The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 04, 1825, Image 4

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Monthly . idvertimment a. ]S < dice. ■VfIN m nths after date, applicaluon will be made lithe Honorable the Inferior Court of Ifchmond county, while silting fur Ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell a Loi in the. City of Augu*- t», I) mnded by Kilts and Houston-streets belong ing to the eata'c of Michael Silvers deceased, foi the b-tn» fit ofth? li-ira and credi' os of 5..-l estate Andrew .1. Dill, adm'r. Nathan Leeds, adm’r. vi right iif hit wife Mary Leeds, adm’rx. .I’l nmhi. Fr unary It, 182.5 lm9m Notice. NINK months after date, application will be made to ■ In- Honorable the Justices of «lie* Inferior Court of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, (or leave lo nidi the real K.tale of John Gettings, lain of said counfv, de cet'ud, for the heirs and creditors of said dc ceased. John Gettings, adm'r. April 12, 1825 lnm9 87 N otice. SVTINK months after date, application will b" ] ] mule to the Honorable the Inferior Court nfC'dumbia county, for to <ll a tract of I,and in ssid county of 105 I 2 acres, joining 1 Murray, Ray and others, if being part of the real state of William IJmioii, deceased. Peggy, Minion, adm'rx. Ms- r l ’ 1 1. 182 * ni!)*<ii 75 N otice. CNI’NE months after date, application will b< IX't iiriif.: to the. Honorable Hie Justice* ot the luf'ti Mi Court of said county, when sitting for . Ur finary purposes, for leave to sell the whole of •he reai Estate of Irvin Muyet, deceased, Into o! sai l county, lor the benefit of the heirs and ere i ditur.s of said deceased Jan.™ Latnlierl. ? Mn , ry Edward Moyet, ) Mi riv n f'oiinl‘l 1 . i, 'j' (835 Irr.'t n 68 Notice.. V IN'R months after late, pplicaiion ■ .f -> ■ i. '4 made ti. the (Join t of Ordinary of Fra * m ;; County, for I ’uve to sell one hundred Acres of u Liud, in County, as the property of Adamj' I,inn, deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors ot aid deceased Join. E. (Jars tn, adm'r. J**'lii .rv 1 ° 1 ; ’ i lni6 n 68 ,N oticc. N'INK month* after date application will h made to the Honorable Inferior Court ot Columbia County, when setting «s a Court of Or dinary for leave to II 282 1-2 acres of I.and ty iijr in the 2d Hist net of Monroe County, Lot No. 208, it being tfie real estate of William Smalley; deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of the I heirs and creditors of said de> eased. j Jamofs Smalley, Adm’r. |a January 4 t 8 ‘5 lm9m 57 I __ j N otice. 1 X2JQ INK. months after date, application will h. ( <SSI made to the Justice* of tin- I •<• rior Court ‘ ot Scriven County, when sitting lor Ot-li;. .rj J purposes, for leav. ; . soil a rer'.iin tract of I and cannoning two Iviudrt'd acres being .tt the coun tv at.resaid, belonging to the Estate of Caleb Howell, deceased, f.p the benefit of thr Heir? ami creditors of the mid deceased. Mahaltt Howell, Jdm’x. , June 1 i, 1825. Im9m 108 i N oticc, ■\T INK months after dale, application will hr I IN nvidi to the Justice* of the Inferior Cour of Frankli i C'.unty, win"' aiding for Ordinary purposes, for Ivavie to rail (be real Instate tis Da* i vi<l Clark, deceased, fur the heirs and creditor. . of said deceased. Tims, Mays, ex’r. 1 April 12, 1825 ImUm 87 N otice. N INK months after dale, application will be mode to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Burke County, when sitting fop Ordinary i tir poses, for leave t-< sell the