The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, September 23, 1825, Image 4
,- ir „ Ul .. &**£*■'* 're 'if;- ■, *k*. "%£v ■ '• t ,I :v • ■ ‘Hgncultnre- ■" Avrirulion* i» thv sou ::iiion <>! MaiUl | ! r iir,tUi rh •i<■ <* i*io prmlu .1 lulls of ttiilurt; at 1 a li.i; mat", rials of rt. limlerlhc mign «f*c worn* tV • •!<• labor r* mi '•«• ; ; ( incessant y employ » in tm ■■ ■. •;'<■ ■.< tbo.d rich. In tlicir <lt>lhctr • ■ !,^, > l '* cl 11 .u- ■•. ai • '■ - ' ■ 1 sot ~»*• u-ited every .m.M'ineut of c •■" ve « 1 >• ii 1.1 •• I loanee «% 1 • j' 1 ■■"■■■ • 1 t, ; v ‘ , : i l •«.(<• i\i}t' their nruJ« '■> \r< '• then i -h. Such rtfineineoL unde i‘- udtou9|- i„,mi! of Luxtny, have be*'*) «*>verely cen-i jturt»d by moralists of •-‘‘c.r age > ami «M miiiM Ik* conducive to 1 • virtue, as well,- i!|,e i,„j in.'*- if loaiihind, if all J)"r .f-sr }* , ; (!,, tries ■;• 'I i "'f the gujdMlui-j. .• ■ (■, i , . . o j,; i nimp 1 i b et, . .j ‘‘Si ! \e< . titovyrh 1 way PI l( . e , t>,, , s vice, or ' -lb , seeutS to he the'm i l, |v means (hat can correct the unequal dig-1 trilwfioo of property, 'llo d*og*'rtt mechanic and in-eld artist,.. , • ~if ul.*i l1 ■ dno -i-. »• >■' tin tin ,» {. f:- tin rcocivi- volii .'ary tax Iro;**, ( r,<. ... v.i-, of lands, ami ft tatter arej prompted, In a. sense ul nu ,-ie • 1 ''' it ;i,„. / ..ill whose pii »• •* V j ,-m-. rive Itlni'if p’lOf " 1 Iv } of .. mi ■ I , sett Ind by- ecu • -■ j , nt t, 'v, .’fits uni •ircipcrt/,; .... , •., , cU It In 1 CTS 0 Itl id eng .uni far ■" ai-'ituu, >. by ~:t t'nrl a .in. -■ a . gy to (be powciHand • j •ions of hitman nature, have ■ nitnbiue.d toj multiply fi bjrcf? =ls* were inlr-idi'-' ■represent. ! e- i< of gob) ftnd silver n a>| a great measure fu liii - out it would lx irnjfogv.blt' to rnuiif i.itc ih»‘ iiuport-in■ 'it* j ij various services whirh agri ob-u** nd ab ihr. sirts loive r>. • non b- ooi ;• '■ ■■ v-'-n- j ten* ; porc-d i '.uhioot*'! t.-f the - peranoi " (’• - i arm the dcxii roil'* tin l d mail d-.tie.y is «„• .’MMtun ->: n<--‘ , iron tlm I , .. . , I." I'Oi: ‘ 4 and it - I very difficult to conc.e.i’« b eai. OJ ,1 j-- a [,'Ciipii .Hi •ih 1 ’ iU'tuatffl j v I ,ir, isTK'.j , ) ( .,j f,v ■■ ■ •. uviln i trio.i a'state: id b-irbunsi. It ,v e ' ‘tlc’n-j pi.; i -.jt- nations -n any ; ir: of Ihej - ’ in . i ..spine indob tu,.ui . •! ! -ssne-- '-J| fumrity v, ill he Sound to -ti tut«. their I .»■ f-ratlri-. I ■ •. i<!!i/.cd c ri v facui-.v of mui; is expanded aim exer ’ ho-' 5 id 'i.lttlil deptn: j .mu ,■ ~.. ei;, . . •ra< oci.ibi •■* oti T;o ;reaier part o'it •tnpl..ycd' cit «,.f ,i ialiuur. aeb'.-i .p|,, . d l>yj f.runv ai. vc tbiit ncreas.ilv 1-U n.i t!ieir| 1; . . !>y •!:.! pursuits of intern t. j in 'uovein -i ! ! ih ir i - o ! the, „udw gtai 'tine,, hs he. duties, t-■ ♦.i ’i tUr inn ii s ill »!'. (.• I '.if 1 r . - 01 , if civil tloul contributed to softer. :.0 piivsioo:. 'd liUttU* 0!1..UC, if :IH '■ j.» ■ hi -- (• ■:- . * -(..-.i-ue to ihc dr;no id ab' ttity, w: r e t .-»■;■ »JaHi<-roi.v .fn.rr.iy .« lb' ~M»0 ■' ■! i.d ihO I'otl .K-ril S .S' 'liii. i;i' thrv poll • 10 v.; db'iiiic-j of Im,. become 1 mst ■■ .n. ‘ii": ' : tii, ' avo t'.!"i;ui>ed h- a r' - "h.- . , , d , H .