Newspaper Page Text
tor which any one may continue eligible fur*
the oflice of President, and also to a new
organization of the Judiciary system
ic establishment of a Home Department—
the abolishion of Imprisonment for Debt—
a permanent provision for keeping in repair
the Cumberland Road-Internal Improve
ments and to the Treaty with the Creeks.--
Other important matters will no doubt arise
in the course of the session which will it i
supposed, be long and interesting.
We are sorry to find tbe following Para
graph, in the National Intelligencer. The
Exposition of the Commissioners is an able
document and no appeal should have been
necessary to secure it a place in any print,
whose objects are Truth and Justice ;
“ An appeal has been made to us, on the
ground of justice and impartiality, which we
know not how to resist, to publish the Expo
sition of tbe Commissianers of the United
States who negotiated the Treaty with the
Creek Indians in February last. We shall
endeavor to present it to our readers in a
day or two.”
The most prominent act of the Legisla
'• -e, whose session has just expired, is that
to nVide the State into Congressional Dis
tricts, aid a measure more fatal to Georgia,
could nob have been adopted. We have
not heard whether the Governor has appro
ved it or not, but we will believe that lie has
f not assented to it, until we hear the contra
ry from undoubted aufic-Uy.
It is evident that as long as we are acqui
ring and settling new territory, our popula
tion must be fluctuating Divide the
State as we mav, flie numbers in the seve
ral election districts will be constantly and
greatly varying and the consequence will
be that the sma'ler will be represented in
precisely the same degree, as the larger
‘ number of voters. Tbe representation then
will be unequal, and by possibility, the min
nriti/ in po'iticks at home may send a
majority of Members to Washington City.
Let anv man apply himself for a moment,
to the simple rules of subtraction and addi
tion, and he will see that such a predicament
ii not visionary but may in reality be produ
ced, Whit becomes then of the rule that
the Majirity shall govern.” Is not any
system wretchedly defective which may lead
to the destruction of this principle—a prin
ciple upon which rests the entire frame of
our Government? But the chief argument
in support of the District plan, is, that the
people should know their Representative.
Alas, how delusive is the belief, that by cir
ounftcribing the sphere of (he election, the
character of the candidate will be brought
more perfectly to the knowledge of the peo
ple ! It is true the man will be continually
before them —ho will assume popular man
ners—he will learn to smile graciously and
id opt the most approved modes of salutation
he will be serious with the grave and light
with the gav—he will be “ all things to all
men but When the votes are counted out,
the skilful! electioneerer will have carried
the day, more by artifice and intrigue, than
by the weight of his character and the
strength of his talents. At present the
choice of the people is predicated upon the
possession, either actual or supposed, of
such attainments as make the Candidate ,
worthy of their suffrage. If he fail in his
public career to confirm the belief in his |
worth and qualifications, the people are not
beset with treats and blandishments, but
left to the dictates of their good sense, and |
the member at the next election is permitted
to remain at home, and some other chosen in (
his stead. Again, the influence of the
State in the Nati mat Counsels is mare com- j
pletely felt under the general ticket mode t
of election —the members act together with f
an union and harmony which does not exist
among Representatives who come from j
Stan-s, where the elections are by districts. ,
Hence it is, that Georgia has often claimedl,
mom consideration and respect on the floor '
of Congress, with her seven Representatives, (
than have New-York and Pennsylvania, (
with their hosts cut up and divided by jar- (
rings and discord. But it is useless to mul
tiply words — we do not know that it has oeen ,
•illeWed tha* any evil has appeared in our ,
elections to Congress requiring a remedy, '
and the true secret of the change is proba- (
I,|V (o he found in the political tenets of ourj 1
presen* members—they too supported Troup,! |
and they, to use the expression applied to
“ Atticus” must also “ walk their chalks,”
Amongst the appropriations of the Le
gislature is the sum of S 10,000 lor the use
of the Medical College of South Carolina;,'
g 12,000 for the support of the transient j
Poor of the City of Charleston ; and SjOOO
towards reimbursing the City Council for ex
penses incurred by them during the visit of
General Lafayette to this city.
[_Ch ,s. Couriei.
Two negroes were executed at Milledge
ville on Saturday last. One of them was
found guilty of Burglary, the other of assault-1
in°- a white person with intent to murder.
An amendment to the penal code, so far as(
respects the definition of the word Burglary,!
ahould be made. It would be more liumanej
irul compatible with onr civil institutions.
f.i'.ract of a Irller from .Vtn, I'urk tj u gi'itUman in Ik, i ,'i(i
‘Mr. De Witt Clinton, Jr. has accepted!
the office of Civil Engineer, for your slate on
the verms proposed tohim by Gov. Troup. He
will sail in a lew days in the ship Savannah
for your City.”
