in this in teresting Message, are truly worthy of the dignified and elevated character of the il lustrious and distinguished champion of South American liberty. MESSAGE. To the Sovereign Constitutional Congress of Fern. Gentlemen —The representatives of the Peruvian people meet this day, under the auspices of the splendid victory of Ayacu cho, which has for ever fixed the destinies ol the new world. One year has elapsed since Congress decreed the Dictatorial authority, in order to save the republic, which was sinking under the oppression of the severest alu< lilv- But the protecting hand has broken the .in- which Piz.irm had rivet ted ot. tin .or-" • \ Capac, founder ot the empire <<i >1„ run, sod ha- pi i oil Peru hi the possession of its prin- dvr rights My administration can .u? • !*•• < alt campaign. We have hardly had time toarn ourselves and tight. Our appalling disas ters left us no choice but to defend ourselves As the army has triumplied with so mud glory, I think it my duty to request Con gre-s, to reward in suitable manner, (heva lor and virtues of the defenders of the coun try. Tribunals have been established accor ding to the fundamental law. I have soughi hidden merit wherever it was to be found and placed it in offices of trust and power i have carefully sought those who modestly follow the dictates of their consciences ami respect the laws. The public revenue was annihilated fraud had shut up all its channels. Disor der and confusion augmented the miseries of the state ; I have been obliged to makt essential reforms and severe ordinances ti preserve the existence of the republic.— Social life cannot be nourished if the riches of the country do not freely flow in its veins. The crisis of the Republic forced me ti adopt measures anil to make reforms wind centuries may not again require. The po litical edifice bad been destroyed by crimes and an exterminating war; I found mysel on a field of desolation, but yet with tin means of establising a beneficial govern went. Notwithstanding my ardent zeal foi the happiness of Peru, I regret that I can not assure Congress that this great wort has yet attained the perfection I hoped.— Congress will have to exert all its wisdom to give the country the organization it re quires. May I be permitted to confess that not being a Peruvian, it has, on that account, been more difficult for me to at tain the desired end Our relations with the Republic of Co loinbia have obtained lor us great assistance Our ally and confederate withheld nothing from ; us she employed her treasure, hei navy, her armies, in combating the common enemy as her own cause. Congress will be convinced by these de monstrations of Colombia, of the infinite value with which she views a close and in timate federation of the new States. Im pressed with the great advantages which will result from a meeting of a Congress ol Representatives, 1 have hastened to invite our confederates, in the name of Peru, tc assemble as speedily as possible at the Isth mus of Panama. Phis august body will there seal the perpetual alliance of the dif ferent States. The republic of Chili has placed undei the orders of our government, a part of hei Navy, commanded by the brave Vice Admi ral Blanco, which is blockading Callao with the Chilian and Colombian forces. The states of Mexico, Guatimala and Buenos Ayres, have made us an offer of their vices, which owing to our rapid successes, have been without effect. These republics have established themselves and maintain their internal tranquility. Ihe Diplomatic agent of the republic of Colombia is the only one, as yet, accredited near our government. The Consuls of Colombia, of the U. States of America, and of Great Britain, have presented themselves in this capital! to exercise their offices -this last has had the misfortune to perish in the most lamen table manner—the other two have obtained their exequaturs to enter on the discharge of their duties. As soon as the military success of Peru shall be known in Europe, it is probable that those governments will definitely decide on the political conduct they have to adopt. 