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jY ( 0 »IM \’l< Vl'M.'o v Mail. *« f'o c ;>..i /.
Vj* ‘bib.* • \m I »nl n'.-'f ■«!», by ' 'mlj.itilrn ): v Imm-.> w'or*
,r (* ps, Gy 1 • v, I !»#• h* l«i on iu> ft rat i *ie-
Hayinil. •» ’•>, »-••.' snlh i. -i - * for* ■> >m
*,h/•<* in > *n» *». Mi- •'r, - of tiie «omiy g»,
.» »'• .»*• • --ri) i . *ili* \m‘u*. ii fli' io -;a I«-h miat »»■ .
v -.i? in * public •*«’ SI XTV iU) . jr**«iuim t« hr d‘y ol'
it •; mm* ,ial« of {■-‘rwiwl pro: • -it -u«i he girf.n in like nsiui
nor, FOWI' k‘ lav rrviu.i’ lofhe «Uy of •* ■»«-
N' o ■ 1 ' Vo; v». ;>l 'fC'l font f' ar • A »/'■ published;
for l-’OT?TV
... , ~*rr~. «»ry-.'vr^——-J» jll l -iiajoagsr-Wg?
t ram Ifivi '■< .Hum -. 1 Ir. Uufjiicn >, hrpte'ribcr t
I l«vn liHVXvjeAlb.
I’m* iltt>»*riouß Frii nl ■••.l'd of onr I
cniini.i'v iiU (i ctup« from tb« Scat,
of (>nv>'ri!■ a it! in Wednesday, on bis re- j
turi (o m* naiivi; country. Oui reader*j
are already appn/eil of to; prejiaratio i»|
whi' li had been nude and recommended t>y
the autiioiilie* and (lit* people h‘ Dis-j
trict to !•■ mi ;■ t l , ie osjiert for tbits »v-net-a
ble individual. Ah bo-uieas wn- '-uspenil-;
ed in t'x* r.iiy du, -mi to : daj ; I ••■ •'.•••ph
and B iitk* were tl»f d, and every thi , 1
dieal-d the deep iceliny; which pervade '
the community on thi* interesting Vtcr-a ,
At an eaiiv Imur, the Corps ol Marines,)
the Vtduu’ n i Companion of the First Bri-I
g,ule of the IViTtriet, and those of the A-j
lexai 'ln.'. SC .4ole, w •re ro. tin; ground de-;
vi'j.u l d, mi tlie President’s Square, where|
thv, ere j lined by Sprig’s »ml capl.
Dunlop’s Coops of Cavalry from the State
of Maryland; tl\e whnlo formed and in
waiting ;o lake up the escort.
'[’hr Ijoftrds of Aldermen and Common
Council*- of the th ee dies of tin*. District
headed liv tluii respective Mayors, enter
ed the Pia »idee ( "s Mouse about hail’ past
•even o’clock. The Marshal* of the day
had assembled there ,1 short time pruvioii*.