■ i.'iier-,. Y e ah. ; ■ fO rln - , ■■ ■ h "itg;. ima - , .it. Toe virtoi'U- mind, however, ,-it e ■ . ,i a;’ ' h Ii- ■ 2 t'tUil rH IH g ... i ; ' t- -k vt'L. \ ::il ! , •. ; fi, ‘• uiu !■ 1 t ■■■ .ih 'f l '(«;■ -a an . iui . on - • ■ . ,li ;h -ti ■■ all rmcr nioui iicqua»'d. a. .--i.d ii v- i i owti Ir. igii.jge. b" ,11 ■■ ■ • . or mav be aOlicted with i pai-.'i.i disorder called the Gravel, or |• i• ,v. ■ \' iiirh 1 have been ;di! * .' »nt • air tt'ul t'T about 9 years ' tieiimiv • -■ liar a ' • !i.-.-u very diffi ill for me to! '( 1 1 • y r eel ij: . : for it" t■> a- Oil. lis " c beer ; ■.- „■ ,-at part of the ■ toy life «1- .lisp.. ;l of, Hl'.i (it ' ik that iCi uld -at ,i' •'• '.a u.i i i.uiilicrj It ias pier >d the AI mi ;■ !■ > v o point i * a ruined) for m> relief, fori ■ "i’v t -on . be rhankfal to (lie. ‘ • us uert) me •*. 1b , • been doctoring •••" ■' tars, v .di,i ,<t ev •- f uid of. me ticae that I .> us liear ul, but to no t *ie ci* e that ti s help d me v a • and unheard of to me. A he midd ■ Octob ’ 1 had some '<*■■ ii.i ( drank ol er\ fi. eiy so. ■oi da 1 * id en here cam tVo.n • stoic ■ i |uar "'i , ■ •! an inch iniig, * . "M I 'v’.lc , ! ! . at dca: »•! lu-en, .Shortly alter, I found! pe t rcli -I and continued drinking the new. ““I - •* came from the pi ess, and the! stones . outinufcit discharging. 1 t' e. i,' am tart, I left ■ | l ' u o- 1 nly uf'i , the stems p ■l' l - from r.e. 1 was then more dis -j rv • I w, ronfmed to mv oe , u,U distressed that it seemed :i- if 11 d net live I , one m>ur in another, brj l three weeks, it si> happened, that m) I ; eop.,' had. from the cut made, mOc ! ‘"bet and the -ame as 1 I .d first drank nf.| -xvil «• tluv‘o barrels down to one, auc nut i nij i !/.. id when I lay in such great i s, t • ■ very iiursty, ami requested vpc oli 'ring me some of the boiled i,|. i, o; ■ ■ , ti I drank froely, aa it was as i cl as it it had come new from the press.l , .lunk freely for three days, and outlie!' . h, 1 hfi; • tu discharge -tones again which'.. a i m< great relief. I then, lor the first ■ ) tine iitsgau to think it. wa- the cider that , ■ et tiie fl mcsaway from me, ami for 'dr.ul eight inon'iis, ) have l;ad no pain worth - ,itioi, : ;i;r aud c u ride in a-, car! go ■ '.iiout iiiy inconvenience from my dread .. • 1 '.'dl continue drinking v,e i id'.:i when 1 get it, ami when I eauiiol, i u , boiled and lu-c reason . ■ u. ieve, ami d ■ believe, b/ conti'iuing to .-! iik > ith the l'-(lp of (*«‘i I shall : hen mb! d with Ur i. imnplai it again !* on the i d,lie’s humid a servant, J<)!! > M JLSON, Vi g«‘,'. , .nVuv l 'h isv\Vn. \* tyli.i. Hole, on ! :.l»v, (he Will . f Sepiem 1 i . si, at the tat' reside c- *» Mr. Robert j i <t ’ I ul s"SUC' in -e- ■ ((he cour • Or. ■,< i a sm,. : .••or of Miller. , r y ar.o , ,u, *I»o, i. vet »!•. k of ; onfee ionai v. ,r■,i tin i'.iitcri.s’s .I’liiabh. l->r th<* reurtir.g c... fee ■in-i«iv iui 1 . ■ -logclh'-e with the '. .o'ehoW, mi! -ilclicn (iipoiWTe, ami yawl utensil*, hr - ;, r| ((R-1"| ■i , - I ii .I. rj't I,Sllg, air a v.COnd Iran id C'-rnage mil tfftrnees, &e, Con h e i.s ii.ihf known nn 'hr tsy «a'e Wm, Brux, Ex’r. Sc; t ruber -’0 ‘K CA.6H 1 CASH ! Vl!s‘ sc.l ruffes f<clns PI.VNI’A I £. 