real estate ot W rilcy , Hanberry, (Minor,) deceased, fi>r the benefit of , die heirs and creditors of said deceased. Joiitt. Lew is, adm'r. Burke county, March 7, 1825 lni9in 57 N otitlfe. SkSjflNK months after dale, application will be si's made to the Justices of the Inferior Court of Franklin County, when silling for Ordinary pur ' isea, for leave u> sell tlie real estate ot Star ling I’ructor, a 1! nor, James 11. Haley, Guardian, April 12.1825 lm9m 87 i N ot it P. ORfINK months diet dale application will be vIJ made to the Hjiu-rahle the Inferior Ccurt of Uurke County, when s iting (or Ordinary purpo sen, for leave to s If the real estate of William Knight, late of s.».d Cuun.y, deceas 'd. W . I), Harrison, Adm'r. Burke county. Sent. 10, 18J5 lni9m 21 I A otice. jV, r INK me . hb after date, application will be 1 i s made lo the Inferior C urt of Krauklui coun l», when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to at tlie Heal F,.state oi Jacob Stricklvd, deceased for tlie benefit of the Heir* ot said deceas' d. Hartly Strickland, I'.x * • July 1.1825 lII> ■» a I N oticc. ChjJINF. mumlia after date, appli vuiou wol b< J, 2 made to tlie Homo able the Justices of tlv Inferior Ccurt of -Scriven Coonty, wit n sitting | for Ordinary purposes, lor leav to ••»*! a certau tract nr p ■ lof l. nd Mi 'a.iilo, <>v j but... two and a i half sere . lying a d bftip in the lliirleem It it .net of Henry County, Gs .id know i Ji. (iUguished in die pU.i of san Uistrict by the numoer eighty, (Hi;) ’.lie whole of tl> i > d Kstate if Sarah Callaway, dscessul, Sat* ot said County, for lbs bent fit of the Heir, and ns of sail deceased. Samuel Dougltty, adm'r. Striven Coumi,\ Vt b, 25. lb 5 ln\9 72 VW'k. wuu Vv’inVvns:, A'tally Executed at thin < I u. NOTICE. N r |NR months after date, application will bt made to tlie Honorable Court of Ordinary ol Columbia County, for leave to sell two tracts oi (.and in said county, lying on Greenbrier Creek, inn containing 318 acres joining Pollard, Ptillin rnd others, the other containing 172 acres joining (.ok" and others, it being a part o( the real estate if Thomas Jones, deceased, sold for the benefit >f the heirs of *«id deceased. William Booker, Adm'r. In right of his wife. , January 25, 1825. Im9m 61 Notice. OSjflNB months after date, application will be ii''l made to the Honorable the Court of Ordin try of Burke county, for leave to sell the real Kr tatc of Knocli Fannef’, deceased. John Farmer, adm'r Hurler Coin i 1.. 1, 18‘25 Im9m 65 Notice, N INK mouth* sfter, application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Scriven county, while sitting for Uidinary purposes, for leave to sell, all that traid nr parcel of Laud, containing one thousand acres f more or let*J situate, lying and being in the county aforesaid, on which is a Saw and Gris' Mill—the being a part of the real estate ot fame* I* mder, deceased, for the purpose of mak ing a division among the Heirs of tlie said de ceased. George Robbins, Adm'r. sc Ur in her 1825 li-ib-n 27 N otice. h v t|lNE months after date, application will be !«• * ma it* to the Honorable die Inferior Court, of Burke (;oiinty, wln-n sitting for Ordinary purpo •es, for leave to sell (lie nnilivi led part of tfte real Kstate of Lew Kmanuel, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors - i raid deceas ,td. Jona. Lewis, Surviving Jhlnnnittralor !e bonis non. Ilnrlee ronniu, March 7, 1825 l-r.'J’n 7 N otice. |\ri.KF, months date, application wiil be II *1 tri vie to the Honorable the. Justicca «i tlie !. .leri'u Court of Scriven county, for leave to *eil, tliO whole of liio real <- tale (.1 Levi How ; i”d, decen ied, late o! Scriven county, for the be in (it of the Iteir i and credit’rs of the said dc- I ceased. Kli/.abeth Howard, Adinr'x. Srptemlv-r 20 1823 Jm9m 27 SUFGKfi* t CU'JIt I , May Term 1.