The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 04, 1825, Image 3

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/ ’Constitutionalist. , 4, 1825. Thk Anti-Georgians North and East of this will be sorely astounded at the news i of the re-election of Governor Troup. Thsy, finding their interposition in our matters treated with merited will ) exclaim against the hardiness m the ma jority in this State in running fall tilt, and that tOo in the face of their friendly cau tions, upon their own ruin. They will at tribute this signal success of the Republi can p.arty to the influence of the moon, to intrigue, corruption and an unhappy delu sion. But we thank our fortune that those politicians have never been criterions for ■ üß> an ,l we are confident that the applause of every good man will follow an opposi tion to the principles 7'f those who have de clared tha: the Republican party was “ the jscnm of the political pot,” ar| d that “it was unbecoming a moral and religious peo ple tp rejoice in the successes i's wur coun try over her enemits.” We ca.n teU them that Georgia has a Governor who vyiH with, pleasure lay down his life to support the Union for a single day,” hut who will a’t the same time oppose in extremis any vio lation of our rights as a free and indepen dent people, ami with firmness and mode ration support our just claims even if they are unpleasant or disagreeable to the pre sent Executive of the United States, its special agents, &c.—We doubt not but that the unanimity of our present Legislature in forwarding the good works of internal improvement, in the broadeat sense of the word, whether in the opening of Roads and Canals, or in the protection and patronage of Science, will utterly refute the opinion that has been attempted to be propagated abroad, that Georgia while she should be attending to things of infinitely greater im port, has been ruinously divided by internal political jarings and the bitterness of par ty spirit. The election over, the will of the people ascertained, the minority, we dare to Say, will be as forward to support the designs and exertions of the present Gov ernor, when directed to the welfare of the Republic as the majority itself, ami no op portunity will be lost by either party, to improve our internal condition and add to tin* happiness MP the oeonle. John C. Calhoun has been recently feasted at Columbia in Sbiitli-Carolina, and John Q- Adams, waited unon in Boston by ‘i* B personal and political friends: among .morn was that most inveterate of all Fed eralists Josiah Quincy. Mr. Adams vas more considerate than Mr. Calhoun, in that he saved his friends and admirers tie pain ful necessity of subscribing £ 5 f >r a dinner, a sum not to be disregarded in these times where the surest ate failing, and the price •f cotton at so low an ebb. —— ■■ . Canal Celebration —We iearti with much satisfaction that the Society of Hatters in tend to oiake a most splendid and numerous display at the approaching canal celebration. TViey will be joined by their I an from Brooklyn, and from several t in New Jersey. They are to have a stage drawn bv eight horses, and on it will be exhibited du ring the rout, all the various process by which these indespensihle article of conve nience requires its shapd, " its very form & pressure,” From the zeal ami spirit so early manifested by this respectable class of citizens, it is evident that they intend, on the present occasion, that the reputation of their profession shall be acknowledged as well as felt. [_Neiv York Advocate. Singular Law Sait,~~lt will be recol lected by our readers that at the July term of the court of common pleas, a suit was prosecuted by I. Danlorth against Lieut. J. O. Battles, to obtain payment for the powder used in firing a salute on the re ceipt of the intelligence of the election of Piesident, and that the jury could not agree upon a verdict. Ihe case was again tried at the October term, ami a verdict obtained; for the defendant. We do not pretend to doubt the integrity of the jury : but it