The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 22, 1825, Image 1

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- J* .XI i.ailHi ’WH^TwWBgMWWMMtMMBwammi ■i*!ULWM)irww>3WiMr>i^flie'JitutTi'mMaMßaiWT^r- -*rn - -t» 111 ii m ri n ~ “ ,IMV ol tli« political evils, under which every Uomitry in the w orlvl lebonrs, are not o .v.u, 10 itn\ w: nl of love i y r oui v.l nlry, out to tin ignorance of its real e.-nslil"i;oii und interests.'* pill KS I’ L V NEW SERIES Yol. 111. AUGUST A, TUESDAY Hf JRNING, NOVEMBER 22, is 25. Xo. 43. Canutitutlanali^t *1 PIIII.ISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY BY W. j. BUNGE, AUGUSTA, GA. AUGISTA JWtMfojilc sis Mi i * j ID © & lit AS £5 i L\ TWO PHIZES I ! Now Drainin'* in the City of Augusta, tin-, der the superintendance of 0 1T A. Slaughter, j ;>• I , W. W. Holt, 5 K,n - J. W. Wilde, 1.1. \v RAY, „,v 15. !). I HOMPSON Commissioners appointed by the. Central Assembly: of lbs State of Ceorcria, C STAINS Tflfc MO-T SPLENDID VARIETY OF Grand Capital Prizes, j ok aw inrmty tv amrhica. HIGHEST PRIZE 5t),090 Dollars 1 Prize of 820,000, j I Brize of 810.000, 1 Prize of 10,000.11 Prize of 10,000, 1 Prize of 10,000, | Vuur V Vvz.-s ut \RA\s. \ ? ive I'v‘ nV 100 b Uo\\s. The Fourth Drawing *1 HI take place on the 1 4th December next. 1 Prize of 830,000 is 830,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes o.f 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 urn rnzes ot 5u is o.uou 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 ;«Ss, | 18,000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS, Less than two ami an half Blanks lo a Brize. Tlic Prizes only to he Drawn. A the Brizes to be foaling from the commencement except the folio vine' -which so:it hr deposited in the vhc ‘ at definite periods, viz . on no; first drawing 1 prise of 1 I 000 Si tof 500 94 I pre;- of :»• >OO h i of 1,000 & lof SOU 34. I prze of 10 JilO & 1 of 500 4i1t.l prize of 5.000 & 1 0 f 1,000 & lof 500 sh. 1 prize of 10,000 & lof 500 sli i priz -of 5 000 & 1 of 1000 Si lof 500 “ill 1 prze of IJ,OOO & I of 5.000 Si t of 5001 Bth.’ prize of SO;000 k 1 of 10)0 Si 2 of5U( Vlll. I priZ rOf 301,000 & 1 ot 1,000 Si lof 50 All Prizes payable thirty clays after (he com rl linn of the drawing subject to a deduction m fiheen percent—if not applied for within twelve nmn’hs, to he considered a d ination to the fund, i ol the Masonic Hall. The demand tor T'ck’*"i n this Fctfcrv hat become immense, 'n c .o• • qu-nc of tb • y*th or dinar" no-nmui uio.r of CAPITAL PHIZES in ' hr* IVHEF.I. and the pn |j: confidence in tile Lott ry ; ami the yrric • wll mi doubt ad vance very high as the Draw in,,* a progress. Tickets and Shares way he had, at 1 the original price at , LO TTR R¥ O FFICE , ' v 'n 2-H, I Irood street. Unlit the lat Day of DECEMBER next , wiikv Tins? win p srrrvt i.v mss to eleye.v inn.\..mi PRESENT PRICE, Whole I ickcts, BtU 00 Halves, ,o 00 Rudders, S 50 (Up Old ii f im any port «f the United Sta'es. post pai ! enclosing the (’ash, in thr bills o! am of the limits of the Union Uni pay pec e, wd | me -t u i h Turn 1 aCention. DARIEN HILLS wid b - received at rtar. All orders actual y m fled refoie 'he first ol i DecemVp, wl lv supplied at the oti ;inal price J Address all communication,s to J. f*3. I leers, Secretary to the Commissioners, J4 r vpiphftr 18 42 To Teachers. \ SMT of excellent School Fnntitiipo for sale, i i*l inch ss i’wbh's. Benches, large Mans, Jic c, d a good S'l'flFE a i tdilc for a Selim 1 [loot: : or a Store rlnq ip• of (i, W. 