The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 04, 1825, Image 1

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¥KfVy ~ n -' rfL^ fFf^>l I HMllMßßiiU!i.ia!i»>iKii L . Mrmsm: • *ft ' “'•T 4 * ~ I'lfcrl milm t Imm .- , IW ■ : W%t _ ■ -■ Muny »f lh, p,.1"„ „1 -Vis, under winch every Country in the world labours, are notowinerto any want of love forour Country, but to an ignorance of iM r«»l oohslitution and interim,.. ” pRIRNTLV NEW 5ER1E5....... Vol. 111. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1835. N. l7 "' ' 1 ' . C(je Constitutionalist J» PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. North American Review. JVU Xl.lX. CONTENTS. I CLAIMS of the United States on Naples and • Holland 1. Message of the President of the United States to the Hons ’ of Rqjf'tK ntatives rela tive to the claim on Naples 2 Message of the President of the Uni ted Status, transmitting the correspondence relating to the claims of the cil.zens of Uni ted Slates upon the Government of the Ne therlands. 11. Lord Byron’s Character and TVrjvirjgs. 1. Recollections of the life of 'Byron. B the late R. C. Dallas, Esq 2. Correspondence ot Lord Byi o ,V> a Friend \ including his Letters to hiso'v'vvf ; , in 1810, and 1811. <>V° v s 3. Journal of the Convevsatio r - d j g Byron. By Thomas Medwin, 111. Wayland’s Discourses on the j American Citizen. Los _, v The Duties of an American Cit.z ily Di courses delivered in the First ■» t Meeting House in Boston. By Franci^, a ‘ v J land, j inr. y " J IV. Pink ley’s Poems, , * Poems. By Edward C. Pinkney. V. English Common Law Reports, 111I 11 Reports of Cases argued and determinj ~ io the Engl sh Courts of Common Law. Ed ited by Tisomas Sergeant and John C. Low lier, Esqs. VI. Orphic Poetry. Orpheus Poetarum Grsecorum Antiquissi rnus.—Anctore Cfemgio Henrico Code, VII. Onliimhns, Codice diplomatico Colombo Americano, Oss'3 Rsccoita di Documonti originrl ne ine diti, spettsuiis Cristofiro Colombo, &c. Genova, 1823. VIII. Gold and Silver in M^x'co, A report on tire Expediency of Angmen tiog the Duties on the Exportation of’ Goldl and Silver, presented to the General Consii I tnent Congress of Mexico, by the Committee.! "t Finance and Mines August 9, 1824 IX Critical Notices 1. Palfrey Vi Historical Discourse, 444 2. Perkins’s History of the late War, 443 Wn(Ford’s Merctntile Penmanship, 451 4. Summary view of America. 453 Addresses before the New-York Ac ademy of Fine Arts, 459 6. Bacon’s Plea fir Africa, 453 7. Barnard’s Polyglot Grammar. 474 8. Crafts’ Address before the Palmetto V V ' iety, ■ , , 46i 9- Blanco White’s Spanish Variclies, 467 Quarterly List of New Publications, 479 Index. 483 JUST RECEIVED BT H orace Ely. November 1 07 STORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. FiaUF. undersigned begs leave (o tender his ser- A vices to the pubi c generally, in the above lii»e of business -he pledges himself to use all d;l igence, give personal attention, and to exert him self to the best of his abilities to give general sat isfaction and to promote the interest of all those that may think proper to favor him with their cus tom. Liberal advances will he made on all pro duce committed to his charge, either lor sale, ex. portation, or otherwise, and facilities in all cases,. Crequired J will be afforded; that hut few other* in hit tine can equal, and none surpass. All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Me has taken Mr. IK. H, Warren’s Warehouse at the foot of the bridge, (better known Wf the name of •• Leigh’s Warehouse ,”) its situation be ing immediately upon the n« wharf it thereby affords pecuiia advantages lo shippers, &c. 