i'hc farewell addresses of these aeveral
Municipal Bodies, having been commu a
ented to the General »> a messenger, about
I 1 • '.lock, in y were '' summoned to the)
H ill, ami ha*.deg bc-i arranged in ; cii'-le
by the Marshals, tl Preside it of ; be Cm
Soil Stales appeared before the »ntranee leads to the Drawing l oom, sup
ported mi eac! aide by the Heads of lie
par ’u* ,ts and Officers. Civil nod Military,
Several Members of Congress, at present
in die District, and other dislinguiahed citi
/en», also, ton, ed a part of tins group
The company Irving waited some minutes
if sdenco, 1. side d,,i,i whs opened and
i< > Fsvi rrr entered tb> Hall, attended b> ;
the Mu'shaiU ol the District, uiul ,m>- ol the
Son* of the President, and presented him
self in the vacant pace within the circle,
mill at 0 siiitnli', ’listaiue, r, cceiv. tlie
Address of the President. Mr, Adams,
then, with much dignity, but with evident
emotion, delivered in u clear, distinct, and
very tmprev ive n-.inner, the. ‘'eilowing ad
dress:— 0
(»cnerul La Favk’ dr : It lias been "the
go,III forhine of man , >t my di.iiiigiiished
tellow-citi'/ens, during the course of the
year no eh j.»ed, upon join arrival at th ,
respect!re plat ■ o( abode, to giee.i you
■da tiie welcome of the Nation Ihe fess
pb’asiiu; la-k now devolves upon me, of
hiddin you, in tiie name of the Nation, A
i were no lunger uMsonable, and wouhl
) upe.i fliioiiK, lo rccapitulaio th* rentarka-,
i".i incidents of your earlv life—
vllu'k asMiriaied voui name, for tunes, amll
reputation, in imperishable com ’xion with)
the Independence and History d die Nonii
America * Union,
I o' pan which you performed at this im-j
( «'<iat jiiactioti, was marked w h coarac
sers so, ihat ical./dn; t!>. fairest)
table oi .a iniquity : s parallel ,-(,uhl v c,>, celv
he found in the uuthtniic rei ords of iu
\ ou ddibei ilcly and perscveringly preb i
‘l>d ton, danger, toe, endurance of every
hardship, and the privation of every comfort,
in defence of u holy c msc, to inglorious
err,and the allurements of rank, afllucncej
aml nicnilaiiud youth, at tiie most sp!en-|
did and fascinating Court of Europe.
I, it ! ms cli!isc(j was not le** wise thao
ni.icnaiiiuious, mciion of half a century,
amt dm - alula; • * of unnumbered \oires.i
all unable to e\*| css (lie -.latitude of (he 1
heart web which,youi visit to lids bends '
plmm 'ms been welcomed, afford ample de-i
U|,c “ contest of freedom, to which 1
you had repair.,a a- a voluntary champion, c!"-ed, by flie complete trinmpli of her)
cau *®» ni diis country ol your adoption, you
ai d to do tire duties < f tlie philander ,
l’! s ‘"‘d uatri 1 :it lli** land of your nativity.)
,* ’• - and undeviiitingcurecr:
f forty years, van have maintained, throng!
every vicissitude of alternate success and
* 'mppmiurneiu, the mine glorious cause (oi
"' Mc ‘. lae ' l Vear* of y„ur active life bad!
J\ n ', 1 "'‘ie hi of the moral!
‘ political condition ol man. j
o ugboui that lone succession of time !
IV™" 1 ' 1 the ,;nil ® d Spates, for whom,l
ami wu whom. You had fought M, e battles „fi
lbtl iy ' ll,r e beeu l ""'g in the full possession I
of its fruits, one »f the liappicst among the
fac.ily of .Mtions, Aprciding in population ;
enlarging in tt-iTitory; acting and -uflering
recording to the condition of their nature ;
an la* - the foundation of the rafest, and
•ve liumhly hope, fir- inos ! , <di enl power,
hat ever regulated the concerns of man upon
1 earth.
In that lapo ol foriy v >;h% c generation
of iicn 'vi til whom you co-ope'atcd in the
. edict of arms, lias nearly passed away,
O' ,hr General OfUoets of American
■ iy in that war, you alone survive. Os
do Sages who guided our Councils, of the
Warriors who met, the foe in tlie field or up
on d w vp, with the exception of a few to
‘ wli hi .nusuiil length "fdays has been allot
s b) Heaven all now deep with their
! I.'dvr.-. A . icceeding, ami even a third
‘generation have arisen to take their places;
land tl :ir children’* children, while rising!
ijup 0 call them blessed,have been taught by
‘them, as eii as admonished by their own
’jeonsta. 11 lioymcnt of freedom, to include
[in every bension upon tlicir fathers, the
jnaine of him who tame from afar with them
and in their cause, co conquer or to fall.
I The universal prevalence of these senti
ment- .1- signally manifested by a Resold
jlior, of Conga -s, representing the vvliole)
[People, ami all the States of tins Union, re-1
apjs -.ting the P esidentof the United Staler,)
ito coinir onicate to you the assurances of
jgrstefnl and affpniunate attachment oi this'
Government and People, and desiring that!