'Vari“rK,--[ An- ; gusta, or the stuscriber at ih<> Sand lldls, |{. 15. Hopkins. September 97 '27 I ****************** tmmm ■mmuin.iiw ■—■ MAN An E RS» OFF) CB. Hy .'Dithorilj of the Slate of .\\w- Vork, SPLENDID LOTTERY, [To be Drawn in the City of \em-Vork} tttt the 4 th of January, 18 2(1. AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTER. 45 NUMBERS-*. J IIILLOPS VO BE DR HEN. Each Tieket having 3 N ninhcrs in Combination. J. B. \aVes & A. sMTntjjre, MANAGERS. SCHEME OK THE Xe,\v fttivte iiUcvativee aiQif ipjs aw, class 3, for 182 G. HIGHEST PlilZE I 100,009 i i 7 I PRIZE OF 850,000 is 850,000 1 <lo “ 20,000 is 20,000 1 do “ 10 500 is lO,SOO 2 do “ 5,000 is 10,000 4 do “ 2,500 is 10.000 U> do “ 2.000 is 20,000 89 do » 1,000 is 39,000 ! " 8 tin “ 500 is 39,000 4GB do “ 100 is 46,800 4.44 Gdo “ 50 is 222,300 i 5,051 Prizes, 8567,600 9,139 Blanks, Less than two blanks to a Prize. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole - 850 Quarter 812 50 ! Has - - 25 Eighth 6 25( . I his is tbr must magn lie uit Scheme that has! ve.- been off -red for the patronage of the fr-ends! Lottery alv n ore in America. The amalP lumber ot lictee-s, and the unexampled demand I tor them, is a sufficient warrant, tb-A there will u)t be a chance left, for week- hefor- the day liv 'd (or the drawing, an ' hat the pice often •ts will shmtly rise to §6O. . dj’ (iemlemen are therefore requested, to bei arly in their application, a, ail Orders actually! -muled before the rse will be entitled to be room ,||' < i it tii; present rates. '** N ,les °l ’he Hank of tlm U. States and Its! gc.e.a-.v, tne rsotes ot all (Jai.Ksl hat pay specie, received at par. Also, Mercantile Drifts at sight, on any of the large Lilies, and Prize rickets received freely in rayment. All Letters to be post paid. '! be Mails may be relied on as being perfect!' safe for all remittances. \;itcs & MRatjrp, i , ~ Washing. on City. net' ''"’ II 1 n r 3 .. ’ __ 11 O I Mil I 18. Cop rtnenddp of I). P„ llsri & Co. w»> I tt- di‘isr Ived Uy mu hr! consent on she Intd » i !>1 Inly last The business of* said cone m wil joe c-l sed by PrnisH, Omum-u & Co. to whom all juuli bed are requested i male ■ payment. Runicl Parish, i#i • i Jasper Corning, i Parish, Holiirook & Co Charleston Oct, 18 w J m ; 4 — ‘ I Co PAR PA ER^siLP. 'PUK Subscribers have formed a Cr.partner-i, “ ship under ilie firm of PARISH, (JOUM\f;l TO. and will transact bu-ines.-ai the old standi 111I 11 I* Faiiisii & Co. wh-re th v have w w on id 500 Packages Staple a* d Fancy iS'iiU ’ Comprising a complete assortment, which wil [ d)e sold on tavurable terms. Dairel Parish, Jasper Corning, Jos ph Kermichari, ! 