(25. lisrs How !.'■ Mortgage, j Petition for lore I u | cloture. William Fullstr, mim nistratm' j ot Charles li alle, deceased, ( ... . ~ and John W Uealle and r •' V7A/ - Hezekuah Bealleand others, heirs of the sa d Challes, & a tract of Land, J Ul’ON the Petition of Hays Dowdre, praying tne foreclosure of the Equity of Redemption in and to a certain Tract or parcel of Land, silt *t, lying and being in the county of Richmond, and Slate of Georgia, on both sides of Butler’s Creek, containing even hundred acres, more or less, known as Beall’s miU tract. Bounded on the cast by land belonging to ssid IV.wdre and others, southwardly by Lig n’s land, and northwardly by lands belonging to Robert Crawford or his heirs, a hlch said land whs mortgaged by said Charles Uealle in his life ti ue to the .1 (lays N.iwdrc, on the fifteenth day ot April, in the year of out Cord 1821, to secure (be payn-enl < • » romiss ry Note signed by sail) I ,at tea, for the sum of nine hundred ami seventy seven dollar .. and io< the firat day of January last, and the interest ilu night accrue thereon j and the sum of nine bun Ired and seventy-seven dollars, and interest from the first day of January last, being now due on mid in rrtgage Nov to wit, at May Term, 1825. On motion, of John F. King, sttorney for Peti tioner, it is ordered by the Court, that the prin ciple, interest and costs, due on smd mortgage be paid into Court within twelve months from the dale hereof, or from henceforth the Equity at redemption will be forever barred and fore closed, and the mortgaged premises sold in term* t'f the law, ,linl it it further ordered, That a copy of this (fide be published in one of (he public Gaaetto of the City of Augusta, at least once a month un-1 ti) the time appointed for payment, or served! upon the Ueprescnial'ves and Heirs of the said j Churle .. at least six months previous to tlie lime he money iu directed to be paid. True extract from the minutes, James M‘Laws, Cleric. June 7. 182,5. Iml2m 99 GEORGIA, Hurl County. Hy the lion, the Court of Ordinarc of taid County TO AU. WHOM IT MAI CUN’CEHN. \\J HKUBAS Stephen Boyd and Elijah Altaway, ’• Administ .itor* of John Sikes, deceased, ap plies for letters Uismistnry. Nnvv therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the clerk of this Court, on or to fore the first Monday in December next otherwise letters dismiss'iry will be granted. Witness the Honorable James Torrance, one of the Justices <>• said Court, this sih July, 1825 6tn Samuel Sturges, Cleric of the Cow l of Ordinary [ (sF.OIU.IA. Scriven County. I tor of the F,stale of Joseph Coughron, de e of sanl county, (with the Will annex ed) appl es for letters Dismissnry. flu-s. arc tlierc'iire to cite and : ,lmoi'ish ali and singular, the kindred ami creditors of the j .aid dm eased, lo he and appear at my office vit! .ii the time prescribed by law, to file their j 'f.jcotums, fit any they have) to shew cause j why ;' iid letters should not be grained. ' i. . i under my hand and pr .»te seal, there hi i ig no seal of offite. iiiti Sealjorn Gootlall. , hfintioro' sth day of Oct. 182 S 31 . BA, C unihiaCounty. '%T I! ‘I KAS it.