Newspaper Page Text
respectable county of Hancock, in the Geu-Ac
cral Assembly of this StatJ.
-aw- j r
The Duke of Saxe Weimar, aanecl j „
in this City, the ilay before yesterday. j'
- >#<!■'
A Ball is to be given (I ! Evening Hi
the Planters’ Hotel, in 1 .our ot < <
distinguished fellow-citizen, V, if ■
The Conj’ ..ioual District Bill has pass
ed the Sen: and it is supposed tout lluv
Bank of Dai will not be remote t
Walter Cowrie has been elected Sec- A
rotary of the Senate of the United States, jf
A choice which does honor to the wisdom u
of the Senate. Ig
Dinner to Mr. Crawford ’. «
At a meeting of Citizens ol Augusta,
at the City-Hall, on Monday the 19th De
cember 1 8A5, for the purpose of consider- f
ing of tlie propriety of inviting the flonora- t
ble William ii. Crawford, nowin this d
City, to partake of a public Dinner. On 1
motion of the Mayor, Mr. Thomas Cum- (
Mixer, was called to the chair, and Mr.lf
K: jy Bones, appointed Secretary. |l
It wis ilicu Resolved, unanimously , that r
Mr. Cummins, the Chairman, !
W. W. Holt, the Mayor, <
J. Cqrmick, 1
W. Cummins, t
R. R. Reid, i
K. Walker, i
J. Grant, and
R. 11. Musgrove,
Be a Committee to wait on Mr. Crawford,
and welcome him to the City , and that
they be instructed, to invite him to partake
of a Dinner to be given by the citizens of
The meeting having adjourned, the Com
mittee visited Mr. Crawford, and tender
ed the welcome and invitation, contem
plated by the Resolution of the citizens.
The Dinner was given yesterday (Wed
nesday the 21st inst.) at the Planter’s Ho
ld. it was prepared in very superior style,
and a large and respectable company sat
down at half past three o’clock, P. M. to
partake of it. The Mayor of (lie City pre
sided, having the respected guest on his
right, and Major Freeman Walker, ofii
ciated as Vice-President.
'■ v- scv-.Tc-ptil ■ > thr !;-• . ii';.
■j. j• i : - ..iiern for if» :>■ cise
\i ■■ v ooi cola
•V* ,•j:: .pi r h iLidViu c*d ; .y »• 1 !
tHo.—*inO esa v/a i ailUlliUi**•iViilV
ii form an alliance truly holy for the defence
of American liberties.
7th.— The Memory of Washington,
titli.—Tiie Memory of Commodore Mac-
Donongh —a hero whose private virtues ad
ded lustre to his glorious public services.
9th.—The Army and Navy - " the United
10th.—Internal improvement.—A Good
thing—may it nut be prosecuted to the ilis
tru don of internal harmony, a heller.
1 ih.—The Union of the states, and the
states respectively—there can be no colli
sion when rightly administered.
3 2(h,— llie judiciary of the United States.
13th —Our Fair Countrywomen.
Mr. Crawford give the following toast.
George R. Clayton, late Treasurer of
Georgia:—a virtuous man; an old and
faithful servant of Georgia.
Several Volunteers were given which we
have not been able-to obtain.
- ■>#»"
The Rev. IVm.T. Brantly of Augusta,
Geo. has accepted the pastoral charge of
the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia,
and will remove to that city early in the
spring. Georgian.
The Boston Patriot state-, that tiie keel
of a44 guu frigate was laid at the Navy
Yard in Charlestown tast week. The sloop
i f war launched a few days since is named
“ flostnn. r '
The ship Florida, Condry, 27 days from
Liverpool, was announced below at Boston
on the 6th inst. She was left at Liverpool
on tiie Bth November, by the Manchester, to
sail soon.
Monday, Dec. b.
The House went into committee of the
whole, Mr. Tamer in the chair on the bill
to lay otfthe State into seven Congression
al Districts —The bill was reported with !
amendments—The report was taken up and 1
the bill was read the 3d time—when Mr.
Dougherty moved that the bill lie on the ta
ble for the remainder of the session. On
this motion a discussion arose, which was
terminated by a motion to adjourn.
Friday, December 9.