'i’homas Parisli. Charleston. On. 18 1 w2m .34 AOTICK. SHIP- undersigned have been appointed a . signees o' Axdukw Low & C«. . f Sa an hah, merchants, and ol Isaac t.nw & Co. of Li | verpool, mercha is. by deed of as ignment bear 1 mg cl Me of lb i lltbof August 1-25 : —MI per I i ns indebted to i idu r of the said fir ' s on tin d fy of the dale of sai l "-signm in or subs q -em i Iv,-re hereby required to settl" the same with us or either o( us, (or wuh Mr. .I.unes Taylor, who is our aii'horiz d attoru y) as we a e lb* only pe sons author.z.J to receive, and receio iir (be same. lii'iij Burroughs.]) . . Wi.liam Gaston, . XT rhrf Editors of the M lledgev.lle Record- 1 i ,<nd Augusta Ctmsliuiii ndist, will please publish I dhe ibovC one month m l forward (heir bills to ; he Republican * ffic for payment. Savannah, Nr v. 1. 1d25 ' 51 39 b. Uraue, CIONT LNUKS the practice of i lie Law at Monti ] J cello, Jasper Coun' v, where he wi.l piinc*nal IJ |ly attend to any business confided lo his esro. H* ( Idso practices in all the other courts of the Oak j u"lg“» circuit, and in sev* rd courts of the Flint ;md Northern circuits.—During Ids absence ai ) ‘gent will be left to attend to the business of hi; ■ j'flice. 1 Monlicel'o, July 2~ mtf 10 as. . *.~s-, i.iwojoax vvve. WattgkM’aus \ \ ' No. 3334, f \ Tin: AUGUST l MiSOVf H ILL j Uniting > , Came out mi the Wh in 7. a f'rize of 10,000 Dollars, And remained in the Office unsold ; 9 Vos S’) enilirl Sum tri hi huv been Unit, a huif I nu hour before th< ■ </- uvci/i' , /i.r i/j ■ trifling \ sum "f ten il There are still I hr / ’nor- I'r zm undrawn o'| th • same amount, besides he nib r Vvw\y Sv>\eiu\‘u\ Capitals, Which may probably bn mw lor salt-, a id on'yi j av ail the call of some luck 1 , adventurer, al | | No. 241, i'roml-strcet, i , AUGUSTA. i November 1 5 i\ i TICKETS RXS tNa !! I OV the first day of IK.c ui it. .next, lick' tab. the Augm-u Mason c Hill I,liter;;. ui I b»l advanced to KLBVBN iDM.Oib— i Sil AUKS in proportion. Bring in you- I*r!*.» hick- (■: while they can b:| renewed at the origin d price. I Ln»e not the present o iporio vtv fi r pnreba log, as pp bebly another ci. n :>• may never occur, do buy Tickets in so desir d>L; a Sc iemc, and ■a wheel so inch at the p cscut low price. The d mand for Tickets is great, and th-y wil : no il oi’ii adviuco s.dl more, after the nest draw ! ing. J. 8 Beers, Secretary to the Commissi; »<■.9. I November 15 41 J AND I cOM MI b.S /it Y s VO!lK, No. 3,25, TIRO \D-kTRBKT, r!IK Subscriber con i nut* Iran- c,| (he ACC ! , TION and COMMISSION HUSIVBS9. And ’will make liberal a.ivaiices on Consignment . A. Bn October 21 " 1 j hTOSA«£’ r I I'U sTJr. AIS U | COMMISSION BUSINESS. ! tint’ r-igned b.-gs leave to tender his ser ! | .a. vices to the pubic genmily. m the above' hue nl business —he , ledges I■in,s, Ito use all <j J. i,tenet, give pers ui:il attention, mni to exert him s-lt to the best of Ills ab'.i ies to give geneiid sal i action ami to promote the interest tii nil too .