Newspaper Page Text
ft - .1 ,j. Hi igr -mm >w*u*mjs v&* •■**•> t*»m f
, . Jft .s A ' 'ir Ol- F/'' /OF 77. |
TIT V, ■S' \ 1.'.-iF,
.U / • u St-fft .
<. ■ , .MjtfE.'J. oil 'iN'f.'.F, I
U * . l-v\\ . j
'TuHOAV fife* ;
HI! ('•>■ »VA« 0? ’)« I.OUi :,|
ft ft J
*I A- • I i) ' ; i{Oi»KSCI f'RIKH !
.; ,K v . i‘i)U v t,
•' v ; •/ /.v y a f»’—
■ ■ *, i. vL ('alcn’.i'ions,
: ’ iin . • i »••*. mr ’ viU, j
." (• r .i- u .»>■■> <(1 tl : " (Manets, with I
Ki) ;. ft t’,y‘g ; >.-■■ ; ,;in 1- i. t. . j
■■■ t. ■ t, . * ! s,
•< I■( •i 1 '«t' * f>- i . I H-.r ,
” ■' li" i .lie
A i.' Pa.'< ■!. j
'. '-i : ■ ;; gVV>;! id'll i
■ft ft i
y< »* ."<1 -(>r tlu; Vi' .i ]h, ; j, {
{♦TO v . ■■? 1 nH^EV,
Kijti.'.'io.') us iUh ,
Han' ! : ? cuing &, Houltiinu- ami thm
■ 1(1 ’. ■ , • , (
* * li? # . till Ii |•• HU lx\, 1a» J|j
*■ i i.xtJiHi' 1 ji's I Ur s,
Rising. ... ii ■' uthin;;, t*i" tV- -irs, ,
Ait ■' • . COlli J«• i l ll.. '’! a . il'.l I !
P'.dlU'M, ' ' i
! lit N hunm f i.ia , j
<«si•••«■' • .tii i r{. ■ \
iir.c nl nui j. ■ i • Sr,-?cs • -ur •.
.■(intent i<( CJeor;, >, j
■ (llti.JO 1 .■ >T
•f>‘ ■oi !'■■■• V > •a: and Jiuliiarv dc-,
partn-fiil i.?' C»i.'o. t 'ia, (co-fret, t I ‘ j 1
u . ! .'•■J.iviiot & Inleiii.r t Ids'
i •Sr eml counties in thi- Stale,
1 u:iv , die K'n’Ctltive. oi S'i'itl .lirc.imd,;
i’Mi„ s ul the t an. * of Cmiumi'i IMeas ami|
St ,smt. ,
Ii and (.ilssi .tiers it> Kqui:,,
. and pla eof holdin. ('iiuits, '
the iv; olfice s in Augusta
‘tin i’is oi the ’ ink <>t • j 1
H'lncll of till ■ of I. nti
Stud cal Sul .;t ;»!' Auj; s'a,
i > -’■ - tec:- ill liliu ii:l Acjuif iv,
' ‘ ns,.■ i. ■■ ■; An i,nsU t i iiOdl, ’
t l 'nui »> 1 itm.
V i .v ■ v \wgutita,
Aim oi Sit a,., ivu,. >u Ci..uii.ii.i cuui.u,i
*' r ■ •’ •» ;
i)v. 01 tin! liti of V. .s ri ia,
I’o Jjta'.ch B«ni e! .ne i ■ eg, j
]’. ■. ’• ' Mi'. ' iiledgeville,!
I J • \ ■ ! • . * ” I
I}. ; •» a isiii .gton,
lln do hi Ka'o! ll’
t ■ ..n i ilili.
I.’u ‘ item !!anst
i ... A; os 'r. ■.. ’ante ■ os., my, |
!. ■ City Constables. j
~ at i, d.j .in;. 1 Gem »,
>)j I’mcjjjii Oonvals,
. . Co; .nissioi> of Pile .. ; ’e.
Do Branch Pilot®, I
m V ’ ’ificaif do
i • i I’ r i v' anA-.-i i,
Do I nitr {states
Do 'An.. .»• ct: in’ ■■ <•',
\}j 1 hats a Ae.anoi.iy,
li.. V’v. . Kiely,
In: ■ ■' . .•!)