-on': Cation, ha- applied foi i 1 U'ttera of Oismlssovy on tb* estate o i t .tv, <1 I'ankersloy, deceased, late ot sail I county, Th.-st *re therefore to cite and, ...Imoniah si • and singular (he kindred and crcddors of th* said 1 . sse" t.v be and .pipes at my office within the time prescribed by law > file thei i’"r, : ■, (if ant they havei to shew cause win as 1- i t■! nnisaorv should n't i>e granted, v i in ■’< r my hand at office, in Columin 'ids Ist day of April, 1825. ()iu G, Jones, I). CVk, GECIORA, Richmond County. t . By the Honorable the Court cf Ordinary of th ( < County of Jiichmond >i To all whom it may concern. ” Nathan H. Beal, administrator " SWr <Je bonis non, on the estate of Hezekiaj Heal, deceased, late of (mid county, has appliei p to this Court top l etters Dismissory, ff' These arc therefore to cite and admonish 'ai snd singular the kindred and creditors of tin said deceased, hie their objections (if any the; ’■ have) in the uffice of the Clerk nf »aid Court o nr before ti e frit Monday in November next otherwise J.etir ■ Dismissory will be granted t him. t Witness the Honorable oamuel Hale, one o the ,Judg'-s, of said Court, this l‘2th day o f April, 1825. Hm Isaac Herbert, CVk. Os th'• ( •url of Orflitw" GEORGIA, Jticrmotu . County, fly th - How Ib'.e it: Court of Ordinary of eui Counlv. e t t i ali. whom, it Mil courr.ns. U \/iTIIi4HEAS Kebecca T. Baldwin, and Willlar i ft J, Hobby, Administratrix and Advniniatra [) tor on the F.-.tate of Augustus Baldwin, decoct n ed. have applied to said Court for I,elvers Dis it missory. it Now therefore these, are to cue and admonish al . and singular, the kindred and creditors of th said decease d, to file their objections (if any the; have) in the office of the Cleik of this Court, oi o'before the first Monday in Msy next, other wise Letters Dismissory will he granted to them, Wiincsa the Honorable Samuel Hale, one o the Justices of the said Court, this 21st da of October, 5 D. 1825. I 6 m Isaac Herbert, CVk . Os the Cow t of Ordinary GEURUIA, Jiurkc County, tty the Honorable the Conn of Ordinary of Bn"*. County. ■ To all whom it may concern. WiiT.iUSAS William Sapp . id Phenicy Sapp ad minis tin, ;or ,oul adm rii.lratrix, on 11»« Instate <>f Philip Sapp, late of stud county, d,- neaied, ha- "died to this Court for letters Dis rr.iEsory. I ii, o r r t lerefore to cite and admonish all nd drigul; t‘- kindred Mid creditors el the wtc ! !,cessed, io file their objections (it anv they have) in it ' office of the Clerk of said Court, o" or before 'lie first Monday in January next, other wise letters Dismissory will be granted to them. ; Witness the Honorable Atton Pemberton, one ] of th. i of said Court, this /lb March 1825. ’ t j Satvitri i. Sturges, CVk. Of'hr Court f Orrli iwy GriMIKL J.A, Jfurke County, By the Hon the Court of Ordinary of said Count} to AI L ATOM JT MAX CONCEHV. WHFREA* Junes Anderson, Executor of the Estate ■ Elisha Anderson, deceas’d, ar ns l estimienisry Guardian of Virginia C. Ande son, has applied to said Court for le'ters Distuis sory. Now therefore, these arc to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, .o file their objections (if any they nave) in the office of the clerk of this Court, or or before the first Monday in January next, other wise letters dismissory will be granted. Witness the Honorable James Torrance, ore of the Justices of said Court, this 2d Muv, 1825 (5m Samuel frturges, Clerk weorrlv, n nr.tee Cmuiitj. tty Iht Hon, tie Court of Ordinary of laid Count’/.] 