Suv. Republican.
New-York, December IJ. I
VVe have just returned from one of the
m *st <• mlating scenes that we have wit- |
■jessed'''t many years. Almost an entire (
i> >ck buildings have been burnt to the
>£■'" 'id ruico four o’clock this morning.— |
i'iie fire commenced in a stable situate in |
h® rear of the block or square, which fron
ted on Spring, Thompson, Sullivan, or |
and in a short time from six
ty to eighty families were left houseless.
We have given below the names "of the
sufferers, as far as we could obtain them.—
The buildings which fronted the streets
were chiefly two story and of brick. The
property destroyed is estimated at from TO
to 80,000 dollars, a small proportion of
which was insured.
After what has been repeatedly stated of
the activity of the New-York firemen, itj
may be necessary to state tint the want of
water was never more experienced than a’j
the fire this morning. All the neighborhood
gave out iu a few minutes ; there were no
public cisterns, and the great distance from
the river, prevented a supply from that
source until the fire had extended nearly
over the block. Another reason was that
the bells in the lower part of the city
were not rung, and very little alarm was
created, below Canal street. We are told
that the jail bell was not rung at all.
The fire was caused by a cart man going
into his stable with a light, and from the
combustible materials, it spread with such
rapidity that some of the families had to
escape from the upper windows, widi barely
their night clothing.
On Spring-street —Eager & Tompkins,
Col. Stevens, Jane Day, John K.oeffiug, Rev.
Mr, Covell, Widow Robert Lambert, Mrs.
Hayden, Joseph Colburn, Mr. Prescott,
Mrs. Hendricks, Mr. Bogart, Eliza Con
ningham, Mr. Julett.
On Thompson street —Jeremiah Tomp
kins, Oliver Tompkins, John Strieker, Mr.
Jewel, James R. Westervelt, Richard Canap,
Nicholas Platt, William Lewis, Widow
Concklin, Daniel Tice, David Lewis, Mrs.
Jaques, Mrs. Riker, Mr, Bogart, Peter
Goodman, Denis Kane, David Jaques, Mr.
On Sullivan-street —Mr. Leatherman,
Joseph Devoe 89; David Mulford, 83 ;
Drake Crane, 85 ; Abraham Tompkins, 77 ;
Stephen Hunt, 87; David Concklin, 87 ;
John Parks, 83 ; Nathaniel Dobbs, 75 ; Ar
thur Johnson, Abraham Westervelt, George
Johnson, Jacob Mackie, Archibald Brady,
Peter Van Houghten, Widow Smith, and
Mr, Lewis.
Hack Buildings —Mr. Underhill, Mr.
Butman, Mrs. Hyslop.
Several firemen were seriously injured,
among whom was Mr. Blasins Moore, be
longing to No. 5. A fireman belonging to
No. 29, had his leg broken.— Com. dido.
At a quarter before 5 o’clock this morn
ing, the cry of fire was heard at long inter
vals, to resound through our streets, by those
who happened to be awake. The bells of
the city, or at least in this part of it, re
mained mute all the while, and we presume
designedly so. The scene of conflagration
was at last discovered to be in Tliompson
street between Broome and Spring streets.
It commenced in a stable, where a carlman
had gone with a candle to feed his horse.
Before (he firemen with their engines could
reach the spot, the whole neighborhood was
enveloped in flames ; and when they did ar
rive, there being no fire plugs in that part
of the city, and the cisterns all empty from
a long drought, 10 supply of water was
to be had nearer than the North river,
upwards of a quarter of a mile distant, and
near an hour elapsed before th«?y could ope
rate with any great effect upon the devour
ing element, which was sweeping every
thing before it. As soon as the firemen had
arranged their lines o hose, so as to afford
water to the engines, who had in the mean
time formed a corclen around the frightful
raging element, a check was given to the
flames, and encouraged the hope in those :
whose dwellings were in (he neighborhood,
that bounds would be set to the enemy, and
their little habitations saved from ruin, nor!
were they disappointed. After a hard strug
gle for some hours, in which the greatest
praise is due to our active, resolute and in
defatigable firemen, the flames were got un
der, but not until they laid w aste 40 build -
dings, at least, and left destitute of shelter
for the remainder of the winter twice that
number of families. As near as we can
judge, there are 9 two story brick front
buildings destroyed on Spring-Street, 12 or
14 wooden ones on Tbompson-Sti eet, and
11 or 12 on Sullivan-Street. We could not
obtain a list of the owners and occupants in
season for this evening’s paper. Tsvo hou
ses only, it is said were insuicd.
