The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 25, 1825, Image 1

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•• Many ol tho political «;viU, under which every Country in the world labours, are not owiutf to any wai|t of love for our Couulry, but to an ignorance of its real p..i,blilulioji nod inte rests.”- —PRIKSTL Y NEW SERIES Yol. 111. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1825. No. 44. Cfre &onotttutionali£t I s PUBLISHED F.VKUY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY; BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. dUyiock c* jmJrshT ißcrcijaut Cailor^, AT THE AUGUSTA j No. 164, Broad-street. II *VB THIS DAY ULCUVMI I'Sil I 111; LA 1' STL AH li O A n —. J .urge uiul frinh supply of— HEADY .vi AU K CLOTHING, —COSSISTINO OF— 1* • I.L E and Ulack Ui ‘Cfca GuUtSy 1.8 Goatees, different colors, Blue, Black. and Fancy colored Pantaloons, Blue and Black Cloth Vests, Silk and Taney ditto, handsome patterns, Bang-up Pantaloons, Salinell Goalees and Pantaloons, he. All of the above Garments have been made ot the latest New York fashions. Persons wishing to purchase, will do themselves the pleasure to 05r‘ It at the above store. October 7 30 i\ otice. WILLIAM KIBBK , S’at AK ho tins opportunity ol luionntug bis intends JL and the public, iliac he has entered into Go pAiTnership with Mr Jamks Wells, ot bavamtah, late ot the House ol h'illatr., Mills IA H ells, tor tile purpose of carrying on pie business as DRAPERS AND TAILORS, fit the Lito of Augusta, two noons iiklow tub olohk tavlust. Where they intend keeping a general supply t' t 'l.O i lls, GASBIMLRES and GOODS, ol all <t tw-dpiiom, usually kept by Mouses of their pro les.ion—and at the ,-atne lime assure the pub lic, that no lime nor pains shall he wauling to suit those who n-.ay call on the Mouse. Wells & Kibbc. October II 51 NK W G LOTH IN (T jt. ip. aiwraa* IS OPENING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF i, CLOTHING, tf'kkh is made vp in a -workman-like manner, and uj ike best materials : . 4 .&ta, Do do. 2d Q tidily, Blue, Claret, Olive and Parson's gray mixed Frock Goats, Blue and Drab Box Coals, Goatees of different qualities, Youths’ biut; and black Goats, Gassimefe and Gi ith Pantaloons, of almost any colour and pi ices, SaUmeit, Oorderoy it prime-bang un do. Blue and black cloth Vests, French. ?nd.a <k lingitsh ail a. Vests, auk Velvet - - - do. Great variety of Fancy do. . .ii .i, Cotton, Frill 'd and Plain Shirts, (some very fin',' Knitted, Got. r/o vid Worsted Drawers, Worst- I a a .*.»i.-ib‘. worn knitted Shirts, Foie tl ionel Shirts and Drawers, Gadiei-’ Clonks, Tartan and Gair.bVt do Fearnought gnat G als, 'I.Ik Umbrellas, Hoys’ nod Mens seal skin Gaps, , V Gentlemen and Youth’s H.qjs ’ Uosieiy, Gloves, Ssc. ALSO, Mouse servants Goatees and Pantaloons, Negro Jackets and 'Browsers. Check'd, strip’d, and coa-se lu.en Shirts, Guernsey Frocks, Red flannel Shuts. THE JIIUiVE GOODS Will he disposed i wholesale and retail, a’ Ntw-York prices. No. 234. linOAD-STBEET, Three doors above Ike Post Office. October 21 * 34 NOTICE. undersigned have been appointed as signeea of Asmnnv Low h Co. nf Suau nah, merchants, and of Isaac Low Si Go, of Li vevpool, merchants, by deed of assignment bear T. tng date of the 11th of August 1325 :—All per P it" indebted to either cf the said firms on thr I d?V of the date ot said assignment or subsequent )v, are hereby required to settle the same with lis or either of us, (or with Mr, James Taylor, wlm is our authorized attorney) as we a e the only persons authorized to receive, anil recetp for the same. Beni. Burroughs,? . ~ P ; Jlssigneei VV uliain Las ton, \ * (ffp The Editors of the Mdledgeville Record? ana Augusta