The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, December 06, 1825, Image 3

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CONSTITUTIONALIST. 11 a _____ n _ . --- V TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1825. 1' -----.t Ia \Vk concluded in our last the Export t of the Commissioners, and in this number we publish several affidavits which detail certain expressions and conversations of General Gaines, of no very mild character. t These documents fully sustain the Governor in the view he has taken of the conduct of t Andrews, Gaines and Crowell, who we pre- same can no longer escape the general cen- s sure. In this State all parties now unite in ] the belief that the Indian Agent should be , removed, and the eyes of the PresidentL wdl be at last opened, notwithstanding the! s attempts made by his agents to blind him to' c the true situation of affairs in Georgia. We j hope, if the Chief Magistrate do not bestow , the proper mark of disapprobation upon the | conduct ot General G. arid Major A. that Congress will not forget what is due to the rights and sovereignty of one ot the Slates of the Union. While our political opponents arc lauding the Commissioners they condemn Gover-|' nor Troup. We do not see with vvhat| reason for there is certainly a stri king coincidence of views between his Excellency and Messrs. Campbell and Me riwether. " it was at first insisted that Crow ell was immaculate---Andrews perfectly clever, and General Gaines all that a milita ry man and a public agent should be.— Now it is allowed that the Indian Agent be haved very improperly, Andrews was a par tial Judge, Games acted unwisely and suf fered himself to be imposed upon. The opposition having yielded so much, their| violence against the Governor should: cease ; having largely mistaken, and dis covered their error, ought they not to con template their remaining prejudices with a feeling of distrust? But no—they' still harp upon ids Excellency’s jealousy of the Gen eral Government, and his anticipations of an improper interferitnce with a property which constitutes a great portion of our wealth and gives to this section ot the Union something at least of its political importance. We believe that in time the truth will as sail even this stronghold, and vindicate the opinions of the Governor. But how unreasonable are these complaints. Is it treason to believe that Georgia should cher ish and manifest a feeling of self respect and that she should look to the conduct of the General Government with precisely that degree of confidence inspired by the knowl edge that men and not angels rule over us f—No one will dispute that such a course so far from being treasonable is per fectly correct and proper, and this being ad mitted, we think it would be difficult to point out the errors of his Excellency’s prin ciples or ailmiulutrution. That be has some times used expressions too warm, and sus ceptible of misconstruction is in truth bis only error, and this will not be considered a very stupendous blemish by generous minds. But why should the politicians of •Georgia longer dispute about Troup and Clark. The election was had and the .first triumphed bj a uute of the people the Legislature met, and the last| was re venged against the will ol' the people. — Let us have done with these broils, and henceforth taking leave of crimination and recrimination, turn our attention only to what will best promote the interests of the state and the advancement of those pure republican principles without which the con stitution is mere piper and the Union a rope of sand. It becomes every Georgian at this period ot excitement to engrave deeply upon Ins heart the never to be forgot ten words measures and. not men. FOR :tHU CONSTITUTIONALIST., Mil. Bu NCK, THE sapient Editor «f the Chronicle has been pleased, after four days deliberate study, to pour upon the squib I furnished for your last Tuesday’s paper, the “vast