seems! to be a hard case, that neither Jacksonites nor Adamites will pa y, and that Mr Uan lorlh must lose the expense of the powder. Ihe proverb, Those who dance must pay] the piper, seems, in this case, to be rever set * [Boston Courier. Jj^ameb, At Vlbauv, HEN'RV n HlTNTh’li * “■« REBECCA EDEN, of that city! Mr X ' f Wra trov'" in f ,h ' s ci, y- ""J hur ' a »y i7lh uil. ItiS ag-« ” son of Mrs. Aim feox, to the 23d year of Irish Y oAwulesra \ \ I APPEAR on your Parade fir uni, on Green. - street on SATURDAY, ttie slh inst. at half 3 oast 2 ' ’clock, P. M. in winter uniform, agreea . ble to the bye law- of the Company. . fly order of Capt. OORMICK, , ‘ Rayfield, O. S. 3 November 4 It 38 C HA niLTOJV RfFLKMKX ! ! A!' CRN!) a Company Meeting, on TUESDAY EVENING, the Btb iirt. n' 7 o’clock, at th • C 'tnpi |, iy’ s Room, prepared to settle your quarter ( ty diis. and to elect a treasurer, Secretary, and on cominiwioned officers for the year ensuing. I By order of Lieut. Gould, | t Grant, 0. S. N ivemb-r 4 2' 38 HEORGIJ BL UES ! ! A VAR on yrur Parade Ground, in front of Presbyterian Churchy TO MORROW a' .10 . A. M. i rmed and equipped, prepared to' .Or the M»dai. 1 By order of Capt. M Kfbn, t Kay ford, 0. S. > 'November 4 t* f I r ; & The VlcmfV rs °f the Augusta ! SUNDAY SCHOOL UNi’h'N, are requested to I attend,a special mce'ing c’f Ibe Society at the ,L c» room, over the Free School, this kvkw. ing .. o’clock. 1 Board of Managers are particularly re. |", : -d to attend at the same time,’. * s aome bo ■st 'ess of importance will be before l.h “ Society, 3 la general attendance is requested. . I Hy request of the President, l' J. Mann, Sec’ri/. November 4 It 38 Engine iVo. 5. S MTIPi members are notifi-d to attend at their 8 1 Engine House, on MONDAY next, at 4 o’ clod, P. M. to elect a Lieutenant in room o; e Wm. H. Egan, resigned, November 4 It 38 e THE ; kkdifisil 9 0 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T —. 9 O thifl Tiatobllei) 11 nr mi in Building formerly called the BRIDGE BANK f the subserber respectfully solicits the attention ] and patronage - f his friends in the country, and in the city s and nf all others elsewhere, whose 1 sunporf is worthy to be desired, w He tenders assurances that its accommodations a-e agreeably calculated to be a comfortable rest ing nlnce for single travellers, and for families : 5 ard for comlant boarders, a quiet and a pleasant . bt me. charges will be as reasonable as those rs an 1 . - house nf similar conveniencies, and of equal res jiectabilily. John M‘Bryde. N ivetrb r 4 4t 38 n o TO RENT, pIMI. A- commodious Dwelling 1 tlouss on Hon iton.street, b tween Green and El ■ lis s'ree's, containing four Rooms and in each i Room a fire-place—Enquire at the pr< mis-s or of R. K. Reid. - i Nsvemher 4 38 Notice to tJieAitors. . T? ' 7 will please to take notice that I shall ap- I- gly to the Honorable ths Inferior Court ol Richmond county, at thrir next regular term in December, for the benefit of thv several acts o( A - be Legislature of the State of Georgia “ for the 0 i r lief of insolvent debtors and lieircrfH.'nrs.” w Chauncy Bradley. 0 i November I, 18?5 3! f 3 .1 p —*— 1 Noti.’e. 4TIHREE pieces of fine black Sin-diews being ■»* lately taken (rum a pad. age of dry goods in Hamb mg, and-deposed to bare been or will be fl’ered tor sale in Augus-a; whosotv.r slops meiD, or will discover the person offering them r for sale, shall receive a reward of Five Dollars. |, and the thanks of the owhier, who is apo r man, Co nmunications addressed to K. .1. Hamburg JJ Post-Office, will be thankfully received. b e November 4 2*l 38 v _____ 0 fcA ij A j ° i®D<l)D BUSHELS (or Sale in lots to sni I) iPut-cha-crs —Apply to jj Ralph Ketchura. h November 1 oi t/ „ Administrator’s Sale. JJ BY ortler of the honorable the Inleri' r Court, a will be sold at the Market House in the Citi j ( o! Augusta, on the fi st l uesday in January next, belw-en the usual hours : . Two Slaves, viz. Roxina & Har- " ry, belonging to he Estate of the late John La rut hers, arid