*. ;>iu ..n M. v s.; ,n. (s,
)>.i Gv-orgia Bible do j
Seva :it Snniiny Schonl l’r..nii Aux j
iliary— _ |
IJo ■' nnaii i . : .et t ■ ci. : * Vui i
I) Savannah Sabbath Soi "i,
I I ■ jeoi" la Mmiicai
i»u H;r. ih .. rnn.
I>o 1 • ’IS’ II! '« "il't ,
I'i; ’A. ' Soon ’>
’ A <ir) in: tHi gm.enf.
tciniciil i * Georgia
ia , t linn, r,
I’lu* Cm a I . j
Ke ; ajih,
’■ . . . ■■■.<■ tiinst cminanr 5 »ri* ol
i n • ill •1, j
V.y i tiio l j at the Helm,
A ■ ~ib,; Bachelor,
H|)l|. r i,|ul K
! holl .Himßet.,
i n • •c: .u Norfolk,
fret.’ ■; •,u ".( St. Mary’*.
V . •■'. ' '(”/.,
. s .o n .ugu-tH in Aii '.hvilic.
•'n tin, ■.•,» 1 Mnleiig . - lie
■' i j <m in Athens,
A *?fi '•') iC ulhu’ti/icc /■!(' 1
‘ ■■■ ■ ■■■ , t ,
i eeembor 40
. ’.v,• iwriV Vu • ,i V■ c, .
.•* \*T ti - * }’!.; «; oM • ■ti tc v.' c
• ■'■’■;‘l i ' • ,>;i • • c M lot* i
\ » r hjilc.K, rh i •lb'**'* .'h , > , who ••< > In*tv
: Med c\ ; ' p f -v .<• . v •.(, i f-.r«
- I lie
c ■*,? oi i ■. i i\>r <h a . ip'.-in aik) Urnc,
,iiny at H •. r.r u>
Hoberf Hal Sk i •}uun.
.h; t/ r t.t ’ t'vj * i a:
Never - 'I ■'. 4 4
4 i >.'i ■• ■ , cii:;, • , c ii r IC mk
'is •• -Kn c ’ the i’ ,m,.r
.•iaveinbir la 4)
i tinilJSTl MASOmv lULL
nr” j j
S jOI'
; -VVi T i :a i ill*// 1 /• i)j ft*
V “ U MM * B fc M
\ \ iv.*- I' vi y vt tv. t, amUr \V\vi ’rbv*.\nvliW . :,ucti ol*
I i OV: A I. \ R* Y, j B I). I’HOA i* NA
isio a ipoi 1 ■ the (*en, Asb mbl Sat ■ G eoi'g
ailiiiEST PK.IZE
s' ft \ I t , 11
u. 3 y
, - |
! tfjaa araifii-ai I
1 j
W \\\ take, yiace ou \s the i W\ hi ’ awtat v, n
This IVuly Splendid Lottery |
!s t-.ow nearly half d awn, and in its ,-r~eiit stage, oil . ■ more t»i Aun' -e i
ment to adventurers tlnn any Lottery, now drawing in the Union.—Ail .Ac C -lal
Prizes (of which a view of the. Scheme n ill it once shew the variety and richness) arc
suit undrawi, except one of fc 10,000 c one of SIOUO. This extraordinary n
'mulnlion if C -1 I’rizc in the, v ! ■ Am; no ■' übt produce n immense denur ■ir
Tickets, and tliereby insure the prompt completron of the Lottery. The price'oi Tick-]
c(s will probabl ■ advani ■rv ii'gh as the drawings progress —distant adventun ■- .ire.
• iscd to send r : mil >• ■ ward eatly.
Y' -V" 4. m f*' j. V . '3 M r ’■ ! if €
) I'of JU.OFiC Dollars is 30,000 O 'V. UA:,
1 Prize ol J* 000 Dollars is ),000 f> ii. as.
i Prizes of l(t,00‘- jiollars is 0»,0< 0 Dollai
> Pit'.os of 5.000 Dollars is iOd'OO Dollar .
■> Prizes of 5,000 Dollars is 5,000 L’ :v
10 Prizes of 500 Dolv is 5,000 Dollars,
50 Prize sol 100 Dollar., is 5,000 Dollars
10) Prizes of 50 Dollars a 5 ? o ?-) Dollar
>0( i of 10 Dollevs • 50,000 Dollars.
