The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 29, 1825, Image 4

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; I, fJTJy. & VALUABLE LOTS, ll'lll. be sold on Wtu.M tb- venth ’ ? d* of December n»rt, to tht; lug -t bid tier iti the town ! HaMsuuo, So> iii < snout**, bciii); a part of 'hv Three Hundred Lo*« adver tised on twenty fourth of 1624, for *l. on i- ghircnth dav of Jam.»ry l.t, and be-, rig in continiia iin of lha‘ 'ale. One nal* of *ht purchase money cast* —th< other hull '<> lit on in ter; ihi seven per eent rep annum, tie interest payable annually. Tin; Notes of the Bask of It am iil no, . r 'he ‘lp, cl.' |n ■ ."i; I;*xk. »»f Son in- Gaihu isi, un iof the Ilian of the Cm r»■ti Stat-;s, will re-i-l'■ <1 i i paya- .nt. The purchaser will i - n-qnite-1 ’o ro<ke imp- nenta within two years. Indisputable titles » 1 be made, Henry Shultz. Wunhurt* t S C Nov, 18 tfi 42 Lxoculor s Sale. ON THlMfflllAY the loth Dee-.■nibc. ue 1 w’dl he • dd at the Plantation of the latej Col. No Wauk, on Little Biv -r, in Colum bia county, the him mid Fodder and other pio visions made there |l e present Season, all the farm mg utensils belonging to the plate-, die stock of Horses anil Mutes, among which are some va luable hr md Mans, and hie Colls of the best blond—the stock ol fill!.:, s- me full and some halt blood o( the Lugh b bree 1 ; the stock of Hogs, and the /"-muitum ; I here are about lif i- • i hundred acres of Land, and enough cleared and in cultivation to give employment to '-icnty. five or thirty uumls. Mn h of this land is of good pislify, and the rest very valuable for its timber. *tso- A’ the same tinu; anil place, will! be si. I the flnst and Saiv-M 1L ou Liid-' River.' u id die Bridge across ", kn wu us Wares, v. > 1 1• ah jut f )'iv a :rr-' o' Li ! a'liu-fi* I thereto. And on THURSI) VV, the. £j2d Di re . ■r. there will be sol 1 at tbe Plantation on S vaimah liiver, in Cole ihia C'>niiiy, at the a uth of the Kiokee Cn k, (be whole of tin ( uni P'.i Ider, Farming uieii Is stock, b.c helon ;mg In 'hat place, and id ■> tins Plnntution its-If, g about six hundred acres of land of very excellent quality. Ami tin TiItTJISD.VV ihe 3lUb 1), -nher will be sold at the market-house, in (li v Angus'*. about Purty veri Mteljj •A- • in 'nifing mechanics, bourn servants an- Id hie sh" -id- lit eac! place w ;i com i|i nee »; • n -.-k A. M. a. i close at -1 o*cl ,P>• . ill- 1 ’• c ..ui'uied from day to day, Until Hie ; i-operlv ;■ all sold. I'wi.-b • mouths credit will he f’ivi-n for all sums over Ti i I) liars, and note, villi good enrity i, juired, before tie property will bode livcred. Sirctu B. Ware, ILx'trx. \ Win. W. Holt, F.x'r. Os the 07-7 >f .V. f I'are. [ r Tj' Bd.t-rra of Ne <s|':iw,( nt • rgia, and tin 'Mi >r• of the . 7i-.’ in South-faro i lin-i. m i fpi- s >. i t this Chr-e weekly in -si i in m, uml I n tiaul tneir accounts to this i ffie-e I for paymenL | Oc d,er ‘2l .14 v.\,v . fsvAt,, On in. s a tnu t>a. iv v-i- ...-. -, w-dl bo soldi a' the Murk I i • the * ity nf \ugH4tv | (' L hi> r r;; .