[a national ship might be employed, at your'
convenience, for your passage to the border-,
(of our country.
I The invitation was trai -nutted to you by
•mj venerable predecess r; himself bound
|to on by the strongest tics of person.d
ifriendship: bim«e'f on ; tl' those whom the:
'highest honor* of his country had rewarded'
[for blood early shed in her cause, and for a
long life of devotion to her welfare By him)
[the set vices "I a national ship nera placed!
at your disposal. Your delicacy pr- !erred,
a more private conveyance, and a foil year;
has elapsed since you landed upon our;
shores. It were scarcely 1 exaggeration j
to say, that it has been, to th people of the;
Union, a year of uninterrupted festivity -null
ct joyment, inspired by your present.c. You
- havf traversed the twenty-four State, 01,
this great Confederacy. You have been!
re 1 'i "si with rapture hr the vi vivcsoi
youi earliest companions in arms. You have'
been hailed 1* a long absent parent by their I
children, the men and women of the pr ,ent
l.ige. 'nia in ing generation, be hope of
f>:■ arc- time, in number* surpassing tlie
whole population of that day when you fought
at die i. id and by the side of their fore-fa.h I
■us. have ■ I 'd with the scanty remnants of
that bom of trial, in acclamations of joy at
beholding the face of uim whom they 'eel to
be the common benefactor of all. You have
heard th", mingl 'd voices of the past, the j
present, and the tut ire »g joining in one
universal chorus of delig'U .1 your approach ;
and ih ■ shouts of uoimiden tliou-ainis, v.-luch
(greeted vum landing .-n (he soil off' •’•Jin,
have f Bowed every -n-n of yon- w;, 0 and
■ still resound, like the rushing of many
, ter*, from every corner ot or.;’ ;-.nd. ?■
■ You are now about (0 re irn to the c. ,n
--, Iry of your biuh, of your ancest, 1
1 posterify. I'he -e Govei ittiei t
of the Union. • t.iuumu-d It- the same feel
ittgiiwh, ch had prompted, the (’ongre 1 to
the designation u a no: Anal ship f>"' tour
act imuiodaimn ir t-ming hilht , has tfes
t fined the first service oi . berate, re
■ ecatly launched ui ti ls Metrihs, t > the
! ! * welcome, but equally dis ishsd
ijn t»t, of cqnveying you hom?. The route. ,f
■ 'us ship ha* added one more memo: i
I distant r -gions and future uge-i of % str aim
- already memorable at once in the story of
ybur MiftVnngs and of our indepeude cc.
I'he ship i* now prepared for recep
•ition, ami equipped for sea. Fro -e mo-j
I m it of her de[i irtnre, the prayers, , r "-iiiip.-:
II will ascend to Heaven that her j„i ■ < • may
''he prosperous, and your 1 turn t- the b.uonV
; cl your family as propitious to your happi
ness, us your 1 sit to tins scene, ofy cur youth
•lf" 1 glory ha* been (0 that of (he \iuericun
i People.
-j Go, then, out beloved fiicnd—return to
■.llit 1 land o brilliant genius, of generous
1, s ■•’’ in ■ ;*n t, ol IjOiroii valor; to that beanti- 1
!fui ce, the oursiiig mother oftln i'welfth
•: Loiuj, ami die F mrth Henry : to the n u.iv :
chi of Bay an! and C'digni, of rurenoe ami
JUatmat; of'Fenelon am! D’Aguesscau. In
1 that illustrious catalogue o! names which
. .ilia claims as of her children, and with lion
's; prole hold up to the ulmiratinn of other
inations, the name of Lv Fwkttk bus alrea
-dy for centuries ]» en enrolled -Veil it
[shall henceforth burnish into brighter thine :
,;foi if, in after days, .1 Fiw.ltnun shall be
dcalled toil' luyru rho (haracter of his na
■ti >n by that of one individual, during the
yigo in which we live, the. hb- d of lofty pat
(ritolisiu shall untie in 1 - cheek, the lire of
1 conscious virtue shall snorkle in hi* ye, and
,ho shall promt u b - name of L v Fayette*
■j Vet we too, md .nr children in life, and as
j ter d’a tin *0 all claim y»uf >r onr own. Vou
piie ours i.»y more f".u» pairiouc. self de
tv ’tion wi:i; winch you flew to the aid of car
father* it the crisis of tlicir fate. Ours Dv
"■'.it long - ■.. *ol years - ■ which you have
[cherished ns in your regard. Ours bv
that unshaken Seiitimcut of gratitude for
your service* which i* a precious portion of
jour inheritance. Our* bv that tie of love,
istronger than death, which has linked, v nu
[ i ime, for the endless ages’of time, with the
j name of Washington.