'I he whole establishment having lately under gone a complete and thorough repair, is now in complete order for the reception of all kinds of pioduce, merchandize, &c. His close stores are 1 cleanly, secure, and perfectly safe. I Win. B. Shelton, i N. B. Ihe only Tobacco Inspection in the city, is also kept at the above Warehouse : and for all I obacco of the,/ir»f quality, inspected here du -mg the ensuing season, I will give six dollars per hun dred, and in the same ratio for the more inferior quail,es. W . s September 20 25 Notice. ' 1 THE subscriber (late of Savannah) has establish * ed himself m this City, for the transaction of I Commission Business, And begs leave to lender his services to his friends and the public in Georgia. W. B. Gwathmey, ( JVevi York. . REFERENCES. I Thomas Ccmmino, Esq, Mr. R. H. MusnuovK, , Messrs. A. Slaltiiitkr & C. Lahuzam. October 11 fit Situation Wanted, By, young man in a Counting Room, where bis time can be devoted exclusively to the Books. Satisfactory references will be given. He would take charge of a set of Books on Ben nett * plan if required, A line addressed to G. U. and left at this Office, will meet with attention, , October 14 32 < AmbreWa’s and Parasols, NEATLY HADE AND MENDED BY Joseph Roderick. , September 16 24 ———M— Augusta Tree, Sckoo\. A S the exercises of this institution will be re. 1 * um ®d 01 MONDAY next, it is expected 'hat the Pupils will be punctual in their attend- Alice on that day. It is open for the reception of til who may wish to avail themselves of its be . 8 ; and as ther* are doubtless many children m our city who have never yet enjoyed the means of instruction, the parents of such, are ca Ld on by every consideration of duty and of interest to urge their children (without delay) 0 attend upi>„ the instructions of this school— >w opportunity s„ important ought not to he per v*th°ut suitable improvement, and p . *>e insensible lo the best and high es!B oP 'bcif offspring, who deny them "provement w'.ich will qualify them for ' less in the world, and which can be pro cure! without money, and without price. - Jctober 14, 1825. fit 33 1 THOMASG.HAjZ, H Carriage Maker. K r In C nr ed 3 part °* hls Spring Supply of assortmonf r 7- G ’ A ' Va " d GIGS ’ » h >d« * laKes llis second and'lh-^'* 8 com P^ ete '*-consislir l K of first, and ,hlr d rate Leather and Su nto P Gigs, oa ,fkf e and one Chariotee. Be' ln S regular ' PP ,led Wl,h an extensive assort ment * direct rom the vanoui manufactories c f and its cimty, he 13 disposed to sell on -as good terms at h^«°i eSC * n b “ obtained in A u K«»‘a . for any kind of 0 arriages will be orwaided and executed in t’ ,e best manner, at he manufacturing prices. Gi ff s and Carriages built to order. Repairing :,n branches, at short tnotice, on the- most reas-n-oable terms. Ma'-ch 22 ts 77 f ft ~~ rj(XHE Copartnership of D. Pauish & Co, was al dissolved by mutual consent on the Ist day .r, July last The business of said concern will >e closed by Famish, Cornino & Co. to whom all indebted are requested to make payment. . Daniel Parish, Jasper Corning, Parish, Holbrook & Co. Charletm , Oct 18 w 2m 34 f CWARTNERBHIP. ~ Subscribers have formed a Copartner | ship under the firm of PARISH, CORNING & CO. and will transact businesi at the old stand of D. Parish & Co. where they have now o p en i 50° Packages Staple and Fancy arai? <a©©iD3 9 • Comprising a complete assortment, which will : be sold on favorable terms. Daniel Parish, -Tnspop Corning, ’ Joseph Kernochan, Thomas Parish. Charleston, Oct. 18 lw2m 34 NOTICE. A SITUATION wanted in some regpec'able Dry Good Store or Counting House—by a young man that has an accurate knowledge o( the business,—Unquestionable reference as to re potation and sobriety can be given.