~c /. »rs : ) 2021 Acres of Lan<l in first Dis trid o M..lii county No. 1 >7, I legro ii,i , iiu ned Jti ic. 1 I’.'AV, No :2, in the 'rente i»n f'lmrch, -ig ; g-„ ifv estate ! Join Clar. d. cen.;d.— IVrrn* si sa>. tfy ureter the * ■•■•cutnrf ! casiT Kowdrc. Auctioned ) ntf v *»’hr't« P >8 Kxecutor’s Sale. r \\\f LI he sold a' the so m--r r-*si>fenci .1- n v ‘ ■Jyt V rwKi,.’, of (i ch mind county, dec .tsed on i. n- fir a i Monday in IK'oen’ber i -. it, the iVi iihaM; property >i' he said deceased, consist*' ing of • • 'ttrnaml Ktultlttr, likewise, the o * t f'uuic*, M > l . .ej», un.i three h t<l oi U -all »hr M > isrh >l i Furniture, PiMfH»i»on Ami will bo Heated at (lie atne time, tin- I*l nitsfi n when m lie resided- Like wise, iii’u Nr,;;--i,., will he hired, belonging to ssid tn'e Likewise, t ill bp sold sit the same ,mn; ami ,'laa- , c Negro Woman named Wave, beioi'gnig to ; »id estate. IV.;lve 'irintlis credit w'-ll be given, and N-*ies wi'h approved .security will be inquired bcfire the lehvery <■ : rr-pern James Atwell, Ex’lr. oj ’ i ** M of John . /.‘vc ’ Kxe< utur's. half. Will be sold on M.ind.iy die ICkii of Utr.cni'-n nt-xi at the Planta'iuii of William Jones, dc ceased lito of ('.oliimhiii c unity : All »d tin' JT'lot d t)i said deceas ed constating of Horses, Mid s. Oxen, Sine II- Sir tin Plantation ami shop To -Is. - Also tin> e Cotton Uuut in gooil rose •, I hr.-sh i' ga id cutting '1 lit u*, wheat IV , i.vo Wag ons, two Ox Carts, out- fhgg .ml ifat-esr an liter articles not here rocmionrn. |.- - made known on the day, l.uty .1 oiios. Ex' 1 1 ix. N . M. Ih'iitoM, h.v Os the Hit oi the iln r m./. \ v* s*t r . > Aduiimstialui'r )^alr. A. KK K AIIL Kto an oi'lei -t tin- li .nonr.-hh i . tnteri *■ tlo ;rt ul d -i.c- .» v, v,'; «' diy for Ordinary purposes, wdf t»e sold m. t y, •1 I ‘■•e- liber livxl, > Weir 1 (lie U“l ; : .- A Negro man, Priiicp, ho pro pc. U. utien * ton, deceased. ?.-.'dto ’ - bcnifi’ ol Hi e li • , of s S . j deceased'. E> tale.— I’’ nH inak- k 'own on the da - , . h/.tkki Letter, Jdm'v. October f, Id'ii, 9t r Jt . o Ac u\uV Jtf\y Ih’vulius, /',. < (’d 'lt r'li ' K.IOKHE LANDS. '.V 1 ,-, e s-,it» n the first Tuesday in February nest, at Appling One liuadred and ninety-five A cres of Land, belonging to the esiale of Ui.chel Crawford, deceased, on which land i„ a corano dit-'ta dwelling bouse, utit-houscs, Etc, so'd tor die benefit of the heirs and creditors of will es tate. i A I.SO— Will be till'cred, two hundred and , ■ evenly-seve i acn s of J.aml, adj hni ig the above i Land—on wlncn I .am) Horn is a cordbr' iibb . jdwelliiii; li -nse, some out houses an 1 «n Orchard if Hie be. fruits, and of considerable th’ ibove places .re within 16 miles of Augusta. ! Perms will be c ade known onfhe day <-f »l» Simmons Crawford, .db/wV. November 2i r td 4d Administrator’s Sale. Will b sold n the first Tuesday in Febnary *iexi at Appling . Ouc hundred .and seventy-five A ores of L*n !, t»e|..nfntiiMt> thp estate of William IJunn, Beceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of sale trm f r known on th * day Mary 11. !)unr, Admv’x. Nov .her 15, 16‘js T of 43 AdmiiiHtratup’s Sale. Aifi J >tr Id »t Columbia Court //>• isu, on