The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, December 09, 1825, Image 1

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M * hi• \ i • tb i every t ountry in the world labours, are not owing to any want of love for our < ounlrv, but to an ignorance, of its re al const ilutioi. : 1 i utcrests.” -PR! KSTLY NEW SERIES Vol. 111. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9. 1825. No. 48. - Cfte Constitutionalist U II ED KVP.UY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY BY W. J. OUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. &®OTa©sr“ AND COM MISSION S COli E, No. 325, BROAD-STREET. rHE Subscriber con imies to transact the AUC TION aid (JO .1 MISSION BUSINESS. And will mike liberal advances on Consignment*. A. Buga;. October 21 34 STORAGE AND C OMMISSION li US I NESS. f'jSNHE undersigned beg. leave (o tender his ser A vices to the public generally, in the above line o( business—he pledges himself to use all dd Igence, give personal attention, and to exert him sell to the best of bis abilities to give general sat* isfaction and to promote the interest of all loose that may think proper to favor him with their cus tom. Liberal advances will be made on all pro duce committed to his charge, either lor sale, ex , portafion, or otherwise, and facilities in ail cases ("when regniredj will be afforded; that but few I ■olbet :s in hit line can equal, and none surpass. Ad orders wifi be thankfully ‘ received and promptly b attended to. 'I, He has taken Mr, 1!. 11. Warren’s Warehouse n at the font of the bridge, (better known by theji name of “ Leigh’s Warehouse ”) its situation be- l ing immediately upon the nerv wharf it thereby idlorda peculiar advantages to shippers, kc. I lte whole establishment having lately under- ' gone a complete and thorough repair, is now in complete order for the reception of all kinds ol produce, merchandize, kc. His close stores are cleanly, secure, and perfectly safe. Win. B. Shelton. N. If. Xlie only Tobacco Inspection in the city, is also kepi at the above Warehouse ; and for all , Tobacco of lb e first qu dily, inspe ;ted here during the ensuing season, 1 will give six dollars per hun dred. and in the same ratio for the more inferior qualities. W. B. S. September 20 24 AND Co m mission B usiness . At his eld stand in Savannah, near the Fort, and is prepared to make suitable advances upon all produce placed in Ins hands for sale, John Eycringhara, jv. April 12 83 COTTON INSURANCE. t'UIHL Howard Insurance Company ofNew-York, m. will Insure (lotion and oilier Property a j gainst the dangers of the Ibvcr, kc. between An-’ givsta and Savannaa and Charleston, by their Agent. A. Camficld. Au'fns'a. Nov. 25tb. 1825. 1m 44 Vi) KENT. a ONE. Tenement, two story Building, lately occupied by Mr. Christopher Low, on Broad-street, immediately above the Flamers’ Ho lei—also v» milter Tenement next the Gully, a bovc Mr. Florance—also several one story Tene ments on tile opposite side of flroad-street, im mediately above “ Colton liange.” —Possession given immediately. Jjpply to Mr. James Harper, or to E. F. Campbell. November 15 8t 41 TO BE RENTED On a Building Lease, AmA THREE Lots, fronting Walk er arnl Watkins Streets, opposite to lihjfm Bic CaUi-dic Parsonage House. I'lie Lots adjoin each other and will b tt separately or all together, as may be desired. W. W. Holt. September 22 fe* , | .I«eL Fvom tl*e first <lay of October! next, tor one year, the House and Luton M In tosh -Street, where Mr. Patrick Kelly now lives. 