\1 tin painful iiioment of patting from
you, we take comfort in ihe thought, that
■ I wherever o n., i b;*. !u< r»)&r>tl«>n
jjof your h* art, 1 ■ ■■•ratr. •1 In over pre
risent aft ; u.d , vimerful coti
iUbbtion as re» that wp art .sat culled
Ito finrrow use ol all, that w; -ha!' see
, your fa no more. \V,* shut indulge (Ire
i!pleasing »micipatit x> ■ f hehotit;.nr friend
{again I. the. 1 ataritim ■, • afc • r >-t ae
.’iuiii 0( lire wif-ih in >he s">, -*tl
■State!?, and a(/a hm on‘a I nonage to
• 'give uli car ;e tot'ia: f •efir"; ot uv. acumen t
i! with which the h ■•’.( £of Hie a : o neats a
I the heart of one nan, I hid yc; a reluct .ot
Hand. a Hoc lion ate farewell
The General t»»- ned '" ti ifeef atten
ijti m, ami, at Hie 'on of tin. •.-Id.. as, ear:
ibraced He rresi.-mn l n» 1H- an 9. saluHng
•jhiai i .l the French ,nanm ■ . .*• shed ■
i H>, tht-u replied in t! e following terms r
j ‘ Amidst all n.y obligauo is f« the Gen
oral Government, and para ul.urly to you,
|«ir, its respected ChTf M.-.J r, ,c i .-avt
must thankfully to ackiiowlt. the. eppor
tunity given me, .i this solemn .in painful
moment, to present the People A tin S ' ■
ted States with >■ parting 1 ,ne t' pro
found, ine.v'jtressibi: gratitod ,
To have been, to ilm infant arid critical 1
days of these States, adorn mi by them a- .
(favorite son, to have mmicipat- ;<n I. toils
i.inti perils ot oar n ispotte I • t''uu;'.lo for in-1
dependence, freedom, and ~! r.ghift ; andi
in the found ' >n < In- Amen m E’.i of ai
j new social order, whic'" lit-, already P" aid ;
ed this, and must, 'nr the diynn aid hap- ;
'pirn;,a of mankind ...ica'sii- •' y pc.-'-’ulej
/every part of then • heousn‘-r.r-.i ,to have'
(received a - evety stag of the Revolution,j
ai '.d during (.• ty rears after rha* period!
from the People of Ho- Unit'd Hti a. and*
ihrir Ht to :ir itativt sa; and ibroad 1
Hcimtiiiual marks .it their ai d uc. and
(kindness. It is hcei Hi" pride ,im en.
;meat the support of liong ... id eventful
life. 1
■ But now could I find words to aekouw- j
j'-dgi :l iat »rie.« «f wet cm.; ■, those ua- ■
■dn-unded and universal displays of public!
