Newspaper Page Text
Vi.JvjU Vv«mv Viucuv\fe. I
New | .IKK, Mtplc -lIiKM 13.
’ . ■ pa ’«• • ip l-’lai-ida, Capi 'I uiklium,!
. i\ yvnK<- la> trim Lwerp ml, vvnii <! (
vii st o i.l* I fjlii uI till ■ 1 i• -11 1 -ivi;. AA < t ■
>ery t * bun that annUiei respec »ble hit I
extensively engaged in tin.- cotton trade, n wl
Hopped pa ymi lit.
Aii Niiiitn, l.ift* mini-m in a,-,,un ha-,
ft 1
nnived m tlh* Fiorina.
• ;vs -it tin- arrangement h-tween Francej
:jt.<l llayti, had reach.-d Kn,; ; ml—and the
im-a*ni e appeal * to be appi yv ! b • ?ii
no!, editors.
\ new ' to ( •■ia;.-ie .it, • 80,000,0(10,!
vas Ce;ilra< -1 in London.
he obp ctions of the H.-t o government
the. Me van treaty, «.'ed (« be un-j
Lo.voon, .August 14. j
! • res-ilt ol the proceeduist* i*n the. re
in ;tun til ilie ill<■ - . . it. I' n iI- !i h um 1 j'
has iMi. -atcd unfavourably on our own,
i i -
> in-, navi i -en m a Hooping state, im:
~n. n .'ll w , ill.i die I-.. 't no lia ,
• MSI ,* tm i'll, lilt, 111. ! , ; " --II iy (Ml t
4 tiii» readied to l;i> *, me . Tin down
to Bt)‘.
II) I 1 ! C; > I kr I’l 1.1 i, li’. * rall-lti
ice n the tin ak I. .an t> .ve taken I iie lead.
i i.d ’I ncccs ■ ■. ’ ‘he i ■ ■ ■ Ini’, h-en I ■/
cm.l, that the Scrip Ins (alien to n din ';
count id lit an, although on Monday 1
I j per li- . di.. -.11.111 >■ .a.' bed t i;
*hi ; ,• 1 tin,!i v\ as a re:,i 1 1 in ol ii’-nt iv,
tin . ■ | e.d, oven,.. to the j - eval* occ.d re
( . emri -atisl dory nature.
Ihe ic.isuii ! i**rstaiitl» c subsisting he
■t. I'.-eii til’ll, country nitd ii ‘ 1J•Ji 1 11 >11• n{
Me .. -r, nri nv i li •ve u ■ <.-•• ■■ iii: ivo-ra I
o' n.iluviu on the holds nl that, a < wd! as I
■nil the ■ r linvi-nil-idils «.! .- -a '..a vine,-;
I il'.S.
AVe have perusnl with ,u-- -m-•re, i-*c
iat h:tie.i>, da'i-d Tric-ic, -28th wit. T.
give oils', imp' n- it linelligenci;, and :■
w ho.i , <i - i- urn-b , ■ , , ■ 1 1, ti i■
■Him eM '■ a . . ■■' r .
iho 1 ant with neaHv ilar rep
spe great ■•■ in essi-s o o • Ore -ic-i . one
"I ii oi ,-nl been -a ken by an An (rinnl
ve-cel i, {'ape M la pan, die oilier hv a
' d . i : --i di- eapta-c - I d repui Ui;,
ill: ■(I I.l'. Ts ;nd in- - comnb-tely -in -j
i ii. the virionv (•> ,'V i, i-‘ ho i..-a,
So. dm s‘«cha5‘«cha had >■ . hi- i.itiialin-, sop
cn-.o al, i'l.ii !•.- c-.Minuencvd a i; jail retreat,!
111, I 1 1 i : ■ 1 '■ Iha • illtr l,.ueil ’. -tl'-i 11l ,
o( 11 i*. * ■ | CM--, .••• v. as brought In m Uoi
.(ini -.’i : ! ;mselJ’ ■ p.iMinei
a nl bn i • lio i npibil severely vriuir .
deb. Ji.ith acocunis n.- -e in i;>» gii-era •
■ uiiiiti- M i :-r , lo.vvf or sorry to si. u-.:
vt r ■ .■ • I ■ ■ ■ lad in I
■' .vying m n inie:' a inui Navui-iiin,.'