1 Apply to Fobert li. Warn nr to Wm. W. Molt. ‘Susan li. Ware. August 2 U UtA IIOUSETOLET. M The Subscriber not having sue ceeued in making sale of bis House in Augusta, would Kent it on moderate terms He howevvi still filers it for vale, toge; «r with his House on the Sand Hills, on very low terms If the Sand. Hill property be no. sold by the 15tb of Decem ber il will be livnted. Enquire of G. W. Warxeu, Esq. or of the subscriber on the Sand Hills. B. B. Hopkins. November 25 4t 44 <X uVlvti. f)HE subscribers have connected tbetnvelvei ■A in the practice of the L VW—tliey will tiif, formly attend all tuu counties of the Norther" Circuig and the county of Franklin, of the Wei tern Circuit, one ol them will ho generally found vt their oltice :n Blberion, whore they will »ak pleasure in transacting tkc business of thus-- - v i„ may-oe unfortunate enough to bo involved • A. Law, .Tobii A. Heard, Thomas J. Heard. January I, 1825 ®^^****®®*®^*^ 4kAfMAXIITTO «M.V ■wiiMrwii T’OTWT’OTrti" aitr.~'V<*T I' j Sf®. 33da • *■ i —qO®— SjTTHS ESTABLISHMENT is opened in a handsome Brick Building, elected during I’m i* past summer, at the corner of Broad and M'lutbsh-Streels. It is recommended to Flit" ers and Merchants, by its situation, in the centra of the town and of business, and within a convenient distance of the Banks, Warehouses, and Public Olßces. Stage Passengers will find it convenient from its being opposite the Pnst-Oflice, the place of avr vui and -Icparlure ol the Stages. There is connected With the HALL, an adjacent Uriel Tenement, with suites ol Private Apartments, and a separate Entrance from Broad Street, which will be appropriated ■ ■exclusively to the accommodation of Families ; and La bes will find themselves as quid and retired as in anv private bouse, with the additional advantage of being in the immediate neighborhood of the principal Fancy Stores. The WASHINGTON llAid is superintended b/’w. J. Dudley, whose s‘u Iv it will be to please and render comfortable, those who may j favour the II >use with their patronage. , Augusta, (Ga.) September 30, 1825 28 DIMOCK 4- MjiRSU. IBercfiant Cailorg, AT THE AUGUSTA sri®laiv A r o. 164, Broad-street. tt M T E THIS DAY UKCKIVBII, PBH THE LAST STEAM BOAT —A large and fresh supply of — HEADY MADE CLOTHING, —CONSISTING OF— BLUE and Black Dress Coats, Coatees, different colors, N Blue, Black am] Fancy colored Pantaloons, Blue ami Black Cloth Vests, Silk ami Fancy ditto, handsome patterns, Bang-up Pantaloons, 1 Salinett Coatees and Panta!oons„&c. All of the nb ve Garments have been made of the latest N.wlork fashions. Persons Wishing to purchase. Will db themselves the pleasure tot crll at the above store. October 7 3q NEW CLOTHING. |£ ip- IS OPENING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING, • II hkh is made up in a •workman-like maimer, and 1 of the best materials . II i-OLUE and Black superfine Dress Goats, Do. do. 2d finality, ! Blup, Claret, O.ive abd Parson’s gray mixed | Frock Coats, i ’j Blue and Drab Box Coats, '| Coatees of different qualities, d Youths’ blue ami black Coals, Cassimere ami Cl ith Pantaloons, of almost »nj I colour and prices, Sattinett, Gorderoy & prime-bang-up do. I Blue and black chub Ve-Us, i French, India & English silk Vests, Siik Velvet - - . do. 1 (treat variety of Fancy do. | -Linen, Colton, Frilled' and Plain Shirts, fsyme very fine,) j Knitted, Cotton ahd Worsted Drawers, 1 Worsted and Lamb’s wool knitted Shirts, '! Fine flannel Shirts and Drawers, Ladies’ Cloaks Tartan and Cambist do. Fearnought great Goats, Silk Umbrellas, Boys’ ami Mens seal skin Caps, Gentlemen and Youth’s llais, Hosiery,> Gloves, &c, i ALSO, I House servants Coatees and Pantaloons, I N. gro ,jackets and 'Browsers, Clu