and ponderous” weight of his so phomoric indignation. His leading article, on Saturday, is about as remarkable for its nice inoral distinctions, as is the Resolution at which my former paragraph was intended to laugh. In regard to that Resolution, 1 have only to say, that it expressly repre sents manslaughter, as a minor offence. I say again, as 1 said before, that no casu ist ever before discovered such a doctrine. it expressly puts this crime in contradis tinction to “ such as imply moral turpi tude," such as ,‘ theft, larceny" sc.; And it the Editor is as good a logician as he professes to be lawyer, he must know that this amounts to saying that the offence in question.involves no moral turpitude at all. Now if Mr. P. will lay asioe his slang about “absurdity,” and “ presuming omio rance,” and “straight jackets” and “all that sort o’thing,” and openly advocate these propositions, it will be easy to meet all Ids arguments in earnest. It would be well for him, however, in the outset, to give us a definition of the crime, which d’»e« not include both killing in chance medly, and justifiable, homicide in self defence ; both <d which arc included in the definition he has chosen. If he can dispute, in prop er temper and in decent language, on such a subject, [ can dispute with him. But if lie discovers, i,i a playful squib, a subject only tor such stuff as this last article of bis, be must excuse me from turning black guard, for the sake ft throwing dirt with him. He is vastly witty on the point of myiCi not using a signature; and the reason he|al assigns, as the probable one, is worthy nfjto no pea but his own. [ can assure him it ot was a mere oversight. The piece was very = hastily written, on the spur of the moment, and 1 neglected to sign if, as I had intended to do, with the name of M'FINGAL. -QO©~ • »*' COMMUNICATED. On Wednesday evening the 30th ult. the Anniversary of Sst. Andrew, was cele-| brated at the Eagle Tavern, when about for-J ty gentlemen sat down to an elegant sup per, served up in Mr. Kennedy’s usual style. Among;the Gishes on the table, the Haggis “ great chieftan o ? the Puddin race” * ranked first. The, utmost harmony and * conviviality;, jvailed, while “ the feast, the H sang, gae'dV un,” until a late hour, the company did not part until “ Auid Lang Syne” was sung—and each responded in - the sentiment of “ happy to meet, sorry to part, and happy to meet again.” \EGISLATURE*OF GEORGIA. \ The bill fixing the salaries of the State House Officers, (2,500 dollars each in place | of their present lees) introduced a few days since by Mr. Stocks, was negatived in Senate 'yesterday by a vote of 32 to 27. The follow ing are the Yeas and Nays. AYES—Baker of Liberty, Baker of War ren, Bird, lilackshear, Branham, Brown of jCaiuden, Brown ot Decatur, Brown of Han cock, Burton, Crawford, Daniell, Fort, Gib son, Haedeman, Harris, Johnson, Jones, Lawson, Mathews, Miller, Powers, Scarlett, ■ Shaw, Stocks, Stokes, and Walker. NAYS—-Adrian, Alston, Anderson, At kinson, Beall, Bryan, Burney, Cleveland, jCoffee, Crittenden, Fraser, Griffin, Groves, : Hilliard, Johnson of De Kalb, Liddell, Lock- , hart, Mitchell, Mobley, Phillips, Sellars, Strawn, Swain, Swilley, Tennille Welborn of Monroe, Welborn of Houston, Wilkin ’ son. Written, Worthy, Young. This act was calculated upon to save a [• large amount to the state —but its Tate is . j here seen—had it come from the ( other party . perhaps it might have passed , [<Sau. Georgians Mr. Turner offered the following as a ■ . substitute: ; Whereas there is now in the Treasury of r this State seven or eight hundred thousand t dollars ; and whereas the 'Treasurer accord- < . ing to the existing provisions, gives bond in ! f the sum of only 8 100,000 ; and whereas the J f Secretary of State lias received on an aver t age for ten years past u compensation (say , . §38,000) which must be considered toogreat, 1 r when compared with the duties of Ids office : \ i and whereas it is probable from experience . in relation to former Land Lotteries, that . said compensation will amount to the exor ) bitant sum of 8(5000 or upwards annually, 1 . tor u year <>, two the contemplated ~ Land Lottery, as was the case in some past . years. , s Resolved therefore, That it is expedient I to adopt such provisions as may be neces sary to regulate the amount of the Treasur jer’s bond, and the compensation of the Sec ure tary of State before the General Assembly II will proceed to the election of State-House . j Officers. , [ And on motion to agree thereto, the Yeas .; were 47, Nays 59, viz : . j YEAS—Messrs. Abercrombie,Beall, Bird lisong, Bryan, Burton, Byne, Clopton of Plit -1 'lam, Dougherty, Foster, Freeman, Hardin, ,j Heard, Holt, Hudson, Hull, Hutchings of ,!Gwinnett, Johnson, Jourdan, Lawson, Leg . get, Leonard, Lumpkin, M‘Clenilon, M‘- . Dougald, Mitchell of Pulaski, Moncrief, i M onroe, M oore, Myers, Oliver, Perry, Ran-s , dolpli, Rea, Rembert, Roberts of Burke, . Robertson of Chatham, Sapp, Scarborough, . Smith of Bryan, Sparks, Tait, Thomas of Mdntosli, Thomas of Warren. Turner, Way, Wilson, Wood of Early. NAYS—Messrs. Ash, Bates, Blackburn, Blair, Burnside, Burns, Bird, Campbell, , Wayton, Clifton, Clopton of Pike, Collins, , Cone of Camden, Copp, Day, Denmark, > Echols, Paris, Fleming, Fort, Gholsun, Gil bert, Greene, Griffin, Hay, Hendrick, Hick ’ I in, Hicks, Holmes, Holsey, Kennon, King of Crawford, King of .Monroe, Lester, Man- , ’ ning, Martin of Franklin, Martin of Jackson, | M'Call, Meriwether, Merony, Mitchell of I Walton, Mitchell of Wilkinson, Payne, [ Pettit, Phillips, Polhill, Render, Roberts of Hall, Robinson of Jasper, Satfold, Smith of j Bibb, Stewart, Sturges, Walea, Watkins, Watson, Wilcox, Willis, Wofford, Wood us ' Fayette. * The original resolution was then adopted, fixing the election for Thursday next. 1 Mr. Brown of Hancock, from the coin . mittee on Finance, obtained leave to make t the following reports : i The committee on Finance have exainin- j ed the Treasury, and find ihe same tu.cor ( respond and agree with the Treasurer’s .Re- < ■ port, and that thefundsof the State, or 1 1 money in the Treasury, is composed of the . following Bank notes and specie, viz : t State Bank of Georgia 257,475 00 ( 1 Bank of Augusta 44;480 00 i i Planters’ Bank 29,570 00 i Darien Bank 440,450 00 1 , United States Bank 400 00 j ; Specie 1,091 60 | ! 8773,466 60 | i [ Journal. I The Joint Committee on the State of the t Republic have been instructed by a vote in ( ’ , Senate of 53 to 5, to frame a Memorial to ‘ . the President ofthe United States, exhibit-! i ing the conduct of Colonel John Crowell, 1 reek Indian Agent, and request his remov-i 1 from office, as a measure highly conducive! a the interest of the Indians and theci'iz.ens t' this State. [Recorder. 1 ATTENTION 1 | . iiLOTUiVA TLXCIRLESI A PPEARon vour Parade Ground, in front o' A the pity IVI, on THURSDAY the B'h l)c camber, at 3 o'clock, P. M. armed and i quipped as the By-laws of the corps direct. By j dev of Cap!. Stvhoks Win B. Malmrry ? Act. o. s. December 6 If 47 mmm mmA® m & mio /Urn JUST RECEIVE//. a®® UK VMS Pool can writing Pnner 159 do Letter Piper (i few Reams with gdt edges) Wrapping Paper 5 Cases Spelling Books 25 Half Hbls Buck. Wheat Flour Fulton market Beef Northern Pickles in Jars. —also Staves and Pipes of all descriptions Stills and Worms of all sizes Brass and Copper Kettles Sheet Copper and Brass Sheet Iron for Gin Saws, &c. &c. December 6 i}t 47 MEW YORK Comb and Fancy Store. CVIRLTOjW & COOK, Having taken the stand recently occupied as a Bookstore by Mr. Baker, three doors below the Bank, Offer at wholesale and retail, at JVew- York prices A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 'The Following articles, viz ; Shell, Ivory, Mock Tortoise and •—ALSO Yaiacy ortides & Xettuiucrj, OQNSISTING Mi PART OF It denies of various palerns,- lleticnle