Ui-iw rn ■ -in ns il -e .mi! men arc re.-j
pm dto have limit'd in the neighbmnoodi
us Navnrino.
' 1. ti.-r iVom Leolioin, of Aug. Ist, states!
; ii the .amt- ii V’llh .-n ■ t.,.ii l. n criveii
t> • ’ V an A; -tnan u ■ cl (ioni th. sun j
1 hi Ni char Gazette of’ tin- Bi!i oi August I
sa ■; , (hat in i.he 1 tilh oh June, (O.S.)they i
observed Iroin the ramparts <>l Napoli di Ily
mania, a re " gimle moveini-nt ot lie >-ig- p
haw amir. 1 ovv.uiis inulnight the govern- i
lent n-rei-.vil the new*, that t 'olocotrmii had
Aack -1 the reai of (lie Egyptians >ml kil! i
id men. On the I. -h (he enemy was :
already on' el sight of the ho ns; ,*n th
hull li \\s ihat llir.diim I’m na had iistain-'
■i! lie-M l.if-os near Tigc.i, t'oloooti.iiii.ji
-In cat : lie head oi Hi, 000 uu-n, ()n; t
the "t I inl'ormulioii vis received that Ihelv
r. ; or .-. u.-iti siisiaiiicd i new d feat c I
i loros, and that he w's surroumleit in tin-!
<h ' os, or that P will hi difli ult foi him toj
i-r t tiac.k to the Coast o' iles.-a-mu. (tonerai <
Km -•* who w-iis sent t.) Circe :i; by tin- Coin I
i**i*■ *-■ at Pa ri s to ihi in information r. ■ v
up-, tio-, tin* tale of affairs, wiiics iV-.mijf
A. ..os - t tlm ',l July, that the PelopotU's as t
liad usi-.i iu a iii.tss, and that the ’vrv ptiaii|
army was uni.ii dated. N> vei was a popu 1 t
i.. movement in ue, tei . ihie and more just,l
'-i Ido or 'call; t.l a -lepuliuinn 4!to,o(»b|
«ouli '-a at dee
i' ' 1 o>t i i France. M c find that in!
Fi '>*■•-. m England, the wurkiucn ban .
' ■-ne to .’ii op ni war for an increase of:
v A tew day.- ago 7 m .s(m workmen,,
er ploy'd in the celeh.ated caitton manulac ,
ti ' r ■ near Kouen, turned out with .tick and
st v< - some with iiiu-l.cis,and attacked ami)
d; hiunl d - ci.ucerns o( a muinih ta:ei
who disob' red their dicutiim. Lh, mdii.rn
'*eie called out, a battle < ; ' nod, one soldier'-*
was killed, and several wounded on both 1
io • Forty workmen were taken on the
snot , I i' , ftccu'. ns slate, that it is intend,
di dto iiial can example of them. This is',
ti.c i;., ; “ tu-n oil’ ' c-t the kiiid ever made:
.11 r .11;CO.
li - c..■•.an ■: that s'.ones o: d.
■h. .oi. . . ■ 1 -1 m the Com n- -
hiv ;•■; i ii'io, and iTsville. - t!..d
mi ■ kmeti id de'iottnn eae if ;c«nics.
Paris, August JO.
\ esterdsy there was u considerable fall
in the 3j -r cuts. No event, no political
aiipruiensi. n. can havt causal it. W i do!
m . even set a ruicial cause, i iiose who.
i. i 3th of ti. s mouth, converted (lieiC
kiv’ per ten;- - t'T'.l. 50c. cannot Dei
inreed now io seu t -n Three per Cents all
Maohid, July -A*.
“ 4 lie necessity of having experienced of
ficers in the crops winch arc going to Amc-I
(bn a,hr.- induced the Minister of War to p
j’ tui v a imndier belonging to the an !
