Newspaper Page Text
__ towMUtntlmuUtot*
. . - Many of the political «»■!., under which evry Country world i»l.ours, »r>- nut" to any unoi oflove furo.,,-Country, but to »n of it. real constitution »nd intere.U.” PItIKSTLV - ' r ~~~ ~
~ 1 ninVl l>aaai>IIBIlaialMlia,llil>,l,,IIIIIIIIBl > IMI,llBllBI » IM » ,M MWW«MWMgIMMM ' ■-
Clje Coitftitutionaltitt
Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery.
3 t®*®®®
Now Drawing in the City of Augusta, un
der the superintendance of
S. Hale "I Slaughter,
R. R. Reid, J W. Holt,
T. I. Wray,] J 0 t ?;„ Wilde *
The Second QcaNvlng
Will take place on the I2th of October next.
All the Capital Prizes are still undrawn, con
sequentlv the Wheel is very rich.
1 Prize of 830,000 is 830,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000
5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000
10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000
100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000
5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000
5175 Prizes, > „„„
12825 Blanks, $ 8 180.000
Less than two and an half Blanks to a Prize.
The Prizes only to be Drawn.
-L'l Ike Prizes to beJlsatin[f from the commencement,
except the folio-mint; -which will be deposited in
the whet lat definite periods, viz ;
1 prize of 10 000 8c lof 500
-’4, 1 prize of 5,000 & 1 of 1,000 & lof 500
3d. 1 prize of 10 000 Sc 1 of 500
4th. 1 prize of 5,(J0' 1 k 1 of 1,000 &, lof 500
sih. I prize of 10 000 & lof 500
dih I prize of 5 000 & I of 1 000 & lof 500
7ih 1 prize of 10, 00 (Sc 1 of 5,000 8c 1 ol iOO
Bth. 1 prize o: 20,000 & 1 of 1,000 8c 2 of 500
9th. 1 prize of 30,000 8c 1 of 1,000 8c lot’soo
All Prizes payable thirty days after the com
id 'lion *t the drawing subb'Ct to a deduction of
filieeii per cent—if not applied fur within twelve
months, to be considered a d -nation to the tuuds
ot the Mas-,-lie Mali.
11CKE ! S a--il SHAKES may he yet had, in
a ('real variety of rs at the original price at
No. 241. RIM U)Sr REET, AI’GDS fa.
Whole 'Pickets, SlO 00
Halves, g 00
Quarters, % g 0
Dari mi hi.nitty will lie received for Tickets.
OCj* Orders for Tickets and Shares from any
part of the United Stales, enclosing' the Caoh,
'|)ost paid, wid meet the same prompt attention,
h on persona) application, if addressed to
• J. 8. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioners,
August 23 9 ]
WlKL«®ja* AijLJa.ta'i
'>Jl rs fur sale at reduced Prices.
LBS. prime, I .icon
’■ls/ i'ieceh heavy h< in Bogging,
70 do T'<w Bagging, lor square bales,!
20 Coils Bile U j
20 Hogsbea s prirnr letaibng Molasses, !
6u Bartels Gi> mid Whiskey,
10 do. Apple llra'dy,
20 do. Malaga and Currant Wine,
10 Q tarter C isk I nenffe tc Madeira do
35 Bugs prime C. /T'e,
5 Hhds. St. Croix Sugar. i
I 50 Barrel-. VlackerH. No. 1. 2 8c 3,
* 40 K--gs prune Rich on-1 i macco,
50 Quarter luxes Spam h Sc gars,
5000 lb.- Casting-;. assorted,
20,000 do. Swedes I on,
15 Boxes Cotton Ca s, No. 8,98 c 10,
100,Casks pateni col Nols,
25 tv gs Duponts P-iwder,
40 Dozen caninater Powder,
150 Reams W rapping Paper,
Wri i g and Letter do.
Old Claret W i; in boxes and Dimijohn-,
Holland Gin-, Cogn a ■ Brandy 8c Jamaica
Rum of goo' 1 q " I tv,
BOXES Hyson, Im
perial a • Gunpowder
A general assortment of Homespuns,
H.UWO.ItiK, ye, \c. SC.
