The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, July 15, 1825, Image 4

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Monthly Jdcertismenl*. Notice. NIVE months after du . appl’-a'ion will) made lo the Jm.tic.-s o I the Interior Uti 0 ( Scrivrn County, when < nr purposes, for lr»v to sell » certain tract o, I a. cou'.iu ng tw. l.n . ked '-ores b-tng tn the con tv afnr-akl. belonging to »U- Estate ~f Cal Howell d.c* ised. for the bem-fi nt the H.-i and creditors of 'be said ‘'re. a •' M.ihala Howell, Mni’x .June 1 i 182* 1” 9.n l» ' N otice. NISK rn mths alter dale, soplicat'ori will h riiadn to the Court of Ordinary ot Frankl ■ Countv, for leave lo sell one hundred Acres el |, g ud, in said C untv. as the property ot •‘dan, I,inn. deceased, fir the benefit of the Heirs am 1 Creditors of ai«' dee- ,s“ 1. Join K Oars on, athrrr. January 18,182! IrnGn G 5 N otice. Nt|vn mon'ha after date application will lx made t» the Honorable Inferior Court ot Columbia County, when setting as a Court ot Or dinary for ' tve I >a. 11212 1 2 acres of l.a id ly ,i,r i„ th-' 2d District of Monroe C minty, l.ot No 208, it belter 'he real estate of William 'm.illey, deceased., a d to he sold for the benefit ot the heir/and credit os* of said d. James Smalley, Adin’r. Jannarv A ’8 '5 I ( t n i/ ,> once. N’INE months after ds , up lieuion will b. nude to the Hon raid the .1 is’ ces of the Infe-mr Court, setting lor ordinary purposes, for the county it Burke, fur leave to sell all the real estate of Stephen Chance, late ol Burke county, dec ;ssed, tor the ben-fit of the heirs and credi tots of said deceased. Miiry rinnce, Adai’x, Joseph Chance, . idm'r. Unvlce rouvtn S • 0.6 I 9 n 22 iNolicc. OWINR mnt'hs dier date, application W'd h <L I Hindi* to the Honorable Court ol Ordi> ir ot C Imnbia County, for leave to sell ad tie real estate h i mgiog to the orphans of o .mite. Sullivan, deceased, and also, an Undivided tra vs l.a id, lying in Colmnbia County, b longing to said orphan-., and to vj -1 i • .limes, a Minor. John (Jarllidge, Guardian of said Orphan*. Polly Jo nes, Guard,iin of Ah Hilda Jones. Mae 25 I■dm 95 A (dice, <jfW’NR tnonth'i alter date, application will b- U'J made to the honorable Inf nor Cout i II chmond County, fop l-ave to sell the undividn half ol l ei)' rent No 7, Rr. Ige It iW—also, (w tinimprov -d Ids Corner of Elbert and Reynold alt •els, for the benefit of Margaret P. Runes, a Minor, John Bones, duardian. On. her 25, 18 I Itn9m Notice. VbIINK mind)', ’.iter due, application will h 4 oiade lo Hie Honorable the Justices ot tin Interior Court of said c Uinty, when silting f Or imary purposes, for leave lo a ll the wli nt; Hu teat Kdate nt Irvin It vet, decease), I said c mnty, fnp tit ■ benefit of the heir duoi s of said dr ceased. James Lambert, , , • i , ~ , . am ds. Kaward Boyet. Scrive.n Conn u I.: 2S 1 iJS ii 0 d AOTICK. "VTINE months alter date, applies nil b *. v made to the llonora de Court of Ordinary .- Columbia county, for leave to sell two trac« e Land in said oountv, lying on Greenbrier Creel one containing JH) acres joining Pollard, Pull; and others, the other Containing 172 acres join.-.; Luke and others, u being a oart of the real esU l ol rhoutas Jones, deceased, sold lor the belied of the heirs ot sai I deceased. William Booker, Adin'r. In right of Ins wi/i January ’5. 1825. 1 , 9 m fit otice. VN-iIVR months after date, application will b *•» • mi le to the Ho iirahie the Court of Onb r> t Colu nb aC in tty, for leave 10 sell 22 J cr.