* that may think crop* r to fav r him witli their r.ns tom. Liberal advances will be made on all pro luce commit! <1 to bis cbaige, either (or sale, ex orPi'ion, or otherwise, and facilities in nil ernes f Cwhen tegmr-tlj will be afforded: Hint but jw| 'tueis in jut Hue can equal, md mm* sur| jsa. Adp I ch is 'v ill e tbnulCudy received nod prompt I I I ittendei! to. 1 He has taken Mr It. H. Warren’s Warehouse st thefootofthob ido-., (belter known bv the name of ‘‘ Leigh’s VVarchomc ”) u, ■ to itioo be mg i unit diate'y upon 'ho new wharf it liieret.y : • i ; orls pecu'isr ad van’ages to shippers. See. • In; whole establishment 'laving lately 1110 b r gone a complete anil tbnr ugh repair, is now in , .complete ord r f r 'he reception of all kinds o',' produce, merchandize, &c. Lis close st res are! ? jcieanly, st cure, and perfectly sa'V* ■VV in. I).' Shelton. *' V If. loe on'v I’ob icco fi sncclion i 1 tlie ci■ y,I ■s»,so Icenl at the above IVare'f ms- : «o | for all I , c bi,rco . of ''"C.first tpi-lity, ••tape -tod here during) ' :e ensiling season, | vi ill give dx ,l,,i!ai,s per bund tired, and in the same ratio fir the more inferior! 'l'li 1 ties. w n s I Senterr hrr 20 2 » I a AND Co min issio n Bn si n ess. At his old stand in Savannah, near the Ft rt, andi s prepared to make suitable advances upon a! Produce placed in his hands for sale, John Everimrli.Tin, |i*. April 12 3 K 3 W.A.MB 4* *\uuuv:v uST i pipmfj UAMtj and MIDLIN’Gb, ■him received and for sale by Thomas 8. Metcalf'. ai.s-i— 1 150 Casks 8t m« LLME. O-’otf-r 14 32 It —— nc THIS FOLLOWING OF THK MOST API’KOVRD FORMS - May he hud al thin Office, : —TO WIT : ! lit MM.’UI Afiß Licences, <ln. Honda, Ado.inis i ,,e traliou do. Letters T«»tamenlary, do, cl! l,,: (inardianshili, do. cf Administralioe, do. ol ApiA; ruisement, do. llismi'/ 01 y, Uecogiuzanccs, Snb | oenas, Hi’ Is of Sac, Lower, cf Attorney, H act ! I. eds «if Conveyance, Sheriff's Title*, Kelail Li ■ci ce*. I’ tr-on’s ILceipis, Mortgages, A; pren 1 ici-s’ Indentures, £tc. ?tc. September 9 UinMIUMMMMIIiii ■■ .in ■in. - , - .-%■ :j\ .lVUmiuiui. , 1 DJUIOCK 1 jm: ]RSM, H&ercjjant Cailor^, AT THE AUGUSTA £2a®ie:ra m sj A'c. |64 1 Broad- sired. f•*' n Tins nit ui cumin pf.h tut. ia- t straw juoai —A lur.;'(: anil fresh supply of— HEADY MADE CLOTHING, J —IP NsISTIYO (IF— r* I I'K and lllack D ess C ial-s, f (biaties, did'rent colors. Mine, Black and Fancy colored Pantaloons, Blue and 111 irk Cloth N' -sis, Sdk and Fancy ditto, handsome patterns, Bang-up Pantaloons, Salinett Coatees and Pantaloons, &c. All ot (he ab ve (virinenla have been made n |tbe latest N w \ >rk fishions. Persons wishinj | ; ’ pnichasr, wdj 110 themselves the pleasure l( .c; II at the above store. October 7 go j NEW CLOTHING. ! J- IP- 3!Sffa 3a ; IS OPEfJINO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ji « LDTIUNG, . f v 7 I Jl!ucji tii pi u!r vu ,n a wrkmnn Uhd manner, am!\ of t'l best mulciiu/s : u • X-P i *'»ul . <k SHppifiui? CcaU l , ' ’ «li». 2il \\ uuLi '*. ( o Hiul Uar uiDd «*ruy ’ W r , *3 J I fioc/c Coats, " >. 1 D*'i ■ il "£ o*'-i.t3, .[ ■ i'n ■-', of IHTcr at qualities’, l q You'd s’ "due and bla*;k tjoats, I Cassini re and Cl in Pantaloons, of almost any col nr and prices, - ' J , Salt ui" t, Curd r h prime bang on do. Blue and hla< k c] nli Vests, French, Ip.fa tk English silk Vests, Silk Velvet. ... do. Great variety of fa* ry do. Linen, Cotton, Frills' 1 and Plain Shirts, (some * very fine,) Kn'utod, Cotton and Worsted Drawers, Worsted and ,1 s üb's wool knitted Shirts, Fine ffi inel Shirts and Drawers, . Ladies’ Cloaks, , Tartan and CambVt do, 1 Fearnought great C ats, 81k Umbrellas, Hoys’ and M< ns Cans, 11 Gentlemen and Youth’s Hu's, ~ Hosiery, (flovcs, &c. jl 1 ALSO, if Mouse 3C-- v.