AT HIS OLD ST A V ll No. 18z, Hit /All ST.
July 2b 16 9
Persons naving business with
the sub.criben, uunug met. aOience trout tins c-.
ty lor the summer, will please call on Mr. A. B
Beers, Bunnell & St. John.
qijiruita, August 9, 1825 5t 13
Roc\\eW, SpaUvivl vuu\ &u<Va
Os 8 superior quality, and ilo ei! for sale by
riios. 1. \V ray.
August 26 |
SACKS Liverpool ground Salt,
10 Hhds. Sugar, I
10 Bags Coffee,
100 Hhils Molasses,
1 Bale Ozuaburgs,
100 Barrels N Gin,
15 do N. E, Rum,
40 Boxes Window Glass,
5 Kegs Pearl Burley,
1 2 Hhds, Jamaica Rum,
10 Boxes Loaf Sugar,
2 Ton English Castings,
5 Quarter Casks Port Wine,
5 Casks London Porter,
20 Barrels Philadelphia Whiskey,
4 niuls. do 6 year, old
J.O Barrels Cid“r,
in. H. Egan.
Wanted to Wive.
A good Negro Wench a.. Cook and Washer, tuj
remain in town.
Align"’ 5 12
SLOVltt. aud Lt.MK.
BARRELS Fresh North
-250 Casks Fresh Stone Lime, of
,t superior quality, just received and for sale at
[Jo. 308, Broad-Stre»l. by
Thomas S. Metcalf.
May 27 9 1>
Gorn for tfaie.
From 1000 to 3000 Bushels Prime
Lor Sale by the Subscriber, at J\'o. 341,
J, »hn Dll?
Julv 5. 'i
Commission Business.
At his old stand in Savannah, near tlie Fnrt, and
is prepared to nuke suitable advances upon all
produce placed in his hands for sale,
John Everingham, jr.
April 12 83
TQ {
From the first of October next.
MgA. THE STORE in the Fire
FiTi! IftL Proof House nme corner ot Broad
i|||J|| uid M lntosli Streets, at present oc
4HHPHi copied by Mr. Win. Smith.
also —
The Dwelling part of the Woo
den Building next hc-ow. Four Otfi es on VI 1
In'oah Street, and Four GiveTy Stores uptown ■
situated between Messrs. R. Maicne £c Co. and
Ansi- y 2c Snead’s Ware-Houses.
For terms apply (during the subscribers ab
sene- ) to Mr. Robert F. Poe.
Hugh Neshitt.
August 26 1825. 1-.
- _____
FROM the Ist of October next,
TjmW the Dwell ng Hou e and uflice, wnhj
j ImiSß a good Carriage House and Stables,j
a&SKBSBs on a one acre lot, a* present occupied;
by James Olive, Esq .routing Reynold, Elbert and!
ißay streets, and immediately above the old Thea
tre lot. Enquire of
Lewis Dossignol, or
Alexander Dugas.
! August 16 15
ro hk v r,
From the first of October next.
| THE Store and Dwelling,
j nekr u,e t'lantei-v’ Hotel, a ~.-c
i s ent occupied by Messrs. Cullen
JMHi and Kern ns.
Five comfortable dwellings with
Stores underneath, and small Ganlciis atiacliea
n Cotton Range.
One Store or Counting Room, with
a good back room, connec.ed W/ih it, m.xt abov<
thes’ore of V|r J. W. Bri-lge-
Two Stores on Broad Street, next
bove Vlev’s Vtie &Wake-s.
One dwelling in the rear, former
y occu tied v M s. Lartigue, anil
The Warehouse and adjoining
backstores formerly oc turned by Mr. Audey.
.am TO BKNT.
. From the present time, to the
sr» o* 'let ber next, or i" () n|,~r, 1826
'l’wo stores on the north side of
Broad Street, immedia elv bel .w Campbc-iis’ gul
ly. and aix stores in Ausley*. R.nge. Annly to
James Harper,
Attorney for E. F, Campb it. Esq.