ck’d, strip’d, and coa-se linen Shirts, Guernsey Frocks, Bed flannel Shirts. j THE JIHOVE GOODS Will he disposed of wholesale and retail, a I Mew-York prices. ( No. 234. UIIOATt-STHKET, Three doors above the Pott Office, i October 21 X oUce. WIL LI JIM KIE BR, f BRAKES this opp irumily of informing ids fiiem! ; 1 and the public, that lie has entered into r .1 partnership with Mr James Wells, of Savannal ‘ life of the House of Pillar:, Hills H H'e.Vn, for il I purpose of carrying on the burners as DRAPERS AND TAILORS, Jit the City of Augusta, TWO ItOOHS BELOW THE Oi.OHE TAVEIIV ; Where they inlet d keening a geoer.l -unph ' K CLOTHS. OASSIMBRES and GOODS, »fal : lescnptions, usually kept by II , U se« of Heir pro 1 deiis,on and at Hie -arne time as-nre the L, |oc that no time nor pains shall be wanting .■out those who i-.ay call on th» Hume. W ells Ac Ivililje, I October 11 cj 1 Book and lVmUvvu% V'uthi /!mailnl nt this. Office, NEW YORK Comb and Fancy Store. CARLTON & COOK , Having taken the stand recently occupied as s’ Uook«iore by Mr. linker, three doors oelow the Rank, Offer at -wholesale and retail, a! Aew York prices A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF The Following articles, vi: : Shell, Ivory, Mock Tortoise and ilOli.S COMBS. : ALSO— Fancy articles & IVvCumcvy, CONSISTING IN PART OF Reticules of various patents ,■ it ticulc Springs, Ognil, Wax, Jet and Idas; Reads and Real Neck jlacer, Neck, Waisle Ruckles, Rracolets 1 Elastic Steel Bosks, Hair fins, Hooks and K"cs. ISilver Thimbles, SUlldo. L-ad Pencils, (Irnysiu, I vUltogany Ink Stands, Snull’ Boxes, a complete jassnt Intent, Cloth, Hair and I'ooth Rrushes, Con jversation and Highlander Cards, Razor Strops and jl’aste, .lews Harps, Pocket Lights, put died Preach Soaps, Windsor and common do. Pomatum ;, Cun Admirable I) ; Cologne. Wu\\land’s V>\\ lor preserving and beautifying the hair. —ALSO - Opodeldoc, British Oil, Bateman’s Drops, Oil of Worm.seed, St< tightens Kllxor, and! of all kinds, &c. he. Merchants and others, wishing to purchase any of the above articles, will find it much to their ad vantage to call at the above establishment. Augustus Kmnyllon, Jlgp,nt. IWemht-r 6 47 felicll Combs iVctpalvcd. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING taken a Simp a tew doors above the. - Globe Tavern, takes this m thod" to inform die pub' c, that he will carry on the business of Muting, Mending anil Polishing aisuMi ©Di£3f3. j I'he me ding is done bv Oementing, and made equally handsome and durable as when new. | Ho has for sale, a general assortment of principally of his own Maiuii'ac'tire, which are of. i feted low fur Cash or exchanged for (Id Combs, Myron Clark. November 29 St 45 Sugar, Coffee & Whiskey. The Subscriber 'Hiving United the Store formerly occupied by ,) li 1 oivhoth im, now offer for sale, | IN SPORE AND LANDING, 50 Pieces 42 inch Inveruesr •| Ragging 1 5 Pipes Cogoac Brandy hi do Holland Gin 3 Hhds Jamaica Rum 50 Barrels N. Rum 50 do Philadelphia Whiskey 50 do .Brewer’s Gin 14 quarter Casks Madeira Wine 1 10 do do Malaga do 20 do do Teoerifie do 1 5 Boxes Muscatel Raisins 50 Hiarter Boxes Spanish Segais I 50 do Shaving S p 10 Kegs Richmond Tobacco 20 do Cut Nails ; 1000 Bushel 1 Sait Shot, Lead, ha. by Ueorge R. Jessup, •3 50 Jlronil street, November 2.5 4.1 ■ruiuiii.iw awn iiumii >t.t. i raiUUAUL aiatsaxu, Atul K (’-pairing. Thomas ft. VVwW. : I B AVINti engaged first rate workmen in eve- I n H rv branch ot the above business, is Mum |fac,tiring and fashionable (..Ins and Cam iage«, and Hatters biinselt (hat Ins experience Inn he business will enable Inm to give sufiM iclmn 1.1 such as may wish to favor him with their or- Idera. Repa’rlng in all branches at short notice on tin I .nosl iea tenable terms. On hand for Aata. l. i'ht Carnages, Gigs and fancy Wag.uis ALS'), I . 