The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, December 09, 1825, Image 3

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It is consoling to reflect that in the po litical, as in the physical world—storms Und tempests although destructive, do not last long. We copy with deep i egret the following paragraph from the Democratic Press : ANOTHER HERO IS NO MORE!! 1 Sometime since, in consequence of declin ing health, Commodore M'Danough made application to the Government of the United States to be permitted to resign the command of the Frigate Constitution and return to the U. States. He also prayed that Ins Physi cian, Dr. Turk, might be permitted to ac company him. L»ave was promptly given. On the 24th of October, Commodore M‘Do nougli, and Iris son, O'. Turk, Chaplain Grew, Midshipman Ringgold and several. United States Sail rrs e;n itrk-* I at Gibrai ter on board the Brig E livin, bound for New-York. They had fine weather for a bout 16 days since which it has been very boisterous. The Brig was blown off New- 1 York on Tuesday last, and put into the Capes of Delaware. ' ’ We have just had a visit f-om Dr. Turk, who informs u.s that on the 10th of Novem ber, Commodore M Dnnough, died of a Pul monary Consumption'. His body is on board the Edwin and will probably arrive in this city this day. We hope and trust, all hon or due to Hie illustrious dead, will be shewn to the corpse of the gallant and renowned .M'D.mougli ! His wife died a few months since, and was buried at Middletown, (Con.) They have left five children, four sons and a daughter. Where the Commodore will be buried is not yet known. Dr. Turk prob ably to-morrow, will accompany die body to New-York, where he expects to be met by some of the relatives of the illustrious dead. There are about twenty sick seamen, from the Squadron onboard the Edwin, who will probably be put into our Navy Hospital.— I The olficers we have named are going to the.’ South A Post-Office has been lately established at Forlville, Jones county, between Clinton and Milledgeville, under the management of Charles Hutchins, Esq. Post-Muster, in place ot the one formerly at Lonicera. —■ The dwelling house of George Jones, Esq, on his plantation at Newton, 7 miles from town, was burnt down on Monday, 28th ult. Most of the furniture was saved. fire is supposed to have been communicated from the chimney; Insurance to the amount ol ftdUUU existed, but the loss far exceeds that sum. Sav. Georgian. The stcain-bilat Baiize, on the Bth ult. while towing a ship from New-Orleans, down the river, accidently took fire and was totally destroyed; The B. was partly in sured in New-York The Mobile Register states upon authori ty, that Judge fait of the United States Court tor the District of Alabama will re sign the Office in the course of the ensuing Winter. New-York, November 25. i ADVENTURES OF A NOTE. On the lOtli inst. a certain house in this oily, then in good circumstances, called at f.Jie Manhattan Bank, to take up their note, which according to their memorandum book, fell due that day, for §12,500, but <in ap-j plication at (he Bank; they were assuredj by the clerk that no such note was titer'e | they then applied to their endorser to learn! what Bank it was lodged in, ami wercin-j formed the Manhattan Bank;' Back they; Went to the Manhattan, and receiving'thej same answer as before, they desisted from any further search. But on the 21st. insf. they received a notice, that the note had become due, and was so onthe 16th, but that it had been entered by the mistake ofj the clerk as arriving at maturity on the 21st.! But alas ! in the mean time the house had! become bankrupt, owing to the misfortune of a distant firm. Quere. —The endorser having been by this accident exonerated, who bead s the loss ? [Ah V. Evening Post. ONE DAY LATER FRO M EUROPE. New-York, November 25. By the ship Samuel Robinson, Choate, . we have received a file of the Greenock pa pers to the 15th ofOctober, containing Lon don dates to the evening of the lUh, one day later than before received. The