We take this occasion to mention a fact
and do it with sorrow and indignation, that
not a single bell, except the small one at the
jjail, was heard to ring in this city, for more
I than one hour afiei- the conflagration of last
| night burst forth. The watchmen cry fire
jus they cry the hour. The city was not
[alarmed, till property to the amount of near
jly 8 190,000 was destroyed ! It would seem
jfrom some late communications in the pa
| pars, that the Bell-ringers have taken the
stand, and are determined not to budge an
inch, till somebody will undertake to pay
them a compensation for their trouble. We
| Know not the merits of the question, but foi
God’s sake, let not the city be burnt down
! about our ears while the parties are settling
j /. x-. -7
the dispute. The Corporation should take
up the subject immediately.
It will be seen, from two communications
in our paper, that the destruction of wooden
buildings was very great, and the individual
dirtress almost unprecedented in our city.—
It is hoped the public meeting which has
been called on this disastrous occasion will
be numerously attended, and that prompt
and effectual maesures will be adopted to
lighten, at least the calamity, though they
cannot entirely relieve it.— Ev. Post.
—SO©- -
Another Fire. —We learn that the large
building occupied as a public house, by M.
Givan, called the Lake Tour Inn, situated
a little off the llloomiugdale road, leading
to the North River, was burned to the ground
last riighti how the fire originated we have
j nut heard; but we understand the building
, was insured fur gGOOO. Ibid.
| Yesterday, about 12 o’clock, the house
(of John Evertson, in Tompkinsville, Sta
ten Hand, and (he one next to it owned by
Mi'. Peter lloughout, were burnt. The
tire originated from a stove pipe, badly se
cured. ’ Ibid.
Two days later from England,
Phii.adei.phia, Dec. 15.
By the packet ship Alexander, Baldwin,
arrived at this port last evening, in 29 days
from Liverpool, we have, tit rough the polite
ness of the captain, received Liverpool dates
to the 20th, and London to the Bth of Nov,
both inclusive. We perceiVe no intelligence
of the least importance; and the folliftving
are the only items worth extracting. Ootid
remained as per last advices at Liverpool,
At London it was 83d a 9d.
London, Nov. 8.
The Paris papers ofThursday, Friday and
Saturday, have arrived in due course. It
appears that the report of the Haytien Loan
being abandoned was incorrect; the loan
having been finally contracted for at eighty
per cent for a six per cent stock, by Messrs.
Laflite & Op. in conjunction with Messrs.
Rothschild, brothers, Messrs: Arduuin, Hub
hard & Co. and some other iiouses.
City, two o'clock —Nothing of the least
interest has transpired in the course of the
morning. Ihe price of Consols remains as
it did yesterday, 8, and literally nothing
The Foreign Securities and Shares are in
the same situation. To-morrow will be a
holyday in both maikets. The followin'* are
the present nominal quotations; Mexican
Scrip discount; Brazil 9 discount;
Gautamela 5 discount; Colombian Bonds
73 ; Spanish Bonds 17; Greek do 25! 26;
Real del Monte Shares. iAQ ; Anglo
Mexican 35 pm ; LTnited 10 1-2 pn- 1 Pasco*
4 pm; Potosis l! dis; Irish Provincial
Bank 1 dis; Silk, par; Rpyal Irish par;!
Brighton New Town. Irish 1 pi,
London Markets, No*’ ober 8.
COTTON,—There was not much doing'
in this trade last week, the sales amoutingl
to only 2270 bales; Bourbons 10£ a ;i
Per.iams 12 5-8; Bowed B,j a 9d ; Surats
C|d ; Madras 65 a 6id; Bengals 5Jd a 6Jd
all in bond. The sugar market was very
heavy all last week, the purchasers were j
barely sufficient to constitute market prices,
which might be quoted rather low. This
morning the market opend very heavy and
the appearance of business has been clicked
by the report from the West India ware
houses, stating hat the delivery last week
was less by 1200 casks than the correspon
ding week of last year. At the close of the
market to-day, several of the most exten- 1
sive holders had withdrawn there supply of
sugars entirely and, generally there was
more firmness in the market. The prices
wen* the same as last week ; Barbadoes 70s
a 765, being about 3s lower than the late
highest point in the Market. Lumps were
pretty brisk last week, but there being only
a tew parcels at market there were no sell
ers under 87s. Towards the close of the
week the enquiries ceased and the prices
gave way; lumps 86s, molasses 34; brown
62s a 70s. Cofl'e was brisk last week at 50s
6d a 57; generally the market was in a ve
ry depressed and languid state, ordinary!