1 flatter myself Great Britain will be the first to recognize our independence. If we are to credit the declarations of France, she will not delay in joining England in that 'liberal policy ; and perhaps the rest of Eu rope will follow the same conduct. Spain, herself, if she listens to her interests, will no longer oppose the existence of the new states, which will complete the friendly re lations of the universe. Legislators ! In giving up to Congress the supreme power which you deposited in iiny hands, allow me to congratulate the ! people in having rid themselves of the grea test curse in the world—war, by the victo ry at Ayacucho, and of despotism, by re signation. Proscribe forever, I beg you, that tremendous authority ; that authority which was the grave of Rome ! It was lau dable, no doubt in Congress, in order to re sist the dreadful calamities and to lace the ’ futious storms which desolated the country, 1 to place her laws on the b ivonets of the li > berating army ; but, as the nation luis ob tained domestic peace and political liberty, the laws only ought to govern. : Gentlemen, the Congress is installed. ' My duty, as an auxiliary soldier, calls me to assist in «bt lining the liberties of Upper Peru and the surrender of Callao, the last bulwark of the Spanish empire in South * America. I will then hasten to my coun try, to give an account to the representa e (ives of the Colombian people, of my mis e sion in Peru—-of your liberty, and of the - glory of the liberating army ! I BOLIVAR. e s FROM PERU, t Peruvian papers received at the office of ' the Baltimore American, contain a decree 'l°f Bolivoi as Dictator of the Peruvian Re '■‘public, which affords another gratifying evi '* ■'•'l’-ce of his wisdom and foresight.- This ‘UP, i ee, after acknowledging the Lancaster!- ,an system of education us the most speed) I nd effectual for the promotion of public in " struction, provides that there shall be estab ’■ fished in the capital of each department, t *■ normal school on (he Lancasterian system I* for the support of which the necessary funds >- shall be provided. Each province shal u send to the departmental school at least so i- children, inorderthat they may hereafter ex tend the system to every part of (lie republic '■ Gue of the first acts of the Constitutiona B Congress of Peru was the passage of a re»o *> lution giving to Bolivar the title of “ Fatlm r> and Saviour of Peru .” y On the 12th of February the Congress II passed a law ordering that a medal be struck iu honor of the Liberator, having on one siifi 5 his bust with a motto, To its Liberator , Si mm Bolivar" —and on the reverse the arms ' s ot the republic, with the following motto— e “ Peru restored at Jlyucncho, (824.” 0 In the capital an equestrian statue of tin - Liberator is to be erected ; and in the capi 1S (al towns of the departments, large stones s ale to be erected in the public places witl inscriptions, J’ Ihe Liberator is to enjoy perpetually tin ’ title of “ President of the Republic ” *’ Two millions, over and above their pay :s are voted to the army. General Antonio Jose Sucre is to enjoy lL ‘ the title ol “ Grand Marshal of JiyacuchoJ " All the army are declared to enjoy the 11 same privileges as native Peruvians. * Ihe Liberator is authorized to grant an > k .other rewards, either of honor or profit, ti those who have rendered, or may render any " services to Peru. I Colonel KEOKKioK Brandsen, for having j >|assisted the ex President, Riv.v Aquero, in B Ins unlawful intentions against the national L ‘ representation, and for having returned from Chili, contrary to his promise, was condetu -1 tied on the 4th February, by a council ol war. to be shot ; but, in’consequence of his g past services, General Bolivar, commuted his T punishment to degradation and deprivation ii of ever holding any office of trust or profit under the government. *' ( *" the 16th of February, a part of the -e J garrison ol Callao made a sortie undei ' (Colonels A lair and Azoar. Ihev were mei '-|by a division commanded by General Salom " ami after a warm contest were driven bark '* with the loss of about 200 killed, 19 prison e ers, and a great number of wounded, leaving 0 «» the ground a number of horses and arms 1: Tne patriots had 20 killed, 23 wounded, and II missing—among the latter the command 1-er of dragoons, Don Juan Pederneva, and I captain Don Antonio Rodriguez, both severe 1 ly, ami captain Gregg ol Colombia, slightly ‘ l wounded. '■ Plie following is -* —Gentri >i | Bolivar to the testim Ito him by the Cougn IND XS j I Lima, 12lli Feb. 