• 5 Prize .- }
' Blanks. I 8180 ’ 000
J \iV >) 'Pickof s,
P ’• ’ • v\\t\ u \y. ■ v o','a- l’.> • jfti? ■
FHF, AhtZCS ini >• ,>i. • ' :11VN.
he !‘ri »y . c.v 7' the f ... ( ~ , o-, lei ■ If
j t.7 definite period*, n: ;
I. tin Ist, I)\ :.a I Vri/ oi i O,OOO and id ;?()(>
On the. S.l Drav, .g 1 Pri/.i ol 5.000 at; • i of i,O( ■ mui . ,u
On the 3d Drav •> gi f • . 10.000 and of 30'
Oi* the 4th Drawing 1P; /.«•. of 5,000 at ’ I «>f t.O(V’ an . t 5 ,•■.{)
• On the sth Dr wtog fSO i*e of It ; 1 I ■•»f Do ; ‘
t'oi the ()*.b Uvavvi; ■ 1 ri/.c ol '0 ;,1 1 ■ t, ■■. of 500
' On the7lh Drawing 1 Prize 10,0 )0 an
i On On* '4h Drawin . Pr*/,o i-'’SO.tA*' t .■' , 500
■ U" »! 9th Urn ;■' 1 Pri •of .'O,OO v\o i ■■:( '.OOO and- .of 500
All I -i/.fs payable third day.? aftes tn ; >;c • otmti mti I oil -i v„ * ihjm’t to a ]
teen pg tot applied th 1,
|i*d a n.’.uua to he funds of the MASONO. IS VI,.
‘l'fcket* uni Shares "o be has .••■? a n r es ! van v nv s it
i - W
i tilt !**»■> 6)® If if.
i ' -'H ■■ " '■
• ■ —Xge- *** VP. frit ***** »V*T A V •'»>,/
1 ' I*resent Vrice.
\\ vuAc .V j v V..v Is, - • V i (i(\
Hiilyti!, -a bv>
f;ufti'trvf - ii ’a
t v ’’ * Irders- ■om an; pj.-> i the • nited Slaio j puij enclosin-t ♦ a hash, in >r
(bill.ioi any 1 the F ink* l;F » Unio. that ■• ■ Spe . . A reel with pi p aticntim ’
J't oi 1 ■• ■ nl jc received at 1 ....
j J|. Addtc-s all , .uu'iuniculi ■■
■ ry to Cor >iV' -
AUGUSTA, December 2C-, 1825
W’Vil \ WvtitH .
■ u the Market-House, in (!■■ City of Mu
ll f'uata, on the first Monday in January
n 1 1, far tweloe months ensuing •
Right Negroes, the, props' y of
I Grace Hsr a Minor.
jhi. A. Holt, Guardian, j
Uecen er 23 3t 5-
'I /At' Market House, on Ike first , /ondaj
in January next
Th- Negroes, mdongii.g to Wii
Siam, Elizabeth, Louisa and Hue,;.’
Minors, for the ensir ■ tear.- v 1 at -lie;
saw time and place, tueii i nititioo.
t. '.c Savannah River, wili »• letl • <a;e
j year.
A. Bugpj? '" : ' ,n ’
j ft- sember 13. 1825 1 5\ 50
Executors . no.
■W’ be solo at the !»('■ -i i .. . or • arby A
j dams, deceased, on the f January j
, | next :
| The crop of i. ok Acelleni'
(• i-’i; Horse, »ui.. >. > tedious to i
j mention ie- in made km ‘ sale,
William A c,- I *-,- . V, if
Sarah L. -uns, ■ tr’x.
er 14, 1825
’”K.iaOBTANI’ "I 1
i Will be sold m tbo 1 '(lesdiiy ■ rua? v ! |
nest, .*.f>plc*nr •
1 One hen-red and niu- >3. A-!'
ere;; or I *nd, belonging to the c j...