•••I. army, "ho haw not yet undergone any
er. nice of puriln ation.”
j ‘ ft v aid that » battalion of the third)
(Hr.miL-i. o the Spanish line lias revolted
id: . i A; i de, in consequence of their
1%; ■ed orders to embark for the!
■ Hn-ana 1 ■ , v were disarmed, however,
.■I pi 1 leu to < inhark.”
[Jmirhiil de* Dtl.uta. |
!. rtrai! ■■ / a !"ti>, from Liverpool, August, ]
15 lh 1 Bf>i.
“t'jr ( "'ton Market, at the begin fling of
: wi. k -own into a slate of great;
jalarin by tin I allure if two very extensive {
lllous.'S in ( (hi irlesion and Savannah
■ nlr, a id v h " i stocks ol Cotton are large.
• bout fiOOO bigs, belonging to on- of ihem;
mio pled .yd in the. hands of Brokers, were
ji niii'd;. iiely ■ dared im sale bv auction on I
I the lAth. Hnr pn ■ c:s became quite nomi-j
;'ml ; lint on .1 ■ evening of the Kith, a par
lehase ol vlO !iag> on speculation made by \
’men: two | ti • infuseii more firmness J
.into the n.:;;i (gain. In this inblaiice u!
tlci line Id p ih, had been submitted to, and.
tin*' '• scim npm re. 1 t . be man' purchasers|
on (i; ,-.i:nv {■ .. .s—bu 1 smi e advance again'
.•■>oh'!„ a u, I) given.-—l’lie public salei-i;
die I ! , , w-ill nttenn.i and went wlf;
with pint, 1., trade being the chief buy-:
i iiere was sftp w r ,: - i t -iv cle-i
mtitid, pa iIV mi specula ' ■ . and at. tbc close
■ I the week the denies, im in p ■ s-- .ici.,
had aken pi,.i;e in the curlv pa: t ■>' A. wa,.
jiiilly 1 !■> vert'd. Tltelo'.d r..- ■ .In in- cuu- .
eltlie »• ck wore 19,000 bags, "I whichi
i "a > ,- ,gyj>;ian, H,>(»<> 'iraHl and G;»ott .viu;,;
" o o < ;„ki-n on speculalinn, an.. 5 some!
• ! Oi.ii quantity has Ue.en Ink n ■ specula-j
c a i.m \et .•■ported publicly Our Import
■M-uii 1 . id to 9,i' 70;.' Lag.-., id ■• h i i (gOnt/i
!• ■n'l' I rain ihf t T ui led Sian.-., ami i igoo-.i
:") !.!•, vi's'ri iiavcsincecuaie, in which swell;
i nop ni it -1 a fur t'c- ,ve* 1. T’h' l
• on'imi--il In vv arrivals lead n-u 1 h ”> kce >,
i- o the, market, wive t'n neccs> u-i 0,
■winy -1 th- h dd.irs produce at me. ssc .
eo ir.nch disposition tu seil othenvi-e ’.
;p: 1 ent, wou'd lave prolith' - ;:.ui more c(-
| ,; '.iupon our price. Wn qn.!* ffplands,:
'« ta 11 yd.
i’o' A d'; - 1 ave of lute been n <gnod ■ - j
{:n-nd for i v- -tali, n and 31s n S6s !>d ar
mi ' Fnari in Ic nti’d i • qties? -a j
.-‘H a i Ici ni-> • at. The ri m-ii.i! h-rj
a.; has -a • d'.iring ihe la ,t, --w 0. ■ .
nu : -.’ncl- i n. v s-.ui I, Hid is A
: I"s it P.n.s per iwt a« in q lal.ty.— f
itide is •,,ii able., tint i . «t un>-e. ts * * s n
.i er vi fni gm ! • |ii n 1 itv Tar has
•"d t-> if!.-, a IT per harr-l. Fnhwecoji
jr-1' • . tlai at p." ■ senh I-',it halo -■ e'-" : • p
| five weadiei ha* been «-»t and L» •'kr,.' fm p
-the most of llie week, h . it has’ im influence worth notice • nnur Grain;
; Mark* t.
ft (.; Prs .MMHiv' 16t.1i-. i
! was .- * i.a.i.l (be Eottaii v ■ j
1 terd.iy , aboti* '’ 'gnagj sold, alf of which'i
jwas taken on • v 'Jution by die same pur .
iii,--. wimbought !i b-e.'and. consisting chis-f ■
llynf Am Cotton. There is again a fair-;
inquiry this morning.”