1823. . To Hit Excellency the President oj the Sovereign Continental Congress oj Peru. 5 Most Excellent Sir : The munificence of tlie ■Sovereign Congress has surpassed itself as regards 1 "ie Liberating army which fought on the plains o! The General in Chief Grand Marshal, f las received a reward worthy the Scipios, and ol | 1 great people. The other chiefs, officers, and troops, are treated with the most noble generosity, •’tie Congress has rivalled i > magnanimity the ■ Liber itors ofthu cuiiiiryt they have shown them , s' ives verity o representing a mighty people , Kut, excellent Sir, was not the Congress satisfi d *'llh ail the coi fi I* nee placed in me ? of all th ■lory conferred on me by placing the destinies ul he country in mv hands? wl.y do they wish o ter ilex and humilia e me by exces-ive gilts? and I With a leward which I ought not to accept ? It I receive the favors which Congress has already be i towed on me. my set v ces to Peru will be more than compensated by the liberality of Congress : * that my most ardent desire is, that Peru may t continue id owe me what little 1 may have done. . 18 not my intention to slight toe kindness o, i Congress fur me. I never would accept from my r >wn country any recompense of this kind. I here -1 're, it w ould he inconsistent in me, if I were mo i to receive from Pern whatl nave refused from nr I own country ll is enough fur rue, mo.v Excel . I n Sir, In have acquired the esteem and received tne thanks of the Congress of Peru. Ihe Meda‘ j which lus beei ordered to he struck woh m bust, is so much ab ive my services, tin l it aim. exceeds my utmost desires. I accept this reward com Congress, wiiti an effusion •<( gratitude that 1 cannot express He so ■ bilging. Most Excelled ( stir, as to present to Congress, in the name of tb iron , and in mine, the oval ex ires.mve lesimnoni 1 o l dur profound gratituile 1 itave ilie honor ■( ; nresentng to your Uxce lency tlie expressions o. . my consideration and respect. ROLIVaK. The Constitutional Congress of Peru, re ! cognizing the high ami important services which tlie Republic o( Colombia has render-1 led to Peru, without which, no doubt, she) , would have fallen under.the Spanish power' lias resolved: ’ 1. That the thanks be given to the Rcpub- { lie of Colombia as a testimonial of gratitude' tor the services rendered by her to her ally i ’ ami confederate the Republic of Peru. 2. That these sentiments be transmitted! j to the Colombian government by the organ <»f 'he commission sent by the Peruvian Coti t gress to that slate. ( Ordered that the same be printed, publish ed, and circulated. 1) me in the Hall of Congress, in Lima, 10th February,. 1825, Jose Mauia Gai. diana, President. Joaquin c A hrese, Secretary—M Feureyhos, Secre- MR. BROUGH \M The first step which Mr. Brougham put forth in the astonishing car er of his public reputation, was bis memorable speech (as counsel, below the bar of parliament) tig nnst '* the orders in council. At no suusiquentj u period have the Whigs been in power; and in the ranks, the commtiuings, and die bat-, l ' ties of opposition, he has had. during the ( M last fifteen or eighteen years, perpotud oc-| l- casion to exert those prodigious talents and } that wonderful eloquence which certainly rank him among (and I had almost forg it *' ten even the word “ among”) the greatest a men in the country, and of this age. To *’ this distinction, most undoubtedly, his * speeches on the termination el the war, the diplomatic proceedings at Vienna and Pa x tis— Phe Six (abominable) acts, introduced during Lord Castlereagh’s administration : - jthe published manifesto and secret designs 1 <d that Holy Alliance : the foreign enlist ’■ ment bill : tlie Queen’s trial : his own ’ r jgrand plans for public education, and revi sion of public charities: on pai liamenta ry relonn : and the increased esiablish ’Uinentsuf the standing army : these speech es have well entitled him. They are all ‘(distinguished by boldness of design, precl usion or vigour of expression, constitutional ” feeling or legal discrimination, orimpassion ed (and not seldom by personal) animosity. 