The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, December 02, 1825, Image 4

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A UCiUSI ’A \IA SON IC HALL • IN TWIM'IiIZSvS, Xou' Drawing in the Cihj of Augusta. under the superintendence oj SAVUEL IIALE, WILLIAM W. HOLT. UOBIiIiT 11. ÜBIU, .lOIIN W. WILDE, THOMAS I. WUAV, Is. I). THOMPSON, AUGUSTIN SLAUGHTER, ('nmmisiu tm-ru rpjiointe.l Inj the (ion. Assembly of Ike State of Georgia* WHfm SM. oHe vr> CONTAINS THE MOST SPLENDID VARIETY OF Grand Capital PRIZES. DV AXN \AVIVVi\A\ IX ANVETLICA. 1 PRIZE of 820,000, 1 PRIZE of Sio,ooo, I PRIZE of 10,000, 1 PRIZE of 10,000, 1 PRIZE of 10,000, 4 PRIZES of 5,000 S Prizes of S 1,000. Trap vomnii i : .:a With TAKE PLACE ON THE 14<A DAY OF I) ( ! 1 Prize 0f 30,000 Do]} - i. 1 Prize of 20,000 T> ;) t i >i;,oo:; DoH:o> 4 Prizes of 10,000 ' 000 D -ILip 4 Prizes of 5.00 = Mars 20,000 Dollar,. 5 Prizes of TO Dollai ■> <>o Dollaj*.,. 10 Prizes !’ s' l Dolla.i -;s 5.000 | 0 Prr 1■•) Dollars c >,OOO Dr-liars. <oi Pi- {.f . Dollars is 5,000 Dollars. h»i rizes of 10 Dollars is 50,000 Dollars *Vizes. ? SI 80,000 ; Ilian 1 S * •Vvleeu uawuA riekiilA al TLX \is, Dess .1,01 tw.» and an bad' Blanks . a prize THI IMUZ .S ONLY TO RT DRAWN. 1 : ■ n S ■ ' olhwim oki vil depoHled in Ift ' ■ I d / ilt> periods, m • « Dtawin, i Pii / T 1.0,000 ami lof nK) ftwi 51 I eof *»,000 and lof 1,()00 and > •* ' tl»r 3d Dranin;; < Prize M 1 »,()u» mol iof 500 iV ; ’ - >0 ). 500 Di lift 3tb Drawing j 1 n/e of 10,000 ami (of 500 ) id 1 of 500 ' and i of 500 >OO and 1 of 500 ,000 and 1 of 500 the Lottery, subject to a de • 1 ' twelve months, to be consider -1.. come immense, in consequence of (lie .1 the Wheel, and (he public confidence advance very as the drawings progress. >e \wu\ at tA\c avigiuaV \»y\cc, at L rKin OFFICE. limit day of Here,, her next. will fmlicelyr to ELEVEN DOLLARS. PRKrsENT PRICE, \y\w\ts Tickets, - - . * io % VUUva, ..... 5 VIUVWtCYS, - o JS “v'onta Hill M "V, 1 " ‘'r"; 1 S V s ' enclosing file in ,1„ i'arien Rill, „,u , K . r*coivA at pa". '**' l " ' moe * with prompt attention. All orders actually mailed lit,. r,, - t ..«• n , < , gmal price. Vddreß all communicaiums to ‘ be SU PI >,I(JtI at ll,e oli J. 8. BEERS, •QUGrsrd, November >25. ]B2j. to the Commissioners ♦ *7 4 ■| vown SL©m m VALUABLE LOTS, lA7ILL be sold on WxitNiisiur, the seven’* l T » day of December next, to tlie highest bil ler in the town of Hamhuhg, South Caholin*. oemg a (,iart of the Tliree Hundred Lots adver tired on twenty-fourth of November 1824 for j sale on tiguteenth day of January last, and be ■ ng in cor. iima ion of lha, sale. One Half of the rnirrhise money cash —the oilier half to he on in eresi at seven percent per annum, the interest ■payable annually. The N iles of the liarfK of of the Specie paying Basks ol South-) (, and of the Lank of tue Uxited States, j ; "ill he received in payment. The purcuasers j will be r.qnired to make imjrovements within, itwo years. Indispn able titles will be made. { Henry Shultz. , f\ i/>itnhui'ff 9 iV C. Nov. ]R id 42 Executor’s Baie. ON THL'HSDAV the loth December next, will he sold id the Plantation of .the lalf Oof. Nicholas VVaiik, on I, ule Itivei', in Colnm b a county, Hie (hum and ('odder slid other pro visions made there the present season, all tin irming utensil* bel mging to tin* place, die stock of llor-es and Mules, among which are some vv I hi ihle hr md Mares, and fi ie Colls of the heal hi md—.the stuck of Cattle, some full and some udf blood of the English hree.i; the stock ot Hogs, and the Plan'anon : t here are about fii eeu huudr-d acres oi Laud, and enough cleared md in cultivation to give employment to twenty five or thirty hands. Much ot this land is of good quality, and the rest very valuable for its timber. —also — At the saint! time and place, will he soi l the Crist and on Little Kiver a d the Bridge across t, known as Wares, wi'hl ibnut forty acres of ' attached thereto. And on T” DAY, the ■.