sold (or the benefit of the heirs and creditors. R. H, Wilde, Jtdm’r. November 4 p d 38 r ; InAfeAiurfcs r *■ ! c< For sale at this Office . IH THE NEW LINE OF '' rMb'&Kimtr i■■ frt. i ;ri- »* Between Augusta and Charleston, 19 N.,\v 19 COMPLKTB OiI UKII. HOUSES are fine, and the Drivers care -I hil; and lhe proprietors pledge themselvs thatnothing shall be wanting that will render con venience to the passengers. Ihe Stages wdl leave Augusta, every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o'clock, A. M ; and arrive in Charles on in less than two d ys. PARE through, gl2 30 cents. Fur seats, an ply at the CITY-HOI EL. Edward Bjrd, John Uamlolph. November 4 fit ;,;t BACON and FLUUkT a© 9 ®D® I BS. Baltimore BACON, ofa superior quality, ! 50 Barrels superfine Flour, Haxall’s Brand, 50 do Baltimore Moward-street do Just received, a -.d for sale by the subscriber, at No. 3H, nmun-sTR£ET. Jacob Moise. ' TixpecVeA this Day, Prime Gosi en Butter, Rce, Sperm and Tal low Candles and Buck Wheat Flour. November 4 38 AWDVIMDH AND C OMMISSI OJ\r STOU E, No. 325, BROAD-STREET. rHE Subscriber continues to transact the AUC TION and COMMISSION BUSINESS. And will make liberal advances on Cons gnments. A. Hues;. October 21 34 NEW CLOTHING. jp. sahraas IS OPENING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING, Which it made up in a -workman-like manner, and »J the buts materials ; jRI.UE and Black superu’ie Orest Coats, Do. do. 2d Quality, Bute, Claret, Olive and Pat,-'*n’s gray mixed frock Coats, Blue and Drab Box Coats, Coatees of different qua l ies, Youths’ biue Sit'd black Coats, Cassimere and Ci'dh Pautalaond, of almost any colour and prices, Sattineit, Corderoy & pin me -bang dp . do. Blue and black cloth V.'vts, French, India & English 5.1 k Vests, S Ik Velvet ... do. Great variety of Fancy do. Linen, Colton, Frilled and Plain rfhirts, (somt. very fine,) Knitted, Cotton and Worsted Drawers, Worsted and Lamb’s wool knitted Shirts, Fine flannel Shirts and Drawers, Ladie.-.’ Cloak-, Tartan and Camblet do. Fearnought great Coats, Silk Umbrellas, Boy?,’ and Mens sea'-skin Caps, Gentlemen and Youth’s Hals, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. ALSO. House servants Coatees and Pantaloons, Negro Jack' t- and 'Browsers, Check’d, strip’d, and coa-se linen Shirts, 1 Guernsey Frocks, 1 Red flannel Shirts. k THE ABOVE GOODS Will be disposed of wholesale and retail, a o New York prices. 9 No. 234, BBOAD-STHKKT, Three doors above the Post Office. October 21 34 OIVIiiESIJ, No. id. 55anft &tate of Georgia, 1 ‘■avannah, 2ls'. October, 1H25. lIHE Board of Directors having THIS DAY. declared a Dividend of six per cent, per Annum, or g 3 per Share, on the Capital Stock }f this Bank, for the last six months, the same whl be paid to the respective Stockholders there as, or to their order, on and alter Tuesday next. Jiy order of the Hoard, A. Porter, Cashier. 1 October 28 3t ''36 I, Warning to the Public'. * A LL persons are advised to be upon * /V their guard against I)h. Elihu Lee » Caiu ledge, who has recently left an amia- a hie wile and three small children, and elo- * ped with another woman. He had been employed by his aged father (who is up r wards of 80 years of age) to collect a sum r of money, amounting to 2,400 dollars, all s of which belong to orphans ; which lie has K embezzled and fled with, leaving a great many contracts and debts unsettled. He * is about 29 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches it high, of a spare make, very active, large s nose, and a man of remarkable forward i manners. It is possible he may try to im pose himself upon some Jphristian Church, as he has a letter from the Baptist Church " in South Carolina to join such others as he wishes.—May the innocent and unsuspect r ing escape his villainy. Ayres Cartledge, James Cart ledge, jr. November 1 2t f 38 IC?