Springs Coral, Wax, Jet and Glass Heads and Bead Neck laces, Neck Chains, Waiste Duckies. Bracelets. Elastic Steel Busks, Hair Pins, Hooks and Eves. Silver t himbles, Stall do. Lead PencT-,' Crayons Mahogany Ink Stands, Snuff B« xes. a complete asjoi tuient. Cloth, flair pirid t ooth Brushes, Con versation and Highlander Cards, Razor Strops and Paste, Jews Harps Pocket Lights, purified Fie ich Soaps, Wii d>or and caitiioii Jo. Pomatums, Eao Admirable Da Cologne. LowlaiuVs .Macassar Oil tot preserving and beautifying the hail. ALSU - Opodeldoc, British Oil, Bateman’*) Drops, o’l of Wormseed, Stnughtons Khxor, and Essences of all kinds, Btc. &c, Merchants and oth ns. wishing to pnrcl.a se ail > of the above articles, will find it much to their ad vantage to calj «t the above establishment. Augustus Knowlfcon, Agent, December 6 47 Y\v\\aAeA\Aua and KortYitorn Bin. BBLS. Philadelphia Gin, Landing, And for sale low ;n quantities to suit purcha set s by Win. brothers, 223, BROAD-STREET, JV.’j-t door below the Globe. Tavern. December 6 4t 47 Just Received A.YD TO a SAIF BY T//F Subscriber, Bto® BHLS. Philad Whiskey, 50 do. Superior Flour, 3 Pipes Holland Gin, (wat ranted pore,) 20 Boxes Sperm Candles, 2il do. M. Candles, 10 Cask’ Cheese. Together with a general assortment of (Bl&(D(oaßa]£B ts which will be disposed of on accommodating terms, at Mitchell and Clark’s old stand J\To, 233, Hrond-street. Thus, H. Martin. December 6 2t 47 REMOVAL. fjflHE subscribers.have removed their GROCE 1. liV STORK to 232. Rrpsfl-street. where they off t an excellent assort ipent of GROCERIES, at the lowest prices. J. W, L. Simmons, & Co. December 6 3t in 47 Superfine Richmond fi our, New i(axilla brand, received per Steam Boat Augusta, lor sale by M<Kenzic & Ponce. December 6 2t 47 CAUTION. Iforwarn all persons from crediting my wife' Nancy McNeill, on my account—as I am de termined to piy none of her debts, as she ha>: absconded If o * ll "O' bed anf l board. Jesse McNeill, November 30, 1825 l*t 47 | WASHINGTON HALL, ’ ~ m 2?®. 334} —— s ( 'JI 4IIIIS ESTABLISHMENT is opened in a handsome Brick Building, erected during the past summer, at the corner of Broad and Mlnlosh-Strcels. It is recommended Plan ters and Merchants, by its situation, in the centre of the town and of business, and wi f tvhiu convenient distance of the Bank", Warehouses, and Public Ollices. Stage Passengers will it convenient from its being opposite the Post-Office, the place of arrival and departure)©!’ the Stages. There is connected with the H ALL, a . adjacent Brick Tenement, with suites t)f Private Apartments, and a separate Entrance from Broad Street, which will be appropriated exclusively to the accommodation of Families ; and Ladies will find themselves as quiet an A retired as m any private house, with the additional advantage of being in the immediate neighborhood of the principal Fancy Stores. The WASHINGTON MALI, is superintended by W. J. Dudley, whose study it will be to please and render comfortable, those who may \ favour the House with their patronage. Augusta, (Ga.) September 30. 1825 28 This Rtvvf, at 10 o’clock, WILL BK SOLD, * ; Jit the Market House (without reserve) \l>, \\. TURRET. A Negro Mpn, A Negro Woman, about 20 years of age t good Held band als— o-2 Itorses 1 Four Wheeled Carriage and IJarness 1 {jig and Harness, —also— -1 Sideboard and one box Shoes With sundry artic’es from a Grocery Store, a; 5 Brandy, Whiskey, Mackerel, Tin Measures, f bags Coffee. 