London’, August 13. h
/Japs. —The weather lias mi more lavo |.
rahie to the plant; price a ave Jcclinedh
-; . per cut. and the estimated amoifut ofji
tb - duty, which had fallen to TKi.OfO hash
risen to'ftJJ.OGO.
/.' >ri>rf. •.-/■«.- Ultfrfwm >-■■•!■• of 3. ji
'■ *aettei s from Brad! - .
ii-'iis have stopped m c -equcnci- 1 l,hc: (
(urn out - * the worsted weavers for higliii
Sui m, September f). \
v ; pt, Putnam, who arrived here yester- j
t ship Klia ' Leghorn, in
forms us that previous ti is ding iep m
w.-u m current e; cuUti»n ihni .-.a unsnci -i,
tui .ntmap li, d been made -cisassinatv
the Pope of Home. iy
-MStm- |j
F. tut't of u Fill Jlujof F’lirunj. -
coru io. iiding the hriga.h f Fopo .- tp\- s
teal li -gn'., -ers iow or-. •■./ in ii, )«-,n
the nuh for a Cana! <■' ... I.akt Fie '■
end Pittsburg, to hi i frier I , - h asliiu/- •/
/<• ■, , I). C.) dated ring. -IJti , I, Jo.- if
1 wrote the letter which accompanies l '
this lew days ago but .ad not an opj or- 1
’.unity of forwarding it : the present is
ten to prevent any alarm Icmn vaiju- n pm
w hirli ni.i' j>i>s,-:Liiy reach you eonceri mg'
a most unlortuuiito accident which happ Muni!
this murning in one of the detachments of' ,
this brigade. Limits. Turnbull and R;
say. Mr, Crane!-, with some of tlm,'
bands, were o-.t on the La's.- sou/iiliii.'' ; 11
w.m on the with f<ieqt mailt Caprim. t
taking angles to determine their position.--*li
A-11; • y ran in upon th> second line, I >b j
' : -‘ th-yli: i. pped sounding, atui)(
tb ’ 1 i,: war a noise and much laughing on'-.
- suspected the cause; when they t
■ wv 1 ;xi ah- it two hundred yards of the!)
jslic they ali jumped over board. M ,;i
A Mid-, who ; mijx'd first, co npLdeil »b •;
iiniin ’ tdn boat with water—she
[neuilv lillml before he did so. Or, m a’
cn jjiit , ; to d "ip, to : r o to their ;,«i- n,-c,
; they a’d i hc.l iiii.t- I that it as not mce - - • .
•so : 11- .uiin-d, encouragiiig thcii cxerii ~ -
| until I heard the fatal cry that Mr. Cranch
• was drowning. He remained underwater,;
1! pn mne w more thus > of t nn
jute*- be I or’ he was louml, and vet the im-s
---i-.v.o- at-1 rami ■ ■! exert; >n> w -.• insuf
-I fleient to reanimate hitn. lie :s dt >.d. It
.seems that ne " is the best swimmer on
(board, and had made preparations for sa 1
ving every thing of value vithin his charge;
put the small sextant in Ins pocket. and)
took his shoes off. When Lieut. Turnbull]
swam past him. lie had ins watch in ins!
mouth, had thrown his hat off, and was:
swimming with much apparent deliberation.
It is supposed i 'ns desire to save Ins
watch was. prob.ddy, the immediate cansej
jot his drowning, an one of the hands relates
(that he, (Mosel! } in at temping to keep
■ Itanisuy’s note book dry, by carrying it in!
jilts mouth, was n , t r!y strangled by the
v IVC-; arnl this is the more like!,, as the!
nan finally sav d the book by ®w ring
with .tin his hand Lieut, Rate say iook
•he piecaulion to >::iip his c)i th-s off aftcrj
jumping over board, but before ho abandon)
;<-d ■ ■ boat.
