The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, June 12, 1832, Image 1
fi rr?». •»»*»■■ •»—u~*^rß.?j^aw^jaai CON STITUTION ALIST. AUGUST#: TUESDAY JUNE 12. 1832 JEFFERSON COUNT?.— We commend .the following extracts from Hie Presentments of the Grand Jury of this county, at the May Term of the Superior Court : 11 On the subject of reducing the number of mem ers in our S;a e Legislature, we coincide with the preliminary convention, recently convened in Milledgeville,'and as they have fixed on the first Monday in November next, to elect delegates to form a convention, in the ensuing February, w • re commend to our fellow ci'izens to elect two dele gates on that diy, o represent this county in said convention. VVnen we look at the exhausted slate of our Treasury, and reflect that the future revenue of the State is to be taken duec ly from,he pock ets of our citizens, we trust it is a sufficient argu ment to satisfy every thinking mind of the proprie ty of the measute." “ We regret me act passed by the lasi Legisla ture abolishing penitentiary confinement. VVe be lieve it to be prejudicial to the mural character of our State, and unprecedented in the annals of our county ; and we belie'e a resort to the whipping post, branding iron and gallows, for the punishment of offences, except for murder, to be disgraceful to a Christian country. All experience lias showed that certainly, and not severity of punishment, pro duces the most salutary effect. VVe believe peni tentiary punishment o ne most in accordance with humanity, and at the same time answering ail the enas of jus ice. VVe therefore recommend to our Senator and Representatives from tins coumy, to use their influence to have n restored.” The two Houses of Congress, the reader will have perceived, are at length engaged upon the great question of the session, in one H use, upou the l a rdf, and iij 'he other, upon die Bank ol the UnitC'd Staves. It is evident- dial there is a de emanation in both Houses to act,upon the Bank question before the adjournment, and, it it be posstnle fora majority to untie upon any scheme of a bill, also upon tne l aid}. An evidence of the disposition to go se riously to work may be discovered, on the pan of the House of Representatives, in the determination on Saturday lasi, to meet fur the rest of the bes stun at the early hour of 10, and in the refusal to consider a proposition, the ultimate object of which Was to fix a day for the termination of me Session. As to the prouat>le duration of the Session there are various opinions ; we have, in our own mind, fixed upon the 15lU of next month as its probable ia *R» Nat. Jn(. | TREATY WITH i HE SE,MINGLES. This Heavy concluded by Col. Gadsden with the Semmoic Indians, on the 9.1 i ult. at Payne's Land ing, provides tor the relinquishment by that tube CJ all their lands in Florida to the United Sialts, and Uuii removal West 01 die Mississippi. Preparatory to the execution of this compact, on that pan ol the Indians, tbe countiy west ol the river, is to be explored by confidential Cbietsof ihe IriDe, accompanied by me United Sales Agent and the assent of the Creeks obtained, to die re union wild them of the Seniinoles, and their admis sion to all privileges, as constituent members of that nation. - I in the event from thee measures, a part ol die Scinnioies will remove wi ll in the year 18J2, ana the remainder m the follow ing years, fbo4 and 1835. i lie Um.ed a.aies, on their part, agree to pay to tile beimnolts, lit.ten thousand, tour hund nu doi iars for tire Indian right or occupancy, anu fur me improvements abandoned , and an annuity of three thousand dollars a year for fifteen years in addition to live annuities siipulaleo for m tne ueaiy a Camp Mourn ie, ute pay mem to commence after the remo val ol llte whole mbe. 'I hese Several annuities are to be added to those already granted to the CreeXs, and the amount of the vvitoie to be equoabiy dtv tded among noth tribes, as members of one eoaledera dun. In addition to these sums, the U lived States fan her agree to appropriate seven thousand dollar., to satisfy such claims for negroes and oilier proper ty, alleged to have been sloven or destroyed oy die Scunnoies, as shall appear to be justly due. To lake vliecadlt belonging to the tribe, at a lair valua tion, tube replaced with others of equal value, af ter dietr removal, or paid for in money ;at the opium of the owners. To dctiay all the expense ot te moval, to supp.y provisions for twelve months, as ter me arrival oi me Indian, at their new abud 1 a, and to unman each member of the tribe with a blank et and a homespun hucit. fCrvO&n fiioai auk Missoußi atrußLicxs ot uxz 22. 'iliL BdiiDtil WAR. FUR illicit F.\Kl tCULAKS. From a source, on which lenance may be placed, We have learned die following particulars- The detachment concerned in the late engagement, (about 2. 5 men,) had been encamped a ifixun s Forty tor several days before die amval of the main buoy ot die nna is under tile command ot lien. WuirxstSLS Immediately hcreal.ei, a irqnes was pieicueu by Major Ivtilmxn, wno commanded the detachment, tube allowed logo out upon a Scorning expedition, winch was granted by lien W. On Monday, me 14 h, the ue.acnnieiit met a small pat.y of Indians, anti killed iwo, and ma e twy others prisoners. I hey continued their route, St encamped lor die night in an advaa agcuu. posi lion —a dense wood, surrounded by prairie. Al- Dmst as soon us they Had dismounted, turned tneir burses louse, and commenced pieparauoiis fui sup per, a sn ail party of Indians Were discovered in the neighborhood of the encampment, beating wuti them a white flag. Cap. Eades, wim a I w men, Was sent out to meet mem, when die Indians com menced a precipitate retreat. Tina officer ueing acquainted wnh the Ind-an mode of Warfare, Suspecting an amousia, followed tneiu as lai as he deemed prudent, and then order'd his men total back upon me mam party. AUh-mgh u was new. i ly daik, die whole detachment hud teen ordered ,u re. mount, and were met upon he rou eny die men who were reiui ring fnc put sin was cun ducted widiuut any regard to discipline, and na continued tor seveiul miles, the Indians receding » Ihe Hoops advanced, until they had uecuy cd mem acioss bytamore U.eox, as u is called m -he pl’o clama.lon. 1 his flic) did in diSoidcr, and as eacil ► successively reached it. Being tnus decoyed into ihe initial of die mam body ol die Inmans, and without being allowed dine to form, nos aides were commenced. Ihe Indians snowed themselves ou every quarter, mounted and armed t ney com mencca me a.tack with their guns, and alter tiring them, resoneu m me use ol loniaiiawks and k .