Conaliltitiouslist, will please ptiblisl the shove one mouth and forward their bills P tire Republican office for payment. Savannah, Nov. 1, 1825 5t 39 StfcpVlftU \) UVXUU*, CIONTINUES the practice of the Law at Mont ) cello, Jasper County, where he will punclua. ly atteinl to any business confided to Ins care. I! also practices in all the other courts of the Oali and in several courts of the Flit and Northern circuits. During hit absence a agent will be left to attend to the business of it: ofiic p . Afonticello, July 27 inlf 10 Toy Sale. ||| a LIGiIJ HAROUCHL, and match of genlj >ji j\ Hors s—Enquire ol the Printer. ■ November 15 41 y .aniff\ , n «mi nww AUGUSTA iJWasowff U*all LOTTERY. I 50,000 | ©&&&&© 1 4 IN TWO PRIZES ! ! Now Drawing in the City of Augusta, un der the of S Hub A. Slaughter, I. rX.„. W.W.H«.t, T. I. WuAY, . Jf' W, “«' n.D. 1 HOMES ON Commissioners appointed by the General Jlstembfy\ of the Stole of Georgia i Spotter#! CONTAISS THE MOST SPLEMHII VAItIKTY OF j] Grand Capital Prizes, OK ANT LOTTERY IN AMF.HICA. HIGHEST PRIZE : 30,000 Dollars! 1 Prize of 820,000, 1 Prize of g 10,000, 1 Prize of 10,000, 1 Prize of 10,000, I Prize of 10,000, Fmiv ot! &DWO DoVYs. 1 Uup, Prizes ol 1000 Dolls. The Fourth Drawing II ill take, place on the 14 th December next. I I Prize of £30,000 is £30,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40/100 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 f 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes, > exozo Blanks, $ ° xaTr>u 8,000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS. ' Less than two and an half /thinks In a Prize. The Prizes only to be. Drawn. fill the /frizes to befouling from Ike commencement ! ‘ except the following •which •will be deposited in Ihe -wheel at tie finite periods, viz : ON THE FIRST DRAWING 1 prize nf 10,000 &. lof 500 2d. i prize of 5,000 h 1 of 3,000 k X of 500 1 3d. 1 prize of XO.OOO & I of 5,00 j4l h. 1 prize of 5,000 k X of 1,000 k lof 500 ’doth. I prize of 10.000 k 1 of 500 '(i h. 1 prize of 5.000 k X of 1 000 & Xofsot. :7th I prize <>! XO,OOO Si X of 5 duo k X ot 500 jßth. > prize ot 20,000 &X of X,OOO k 2 of 500 ,9tb. X prize of 30,000 & X bf 1,000 k X of 500 All Prizes payable thirty days after the cum jpletion of the drawing, subject to a deduction ol fifteen percent—if i,ot applied for within twelve months, to be considered a donation to (he funds Os the Masonic Hail. The demand for Ticket's in this Lottery has' become hitmens-', in cun ■ qtience of the extra , I ordinary acciimuialiou of CAPITAL PHIZES in (he HUT.EL, and the public confidence in' the X.ottery ; and the pric : will no doubt ad ! jvance very high, as the Drawings progress. Tickets and Shares way be had, at ,i j the original price at j mmmmm* LOTTER¥ OFFICE , No 2+t, Broad street, , Until the Ist Day of DECEMBER next, I ■ WHEN THEY WILL POSITIVELY RISK TO : FiliEV UN* DDUVaAAW. PRESENT PRICE, r t W hole 'l'ickets, SlO 00 ‘‘ Halves, j 00 e! _ Quarters, 3 50 it T!/' Oi dcrsfrom any part of the United States, ■ post pa'nl enclosing the Gash, in th • bills ol any jof the Banks of toe Union that pay pec e, will •,g treat with prompt attention, 11. UtlEjX It /LLS will be received a( par. ?r All orders actually mailed before the first of ;h December, wilt be supplied al the origins! price, to Address all communications to J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. ! November 18 42 THE FOLLOWING II aiIAII&S, k OF THE MOST APPROVED FORMS f~ May be had at this Office, dal , — TO wit:— MAURI \GE Licences, do. Bends. Ad mini' trillion do. Letiers Testamentary, do, o Guar iialtship, do. of Administration, do. of Ap ji-raiicment, do. Dismissory, Recognizances, Sub jpocnas, Bills of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Blanl lie)Deeds nf Conveyance, Sheriff’s Titles, Retail Li iceoces, Patroon’s Receipts, .Mortgages, Appren illcea’ Indentures, kc. kc. i A\ra. »Vi\awv llutcViauu. ] this opporti’iiVy .of n.iui m ; ng het | 4L friends ard tfu* ouMic .h gcne;a ! , that hi recommenced in MONDAY- >he M b ;Wa hingion street, oppo i 'r Mrc u’a. wheit I -she is willing to n evive a I i uttd numb r of pit j P»1 • j Terms of Tu tiou ,hn iann. as dt.ring the tw [ precr di■ g winters, j F air young Ladle, rm be > e ,n ;uda!