'I )<;.N, widen .3 1-2 O' *of , - • con j ( inintr ib ut *'■■ 1 !ci i, tkoo, furl •i"-1) i, is v I k"r- ~ ilt div D-r-es « Idesenptio'), it oae wt the tin 1 irac. |j. .e, .-s I' ’-r ■* ty ~»( (tie dl, *hc p;’ i cr ;i althtuigh it tiu been a very bad crop! ty-ar ! V '’nil ',B '.IK ' t. 11 '■■ li-'h ; > U\ lint hr- ins ■ i -i th' :I -1 1* 1 1»- r*,• e i ig a I irre a;- ... e . "re t*i. a* V(')i die river, and ci ■ ''ii,, r>rofi ' f )('■ '*• *: ;a to lor I(im(> in.); - i r. ■(, I- ' ■ '■ ),- Mu knrv, i nolv- Mr.pie and a great v»riei) j 11 ’ i i . if ~ coif fluent ' "‘vui, a-t jto haul Iwo corrl'i of wood ptr day . I .iv price of J 54 per coni, would be , piofitabh j ■"in--.,. «-.! ttiere is no >h oh. nut ■», '.1,; grow j ’ on>. . ■ce r: ; 1, dial it vs i'll OPCOIIii ■ 1 ~.>(•*• > idunlile. Tie- niti.-e tract may he porch*- j■•., i ! -nntnine «bt>m 00 acre.-i c: v inch Ibr j i" ( ( 'iw iiin'ivider! hair, with m n.t excslleit, -rater, wl. "Ii : are Oh river land. 1 . li:,'ii* in,l a new Gin House, 40 by IH,( .Ud ; ■-! Overseen Mouse, and ah ne , f hen ■ acres j • i ii i in "icily on Gvoted, will bring 40, - " acre in ! 1000 I 'on. seed Cotioit j if ” . ■ in raun wib ; inch, e w.ttxm'j i ; ! l,n. .' , •;,r.|s, stock of ail ki*d. ' ifi . Mule* may be hid id <’ ifali-lo w>o wish I,’ it .nn) ■ .'> to cxaniii.t, ;>■ :. ti si time the .ui'iro 'rnc .. Au ! I. ihmk I can say •1,1'“ ip.i.M', ■■ a, that there b •.> never come i -t. •. 1 of Lam!, c "iiibiniiiK >'■ ' ivh.....g ■ •iiv-.'iiicncea is )»i.l »üb* iliVcahala. Apply to John 8 Coombs Havana. *1 *ih t* 2 )'•:•* '■■■" sale. ’’ he : .(■ ••11"' -T-icsUay in g. ,r ,1 '■ at the fJiiiift-Hotfu W *yne«j., - i r Count", v nl'. - mile, j, oUl .' : *"■' -rcr- : hi) ’ • Ollil-r/t, ~! . , , ... I'll* ■ 'I -''liue! Wl)*,*. , ceased, to |V - try fi : from » .hi* C ad, )'■ , i ' iai ~ui.. vs . ■ adrmu.,'.'uti>!s M (■ ■I !’"' . ■ »■ ■■-»..-1, ,'oiiiK i ml iy (-(iti Ii lev uu: .in hv v Ham, I alls' .dill */.»<> - I'ivo A-'. ■ .-s, viz ; !-i I’ct, her ; 'old ( '.i <-• a. ill. ~1-opevty >; .-Chi ! Wiy, ' ■-( ••: . f, . peri r mn and Justices ol 'i com 1 n Ardi'ir i!< I, fSmn. ‘'iderWni a !•’ 4' x vul . ’ Hull. Kxccotor* •{ t\. 0c n, >■' ;S" hn AdtV.ii.istratofit •.» Miclat) • Wiggins. nea.i'd, At.,)) - ! -'in ■ ilomes, levid on as the . 1 ■ " 1 . t vj jv •• v. 'i; •■. jf\ nri hxf' ,i * I 1 '»n> « < >r, t i -irt - (Juuni' n i fVoiu* A ,us i. S pniut-rd out hi h • hnt, —ai . , U Acres of Land, more or le ->, , dj'MDi * . ■ .is ot t b'niias .:iec ar ~l:• r.■ ■c .-.I pripony • ' AlexaiuK >• ■'. !■■■ ■■■,«-• ,j “ ■ • •■■'•(» •ui;. Iry G.sccutu is in fvvmir qiif .. Uarpcitte- & Co. -AIS‘I i’t* ’ Acres of Pine Land, djoin - I h i, levied i i ' f , 4e< »ed. 1 ; in Ej“Ui,i i , '•■’ "*b*m /.d'• h - v tdmi.-ii.urator i Tnns , deccigeii. A LSD—• Hue ' VI a>> .mm ; Nelson, * ■ <*• ■ .' t- • IV. *r ; v>s v nd . : oill fi Ih 'as Cou.” : i \, \ i ; ( j —ll so i v \it -1 .; '‘ 1 rty '» ‘ W Ulu to sv ■li Hn C!