ike’ first Pucsday id December o* 1 \i : Two hundred and thirty Acres of! band, belonging to the Kata'e of W|lli M » It ) (Tab!), deceased, sold for the b -n. fit of the heir-1 of ■- ) deceased. Sold <»n a credit of 14 month). John iennon, JJdm'r. (iclobf-r 5, 1825 9t T 3^ Adminif trator’a Hale. BY order of the honorable 'lie Inferior Court, Will In; sold at ill-* Market House in the Clo ol Augusta, on (be first Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours : Two Slaves, viz. lioxina Sc Har ry, belonging to Hie Estate of the late John C, rutin-rs, ami sold for the benefit ul tin- heir- an creditors. 11. 11. Wilde, Mm’*. November 4 r td 38 (*uanliMil’s Hale. loan ordnr of the tloDocHble ’he In- 1 b ior Court d L'-h; (In coUMiy ; wilt l> f Oidlnary pM'post will /*,■ eddfu f.inr dn ■ «»-i the first r ?»?S'lay in Ju *. *i : l negro Man, by the name of i x-■ .eioii-ging to i. . once Ci inage, a Minor, "‘•ld (or Hie hr.nefit of i 1 Minor. Terms made known on the day of -He. Wm. H. Harper, Guar’dn. November lb, 1825 3i r ;3 NOTICE. *I7 I U, be -'d on Ho 2(«li fi-een'ier lies' | TT o i Hie prmnises, that well k own and va -1 liable PI BLIC i| iNI) at p men • tupied by liie subscriber, sHlisted at H; Turk of 'lie Mij edge vide and W rigbtsborough roads, sis mile s! J'Voiii Augusta. A I/O— j Till*, i lotts‘hftlil H*iinilf nr** 'ind n I; l»ncr perso d property. "here »r>- two hundred - -fr of ' - -e.ity-fiv ;go -d -i, j j six ol whir' is prepared f ir cultivation. The in;.-os •nicnt's com prist' a coni.. . table ; i)w- Uing, and convenient out buildings. The terns of payment vdl be made easy toi Hie purcliM .tr, William B. Burton, j Cl ? i i-e . dilots of the i---orgla Journal will! utblish H.e abov. twice, an-, lorwa-i* their ac 1 count to the fi; briber, \V, H. B. Noveo.ber 1 37 Nolie. ll' order of M morn ■ Inferior Court of jlf Columbia cuun' y, will l,e sold on ! 'ie first j , Tuesday in January nex , at Columbia Omul I (0ll«e ; TNvt. Hundred and sixty-font A ices of !.-tiul, me >r less, lying on Hie 11- ; ;*ii o ikf Gteek, r.-thiu (wo eider of said Ootlrf-hon-- (be real Estate of .lame* Marlin, deceas ' he Benefit of Tic heirs.- Terms made 1 kite- ■ .1 Oil the day of Sale Hubert Martin, Arim’r. <>-.1 nber 27, 1835 fitw t 37 N otice. Will he sold on the b "U Tut: dav i i Jar". ,rv nex' at Columbia Court-House, between the usual 2* hours of sale, agree- ole to an order of the If*)ti nsble Infi-.-i r ('.in-- oi Walton count. One ‘Tract of Land in Columbia * comity, lying on (I ;er.b r lt: (’reek, containing *' 318 Acres n iv. or I :.a, including the Plantation and Mills—-t tv-u : a a"t of the real stats oi Thomas Jones, I ite of --.iid county, deceased, for Ithe benefit of the Heirs of .aid Estate. Terms ">i the day of ... -o. V\ illiam Hnoker, Jidm’r. j Octobet 23,1835 av Stulen. j * or tv- <r die Is itati- of Mr, Jno. 3a lm, i'll ■ .e ' bini 1 Augusta, o". or about I' ■ il4 hot ' - '.mile in lath- id Con with e ' aid. ». ahiie ack an 1 elly and redhead—oik Li a (low " i'h horns, a white spot m ker fore .ead and white snot; on nei rump- enr • übo.i -jye&rling, v h white and rod snots, a'! ma.bed with a swallow fork n each -ar, mb branded with an !I u' V nut ku 'wo which, a-, ther* were I, 'wnfi . among the stock. Any person 'if ■; v i 1 * '-tt'le, "f irivi.i" informal, o u , i them, shad r-'ct-ive agi uriv-us rewar i Vi )!