—A line ad dressed lo A, B. and left at this office, will be punctually attended 10. September 23 26 DIMOVkW MARSH, <i©erc|jant Cailortf, AT THE AUGUSTA No. 164, Broad-street. have this iuv rkckivkii, pkh tub last steam-boat —A large and fresh snp/ily of — READY MADE CLOTHING, —COSSISTIWO OF— BLUE and Black Dress Goats, Coatees, d fferent colors. Blue, Black and Fancy colored Pantaloons, Blue and Black Cloth Vests, Silk and Fancy ditto, handsome patterns, IHng-up Pantaloons, Satinett Coatees and Pantaloons, &c. All of ihe above Garments have been made of the latest New York fashions. Persons wishing to purchase, will do themselves the pleasure lo cfll at the above store. October 7 30 iST otice. WILLIAM KIBBE , TAKES this opportunity of informing his friends and the public, that he lias entered into Co partnership with Mr. James Wells, of Savannah, late of the House of Kitlaer., Hills IVeils , for the purpose of carrying on the business as DRAPERS AND TAILORS, In the City of Augusta, TWO DOORS BELOW TUP. OLOBE TAVF.HM. TVhere they intend keeping a general supply of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and GOODS, of all descriptions, usually kept by Houses of their pro fessinn—and at the same time assure the pub lic that no time nor pains shall be wanting to suit those who may call on the House. Wells & Kihbe. October 11 31 REMOVAL. WASSOX XLCIIOkS, Have removed from jXo. 259, to jVo. 226, Broad, coiner of Macintosh streets, IV here they are opening an extensive and ele gant assortment of STAPLE .LVII FAJ\rcr DRY GOODS, Which they offer to their friends and custom ers. on their usual liberal terms. October 18 fit 33 ' —— j SPLENDID SCHEME . . OF THE * AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL LOTTERY i H - HIGHEST PRIZE. ' j Now Drawing in the City of Augusta, un der the superintendance of lo TTaif "1 fA. Slaughter, B. R. R™. j W. W H,,,.,. t. i. wnAY, r - J lUOMPSON The Third Drawing p Will take place on the 9th November next. 5 03* Two drawings out of Nine are over, and there remain still undrawn, the truly splendid Capital of ; | ao,w*o # I 2,0,000, s nasroiis 1 Seventy Thousand DoWars \ j in $ i 0,000 —Ssooo—rS 1000, & SSOO , PRIZES. t And a large proportion of g 100 and gSO Pri zes—This is an almost unprecedented noli stale of the wheel, after the drawing of nearly one - fourth of the whole Lottery. ; SCHEME. J 1 Prize of $30,000 is 830,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 . 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 J 5175 Prizes, } _„„ ' t 12825 Blanks. 5 85 180,000 | 18,000 TICKETS at TES DOLLARS, J Leas than two and an half Banks to a Prize. The Prizes only to be Drawn. All the Prizes to be floating from the commencement , I except the following, which wi'l be deposited in ‘ Ute wheel at definite perioh, viz ; r ON TUu FIKS r DRAWING 1 prize of 10,000 & lof .500 , 2d. 1 prize of 5,000 & 1 of 1,000 & lof 500 3d, 1 prize of 10,000 8c I of 5,00 r _ 4th. 1 prize of 5,000 & 1 „f 1,000 & lof 500 I: sih. I prize of 10.000 k lof 500 6th. 1 prize of 5,000 k 1 of 1 000 k lof 500 - e 7th. 1 prize of 10,000 k I of 5,000 k 1 ot 500 a Bth. I prize of 20,000 k 1 of 1,000 k 2 of 500 'I 9th. 1 prize of 30,000 k 1 of 1,000 & 1 of 500 All Prizes payable thirty days after the com e pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduction ot f fifteen percent—if not appled for within twelve c months, to be considered a duiatlou to the funds 11 " of the Masonic Hall. TICKETS and SHARES may he yet had, in ' great variety of numbers at the original price at c BEERS ’ LOTTERY OFFICE, \ No. 241, BROAD-STREKT, AUGUSTA. Whole 'fickets, 810 00 Halves, 5 00 Quarters, S 50 Darien money will be received for Tickets, 0 p Orders for Tickets and Shares from any part nf the United Slates, enclosing the Cash, post paid, will the same prompt attention, as on personal application, if addressed to J. 8. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. ; October 18 33 I Dancing School. o -V|R. COI.MESNIL respectfully informs the iTi Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta and its vicinity, that his Dancing School will commence r _ as soon as he will have a sufficient number o( Scholars. Mis subscription list is opened for those who wish to patronize him ; and parents and guardians who wish to give private lessons to their children, * Mr. C. will attend yritli pleasure at their house, or any place of their choice. n l » The price of Tuition is to be paid on entrance, r e and further explanation will be seen on the eub- 1 scription list, tor night and day school. October 21 4t 54 Stephen D. Crane, ' 4 - '4ONTINUES the practice of the Law at Monti j ( cello, Jasper County, where he will punctual ly a'tend to any business confided to his care. Hi '■ also practices in all the other courts of the Oak ■ j mulgee circuit, and in several courts of the Flint and Northern circuits.—During his absence ai agent will be left to attend to the business us his office. ‘ Monti cello, July 27 mtf 10 Notice. J'klMß subscribers have connected themselves si in the practice of the LAW—they will uni - ■ formly attend all the counties of the Northern l( Circuity and the county of Franklin, of the Wes if tern Circuit, one of them will be generally found jP at their office in Elberton, where, they will take |* pleasure in transacting the business of those win 0 may be unfortunate enough to be involved in the ' Law< John A. Heard, Thomas J. Heard, i January 1, 1825 5 7 \ j iX oticc. I Qj* TLa Public arc Ties rlpectfully informed that (be undersigned h .v jtbia day commenced transacting the ViiOVINBiKSX AND Commission Easiness, UNDER TIIK FIRM OF STOVALL & FORD . At the Nbw Wabkhuusk, on Jackson street, oppo site Messrs, Win. Sims, Williams if Co. Their open and close Stores are now in good order fur the reception of Cotton and Goods. ' bev will he grateful for so much of public patronage, as a faith! il attention l to business may deserve. Pleasant Stovall, William P. Ford. October 1 4t -r 29 MA.WS # MUMAX HS. PR,ME hams and MID'LINGS', Just received and for sale by Thomas 8. Metcalf. ALS— O-150 Casks Stone LIME. October 14 32 DANCING ACADEMY. Mr. T. R. YayoWe’s School OPENS THIS DAY. MR. F. wishing to devote his whole tim .0 this Branch of Education, request those Barents who wish to confide their ch.Ulren to his care, to make immediate application, having many new and elegant Dances that he wishea to (each his Pupils Mr. F. will attend as usual in private Families and Seminaries when called for. For further particulars, apply at Mr. J. B. La fittf.’s next door to l)r. Turpin’s Store, Broad- Street. MUSIC LESSONS. c MRS. I. B. FAVOLLH, thankful for the en- 1 couragement heretofore received, informs a her friends and the community, that she continue.', giving lessons on the PIANO FORTE and SPAN ISH GUIIAR. Mrs. F. leaches her pupils the art of singing in the newest style.AArlyp r ly as in ' the above advertisement. October 18 St 33 MRS. WA LT liA^T, RESPEC TFULLY informs her friends and the young Ladies of Augusta that she will com. , mence giving lessons on the PIANO FORTE e and >n .MNGING, at her residence —or in private families as may heat suit die convenience of the pupils that may be entrusted to It. r care, fT 'Terms moderate, and made known on ap- " plication at her residence. Ueynold-street, first house below the Eagle Tavern- October 21 34 <i THE Subscriber baa removed to town and tak * en (he House in Green Slreet, lately occu pied by Judge Walker, deceased. He will ac c mimodate a few Gentlemen as day boarders, • and a few with rooms if desired. He has for Kent a House, upper end of Broad. Street, next to Malone & Go’s. Ware-House, well - calculated for* Grocery Store, and as a stand for 1 purchasing Cotton—which may be had if appli. 11 ed for immediately a great bargain. s forTsale. Sills and Plates of best heart pins. Benjamin Sims. October 25 3i 33 LY NIBLW ¥ACTDB.AtiE~; AND t Commission Business. 1 At h>s old stand in Savannah, near (lie Fort, an' 1 is prepared to make suitable advances upon all produce placed in his hands for sale. John Everinghara, jr. April 12 83 £?