*>; Decemb r, lb ' at the ' i tsL on Savauri*’ ' i count ■ a limit hos 1 t ie’ t. Join •■■■■ sloe ;, Ui; bel” .n, v ■ . d Fliniio■ i " i- . i' d ' Mils. so. 1 111 ■■ • llf s HUBS!). 1 V ; nh|. • ■;» t i 1 j 5; • ‘ • u..•»! .:u,- tony veij •\\ \' ’• - n ivV' niiicv-, hou- c act-. • U' l - lit.ifi'. She V'i -s at c*»ch p ■ -n.;".,, - si. ■ < •( st J • .i) -* a; .‘■r : , - M .-iml ~t c.-u-.-uk ! irum !«-,■ »o Uy,. ■ri i|h‘ ’> is ar i Stlj.; f ', f 1 • * • c” r Ist ; -- . ? 1 • it i‘*ii 'c, id 'ere ilit- <'v v r, t\ ■ ; J*.; Ttif-an- B. Wai'T i' S'iw. V* m. V- th-ii. /r , (I; m ■ ■ ,<• ,v if v - V’V* m Nswspa >ers i i (> .rgla, and the tCo ai!n ' ■ in . ! • .«.! -. om n,S l: ! . • #•» |(.; . ■. 1,-. ; we ' ' rtl-M-1, ,1 u,,. I,; HCC nil ,1 l! :. . ft; •. it i r>s)'.:i-,i , Ocohi , 2 y ■: ], L . y ,i.t si’ n. - i \ » iolii <ll. O i . . jOn Tiu-s civ dth of Ue-ent.t. ■n. vi| !«• , •» M kef House i. city ■( : .-ust*, ( ill’ll -m I/':.- -tmial ho-; ■ • i>is | trie ot Monroe county, No (,» , t Vegro man named Jack n Cburch the i ni Olark da. i ' :,, i h ■ rt(L . Anciutm ■ r«. _ Ti <•••■' 1. ' ■, ■ i ' ■ n ,'inh I IV f i I ,v , ,t(M- s, lie- ! ■te<• C. ’his c mi „ .<l ot Stool’ <*(' - jf! •(>•' , consisting o> rtorsc-n M Hogs, &c —Ass , the Plai.ii'tion , Also three Cotton finis in good ' ’ ing and cutting Machine, whe n i ■„ uv ons, lw.) Ox Carts, one Cfgg ,n ' Hanu is, other articles not here me.i oed. Tern:.'', known on the day. Lucy Jones feW , N, M. Bento £'r. Os the Will of t/u deceased November 8, 1825 s*t t 39 Administrator’s Hale. * CUEEAUf.E to an order of the honourable a*, the Interior Court of Burke county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will he sold at tin Court-House in said county, on the first I uesda) m December next, between the usual hours of P sale : ej A Negro man, Prince, the pro-' i.j peny of B noen Tipton, decease ), S.i'nl for tin j benefit of tin; creditors of sari deceased’s Es tate. —Terms mail” known on the day of sale. Lzekiel Lester, Adin’r. October 4, 18J5. 9, T 3i Sheriff’s Sale, II ill be .sold on the first 7'iiesdui/ in Janu-\ ary next, at the Market-House, in the ci- 1 ty of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale :— Four Negroes, v'r/,. llachael, Toney, P.ris |to ami Hose, levied on as the property of A. Rhodes, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the fore jclosure of a mortgage, Thomas Gumming | vs. said A. Rhodes. ALSO, The following Negroes, viz. Charles Gil ibert, a man, Nancy a woman, Gabriel ami \N ill lain children, Jinny a woman, Biddy, Alfred, Sarah, Phoebe, and Ann Eliza, chi! jdri’n : levied on as the property of A. Rhodes, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclo-! ’’Sure ot a mortgage, Anderson Watkins vs.) ■ said A. Rhodes. Peler K. Bnisclair, Sh'Jf it. c, 'j November 1, 1825. r id * 38 B atii; ffeeds ul Gunvcj mice, KE4TI.V l' lIPfTKI» ON N KI LI M I'jl'KU, Fry sale at th:c