-s of i .an I, Ivmg >n C-du nfna County, on ;h waters f the big limit -e Creek adj -ining Lao-i ot Ha ndton, Graves and others, to be sold lor m benefit of the heirs of Janu s Martin, . ec s<ed. Bobrrt Martin, (idm'r. November ft I i; ’l l go A OIiCC. N ine montha after da application will b. made to tlie Honorable th Justices es th, Inferior Court ol Franklin County, when siltie, for Ordinary purposes, |»r leave to ted the rn E late ol John Gettings, late of said countv, d, ceased, lor the heirs and creditors of said di ceased. John Bettings, adin'r. A ' r '' 'J. 18 , t I ~,y,,, H? A otice. VWi NR months alter date, application will h. aNJ made In the Honorable the Inferior Court H i-ke County, wh-n uttiug for Ordinary pnr’po ses, tor leave lo sell the undivided part of ii real Estate ol Lewis Emanuel, deceased forth benefit ol the heirs and creditors of said doceas ed, Jona. Lewis, Summing Administrator ,lr honis non nfvkr roii 1 'I *i*rh "* I i ( ) lb ollCtu. VNjINE r.iomlis after date, application «ill , , m ' ■ "'e Mmiorable die Justices of , , i.tvn r urt ot bcnven C rnnly, when 5,,,;,,, lor Ordinary purposes, lor leave to s.dl a tract or parcel Ot Land t0iita,,,,,,., tWI) two and a . half acres, situated IvimTand h in the llnrteenth District of tlenrv , !l' j and k town and distinguished in ( * Dt 'nci ttv the num .er eighty fBOI ‘he ', ? i**"' ... ... „ A Creditors o) ss.d deceased, clr * Blli Suuhu’l Doughty, adtn’r. Striven Lcumy, ret), 20. Lidd Hnym 71 N otice. NJINE months after date, application will be is mole to the llonorabl ’ tin- Inferior Court f C.olumbia county, f«.p lesv.- to se ll a tract oI •a'id in 2 .id county ot 105 1 2 acres, joining tin ray, Kav and o-It r, it being part of the re 11 ate of Will am Mmioo, d ceased. Peggy, Binion, adm’rx. Maxell 15, I ft? y p» r .b tilice. AjINK months after date, application will be i J made to the Inferior Court of Coliimbi.. : . inly, wli n sitting for Ordinaiy purposes, to I i,ve to s 11 2d;> acres of Land (in said C urity) d-.ngi gt 1 tlie estate of Wi bam It, Crabh, dt ; ased. John Kminon, adin'r. 1 \ ivemb.-r b. In 1 J | iS otice. VTINK m m'lis alter d« , ap dilation will be II made to the Honorab e ill - Interior Cour 11 irke Coun'y, when sitting tor ' Irdinary pu 1 scs. tor leave to seli the r -.d estate ol Wrd Isnherrv, (M oor )<1 -cease I. for the h ni-fii o 'he heirs a id creib ors of said d ceased, Jona. (sewis, adm’r. H'lrk" rn'r’fv M-c. . 7 1825 1 9 5 7 S dice NINE uonths as r dan, application will h made to the Justices of the Inf. rior Cour 0 Franklin County, when si ting f.r Ordinal) I ni ji iv-s. I it- leave lo sell the real K-’a'i of •i» vut Clark, d-ceased, for the heirs end creditor of -aid deceased. Tlios. Mays, e.x V. Aor 1 12 l‘- u ’s 1 9- ft? A dice. \IVR months as vr due, spplica’ion will b< ma le lo the Jus ices of tile Interior Cour. "I Fr-nknn County, when -tilling It Ordinary , ttrp >ses, for h-av • 10 sell the real e.s ate of Siar ling Pmc'or. a M oor James 11. ilalcy. duardian. \nri' 1 ’ tM >5 1 - 0 H7 A dice. wNjjflNK months after da , apjilica'ion will h- . «* * oiade to the llonora de the Court of O d.n ry I Rl■ ke county, oir 'cave -<i sell the rea Es , ilit o) Enoch Fa ri -t- decease.), John Farmer, adin'r. \ Hurler County I-’ . I 182.5 lm9in b. 5 f A olh e. NONE months atlee dale, application will Ii O aile 10 Hie Lilt rior Com t ol Fiai lilin com 1 , w'o » sill i) g for ordinary purpose, 1,,r h-nv eh the Ii Estate o Jacob Mnekli d. d< censed, or the benefit ol il.c Heir, o' srul -I, n JI inly Mrir kl \nd 9 Ex'v. .Tm’i 11 * lot! • MDtlii H.c/iniQ. 1 unmif SUPliUlou UUUU *\!ny Trim IhJj. Havs R..WD-IK. Mo Iguge, 'j I‘eii.ion for l ore I S' _ j closure. ' " Wiliam Fader, rj * "I Chsrh -, deceas-.