■ We arc authorised to an- ■ nounce Holland M fvnr.. Esq. a Candidate for the Office of Sheriff of Richmond County, at the ensuing election. October 25 & We are authorized to an j, nounce Ansklm Boor:, Esq. a Candidate lor Shed riff of Richmond County, at the election in Jan- , uary next. October 18 i2t T 33 HlinS. Prime New-Orleana Sugar. 2000 Bushels Salt. fob salk nr 1 Thomas M’Gran. ! October 28 3, 34 THE FOLLOWING OF THE MOST APPROVED FORMS j' May be had at this Office, —to wit : MARRIAGE Licences, do. Bonds, Adrr.inis tration do. Letters TeMamentary, dm cl Guardianship, do. of Administration, do. of A|i ' i raisement, do. Oismissory, Recognizances, Sub ' prenas, Bills of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Blank Deeds of Conveyance, Sheriff's Titles, Retail Li cences, Patroon’s Receipts, Mortgages, Appren tices’ Indentures, kc. kc. ' September 9 j V? Wanted at this office, a yon tig j ilad from 15 to 16 years of age. of industrious bab ts as an apprentice to the Printing Business. I1 " '• nri—ir» -,,.7. s- ML , ■ ff Tbe übscTibers ~lrr now reviving an extensive and wtll leveled assortment of Sfjorsi atoota, OF evkry description, ! —among which ara— -5000 W\v Bto lit ftlvoes f {)V 1 Xegroes. „•*" °'* hs . cS "T', '>"‘7 »'•>'• »«la low. «t their 2 SiQit, next djor below the Rank ' Lnko Reed & Co. TO RENT. M THE store recently occupied Ur. Ci.ahj.ks s. It mm, as a n„ ofc Store the him.,,| is an excellent one, and Kent moderate- Immediate nog. sessu '« will be given. —Apply a s above. ’ October 13 4 t ftugav, Coffee, ~&c7~~ .„ 200 Barrels do.’ do, H/U Pieces Hemp Bagging 1 , 50 do. Tow do, 3UOO Bushels Liverpool ground Salt, WITH A OFSKHAT. AsHOTITMKNT OF &®wmma 9 Oeiobgr 1. W - ' ,OStWi 7- apnE subscnbcr ...U give 12 12 cents per lb. rnJ pfive ‘bontand pounds best qual ty TAL be. S livered by the last day of January at Ins Manufactory, five doors below the market „ B. Payne. September 20 8» f * 2li TO bFrEN I'El) On a Building Lease, M THREE Lots, fronting Walk er and Watkins Streets, opposite to tbe Catholic Parsonage House. The Lots adjoin each other and will be et separately or all together, as mav be desired . , , w. W. Holt. September 22 Bov Sale or to Bent. 4nt . B ‘ B- HOPKINS offers to sell KHIH notsold by the first ofOctiber, the premises may then be rented, En quire of the subscriber on the Sand Hills, or of Leorge W. Warner, Esq. in Augusta. B. B. Hopkins* September 23 Mto he* i’. Two convenient Dwelling Houses and Lots, situated on near the residence of Anselm Bngg, Esq.—Pos session given on the first day of October next, APPLY TO G. Dillon. September 27 27 T7 TO HEIMT, ~ (i«8»l From the first day of October next, (or one year, the House and Lot on M'lu tosb-Street, where Mr. Patrick Kelly now lives. Apply to Robert 1). Ware or to Wm. W. Hob. Susan B. Ware. August 2 11 'charleston II II M»I JVIMIi STARE, HAS commenced running on the first iycln. her.—Apply for seals at the GLOBE TA VKRN—Fare fifteen Dollars. October 4 26t 29 Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Cotton Merritt, deceased, are requested to render their accounts in properly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted t» said estate will make immediate payment to Comfort Merrit, Jldmr’x. /Inrlce Comity, May 1825 13t T gi I £>' R. H. VVilde, requests those who may ha>e professional liuainess with him, do ling a short absence from Augusta, to call on ,T. W. Wiluk, who will he assisted by General Wm. W. lloi-T. j September 27 8t 27 |Trt&nki, Cols, JSlwttYesses, \j mbieWa’s l*araso\s. MADE AND REPAIRED. OT.f) Trunks taken in exchange if desired, China and Glass neatly mended on reasona ble 'enns. N. H. Horse Hides, Deer and Calf Skins, sntl Moss, bought by Joseph Roderick. Opposite the Jiichmond Hot L, Broad-street, October 14 1m 32