“•>n hearing the cry that Mr. ( ranch)
! was drowning, 1 warn in, and bad just pass ,
,ed Lieut. Ra may and but i IV,yards fu.--
■tbor than my decirh. ,< ,en he exclaimed,
jexuliu ~;lv, ‘ 1 nave saved Cranch 1-f have!
) saved Cranch !’ On turning i ouitd, I saw)
jhim supporting the hotly We carri
ed mm out —but ii was too late
“ Lieut. R, i say was o exh; usted, that!
those who cam ■ up hid to support, him ashore; 1
and Lieut I ini,bull nod one ot the len
•.with great dilii ulu readied it, for they
were uused la swim ■» with their clothes
bin. fen oi wen ts more, and thoyi
• add have nievita oy drowned, 1 have
'’•■l, in all t; :iii uts to attendj
n hr r... St,,.nmnnw, a"d am making ev-j
‘•7 ai '.r' 1 mil to bu, t ~ ■■ re oicctablr I
us r uiu-n , will permit. The j
..inxe t; nl i... nnirers, and even <f the)
men, t save him, and die wards to re
rllv". h.m, w, . greater than you ra- readily
nmin - tic ■s so universally es : emed.
•cd ■ . great a hr "trite with every one, that
,more inn.use am dy m old not have beet:,
'i- he himtheir brother. A phy
;t,‘ ''•*> 3 :t i‘ tor, who pronounced all
| i xert-ms unavailing, before wc ccas-j
'l!t a ;-pi s ; cmcdV>c.
• *
' -'O' d’-' , _ l!fn J m .
1 We Ituvr r'Jii from t' .« q, inn\ urging
mi. the jm ■|’ of Georgia, he ah- o-ue nc-c
! ecssily - re-decting thou ■, if the; wish;
| • get ~ i-.cshioii o£ th r lands We rave!'
d ore than mice, that if Irouo was n-t
I'd "'' -mi in pi c p be made r.c. am »
'ream, , mi'iclmn ■■ -n '
' J' wu . -at such it:; at mptw . irudo. '
V day nee .strong. ; had,'
• g i to satisfy ustKut suclft
a • iing ' . i We now product!v
i M " ’ 1 on > “ .ugh to satisfy every man v.i
ru: ‘ sl, “ . not . hut is e> ■ against. j
'* v ’ * .'i " , *‘ l 111 1 u shape «fevidence. Read I
owmg letth,,. Recollect the l.«r;tc- t
d'’ l .■'■ 1 ,ii Mr. Kverilt. Me is ajl
1 11 •stofinin, a CiMgymnn, a member of !yo . 1
L'.t'V'ss, and one ■ * the i ■ s'; distinguish''.
I'"'' 1 ' I" N T e« -Eugh i tins•'
I tel ity to Will 1 , ~o . ,'■ i o.rg.a cn-ii
;(|uiring i to the «;>■/■ of , , S populnri- ji
I y/ and 'hr chant'd' .1 h.h re-election! J/•
!h w.shes to know at obxiu les exist to '
i i'ft-corpurnti ■ the i re; with th citizens‘J
°J '• tor gin Can any one mistake the;
moiaiui:;- i such enquiries? Will the peo-ijS
;>!e ,1 Georgia now doubt about the designs k
id th- Northern people: The mystery isle
ih'lduli d. Wc now see what Crowell, An-jt
ih w , and (iaities have been laboring for.— is
' >at lies’ letter to the. Governor of Alabama; n
too ,s explained. The treaty is to bn bro-(g
‘is —tiK land is to be given back to the In-A
ii , ,s—they ue to be settled on it perma-M
" ntiy—and they are to be made citizens of|
L orgia !?! .VI this is to be done if Adams'
ili, d his peoph succeed in defeating the re-i<’
election of Loup. Will the people liesi-j'i
iib'.mt how 'hey should act, with these lb
hings be ore them r When they go to the j L
poll.-, let the n renn inbei who ha*s laboured! '
" ; d day to pi-ocure this land for them,
and u h • fas counn iaiiceii, and called on I V
•■•■•'•11, Qaines and \adrcws, when theyia
. ice in town, and they cannot hesli ,
lute om i mient in deciding for whom diey;
should vi ;e—Let it not be said .hat it is aft
an I'lecn Leering story, it is no such thing.; r
A “ hart• i::ni it letter from Mr. hiverin,
! ini,,fT w/itirit.s /ir'cheh/ 7m saint -nlh, s
thns nuatd in the letter below. There i
no mistake in this matter. Such letters have :
been wr t en, ami they are now in the pm '
• -ssion cd citi/.cns of this slate.