-d, ! and John W. Ilealh; and r li ULh S ryf 11. 11- ale and o hei s I he rs ol the s» d Charles, Jt’ s 1 ract of Laud. i IT U EON the I* 01 f'i •»-. .. Wnwn.ce, pr«.-,. 111: loieclo- b. , ~ - |p ~- n | ;,u 1 I vul >t - 1 or 1 ■ cel ot ; , situati Unty mnd, an " Ge. m -1. <0 bonsi 1. ,f Butler’s Crt-< k • ■> ''"ft s< ven hu di> I ucr-s, more or Ut envn as Beall's mill ract Hounded on H, •' l, v aid It . g : -said Rowdre anil other ■ " Lig n*» la ol and -i.-rthwardl) Ii •■' s i - to Robert Crawfo.d rhs bu. .'I land was morrgige.l by said Clio-; -" b's life '"lie t ■ the sai.l’lla.s Rnwdi. Hi fi' eentli .1 yot April, in the year ol 00“ 1 1821 to secure the pay ment ol a promihs n Nne signed by said Charles, for the turn . i c hn di ed a ol s venty-seven dollars, and <lu h fi -i day of January last, and (he interest Hi oglu accrue thereon ; .ml (he sum .-t time lion . d and seven'v seven .1 liars, and interest fro. first .lay ol J notary I'.si, lu-mg nnw dm o ml in r'Kngv. N.w to nit, al May Term, 1825 ; .)« nl John F. King, attorney furl', n onei,,. s ord red by the Court, that the prin vple, interest and costs, due ni sa d morlg g, e paid into Court within twelve months ,1-0 ue date hereof, or from h.-iicefnrth the Eqii-i I red. m lion wid ue for- v r barrel and hr osml, and Hi- mortgaged premises s. Id in tern f die law. And it is further ordered, That a copy of do dulo he pubiis ied in one of the public G not' . tl>e ( i y of Augusta, at 1 ast once a month 11 I the time appointed for payment, or seiv 10111 the R-prese.natives and Heirs of die a I. aide-, a least six months 1 r rious to the lino lie 1110 ey is diivctt*il to bo i>ad. True *\r rnci from the minutes, James M Laws. Clerk. June 7, 1885. Iml2 99 ECU' I v. /,-/ c lunoiui Conn y. ; % Honorable the Can t of Ordinary of th. Comity of Hirbinm d *, To all whom it may concern. LUKAS Nathao II- Beal, a.lmin siratni >/w de bonis non, on the estate of fl.ziki:. u al. deceased, late of said county, has ap.dit. o this Court tor Letters Disniissory. These are d-ierefore to cite and admonish al! oid singular the kindred and creditors of th ■aid deceas. d, 1.1 file their obj-cinns (it any th sv<) , n the ■ Dice of the Clerk ot said Court o’ " before the first Monday in November nex therwise Letters Disnnssory will be granted <- - ; 11m, Witness the Honorable Samuel Hale, one . ‘ the Judges of said Court, this 12ih day o i) < April, 1825, J ,5 m Isaac Herbert, C/'k. Ol th.- Court of Ordinary 5 I Gl-.DRt.I V, Co umbia tomtit/, - IV HERE AS R.nii.-t Cvat.on, ha? applied so ” v lot' its - f Dismiss,iry on the estate o Lcorge G. lankcislcy, deceased, late of sai county, ' hes - are therefore to cite and admonish id n ‘"d singular the kindred and creditors of th , sod deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed hy law .0 file the •hiectlons (if any they liav.-t tn 4 | lew cause wh i, 1 " ' > el 'ers of Dismissory should .101 be granted o. <J,V *" *' "'; r "'V >""" 1 <dfice. in Colun.bia inis Ist day ot April, 1525. t. (x. Jones. 