I Angus* 2 4t t n
& VV e are authorized to say, that
James W. Mehiuueth tq. i a CamlulaO i.,
Receiver of lax Returns, at the ensuing El.c
ti on.
August 5 jo
iJIM. From the first day of October
'"■X fjt olie ye,.]-, 1)1 House ami L,t oil M‘ln
tosl‘ s ref-;, litre Mr. Patrick Kcly mnv l.ves
'O’Hy lo Robert D. Ware or to Win, VV, Holt.
Susan B. Ware.
August 2 u
. a To TIEN ■
The Dwelling next below the
underoigned, at present occupied by Capt. Coi
uiick, —also—
I lie Dwelling at present occupied by Mr. John
Button, on Campbell-street.
The Store and Dwelling on Broad-street, next
above the Bridge Bunk,
And four Offices on Campbell street. For
terms, apply to
M‘Kenzie & Beauoch.
July 19 7
THE undersigned has appointed Jons H.
Maaw, Esq. his agent during ipg absence
from Augusta.
; Apd has also to Kent,
Ufejgifl A Commodious Dwelling
iHouse, with a good Carden, Carnage-House,
jail other needful out houses, ait unfed near the
Eagle-Tavern, on K >vno'd-Street. Possession
to be given on the first of October n xt.
Asaph w aterman.
June 28 j
From the day of October , for one yeur.
St The Dwelling House and Lot
at the comer of Broad and Houston streets, where
Col. Huxtkr now lives.
~ also —
ill The House and Lot adjoin
ii gto it where Peter B-'iscmn Esq. no« Ives.
W. W. Holt.
August 26
" ttt rent:
.ililHL A House and Lot on Green
Street, n » sin tun, near h Mansion
House Hording all the comfortable acconimudu
tions tor a small lamily. E quire of
R. H Wilde, w
J. W. W iide.
August 30 6 19
N otice.
LL persons to whom the estate of John M
Lauhim, deceased, is indebted, are requcstei
to present their accounts within the time pre
scribed by law, and those who are indebted to
said estate, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to
Peter Bennoch, Jdm’r.
1 Jnlv 23 v S
Ste\v\\eY\ VL Ctwup,,
CONTINUES .he practice of die Law at Monti
cello, Jasner County, w l ere he will punctual
ly attend to any business confided lo Ins care. He
also practices in all the other courts of the Oak
mulgee circuit, and in several courts of the Flint
and Northern circuits.— During his absence an
agent will be left to attend to the business of his
Monticel’o, Jolv 27 mis 10
I At U\ti I*tautens’ Violet.
Wild, from this time be in readiness to accom
modale those who mat c< I, from Saturday
Morning until Sunday at 12 o’clock m each week,
and only • n tin i e days.
Angus 30 ' ,3t 19
T>otg'e. _
Public are cautioned against trespassing
X on the Houses and i.ots of the subscriber
upper end of town —especially against hauling
sand or earth from the river bank or contiguous
thereto. Each and every person offending shall
have the law rigorously enforced against him of
Hugh Nesbitt.
.Innusrv 21 6p
•V oliee.
subscriber will dispose of his MILLS in
t Montgomery c muly, having a Grist and four
Saws running, which fast are calculated to turn
Jout Iroin 4 in 6000 feel of lumber per day, which
can be rat ed immediately into the Ocmulgee riv
er, wi ll 600 acres of the best limbered pine lamij
in that section of the slate. As to terms of sale
they will be made easy. The above property wasi
. formerly that of E. W. Barker. Nfc residence is
’ near Mdledgeville. JAMES BOYKIN.
I i 11 w3m 101
•V otice.
i V| R- Hknui H. Field, is authorized by the
A’-*- farmer’s Fire Insurance and Loan Com-
Joany Miw V irk, to s go I’ Tides of Insurance lo:
’ is, and to attend to all oilier matters in which this
Company may be interested, during our absence
from tills place
Bidwell & Casey, Agents.
