The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, December 13, 1825, Image 1

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--- ~—' -■*■■■ . __2_. _/ ■■ ■■■nwrw I ■■■■■■ii .a 'll i.nli n■■ iii.iii - ■ ■ jug. •“'"fe;- ••MdOyot lljn 1 K 1 '* i ■ ' ' <ry in thft world liibourn, nre n<3l ovvuiu; 10 any want of love lor our <’<mulry, but loKi )y.m-ranoe of it* real oonotltiilui and inrH^e^»ls. ,, rKIKSTLY NEW SERIES Vol. 111. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, C MEMBER iy, 1835. No. 49. Cfte Contftitutianalutft 1? PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY BY W. J. BUNGE, AUGUSTA, GA. & 1m. 1 HAVE JUST UECEIV Lh HD© BEAMS Foolscap writing Paper 150 do Letter Paper (* f'evt Beam-, with ('■'lt edges) Wrapuing Paper SC. «s Sr.'ding B idle. 2 5 H *l* HbN lAiink. Wheat Flour Full on itm-lre l Beef N' T iiern I’.ckles in Jars. —also St and Pipes of all descriptions S‘i, ,ii »tv rrns of al! 6iz;s IP . ■' a d Cupper Kettles Shvl. Copper and Brass Sheet Iron for Gin Saws, he.. he. Uecem if.r 6 2t 4 “ NEW YORE Comm and Fancy Store. | CA R TOJV & COO K 9 Having taken He stand recently occupied as a Bookstore by vi B .lter, three doors oetow lliei Bank, Offer, ill whohtMe and rulin', cl J\“ew York price* I; ) i A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF The Fcil owing articles, viz : Sheil, Ivory, Mock Tortoise and r HORKT COMBS. ALSO— Vwucn; avluAcs & Vci’fvmiCT^, CONSISTING IN PART OF Reticules of various paterns,- Reticule Springs,!, Vt „x, !• t and Glass Head- and Bead Neck- 1 Imo, r., Neck 0. »ii s, Waiste Buckles, Bracelets |i Bias dc Si pi Busks, Ifa'r Pins, Hooks and lives I Silver Thimbles Slelldo. Lead Pencil 1 -, Crayons, Mahogany Ink Stands Snuff U ixea, a complete! asso tinent, Cloth. Hair an 1 I noth Brushes, Coai-1 vwft'ion and Highlander Car Is, Razor Strops and Paste, Jews H ir]i.s Pocket Lights, r*u■ ili -d Fre clq Soaps, Wi d .or and c imaum do. Pon.atums, Eau| Admirable l)e Cologne. VUmUuuVs Alaeas&ac Oil lor preserving and beautifting the hair. ■ —ALSU — Opodeldoc, British Oil, Bateman’s Or.ipo, O I ot Wonnseed, St tightens Elixor, a..d’ Essences of all kinds, he. hr. Merc ns and mhero,.winning to pureba-e an y | o! the ab .ve art el' % \vii! ti id it m ,ch to their ad vantage c > call si tii n!> vr establishment, A’lgiistns Knowllon, Agent, i December (3 47 i j SivAV Bombs j THE SUBSCRIBER HAVI.N'M taken a Sh *p tew d »nrs above the; til joe Tjv. r i takes this method to inform' the ()i.l) -c, liiut lie will carry cn the busiqebs of .Hairing, .Mending find Polishing Q-M&tsh mmms. Che mending ■» lo it; b.’ Ct muting, and made: . .gully handsome and dur- ble as when n^w. — Us inis for sale, a general assortment of COMBS, p' ir.C'p d'y «f his own Manufacture, which are of.j tried I nv fur Cash or exchanged fur old Combs. Myron Clark, j November 29 8t 45 .AgvkvvUuraV Implements. ; The Subscriber Vii.v t o)i. :'nii/y on fund, a large assortment of I Wood's Patent, Freeborn, & Law- 1 rericts die light Scottish and o’ tic PLOUGHS. •—ALSO A general us rrtment of UMT LEM EXT 1 1 ; made m i rhi own direction of ike best ilia'trials, and .1 < 1 uj;[ rt ved patterns. Robert Philip. One door above the Planters' Hold. November 1. bt -r 37 Ku ricK~ rjXKK Copirt(iersV[> of 0. Parish & Cu. w: A dissolved by mu uul consent on the In da: *’t duly lust. Ihe business of said concern will be cl S' d by P nun, Cohstino h Co. to w join all ■ud bled are requ- sted to make p lyment. Daniel Parish, Jasper Corning, Parisb, Holbrook & Co. Charleston. O ;t. 18 w2in 34T CUPA R V \ KRS II I P. ~ r P H R Suljscribers have fumed a Copartner fa ship mi i rlb ■ firm of PARISH, CORNING 2i CO. and will transact business a' lb » ',i!d stard of I). Parish h Co. wlmre th*y have now open 500 Packages Staple and Fancy HILT be sold on favorable terms. Daniel Parish, Jasper Corning, Joseph Kernochan, 'Phomas Parish. Charleston, Oc‘. 