[Crawfhrd, dr ceased, on which oomnio.!
i .lions dwelling house, out-hous;.-*, : sold lor]
Ihe lie; fit al th ; oen aa ad credi’ ■ 0! said cs ■L,
r .... J
Vv ill l>c offered, two :•.( and 11
j .eventy-se,-- n »cri«. of Land, adj - lie ah. • c I
(Usod —on which hand then is a imfor'afi - I
j dwelling '-'•I-..-.., ».,nie out-.hotue a • Urchmd
•1 the be‘t !; fits, aid of consid ■ -.|» size -5c !
above phi't- u-e within 18 mile; Augus'a
( I’erms ■ ll t»e made known ■ •!.<• d.-.y of,le, !
Simmotts‘Crawford, JJdm’r. L
} November 2“2 -r i J 43 j L) |
Guard i ; Si
| Apt-teable to an i dcr ,ii c H<— Ac die In- jr<
j ie.'ior rt ,• rt of i • ceanty win n sitting 1 '
i 'for Urd; ry [ will be ;■ iU i ncoln- J
j ton, on -ret ' lay in tvmiry i.
| A negro ;Vtau, in the t;-:n in 1 s
Cat i»r, belonging to Lawreur-Grinage, a Mil , ?
old *.!»- belief lof UM:• • • ' pi.s in ado j
; iCOOWii tin efl ay f sa* .
'--'in. 11. Harp." (}uai J dn.
' N-r.-mM- 16, 1325 , . t 43 1 u
Notice |'.i
‘ D V or ser of the H Inferior. Oojurt of
!' .* Columbia comity, will b dd •; Cc i 'i ''
I t'l'PHday in January next, at Columbia C-nr.- ; '
I iinnse .
Two and sixty •four A-I.‘'
i cica of 1.-it mo •or less, lying on die Big Ki • ' ,
I kte Creek, > I two miles of said Com t-liou-' • 1,,
; - id as the i -.vgte of Ja/nes Martin, decc.<.
; 1 n ior ' n-.d n( 1 ■ -1 ;. terms made .
i ka> he day 1 »
Robei’l Martin, Jr.m'r In
itw . ■ 17
Administratrix »
. Will he fioid on the 7th day of next, -i j
the re.udem .oi llie late C;.: . t 'aiker.
’'he Horses, (R U ;• j-., Cowsjjf
elder, 1 ■ hen i iirni 11
nd Ffamtttt , an various
state ■ t e •
be Oi el n mtbs
■ ; ."b ■ ■■■;■. n. o-.d approved p rsonali
. -rily i, •■i*, . ■ d >
IVL;a ,‘idm'r. c.
K vein her ; ' j -d -;5 '
T4 ll
Administrate-;'s fe de.
.;, • file y .
next at A tog; I u
■nc hundred seventy-five A-1 i
■■ it f.and, b dongii: ■ to th- , of Wild,. ; ;
■' ‘ assd, ild . n h( b inefit of the lu
.mi Creditors. i'l
, J em. .i( sale nr,a b> known on lie d»v j 1
Mary [J. Dir : ddinr’.x. ! '
November 15, IH2J r td 4,3
iTo i .
i be offered for sale on the first 1. esday |
'■ 1 luary, IG»\ a n Vj«rk«t Ilon-.a in ; j
» o* y J
’ ndred timl ninecy-sevetii 1
hount ■ o< l)(
:,,f **• & ih«; nev. Mill.. lg-
I be I n four Lots
• ■ -ir ' ; n |'ract"Hil>lv .
j T mi'y seres well improved, vitli
11 ; id Apple Orchard 1 ■ ,
excellent water, about three miles from the mar ,
1 vet li'-iioo—the Savannah Road, running thro’ .
; came, n j for a—
Three liundr-’d an<t fifi y \r i-<>,s of
Vit it impi red, whereon » ■
I •• resides, from 80 to 1-ly Acj • I ■.,v • I •' 5
.i d. iiieh can be overflowed * 1 . 1. ...
• v. ,era nr beirg ground at the Mill. (
■ 1 M it; a -.\-y SUV’ (.ill in food or |l
J lie • Mil is good tor i. tj Inis .ei ..I toal J
■orn per mmit tiona < f i tie on
■td -„ish, m.'t i- balance on .. civ i t n twelve
’ >l; Bi, ;siacory title? " ill be made on the ~
;.a>iii.-i.;. sin! a note with appiovod endor | ,
s vll be. rm ,ired for tlif- ba'njce. .