1) Cl'k. WohW mu\ JuV) Vv'utiug •Venthj Execxitni at I hi* i ffice * GEORGIA, Richmond County. By the Court of Ordinary for said County, TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCEIIN. VS7"IIKKEAS R. J. hn Meigs and Robert D' * ' tnoii Vdministrati r>, de bonit von, on th estate of Jesse Dimon, deceased, late of sai County, have applied to this Court for Liter Dismissory, Plk s ■ ar<» therefore to cite and admonish a) ' 'd s ngijlar the kindred and creditor- of tlie sw deceased to fde their biec'ions (if any they have * the office ■ f the Clerk of said Court on or h tore the first Monday in June next, otherwise lr> ters Dismissory will be granted t<t them. Witness the Honorable Sainn-1 Hale, one of di Judges of saicj Court, this 26 h day of No vember, 1824. 1-aac Herbert, clerk, Os fhr f otr tof f)< thnrn i< _■ • '• IvOßt ,| K, Hu rice County. Ity the Hon ih C,w t o / Ordinary of said Conwy TO ALL WHOM |T MAI Co Is c a UN. UIHKIIKtS E ijah Dyne, and Enoch Btnc administrators on the estate ot W illiam dyne, la s e o( llur|te, dice .s -d, tiavo applied li ai 1 Court lor l.etters lli missory. N iw therefore, tfie'e are to cite and admonish I and siugul r ih“ kindred an I creditors of tl, •aid d. cea ed, to n ■ their cbj ciions (if any the\ ■ ive) in the dice of the Ch ik ot this Court, m b' lore the fi t M udiy in January next, other wise l.etters I) sms-ory w ill be grant, d. Witness the Honorable Alexander J Lawson one of the justices of said Court, this 2d May, 1825. td Samuel Sturges, Cl k. Os ih •* (hnr •of O dimry. (iKHKHI \, Jim t* Conn y By the Honorable th • Court of Ordinary of Burke Conn 'y To fill whom it may concern. Wit ERE AS V\ idiam bapp in a fhenic) Sapp, admiuisirator a d adnnnistratiix, on tin s ate of Philip Sapp, late of -aid county, de ased, have applu d to tins Court for letters Ui nrs*ory. - I he e are th refore to cite and admonish al nd singular the kindred and rrt the san iecea-ed, to fih thejr bjections (if any the I ave) in the office of the Clerk ol said Court, c r before tin first Monday in January next, olio I wise lef'ets Disn usury will b. grunted to then. Witness h'- H i.uiab e Alt n Pi mb. r on. oi of the Justices of saul Court, this 7th Marco 1825. t J Hamuel Sturges, Cl’k. Co n't of O i ■>') Ixcorgia, ,j uih e. * aunty ( uurl oi Orihtiary. .Uwch Term, 1 ORDERED, • till ai applications hereaLs? on me . (oi I, i trs of Guardianship '>l ■Minors under Min age o ourteen years gh»'.' bt n .tifiod to the Cle. kat I ast 1 veiny . a b,foi< die term of ill* Court a' which such applicatio sin b" ac'ed o■ hy tb' mrl Ael tliat tie ap licant nr a pliCßir- ' ihisiu from ; Glei notice n wo a loch oi ■ i be posted a Ih C ur II t >.isr i ~ty davs befir tth irm at «if> hth i, is to oc ac don I nifying I. or dieir in .. o mas ci ap h. .itoin. iIBCKHi.n, ..oe >. ,:as» the 'ght ol hiardiai,: hip • ecur >• 'inn **..,ty days bafor i e meeting 1 th ,n above o.ipreta d j the Com ■ its discretion an to tie : .oio se to i n sued. . it ~o exit act Jt om the Minutes. Attest, v Samuel Sturges, Cl’k. April 12 lni4m * 8? G LOGGIA, Jburke County . //<, the Hon . the Court of Or tinury of said County TO ALL WHOM IT MAX CONCEHN. vsi Abraham U.uiforih in right n ?T his wife, and Augu-tus H. Anderson, a ' ninistrators on the i slate ol Elistia Anderso . leceased, have applied to said Court for letter. Dismissory. Now therefore, these are to cite and admen ish all and singular the km red and creditors of the said deceas' d to file their objections (if am hey have) in the office of the clerk of this Cour ut or before the fi st M today in lanuary next uherwise letters dismissory will he granted. Witness the I I Durable James I'm ranee, on of the Ju-' ces of said Court, this 7th die of Mu ch, 1825. tN Samuel Sturges, Clerk of ■/!