-.d wit . bo rd. i t addition to the ornament'll brsmclu-s hert tofor, - taught in Mrs. Ilutchib■ ■u’=» School, instruc- : t'oti.s will litis wi'ittr be given in Lace Mid point! V> uk, according m the most approved metho : . now practiced in New-York, and in Scot land. Ex'ra charge for these branches, Thric Dol . lat s ■ p qnartt r. N. li. —Young ladies not belonging to the I School may lie instructed al 6 Dollars pet quarter. 1 lours of instruction in these branches, ma e iknownat the School Room. November 18 42 MUS. \VALIKAI iT, 9 J ESP EG I'FULLY infor i s h r irte.nds and the I young L.nlies of Angus.r. that she vvi 1 cum-] lin • nee giving lessot.s on the PIANO FORTE and in .'IN'UINtj, at lit r residence-—or in , nvate 1 If-mifitS as may best suit the c >nveuience of thei pupils that may he entrusted to h r care. tlj’ feriDS moderate, and tnede known on ap-i {plication at her reftdct.c-,', R< ynot-l-a reel, lira l house below the Eagle lavern | October 21 34 DANCING ACADEMY. •Nil*. T. \i. FajvAWs ocVvodl. MR. F. wishing to devote h s whale line tt this branch of Education, r (piest thoscl , Parents who wish to confi le their children to hi i cate, to make iiuniediale application, having tna- : ny new ani elegant H.I VCES, that ha wishes to teach his Pupils. Mr. F. will attend as tisut.l ini iprivale Fan.dies, and Seminaries when called for. ] For further particulars, apply at Mr. J. B. I.a- Ifittes’ next door to Dr. Turpi .’s store, Broad-, {street. musicTessons. MRS. T. B. F.-.Y ILLE, tii.nk.ul lor the en cutting, ment hcretolore received, iiiiorin jher triends and the cum iiu itv. tha she emiiiu. ui h giving h-sso smi the PIANO FOUTE and j SPANISH GUI TAIL Mrs. F, Gaelics Ik r it jptis the art ol .singing in the newest style. Ap ply asm the ah no advertisement, N (Vember 13 8t 42 oxvwoi.inVVsUHOOl/. AUI. COL-MEftAPUi, RESPeG TX’ULLV informs the Ladies and Gen ■lernen of Augusta and its vicinity, lltal his Dancing School is open, and will continue to b open through the season. —Days of Tuition are on I'uesday evening, from 3 o’clock, until sun setting, atl Saturday wmiMing, from 9n 12 o’clock. I here v i.l boa practising Ball, for the Scholars on'y, every fortnight on Saturday evening, Irom caudle light until 10 o’clock. i Dis night School will lake place on Monday . Wednesday, tr m 7 o’clock, in the evening, unit 1 9, to Green-Street, usual Room. Mr. 0. has opened a subscription list for Cotil lon Parlies, which will be on Ti.itr. day every for’ night. N v- inberlS 4t 41 For Sale or to Rent. B B. HOPKINS offers to sell j his House and L.ol in Town, and if j uolsold by ttiu first of Oct bcr ; the- J .sKBSSSKL jrremises may then be rented. En > quite ol the subscriber on the Sand Hills, or of George VV. Warner, Esq in Augusta. [, B. B. Hopkins. j September 23 TO BE RENT ED On a H ail ding Lease, AwA THREE Lots, fronting Walk <r?llSL er a,K * Watkins Streets, opposite to the Catholic Parsonage House. The Lots adjoin each other and will he et separately < i- all together, as may be desired. W. VV. Holt. September 22 TO REN i\ ■ falSal Two convenient Dwelling ;feu>ea amt Lots, situated on Utynold-sireet, 1 near the residence of Anselm Uugg, Esq. Pos Isc-ssiun given on the first