I mi’land M- r-pc. i -
f) -c. mb-, 20 id
•i-T of the hnio-rable the ir.icvnr Court, 1 '
»*■ ■' ’ be ?’'at th it- ■' House n the Cil\ j '
iesd ay i rj
-ii the '’seal hours
i Fwo Hluvee, viz. Hoxina&Har-J
m c»-
. and sold for th benefit.', the heirs and',,
R. H. Wilde, Mm'r. *!
Mvtf arrangement
F<>r hispatch.
Augusta and Savannah
rfr.K**: * • 7-
- % I ■
;•*.. • f s -W-FT' V-JT
’! ro» : it: ’’ < ■ wtx /lining.
. I!. •■;.!>: ■ -iful., n', ..-■ h«
( ’ 1; r», .(retiuff evert
•tc-positi' • ■ ■■ , ' ’■ rib i , ■ ■•, •
(in ■ .•< • ri. . ,-m
gusta in tan -uy x’■ -s. i .-. v; ig - r .mi' ai -■
oh lock, M •.ruata srt tJ ioclt •'
fbcy sre ••• must, -u and
perienceu M 1 •■or.- ;!••• S'-.gc--, corn: ri tij «
horses-so -■•'■.-■ iii sni . t!i(. who, '.i so. ,c
t« such, il.v • 1 ■ «ni w »:i s«£«si: i
tor seat;, . pply . S«. • *i nait, s; '
, d.. (ilobf iVvei -a.
Gilbert. t;< ;i
Wm. i-'biiiviou,
Geoj i., • - ’Jen, ’’ ■
N H >•> the ■> a i V- vercai ■>.
somrini -ii.i. full* • e.;* 1 > .of
sal ti:-d i; lire is such a ca’ ’< au
iwcrc.i "iii me day.
Not. or. bur il 4C
OllAi ' ->-Vu : r v .i. .v’i
|Jj Ai? ' i.nini.nctid v -jr oi; the firs- ’ c
S k ->-r --\pi>!yt ’ »e -t (ill,--
PERN- -■ Kara fifteen i;-.d!
October 4 -26 1 '29
PATENT cor foN plTehs7
i'llE Subsi fiber respectfully Ir/ornss his friends
and the poll in - literal, th»t iu ha. ioiented
-A Kew & v.m£u\ JdwiVvthi,
for ikepvr.. s 'oWn rate ty:< *
JHulen, h - Lera, :y c/i
<3 Fulcuih -.uhi. ! drives the J'odov
ilntp''oUuninta i Ua!e.
The-p'iv •.•! of '■ i Mad.hie is . v., ths t from
i‘) to 5-i piijiKls oi' C .non -. be in
hve yj . , or 4<5 n.vli ' igg njj vv'u'- eonsiueia
- 1-r .ise, aJ in ■■■ \■. -> ■; k v unenur
Ivanlag 1 ci manit'es
- s lition t; the small ;j mntity’t»f bagging'
i juued, (ni: rh :erh. ,V ■ o jci,J two
■aiids can tr a gf-?a-, pack trt ight ,i*
weive b ■!• ■■ ■ c if the cotton i conv-o
--«•.!, by I.i . some a- ..Unce in sew ng, whieti
sky iv tio in I tedious parr. The impllc":'
if tins rmicliine and its superior power a e rji'-.-a*-
y ado -r- by art;;, s, ami i i„ct a.'
vho i»nv« seen it By a meciiaiticU .--nstrs •
inn il i. ti .• 'lie powei- r>: e ' -.rr
old it.- 'or.-i’un a e -ipia- not • per. n l
my. >VC in t!r» - ;« prop ly applied.
J'r.- ii f-e iiigii ’ trequenl • ncoi ns pc.
•' tk in- .-.lien, the : ul.sci'ibcj' liinrh -. v I to of
. bln omethii • worthy yt the ir
•nm .Jits ’ i dec. A n_\ pa:, m that may v. ant.
•an apply •-■•• tk «-in-enber. The probable f
«• ill be 1 V 00' LARS, when ail ""i. r h
,i*o (oimdj ~3 i'.HiHT'ip 11 -,f>t fonr.d. Pater l '.