• aftectior, which have, marked each step,
reach hour of a ' weive months’ progress
: through the (went four : • .-a, and which,
iwhili • j overwind>n my t. > t i/ua ,'a o
fiil deli” ha "■ mu-t sat fictordy ■•vine-.I
,rlie cot*- ... ■■ • he pi.api: in re kind
(testimonies, in the immense fivor- bestow*]
<;d on n:e by H'S seve u, tji an > s ot than
: I represent Uives in •••ven part, -and aidv,
■icenir.H seat of th* confederacy,
let gramo alums sli i higherawaited ;
‘ —•in the wanders of «.rea‘io’n tad i.iip ov,. 1
neut thai nave met ntv enchant* . iye;
) the unparalleled and self (J! „‘happiness ,f
(the people, in their r.^pid,) , .-peril end Hi
arch security, pa,; ] , or Ui fivate jm a
(practice of good o; .d Jccea- .ppm'age ot
i true freedom ■ ;jod ,< UiiJinnid good sen e,
■ the final .■•rh.i'i - ‘ .ill < tlicul-.ies—l nave
|had proudly - ,i . v - of the j
•Ir' > pni;;ii .o pria r *.Hs -,,c;. -.v have)
;jfought,and a •>! >• ,ous I'.eui' '•■■■rat. > t. .o'
i,most <iioid and ’■■’jo 1! minds, ■ ' a
,Iprrioriiy, »vcr dog .ding aristm <'
Ijpotisn o popular''msiitu-• 'ns,’
• ith» plain righfe of m.m, amt vr 1 < .
glils nf every • ot are pre , ,<y.
ilr e.nns'ituuonr.l bnad of un ~ pp
ficherishing of that union between ' . ettaies
t’aa it h... ■ en fi ” farewell e . e « jof our
■ greai ji, Was : . votOh, . ! >.vil| -■;■.
i have tne dying pray* • of- • American
t i itio 1 , suit has become H ed pledge
■!(d tto ,--n ■ ipatio' ot the world aii ihjecl.
in which f am ooj. jy to observe ’.hat ‘he
> American people, while they give the ani
j la-’.-uw p| o u { successful free institu
im ’S, in return for an evil entailed upon
them b -,urope, and of which If cal aiivt'
i '’Jjh ned sens •is every where more and
f!v,.rally ■ >t, show themselves ever ,
j" ‘<i..’ c anxiously interested
t u now sir how can I do justice tom, !
■jdi’ej an . li-ely feelings, for the assurances
l!, o t peculiarly valued of your esteem and)
•'imdsluj-, for you" so very kc i references)
pb* old t‘ s, to my beloved ass-> iateyto the*
v icissitudes of rny life ; for your attecting:
• 'u’f-u ? the. bir isings pour Iby the seve-j
i i .1 [;■ ncrations of the Amcricau people on)
(the ieu! lining days of a delight.-.d veteran ■,
ijliu yji r .irtectionate remarks, »n this sail)
ipiourof separation, on the country of my)
'birth-lull, I can iay, of sympa-'
ijihies on Hie hope so necessary to me of my
.■'seeing .gain the country that h s deigned.
i near half a century iigu, to call me hers ! I
I'slial! content mvseif, r,i(Vai"ing from super-;
pfluous repetitions, at once before you, sir,'
- and this respected circle, to proclaim my 1
•!cordial contirmation if every one of the!
sentimenrv which i have hud daily epportu-i
: nities pu alicly to utter, from the time when I
jiyonr venerable predecessor, ray old brother
■ in arms and fr ond, tniusmitt I to me the
honorable invitation of Congress, to this
ilday, when you, my dear sir, whose friend
. ly connexion with me dates from your earli-
Fit*«t youth, are gc'mg to c« me io the
1 protection, across the Atlantic, of the hero>
.He national flag, m b"*..! th- plen i-d ship,
the, name of which has been nc. the least
i;flattering ami kind among the numberless
.[favors cordV red upon an .
•! God blms "on, Sir, and you v.l who sut
■ .I’uml us ; i.-. ~! Hiess the American People,
Heach *»1 their States, iid (u> Federal Gov-
Meminent! Accept this patric ic fai v U of
•|au overflowing heart j such " ill be , last
fjth'ob when it cea>es to beat.”