Brazil 545. 1 here is not much business!
doing in Rum, but the market is firm; un-l
dcr proofs 2s 1 d ; some favorite marks of
! Jamaica 3s 6d a*3s 81 ; brandy is higher ;
I favorite marks sold for arrival 3s 8d a 4s 6d;
other marks 3s 2d a2s 4ri; and the mar
ket still looks firm. Pale Geneva is Is lid.
li isli Volunteers ! !
,4 I‘i‘KK on yoor Parade Ground on SATUR
ia DAY the list hist, at 10 o’clock, A. M. on
Green k Jackson-streeis, armed and equipped
sceor.ling to lie bye laws of ll.c Company, with
six rounds blank Cartridges,
Hy order of Cofit, C^rmick,
Bayfield, o. s.
; December 23 5 *
Hamilton Riflemen ! !
a\ PPEAR on P trade in Iron! of the City Hull,
j on 8A I URUAY lire 31st instant, at 3 o'-
" 1’- M. armed and equipped as Lire bye-laws
>f tiic Corps direct.
liy a dor of Capt. Cummino*.
Merriman, O. S.
■ l> member 23 oi 52
U ________
Blank Heeds of Conveyance;
c For tale at t/di Office
\ ,
Attention \
APPEAR on your Parade ground, in ft, tit of
the City. Hall, on SATURDAY the 3lsl, ot
December, at 10 o’clock, A. M, armed and equips
sed according to the by laws of the corpi, with
14 rounds of blank Cartridge!.
Jt>/ order of Copt Stvroes,
VV r . 11. Maharry, Act. o. s.
December 20 5t 51
W Mayor’s
Court for December Term, 1825, stands adjourn
ed to Friday next, at Nine o’clo-k, A. \I. of which
nil suitors, Jurors and Witnesses will take due no
tice, and then and there give their attendance.
Wm. Jackson, c. m. c.
December 27 2t 53
NOTICE—I. will attend at
r ny olHce, South-east corner City Hall, everyday
.rum two to five o’clock, P. M. during the
nonth of January next, for the purpose ot recei
ving returns of taxable property within the city
1 if Augusta.
O. M. Walker, Clerk c.c.
December 27 53
1 -- -
No. 221, Broad-street.
Has just Received,
and New-Year’s offering, for 1826. Price
g 2 50.
A Treatise on the Physical and Medical treat
, mentof Children—by Win. P. Dewees. 1 Vol.
Price §4.
Manual of Surgical Operations ; containing the
new methods of opt raving, devised \>j I.islranc,
by J. Coster. M. I), the translation and n.tes by
John 1). Goodman, M. 1). 1 Vol. Price §1 25,
A variety of other new publications, School
llooks and Stationary, all of which are offer ed on
the' lowest terms.
December 27 2>t 53
W aynesborougli Academv
FllE first Term of the Wayneshorongh At a,
demy. In Burk» county, will begin on MONDAY,
the 2d January, 1825 Instruction will he given
in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, His
tory, Astronomy, Natural and Moral Philosophy j,
also, in the Latin and Greek Clas-es. Terms of
Tuition are from Four to Ten Dollars per Quar.
ter, according to the studies pursued.
w 111. 11. Williams, Rector, i
N. H.—Good Boarding cheap.
December 27 3*t 53
*V* The Subscriber has taken
an OFFICE, in (he lower story of Mr, T. Gum
minq’s Buildings, near the Pos’-Office. He pro
poses to practice in the Courts of Washington,
Scriven, Jefferson, Burke, Columbia and Rich
Imond, & in the Federal Circuit Court for Georgia.
Robert Raymond Reid.
I )*ember 23 51
JUr- 1—
llafi.of the State of Georgia,
December 19, 1825,
Till'. Hoard of Directors, will on FRIDAY, the
3tn.h instant, elect a Discount Clerk for this
. Bank,
Candidates for the appointment, may know the
| amount of salary as well as the security required,
pin application to the Cashier.
Hy order of the Hoard,
I. Henry. Cashier.
December 20 4t 51
On Consignment.
KEGS Virginia Tobacco, No. 1 & 2,
10U Pieces Cotton Bagging, 42 inch,
And a general assortment of
Paints, Oil, Window (Hass, Putty,
Sfc. §•<-.
Also—lndian Specific, for Colds, Coughs Con
sumptions, &c. —And Swaiins celebrated Panacea.
FOR sale lit j
Wm. H. Turpin.