11l ALL WHOM IT 51 AT COHCEttS, lariiKHBAS Abraham Dmforth in righto! ff his wfe, and Augustus H Anderson, ad ministrators on the esiate ot Elialia AmVraon. deceased, hive applied to said Court for letters Dismissory. Now therefore, these are to cite and admon iah all and ungular the kindred and creditors oi the sai'l deceased to file their objectsion (if »nj they hue) in the office of the clerk of this C-mr on or befire the first Monday in January nex., otherwise letters dismissory will b« granted, Witnest the Honorable James- for rtf me, one of the Justices ot said Court, this 7t v day, of March, 1825. tN Samuel Sturges. Clerk of the Court of (udinaary GEORGIA, tturkr • tty the (fan. the Co, t of Ordinary of oaid County to ALL WHOM IT MAI CONCKBW. »VT 'JERK AS Elijah Dyne, and Enoch Byne, Tv administrators on the estate of William Byne, late of Burke, deceased, have applied ti. said Court tor Letters Dismissory. Now therefore, these are to rite and admonish all am) singular the kindred and creditors o( the iaul deceased, to file their objections (if any they ' have) in the office nf the Clerk of this Court, on or before the first .Monday in January next, other 'wise Letters Dismissory will be granted. 1 Witness the Honorable Alexander J. Lawson, one of the justices of said Court, this 2d May, 1825. td Samuel Sluices, CVk. Os the Court of Ordinary. ) GEORGIA, fiertve l County. WHEREAS nrgt Pollock. Administrator with the will annexed, of the Estate ot [ William Boothe, deceased, and also administrator ot the Estate of Mary Boothe, deceased. Ami William H. Wade, administrator tie rants non ol the Esiate of George M. Henderson, deceased, each applies for letters Dismissory. These sre therefore to cite and admonish al U and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased’s, to file their objections in this of fire, on or before the first Monday in August * next, ensuing, to shew cause (if any they have) why letters Dismissory should not be granted t< the applicants. Given under my hand at office in Jackson bo 1 1 hi* 28th day of January, 1825. 8m Swilbß !1 I ’Vk. - GEORGIA, ,SV tiren County jqrWHEUK AS lln s. W t--liver, Administrate It j yfj of the elate ■ >1 ■ fleet -. and James Ul. diver, deceased, late -of County, applies Io d | letters Dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish si I and •;-.~v;lar (lie kindred and creditors ot th , -aid dvee i-ed, to lii- their objections . d any the; . liave) in the office of the Clerk *>: said Court, o ii r before the first Monday in November nexi i) itbcrwire letters Dism-ssory will be granted t . iblm. ’• Given under my hand at office in Jsckaonbc roligti, this 25th day of April, 1325. (im SeabornGootlall. CVk. GEORGIA, F. anklin county, he WHERE AS James H. Little and Samuel Shan f » ing, applies for l etters Dismissory on the es'ate of William M’Cracking, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all r, md singular the kindred and creditors of the ill said deceased, to hie their objections in my of ?fS, lice, fcitl In the time prescribed by law, to shew t;4ua©- (if any they have) why said letters Dis if mjs’o.y should not be granted to them, ve I Given under my hand at. office in Franklin., this ■3 - fth day of March, 1825 IM 6in Frederick j Beall, CVk. :t,j Executor's Sale. ■I I THURSDAY the 15th December uext, * will be sold at the Plantation of the laG Col, Nicholas Win*, ofi I/Mtie River, in Colum bia county, the Corn and Fodder and other pro ry visions made there