0 The strioture of these speeches is remarka ble. An ultimate main point carefully con s cealed throughout tlie whole ts the exor -1 dium, but enforced with prodigious power n the conclusion ; long and sounding and 16 pompous sentences, consisting of many members, but rarely involved : a large in- r ’ fusion of the most vigorous style of old En gfish phraseology: brilliant illustration: scarcely a metaphor, but frequent and de lightful similies ; an aptitude and force in e quotations or authorities which are without any parallel within my knowledge, except ■' in the case of that wondrous book, “ the 1 0 Pursuits of Literature,” and perorations! ) abounding with all the higher qualities of superior oratory ; that is to say, with pas- sion, pathos, intensity, vigor, irony, de " nunciation. The grasp of Mr. B’s. mind 1 ( seems to be greater than that of any other 11 1 man’s mind within the walls ol parliament. Proudly secure in the boundless treasures * of his learning and his information: and 1 s his practical acquaintance with men and! s things he atlorns and illustrates his argu-| " ment by exemplifications drawn, without a| lt moment’s hesitation, from almost any of the multiplied regions of human knowledge. e Phe abstract sciences and the mechanic arts 1 are equally tamiliar to him ; his rapid con !t ception seizes every important feature in I J’ each department of mind, and transfers it,! ’’ as it were, to an ideal canvas widiin his( 1 own intellectual view; upon which he can r S|indicate, in an instant, the slightest tinct,l *• tie deepest shallow, or the grandest or the; I most minute object which can avail his pur pose. His prodigious memory retains all images, and confuses none ; yet his capa city to combine images enables him to play; ' fearlessly, with all tlie elements of knowl-1 ledge. He is a master-spirit: the book is 1 to him : h a has learned the charm : ~~**~ i ~ >r nuig obeys hint.— Mr. Canning PRINT pushed scholar ; Mr. Brougham is a knowing philosopher. Mr. Brougham is the wiser, more enlightened, less preju diced, better informed, and more highly ac complished man as a philosopher and a le gislator. But as a statesman of his times : as an elegant scholar : as an elaborate gen tleman; as a reader of mankind : as a mas ter of the arts he professes, and the ser vice lie honors, Mr. Canning is beyond any competition. The person of Mr. Broug ham, notwithstanding has partiality for the Paul-like attitude of raised hands, elevated above his head, and opened ; is as undigni fied while speaking as it is on any other oc casion. His head is of a most extraordina ry figure—longitudinal and deep. His countenance, which is wanting in elevation of character, and in all pleasing expression, is yet extremely intellectual. When in the heat of argument, he becomes impassioned, and gives the reigns to that severe and cut ting sarcasm which is one of the most tre mendous powers that was ever given to an orator in any age, his eye lightens, his brow is fearful, and, wielding all the mental ar tillery of destruction, lie seems to his ad versary a demon who does indeed'. “ RH<-. on the whirlwind, nnd direct the storm ” It is then that his prodigious eloquence is heard to the highest advantage; and every lineament of his countenance becomes dis tinct with expression ; appalling as (hat may be. But, after exhausting die sublim es) figures and the grandest powers of ex pressing them ; after scattering his (hundersi around them, and scowling Ins lightnings! on his foes, he can instantly relapse into ai vein of admirable merriment; reduce his jaw ful sarcasm into exquisite raillery; put lift’the terrors of his anger for a cheerful and even a comic expression of counten jance ; convul-e with laughter the same au ditory, whom, but a minute before, he had I warmed into indignation, or moved to tears. IHe who has not heard Mr. Brougham, in j short, has not seen the most astonishing I man—and has neglected the greatest intel lectual entertainment, which at present this country can boast of, I Mws of Literature and Fashion. From a London Paper. A DISTRESSING CASE. Henrc Newbury, a lad of 13 years, and ;Edward (Dudley, aged 17, were committed *' ,r charged with stealing a silver tea pot from the house of R. H. Cocks, Esq. Gmsvenor place. I here was nothing extraordinary in the i case itself, hut it was made peculiarly inter , esting by the unsophisticated distress of Newbury’s father. i'h • poor old man, who it seems has been a soldier, and is now a journeyman pavier, l refused at first io believe that his son had i committed the crime imputed to him, ami jwas very clamorous against the witnesses, but as their evidences proceeded, he himself appeared to become gradually convinced.