18 lw2m d 4 sn»'>-rß»*«xp:v»tritA , « vam«u in.:b s a i a©rj COM MISSION S TO a Kj No. 3d;>, BROAD-STKEKT. rUK Subscriber con imics to trunsac t 1 ‘ ,.j TION and CCMMISSION BUSiNKSS. j ".ill make libera 1 ' Ivaaces on Cons p , .» A. Biigg. ’ October 21 34 ; B'rtJBAGE * '■V ’) AND co.nuisvrvjsr ititslvess. IE undersigntd begs leave to temh - his ser vices to the iiublic gencraPy, in the above line of business —hr pledges himaeP to usi all clil jigeuce, give pcrsuml attenti u, a to \rt him ill t" the best of Ms abilities 10 ■ c pmend sat "faction and to promote the inter* v ot ail tfiose lihat may think proper to fav r hi u with their cu ■ om. Liberal advances w I! he r. de on .ill pro ■ 'luce committed to hisci rge, e ttier lor sale, t-x mortal ion, or otherwise, and facilities in ah case,s if when requiredJ will be afforded, that out f w others in his line can equal, and notr* surpass. AI 1 jorders will be thankfully received and promptly ! attended to. He has taken Mr. B. H. -Warren’s Warehouse lat the fool of the bridge, (better known by the jiiatnc of “ Leigh >• Warehouse ,”) us situation be ,ing immediately upon the new wlruf it thereby ■affords peculiar advantages to shippers, Sic . Ihe whole establishment having lately under | jgone a complete and thorough repair, is now in j .complete order It if reception of all kinUs oi !produce, merchandize, £lO. His close stores are I cleanly, secure, and perfectly sate. Wm. B, Shelton. ! N. B. The only Tobacco4'’spection in the city,. |is also kept at the above Wtirehonse ; and for a>l j 1 obacco of the. fit si quality, iuspe -ted here during jibe ensuing season, 1 will give six dollars per hun dred, and in the same ratio for the more inferior (qualities. , W B. S. Sentemhof 20 25 LA3M.BEu, yaltovlalL AND Commission Business. \ At his o‘d stand in Savannah, near the Fort, and '•.s prepared to rnskc suitable advances upon all produce placed in his hands for sale. John Everingham, jr. | April 12 83 COTTON INSURANCE. THE Howir 1 Inrurance Company ofNow-Y;rk, will Insure Cotton and other Property a gtitnsi the dangers of the K'ver, ho. between An gusta and Savannah r. id Charleston, by their .Agent. A. Canificld. ■' An-'nsta Nov 25‘h 1825. Tn 41 ! ~ TO RENT~ ~ JmgL ONE Tenement, two story FSilift Building, lately occupied by Mr. : ! Christopher Low, on Broad-street, 1 ■WHi inunediately above the Planters’ Ho tel—also a -oiher I'rnement n< xt the Gully, a hove Mr. .Florsnce— also seven! one story Tene ments on the opposite side of Broad-street, im mediately above “ Colton Jtange ”—Possession ! given immediately. -4ppL to Mr. James Harper, jorto E. F. Campbell. j N> vemb-r (5 81 4] TO BE RENTED lOn a Building Lease, Jmi. THREE Lots, fronting Walk jifließ er and Waikins Streets, opposite to the Catholic Parsonage House. Tii = j Lots adjoin each other and will be ■et separately or all together, as may be desired. W. W. Holt. ‘ September 22 . , i .~—- JSisL From Hie lirsl, duy 0 f October in X!, lor one year, the House and Lot on M in 'osh.Street, where Mr. I'anick Kelly now lives. Apply to Robert I). Ware onto Wm W. Molt. Susan 13. Ware. 1 August 2 j] % Cart). : A GENTLEMAN who has filled, some of the £\. most respectable literary situations, in the (United States, (us his testimonials, will amply at ttest,) wmld assume the management, ot an Aca I demy, where sum a person may he required, 01 accept, ot a limited number of private rubious His instruction, embraces the lull cour.e, of Col .legist? Education. And bis references, will bt 1 found of the highest, and most respectable order I Letters Cpost jnitlJ nddrrs.ed, to H. S. K. it the cure of Jam ns Matu-kh, Esc/, or, Capt. .lon > j 1 oiimick, oj this City , ivili meet , with due attest | lion. Augusta, Ga. Nov. 11, 1825 9t 41 fttfcpUeu D. CraiiE, CCN I INJj KS the practice of the Law at Monti cello, Jasper County, where he will punctual ly attend to any business confided to hjs cure. 1U , dso practices in all the other courts of the Oak ] mulgee circuit, and in several courts of the Fiitr , and Northern circuits.