tl.e present season, all the .'arming utensils belonging to the place, the stock of Horses and Mules, among which toe some va id luable brood Mares, and fine Colts of the best blood —the stock of Cattle, some full and some half blood of ike English breed i the stock o: m Hogs, and the Plantation : —There are about lit a -en hundred acres of Laud, and enough clear ;i. s and in cultivation to give employment to twenty- j s five or thirty hands Much of this land is of good quality, and the rest very valuable for its ( jj timber. —ALSO— ;y At (lie same time and place, will jn be soi l the Grist and Saw Mills on Little liiver, r and the Bridge across it, known as Wares, with i. about forty acres ;jf Land attached the eto. ; \nd OH THURSDAY the BSd| I December, there will be sold at th PL us.ion 'on Savannah River, in Columbia compy, -. thi mouth of the Kmkee Cr- "k, it. tvnoh of hi-j i- Corn and Fodder, Farming utensils,-stack, ic.*' i belong ' to that place and also the Plunlan r , i 'self, including about six hundred acres I (• o 1 very excellent quality. And on TaUUSDAV Up !l I December, Will be gold at the market-h m bjthe City >( Augusta about Forty l< - I .iViy - including n - . r, hou r 'and field Imnds I■ i sales j> e , , \ .... (commence. »t ten o’clock, A. M . id do-- j '’clock, P M. ant! be com. nied froii ! |until the pro-erty is all sold, j Twelve nr..idha credit will be given, t. ■ (turns ovety Ten Dollars, a- t not, with go .»i " Icurity required, before the properly will be ■’ '■ ■j ivered. . ‘ , .Susan P. VVnie, JEx*tr. Win. \V. Holt. Kx’r. Os Cue Will of Jtr. IF r. - | O'J* i liters of Vav- ■r. in Gear;- a. and (I j, yjEditorsuf tin Co’umbi; ;u., in Sauth-C,-.- t - Inis, art •fioesie Ito giv' ■ th- -c weekL aertions, ana forward their accounts to this ibii- . for payment. , October 21 34 ivxtM*v;U>p ; '- buVp,. tin Tu-a t o (>fii December ties', wII !)>• sold ) a 1 Tit Market Hoiiaei in the city of August* fhrtweiK the mual hours —J ; 202’ Acres of Land in first Dis- , trict o' Monroe county, No. 157, ,- 1 Negro mar named Jack. ( 1 Few, No. 72, in the Presbyterian Church. AH b-longing to the estate of John - ceast-d.—Terms at sale. 1 Jiy order the Kxeeutov* Fraser & Bov. dee. Auctioneer'* September 30 p 58 * Exerutor’s Sale. ‘ W'U.L be sold at the firmer resulence -f Junr- '■ ArwELi., o! Richmond county, deceased. ' an the first Monday in December next, the Per hable property of the uanl deceased, consist ing of— Corn and Fodder, likewise, Die stock of Cattle, Hog’ Sheep, and three head o' Horses—all the Household Furniture, Plantation Die' sils and one Cart , And will he Rented al the etmc irne, the Plantation whereon he reside-' Like- v : j wise, two Negroes will be hired, belonging to ; , said estate. [ Likewise, will he sold at (lie same time ini place, one Negro Woman named Glare, belonging to said csta'e. Twelve months credit will I given, and Notet h with unproved security wr' oenquirtd before the delivery of the property. H Jaajps Atwell, Ex'ir. [ of the. lVi.ll of John Atwell* . n OctnEer 25,1825 6*t t 35 Ad mi n’.s trator’s hale, 1 Will he sold ai Cvlumbia Court-House, on the ; first I'licjilay in December next ; ’ Two hundred am! thirty Acres of . /..and, belonging to the Ksta'e of William R ■ Crabb, deceased, sold tor the benefit of 'he heirs tof said deceased.