As the last sentence was pronounced, the
: General advanced, and, while the. tears pour*
*■ cd overliis venerable cheek, again took the
President in his arms —lie retired a few pa*
Pees, buy overcome by his feelings, again re
turned, and, uttering, in broken accents,
n * (ood bless you ; ico MiC*.. tavre : >■
neck of Mr Adams. It was a scene a
- ;o;ioe solemn and moving; _.-■ t! gl -.-
d{stealing tears of many who wit,.w j f--l !
el bore testimony Having? covered his
e{ possession, the Gcneial aVetched out ;
1 [hands, and was in a. moraem surroi”..'! ">)
e the greetings of the whole a*- mhly, ahi
i {pressed upon him each cage- to ... ■ yr
upitt'.’- for the las- t . , * i . •* . ■ hand
• i., n was opened «o ly ten ’<ur aid, wi»
:-i.u sc precious, and Id'it grasped, with
tH ; o. aod undeviatiiig hold, the ..tec! «.,•>. ’•
ic • *
.so bravely helped to achieve or deli'- o- -
- j'l’he expression which now bra . ed from r' ■
■j face if this exalted man was >r th - Hue--;
fjand U'mst touching kind The limn ;
.Host in i tilin'*!’ -iml the fi mu. . i-v o
jineltcd into subdued atfection, a id theiru
lof Washington :-;*. au ■ to liugei
,|raournfiil. delight among d;-c sen*' : his a*
:!itopicd country. A considei wbic :vmd was
'Hum occupied in conversing with various in
; jd. vidoata, while refreshments were presen
ted to \he company, she. moment of de
'■ ji..’ i.«re at length am* it and having unoe
jmori. pressed the hand oi vlr Adams, he
(entered th? liarnuch", mc-omproied by the)
(Secret M-ies ot Slat'-,' ■ 5‘ *sury and,
Hos the Navy. , j
'Tin-carriage of Ue Gem ■ p preceded by!
(the CavAlry, tl Marino ( rps, and Cap-!
it ;in Edwards ivific C;v, ■ lowed by i
jtl'e carriages cont '.niog -ne Corporate *u
•tharitieaof thecit’ea ot the District, and*
{numerous military s d high rivd officers of)
'the Governuetit. moved forward followed'
jby the remaining Mil v Companies in'
Asking up the escort, ■' c whole c drain mo
jved Hi rough the com i a H’mit of the Presi j
*d at' Via -simi, ansi par» him the passing)
.salute .is he sreod in front to 'cccivc it. * j
I riic whole sce'.e—the peals of artillery, the!
■ 'V.’iaHi.g sounds of numerous military 1
jb.iiids prevuc.e of the vi* > c*i>icou: se of'
|p;i"- • it’«d f'ne occasir-n iheH. .assembled j
Hu ilv.■■igeiher'produced 'in Uous not ea-
Isitj d s-. ribad, but winch ever, American
will readily conceive.
'>n reaching the bank of tlie ‘Potomac,
is--vhcre the Wom f ~ steam veas.-i
««s i.i waiting, all Jicc , !„y-*.s i t the n
i'Cess.-mi the Goner d's, wheeled off,!
and th-.- i hi/mis in them assembled on foci '
{around that of Hie General. The whole
ui bu ~ body then pass” ! him in review, as
'(he .stm .1 in the barouche of the President.;
jiii e elcd by the Secreouiea of State, ofj
.'he Treasury, and of the Navy.. After the'
,’w, the General procee ied to the steam[
vessel, under., salute of aruUery, stirfcun-!'
•led by a* many citizen; Hi eager to catch j
th« iast look as could nr* ■•■• on the large;,
wharf { and, H four o’clock, this great, am; S'
goo i, and estraor.iinary am t, .-I, ( the!
lust lime, the sod of Ame--<-Mj, foilowed ay.
jibe blessings of evt- • piubli'. ioMn that'
Hives on it.
| As rue . ,•'.. -.1 moved off, and (• r a short i
r i ne •■•ftcr, the deepest* , m>iw veil!