— fittring his absence sr agent will be left to attend to the business ofliii ’ftice. Monticel », .Inly 27 mtp 10 NOTICE—TIiti sulHcrihei r sanies the puactice or the law. and may sot the present be con his Dwelling, on Ellis street. Robert Raymond Reid. November 15 6< 41 Apprentices Vndeutnres Fur sale al this Office. tnmnmmma rm*wammum\ V m i■imhi - n k-i 4«kw^mbui NEW I. NOTHING. I s* a>- s'-aws* OPENING A LARGE ASSOIVI’MBNT OF CLOTHING, M : ich is vin lr. up in a Vfovkmtm titer manner , vs the htst mate rials : ft Ui.UE and Clack superfine !lr<?i (h air, Do. do. 2d .Quality, Hu\ Clr.iV, i) V 2 and Parson’s gray mixed Frock Co j ■■, I ’tine and Drab Box Coats, j Coatees of different fjuulities, v out!js’ bli.r h*i<l black Coats (, . -imere a ( doth Pantaloons, of almost any < «. prices, F' i inr- - "eroy & prime-bang-up do. Bine h i 'ark cloth Vests, French, India & English silk Vests, Silk Velvet - - - do. Great varony of fancy do. Linen, Colon, Frilled and Plain Shirt*, (some very fine.) Knhte.d, Cotton rod Worsted Drawers, Worsted and Lamb’s wool knitted Shirts, Fine flannel Shirts a id Drawers, Ladies’ Cloaks, Tartan and Gamble! do. Fearnought great Coats, Silk Umbrellas, Hoyt’ and Mens sea 1 C?ln Caps, I Gentlemen and Youth’;, H.«;s, 1 Hosiery, Gloves, &c. ALSO, | Douse servants Coatees end Pantaloons. N> gro Jackets and Trowsers, Check’d, strip’d, a id cones;; linen Shirts, Guernsey .Frocks, Ked flannel Shirts. THE ABOVE GOODS Will he disposed of wholesale and retail, »t 1 New-York prices. No. 234, niuun sTHKKT, Vhrce doors above the Post Office. October 21 34 1)1 MOCK & Cadortf, AT THE AUGUSTA 1 ®mhe£s sr® No. 164, Broad-street. HAVK THIS DAY HKOKIVKII, Pan THKLAST STRAW BOAT —A large anil fresh supply of— READY MADE CLOTHING, —cossisTixo or > l-J * J T'E an 6 Ulsck Dies* Coats, IJ Coatees, different colors Bine, nirck and Fancy colored Pantaloons. Blue and Black Cloth Vests, Silk and Fancy ditto handsome patterns. Bang-up Pantaloons, Saiinett Coatees and Pantaloons, &,c. All of the ab ve Garments have been made of the latest New York fashions. Persons wishing to purchase, will do themselves the pleasure to • cell at the above store. October 7 30 *--- - . _ , 3S*otVce. JVIJLLMM KIBBR\ " this opportunity of informing his friends I JL and the public, that he has entered into Co ’ partnership with Mr. James Wells of Savannah, late of die House of Kill,or., Hills if tVells, for the purpose of canying on the business as DRAPERS AND TAILORS, In the City of Augusta, TWO noons H 1.1.0 w THE OLOHE TAVEBST." Where they intend keeping a general supply ‘ of CLOTHS, CASSIMFBES and GOODS, of U "jdescriptiuns. usually kept by Houses of their pm Cession—and at the -nine time asm re tl e lie that no time nor pains shall be wau>/m, Irtit those who tr-.ay call on the House. Wells & KH)6o October 11 31 The Subscribers* I - Have Just received a supply of veiy superior ;; William Poe & Co. Ab. 275, Hroi,d Street. November 29 3t 4s A NEW SUPPLY OF •J AAN 0 BOXES, II JUSVnV.CEIVE.DHY * ■ B. Picquet. 1 November 25 44 1 vu\Mfe $ AmmTvxws jQ®® PIUVIE HAMS and MIDLINGS,. > | Just received and for sale by 1 Thomas S. Metcalf. 