London Morning Chronicle, after, speaking of the doubtful movements otthe 1 Russian Army of the. South, the visit of in spection of die Emperor,&c. gives the post-! script of a letter from a gentleman in the North of Europe, in the following words j „ “ Postscript. ---I have justlearnt from good! authority, that (he Russian Army under! Wittgenstein, in Bessarabia, have crossed, the Truth, and commenced hostilities a-| gain-t the Turks. They have long been; preparing for tois step, and waited only for! the slightest pretext to proceed to the ex I tremilies. This will be the harbinger ofj hot Work for Europe.” Mr. Canning has declined interfering] with the Turkish Government in behalf ot j an Englishman, named MilTmgon, who en tered the Greek seivice, and has been taken prisoner. Mr Weddle, a master in the British Ar my, has lately penetrated 200 miles nearer the South Pole, than any former navigator. After penetrating several barriers of ice. hitherto insuperable, he found an open sea within the Antarctic Circle. [Commercial Advertiser, ; COMMUNICATED. ’■ d still they stared, and still their wonder grew, “ Th it onr small head could carry all he knew.'' Ihe tor of the Chronicle is surelv seconu . on. Being too inagnaiiimou to “ tread n a ivonnp he is content sim ply to dcajt •dm, with a tremendous array of “ words of learned length and thunder iag sound.” Will lie oblige us with defini tions, as correct as that lie lias given of; “ manslaughter,” of “ analogically, dialo gically, and choplogically”—of the “ differ ence between a category and a predica ment”- and of all the other terms, unin telligible to the intellect of a “ worm” so abundant in his last editorial “ communica- ’ The editor is getting wiser, as he grows older: and if ids intellect continues to expand, for but a few years, in the same ratio til at it lias lately dune, he will be come tlie eighth wonder of tKe world. His new discoveries are limited to no particular branch of learning. Ediics and law were the subjects on which lie first displayed. He now resorts to more refined matters ; and gives us new rules oil the subject of courtesy and etiquette. Hereafter, it is to he considered the height of indecorum, to “ laugh” at any thing, emanating from “ that “august assembly which is’ selected from a “ mon’g the wisdom and talents of the “ State.” I hope this amendment in the code of politeness is not to have a retro spective operation ; for if it be, a certain other editor, who a few months since, in dulged in a little playfulness on the act of , the Legislature ordering the “ June term ol the Inferior Couit of Hancock’county” to be held qn the “ third Monday in Au gust, ” is to be considered “ worse than the “ idiot whom we once saw laugh immoder ately at the death scene in Richard 111. when it was supported by the’ transcend- t “ ant talents of the distinguished Cooke.” 1 | One word more, and I have done with 'Mr. Pi I hope forever. He is not “ ashnm- ; ed'’ ol the reason he first gave for my omis sion of a signature. Verily I believe him : lor from the samples he has given us of mo desty, self-complacency, I doubt whether he can be ashamed of anv tiling. • M‘FINGAL. N. B.- As a matter of justice, I ought to say that “ M'Fingal” has no connexion, direct, or indirect, with the editorial de partment, ol the Constitutionalist. M. F. FOK THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. 5>0»3- ft K. 1 1M KE AWAY to shade or muunlaiii, To cavern rude or quiet fountain, And drAam of Love and Beauty and Joy For if Ihftu larricst, sorrow will come io blight thy youih in its rosy bloom, Anil care will innke that white brow her home I O get -the away from the woHi Sweet Bay / Tunes' grey wing yet gently sweeps o’er thee— I measures songs to rapture allure thee, , Loves' bright smiles have no power to destroy j i Rut if thou tamest time wil I soon throw Around thy locks ages' tillet of snow i [ensure will sicken—Loro will .bestow The scowl of Dlsdam on thy faith— Sweet Buy ! GET TIIEK AWAY—distrust shall darkle I The diamond rays in thin#- eyes that sparkle And thy heart shall throb’ hut not with Joy ; • ■f. r mRR AW AY— priendship shall leave thee, I Hate and envy approach to grieve thee. Death, roll! Drath, alone can relieve thee ! Haste Get thee away from the world—Smee I Boy i CUR \i E Ntloney ' r FOR \VA\U EJST BILLS. j P-.r KLI'.VKN•IIOLLAUS', in Ila/te,, Money !: m ImlepeilA-nt V thune may be had; by purclias 1 ing a ticket in the . AUGUSTA ; PsKSOllff LOTTERY. HIGHEST FRIZES, and §2OBBO, And an immense amount of §IO,OOO, §5,000, §I,OOO, AND OTHER PRIZES, FOURTH DRAWING, 14th instant. 