December 20 3t r 51
IN .suit an off
iAmimsur Mums..
The Subscriber
And will take Risks, at the lowest rates of pre
| mitim, on 11U1LD1NGS and GOODS, of every
description usually Insured.
Persons at a distance can be Insured, on fur
irshing statements of the risks offered, by mail,
or otherwise.
Wm. T. Gould,
286, Hroad-Slreet. 1
December 20 3m 51
JEWIS LANIER, lolls betore me, one old
i Bay Mare, no brands or marks, with a alar,
in Iter forehead, and all of her feet white jap
praised to be worth five dollars, hy George
Cuughrun and Jacob Best, upon oath, kc,
Extract from the Eslray Hook,
Seaborn Goodall, c. i, c. s. c.
i Scriven county, Dec. 20, 1825. 3t hi
Five dollars Reward.
RANAWAV from the subscriber, on Monday I
26 It irist. a negro man, 21 years of age, na ■
med LUKE. He is about 5 feet,’lo or 11 inches
high, very biack, has a scar on his upper lip, and i
has lost his upper (rout teeth. Had on when he '
went away, a blue broad-cloth coat, but little
worn, and black bombazette pantaloons, 'l ook
with him a blue broadcloth f rock coat the under
pari of the sleeves worn, black satinet round
about jacket, and white homespun pantalloons.
Whoever takes up said runaway, shall receive
the above reward, and all reasonable expenses
paid if brought home, or secured in any jail, so
that 1 get him again.
Mary Low.
I Richmond County, December 27 53
the fourth drawing,
Ift DYE 11,
• Ami has resulted in leaving the Wheel
Rich in
; Grani\ Capital Prizes,
The highest pvfee drawn at the 4th Draw
ing is 8 100.
the following
' Splendid Prizes
1 Prize ot 830,000 I 4 Prizes of 8.5000
1 Prize of 20,000 4 Prizes of 1000
3 Prizes of 10,000 |lO Prizes of 5 00
Besides a Cfrent number of g loo’s. 850’s,
and 10 Dollar Prizes
Many very Lucky numbers at m un
sold, and may be had until further notice,
at the following prices :
i Whole Tickets, Sll 00
Halves, 5 50
Quarters, % 75
l No. 241, Broad-Strket.
1 J. 8. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioners.
'Vcembcr 16 50
Incoi porated hy the Legislature nf the State o
Nesu-Yorh, for the purpose of Insuring
Houses and oilier VluiltUngs,
M E RC H A N 1)18 K
And other personal Property
to Insure against the Hazards of Naviga
tion or 'J'rnnsjiorlaiiim
Capital £tocft,
s 300300,
Which lias all been paid in CASH, and the pub
lie itmy rely with confidence upon the whole sum
being always available to meet its engagements.
The subscriber having been appointed Agent
for the above Company will, in its name. Insure
against Loss by Fire and Hazard of Inland Navi
gation, on as favourable terms as can be done in
this city-
A. Camfield,
Agent for Howard Insurance Company.-
N. H. Persona living in the country can have
Insurance effected by addressing the Agent, giv
ing a description of the premises to be insured,
foil paid.
Augusta, Oct. 25, 1825 35 ra
Insurant: Company,
HAVE appointed the Subscriber their Agent i
who will receive proposals for INSUR ANCE
against KIKE, and the Risks of
lnVam\ Navigation,
op (he most liberal terms, at No, 269, Broad
Street, Augusta.
James Harrison, Agent.
October 28 , is 36
Bank of Hamburg, S. C.
Dkcembkb 16, 1825
ACCORDING to the terms of sales, on the 13th
of January and 22d of February last, of Lots
in the TOWN ot HAMHUUG, as advertised by
Henry Sbultz, the first year’s interest, on the sewn
Mr cent stock, created by those sales, will be due
'fils Bank on the IHth of January and 22d Febru
ary. 1826,
In persuance of the tenor and condition of the
deeds of contract, the Bills of this Bank or spe
cie, will be required in payment.
John M, Tillman, Cashier.
1 December 20 4t t 51
And Repairing.
Ti\«um G. H,a\\.
HAVING engaged brat rate workmen in eve
ry branch of the above business, is Manu
facturing light and fashionable Gigs and Carri
ages, and flatters himself that his experience in
die business will enable him to give satisfaction
to such as may wish to favor him with their or
Repairing in all branches at short notice on the
most reasonable terms.
Dii Ham! for ft ale.
Light Carriages, Gigs and fancy Wagons
A superior Plantation Wagon.
November II » 40
Douk. am! Jnb Printing,
Acuity Executed at this Office.