(tlno Ul Ift v nr if Dltiii !';A. I n’, jllHr. •■ »r ru n. it mm aid epiien VV. Amt, Jno. r. i ’ortb. i. n. c, August 27, IS2 ' 20 Shunli A Hale. iV • ild on , !'unwiiay in X <vei> be; . lic.s:, t ih' 'la; \ 'use, in d’C "I y ot Au b" > , ii>- ; Jc, ih..’ fol lowing Negroes t> an ■ • f d! »evt) a man, Nancy •* NV • 1*» t- I, vV 1• . ii, boys, lui'-.v, * Wmp.a ;<t her fuv chit ireu. Hi i.,y, phie >;. Alf-nd. Sarati ' party of Idp dt*s. U) salist'v a V j\i. on t'.e th.-eciosure j ’f * fit:.- .a Ul r ~f Audeis i 'V a'kins -a'.f 1. Rhodes. i r H\ B'tisci.'tir, , A'let It '■ . ! Sepiesiuer J 20 Monthly Jd■ertisements. Notice. N'INT, mir.ti'-i at'cr date, application will bf made to tli , t *onofaHa the Inferior Court o- Rirhumnd county, while sitting for Ordinary put for k*ve to t-el : s Lot in tne City of Aligns i I)., kd l.y E lii . d Ho i tonitreeta bmong inp t . iii! -stale of Hiflhael rid tI, dt-ceai'tM, ■ the ben fit of the heirs and ored. or* of .said estate Andrew J. Hill, adm’r. N tnhnn Leeds, adm’r. ;li. it lie ail ■ A! 1 ; i ii v adw’rx. utti >) f eh uary 1’ 1 ■ -< n9m A'* it I CW|NK months after date, application will be J i . .. 1., the Juices ?f the Inferior Court '■>■ sc riven County. wV.-. ting for Ordinary i ■ i.. s, tor ieaVe tofleli it certain tr..c) of f -ani* i . '.i..» o> tv," hnrilret acre - ■ ng it. he coun jeo.v srem I, b(:loi.,,iljg to the Karate, of Caleb l-.y afill, deeeas* 1, for the benefit of the. Heirs 1 ’oweredivi i f the said dcceased. ••I c AflffUala Howell, Jldm?x. Id, 1 fd<2 V Intrho 10:1 Notice. \TI. V ,B moot 1 - aftrf 'a'e, application will b« . a tr.t ‘e to t'i- Hoiiorablc ■* " i >‘arior Coor j..f Colombia Cmiinty, -or leave to sell t tri-.c* ol •and in said <.< «vyo; 1 i acre? .‘•lining Murray, Ray and otlnfra being part of the real of William Him m, eased. Bsnion, uim'rx. | Mare!) iff. JK2‘/' linP'm -5 j A otice. I fifE mo iilis -.fur •’. it<- •.<p!ica-i<»! will •* i matte to the F itjporivf• ■ the, 1 - 'ices ol ifn |l eriot Court of said county, when sitting • . > nary purposes, f'o. Ii o -"Ii the •'■'oolc m j the re»i Estate of Irvin B >yet deceased, i cm.-nty, for the it of the heirs and cr i .lilors o! „ iid deceased. ■ , *Um I I'.v ird »»»’, ii, ’j 1 I N otici,. te, - i ror- wib in | i.% Ilian; '! e■' ■ she rv ni Fi»at'. . ! ■•iin .-'. t -r I ave to KflJ one hv; idled Acres «•' !,n ! ’ i i. ,ii.' in y das jI i i. ■ ' i > •*lie.: M, rH . ■ 1 Creditors of *aid dec . "d. h John K-. Carson, ndm'i. v's,ii'-,.-y IH. 1 H‘J5 !m6n; 6* Notice. jjkTi.V aft,:.- dnt s..r' ; <"ition w;Ji h j (> iora >)e JW j (3olu> ''ia ta « Court of O < :,mx of Land if 1 j,jji- * '* Lot No ;if 11- iHiclimnnd . (half o' pc.. r roved .‘its Cora <vt», for .he bent/n { Minor. Johti iha^bm. i October 25, Id !4 ■ leOm ... ■ V tUfCC. I jsTIN'-/ rnonthi after ■s l ■ • , f., U tin, l Inf'.-- i if .ir t '.,ii - j >' F.-inkliii Court , r, sitting tor Or. *n»i ■ ‘ , ui;- for . ; »ed • ic res! ■ - ‘ V’ ’ i ’id e ■<. <!• ,V,{ ir the 1. ’ c • r .do' 'f j of said dec- aar. l. T; ■ ' (ft» tyril Id, lIM ! );■ A7 I* f •» , . . S id CC. ' IN' ' months arcr -,:uc, application ».ll be ti i ~.,e to the . onorab: ’ the, ! ior Com i. et. County, then ;-,-n for < iditiary , «. ’or Ic; \ ■•? id) the • -ul eat a • of VVrh v : berry, (S ,)de !, for 1 it fit (■ uci:. md er.uiito-. d raid d-ce - ied. Joua. He i- iis, adin’r. pi Bu'l't: emr-ty, Wwch 7, 1825 ln,9in 57 T"~ votTcbT i 5.8E month- after date. ap. • "ti' .'i;l 1 . t!? t tin Hon raMc! C» if Or,' iary c u '.bur ■• • ■ -if, for -rve to cd! tw v acta •in in said ror, tty, tying on Greenbrier Creek., ’ j one containing 318 acrea joining Pollard, Pullin (■ind ollir tlu rher containiny atw j./i-.ii,.. r | and chr being s pat h* real esi ate •f i iinatas .i ■ d 'ceased, .