— He listened with intense anxiety to the va ( nous details; but when they were finished, , ll< ‘ ,ixeil his eyes in silence for a second or , •' vt * upon his son, nnd turning to the magis ( Irate, with his eyes swimming in tears, lie exclaimed, “ I have carried him many a ! score of miles on my knapsack, your honor.” There was something so deeply pathetic in the tone with which this fond remonstrance was utteied by the old soldier, that every person present, even the Jailer, himself, was affected by it. “ I have carried him many a score of miles on my knapsack, your honor,” repeated the poor fellow, while he brushed away the tears from his cheeks with his rough unwashed hand, and then continued, «• But it is all over now ; he has done; and so have I!” The magistrate asked him something of his story. He said he had formerly driven a stage ' coach in the north of Ireland, and that lie had a small share in tlie proprietorship of the coach. About that time he married a young woman with a little property, but he failed in business, and after enduring many troubles, he enlisted as a soldier in the 18th, or Royal Regiment of Irish foot, and went ; on service with his wife and 4 children.— Henry, (the prisoner) was his 2d son, and 1 his dailing pride.” At the end of 9 years ■ he was discharged in this country without a (pension or a friend in the world; and com ing to London, he with some trouble gotem - ployment as pavier by “ the gentlemen who manage the streets of Mary le bone.” “Two years ago, your honor,” he contin ued, “My poor wife was wearied with the world, and she deceased from me, and I was left alone with the children, and every night I came home, I washed their faces, and put them to bed, and washed their little bits o’things and hanged o’the line to dry my- | self—for I’d no money, your honor, and so I (could not have a housekeeper to do them, lyou know. Well, your honor, I was as well as 1 could be, considering my wife was deceased from me; but some bad people came to live at the back of us, and they were i always striving to get Henry amongst them, | and I was terribly afraid something bad i would come of it, as it was but poorly I ’! could do for’em ; ami so I’d made up my mind to take all my children to Ireland ( If he had only held' up another week, your 1 honor, we should have been saved. 'But now”— Here the poor man looked at Ids boy and wept, and when the magistrate endea vored to console him by observing, that his ;son would sail for Botany Bay, and pn»ba -1 blv do well there—he replied somewhat im : patiently. “ Aye. its fine talking, your i worship. I pray to the great God he may 1 never sail any where unless he sails with 1 1 i me to Ireland ; and tlien from a momenta thought, he asked, in the humblest tone im-. aginable. “ Does not your honor think a little bit of petition might help him r” The magistrate replied, it possibly might, . and added “ if you attend his trial at Old Bailey, as eloquently in words and actions as you have done here, I think it would help him still more.” “ Aye, but then you wont be there, I sup- ( f pose, will you?” asked the poor fellow, with that familiarity which is in -some de gree sanctioned by extreme distress—and when his worship replied that he should not , be present, he impatiently rejoined, “Then what’s the use of it! There will be nobo dy there who knows me—and what stranger will listen to a poor broken hearted old fel low, who cant speak for crying ?” The prisoners were now removed from the bar to be conducted to prison, and his son who had wept incessantly all the time, ( called to him—“ father, father!” repeated- I ly,as though he wished him to follow; but ■ the old man stood rivetted, as it were, to the spot on which he stood, with his eye fixed on the lad ; and when the door had closed ( upon him, he put on his hat as if unconsci- t mis where he was ; and crushing it down over his eyes, he began wandering about this room in a state of stupor. The officers ip awaiting reminded him that he should not wear his hat in the presence of the magis- i Irate, and he instantly removed it, but he t|| still seemed lost to every thing around him, f jand