- Sold or. a credit of 14 months. ii John Kennon, MirVr. t October 5, 1825 9t r 32 1 Administrator’s Sale. AGREEABLE Io an order of the honourable the Interior Court of Burke county, when I sitting fur Ordinary purposes, will be sold at the r 9 out House in county, <-n the first Tuesda) j ,1 in December next, between the. usual hours ol . sale ; ■ A Negro man, Prince, the pro perty of Reuben Tipton, deceased. Sold for the benefit of 'he credi'ors of said deceased’s Es- tale.—Terms made known on the day of sa'e, „ Ezekiel Lester, Jldm’r. ) October 4, 1825, 9t t 31 h TOLEN, ~ ’ 'he Subscriber’s Plantation, on the night I of the 14th October, a blight s irrel MARE eleven years old next spring —ls minds three and _j.i halt inches ’gh, with a star in her forehead, | nip on her lip and left tiind foot white. Anj 1 person tlehvcring said Mare to nj* in fturke r on i, jty, (Bi'cr Cr'-.-k, Get/.) shall be lib rahy reward j: ed—ind if atolen. a suitable compensation f r the 1 detection and conviction, ot the perpetrator. ,1 i N. B.—There was left in her pUc-, a cfiosmit „ sorrrl Horse, between fifteen and twenty year> .... Id, left hind loot white, which I have in my pos it. I session, a James Holley. ti October ?8 3*t 36 ° B'-ank Deeds of Conveyance, wavTiT ruisxFn oa viLi.cit rivmi, Fur i ; nt I Ail Office. PATENT COTTON PilKSb ■ n«tjg Subscriber respectfully informs hi* friend's . A and tilt publ -c 11 gI, -nd, (hat he li.» nve-ned 1 • A XfeW & n*e£u\ Machine, fir the purpose if Pat km Cotta n ini'■ stjan.e B lit:’, by the ptrwer if ’ Isr-c acting >,n 0 a FWcum, which drivel iht body ‘"‘■ T that presses Os l tion into the Male, The power of this Machine <c!i, lint from 450 to 500 pounds of Ootto . i., . be pressed i n . o five yards o( 42 inch bagging with cunsidera ffj hie ease, and in a very short time. The Rep. rio,. advantages of this machine art ‘dearly mars,! s that in audition to the small quantity of baggie. > required, f-whch cei-irmlv »• an oh. . • hands can v tit ;r< a pru.k Vr- * ■ twelve bales in oio. ..-ay it 'the cotton cunv. sent, by haring « " assistance ' ■ sewing, v set is by far the mo Cedi- - ... "be of that machine fend it* superb r | awer are ;;i 4 , ly admired by in - hand. -i! .Mists »> ■ in (act .|< who have en it. ’>- .1 mechanical demon-; ; lion it is proven, tnat the power of tlie I -,, , and it* concomitants are equal if not super; any, even to tin. wedge if properly applied. J f From the liigh and frequent encomiums j- , 4 ■ m the invention, the subscriber is induced to «,f I I : ter it to the Public as something worthy of »|* - s j > immediate notice. Any person trim may 1 . 1 I can apply to the subscriber. The probable- •>) will be FIFTV HOLLARS, when all m ire found, mid ElcJlf IT, if not form ' LeUem Having bp;* obtained ft cm th. lit. a, nent o','e of i;, • folio 1 -Tates a!) \ arsons atv 1 n - * be! ■ .nn -I-.icing -■!■ ; • ■ ■ f legai rigb : . All infringements will meet with the I A igoi ol tb'.law, made and provided 111 such c>--o. I II jAnr mechanic shat may wish to be I-enefit - ! 1,.. I I th 9 inventipn, mar by paying a mode . * jjd hum seen’ ; mdi.i l, ; dr me .. < -...its, “ Name is off: red to fs. . an 1 bii 1 The s :e. of the .Machine is si ( 'hreefict k, and car, h, i- -■■■ „ cn fid p' ; or 'trouaht - *l, - ■ 1 '■ OttOH hf ■in * is 'hr /;*■:■ | Lewis Layssiud/ I I AND BTBAM BATHS. 1 Oft. HOCKL, a French Vnyrienti .npect; dh M informs the nub'ie.. th«V n- h HI ST BAM and MEDICAI. ItATHS in Aug I rery high repute I Europe, where (although a late discovery) I are to be found in every hospital, ami.,the ' la st ■ :,tc thev tiav;; per;- -.-d in Oosio* , I'.'