\ , !to Jxo. S. and ?■;. A. H ur. Hid. Ila good, Muncock ( runft/, }. ■ Vovemht pl l 4q v N otiiv. ''jNf 1110 ‘ ' »0' r >‘.e ■ml •( ini wil hi '* n ’ J •> me -P's the I itcrio” Cotir - 1 r-inki i C ui nty, when “itiing for Orlmari 'i. ' :r T e(t have to sell the real estate of Sta iu.g l* r . .iti-r, n Mini.r •Limes li, llaloy, Guardian. Vpril 12, 5-8-23 t(n9m 87 PATENT COTTON PRESS. Subscriber respectfully it forms bis friends. JL and the public in g.- ' ml, that he hsa invented i Xvw ,% wsfti*Yi\ .MacAiue, for the purpose of J 1 ki.i;' Cot to ■ into square Buies, by tiirjnr ’i;/ it Lever, crlinff on i a Fwtam Thu h Un-.-s the follo-aer ti. 1 1 piir.iet the Cotton into the Bute. The power ot this Machine is such, thatfron 450 to 500 p i - i >■' Cotton can bn pressed in o h\e yards of ’>2 ii' r h bagging with considers ■ ole, and n i very short time. The superim J s'ivaiit".res ol tliis machine are clearly manifest, that, . i addition t ■ the small quantity of bagging) required, f-, n certainiy is an oiject,J two hands can wiHi great ease, pack from eight to twelve bales in one day, if tne cotton is conven ient, by having some : instance :i. sewing, which is by fur th i most tediuu: part. The simplicity of this ins 1 bine and its superior power are great ly admired ' y mechanical ->rv. i, and in fact all vho have seen i*. By a mecuaniciii demnnstra tion it is proven, that the power of the kvrr and its concimilants are equal if not superior to any, even to the wedge ; f properly applied. Km in the h, li and frequent encomiums past on the invr i ion, the subscriber is induced to of fer it to '.ln Public as sr. nettling worth of their | immediate tot ice. Any person that may want,; ■■an apply to he submri'ier. The probable cost v !l be I’fKIV 1)0) LARS, when all materials are found, id tlt-ifl'CV, it not found. Patent J Letters having been ohtair-.-d from the Depart ! ment of a' „• of the United S ates, all persons an proh b! cI f -on njkiog or usi ig the »anie without 1 legal . gli'. Vi luf '-hgenienla will meet with the i ig- e -f tlx aw, ■ id. and provided in such ra-es. An. in ;l»t no ti; ii, may wish to be bcnelitted by die invei-i ■ on, rt n by [lying a very moderate ( » scetir* -i lividua: c uniy oi state rights. The I I same is ofi.'ei) to farmers and all others. /?.- .i .-o f the Machine is sixteen feet limit, ' '■href feel wile, an.! can he merlin n home of six teen Jeet pr i, or .'ironyln so near the outside that the cotton r -he conveyed by a lube from tin Gin to the Pres Lewis Layssard. Halifax, N. Sept. 2d, 1825 Ut r 30 A .'ARM. .s ut!<;k ha- tm.vTiH'i', 0 libPK.L'n IJIXY returns thanks f-> the La- T;-i- t-en'. lemen of th c.ty. hr. for the air-irifih - has receiv. j tVotn thee in the line of in - profession, and hrpe-s he will meet with ti eii future favors. He on iter those who may want his >. 