day of October next. APPLY TO (I. Dillon. September 27 27 !i| TO KENT, From the first day of Octoliex bluest, for one year, the House d Lot on Mln ■ torh-Slreet, where Mr. Patrick Kelly now l.ves lApitly lo Robert D. Ware orfo Wm \v , Holt | ciusan B. W are. 1 August 2 11 N otice 4LL persons having demand- against the Es tate of John Jonhs, late ot Golumtiia C< un .y deceased, are requested to h ind them in pro perly attested agreeably to law, ami tho°e imlebt rd to said Estate, are requested to make imntc idtaie payment to the Executors, Isaac Willingham, 7? Cornelius Jones, > Thomas Willingham, j 2 n ‘ Vudfeutuve» For sale at this Office. ** tyttitm— r,gwaaft*iafc.^i. -wA..g> Jt.mtsMb«i.. m.vm*--— w»»wt» w-•»“ -■■■- ■- ■>»<»» i.j " ,i^i> iVmw'p ~ ,j WASHINGTON HALL. j H©o 33<b 3J3i(oA®=3'i'S3aia\ —QQS3 — ‘ tlS E.3 TABU SIiMKN f is op mod in a handsome Brick erected during the J, past summer, at the corner ot llroad ami Mlutosli-Slreets. ll is recommended (o Plan- I tors and aiercl.a.its, by its s tuition, m (lie centre ot die town atj I' business, and within a distance ol the Banks, Warehouses, and Public Offices. Stage Passengers will find jit convenient from its being opposite tbe Post-Office, (be place ot arrival and departure ot' lllie S'ages. There is connected wtb the II V 1.1.,.1., an adjacent Brick t enement, with suites of |Private Apartments, and a separate Entrance tmm Proud fitreet, which will he appropriated jcxchis vely to the acc.muinodufnm of families ; and Ladies will (inti themselves as quiet and iret!red as in any private house, with the additional advantage of t>/in <e in the immediate j neighborhood of the principal fancy Stores. I'be WASHINGTON Ha 1.1 is superintended bv W. ,1. Driu.nv, wimse s'udy it will be to please and render comfortable, those who msy favour die It use with their pationage. Jluffiisiit, (Ga.) September 30, 1823 28 STORAGE “j AND !| COMMISSION BUSINESS. j ■ milE under -igne-d begs leave In tender bis set .JL vices to the puhl c generally, in the above 'line ol business —he pledges himself to ttte all Oil jigtjnce, give persmial utltnlion, and lo exert hint self to Uic heat of his abilities to give general sat liHlactiiin and lo prumolt: the interest ol all tilost that may thick pimpi r to fitv»r him with their cus ‘ turn. Liberal advances will he made on all pro ' Jucc committed to Ida charge, either lor sale, ex iportalion, or otherwise, and facilities in all case; "('when rerjuirr.ilJ will he afforded; that but B v ' otliets in las line cun equal, and none surpass. Ali (orders will be Utankludy received and proinpll) tnr iv. U. Warren’s \Vkyclicus< lat the foot of the bridge, (better know it by tin name of “ Leigh’s Warehouse its situation he jiug immediately upon the new wharf it thereby j affords peculiar advantages lo shippers, fee. ~l Ihe whole establishment having lately under s!gone a complete and thorough repair, is now it complete order for the reception of all kinds o ejproduoe, merchandize, ke. His cAsc stores art 0 cleanly, secure, and perfectly safe. ;.j VVm. B. Shelton. *| N. B. The only Tobacco inspection in the city, ]is also kept at the above Warehouse: and for ai, v ' I'obacco of the first quality, ittspe tied here during ' ;ibe ensuing season, I will give six dollars per huu ' clred, and in the same ratio for the more inferiot Iqualitlei. VV. B. S. September 20 25 NEW ARRANGEMENT For Dispatch. 