On motion of Mr. fVoJfard, the House
again took up the bill to lay otfthe State in- '
to seven Congressional Districts, and after ‘
consideiable discussion, Mr. Meroney, mo-
ed tm* the further lonsiderntiun of the bill
epos'-e tied until tiie meeting of the next
I egis i * > 'e, in order that the will of the n
. ople 111 befall) ascertained thereon.
Up •<• ’i.’i motion tiie yeas and nays were
;o«~ as*’!-blows : Yeas 58—Nays 61.
r —Messrs. Abercrumbie, Beall, Binl
wailsford, Brockman, Bryan, Burton,
Moptun of Putnam, (tone of Green,
' r: ‘L'ughery, Foster, Freeman, Har
:ms, Holt, Horne, Hudson, Hull,
'G is of Gwinctte,Johnson, Jones, Jour-
w'. uiwson, Leonard, Lumpkin, Marlin, i
son, McClendon, Me Dnigald, Me- A
i;fier, Meroney, Mitchell, of Pulaski.
Mon o ief, Monroe, Moore, Myers, Pay
Perry, Randolbh, Rea, Remkert, Rob'
of Burke, Robertson of Clulrlwm. ’ yp./
Scarborougli, Smith of Bryan Sparks, Sta
pleton, i'ait, Thomas of MuiPosh, Thomas 1
of Warren, Tutle, Turner, Way, Wilson, „
Wood of Early, Wynn.
Nays—Messrs. Ash, Bites, Bln koourn, ’
Blair, Burnside, Burns, Bird, Clayton, Clif- (
ton, Clopton of Pike, Collins, Cone of Cam- i
den, Copp, Day, Echols, Faria Fleming 1
Fort, Gnolson, Gilder, Gilbert, Greene,
Griffin, Hay, Hazzard, Hendrick, liicklin,
Hicks, Holmes, Hulsey, Hutchings of Jones,
Kennon, King of Crawford, King of Mon
roe, Legget, Manning, Manning of Frank
lin, McCall, Mitchell of Walton, Mitchell
of Wilkinson, Park, Pettit, Phillips, Polhill,
Primrose, Render, Roberts of Hall, Robin
son of Jasper, SaflbUl, Smith of Bibb, Ste
wart, Strickland, Stnrges, Walea, Wat,
kins, Watson, Wiggins, Wilcox, Willis,
Wofford, Wood of Fayette.
On the question “shall (lie bill pass” the 1
Yeas were 61—Nays 57.
The votes were reversed from what they
were on the preceding motion, with the ex
ception of Mr. Denmark, who did not vote .
on the passage of the bill.
23anft of Hugusta,
22d December, 1825.
AS MONDAY NEXT, will be observed as a
. Christinas Holiday ami lies Bank will .hen
be closed, SATURDAY (he 24th, will be Offer
ing Day.
Augustus Moore, Cash’r.
December 23 It 52
Irish Volunteers ! !
APPMAIw •!) youp Ptirade Ground on SATUtt
the 31st Mist at 10 A ** mr
V. ;•* , • (■,t nf /, • i' u Uh I
: . jfl '■ i, /-• <
December 23 3t 52
IGBU\ DigtvVct Com^aii^
A PPEAU on your Parade Ground in rear ol
il J. Auslcy’s Warehouse, on the bank of the
River, on SATURDAY 24'Ji inst. precisely a
10 '.‘clock, armed urn] equipped as the laws ot
the State direct.
By artier,
Gorton, o. s.
December 23 It 52
i 168l\\ Dwlvvct Gom^au^.
> H IF, Members belonging to this district are re.
A quested to attend a Hireling TUPS EVP,
NING, at Lamki i’s room, precisely at 7 o’clock, or
. business. ISj order
Gorton, o. s.
December 23
HATTALIti v Ol* 5.
AUwuVVim VttttcV\i\ea \ \
4 PPEAH on your Parade ground, in (rout of
i m. the City-Hall, on S VPURDAY the 31st ol
December, at 10 o’clock, X. M, armed and equip
aed according'to the by laws of the corps, with
14 rounds of blank Cartridges.
B;i order of Cu(>t Stdroks,
W. 11. Muharry, Act. o. s.
December 20 it 51
Subscribers to the Ball to
be given at the Planters’ Hotel, THIS EVENING,
are requested to apply at the Hut, for tickets ot
admission. Uy order of the
December 2.3 52
The annual meeting of (lie
(Council of PRINCES of JEUCSAI EM, takes
place TiliS T. I iWl.\'C. at six o’clock As the
<leeti. il ot officers tor (he ensuing year, and o- 1
liter business of importance will take place, r 1
punctual attendance of the members is required !
ity order of the .1/ T..