2 dozen Windsor Chairs. TEBMS AT SALE. December 6 It 47 AUGUSTA MASONIC lull LOTTERY, ; ! § B ©® HIGHEST PRIZES, BESIDES Your Prizes of 10,000 Rolls Your Prizes of 5,000 Rolls ! Yvve Prizes ol 1,000 Rolls And an unusual amount of the Lesser Prizes. The Fourth Drawing or THIS TRULY Splendid Lottery, WILE TAKE PLACE ON THE Mil, INST. * Roe Third Os the Lottery is drawn, 8c there remain umlrawi ALL THE GRAND Capital Prizes, Except one of g 10,000 and one of gIOOO. Ajjply for TICJCK i'S 'and SHARES at NCS3UP LOTTERY OFFICE. .No 2-H, Broad-street, PRESENT PRICE, Whole Tickets, Sll 00 Halves, 5 50 Quarters, 2 75 DARIEN HILLS will be rereived at par and The Fortunate Rrawers, Will be promptly paid in good money. Orders from any part of the United States post paid, enclosing the Cash, will meet proinp’ attention. J. 8. Beers, Secretary to the Commimonert. December 2 46 EXCHANGE OFFICE UNITED STATES BANK NOTES, AND DRAFTS On the North, in auma and at aigbts to suit pur chasers, I you sai.e uy .Beers, Bunnell & St. John, a .Cm n -r llroud it M Intoah- Sit eela. Cold, Silver and Dunk Notes ol all kinds bought nd aold, November 29 45 C RT T 0 011A R Fa. . c The Subscriber OFFERS bis services to his friends and the ■ public, for receiving, selling and shipping i 1 COTTON. His Counting Room is removed t< j he Warehouse of Mr. W. B. Shelton, near the I 1 Bridge. L. C. Cantelou. I November 22 4’. Executor’a fta\e. Will be sold at the Market House, in the city of Augusta, THIS DAY, between the usual hours : 203| Acres of Land in first Dis trict of Monroe county, No. 157, 1 Negro man named Jack. : I ,Pe\y, No. 72, in the Presbyterian Church. All belonging 10 the estate of John Clarke, de ceased.—Terms at sale. By order the Fcecntors. Fraser & Bowdre, Auctioneers. December 6 v 28 FIRE THE MECHANIC'S FII|K Insurance Company, NEWARK, NEVV-JERSEY, HAVE appointed the Subscriber their Agent who will receive proposals for INSURANCE (gainst FIRE, and the R -ks of luiavuV Xav\gallon, on (he most liberal terms, at No. 269, Broad Street, Augusta. James Harrison, Agent. October 28 is 36 The Subscribers, /lave Just received a supply of very superior 3FM)m» William Poe & Uo. vVo. 275, Broad-Street-. November 29 3t 45 *** NO riU E—The subscriber resumes the practice or tub law, and may for the present be consulted at his Dwelhng, on Ellis slreet. Robert Rayjnond Reid. November 15 £t 41 Fifty Dollars Reward, WILL be paid fur the apprehension and deli very in the Jail at Abbeville Court-House, Soulh-Curoliiia, of HENRY ISHAM formerly of New-London, Connecticut, whn fe ioniniisly broke open my Crunk, and stole there irom mv Pocket Book aud money to the amount >f FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS, in South- Carolum, Darien and Norlh-Carolina money. He J.scomled trom this place on the 28lh ult. having .11 at the lime, a very light drab coat, with capes, md dove coloured striped cassimere pantaloons— lie is Hbout four feet tan inches high, light com plected, and in his conversation is always inclined to smiling—l.e formerly resided in Augusta. He kept at bay the officers of justice who were a bout to apprehend him, with loaded pistols. Samuel Goldsmith, Abbeville, C. //. Nov. 29, 1825 6t 47 03* The Charleston Courier, the Columbia Te lescope, the Miliedgeville Recorder, Savannah Georgian, and the Connecticut Mirror, will give 'he above six insertions and forward their ac counts to the office of the Washington News, (Ga.) for payment. Xtx\ BoWaTa UfeW avA. OTOLRN from the shop of the subscriber, on the evening of the 2d instant, one fowling piece, patent brich, water proof lock, stub and twist barrel, half stocked, with silver mounting on he small end of the slock—whoever will delect the thief, and secure the gun, shall receive the . above reward —any information left at this office or with the subscriber, shall be handsomely re warded. John F. Beecher. December 6 47 GEORGIA, Burke County. WHEREAS Mary Ann Hurst and John Brig ham, applies for Letters of Administration on the Estate ol Jacob Horst, deceased. Now therefore, these are to cite and admonish «ll and singular, the kindred ami creditors ot the said deceas'd, to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed hy l»w, to file their objec ions, (if any they have) to shew cause why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand ai office in Waynesbo rough, this 30*h November, 1825 47 Samuel Sturges. C’k