1 Tickets and Shares, for sale at , BEERS’ L O TTE R V O FFICE , No 3H, Hroad street, December 9 48 WILL HE RESTeII” AT 'the Market-House, in the jjfjjCity 'if Augusta, ot tin: first. Ttwts j kuUH dhiiinrv next, fur one ytar, I' .■tfMii the HOUSE an I LOT on Libs-street, .he property of M ss Holard Htr order ot the- Coma ot Ordinary ofUlcb | mond county, Isa te Herbert, ( Vk. I)ec»nil)”T 9 1 :> 5. 4y TO l'7l E FLMIIu" 1 '"M H EU v. H V caution ali persms concerned, 01 1 wto nv»v b*c »fn« in any vv,*y concerned, no ji > credit any person imtvever ( »n ovy kccouhl, mi by my verbal or written order ; as I will nm 1 j r.ay uny d?ht roMt’HCled on my accjunt, cxcep* ! with my sp ciul direction**. ' A. H. Fembertnn. . Ltqusla, Upc mh- >■ 7 4:, GEM OVAL. rid R subscribers have r •. r, d their "HOOF 1 KY SrOßßio I3i s’rpnt. v,t,-re the tier ;.n rxceilenl a s. iln, m ut GHO' KIMCS, f the losvest ;>ric» s. J. \V, Is. Simmons, iv: Co. ; December 6 .1 j* 4 7 , EXGHANaE orrzcs. UNITED STATES AND POST NOTES, ALSO. DRAFTS On Ilia JVortA ii. sums ana a a.g.'tls "i| <>uit pur chaser.; i-'on SAME !<y Detnts, Hutmeli & St Jolin, Cornu, Bread if oil Idiot h Scents. 00/.t Silver Aid Hunk jVutes oi'aJl kni(!,/c 'lid unfit, IV cumber 9 4S TIJOMJiS ~ Xo. 22 ii, Ihoad sh eet, opposite the Washington hall, fi now opening a selection if ,hi mbs\ vMuub’e Law, Medical, Religions,, Classical and Miscellaneous ib © (i> a B* among which are •* VARIETY OF SPLENDID London Editions, If ith fine males ami elegant Minding. —ALSO blank hooks Axn Atotfoiuirib In print variety; all at which are offered on the lowest terniH— top. 'her with a variety ot new Publications, among wh ch are the following : Mlmit s of Proceeding* of the Conns of J .qui ■y and Court Martial In relation tih (Jap R | n <j>jt V iO Porter—print bv authority Irion tne Official Re. mrd. 1 vul Bvj. g ? 50, Jiuby'on the (1 cat —a dssecti-in and dentonsfni t'oo ot men and things, in the H.nwh. Gaohal 2 t b. 12 no, g 2 SJ. ‘ , ■l'/te I' onhailow —Catalogue of R.Turea end Sketches, by |.. K. I„ a „i), ( , r <,) (|,e Imp. ovisittrice 1 vol, Km", gs 2,5, Husband Hunting, ortho Mother and Daughters' —a I'.ifo'nt Fa-..i,m;dsle Life, 2 vols, gl 75, 'l’he Forti ers —by the author of Light., m.clSha lows of .Scottish Life. 1 vol. gi (g) ’ Tremaine, or the Man of It. hn mmt, 3 vol, Sp 50. Hlank Hooks made to any Oatlent, a.d Books of at kinds imparted to order. December 9 2t 48 VL P.UVKAIUVAST, RLSPK ,11 U-LLY oif 'i'ms tne citizens of An gusta and it" vicinity, that fie will give a ae eofi Icourse of Wrung (Lessens at the Richmond Academy, wuere a system ol Capitals in,'the most approved style, tngi iher with the It mi d and ■.tunning hands will be particularly attended to ; ik-’ vinou's ormtrn bands, for rinse who wish to be ms mead in ihem, will be taught two * ur» each Class. A class will be received of ■C*. emeu a, ‘ c * «n the moi'fiing ; one of ladies in the ev inng, and anotfief of genlivtnen at night. Pur further particulars, call at his room in the Antgl iny, where avecmip,is of bl own performs,,c ■, ami the improvements of his cholan ni y be aien. December 9 Just Received AXD FOR SALE ay THE Subscriber, URLS. I’liilad. Whiskey, 50 do. Superior Flour, 3 Pipes Holland Gin, (war ranted pure, 1 20 boxes Sperm Candles, 20 d>. M, Candles, 10 Casks Cheese. I’ogethcr with a general assortment of vhxh wid be disposed of on accOiiiiuodutiug terms, al Mitchell and Clark's old stand •Vo. 233, liroad-street. Thus. S. Martin. December 6 2' 47 