<>: ’ I,r ti. bein tit •t the heirs ■ .1 deceased. Wl’ii ini T jokt . ddm'r. j Jr. ib*' '^,S f 1m ( i fti N otice. ~ ''Tfi>,.' .■ 'i«; or . ■, p'liiation cv:: ,i j£b| it- 'di oli" lovnibi Inferior ' ii-crt, . ' ..i«. Go ■ it» wbt<* itting v (Muiar. . ■ I -. I- r!t ,i -‘L tic urr. vidtd ' .it ’ •mi ''sis' • i ■ E.i .i ■• iec« ••••■,, • r 1 1 iSeof it of ilia ii :vs and :-e -tors <f ;iii cu-ceas le«l. Ii 'it • -1, . i it/ ■ tv .! I.- rnittnm ' A*/ it no H t CtV.IV, uh r i otice. '\'l \ i n k . , p c■ i ■■ : be . * ri • • ii ■ .., I n,rt v ■ id. -in.. ahe ,it : ‘i;r i* i,. ', -ii 1 -i . fi- , . •II '.be B-. i ; c, ii, .. lacob Stri -t i; d, oc n.? r the bt ■ t He ■•« - Uacdt 'trulilaiul, Ex’r. '■ inly 1,1825 * In.Mn 5 y A otic 3, NVK, raonthaan .t dsite, snpiication . ,11 jc mad to the Honorable the Jusii :?» oft., ■. | ♦ erior Court ql Franklin County, when .sitting ’ • .).••: :tv pur matt;r leav.- to sell t' rial ■I i ;i-i »te ?.! John Cettiuga, late of s«; i com tdr c ■ -e i. lor the heirs and creditors of s»u- d - C'tiildCUt John Getting, adm'r. K\ ril IJ, 132.1 taimy <J7 N otice. t;«INE months after d»ie i.ppiVation will br. iNI r sde to die Honorable tlir Inferior Court ol Hurke-C’.unty, when sitting for Ordinary purpo , a, for leave to snll the renl esiaie of William ivnigiit, late of olid Coun y, deceased. W. U. Harrison, Jldm’r. Burke county. Sept. 10, 1815 lm9m 24 Notice. ■ I.NB months after date, application will I ■ ! J. -4 made to (lie Honoiable the Jusiicea of th- I;t • t Court of leriven County, when aitiing j; ;r Ordinary purposes, for leave to si ll a certain , • race or parcel of Laud containing two hundred j iwo and an ball - acr-----, situated lying and being i the thirteenth District of Henry urty C-- ’and known and aistinguis'icd in '.in; , • ■ of said Oistrict by the number eighty, (SO) ! . .hole of the real Estate of Sarah Callaway, ieccased, l«i> if said County, for the iient it of the Heirs and creditors of sl id deceased. S.vumel Doughty, adm-r . i .Vcrfwu Cmmly ' b. 25 i. " hr, 1 72 i 1 r"~r ' .N oiue. hcJINK month* after date, application will b L. made to the Justices of the Inferior Court of lVank!<n Coua*y, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to self the real estate of Star ling Proctor, a Minor. Janes R. H: ley, Guardian. , Aprd VJ, 1825 lu-9m 67 \ Notice. t?QINE months after date, - ion will b? 4 J made s the Hotiorabie the Court ol Orth > ; of Burke coomy, for leave to set! the real Es ■ate of Enoch (• •rmi r d-• • a<ed. John Farmer, airndr. d' County. P. - • I-. 15 fin9m 6.5 hUPBKIO.i L‘ ■)C Li ~ Mu;/ T,-vt. Ib2». 