-.nts Coatees and Pantafoond, N( U '» i • 'l'lVlU'UAtu . IJh ek’d, strip'd, u.,d cuui'se linen Shirts, I Guernsey Frocks, Ked flannel Shirts. THE JltiOVE GOODS d'i ’ he disposed of wholesale and retail, at, New-York prices. No. 234, HIIOAII HTtiriT, / hfee clours alcove the /’us I Office. October 21 34 •N* oUce. _ WILLIJUM KIBE WKKb tin.-, opportunity ol informing his friends! E- mid the public, that hr has entered into (!o-j T'rtncr-liip wiili Mr .lambs VVku.s. of Savannah, h l-'e ot the Hon cos A 'iHur., //ills iff IVtlls, | t . r the|l purpose ot carrying on me business us JiIIAPKRS AN!) TAILORS, fa the City of j/ug’ustti, TWO I ions 111 I .V Till. QLOIIK TAVUIUV. IV here they intend keeping a getter 1 supply l if CLft niS, (MSfIIMMfKS ami «OU.>S, ol ail! h-ermtions, usually kept by Houses of their p r ,,.j e-i-ion —am! at the ■ tune as ore the pub ic that no tine nor pains shall be wantii g m l it those who it-,ay call on the House. Wells Ac Kibbe, October 11 gj Ear Sate or to /lent. 4 HOPKINS oilers to »<;lll psISjHL *‘‘ s House and Hot in t own, ai,d il tnlMB "otsold by the first of Oct her. the twk&c-iama* prcT)ispH m»y then he rented. R r j I l"" e nt ' 'he subscriber on the Sand Hills, 0 iot!. ie >rgc W. \V timer, in Augusta. D. D. Hopkins, t September 23 TO HF RENTED On 11 liiii/dmir hauap. m r 1 ' ' 11 ■ ft, NIIiKE Lots, fronting Walk- ! rr °"d Watkins .Streets, o| posit. : t< I LfiklOm ’he Catholic l‘an ~-ii»tr Tl„ ” '-ols adfoii* caoli other and will h * t v-p-eut- y . v op. together, as may be deviled „ w. \V. Holt. Septfjnh- r 00 g . To rk.nt. Vil * vvo convenient Dwelliii” I'tuses },tl 'l ‘itualed on IN vuold-Mr* tr 1 <"ip I lie x’SKlence of Antklm |Jn_; . Ksq -I'o * .sdon given on ti e first chy il October next, APTLY 'lO 1 G. Dillon. ! September 27 >7 Z7~ T07r,...NT, 1 ~(),n the first day of October ext, tor one year, the Mourn a-.d on Mlr ,* ish-Street, where Mr. Patrick Kely now lives, y ,pj ly to Hubert I). Ware or to Wm W. Holt. Ptisan li. Ware. Aut'nst 2 1) Fur suit ul thin Oj/ice, . Iya. .AAuau WuUVuson. I ; .’n 4 <); p rU'ni y of informu# her it. ! leuo'* :• d *!i • m >llO i i nei d, her 8«M1L ■•eroni-nepreil MON1). V. i|„ UK, Inst. in ofipcr.ite M - M,c Vs, where y i.. ibo.g .u I'tOt.i'o y hunted number ut pu- I 9rms <>! i u.tion lli: same as during the two receding winters. F >ur young I..idles can be j» c immodated with board. In mldition to the ornaniMital branches h<" e . lolur.- taaghi in Mrs. Hu .bison’s School, i true t-oiis will this winter be given in mid point Woik, according to tin- most approved metboas row priictice'd iu Now-York, and in Sen laud. Kx ii a oh.<rgc; (or these bl anches, , brec Dol lar* t>< r quart, r. N. ll.—Voting Julies not belonging to the School ma> bo instructed at 6 Dollars’ per quarter. Honrs ot instruction in these brunches, made known at toe School.liuotn. November 18 MRS. WAL T HALL, F.