.1. M. Band, Sec’ry. (
December 23 It 52
The Subscriber has taken !
an OKrICB, in the lower story of Mr. T. Cum '
Mivr.’a Buildings, near the Post-Office. He pro ■
poses to practice in the Courts of Washington
Sc riven, Jefferson, Burke, Columbia and Rich
mood, h in the Federal Circuit Court tor Georgia
Robert Raymond Reid.
December 23 52 ■
A FINE CilG and SAOLE HOUSE, betweei -
iA. five and sis years old, which will be sold
cheap, if immediate application is made. Enquire
at this office.
December 23 ?t 52
Y\us M.oiMung, at 1' oWick,
ivs ». pidoauw,
ft ' c»mmnee the sale of the Mlvm •; f.v ’
ff/'NIVKS an<l Forks, Ducket ami .'V. Knives,
fV Scissors, ,s!cl Ki.gujh ILsurs, 1 •'■ it*■' Kooks,
Med Bombs, Kelts and Bracelets, limey a. tides,
iir and Clotljes Broshes, renoil Cases, ‘■reel and
• olvel Dorses, liibbmv, T r'.nia Shell Combs, >an
V ornamental, Baste aod Pea. i Combs, gill Keys
id Seals, Necklaces, hue d Watch Chains,
■ i t and Keys, Coral Beads, Musical Box -.
A iso, a valuable assortment of JEWELRY,
handsomely assorted to sai; reiailers.—Two NEGRO MEN, one of whom is a
good drayman, (he other a bout hand,
Atso—A regular sale of usual articles ss GKO.
Also—Vi Invoice of first rate Netv-Voik made
Clothing—cm nstiog of Superfine Cloth Coats and
Pantaloons, Oamblet and Plaid Cloaks, Silk and
Fancy Vesta.
ALSO— j ■
I 6 Barrels Cider,
2 ilhds. Jamaica Bum*
1 Pipe Holland Gin,
1 Side Board,
-2 Horses
Terms at Sale.
December t* 52
SatwvAay XigVA.
raiHE new Tiieaue, having its decora'ions and i
JL part of its Scenery finished, will he open
ed on Saturday Night, Dec- other -4 1 OJA, by
who will give the public a Comic E. ; c * (liumcnt,
Brush to Sweep away Melancholy.
Consisting of Comic Songs. Select Scenes ami
Recitations—To conclude with, the Song of the
York sin uk concert.
Ticheta to be hid at the differer.i Public Hun
sea and at the Hue of the Theatre. -
December 23 it 52
; ’> f n- . i) V; at TD , , f T: * I! I, i
. l rJ *V \ S 5' . 5
I ■■ ' J V ■ i.ivi' v m -t.v
L • bfM. i.: -K,. .»**’. '• j
■ * £ , J i •;
blurt? u;i itic n iiui hide !»roau-S‘utei. iiemeu ‘ui
account oi the estate o i M. ( avensworth.
Samuel Male, Adiu’r.
December 23 52
Bank of the State of Georgia,
December 19, 1835.
r p!IF, Board of Directors, will on FRIDAY, the
*- 30th instant, elect a Discount Clerk for this
Candidates for (he appointment, may know tin
amount of salary as well as the security required,
on application to the Cashier.
By order of the Board,
i. Henry, Cashier.
December 20 4t 51
A\v. UoVmv'Suvl,
OF.SPEC I FULI.Y informs the I allies and
J Gentlemen of Augusta, that his first Co.
tlllion party, will take place at Dancing Boom
m Green street, on TDUUSDvY EVENING
next, the 22d inat. and every I Intraday fc nnight
following. Ihe door to be opened a, half past
six o’clock,
IK comber 20 2t 51
At the. Market-House, in the City of An
gusta, on the first Monday in January
next, for twelve months ensuing :
Eight Negroes, the property of '
Grace Mart, a Minor. *
E. A. Holt, Guardian.
December 23 3t >2
TAROM the subscriber, about the Ist of N, vein
I. her last, a Negro man i tave, named (' TSAII
about 45 years of age, near live iect tbrec inch
es high, down look, yellow complected, slow ii
speech, walks pidgeon toed, r > , read and write,
and it is highly probable that le lias a Iree pass,—
Gasar was brought to (his .Stale 'v Major Bowers,
bum Granville cnimli North-G.u-lina, invert ot
eight years ago, and it is pretty certain that h,
will try to gu hark to that place, as be says hi
has a wife and children there \t;y person git
ing information of the said fellow, or cot.lining
him in any Jail so (hat ! get him again, shall be It
berally rewarded by the anbserher, living neat I
VVright.-.borough, Columbia c tji .y, Georgia.