'vices. • to cad 81 In; home, sign of the Golden BagK ' tji.ttun Kangs, and sec his woik, which he v, »r j rents and is manufactured on » new principle.— ' The advantage pernor.* have who employ him i that Augusta bo- residence, and an injury,' ■- work done by hr , can be repair.;.' at ai ! limes. Me pises Ter if i bo h real and ;-rtific’ml (row. ! knit; toe latte.’ with j.ure enamel) from • si .He! one to a'vnole St 1 . so accurately that they Will! answer -.d the purposes o untied i.c cha.-sj ulm teeth if over so much discolor, d. of ail their' - nd tarter without and ' 'to mus iviii 1 hi: ■ fi-o ns e'er, I I’eeth'which are -uyed mid htH-w, !v Ml 1 * - 1 : ;. w\mi to ter. ’ I Tetb r.d stumps ex'ranted . the es- • j-Tiaune- if .- er so (ficult and pi lg ,-d b' others ; upiw-sibie to e»‘ract He. prepare* a d-. Orifice ,«tp f. essence which pro., -rv- -. the teeth and ,changes them to a betuitiful ■ li-te. cu-es the! jururvy, ind makes the breath sweet ami agt • 'able. j November Ifi p 42 fflilEli)¥s9.rAlL AND STEAM BvTHS. 1 P. Ol KL, a French Physician, respectfully ;I ft inthrn... Hie public, a- tie has - '..Mi-*-. 'SiaAM and UiiDlC.'d. BAT'S ' gu.-'.i 1 rite very higli re ule < >te Rati ,v, acquire! hi Kuvope, wher • (although a let cliacovety he* »r ,to be found n cry itos; ; rti Hu ) rn-U cures they have performed hi boston, Phi Made'idtis and Ofanrlestcn, can If ■ -j n > double their efficacy, most gentle r.s well as the ; i-art P" ■ -si.! m< ocinessrc '.....xi-istered !>•-• ili j nemn, wr.lvn.r any patu, trouble or ci .gust to tk. 11 : atient 1 The. i never .V.ilin:» remedy in all cutane ju’ts cffVciior.s ; from Psora, Hir.gworms, he. u I Scddhesd wJ Leprosy. They also have neve: j failed of success in eHher acute or chronic riict j matisir- Id glandular obstructions, cliloro*’ 4 <o asai'cou ! -, v/eilirgs, in- :.pient d opsy; in all diseases it Ili joints, gov-v afTi'Ctii ifi. dispci ■ n ol . . tiers d ci red syphilis, spasmodic or nervous asst-. .on:. in all hiliou divord--«ti, dopepsi-' .ypneondt iasis epilepsy- these .alt.a have been found most ser ’• !vice.* ’He. ..Ihi v> ften succeeded even in here ft:. • coninlttinls. fr fine, thi. manner of admin ■asterinc n o •> remedy belnngio.g to tin r jhealing r - fie rendt od applicable to ■ ■."> ! -very case, ml ': is repeated) without any pa.; jiroubli o' si to the at’cnt. I As th. se baths are not -, e-t g ucrady kn. 1 n |Dr. Iforra will be hupp. ;c give the nna . - tec 1 t( rences r. ; on i who 'cured by taking them. si u si y 11 . 57 T“ u l>o\A ,xv 8 AV e'w ol* . | ,jAN 1W.45 tpomthe Piantatior i • ! i.l Jones, .nd Mias ( -mpbcii m ,1 :mn Cs»u dy i near I.otusvtUe about Urn .'Op Octof-t' I, j list, two fellows by name, laiin/.Vf: 1 ■ ... i paid on theii ,rg I,ge lin :e Jail ct , ;h*m or Hichm md ('...unties, or . -.-. vered to the i. Subscriber at At . s.a, or FI I R DO I ■ ' HI '-r ether, an-1 . re.-mnable v t-nses pa.-- 8i V) IP 10 is veil > nowr about Augusta, and but I d | well kn-; v. n abrn t bavr.uuah. e ! E. F. Campbell, ■ i * ■V.- -■ •. rlB >’ i A otice. \ ' r ni'..