asißißiaA^(gis 0 THIS HOWARD IXH U UJLVCE VOM DA VY, 4jlcto*l|orft Incorporated" hy the legislature of the State oj Aew 1 uric, for the purpose of limiting Mouses am\ other MvuVAiogs, vikiiciiamush: | And other personal Property ' noAiNsr t loss OR DAMAGE BY ' AND ALSO, To Insure against the Hazard* of Inland Naviga non or Transportation Capital profit, S 300.000, ■ 7 Which has all bee" pan! iv CASH, and the pub | lie may rviy v.’itlt cntifidence noun the whole sun being always available to meet Its eng'igements, I tie subscriber having been appointed Agin lor die above Company wi I, in its name, Insuri igainst Loss hA Kin-and Hazard o! Inland Navi • ration, ini as favourable terms as can be clone ii 1 this city A. Cam Held, • ‘gnat for Howard Insurance Company. N. 15. P rsoiis living in the country can have ("Mira-ce ( fleeted hy addressing tin; Agouti giv [ ’g a if scnptimi of the premises to be insuied. Font paid. hi'nts a net, 2.5, 1825 35 ,s (&/ VS e are authorized to an ! •ounce Ans 1 lm Hugo. Esq. a (bind'late for S!;e --i ii* ot Ui ;h.i»ond (Joun'y, at the‘di.ctio i i » Jhm AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL'' IUDWMBir, S 50,000 IN TWO PRIZES, JVoiv Drawing in the City of Augusta , Under the superintendence of SAMUEL IJALE, WILLIAM W. H<)LL\ ROBERT R> REID, JOHN W. WILDE THOMAS 1. WRAY, B. 1). THOMPSON AUGUSTIN SLAUGHTER. Commissioners appointed by the lien. Assemb'y of the State of Georgia. inw® wL&ttwp CONTAINS THE MOST SPLENDID VARIETY OF Grand Capital PRIZES, 0¥ -\N\ UYn'EiU IX ANIEVIICA. Prl|r» 30,000 Dollars, 1 PRIZE of 820,000-, I I PRIZE of 810,000, 1 PRIZE of 10,000, 1 PRIZE of 10,000, 1 PRIZE of 10,000, 1 4 PRIZES of 5“000, 5 Pi I/Os of 1,000. warn wii&wmm WILL TAKE PLACE ON THE 14 lh DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT Sdjrmf. f • v. I Prize of 30,000 Dollars is 30,000 Dollars, i Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000 Dollars. 4 Prizes of 10.000 Dollars is 40,000 Dollars. 4 Prizes of 5,000 Dollars is 20,000 Dollars. 5 Prizes of 1,000 dollars is 5,000 Dollars. 10 Prizes of 500 Dollars is 5,000 Dollars, 50 Prizes of 100 Dollars is 5,000 Dollars. 100 Prizes of 50 Dollars is 5,000 Dollars. 5000 Prizes of 10 Dollars is 50,000 Dollars. 5175 Prizes. 7 8180,000 12825 Blanks. 5 Aifcss than two and an A\a\f lUauhs to a Wiztb. THE PRIZES ONLY TO HE DRAWN. All the. Prizes foaling except the following, which will be deposited in the Wheel at definite periods, viz ; ‘ > On the Ist Drawing I Prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 2d Drawing 1 Prize of 5,000 and 1 of 1,000 and 1 of 500 On the 3d Drawing 1 Prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 4th Drawing 1 Prize of' 5,000 and I of t,oho and i of 500 On the sth Drawing i Prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 6th Drawing 1 Prize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and 1 of 500 . On the 7th Drawing I Prize oj’ lO.OOQ, and I of 5.000 and 1 of 500 On the Btli Drawing I Prize of 20,000 and I of 1,000 and t (if 500 On the 9th Drawing l Prize 0f30,000 anil 1 of 1,000 and 1 of 500 AH Prizes payable thirty days after the completion of the Lottery, subject to a de* duction of fifteen per cent.—ls not applied for within twelve months, to be consider ed a donation to the funds of the MASONIC HALL. The demand fw Tickets in this Lottery has become immense, in consequence of the extraordinary.accumulation of Capital Prizes in the Wheel, anti the public confidence inthe Lottery; and theprieo-will no doubt advancevery high As the drawings progress. Tickets and Shaves may be had in a threat variety of numbers at BEERS ’ LOTTERY OFFICE, ;im. ms©i-iiD“S®Btep 9 PIiKSENT PRICE, \Vho\p TiEkels, - - ■ sll Halves, 5 59 duaiAevs, - - 2t |i77* Orders from any part of (he United Slates, post paid, enclosing the Cash, in the bills of any ot the Banks of the Union that pay Specie, will meet with prompt attention Darien Bills will he received at par. |C7* Address all communications to J. S. BEERS, Secret ary to the. Commissioner:. AUGUSTA, December G, itw.i 44