July 15 If 6
(O* Persons h.ivicig business with
the sunscrdieis lining their uni rary abse 1 ci
trim Aug l si a, are r> quested lo call upon Wil
liam T. Gould, F. i|
Ciawford& Gumming.
August 23 17 ‘
One door above the Bridge Bunk, No. 139,
Broad- Street.
From New-York, the following very desirable
Which will be sold on very reasonable terms for
Cash or approved Paper.
BLACK and coloured Gro. De Ta Silks, differ
ent patterns,
Black figured watered Silks,
Do. Liveniine and Green Florence tjo.
Black, white ami coloured belt Ribbons,
Boliver and La Fayette super Prints,
Yellow and Scutch Bandano Hdkts-
Super Flagg Handkerchiefs,
Washington. Jackson and La Fayette do.
Plain and Feather edged Ribbons, new and
elegant patterns.
Black and colored Horse skin Gloves,
Ladies super colored do do
Black stripe Denmark satin,
do Italian Neck Hdkfs. large size,
Black Stock, ami Cravat stiffeners.
Barege and Gauze silk Handkerchiefs, any
Richly embroidered and worked Book Mus
lin, new patterns
Jaconet and Cambric Muslins,
Tamboured, and tucked muslin Robes,
Holt’s patent wired Colton in Boxes,
Clark’s spool, do
Cotton Hose, Tape, kc. kc.
And looking daily for a further supply of Goods.
September 2 8t 20
Ulugmsta iD.vaomc Dali
the first dr aw me is over,
• And ad the Capital Prizes are still in the Wheel.
■ The Second Drawing will take place on
Wednesday, ISth of October next.
The unprecedented Richness of the Wheel,
after the drawing of a large proportion of the
. numbers, offers every possible inducement to ad
venturers 'This is evidently the richest Lottery
in the Union, in GRAND CAPITAL PRIZES,
. besides a very large proportion of the minor
TICKETS and SHARES, warranted undrawn,
mo 1 sti|i he had at the original Scheme priceat
No, 241, Broad-Street, Augusta.
PRIZE TICKETS received in payment.
OCT" Orders for Tickets post paid, enclosing
the Cash or Prize Tickets, will be promptly at
tended to as uaml,
J. 8. Be
Secretary to the Com,nf sinners.
I August 19 if,
The Subscriber
h opening in Broad street, one door below Mr. Al *
ten's Hal Store,
Consisting of
Dress coats, "
Frock Coats
Drab box (;oats |
Double k single null’d Cassimere Pantaloon j
Broad Cloth, Satinett ami Corduroy do ,
Toil'metl, Valentis, Swunsdown k black silk t
Vests " u
Blue and black Cloth and Casaimere do
Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain
Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Lambawool ‘
Shirts and Drawers
Flannel do do
Tartan and Camblet Cloaks 4
Ladies do ~
Boy’s Dresses
Youth’s close body Coats ]
Gentlemen’s superfine Huts, some very wide 1
brims s
Immitation beaver do 1
La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps J
Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Slocks
Silk Umbrellas
Gloves, &c.
Negro Jackets and Trowsera
House servants Coatees and Pantaloons
Fearnought great Coals
Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts '
Striped and Check do 1
Common Linen do i
Woollen Gloves, and many other articles 1
in his line.
The above GOODS are New-York made, and
vill be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New-
Yo;rk prices.
J. P. Seize.
December 3 46
*** W e ate autliuTised lo any, 1
I hat Gen. W W. Montgommit, is a candidate to
tepresent the County of Richmond, in the Senate.
August 26 18
N otice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Cotton
Merritt, deceased, are requested to render <
mi ir accounts in properly attested, within the I
me prescribed by law, and those indebted t 1
aaid estate will make immediate payment to <■
Comfort Merrit, Jldmr’x.
( Burke County, May 1825 Ut t9l
I Ho ttn».
TUB second drawing of the ab >ve Lottery will
take place on WEDNESDAY (he 12,h day
lot October next. An ear'ier day would have
been appointed, but for the i. activity of the pre
sent season, and the absence of a 'arge portion of
lour population.— Che subsequent drawings will
r be much more frequent.