• • 1 Ii
J o : u, I ii ,r$ of the (ten ri<% Journal
Madisox, Sept, nth, 1825. k
<» BNTLg •■iKN—Durng the promt week! <
0 Live received at this place information!/
direct and veritable, from the Western,;c
Northern Flint and Ocmulgee Circuits, and , a
1 cannot *'. >r rgo the pleasure of congratula-! v
ting you m saccessot tiie republican cause) t
in these various sections of the state. | s
k ,; d io w re will the triumph be more in
■ iu Morgan Short I il • ,
•j“' ad.i- -irnmunt (lie Extra Session of t
‘ " *■ • slaiuie, so claiuc .us were the,;'
Ii lends . Crewel, and the adversaries of t
rhe I reaty, that public opinion seemed mo-i\
mentaiity suspended. But the mist has I
c; '-lishei!. and the people of this county are jo
thenmelve-again. Indeed Troup’s majori-k
ty will be tittle less (.'nan Crawford’s was ! v
n t year, toe. hundred votes. The waich-lt
■ r«! rcre as every where, is I'roupaiul the j o
; I reaty. | r
tx*n. ( ' ark’s advocates were taken bv;c
• nr, rr/.e. by h's late summer-- el. V v.eaf-li
ami intelligent triemt of !iL ur ■ - -h-k
? ■ J, d -ii unm sitasan el
' ‘ r:u i ■’/'» amltise most insincere act of th-*
General's' life. It was surely unkind, not to
'have prepared the minds of his trusty ser
vants kr this movement, by previous notice.
'Hie Adams leaders in the North, I dis
cover are burnishing their weapons for a
deadly onset against the treaty next winter.
I hey are hanging w ith breathless suspense
on the result of the approaching election.—
I lie learned and insidious Mr. Everett, too
jinfpatient to await the arrival of the first
Monday in October, has been enquiring by
, I*- ter, the extent oj Troup's pope la-, ity •/«
0 Tina, md the chances nj his v election,
and what insuperable obstacles exist in
public opinion against incorporating th
Creeks into the Slate and entitling them to
all (he privileges of citizenship."' An iu
jtelligent friend of mine who has recently
j returned from the North, informs me that
[there, is hut one opinion from New-York to
j Augufth, and that is, flu* salvation or avoid
,ance os he Treaty, depends on the success
'or of Governor I roup. The people
;abroad will not investigate (he subject, but
i will be regulated by the expression of pub
! lie opinion l ure. * * ’ ' *
’f M M n< .ji
Heim- o the last called ses .ion, 1 was
iisfied itCrov'ell must soon sink as low
■ infill,y as Nioian Edwards, and I fore
saw then the difficulties that Clark and his
friends would plunge themselves into, by'
Hugging him (o their bosoms and aiding
I Games and Andrews to screen him from an)
investigation. * * *
I* » *
1 Last week wc referred to a correspon
jdoncv hi ■ ween G;v, Tnmp and t!,e Gover
nor of Tennessee, <n> the subject .- Ca-j
n.lto i * the wa eta of ,he i ennessee Ri-}
ver ■ e ol Mfe now pub*|
iish the f l . . two h tters, which are sufficient j
|tosho\v the grounds Governor Troup occu
| pies, and Ms view of the practicability (T
••the [•.- j- '. il the people ot Georgia wish 1
i' o !’ is scheme pii.-ecuted with vigor and
im .if -nec, le them continue Troup in the)
; nitice no HOW holds
Lxi ■ ■ i' r e. Os rifK, Tr.xNKssEr, >
,Vnr,''•(>! ’u,-rough, June 6, If A. \
■Sin . I ~m directed by an act m the Le
.gislature of this state, passed of. their svs
, of 1' i, “t • i comm sue i :i v- ri tie n■, or
1-'iico «••■• in Gov.:-v r. of die 7 at
\lu -a-.u.i Miid -ieoigia .-I be subject of,
c.-.iiicciing sh? waters ol llivvassee with tlu-j
w, if rs of Coosa, by means of a canal, as'
'■ as the practicability of a canal around:
'h- Muscle 'Sh-.ils in the I'ennessee, and:
('..rough who• is called liic Tennessee Valley
on the Soul!) side of said river.”