11.vug Uownae, * '-lortgage, f PmHcnJot t’»rc t'i! i closure, tv ill : Pullm, admmistrati-r j < t (tiisries Bmlte, deceased, [ n -. j r loi: W iieallr and f' i V:iah (Jf-slle and others, j rs oi die a a d Charisa, U I ,■ rai.t «f i and. J ’f T PON tj«e vtuion of Haya Howdre, praying 1 e foreclosure of he R,j- ity of Redemption in |. Ito •■ ;.' iin Trhot or pm . ?Land, situate, IJi ■ ni'ii t. ,’ig ,i> toe f'.ui.i w of Richmond, ar.d ■e . • vb-."'ipon t)< hi -sides of Butler's Creek. | killing t- it bte-dr-d acres, more cr {ess, ■Kiii" ii m Beall's mil! tract. Bmindrd on the U'tul bye "I elonging • > os'-.- ••..<wdre and others ot< , - -- ■ m by Li;. ~n‘.s • •• 1, and not tin? ardly by 1 law’s bei- ;• -g (■ Robert Crav ford « hit be .•<. Hi tid land was mortgaged by said Charles Itei’e h its in,-- Line i - i • : - - > o flow o . .» the fifteenth day of April, »r, the year if our f-'.-d 1 '• 5, to ««cure tin- M.y sent of i i.-oim -.-. |iy Mote signed by gai<! Charleii. for the sum of } ''tic hundred «• d sev • uy--.eve dollar' am.: dm iu»e first day of January last, and the into a. firm i'lg'U accrue thereon; and (ft,; min of n. m turn ,r »d md seventy seven dollar-, and iitte ul iro., * 'lay of January last, i cing now lor on "* Now to wit, t.. ii'ay Term, 1825 i J . King, aUMney for Peti v'l.irt, fhnt the prill . «.,,d .- -rtg-ige, ■ ui.'.lm fron: e Eipiity and Mr ! -ii 1 evn. copy of llii, biic Gaaetie.- ;e a nioiitli mi ent, or served e,rs of the said T: to I tie tinu ' i the tun i, Ii :.r e.r . tales. Jatiu avs, Gin k. I June 18<S. Iml2m j »-' =•■.()K(ir i V. tit 1 rice Con .w y. -By "v- .i! Court ts 0.-r-V-ii ry #"»aid County lit. whom it mi (iojrsru. j Vr# Estate of Elisha indet on, dec* i t t'slatneisi.ary Citi-ciaii -f V'-r-; via C. A j »,»n, has ipp-Iled tv said Com !eH 's Uismi my. Now ti nefore, these are to cite ml admntiiHi nil aid s, ,Lie kindred im ; cß.litorsof he 1 -aid doofc-i file their oh’t - tion. (if any tin t ' . uw) in ti ofite,.- the c!-; Ic >f 'I s Court, on L.-i I lore th-- I--i • iday it. ■ >»r ntV otlu - (wise tetters dismissory will be gn nted. I Witness the Honorable Jam s t ram*. 0e ol the ,iu -' • , of said <' ••:■*, ' . ;.| t i jt>m Bam.;el >-tti .'r Cler i GEORGIA, .S -.ter. County. I. - .rgt Cod-i' k; Ad "inisti :it< ■#v/ Widi me will unnestd, c{ the Estat- o; IV 'ham H■■.•'• , • eceaaed. .in) ulio admiitis :' ti , •1 the Ectatf of Mary Booth , lcce»'ed. And [ I William H Wade, administrator de bonit non. oi ■! '.lie Estate t, George M le - ,-; - , . ceased, 'i-KCh apfdies -i-r tters • *icw These are therefore i > cite and admonish all jam! angular die kiiuhri! and cred.fera of tin : at'id deceased's, to file their objecions in thiu of fiioe, o- ir before the fir.-. S’-md y in August . i«xt,, to »!h- ,v <aus" (if any they have) • ny ie.tei * 'Oiv.niss y shouid not hu gra 'cd | the applicants. Givi . under my hand at cilice in i f his JBth day ■ >■> 13S-5- Goi ■ • -'H ' u 1 * . ■ ■ ■ y, |*rHERBAS James H. Little and Samuel Shan * ing. nib , for I - 'tern Dismiss--vy on the of V i, j t hese are therefore to eke and admonish all i singulai the kindred mid creditors of the j deceased, *■- ■ . -il.ijecui-ns in my of “jfice, within the time prescribed >• .- .r? ghi | cause (if any they t• v. why sun! letter, Div.