-’FRCTF;'; t.V i'd'or.ns h r friends and the i S,'4j ><>ung L.idi; . of Augusta that die wid com- I mono i giving less s mi the I* IA NO l-’OK t'K ml in sINGIN’ii, a, her residence—or in private [l.iiin.’irs as uni) In at suit dm convenience of the I I'lipjs lliat nut) b ■ entrusted to It r c irf. tf-J’ fenns moderate, and made known 0 n up. plication at her residence, I! yn dd-s r. t, lir-t li ns ' below the Ksgle tavern- O H( her !Jl 3 DANCING Me. T, W. VajuUc’s School. Mlf. F. wishing ’o devote Ids whole inie to ibis branch ol K bi-atinn, r> quest thore Parents who widi to cm fi | e (heir his | lr „ t , |,. H care, to make immediate application, tuning nm ny new an I elegant /). I VC.LS, that Its wishes to teach his Pupils. Mr. K, will attend as usual in privatetA'amiiies, an 1 .Seminaries when ca led for. For uM>r pui*>icnlars, appV ,u Mr. .1. I!, |,A rrriKs’ next door t > Dr. furpin’s store, Broad* street, MUSIC LESSONS. *■ 1 ! \ Hdd'". (Du ii let it I for the en* coning., nent hereto).,re received, inform h r friends tit ir 1 the cmiiiimnii", ih-it sh<* cont’m* u- ■ ! rivi" p* i‘ •s• i son the Ff.LVO FORTE and ■V/M V/.S'// VUri'Aft Mrs. I- I caches „.. r pus the art ol smgi..g m the newest stylo. Ap fdt r us in the above advertisement, N ■emb*r !8 )• Ht 4,9 I 'H 'i It aCHQQL. VloVi.\Ui^XUij j | K’JI'KC'I' 'I-'Lri.l V inform'. the Ladies and On ■ demen ot Viig.ista and os vicinity, that Ins H.mcing School Is open, and will continue to b • openthrough t ie season. -Hays of Tuition are on Tucfd.y evening, from 3 o’clock, until sun Koltiu;.', and Saturday ''loruing, from 9 to 12 o’clock, fliere will be a .u'lntuciur Hull, (or the Scholars \ ou 'y ' very lonnight mi Saturday evening, from [caudle I’gbt until 10 o’clock. liis nip lit Sch .o| will take place on Monday and Wednesday, (r un 7 o’clock, in the evening, mtli 9 in Green-Street, usual Ifooin Mr. (J lias opened a subs riptiou lis" Cor Cot it. lou I iflies, winch will be on Ttmralay every for l night. 1 November 15 4t 41 EW \ 1111 V \(. K vLK.nT For Dispatch. Augusta and Savannah .MAlli STAUVi. ... ?U; l '! /t rough in twenty nix Honrs. A jV’F, public are r-specfully informed :hd tlim ..r pi i tors of 1 1)*■ above liti' - , feeling every 1 spos Son to fonder if the moat desirable, have let' MUM d to mi ■ through trom Savannah to Jh\. :n 1 nty-hj.t lours, leaving S ivannah at .» VJ aid dfogusta at h o’clock .1 M, i to v sre nrov d d with the most careful and iv. " i "nr ■ d driver , the Stages comfortahl ■, and th ; >oi - sup rlor, in short the whole arrangement: f t*oii, dial they aolicipfl'e universal satisfaction, for seiM-. apoly at the City /Aitel Savannah and t the C. lx- Tavi rn . In -ust*. (Jilhert lAHisrsti’cet, ? , U,„ I, Milh’ii, Savannah. N. ft. I'o mff*t tin*, view* ot tlie mercantile “oninninity in the liilhst i xtent, t e time <;f arri . *! and (iepar’nro is -nich that Icttei n can lie an. w#*red I fie si me day, NoVomhpi* 11 40 THE v kvV Elvts OF fie Seven .lagusta and Charleston, is i«r is r.inpLKTE onoait. g't :f, mtttiKS are file, and the It-vers care " -ml tie; proprietors ph dip- tin mmdi .at iioiln g boll tie wanting thai will render e enienee to the passengers. The Stages w. I ave Align la, < very Sunday, Wednesday ’riday, at 4 o’clock, A. M ; and arrive in Charles in in le s than two days. F MUs iliroogfi, fild 50 cents. For seats, ap. ly at the Cl I V iiOI Kt . Edward ItyH, Julm Randolph, November 4 6t o <