J. 8. Beers,
Secretary to the Com uissioners,
August 19 15
TVie Wesleyan Jmu-imV.
The publishing Committee announces tha
postponement ol the publication ot the
Werteyan Journal, until the first of October next.
1 lie Committee does this reluctantly, and with
1 regret, but it |s deemed better, to delay the pub
lication ot the Journal, waiting (he return of the
Ke*. Mr. Otis, who is noyv absent for his health,
than to issue it under the Editorship of another
Pf r8 ??' W# * ¥ r °*‘ n present, the Jou nal
should appear forthwith. The Committee de
light to acknowledge how fully their expects
turns have been realized by subscriptions for the
Wesleyan Journal. They regard it no longer
problematical whether a r> ligious paper, such as
is contemplated, might receive adequate support
in the South ; and they are anxious only to have
the paper edited by one whose ample endow
ments should render it worthy of the extensive
patronage it is likely to obtain.
J. O. Andrew, Chairman.
P. S Editors in S uln and Norm Carolina and
Georgia will confer a favor by inserting the above.
C/iarlftlon. July 2 182 5.
DR. HOUBL, a French Physician, respectfully
informs the public, that lie lias established
Ihe very high repute these Baths have acquired
in Europe, where (although a late discovery)
they are to be found in every hospital, and the
great cures they have performed in Boston, Phi
ludelphia and Charleston, cun leave no doubt of
their efficacy. The most gentle as well as the
most powerlul medicines are administered by 'hat
means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the
They are a never failing remedy in all cutane
ous affections ; from Psora, Ringworms, See. to
Scald head and Leprosy. They also have never
tailed ot success in cither acute or chronic rheu
In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous
iwellings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases or the
joints, gouty affections, dispersion of tumors, ill
cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections s
in all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondriasis,
epilepsy—these baths have been found most ser
viceable, and have often succeeded even in here
ditary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin
istering almost every remedy belonging to the
healing art, may be rendered applicable to almost
every case, and (it is repeated) without any pain,
trouble, or disgust to the patient.
As these baths are not yet generally known.
Dr. HooSi will be happy to give the most res
pectable references to persons wiio have been
cured by taking them.
Tlie ftteam fy .\ieiical ttaih
Is in Ellis-Street, opposite Mr. (1. Healing's
Brick House, sod has an entrance in Broad-street
immediately opposite the city 7/otel.
January II 57
i>OTLL)i£. ~
THREE months aCi i oaie, application wd be
tnaiie to the Inferior Court of Column a
County, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for
leave to divide twenty N groes,‘he property of
James Martin, late of s» d county deceased, of
which the heirs living out of the county a.J
State of Georgia, ar r t-pecdudy no'ifi, d ' .uch
application. I his 29>(- dy n( Align t H 25
Robert Martin, Jldin'r.
August 30 i IV
N Qliue.
JTpHE subscribers have connected themselves
4* in the practice of the LAW —they will uni
formly attend all tl>e counties of the Non hern
Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of lit; Wes
tern Circuit, one ot (hem will be generally found
at their office in Elberton, where they will take
pleasure in transacting the business ol those who
may be unfortunate enough to be involved in the
John A. Heard,
Thomas .1 Heard.
January I, 1825 57
LL persons to whom th late Fianris Hmner
CrA of the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebt
ed, are requested to present their demand th
in the time prescribed by law ; and those indebt
ed, are requested to make immediate payment.
B. Hoover, ? fcVrs
Paul Rosßign«l,s
December 21 *>'
£/* Mr. Luther Camming, wLi
act as my Attorney during my a sc.’.c- on
J. M. Hand
May 13 G g 2
TVJINK months alter da ■, application wilt be
IN) made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Columbia county, for leave to sell a tract of
Land in said county ol 105 I 2 acres, joining
Murray, Ray and others, it being part of the real
s*ate ol William Uinion, deceased.
Peggy, Biniou, adm’rx.
March 15, 1825' ImO'm 75