150 Casks Stone LIME. October 14 J THE FOLLOWING UlAtlltS, it OF THE MOST APPROVE I) FORMS ' | May be had at this Office, —to wit : MAUUIAGE Licences, do. Bonds, Adminis tration do. Letters Testamentary, do. of p Guardianship, do. of Administration, do. of Ap Ipraisement, do. Dismissory, Kecogninances, Sub ‘pKcnas, Bills of Sale, Powers of Attorney. B ank -1 Deeds of Conveyance, Sheriff’s Titles, Retail Li cences, Patroon’s Ifeceipts, Mortgages, Appren tires’ Indentures, &c. Stc. Blank Deeds of Conveyance, HTATT.T PUTMTVI) O\ VELLUM l-AHEf., Vsr sale at this Ofice i WASHINGTON HALL, it® m&j u -«o©- iSpHIS ESTABLISHVIENT’ is opened in a handsome Brick Building, erected during the A past summer, at the corner of Broad and M Intojih-Streels. It is recor nended lo Elan- Iters and Merchants, hy its situation, in the centre of the town and of business, and within a convenient distance of the Banks, Warehouse*, al, d Buhlic Offices. Stage Passengers will find it convenient from its being opposite the Post-Office,'the place of arrival and departure of the Stages. There is connected with the HALL, an Bri«L Tenement, with suites of Private Apartments, and a separate Entrance from Broad Street, which will be appropriated exclusively to the accommodation of Families ; and Ladies will find therttaelves us quiet and , r'tired as in any private house, with the additional adva'i'age of being in the immediate neighborhood of the principal Fancy bmres. The WASHINGTON HAM - is superintended by W. J. Duiilkt, whose study it will be to please and render comfortable, those who may favour the House with their patronage. Augusta, (Ga.) September 30, 1825 28 THOMAS BASINGER, No. 221, Broad street, OPPOSITE THE W ASHINGTON HALL, Is now opening a selection of the most valuable Law, Medical, Religious, Classical and Miscellaneous S ® © JS AMONG WHICH AHE ' Ji I Alt IETF OF SPLENDID London Editions, With fine Plates and elegant Binding, ALSO— BLANK BOOKS AND I ■" K'-cal variety ; all of which are offered on the g lowest terms—together with a variety of new u Publications, among which are the following : Minutes of Proceedings of the Courts of Inqui ry and Court Martial in Cap sin David - Porter—printed hy authority from, the Official Ke jcord. 1 vol. Bvo. §2 50. Babylon the G'e u —a dissection and demonstrn I on of men and things, in tlie Uritish Capitals! s vol-,. l2mo. g 2 50. i. The Trutbatlour — Catalogue of Pictures and i,| Astronomical Sketches, by L. jB. L. author of the e Imp’ovisririce. .lvul.l2mn.jgl. 25, j Husband Hunting, or the Mother and Daughter —a Tale of Fashionable Life. 2 vols. gl 75. 'The Pons eis—hy the author of Lights andSha dows of Scottish Life. 1 vol, gs 00 T, emuine, or the Man of Refinement. 3 vol . y g 3 30. l.| Blank- Books matte to any pattern, nail Boohs of al 3 A hinds imported to onler, ,|b' December 9 2t 48 J T ARRANGEMENT For Dispatch. Augusta and Savannah MAIL STAGE. Through in twenty-six Hours. ,/Tptlß public are respectfully informed that th proprietors of the above' line, feeling ever dispositior Jo render i' the most desirable, hav determii-ei. * run through from Savannah to Jta gnsta in twenty.six hours, leaving S vannah at 5 o’clock, J. M. and F/ugt)f.ta at 8 o’clock J. M They are provided with the most careful and ex , Iperienced drivers, the Statres comfortable, and tin jhorses superior, in short the whole a.rangemen lis nti.c.ll, dial they anticipa'e universal satisfaction For seats, apply at the City // Savannah, am iat tho Globe Tav< rn Ffugusti. (Gilbert Longstreet, ) „,, ’^JlsgMta. George Milieu, Savannah. N. B To meet the views of the mercintil. | community in the fullest extent, the time of arr. 