>' Cii/r oj Oi i fin ary GKO R(jlA, tillrke County. Uy the Hon the Court of 0 d/nary of sui t County T ' ALL WHOM IT MAX CONCEHN. I KRKAS James And ison. Executor of (h. E-tale of Elisha Anderson, deceased, at >s I esiamentary Guardian of Virginia C, * m, has applied to said Court tor letters Dismis ory. Now Ibetefore, these are to cite and admonish ■ll and singular the kindred and creditors of the od deceased, to file their objections (if any the\ ave) ill the • fli *>■ of the clerk ot this Court, oi T before th.* first Monday in January next, other rise letters dismissory will be granted. Witness th Honorable James I orrsnee, one oi the Justice- of said Court, this 2d Msv, Jpo, Om Samuel urges, Clerk •f (he Conn of 0 dinatyi HKOKMA, Scrtven County, Hr HE REAS (i- ■rg Pol'ock, Administratm with the will annexed, of the Estate <n Will am Boothe, deceased, and al-o administratm '( the Estate of Mary Boothe, deceased Am 'Vd iain 11. Wade, administrator de boms non o! h. Estate ol George V. Henderson, deceased ■ach anplies for letters Dismissory, These are therefore to cite and admonish al utd singular the kindred and creditors of th. aid deceased’s, to file their obj rtions in this ol ice, on or before the first M. nday in August next, ensuing, to shew cause (it any they have' why letters Dismissory should not be granted \ ' he apphean's. Given under my hand at office in Jacksonb, ' this 28th day of January, 1825. 6m Seaborn Croodall, cl’k. CEuRt.IA .Vtiij. en County. \TWHhRbAB Unis. , Oliver, Administratm ot the estate and effects, and James ui nr, deceased late of said County, applies foi Liters Dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish si , utd singular the kindred and creditors of ti . said deeea-ed to file their objections (if any the. h:.v. ) in the office of the Clerk of said Court, o : r before tile first Monday in November next otherwise letters Dismissory will be granted I hurt. ~i Given under my hand at office in Jacksonb. j rough, thi- 25'h dav of Anri). 1825 6m Seaborn Gomlall, Cl’k. An Ordinance legulating the .Mooring of Boats at the JVhcrzo , btc. 1. Beit o’duined by the City Council i \ugosta, that from and alter the publishing c ins Ordinance, no empty boat having less tbs ( .rec able and competent men on board et s' unes, shall be permitted to tasten to, or rpc!..~. j t, any place opposite the city above the Uriel; i ar more than four days unit ss when securely las ned with a st. nng chain or cable at Last fift | •et in length to a growing tree, not lets <hn: , ■velve inches in diameter, and that in the f.’ t. , t a considerable rise in the River, such era -. -at, not fastened as aforesaid, suah be imsaed tt ly removed btluw the bridge. 2 Each boat engaged in lading or unlading ( > irmg a high river, shall have at least four able en constantly on board, and shah be secure!' istened or anch .red, in such a manner as to pre , nt her swinging >.r drifting on the Whrrf 3. I’he City Marshal, or any other ofiG- sroi Council shall have, and they are hereby tt.-ted v l lh power, and are required, to remove or cause i obe removed, al the risk ai d tspense ot tin wner, to some place below the Bridge, any boai r boau, which may be neglected by the owne ir agent , and for each boat so removed the offi 'rr -ball be entitled to ten dollars, to be receiv I from the boat owner, in the same manner a •thef expenses incurred in the removal. 