«its after dre .iptm-.inm will b. >1 \ made to the Hom rab!. tiie .lu.tices of ti,, Inferior i ■ ■ mty, wl - [for Oi dipary purposes, for leave to sell, tha tract or parcel of Land, cimt .initig o- H-. n inert'.-, (f e'i'e or leg. t s tuat:.-. gan t being n n ;thc county aune.- ... on s. a -i -d l.i -s • ■ i'l i—t' am b ang par; n( r. 1 ~e \' i ues -id ', d -•• .I. ,- ;... ... ~j , i-|g *>b-. among the I'eira of s-id u jeear .1. I {-ii'orge R< ibius, Mm’r. eptember 20, lm! 27 AUGUSTA’MASONIC HAiA I a,®TOßihii. S 50,000 IN TWO FRIZES, I Noip j)int!'ing in the City of Augusta, under the permit I SAMUEL HALE, WILLIAM W. HOLT I ROBERT R. HE'D, JOHN VV. WkLDE, I THOMAS I. WRAY, B. 0 THOMPSON ■ j AUGUSTIN SLAUGHTER, V Commissioners appointed by the. Gen. Asse nhlt/ of the Sua.- f G ■ -,<• I CONTAINS THE MOST SPLENDID VARiET^C/ Grand Capita.* PRIZES, | OF ItVVVTUaT IX A.HEJVV'-'A, ilHir, I 1 PRIZE of 820,000, 1 PRIZE of Bio,oof } PRIZE of 10,000, l PRIZE ■ I<} ■ »• } PRIZE of 10 000, 4 PRIZES of , t •/!.. ! S Frizes of ,S l . o i j | wm® wmimam mmi I WILL TAKE PLACE ON THE Ulh h '/>•’ Os HFCE ?r • ' I ,ai3!®|--V' \.N ktfyffe # # IMt,| , s i Prize ol 10, (o;-- JDAbrA ir 0.i.000 VAu. j p. • '• - n • •. 11.. •J Pri/ds of 10.000 Dollai's is ?0,000 AlK.O'h. I Prizes of 6,000 Dollars h 20,000 IP-(far -5 Prizv*s of 1,000 Dollars f s >,OOO l>n ! ar: TO Prizes of 500 Dollars is 5,000 Dollars )Q Prizes of )00 Dollars is 5,000 :■ ! ! t? - 100 Prizes of 50 Dollars L 5.000 Do 5000 Prizes ol 10 Dull rs E ~ <Ht D li 5175 Prizes. } SIBO,OOO i 0825 Blanks. ( ajlghtaen TlumsanA Tickets at '■: Xcw' Less than 'wo nn 1 in half Rani-. -p; TUP. fMll/.F.S ONLY TO Hk, DU AWN. All the. Prizes floating e.vcep- Ihe follow , ~ which will be dcy.>:.:feU [ fit definite permit,, viz . On 'hr. Ist Drawing i Prize of lO OOi) ■ id I v t •(> On the ad Drawing 1 Prize of 5,000 ; nil t ot (,000 On Hie Bil Dra'a ing i Pi ize of 10,00(5 aiul sos 500 On the 41,1, Drawing J Prize of 5,000 ami L of 1,000 and ( of ,oh j On (he siii Drawing 1 Prize of 1.0,000 ami i of 500 jOu the 6th Drawing 1 i rize of 5,000 anil lof «,000 ami iof 501 j On I lie 7(h Drawing * Prize of 10.000 arid ( of 5,000 ami i ot 500 j On the Bth Drawing I Prize of 2-i),000 anil < of 1,000 and 1 of ;•:> - On the 9th Draw ing J Prize of 30,000 and t o'* i.OOO •. m • -f ■ I All Ptiv.iv; payable thirty duv« after die coinplriiu-i of u Lotlery ntbt : due tion of hftjca per cent. — li nol .ipplie.-l fm- vulu:. rv.c • d ~ re. , . cd i donati »n L o the fun is of the M.’.hdN t Ii ’. L I ' ; mil for this 1 .:■■. ■ ■ , . L xtiaerdinary accumulidion of Capita! Pt vvr, in th.. -no di ■ >tf. vti the Lottery ; and the price will ua dou; I -uiv,. .je y< .i. • . •-, .vim. 1 ; Tiekeia aiu\ uvanlw hud a\ Uv: • ■ hua; i r ■ ::i i f\ r v r r i? v < ?- r. lily I. A I J'it I k li. if :■ Cntil the first- day of Her her next, when th ~ .7 . ri* i ELEVEN DOLLARS. PRK-R’.ST Rii P. Whole Tickets ><-| VUa\w«. - ;; tv,} iluarteva, . cj, r v .\ ,V T* Order-from any part of flu nited -j --bills of any ~ft , ie. wi et with prompl D .trier. red , - v - '■ " ■ ■ b fi ceirhcr, 1 ■ . -S" pi tee, Atitiress alt coiiununica'.ions lii . 1 -v i , r; JIVGCSTA, November' 25, 1825. , indistinct PRINT