~ett 'i 1 >a' inp; bi-en oius net ir- sn the ’rpar
neni of Sao -t' tin* Unite i S'u ■. i ■ :» are.
n oiiildlt Mi viiuiM , . .'sing the Hum. ithcar
fgal l fht ■ . ini i, intents will meet ti : -
1 1 - 1 tnd providet in sue;i casei
tny in.-. .pic It, .may v : - in It- tx. n titled by
ha iiwenti ", pay n
U-n Sf'Clir. i:. ' . -fy , -ts I- | ■t ■. *'
ante is off- , .in■„ . 0., ,o .. all niieis.
»zi uj the M line is < ixt ,
hi -1 ,/ et y ,: lit’, i ini n ■;* v im a house if six -
em / /nick, or hr„,i jh so or ottisr: ii at
i'l’i If.. 'i '•' can *\.f r-1 T■; f uyitX
o ihe /' - ti.
; V.,:. ? i-.Md 1
Halifax, N t,. So i. . i t r 30
Stfl'ißV i *u\ '7-
V.-w-M■ iijfJ 4,-- -fciy,:
|K. OI a Frcn !
• J tli" ji i- i". tin :c Inis t stab); -.lnd
t’i'KAM Mid tLI''L.-' 1 ; lisb in A uguai
I in l .:. 'n n.nuti (li Ta'ils nave BCfinii'Cit
Kti ope die
Ik are lobe l-.u-irl in i»► . hospital, and .ms
cuies t! I'-, hsve perormed in f'-etnn. '(it
at bt o
heir tdi-nii.) it- most ,i.-i i' a well" tie
cost pov-ei to: r -Ur In- • ad» i ---red by that
tieaus. i’ ; . tu nt any oar; or *jju« to ti-.e
11n y ■' h n-'Ve: t. i- re ft ,'dy in all cn une
ritcli'-nSi Irani I'in ■>. .'.';-:gv ornri.s, i. c. to
1 ‘ duiifo nd I,**r.--o«y. .-.iso have never
ed of ucocss jo either t uti or chronic rheu
i 1 ism.
- tulaf oi ■ i Motions. I- l osis, anassreous
Weil: -Ji£. i-i( .pic drop: •. all ,J «&as«j of ib.'t
.gn ty altecliont. disj .-ridon c,.-, i'.|
i-- 1 -ivpliil!", spasmodic or nervous sfl'e.ctioits;
a’i!: :■ iou« disorde; t, dyspt -:a, iiypncondriasts.
■ ■, v—these baths have, been foond most ser
■|C'’ * -s ..i 'ii-vi-. often succeeded even in here*
I: fint : roan er of ilm
slering i.'tmfi \-*ry rt: \y belonging to the
! ho 1 c ••-.•red applicable oc’kk i
el 7 ■ml (it i» - sted) without at pule,
rouhtc, nr divipun to in ■ patient.
9 »ese baths not yet (*i n< ■ wn,
■ . will li . g ,
■ i eferenccs to persons wi.o have be .a
by ih p t;u n-.
U .inuerv 1 1 5~
“e'M ' V.
■' '■' ' : * '
*. her -.1, a > .;-o , ,i .vc, n,'nod C.T.sAi'.
i -out a5 yea-A u- vr five -*'t't three ~ ..
'•*; : 1 ■ t own ok, >rl! «• con placted, si- ,v j .
li> an , .-h 1 and a i
■I - in" d\ (>:•• ■ t'uit h his a tree pass. -
ar was broil,., b . hi Stido by Ms lot lli-Wers,
• -'r- Ch'aif T. c- . N h-Csr Jina, sever or
■!, ! years ago. i> •et ty ceriain that he
vll try to (t'> bni >• t tine place, as he says he
'■- ■'ltc dri <i)Uc •« —Ary pc.sengiv
ug information of the said fellow, or confiuicr
lini in any ■ i that I gat him •.}>.. ,
lerally rewavdt") ..; the siihscriber, Jiving nr'
11 ri, itiboroi-ph, ', m'na county, (.irnrrt’a,
licrrod iiobetts.
Uecember 19, 1525 2t i 5?
(Pp The Uolunibia Telescope, S C. and th
egistei s q int
. t .'>ve tw ..1 forward their reaps *rl\ •: sc
•on ** ' - ’’ -■ Tc. V-i-iSt-.i. . :ghtsh nf