4 Toe owner ..r owners of any and every boa l ioill he liable to a fine, ai the discretion of Coun I, not exceeding two hundred dollars, for each, md every violati n of tins Ordinance, and sliall nor-over r< pair all dam .ges done to the VVltarve . r bridge in ons; que l ce of such violation. i Jione in Council, the sth January, 1825 Ji tt. Held, .Mayor of the city of Augusta Ry the Mayor , Geo. M W alkkti. Clerk, Ami 22 86 1 Seventy Second ‘Section General OiUiLNANCK. c [T sliall be the duty of ad and every person ot p /-sous occupying a Lot or part ot a Tut h j ins City, to reim ve from Ins, her r their Fremi •s, at Die times herein pre-enhed, all decayed nd dt caving v- gmable ard animal buhstance . dm general voiy hi"g lendi ig to conn ' e air, B'd place the sane in the street oppo e to his, her or their Lot, twenty leet be nui it bou dary one ! lie above mentioned utiy to be performed before Nine o’clock in tlo ( loining : I) strict Nti. 1, on Mondays and Thursdays. District No. 2, on flies lays ai d Fridays. , District No 3 on Wednesdays and Saturdays. . It is particularly r. quest, d that filth shall n. i ( e thrown oir a' any other lime. Hy O' tier of the Street Committee. May 2 i 94 IMIE • uiow.iig are the 8 ationary C oiinitue ol Council for the year ending the second 1 .inlay in April, 1826: (hi City Halt,— Messrs. Thomas, Warren, Hal- i On Boh re. — Hale, Dillon, 1 humas. i tm Hos/ii al. J Moore, Hoi inshead, Bowdre. 1 Oi Holds —Bowdre, Dillon, Hal.'. i On Acnouuts —Dale, A. Moore, .1 M .ore. , On Jhver Bank and Wharf. —A. Moore, J. t loon-, Daufortn, Bowdre, < On Streets —Bowdre, Dillon, Warren. On Jail. -VVsrren, Danforth, Thomas. On Or,tins. Danforth. Hale, J. Moore. On Humfis —Warren, Dsnf'nrlh, A, Vloore. On .Magazine. — Di lon, H' llinshead. Tublished hy order of Council. Geo. M. Walker, Cl’k. Msy 20 o.y lleceiver’s Notice. IWIJ.I, attend «t Ihe Office of the Clerk 1 the Mayor’s Court in the City Hill, ever j Monday commencn g on the 6th day ot Jun- ( ncx l , until the first day of August, to rtceivi I 'he returns of the taxable property of such pet ) ons as have nut had an opportunity to mak. erelofore. And all persons who do not mak. 1 1 heir return previous to the first of August wil >e su'j ct to taxation as a defaulter. M. F. Boisclair, it. t r. it c. ( Msv 31 97 \ Is dice. I 'HE public are caution, d against Hading for a i . Note ot thi subscriber, made payable to I. i . 1 kompson, sixty days Irom the 28 b ot May ; ast, lor Five Hundred Dollars—ar 1 have ufLets , o nearly, or quite to the amount. r Gilbert Lougstreet. [ June 13 6 v 101 NOT 1014. , VLI. persons having demands against the esla'i , of Robert Lang, deceased, are hereby not 'fi *d . t. make theip return agreeable to law ; those on j d. bted to said estate, are notified to make mime . diate payuneut. 1 Wm. Unix, hfx'r. j Jnlv 1 6l f 2 N dice. 4 f.L persons having demands against the e a /TL tale of F.l za A. Levett, late of Hnrke Coun \ deceased, are r-'queste ito present then. 1 golly attested, and huse indebted, to make inline hate payment to Jonathan Lewis, f ridm'r. _ and _ C , h Rosina Morrison, ) boms non j Miv 9 1 < 7 t 91 otice. ~ \ LL persons to whom the estate of Jonx v .rA I.auinn, deceased, is indebted, are requestr , o present their accounts within the time pre ‘ eiihed by law, and those who are indebted tt -aid estate, are