“ The editor of the Charleston Cou ier, will publish the above twice (once a h week for two weeks) and forward his ac- tt :ount to the Post-Office, Columbia Court- House (Ga.) fur payment. iX'SOTtSI'iX Masonic LOTTERY. TWO DRAWINGS OVER!! And all the CAPITAL PRIZES Hill undrawn except one g 100 U pri/,e. Never was there such a chance for making a FORTUNE!!! XcxA WcAncsAa^, Ihe 9di November, The Third Drawing WILL TAKE PL ICE, Some of toe valuable Prises then to be placed in the wheel may be losi be delay. (tT* TICKETS may be hud lor the present at die original price at RF/ER.®’—liotifcry Office, No. 241, Bruad.Stieet. WHOF.E TICKETS, «10 00 HALVES, 5 00 QUARTERS, 2 50 j. 8. tteers, Secretary to the Commissioners. Sept. 4 3; THE HOWARD INSURANCE VO, OPA.YF, &eto'gork Incorporated hy the Lcg.ilatilre of the State of JVriv Fork, far the purpose of Insuring Rouses and other Rniidings, merchandise And other personal Property AGAINST LOUS OR- DAMAGE BY AND ALSO, To Insure against the He i di of Inland Naviga tion or Transportation Capital S 800,000, Whifih haa all been paid in CASH, and the pub lie may rely with confidence upon the whole sum being alwava available to meet its engagements. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above Company will, in its name, Inaun against Loss by Fire and Hazard of Inland Navi gation, on as favourable terms as can be done in this city- A. C fun field, Agent for Howard Insurance Company. N, B. Persons living in the country can hav» Insurance effected by addreasi ig the Agent, giv ing a description of the premises to be insured 1 Tost paid Augusta, Oct. 25, 1825 35 ia ( THE MECHANIC’S FIRE Insurance Company, NEWARKj NEW-JERSEY, £ HAVE spp limed tile Subscriber their Agent who will receive proposals for INSURANCE against FIRE, and the Ri-ka of Inland Navigation, on the most liberal terms, at Nr. 269, Broad f Street, Augusta. Janie* Harrison, Agent. October 28 is c 36 JAMES 7 APJDO Ws/ILL. « Has removed to the corner Store, in it Kenzik & Bkiskoch’s Brick Building, x C Corner of Broad and Campbell’s Sleets ) \ WIURE UK IS VOW RECEIVING, ’ Ar. extensive and well assarted supply of — I' fall and winter ®SXSMD3 9 V AMUKO WHICH AUK— I. LONDON Duffl-t and Rose Blankets, Red, a white, and green Flannels, white Plain, and 0 Heavy Cassmetts, for negro clothing, super blue, i ulack and tnix.ura Cloths and Cassimeres. black „ and blue mixture Satineits, Carolina and Scotdi Plaids, blue Camblets, Hosiery assorted, plait A and figured Uombaz Us, Prims assorted, Linens and Lawns, bird eye and Prussia Diapers, 4 i n and 6 4 Cambrics assorted, plain and figured b ,ok u and Swiss Muslins, Jaconet and Mull do, ric; W figured clack and colored Silks, super biack Its liatt Lustring and Leventine Silks, green 11. |> rence do Canton and Nankeen Crapes, figured o robe Dresses, Barege (or Ladies Dresses, (baud ~ some patterns.) Peruvian Dresses, Gauze Hand 0 xerchiefa and Scarfs, Scarlet, blank Merino and P Cassimere Sb»wis, black Bumbi z»en«, Ladies / and Gentlemens Gloves, Linen Cambrics ami J Linen Cambric Hanakeidhh ft, thread and 80l inett Laces, Uobinett Veils and Tippets, Clark’s spool Cotton. It Domestic Goods Assorted, tyc. itfe. a and DAU.r txrtit r ro itbcsivc, Large Tortoise elmll, Tuck and sole Combs, mock Shell do. Looking Glasses as orted, silk Umbrellas and Parasols, he, he. Winch are offered at low prices, wholesale oi retail for CASH or approved Paper, October 21 4t r 34 i TO RENT ~~ H THE upper Tenement in the Brii'ge Bank, occupied by R. H ( ] vy'inuE, Esq. The Ho tae on Bllis-street, lateh ti in the poasesaion of Mr. J. S, Coombs—Appl, It to Samuel Hale. October 18 5t 33 5 M’OOWAIA. & "RtSTB, HAVE removed into the Hrick lluiMiiir n O.i up. In 1). (up stairs.) homed aicly in the rea of M.Kitftzia <> Bkvioch’s ’ftpfck Buildhinf,"hn Broad-a<ri%t| ofthr tluir remaining STOCK GOODS, fiy Wholesale, at rcireiA’ly Imti price), for CM or '/'own (icirp ntiirt on/u Country Slercnsiits and ,tliers will find it much o their interest to call, as it is intended t» close the concern as early us possible. I'he• fulh-mittg combines ,he assortment lii part ; BALKS ejiira »u;.er heavy London Duffle, Point and udae Blank its. 2 Hales (Kay Si Sons) super White Plains, 