.i j I .adnlpbia and Charleston, can eavc doul II their efficacy. The ’T’.,,si .’ fl •>••! powerful medicines .are adminon - .' >■-. by ' ■ r,c ,>v. without any pa ; t, iroufa.e or "<• ;-■.<• latient. I'ney are a never failing rsnedy in ad 1 ous affections front Paorc, " ;g verm . a ucaldhead and Leprosy, ftluv also 113 . c n < M •ptled of SHCCC99 in either ae i'or chronic • fl matism. m In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, r.aai.arcmi* ll, incipient dropsy; in all diseases o, th< H loints, gouty_ affections, dispersion of tumors, f \ cured syphilis, .spasmodic or nervous affection' 11 all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondrinai*.. I ■pilepsy—these baths have bften found ■/iceabie,and have often succeeded even h iitary complaints. In fine, this manner of ad-idn . ,J stering ahrwet every remedy bei r 'i)girig to the j m u-rding art, mav be rendered a; to a/mnn I ■ V*.rv CASf.:, H r K? fit 13 . sa/dt ii.IV pflt ITe ■ M rouble, nr disg si to the patient. fl Aa these baths are not yet ly . jJi Dr. Horn will be happy to giv.» the n-isi P ,.. • pectable relerences t“ persons who hi ve . ecr l| cured by taking them. I a nuary II 57 I NotkeT ‘ f> S V,AL K!! I * RDP OS 'if. S' ' Ilf Hf he r 'reived at the Office of tin C-'er* * ’ of Council, until the lirEt of l\ovember * 'test, for i’-nv-T ■-.■ tVat*T ft i«n :n, r v’tring km.;- as Turknetth- to the V-rkd C<,-.i-.?. '■» City of Aug", ta In Fine I.egs, tie; n- •cr • which shall be at lta*t fifteen inches, dore four inches. Ihe upper vtrfi • Logs when laid down to be at Itksl three uni . J| ■rdf feel below the genera! surface of th ri *• ■<!. | ' he course of conveyance from •uch •-■.« lo intersect Ufoad-s I .*, --*« , b’i ’i street and Hawks (.idlev Proposals miy embrace the whole wot’., > ■- separai.-v orrmcsal- will be teceived for furniai; 1 iog and b lie Logs, nan.e g tlie place v LeiC they ' ill elivered, 1 a: y other p. la* m the work Sami. Hale. ) j W. 11. Thomas > Commltite . N. Uolaiglc. September 16 24 1 Notice, ALL peraonl having demand against the Ls- A. tatc of John .tnuKs, late of Columbia Cu'in ty deceased, are requested to hand them 1 pr - perly attested agreeably to law. and those i.'-Uebt ed to said Fstate, are requested to niakc imme ,b hate payment to the Executors. Isaac Willingham, 1 ■ C’oimelius Jones, > L w Tliomas WilUngham, j * ■ September 6, 1825. 8; r 22 . J| NOTICE: 1 CI'IIIKEE months after date, applies'.;n '< V- J A marie to the fnferior Court Columbia , I County, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, ft>t M leave to divide twenty Negroes, the property 0 I .lames Martin, late of said eaunty dect *<-d, '• S which the heirs living out of i • cmi-’ y an J State of Ororgia, are retpe-tlfudy iinlif) ; I ; ■ a i application, t his 29th day of August, 1825. . Robert Mai iu, Jldm’r. I Aupust 30 2m3m 1 8TOI» THE UUNAWA \ I T 3 AN A WAY from ih * s bscriber ul >.->. r II ' I O; of the month of October, a '*«-•»• a ed SAM. Me. is be'wee-v twenty f- e ar.d f ’.V ' W years of age, yellow complexion, i feet toi i I >‘*c ■•••■ big-;, lively and free spoken, !;»• J| m his lefi cheek, extending from the oornc F ‘ ii mouth toward* bn, ear, shout an i ■' K ‘ length ; he is by trade s carpenter. I pui fl ' I him in live Eastern shore of Mary) m 3, in 1< * I Aip pr rson tied wil apprehend him r • ’ fl liver him to me at Sparta, Hancock county, or g vi V • information so I can get him, shall 4>e rewarded ■ for his trouble. * An dp, vs on Abftrcroral’ -r v Or*, -her 17 R » fl