7 -nperior Plantation Wagon. November 11 j- 40 j INEVV AHKANGK.\IbST For Dispatch. 1 Augusta and Savannah | AIAIL STAIi Vi. j Through in twenty-six Hours. uTpHtS public are respectfully informed that thep A proprietors of (he above line, feeling every I < disposition to render it the most desiraldc, have 1 determined to run through from Savannah to Aw !| gitsta in twenty-six hours, leaving Sivannah at 5, o'clock, A. M. and Augusta at ■« o’clock A. M. ‘ They are provided with the most careful and ex nerienced drivers tin Stages comfortable,and the ' horses superior, in short the whole arrangement w such, that they anticipate universal natnifaction.l For seats, apply at the City//otel Savannah, and! at the Globe Tavern .Augusta. illici t Lons:.street, ) i Wm. shannon, George Milieu, Savannah. t N. J! In meet the views of the mercsiilih J community in the fullest extent, the time of am • , val and departure is such that letters can he an swered the same day, November II 40 CIAAKLESrON , MAIL ST Aft L, BAS commenced running on the first Or in . her.— Applv for sea's at the GLOHF, TA ' VKliN—Fare fifteen Dollars. October 4 26t 29 mSS C. M‘KENZIE, 1 ■ 5 RSPKO TFUI.I.Y informs the public, that she a 'I. will open a St.'U<)()L in the city nt Augusta in Reynold Fr; el, near the Episcopal Church,' on Monday the nth December, for the purpose of . ! instructing young Ladies in the several bran hen i of Heading, Writing, Grammar, Arithmetic, Go! i iglayby, History, Rhetoric, Compositions, Stc., I ernis of tuition and oilier information, may be I known by application to Messrs, R Kimmotir, A.' McKknzik, J. S. Dolt, or to Miss McKenzie, 1 ut licr School Room. *> cembtr 2 46 i| Mrs. Admu \LitiA\iaon, this opportunity of iiifornilng her friends and the public in general, that tier recommenced on MONDAY, (lie ] 4th Inst, in Washington street, opposite Mr. Mn: ~u’s, wh r jshe is willing lo receive a limited number of pu pds. i Terms of Tuition th 2 same as during tbe twoj preceding winters. J Four young Ladies can be aac tin undated witii, 'I board. 1 In addition to the ornamental branch' s here! 1 1 of ire taught in Mrs. Hu'chison’s School, instruc-i ! tions wi : i this winter be given in Luce -,nd point! Work, according In the most apprered methods! now practiced in New York, and in Scotland. j Y Kxtra charge for these branches, Three Dob .ilara per quarter. 1 N. It.— Young ladles not belonging to tbt ! j School may be instructed at 6 Dollai s per quarter, j Hours of instruction in these branches, made; 1 known at the School Hoorn. ■ November 1H 42 Mils. WALTHALL, ! O KSPKL'TFULI.V inbr-ns her friends and the . 1 young Ladies of Augusta that she will com imencc giving lessons on the IDA NO FOR It, ‘l'd m SiMllNli, a 1 her residence—or in private families as may best suit the convenience of Hu j pupils that may be entrusted to h r care. |JJ > _ I ernis nu derate, ami made known on ap i plication at her residence, It •yrpdd-streel, liretj dioiise below the Eagle Tavern ! October 21 34 1 DANCING ACADE MY. Mv. T. ft. YaytiWci’fi fecViool. Ml! F. wishing lo unvote his wlnde ime I, this branch of Kdu cation, request tliosa ! I’arents who wish to confide their i.hiidren to h ■ 1 care, to make immetliate application, having ina-l ny new an 1 elegant DA YCJi.S, tfiat lie wi'lies P I teach his Pupils, Mr. F. will attend as nso alii private Families, nn I .Seminaries when ca’led for ] For further particulars, apply at Mr. ,). li. I,* rittkb’ next door to Dr. Turpin’s store, Hroad n-treet. musicTessons. I\/l 118. T. It. FA Y01.1.E, iliankful for the en ItJL couragement heretofore received, inforn liter Iriends and the enmmueity, that stie conlin joes giving lessons on the D/AJVO I'DUTK am; 1 .V/VW7.S// OUT/’, Hi. Mrs. F, teaches her on pits the art of singing in the newest style. A] j ply as in the above advertisement, November 18 8t 42 L 4 a; --*vjieae»ie«raß**e»*»a«&wc«HEi>sec**Mememaeiisiisiiiii JUST PUBLISHED, Axn i- nu s.