7 8 wide k 22 Pises red. whitA aid yellow Flannels, 40 Piece* plain and ired black Bomb zetts, Black, bln-, drab and olive, double » id s.n gle m,I.M Clothes and Caasimeres. Bine, crimson amt lie's ro it Pelice Cloths, Mcv.’s, woolen’s aid boy's white, black and mined lambs wo. I, wefaL-'d an i cotton Until ry, Tbe above Woollens were imported last No. vfmbdf, and are ol uprrior quality, and much lower charged than those imported this Fall. also— S 5 4 i, 54, 64, 7 4 and fi 4 black, plaid and * ” Merino Shawls, winch will be sold hy t ie si gle, at first oust. Ifb) Pieces Irtish inipoi ted 4 4, 5 4 and 6 4 Cam brics Book, Leno and Mull Muslins, TOOETHKH Will! A OKIVEII AI, ASNOIITMKNT OF Cotton Uoods, Sft. #c. Ociobcr 11 ls ' 3 Edwauo F. Campbell, A Phi«a. M.’ Collooe. [tN EQUITY, et. al. ) South-Carolina, Edgefield District. IN obedience to an order of the Court of Equity, will be sold at Hamburg, South- Carolina, on the slh day of December next, 1 on a credit of one, two ami three years, with ihterest from the date, all that “Tract or Plantation of Land, lying at the junc tion of Horse Creek and Savannah River, and within two miles of Augusta, contain iig ... acres, be the same more or less. The purchaser will be required to give bond and security with a mortgage of the premises, to pay in cash the cost of suit and for a title deed. Whitfield Brooks, Commissioner in Ei/uitu. Edgefield, C. H. ) , 28ih Oct. 1825. ( Ftd 38 |C7* For the evidences of title and a more particular discription of the land, ap ply to B. F. Campbell, Augusta. ~ Sheriff’s Sale. fVill be sold on the first Tuesday in Janu ary next, at the Market-House, in the ci ty °f Augusta, between the usual hours ’ of sale:— Four ffegrocs, viz. Rachael, Toney, Bris td and Ruse, levied on as the property of A, Rhodes, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the fore closure of a mortgage, Thomas Gumming vs. said A. Rhodes. n ALSO, The following Negroes,.viz. Charles Gil bert. a man, Nancy a woman, Gabriel and William children, Jinny a woman, Biddy, Alfred, Sarah, Phoebe, arid Ann Eli/.a, chil- Iren ; levied on as the property of A. Rhodes, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclo sure of a mortgage, Anderson Watkins vs. said A. Rhodes. Peter F. Boisclair , Sh'Jf a. c. November 1, 1825. r td 38 Sale. fPill be sold on the first Tuesday in De cember next, at the toUrt-House door, in Waynesborough, Burke county, within sale hours : One Negro man, named Nelson, levied im as the property of Robert E. Brodnax, to satisfy sundry fi, fas. from a Justices Court of said county, at (he suit of James Anderson against Stephen W. Blount, and Robert E. Brodnax. also, Three Negroes, viz. Luce, Susan and Elizabeth ; levied on as (lie property of Lewis Byne, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from t Court of said county, at the suit d L B. Marsh, Executor of Jane Bennet, leceased, against Lewis Byne, Richard Byne and Administrator ol Redding D. Bryant. also, One Jack, levied on as the property of Bawls, to satisfy an Execution in favour of Bawls. also, Thirty-five Acres of Land, more or less, )eing the interest of Henry J. Holliday in 200 acres ol land, adjoining lands of Sime >n Lowery and others, levied on as the pro perty of Henry J, Holliday, to satisfy two ft. fas. in favor of Ezekiel Inman. ALSO, Oue Hundred Acres of Land, adjoining lands of Henry Crew and others, levied on is the property of Arthur Royals, to satis ry a fi- f a - in favour of William Ligon. Jbo T. Forth, a. b. c. October 28, 1825 f 38 GLUUGIA, Columbia County. WHEREAS Mr*. Anna Slke», applies for Let ters ol Adminis ration on the Estate of H< my Sikes la l e of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all »nd singular, the kindred and creditor* of the a u ,d leceayed, to be and appear at my office, w'tbin he time prescribed by law, to file their obj r ions (it any they have) to shew cause why ssiii etters should not be granted. G.vcn under my hand at office, in Columbia, this 30th day of Octobe , 1525. 38 H. Crawford, Clk,