OJfiK Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in De cember next, at the Court-House door, in JFaynesborough, Burke county, within sale hours : One Negro man, named Nelson, levied on as the property of Robert E. Hrodnax, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from a Justices Court of said county, at the suit of James Anderson against Stephen W. Blount, and Robert E. Brodnax. ALSO, Three Negroes, viz. Luce, Susan and Elizabeth; levied on as the property of Lewis Byne, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from a Justices Court of said county, at the suit of L. B. Marsh, Executor of Jane Rennet, deceased, against Lewis Byne, Richard Byne and'Administrator of Redding I), i Bryant. also, I One Jack, levied on as the property of I Rawls, to satisfy an Execution in favour of Rawls. also, Thirty-five Acres of Land, more or less being the interest a Henry J. Holliday in 200 acres ol land, ((joining lands of Sime on Lowery and others, levied on as the pro ipetty of Henry J. Holliday, to satisfy two fi. fas. in favor of Ezekiel Inman. ALSO, One Hundred Acres of Land, adjoining lands of Henry Crew and others, levied on as the property of Arthur Royals, to satis fy a fi. fa. in favour of William Ligon. Jjio T. Forth, s. is, c. October 28, 1825 f 38 E vv/vrd K. Campbell, A j Pi. EQUITY, el. al. ) Carolina, Edsrcfidd District. it bi 1 ee to an order of the Court of j be sold at Hamburg, South 'll day of December next, d o ' , two and three years, 1 him tu » date, all that Tr^ct ' ■ i -md. lying at the junc ock v i. annah River, "■ miles « Augusta, contain am es, In: the name more or less, purchas-i *ll be required to give ' sec.!;', j with a mortgage of the > y in cash the cost of suit .ae deed. WJiitfiekl Brooks, Commissioner in Equity. Ml U ) 25.> F<d 38 evidei.ces of title ami a cription of the land, ap ■uel), Augusta. NOTICE. is said on ;he 20ih December n ex' ihe premises, that well known and va- ÜBLtC SI'ANI), at present occupied b> übscriber, aifimted at ihe Fork of the M i ■ ereville and Wrightsborougb roads, six miles .runt Augusta. al'-o The Household Furniture ami o ther personal property. I here are two hundred acres ol Land—twenty-five good swamp—and six of which is prepared f r cultivation. Ihe improvements comprise a comfortable Dw lling, afid convenient ou’ buildings The terms of payment will be made easy to ’he purchaser William B. Burton. ‘ T, 'e editors of the Georgia Jou nal vv ill I’’’ 1 *he above twice, and forward their ac i t he subscriber. VV. H. 11. • tVovemher * 37 N otice. of the Honorable Inferior Gourt of .mbia county, will be sold on die first ■y in January next, at Columbia Court .e ;—• Two Hundred and sixty-four A cres of Lund, more or less, lying on Hi" Big Km ki-i- (.reck, within two o.iies of Court-house. Sold as the real F.itate of J..,n s Martin, deceas ed, for die of die heirs.—Terms made known on the day of Sale , Robert Marlin, Adin’r. O -toher 27. 1825 6:. v 37 N otice. Vt ol 00 sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at < olunibia Court If 'use, between the usual noiirs ot sale, agreeable to ao order ot the Honorable Inferior Court of Walton county : i One Tract of Land in Columbia I county, lying on Greenbrier Creek, containing .