requested to make immediate pay pent to Peter Bennoch, Jldm’r. f”tr 2.3. p H «N ovice. i subscriber will dispose of his MILLS in I. Montgomery county, having * Crist and font i saws running, which la-t are calculated to turn >ut irom 4 to 60U0 feet ol lumber per day, which 1 mbe raf eel immediately into the Ocmulgee nv r, w i l l l 6t)o acres ot Die best timbered pine laud i i that section of the s'at-. As tu terms of sale they will be made easy. The above property was .ormerly that of E. W. Darker. Mv residence i> ■tear Mdledgeville. JAMES BOYKIN. The Augusta Constitutionalist and Savannah Georgian, will publish the above xr3 m and forward ■ heir accounts to the office of the Ga. Journal. June 14 w3m joi ajssasixiL AI) STEAM Baths. DU, HO URL. a Trench Physician, respectfully informs the public, thut he has established STEAM and MEDICAL BATHS in Augusta, The very high repute these Baths have acquired in Europe, where (although a late discovery) hey are to be found in every hospital, and the great cures they have performed in Boston, Phi ladelphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt of their efficacy. The most gentle as well as the most powerful medh inesare administered by hat nesns, Without any pain, trouble or disgust to t'se atient. They nre a never lading remedy in all cutane ous affections j from Psora. Hingv orms, fkc. to Scaldhead and Leprosy, They abo have never ailed of success in either acute or chronic rheu matism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous we ihngs, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of the joints, gouty affections, di persi >n of tumors, ill cured syphilis, spasmodic or nerv us affections; o ail bilious dis irders, dyspepsia, hy pocondriuaia, •piiepsy—these baths have been found most ser 'iceable,and have often succeeded even in here litary complaints, in fine, this manner of admin 'storing almost every remedy belonging to the !ie»li"g art, may be tendered applicable to almost very case, and (it is repealed) without any pain, •rouble, or disgust to the patient. y As these baths si e not yet generally known. Dr. Hodel will he happy to give the mosi res- I pectable references to persons who have been ▼ cured by tal:i,,g them. V\u* feteauv Sf ,Ma(\lca\ Bath Establishment, Is in Ellis-Street, opposite Mr. 11. Mesling’s flr ck Mouse, » d has an entrance in Broad-street immediately opposite the city //old. Jaimarv II 57 J. feVmm’s l*auaeea. QTpHE subicrber h ivi ig disc iv red tne c -mpo J, sitino of SWAIM’S celebrated Panacea iin> now a suppjly on ha id for sale ; lie has redu red the price iroin s3lo to ]g2 50, or by the dozen g 24 All char.table institutions in the United States ■ and the poor will be supplied gratis. * IT ihe citizens of the principal cities and towns, will appoint an agent to order and distribute this medicine to the poor, it w II he supplied. This medicine is celebrated lor the cure of the following diseases, “ scrofula or king’s evn, ulcer ated or putrid sore throat, long standing rnu ualic affections. Cutaneous diseases, while swell ing, and disease of the bones, and all cases gen erally o the ulcerous character, and chronic dis eases, generally arising in debilitated constilu ions, hut more especially from syphilis, or aflec dons arising therefrom ; ulcers in (he liiyrnx, odes, ho. And that dreadful disease occasioned iy a long and excessive use of mercury, Ike. it is •ilao useful in disease of the Liver.” HEII I IPiUATES. 