1 Augusta and Savannah MAIL feTABE. Through in twenty-nix Hours. j. p!IE public are respectfully informed that the o, wa proprietors of the above line, feeling every e disposition lo render it the moat detirable, have e determined to run through from Savannah to Au , igusta tit twenty-six hours, leaving S vanttah at 5 o’clock, A. M. and al 8 o’cltick A. M. ( They are provided with the most care ltd and ex perienced driver', the Slafes comfurlable, and tb iborses uipt riof, in short tbe whole airaitgemeii'i is such, thut they anticipate universal 1 atitlsclion f For seals, apply at the City //ilel Savannah ami ~> t.t Ibe Globe Tavern cXugitsla. :■! Om-trt Loogstreet, } . VVm. »li!innon, 5 * Georgu .Vlillun, Savannah. i N. IS To meet the views of the mercantile comnuioily in the fullest exieui. the time of am |val ami departure is sueli that letters can he an jswered tim same day. November 11 40 ,1.1 THE NEW LINE OF Between Augusta and Charleston, FBAtIE HOUSES arc fi’ie, and Ihe Drivers care j JL ful; and the proprietors pledge themselve, s !;but. nothing shall be wanting that will render enn n " venience to the passenger'. Ibe Stages wd leave Angn la, every Sunday, Wednesday am ' Friday, at 4 o’clock, A. M ; and arrive In Charles e !ton in less than two days. | FARE through, £l2 50 cents. For seats, ap ply at the GUI V III) 1 EL. Edward Byrd, John Randolph. November 4 fit 38 VhmiL and .Lxh WmV’mK, Neatly Executed at this Office, Awmofv ‘ AND COMMISSION STORE, No. 325, BROAD-STREET. I - * HR Subscriber continues to transact the AUC* I ION and COMMISSION BUSINESS. And will make liberal advances on Consignments. A. Jiugg. October 21 34 North American Review, , .vo. xux. CONTENTS. r CLAIMS of the United States on Naples and • Holland 1. Message of (be President of the United ) Stales to the House of Representative* rela tive to the claim on Naples. 2. Message of the President of the Uni. i led Stales, transmitting the correspondence relating to the claims of the cit zens of Uni i ted Spates upon the Government of the Ne therlands. ’ 11. Lord Uyrnn’a Character and Writings, 1. Recollections of the life of Uyron. 11/ ’ the late It, C. Dallas, Esq 2. Correspondence of Lord Byron with a Friend ; including his Letter,, to his Mother ; in 1810, and 1811. 3. Journal of the Conversation of Lord liyron. Hy Thomas Medwm, Esq. ill. W..yland’s Discourses on the Duties of an American Citizen. The Duties „l an American Citizen ; two Discourses delivered in the First Baptist Meeting House in Boston. Hy Francis Way land, June. IV. Pinkney’s Poems, Poems, By Edward C. Pinkney. V. English Common Law Reports, Reports ot Cases argued and determined in the English Courts of Common Law. Ed ited hy Tiiomas Sergeant and John C. Low her, Esqs, VI. Orpine Poetry. Orpheus Poeiaiuin Grascorum Antiquissi mns, — Auclore Geuigio Henrico Bode. VII. Columbus. Codice diplomatic!) Colombo Americano, ( . Oss,a Kaccolta di Document! origins hoe ine ,, dili, spettaillia Cr.slufuru Colomlio, Sec. Genova, 182 J. VIII. GJd and Silver in M"Xico, t, A report o i die (expediency of Augmen ting the Duf'-s on the Exportation ol Gold ! ami Silver, pr. « titled to the General Consli iiit-ni Congress of Mexico, by the Committee ol Finance and Mints August 9, 1824 , 1 IX Critical Notices ( i 1. Palfrey’s Historical Discourse, 444 2. Perkins’s History of the late War, 44.3 2. Wrilfoid’s Mercantile Penmanship, 451 4, Summary view of America. 45J 5. Aden ssio before the New-Yor k Ac- I ads-ray of Fine Arts, 4.59 5. Bacon's Plea for Africa, 462 7. Barnard’s Polyglot Grammar, 474 8. Grads’ Address before the Palmetto 1 Society, 464 9- If meo White’* Spanish Varieties, 46J W.'iait' riv List of New Publications, 473 Index. ' 487 JU.iT ED HY Horace Ely. j November 1 37 j IXZW'AA’* . I AND i Commission Business. i „ At bis old stand in Savannah, near the Fort, an h .j (prepared to iru'.ke suitable advances upon ah. iroduce placed in liis bands for sale. P Johu Evcringliam, jr. j April 12 83 VliubreUa’s amV l?axasoVs, NEATLY MADE AND MENDED BY Josepli Uoclerick. September 16 24