- rjrmssoty alioul.l nus bt ■ ..vwt to them. 3veil under my hand it office in Kraidtli this ;7lh 'ay o. fa mi, ! • m Frederii k, Beall, Cl*k. j GEORGIA, Vul-imbsuOc.un U(HMtEAS Benn*:: Crci on. lias applied foi letter i oi UismigErry an the • .-utt- George 6, Pankersley, de-:eg sc -d, late of suit cjunty. c these are there, ire to i ll ami admunis «! • and singular th kindre and reditors ol fhi a jssid deci-.i-ed, to •-■ a;ui . ..-pear ,t my office dlwi.iT > the tim? p. serr. dby l.nv ■ fiu -• cii I objections (if • - / they have) to shew cause wht snid letters oi ilisrnissory should not be grunted. Given under my hand at office, in Columbia this Ist day of Aprd, 1525. $ Gm G. Jubps, J). Cl’k, GEORGIA, Jtichih' .d County. By the. Honorable the Court of Ordinary oj urn County of Richmond To all whom it may concern. i vFDUKKEAS Nathan H- Heal, administrator, 'ikJ <le bonis non, on the estate of Hezekiah Beal, deceased, late of said county, has appled to this Court ;<tr Letters Uismssory. These ore therefore tn ote ami admonish all ■ind singular the kindred !,creditin',■ of th;. said deceased, to file their ibjeciions (if any they ■ have) in the office of the Clerk of asid Court o:. or before the first Mon.lay >r. November ue \>. t * otherwise Letters Dismusory v d) be grantee, .o j him, ♦ tV’*ne«s the Honorable 6--ouel Han one .of >l the Judges of said Court, this 12Tu day of April, 1625, I Om .Isaac Berber*, Cl’Jc. Os ;>t-. Court 0/ Ordinary GEORGIA) Burn Como ■>. By llu Hon. the Court of Oi in, if uni • .on: TO ALL WHOM IT VV f CO ■ i.. Abraham Uanfortl r:t>itt >t VT his wife, and os H. vridc--.- , j ministrator* <n the cstat-. 1 Klu-ha ,a. deceased, have appii-' I t aid, r.,n rt for lev ;■ 1 DismiEsory. f Now therefore ' are to cite and admon ish all and singular the knulred an*- 'ditcrso the said deceased to file their objectsion (if any they have) in the office of the clerk of thin Court, on or bes fe the first Monday in January next, - otherwise letters ffisniissory will h« grand. Witness tn„ Honorable James For ranee, one of the Justices of aid Court, this 7 day «t March, '825. ,ifcN Samuel 8 irejes. Cleric j ♦/ the Court of Ordinaury 1 *l'-O p ad 1 ’ , , Con : if, 'Byt h- Hon. fn Conn of Ordinary of a aid Com . TO ALL r ItOK IV ’IAT COSCFBIM. iy HKitilAS Siephei Be; d and Elijah Ats *” AdministrM-.i, ■' . -r • Sikes, S;i plies for I. Li' 'o> in.i * ■y. Now the.-' -iv, th< ■■ are > cite and «d;r-tn ■-., all ami singular fie kindred mid credi t"*: of the said decease ft in-" *b : r.ctim>s i k ir ,-n.v ( have) in the office u'lhc cit vk of tin* Court, or before the that Monday m li ten iu. *, otic i wise lettersd.amiss ry will b.,» grappled. Witnera tin; "oiiorable lames forr*' •<« .-»■> -,f : the Ju* ice» ot. .. i * t. this .v.h Jn.\ H-.y, dm Baomel Sturms, Cl ‘: ! — M <; ° nrt •' ‘' nav y- GBOILl?A. rivrke ( ■ the Hoao'r.'-.e. the Curl of O'Jin. ■ . of Bin . 1 i _ Cow,ir. ■ To al! wf om if may concern, i >•• t and Phcnicy Sapp, ?v aiii.un .-* a.or and administratrix, on the. i smi" of Philip Sapp, ‘tile of said county, de ceased. have applied to this Court for letters f/is. mLabry. | I ln-,e am i nerefbre »<■ cite and .dimmish all and singular th « ndred i •! rectors of the sad decta-e . ti> fi'e ('v-i" o’ icc ..."j (if they hat'. .in tl dliiM • tv. ' c-i. *,f said Ctauri. ■* i 'before the fire; Me tdjy n 1 .ary next, o»hr , wise letters Ui nis*; ry •. ii. L-; granted to tb, Wir its .