>lB Acres more or less, including the Flanlalhm ind Mills —it bring a part of the real estate of 1 hornas Jmes, late of said county, deceased, lor the biiiefii of the Heirs of said Estate. Terms on the day of sale. William Booker, Adin'i. Ottdber 25, 1825 37 or ftliAeu. A Tor near the rJjmtation of Mr. ,lne. Barton, seven riles (ram Augusta, on or ob .nt iln -14 h ult. 1 1 1 p Ciittl.', one cathtail Cow wnh red ■I s, white Ime- and belly and red lit ad—one hhnk Cow witli horns, a white spot in fur fort iead an.l white s-,.ns no her rum >- 1. id. l athnad ea-ling, vvi llt white and r d s iot.; f » ! 1 marked '■idi t, ‘ wadow (’< rk in each ear, anil hi ander' '•i'll a t H or V n.-i known which, there vote j we-brand an ong ilie gtoek. Any per; - 1 1 s> I curing -a.i, d ude, t giving infovir.a i• 1 « ;;rieni, » Hi rrc ive a gener.ius reward. Apply j o Jso. S. id E. A. H ur. Gid. Hr good. U ncock County. j November 31 Bowk, and Job Hflniins. A ently Executed al this ffilce, PATENT COTTON PRESS. THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, (hat he has invented ' JSTew & «NVac\uu<i. i fur Ihe purpose of Packing Cotton into sen , ■ 1 Pales, by the power of a Lever, acting «,-■ > a Fuicum , ■which drives the follower S that presses the Cotton into the Pale. i The power of ibis Machine is such, tint from ] 450 to 500 pounds of Cotton cm be pressed in to five yards of 42 inch bagging with considera ble ease, and in a very short lime. The superior advantages «( this machine are clearly manifest, ' that in addition to the small quantity of bagging f required, (which certainly is an o'lject.J two 1 bands can with great ease, pack from eight to twelve bales in one day, if the cotton is conven ient, by having some n sistance in sewing, which > is by far the most tedious part. The snnplicb* 1 of tins machine and its superior power me great . ly admired by mechanical artists, and in lad ah who nave seen it. Uy a mechanical demunstra p tion it is proven, that the p iwer of the lever I. and us concomitants are rq lat if not superior to • any, even to the wedge if properly applied. | From the high and freq lent encomiums past i 'oi the invention, the subscriber is induced to of. ijter it to the Public as something worthy of their 'immediate notice. Any person that may want, jean apply to the subscriber. The probable cost will be FIFTY HOLLA US, when all materials >jure found, tmd F.IOHTY, if not found. Patent Letters having been obtained from Hie Depart- *■ menl of State of the United S'aies, all persons are prohibited from making or using the same without > legal ngli'. All infringements will meet with Dm 1 rigor ot the law, made and provided in such cases. ■ Any mechanic tint may wish to be benefited by the invention, may by paying a very moderate sum secure individual county or elite right-., '('lie same is offered to farmers and all others.. 'l‘he s zc of the Machine is sixteen Jeet long, ' three feet w : <le, and can he used in a house of six teen feei puch, or brought so near the outside that the cotton can be. conveyed by a tube from the (jin to the Press. Lewis Layssard. Halifax , N. 0. Sept. 2d, 18 15 14t f 80 . A C<ißlJ. * SIJUGEOjy DENTIST, RiCSfriCl FULLY returns thanks to Die La dies and Gentlemen ol tlie city, Etc . for the patronage he lias receivtd from them in Die line of bis profession, and hopes he will meet with (Pen- fulure favors. lie invites those who may want his services, to call at his house, sign of the Golden Eagle, (lotion Range, and see hie work, which he war rants and is manufactured on a new principle.