8 humid Roberts.
December 19, 1825 2t v 52
tjy •'he Columbia Telescope, S c and 'ln
Raleigh Begister, N. C. art n quested to inser
the above twice, and f< rward lln-ir respective ac j,
counts to J. Karnes, Post-Master, IVriglusboro’
Georgia, (nr payment. S. It.
Blank Meeds of Conveyance,
For sale ut this Office 1
i '• • '
.Yotr Drawing
\w t\\a UUy Augusta, uiuVac the S\\\>e\*u\t e, aAa uc eot
Commissioners appointed by the Gen. Assembly of the State of Georgia.
S 30,000
wiM OTiroa iDiaawap®
WiW tukr yliu t DU Wcim-ailny Ure littvol Jamiarj nent.
Tliis I’nily Splendid Lottery
Is now nearly half drawn, and in its present stage, oilers more brilliant induce
ments to adventurers than any Lottery, now drawing in the. Union.—All the Capital
i Prizes (of which a view of the Scheme will at once shew (he variety and richness) are
{still undrawn, except one of g 10,000 and one of ft 1000. This extraordinary accu
jniulatiou of Canital in (he wheel win .... >. >n u „ ro< („ PO nn immense demand sot
! 1 "> ■'" )■' ■ * 1 ■ * price of T'tch
'i- ■; ■ 'i r 11• tn.n l .ntuntrs -
vw...' v ' £' r ',i if c;'y
i - ■'£ -e /§rf 4 1 I 'i'p
E. ' . ' M w fJS Jf •/- «
•• - .‘ ! ‘ ■ ■ jIiIHOO Ifoi'af'-,.
( : Oolid'N : 20,000 !) ;
i Prize- of 10-000 Dollars i.k 40.000
Vm .
5 Prizes ol 1,000 uoiiars is 5,000 Dollars.
10 Prizes of 500 Dollars is 5,000 Dollars.
50 Prizes of 100 Dollars is 5,000 Dollars,
100 Prizes of 50 Dollars is 5,000 Dollars
-5000 Prizes of 10 Dollars is 50,000 Dollars.
.SS, I^
18,000 Tickets,
Less than two aiuV a \va\f ftlauka Us a Tvixt,
All the. Prizes floating except the following, which will he. deposited in the Wheel
at definite periods, viz ;
On the. tst Drawing I Prize of (0.000 and tof 500
On llie 3d Drawing t Prize of 5,000 anti i of 1,000 and 1 of 500
On the 3d Drawing 1 Prize of 10,000 and lof 500
On the 4th Drawing I Prize of 5,000 and 1 of 1,000 and i of 500
On the sth Drawing 1 Prize of 10,000 and lof 500
On the 6th Drawing 1 Prize of 5,000 and I of 1,000 and t of 500
On the 7th Drawing 1 Prize of 10.000 and 1 of 5,000 and 1 of 500
I On the Bth Drawing t Prize of 30.000 and I of 1.000 and lof 500
On the 9th Drawing t Prize of 30,000 and 1 of 1,000 and 1 of 500
All Prizes payable thirty days after the completion of the Lottery, subject to a d
hluciion of fifteen per cent.—lt not applied for within twelve months, to be consult
ed a donation to the funds of the MASONIC HA LL.
Tickets and Shares to he had in a great variety of numbers at
m mu* moi^stri&Birog
Present Price,
\V\Aoie Tickets, - - * riVi
Walvea, - 5 5D
iluaplftrs, - “ - c i "l&
fi 7* Orders from any part of the United States, post paid, enclosing the Cash, in t
uills of any of the Banks of the Union that pay Specie, will meet with prompt attention
Darien Bills will he received at par.
Address all communications to
Xtr.rctanj to the Commissioners
AUGUSTA, December 33, 1.825 S 3