itie object to which our Legislature, ex -'
pec ted that the-attention of Georgia would)
If most particularly drawn was duun less!
that «( a v.i mil bom ILvvassee to Coosa ; al
low me ilht. 1-re to request, that you will
be y l -used to communicate any information
i me have on the following points.
Lt Is it, probable that Georgia '.could co
operate with Tennessee ir making die ca
nal spoken of?
. d. Have you any correct in formation of)
probable expense of completing a canal j.
from Miwassee to Coosa?
3d 11 ,ve you any knowledge of the!
groum! through which a canal would have (oj!
be cut; the. quantity of water that may be'
coinmunded with convenience, and the prac- !(
(inability o( t!ie plan? lh> you krmw of ad
skilful eiig.-eer who could be procured toil
mak( the necessary examinations of thd
ground ? Is if likely that Georgia would
take any interest in the canal around the),
cle Shoals, or would, slit give h* ■ aid in
• i terprise ?
: on 'he foregoing points, as well as oth
er-; • niching the matter, I shall he happy to
hear from you a-, early a* convenient; it
being important that the subj , : t with all Us ,
ligtu>, should be iaid be for out Legislature
at its fall session. j /
Receive iii&ui.i ices of the respect, with 1
■ "■ I have the honor to be, . our obedie t
servant. \\ \{ CARROL, j
f CBOtn De I'M] JJT, Grq.7 jl
Milledgeville, 22 d dine, 1825, ( ly
■ 1 ho 1 the pleasure to icrcive tour *
Excellency s lettei ti the tnrning. This go-7
vent men t ...ill * finite with that qf s
iiie Mate ol fennessee in th vising and car ,/
ryiug into efiect tin asurcs for uniting the
o ten of Tennessee w>.<:- the G or- e
which empty into the Mantle. T. is j
- 1 resumed iat leh lessee would <) . 1
to pass into the Gulf of Mexico if away
could be opened for ier to the Atlantic.—j
°f - f,f pi uctieabilily of this, there is not the
least doubt. You vvilj see i>y the enclosed!
copy of instructions that I only wait the d
arrival oi our civil engineer to set him to;s
\wu kin your quarter. 1( is very gratifying i
to me to believe that Georgia and” Pen ties”! 0
see, d not already, will before long be inti-lu
matoly united by common interests and ;
i." 1 vnon feeling-.. On retercuce to tl. iet-.-c
ter books of your office you will probably! a
inid a letter cm the, subject addressed bv'»
Governor Sevier of your State to the Go'-jh
vernui ol Georgia and which maybe usefully
to you. U e cannot say any thing definite*
mithe subjclt (.. practicability
uMil the country has been explo.ed and sur
veyed. Von will find some difficulty in
commanding ’he services of a competent
("ky eei ; this q-Acies of menial acquire-
demand at present and l !
the supply of it limited. The one recently c
1,1 ''l e “"‘ce of No, (h Carolina may be un-i
employed at present I
M ith g,. at consideration an i respect. I
G. M. TROUP, i
2 _ _____ _
Major Vnukews is defending himself a*
' we learn against the charges brought against
,-fhiin by the Georgia Commissioners. IT
tjcannni be expected to be .;} successfr.!
»I this case as in another wiiere lie was botu
I the Judge and the Advocate.