•>v:he whole of thev-.-r. multi :.! , that tin
no the shore. Phe feeding that pervaded
• -■ was that of children bidding » final
ni to v-'.er. tod j.-ariMT-. The whole
•til’d ig afwi the, jcHring ’.e—el,
'she had passed QreenlcaPs Point,
~”- . u-rc another salute repeated the v.iledic
■jtory sounds of respect, and the eagain cr *
not long after echoed by the very heavy guns
Hos P-iri Washingtor,, and remi- 5 led us of
■ldle rapidity with which H’ ■ br factor and
.!friend of -;ur country was borne Amu it
Th'* General was accmapauied to the
Brandywine by the Secretary -.f the Navy,
the Mayors of the three ci! ; ..> of the Dis
. tried, the Commander in t ' sos Hie \r-
imy, the Generals of the Militia of the dis
tnct, Com. Baiubridge, Mr. Co ins, id Ar
Jiingtoa, and severai ether g*. ’i" aer
| Tusc.u.aos\, (Air ) Aug. 17.
, (>n .Monday h st.Jnn. B. Riser, merchant
!of Columbus, M . >s. being on his my to this
{place, in company with the posr-rder, t.H
1 visit Ids sister, (Mrs. Vt’icent,) wh. had been I
j considered dangerously ill, id •. nw. s.-;
pressing solicitation he was hastc-aia l : to c|
.her, was so overcome by the excessive heat)
of the.sun, that he fell from Ids ho’se, about!
'fourteen miles hence, ami wa • • nabia to rise
again, ind ..peechless, but dciuniuirated by;
every sign he could make, his ext me suf-j
1 sering for want of water—hut Hiera was no
vvater near. The post-rider, leaving UK
jmule, took Mr. R’s. horse and rodn with alt;
.speed to the next house, which was fun-
Judies distant, where he procured assistance
land returned immediately; but alas; the
(Vital spark had fled, they found him a lifeless
.! corpse i A waggon accidentally passing at
(the time, convoyed the body to the. house of
jMr Berry, whence it was brought yester
day hy his friends, and this morning inter
{red in the public burying ground at Un
place, with Masonic honors.— Mirror.
,j Gen. Wilkinson. —" «ho ve seen a letter
({from Gen. Wilkinson, tiaiml at the city ofj
Mcxsco, J. t rcr. ■■■- id oy a gciniemau ot this!
da inwhii tales, that he has pro
a grant t of id in]
,| tite Province of TV' ■<, and wishes to settle,
-jit with a body of i -i anil well 'i ; -j-jscd
f Americans. The iudne o.ents which 'o,
tjhotds out to emigr.uus ~io very 1 leral an«i
(advantageous. The G-ueia! contemplates
; i establishing a colony either ac the Bay of
• - Trinity, 40 miles Inm Galvestowu, or at
.’■Crow's Perry, on the Subino River, 45mil •
- j from Natchitoches, and expects to commence
(his operation in September next.
. [Arkansas Gas.
fj V
Latest ftom Eutotife, B
.■■if!. .. S||
the Amethyst, at Boston, • 1 e WW&
s National Advocate has receiv B*,
■ jEnglish papers tr the day of Bailing.
j United Sti • Ikon ; 1 H
' London on the 9th |
The Cot fin; M- !,; q
, ,gl‘KMi: spread over Live.,: ..I b, he tails JH|
jof several large hous-rs, mong v. hi oh |B
iOrowfher,Clough&Ct isstau Itch
than has been known fur yea <. |®|
MiP g’lOjt'Cf. i < <»tf .* 1 Vs. V * I Ur>
••*• • ( 'lf
,>k ' • i ’ fir t; .■■ u |1(
jtbrauii aiac-’! a;its > ’cci*'• / . | |
(of the '.*<<•»»!■. T'.. u>fl._. r -jj-v ■ \kf\
jdimr ;i. >i „ stock f I
i'l l spil •>. .V? incbe.v' ;r ft
jCOPtUO!jd!I to 1 'iv I
week, while the Liverpool speculators are • if
strenuous *a iheir assertions that it reaches I ft
j 15,000 hair. ■
j In the week previous to the (Ith W
j fewer than twenty vessels arrived at the p,,i t * ft
lof Liverpool from New fork, and, from ft
j United Stages in all/or/y-/«e. This sh w« I
in a very pointed manner the extent »f the <■
business between the two countries and par- . K