though one or two gentlemen present % I put money into his hands, he scarely noti ceil. M At length he slowly sauntered out of the W office, apparently reckless of every thing. B Let every child who reads this tale of sor- k| row, avoid the company of the idle and the , II vicious; lest in an evil hour they be led to m Ik the commission of crimes which will ' VI | down the grey hairs, and expose their own >1 , souls to the burnings of that fire which ne- >1 ’ ver will be quenched, and to the gnawings f . of that worm which will never die. I |l Mobile, June 28, 1825. f FIRE IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. ] Letter to the Editor. .1 Washington C. H. Ala. 13 t.h June, 1825. * Dear Sir s A destructive Fire broke out I in our village about 3 o’clock on Saturday last, in the afternoon, and its consequences J* 'on several accounts are interesting to (ha | • public. The fire was communicated to a I <jk quantity of dry moss, which lay exposed in a Jt kitchen, belonging to Jesse Grimes Esq. by A| ", some small children at play; the entire male A part of the family were absent, and when' rff the alarm was given to the neighbors, the la 1 fire had made such progress as to render all if • efforts to save the building mentioned, and Ij timse adjacent, altogether hopeless. The I 1 I’avern house, stables, &c. were entirely *TI I consumed, with most of the contents of the f former ;in an apartment of which was kept 1 the Office of the Clerk of the County Court, I the Post Office, and the public weights and I ’ measures. Many of the papers and books I l of the Clerk’s office of die County Court, I which has been a Court of Record since I e (he year 1800, were destroyed or mutilated; I ® most of these papers were of (he first im- I portance to a large number of individuals, r l c and to the country, as containing in many I e instances the only legal evidence of (lie f transfer and security of an immense amount >of private property. Ilow far the inter -1 ests of those alluded to, may be effected by • the perplexity, confusion, and uncertainty, I ? consequent upon the loss of the public re -5 cords, remains for*futuve time to unfold.— > l lt is matter of consolation, that no blame | 5 can attach to the Clerk, who had the custo- I dy and care of (he records, the post office, I • and of the public weights and measures.— L His individual loss is heavy; that of the I - public cannot be estimated. Mr. Fnsbee’s I 1 store house was burnt, but his loss irf trier- I 1 chandise did not much exceed g200; a part I 1 having been saved from the devouring ele- B ? ment, which did not cease here, but contin- B ’ ued its ravages until there was nothing in U • its course left to prey upon. Two Smiths* B f shops were burnt with their contents, which B| ■ were, however, of but little value. The B 1 wind blew a gale from the south-west, du- W • ring the prevalence of the fire : had its di- iff I 1 rection been north and south, the two Ta- iff' • yerns, (which are left) the Court-house and M ■ jail, must have likewise gone. Several fain-’ft 1 dies ; who had taken apartments in the Fa- y . vern, (temporarily) lost their effects. The J t ■ public weights and measures, which cost the I j : government when a territory, about gIOOO, I*l • were entirely destroyed. ; Letters from Dublin, of the 21st May, re • ceived in Baltimore, state that such was the excitement throughout Ireland, in conse- j* quence of the result of the Catholic Ques- L* - tion in the House of Lords, that the differ- (I 1 cut mail coaches were despatched with I ! double guards, from the strong apprehension I ■ of disturbances. I r An Unpleasant situation. —We are in- W j formed by the Philadelphia Gazette, that on iff 1 Wednesday evening a gentleman passing (I ’ along Bank-street, discovered a man mount- *1 ■ ed on the top of the pallisades, and endeav- jl • during to get into the garden, of the Bank of jsl - Pennsylvania. Finding himself discovered, ne made a sudden jump, but his pantaloons iff i were caught by the point of one of the palli- M • sades, and there he hung dingle dangle head‘l« > downwards, feet upwards, till the watchman ■ came and extricated him from his disagreea- I ble situation. He complained that he wa* ff too sick to walk, and was carried to th^'M f watch house on a wheel-barrow. f B 1 [A r . Y. Com. Adv. 24 thult. | I