-h.k j r the office of the CONSTITUTIONALIST, CM'lnrosh Stn-et ,J ' ItV T!IE GItUSS, DOZEN, OK SINGF.B, , THS jßeinegia am\ aouWi-UaToUua rim THK VEAI>. OF O V R LOUD, CALCULATED BY ROBERT GRIER, WILKES COUNTY, —C < ) N T // ININ G— k SI RONOMICAL Calculations, * J Phenomena of the Planets, for 1626, Character and names of the Planets, with their mean distances from the Sun, & c . lAn Extract, ■An Ephemeris of the Planets places, iSolar & Lunar Eclipses for the year 1826 Phe period of human Life, Ancient advice to Parents, The Anatomy of Man's body, as governed by (he twelve Constellations, Seasons, Moveable Feasts, Ember Hays, Chronological Cycles, for the year 1826 Moon's Phases, Equation of time, Sim’s Rising, Setting & Southing, and (he sign (d the Zodiac she is in at noon, Miscellaneous Particulars, .Rising, Setting and Southing of the Stars, I Bo do the most conspicuous Planets, Prediction of the Weather, The National Calendar, District Officers, Time of holding United States Courts, Government of Georgia, Members of Congress, Officers of the Executive and Judiciary de partment of Georgia, (corrected) Pime of holding Superior & Inferior Courts ol the several counties in this Stale, Officers of the Executive of South-Carolina, Judges of the Court of Common Pleas and Sessions, Judges and Commissioners in Equity, I l imes and place of holding Courts, List ol the civil officers in Augusta Officers of (he Bank id’ Augusta, jl)o Branch Bank of the State of Georgia at I Augusta, ■Do Medical Society of Augusta, Do Trustees Richmond Academy, Managers of (lie Augusta Free-School, Do Female Asylum, Do Union Wharf Company Augusta, (List oi the civil officers in Chatham county iOfficers of the Planters’ Bank, Do Bank of the State of Georgia, Do Branch Bank of the U. States, Branch ol the State Bank at Milledgeville Do do at Washington, Do do at Eatonton, Do Notaries Public, Do Custom House, Do Marine & Fire Insurance Company, Do City Constables, Do Steam Boat Company of Georgia, Do Foreign Consuls, Do Commissioners of Pilotage, iDo Branch Pilots, |Do Certificate do, jDo Port Wardens, Do United States, ( Do Public Auctioneers, Do Chatham Academy, 11 )o Union Society, Do Library Society, iDo Savannah Missionary Society, Do Georgia Bible do Do Savannah Sunday School Union Aux j ’diary— . Do Savannah Religious Tract Society Aux | diary. Do Savannah Sabbath School, Do Georgia Medical Society, IDo Savannah Agricultural Society, Do Hjbernian Society, | Do St. Andrews Society, Do Military first Regiment, ,Military Department of Georgia, |New Gardner’s Calendar, ,The Cavalier, (Epitaph, A tide Table, to the most eminant Ports of the world, ■ My father’s at the Helm, (A sensible Bachelor, {Spinning and Reeling, 'Droll Similes, (Road from Fayetteville to Norfolk, Road from Augusta to St. Mary’s, IDo from Augusta to Natche/,, Do from Augusta to Nashville, ■Do from Augusta to Milledgeville, Do from Augusta to Athens, j tr?” Jl handsome, allowance made to those that lake a quantity. December 3 46 VlmbrcWa’s aiuV Vavast)Vs, SEAH’L Y MADE AND U END ED HY Joseph Roderick. SeptGfl.ber 16 3<4 -