iticuiarly the great amount of cm line ce be j ft
(tween Liverpool and our awn citv. ft
j Uis said that there now exists I
jMorea a permanent I
jfhe hem* of wlild, U Uh I
of the Greek cruisers in the Archipefago i I
very great. Number? »>f 1 .!- uudr I
colors loaded with supplies for.the Kgy B
.v Turks, have been captured I
to Napoli, A commission
established. to decide m, ■
and is, i ; issu;;,. or-.** ocui |k
ami regularity. Tne enemy, from the ... I
tpre oftheir position, fnust look fexternall m
lor teeir supplies, and it Ciest be int.- ■
ni. the their numerical i..rc ;>.e W
their situation. Unde, dr- ,j. ■
ataiiOt;therefore, the friends of «:•« ■
c.imot help auguring a favorable r.I I
the campaign. I
The London Times of the bth A" "'.k H
jsays-r." A correspondent, whosfe.authority k fl
jon titled to respect, iofor» is us. th.-f ■■. eni- I
Jnent merchant counect-d tvnh •- jfl
’ ''a*’- vo Mr. Fla. :a, on Friday las-, at %
foreign office, on the subject of the non rati I
idea, ion .4 treaty with that couuu , iv ft
V s sa’ !, t -o have received from A . :*!y ft
■'posim-e assurances, that .41 dm j ft
points of the treaty were adjusted. but that ft
so.uc secondary alterations tud irecn asnted. ft
to by the guveniment. iti i-hi. .• I
government here did not think proper to I
confirm, but that they were n t of a I
excite any uneasiness to persons having in- M
teicoii;se with Mexico r ' i
Hamburg pa* to •> og lJs t 3d. hail beer
received in London, flies mention, on the
authority of a letter fron Constantinople,
;r.v ic'i m angry communication from’the
j Turkish Government to the British Amba:-.
sudor touching the conduct of an English cap
iaiu who compelled a Facha to indemnity'a
British Consul who h I suffered from rob
beries committed'by Turkish sailors, A Mr.
Jacob is said to be travelling he rvo th of
Get many to make enquiries r.-spectinp flu;
Corn Trade, for the information of the Brit- "
ish government. He has give, o Ge. on
farmers reason to believe (hat a fret trail-: •
corn will be sanctioned bv England.
The duty on Tobacco • ; now 3s per i;
home consumption, instead, nf 4s per lb. in
.vonsequcnce, ot the«,on to r. -*», v ihc
Customs W.e Duty Act. We understand
s hat an allowance cl .€75,000 wii! be imui.
to the d -alers, who have paid the original
duty since the sth duly last.
Parliament has been further prorogued
from the 25 th of August to the lat of? *
; vember. ——
| Hi!factuj ali tter j /iid highly tespectu
Ole commercial house, dated Liv •>>, 1825.
I «We regret to advise the failure m
houses here, extensively engaged in the .>* -
rican trade, and whu t has again .tm ! ■’
damped the Cotton mark it. The -d l, *
the three days of tins week ii •• ;■
ibales, but the greater pro,.u»d.;i: w (.•
vtuua td the taitures, and fiiv v. !’,• <
sales have been made— *soi> bale-, o' - .
rican Cotton, part of he stoc kofn« ■. ■
bouses al'.udeti to, are v 1-00.0 cd
tion two d w.», im.o.e, ana m .vJdi-.ion, ..»u
Uplands are to be offer-..d bv ;>-rr
may quote nominally '*» ; <y, Uphiii'ls f> 1
81 to ll.'d ; Orleans, 9 ■> 1 - , I ii>
. Mob '3 and Tennessee, 8 a 1 1 "> be i .
■ port into the kingdom tc the old
1 534,500 bales against 396,000
s, me last year, the i-xport 9o ! ’a»y-.
I against 27,188 last year. When v i 1
; more plentiful and confidence in me est
I we may have a more retrulav >. rhat. 1
v presei t other articles, as well (an
Ii affected by the distnst win-'- 1.0 ii -
('state at business in Vlatichest - use •/• • •
unfavorable, simili. ;j*C. qi,
sided there, tml we >u)tllv •vee h.e
Iso much comiueix< ! ills? -jss in \- i :a •
can trade as we have seen of .ate.