— the advantage persons have who employ him’ is that Augusta is his reside i ce, and sm ii-jtny to work dune by him, can be u pain d at ai times. lie places Teeth both real and artificial (ina k'og the tatter with pure enamel) from a single one to a whole set, so accurately that they will answer a'l ibe purposes intended. He cleans the teeDl II evir m n.ucli discolored, of all their foulness and tarter withe ut pain, and renders them as white arid as fair as ever. Teeth which are decayed and lolbw, be re pairs by titling them up, and g them an swen the purposes they wire ii.tei ded for. Icetb and stumps extracted in the easiest manner if ever so difficult, and judged by others impossible to extract. IP prepare- aunmifice piste & essence which preserves the teeth, nd changes them to » beautiful wh'lc, cures tfe ‘■curi), and makes the breath sweet and agree abl •. Nov mber 18 f 42 jsnaioaoixii AMI STEAM It AT US. OR. GULL, a French Physician, respectfully informs tin* public, that he lias established STKAM aid MKDIGAL BATS in Augusta, t he very 1; g! repute these baths have acquired in Europe, where (although a hue discovery) they are to be found in every hospital, and Hie ■real cures they have performed in Boston, Phi ladelphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt of their efficacy. The most gentle as well as the: most powerful medicines art a Iministered by th K means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the patient. They are a never failing remedy in all cutane ous afL ctions; from Psora, Ringworms, &c. to 4 Scaldliead and Leprosy. They also have never T failed of success in either acute ur chronic rheu matism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anaiarcous swellings, incipient drnpsyt in all diseases of the joints, gouty affections), dispersion of tumors, th cmed syphilis, spasmodic or ncrv.iii-, affections; m all bilious disorders, .dyspepsia, by pocondriasia, ■ 1 epilepsy—these baths have been found most ser viceable, and have often succeeded even in here* ditary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin istering almost every remedy belonging to the healing art, may be tendered applicable to almost . every case, and (it is repeated) without any pain, ! trouble, or disgust to the patient. As these baths are not yet generally known, , Dr. UooKi. will be happy to give the most res- i pectable references to persons v/lio have bee t / cured by taking them. I January 11 57 'Wax DoWays IWwavd. IJ) AN \ WAV troni the Plsntations of Mrs.N. W A Jones, and Miss (.'nmpbeli in Jefferson L'oui iy, m ar Louisville, about the 20th October If’. tvni ledowa by name, FU/i CUJVE and SCI CIO, tit' whom the above reward will be paid oil their being lodged in the Jail of Chat ihaiTinr Richmond Counties, or delivered to the I Subscriber at Augusta, or FIVE I/OLL. UiS , li reiih- r, and all reasonable expenses pit d.— - is well known ab. ut Augusta, and bo'.li i well known about Savannah. E. F. Campbell. November 18 42. iSotice. . | VTINK months at’icr date, application will he i ’ mad :to* bo Honorable the Justices of tne i -t(nr Lmii-t of Scriven county, while sitting ( .To- (cdinar) purposes, for leave to seli, all that |lt act <.r parcel of i .and, Containing one thousai 1 J ’•)! t-« ( i' id is «r leasj situate, lyi.g and being m ■:i.- c i my idote.tuid, on which is a Saw and i.nst 1 Mill D “ )'.me living a part of the real estate of Li nes P mder, A ceased, fop the purpose of malt n r a livis.on among- the Heirs of the said do ecus- d. Georgo Rtbbins, Jldm’r. f ep' mber 20, 1 -52.5 lni9m 27