■*> i.oi oraht; .*.tt=.:« Pemb- r* v., n ;i» cf-the •'u.'hjes ■ f «*••' Co-irt, this Ttb S&n . IS2.S. . t j Pamu. i .Slnrsjes, CPlc. ___ .:r,he coZt 1/. bfl I i •. 1 our.lii - ■ By the Hoi. !;u 1 . t)rd,.inn of rr ■*. | ro all .it mat cokceiiir. 1, HERE AS i j*ii »ynt ami Enoch ; '! f y adirinistraU r.t in the * lia of U ifiauj i jßyiifi, lau. ol loiiA esse: l hsv.o *pphed [;• dd Court for ;U. >; : : ry. Now therefore, these a. e ,r» .Lite w I admovdt ji.'l : d singuiti ' t it't lied sod c~* J i: .... of ,'i‘ | said d*-cessed, '•> file their <.bjt>*i;i v.n ;1 -.nv .t. .v (have) in the oh ice ol tn Clark . uit, ... for before the first M >r* ,n ’ . ext, <nht. J wise I,otters Hismit! r; will be g. -d. VV;'ness the IJonoi viji,; Alexander i. ).srs.* ~ ’■ne of 'he .lust-cc of »’ w, this . May, 1525. to HamU' I Btcrges, (I’k. Ot the Cun i of Oi (Unfry, CKtJittUA Saivrn ‘ iimtu Fhos W. Oliver, Aiiimoisi «to j njff of the estate »nd t ilects, tnu Jfmea uli. ■'vev, deceased Isle > •»!■’ County, applies for ! letters llismisaory. These are therefore I ci>«* r.d admar..;;- tM jsnd singular Ibe kindred snd credit'.-c at the •,said deceased, to file their nbjectism.-; . ~*■ Uic-y jhave) ii, the office of he Cl rk of raid C<n:vf, on ’! or before ih firs, Munduy in November next, lotlierwi*. letters liismi'.Mmy wtll b« .•'•.•■■nied U* him. . i Given under my hand ait office in Jscksohl ; rough, till 2Sth d u y of A mil, JH2S. 6rn Seß.l)f"’n ('fir. ] i X ot ice. M subscriber will dispose of bis MILLS in ’! X Montgomery county, having a Gru iSx s tinning, which * ; .arc unci used >•• •. • n it from 1 to 6000 feet of lumber t < t- day, which .... nbe raf**d immecii itely into tl Ocn>ulger ■ f. *, with - icres o the best •• imbcred pin* ’ i in that soCLon of the state. A« to terms of s ,: e . i Lln-y be mad* easy. The nl.we property •.». , fori icrly that of E. W. Barker, hfy residence i» near .'lilledgeville. JAMES BOYKIN, .fun* U w3m 101 I Tt u Dn'lav* Viti’.vurtl, I lit AN AW AY from the suhst ■ i, on thi is' 6 t i ■t. .i NEGRO FUY, by n->m ■te ofCN t iCVKUr ; about 16 or 17 y, sos a . Sir i e istout v ;*i made hoy, h..- • tp.t »on■ ■ v >*■ • ~ | with smooth skin, and a very plt vsing ; " ikiK ix■ :n SjKiki Uto H.. ton wi, ;n he [ | way. a ;>sir of blue striped Northern homespun ipantaloon:;, t, round lacket oi t’v - .pi al- ■- * jfur hat and a pair of shoes. The above reward " j will he ./Hhl tc sny per-ion who will 1 »dge lain* I. iy suit■ Jail, so that 1 g.-t him <»* 1 jvering him tn the subneri -nr i i -nr -t», ' . Littldiet-ry Buhsl _j July 29, 1825 10 J’~~' ua^awTyT the subserber on Wednesday last, f, dj.l krge yellow nrgr • man FIfEFiRKM'K H-- jis generally known in th. ■ (joining coun- ea as » was seen in Sparta on Friday last '■ llt s believed he will go to Augusta. He in - * ! have a forged pass with him, ss be urn read and ii j write. y 1 A su-table reward will be giv* ir , r j,;j > - henaion, and co*finemciu if, anJ’jail in the stat« , so that ! car, get hir } v James Cam Ak. * :« HeiyeviUe, August 2H "t