Mr. Everett of Boston wishes, (as may
jbe seen by an extract from the Georgia uir
;na!) to make the Indians v thu our li nits
j Citizens. If this had come from one d
•'ona politicians, we should never hear the
Mast of it. Tin best objection to his scheme
Ms that they are not for citizenship,
..and so low do they stand in the scale of hu
roan beings, that our community would be
as much graced by the citizenship of so
, I many Hottentots or wild Africans -no, let
m . send thorn beyond the Vlis-Msippi, and
, •et the learned exercise his in
igenuity in framing a code for their gradu
al emancipation from ignorance and barber
ism. Is it possible that an intelligent man
can seriously think of making citizens of
the murderers of MTntosh ?
General Gaines has said that (he charge
(of attempting to break the Treaty, which
| has been atledged against him, is wholly
(destitute of truth. The General’s letter
then to the Governor of Alabama is a sin
gular on-. , for in that document it is stated,
iif we re hily remember, (hat there ns too
much >,ui for the objections of the ho«-
Mil’- P arf y ' to the manner in which (! lt
| treaty was made, am) that their appeals i>.
j the magnanimity of our civilized com
’men should not he disregarded.” New
whatever Gan. Gaines may intend, if
wvib-s alter this fashion to the Fiesl.-i
jthe effect of his conduct m,
to the Ti eatv.
j Genei .1 Clark declares too for Co
ty —Ihu -. hut avc. lie aid his fri.-nds ..
or said to support it ? Have the JVs ■ •
no State triendly to ,m, given it, ~//
I r ' mcs t ’ ,{ ‘ 5r best countenance and a-SMt
jance, or do they only stand up with t
!‘ ,en impuls*! before tbs pe< ole, on the .a y
i'-vo of the election, and cry out Aw “ Ln
• on n,H - the Creaty” hi a voice and manner
evincing icir di.y. .-a®n to the Treaty to be
a vine lip sern &
l ire, ideas if not (he words of late Jin,
II Mi and French papers, upon the subject,
of the a Hairs of Georgia, were probablv
communicated by American citizens, with
, tbc express view of influencing public opin
ion on this side of the water. There is in
them every appearance of an electioneering
trie/:; Gut it will not do; foreign presses
have lately made any serious impression
upon our politics.
The following correspondence between Gc • (
nerais Gunn and (Mark, has been put
lished in the Recorder ; f
Augusta, Saturday Ev’g. Jan. JO, 17P7.
6m: In conducting a business Idee th /
which was the subject of our dispute this af
ternoon, it was necessary that some should
rest (heir rights upon the confidence which
they had in others. You as well as others
•f ) ou , r C0lll l i:in y assured me that I was .
down for a share in the territory you here
lately purchased from the State : But, Sir I
you have deceived me, ami to aggravate’ Te I
d-vepfion, when I demanded my right, you *1
i sidted me, and offered violence to nit ; ■ J
-on ! now demand (hat satisfaction,iich I
' disparity of bodily strength, !am obM 1
ged to resort to, and 1 hope you will be just, j
enough to meet me in such "away as will I
place us upon a footing of eipjality. My I
(riend, Col 6. will settle the time and plat- I
, (Signed) JOHN CLARK J
Gon James Gunn. ■
Sunday Morning, Jan. It, '.-or '
Sia : Your note of last evening wi ,M an J!
ded me by Col G. in which I find your a
sections are false, as your conduct "of yes- I
ter day was insolent. lam not in the habit I
d neglecting the invitation of any man >■ 1
iiirr s attention; but previous engageine t- 1
prevent my attending at fine time” a (he
i all of a man, who acts from an angi ■ ui.-
appointment. If this answer is satisfactory,
\jou will wait my convenience ; if it is not, *;
uue the goodness to make the occasion to do
yourself jusiicc.
I am, Sir, Your OUT. Servant. i
(Signed) JAMES GUNN. 1
Gen. John Clark. B
Sunday Evening, 11 o’clock, I
tus moment received your, aim r to »f
toine last evening. He obliging enough ■
’ i ’ me know yom- time of convenience ; ' I
"u-, oe assured, sir, lam as little in the ha r | I
wing trifled with, a» you are of refusing u
invitations of this kind.
J ttn. James Gunn,