1 have wi an tb last two year', had an oppor tunity of seeiut- tve I cases ol very inveterate ulcers which idi-d previously the regu lar iin-dea of treat,' m, v er-. healed by the use ol Mr, Sw :;rt’s Panacea ml Ido believe, from what 1 lui c . dial u v 11 prove an important remedy ,n scrofulous, v ;.trial and mercurial dis eases ' N. CHAPMAN, M. 1). Prof twor ’ Institutes and Practice of Phj ■t- University • f Pennsylvania. > iv? e i; Mv Panacea of Mr. Swaim in i of- within the las’ three years, » ’ i it exliemsly efficacious, : alary syphilis, and mercurial no hestilaiion in proiiumicing it ..i >:■•; eof i .estimable value. W. GIBSON. M. 1). Surgery in the University ot Penn sylvania. JOHN SHINN, hemist. V p. For sale at Smith and Pearsall’s, N. E. oi l of Third and Market-ntreets /'ra/aiMliliin, Febrnai vl7 1 ’2? leil2m 87 Uviwavu o t rw ludVtu-s \\ \ ON die 29'h of ,1 notary last, my blai k woman Dimed PEG w.s enticed away trim me, ■\ Samuel Townsend, Patrick Moiuoe, .lose h Onion and others; was harboured and cone aled by the said Saniuel Townsend. and taken ini i his possession under pre'ence of obtaining h r free lom: a id o i Die !7ih o. March last, was carried off by iho above named Joseph (Jr.-ton, who goes i i the capacity of a pedler. Said Peggy is now in the 17 1 li year of her age, of undue size, about 5 f et 4 or 5 inches high, handsomely buih, of yellow complexion, ve y I: ely, familiar, and ve ry free spoken, She - me lines calls Iv-is- II Peg gy Higln, and has of late pietin ed to say that she was free born. Peggy may h known by any * one who converse with tier, by her telling who ms raised her, and of her leaving her child be lun I, whose name is E.lza. It is supposed that .he is sold, or concealed in some part at the country. Any person ii .ding where she is, and giving information hi I nter, d'rec'ed to the sub scriber, living in Barn vet] Dsn c'. or to Mr. [lsaac Fiazier, in U lumhia, v . U. shall receive a reward ot twenty-five dollars; am] f the said j 1 Irston ami P ggj be found together, and appre hended, so that the Viliams can be brought to justice, any person or persons, so apprehending Diem, shall receive a reward of fi i, dollars. ’S. w. Kearscy. OO 5, Each publisher of a news nper m the stat- s of North and South-Cam ina am! Ge -rgia, s r< quested to insert the above advertisement in their respective papers, once a we.-k for three weeks, and forward their accounts either to Mr, 1-auc Frazer, in Columbia, or to the subscriber , in Barnwell Dis net, S. C. S. W. K. * ■blur 17, 1825. ,lt r JO4 Il‘A\ UuVVava VLivwavd. aw\\V a Y from the subscriber on the 15th May lasi, a Negro Woman named I! ABIE T, j \s or ;'4 years oli), common size, her voice ra ther coarse; bright mulatto, she will try to pass r a tree person and 1 presume she fas a tree oass, written by a negro, who can write in the neighborhood. Any person who will deliver to me said Negro, or lodge her in some Jail so that I get her, will receive the above reward. James Story. Warreaton , (Ga.) Inly 1, 5 g NOt LCfc. VI. I. Persons indebted to the esl ate of Joiur C*- udt'ikhs, deoea-e 1, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber, ai d those oavi, g claims agamsl the said estate, are required to present them duly attested m the form and viliuu the time prescribed bv law. Ilichard 11. Wilde, Jidm'r. J ’ lnp ™ 12t 102 1 W Buted at this office, a youth, I from 15 to 16 ie, r , of age. of habits as an apprentice to the Printing Business,