'val and departure is such that letters can be an iswered the same day. November 11 4Q ■ CHARLESTON STAGE, ! II AS commenced running on the, find Ocb " 1 ber —Apply for seats at the CLOUR TA 1 \ KRN—Fare fifteen Dollars. 1 October 4 2(5t 29 Fox sa\e. A 1 UAROUCIIB, and match of genlh • Hors s—Enquire ol the Printsr. Novemb-r 3 5 41 BLACivs.virrm.Nt;- J. F. BEECHER (/- ITE nr XEWYOKK,) RESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants of this aml ihe surrounding country, that he nun taken the Blacksmith Shop, on Huy Street, ippoaite the ateatndi ial i ffice, said shop was for n.erly occupied hy,J.Uantorlh. This shop is now ipen ter ll.e accommoduiion of all those that are pleased to favor it with their custom. Horse shoe ing. will be done with the greatest dispatch.— Fully aware of the injuries done to horses by iad shoeing, 1 have determined to take that ■ ranch au much as possible, upon myself. Cast tee I Tools of all kinds, made and repaired in the neatest manner ami warranted. City and Country work, executed according to order. The subscriber has for the two last years, been employed iit a steam boat factory, where all kinds if heavy machinery was Manufactured, and can with confidence, offer himself to the public for !• he execution of different kinds of Machinery i —mill wntjk will receive every attention. -Rely - mg on the experience 1 have had for the last ten years, in f rst rule shops, I consider myself au -1 (homed, to offtr mv services fur any work that • tan be manufactured in any shape in this vicinity I’hat share of patronage that shall be offered ball be treated with grateful ream ct. ! November 8 3m r 39 Advuu UutCi\\vaou, this opportunity of informing her . friends am] the public in general, that her recommenced on MONDAY, the 14th Inst, in ' Washington street, opposite Mr Mic.iu’s, wher -he is willing to receive a limited number ot pue nils. Tirrms of Tuition th ; same an during the two J (receding winters. Four young Ladies can be a.c unmudated with iioard. In addition to the ornamental branches here tofore laiigtu in Mrs. Hutchison’s School, uistruc- Morva will this winter be given'in Lace and point Work, according to the most approved methods now practiced in New-Ynrk, and in Sco land. Extra charge for these branches, Three Dol lars per quarter. v , N. 11. —Young ladies not belonging to the •school may be instructed at 6 Dollars per quarter. Hours of instruction in these branches) made Known at the School Hoorn. November 42 kks. u althliiL; RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the young Ladies of Augusta that she will com nence giving lessons on the HAND KOKTE ini in M.MilNti, at her residence—or in pr vate .mines as may best suit the convenience of the , £ upils that may be entrusted (o her care. dj I erma moderate, and made known on sp. ! l!| cation at her resilience, Heynold-slrec t, first , ! muse fellow the Eagle t avern, j October 21 34 ’ JDANCIN G AC'ADE MY. ~ Mi*. T. FayolWs fecl\ A. V/| Wi-hing to devote his whole irm. .0 iTX this branch of Education, request those , j 'arents who wi-h to cm ti ,e their children to Ids ■ ire, to make immediate application, having ms ■ v new an ! elegant /U VCES, that he wishes to • .•cli lus Pupils. Mr. K. will attend as usual in irivate Families, sk i Semin iries when called for. ■t further particulars, apply at Mr. J. fi. i.A itiks’ next door to Dr. Turpin’s store, Broad treet. musjcTessons. 4# Its. I. H. KA\ OLLE, thsnkul for the cn cuuragement heretofore received, inform r triends and the communifv, thit she contin i--s giving lessons on the I‘IAXO FOHTK and SI‘AJ\ r ISU HUII'Jlli. Mrs. F. teaches her pu 1 els the art of singing in the newest style. Ar j dy asm the above advertisement, November 18 yt 42