«i s. As s'on as iheir despeiae si.uaiiun was known, Major btiimait ordered a letreal across me ciecs., an intlfccmal fire at tlie enemy. Ine sav.ges follow cd close upon diem. No time was anowed for them so form on Hie opposite bank of ihe creek. 'A company under die command of Uapl. Adams, of I’azewell coumy, wild were in the rear, endea vonn d o make a stand against them, and fought with desperation. About half of die missing arc thought to have belonged lo this company. the batde was fought by fnoonlighi, in an open prairie,' and die pursuit was kepi up for ten or twelve miles . I The survivors began -o arrive at Dixon’# Perry a limit one o'clock in the morning $ and after a snffi ‘ cienl lime had elapsed, die next day, for them all i to have come in, the roll wav called, and fifty two jvvere found to be missing. A few of those who es p caped, were wounded, and many had their hats and 1 clothes perforated with bullet-holes. Some of die ' savi.gos were killed, hut die number could not be ascertained. Various estimates are given of (he t strength of the In bans i die number is probably between 12 and 1500 warriors. By ibis vic.ory they obiaintd possession of the horses of the slain, and ot the camp equipage, blankets’, ammunition, and provisions, of the routed milida and are, mure over, encouraged to further hostilities by the pro pit ions ornen of a firs! victory. On Tuesday la t, die militia at Dixon's Ferry, amounting to 1200 men, were paraded, io burytheir 1 11. 1 deceased comrades. When our informant left them, ' an immediate pursuit and attack of the Indians was ■ anticipated i but wu hope wiser counsels may have 1 , prevailed, as defeat would be almost certain ,10 1 follow such a course. 1 he mill ia are exasperated beyond all bounds at the deadi ot their countrymen, and a cruel and eX- I terminating war must be ihe consequence; On the oilier hand, the Indians have die advan'age of a per- , fee knowledge of Hie country, are inured !o faugne and privations of every kind, and can at any time seek refuge in the swamps which abound in that quarter. Fears were entertained at head Quarters for the safety of two or three small parlies of men, succes sively sent with despatches to Gen. Atkinson.! Nothing had been heard of any of them ; nor, in I deed, was it known in what situation Gen. A, was, ' when our informant left, I’rior to the engagement, the regular army and I the militia had formed a junction at Rock Island,' mid Gen. Atkinson was invested with the enure eßiJimand. Ihe militia, under Gen. Whitesides, being mostly nio'hnted men, proceeded to Dixon s Ferry by land. Gen. Atkinson, with 300 regnlars and3oo militia, ascended to the Rapids of Hock , river in boats, and information received here from' him, oiates, that he had effected a passage over Hie •vapids. He must, at that time, have been about t 30 miles from Dixon’s Ferry. , It is said, thai orders have been transmitted from the War Department lo the Commanding offi er of| the expedition, to prosecute the war in the most energetic manner, and no longer lo listen to the Ihlks of the Indian*, as has beet, too often done ‘ already. I The perilous state of our fellow-citizens of Illinois, and ihe prospect of a continuance of the War for some months ? suggests the propriety of assistance from this State. Having no organized militia, at least in this quarter, die only means Iclt is the forma tion of Volunteer Companies Arms and ammuni tion, end means of transportation to the scene ofac , ,! ° n t will, vve have no doubt, be furnished by the . Government offi ers By time ly aid, a like calami , l y on our own borders may be prevented t for, it is easy to foresee, tliat, if ihese Indians are nut effec tually quelled, the same hostile spirit will soon be infused into Sll the border tribes. ! JfiHOM TIIS SiWIS. Lxtee. —We have counter and less disastrous . repnr s by a short steamboat passage from Galena. Ii was reported there by persons who were m the engagement, that 25,0 r 27 men, only, were killed. , En the other pa? iculars, die above deads are near ’ y correct. Business was entirely suspended at . Galena, and the families in the surrounding country ; were moving in.for protection As proof of the 1 rapidl y with which th" Indians traverse the conn 1 try. ■' is siaied, that a runner from Black Hawk and 1 his allies, bearing to die Missouri Indians news of ■ the defeat of tiie militia, arrived at die Des Monies ■ Rapids twenty-four hours before the express sent - Gov. Reynolds. i* . . ■j LATEST FROM MEXFCO By the schr. Emperor which arrived here yecter , day morning from Tampico, which port she left on - the 25ih ultimo,.we have received our files of the i lamp'co Gazelle to the day of sailing, inclusive, u from which we learn the interesting intelligence • that on the night of the 12 h the army of general 1- Calderon, which was besieging Vera Cruz, raised ft the seige and marched into the interior. This fact i ia announced officially by general Momexums, who I commands at Tampico, and whose proclamation i. to that effect is published in the Tampico Gasetle .- of the 22d. | We learn further from a gentleman who came passenger in the Emperor, tba l intelligence had been received by the latest mail from Vera Crus that general Sania Anna had sent a detachment of 300 ta'alary in pursuit of the fugitive army of j 1200 disciplined troops, together with many new recinita, sat immediately on his March for Mexico ’ —This intelligence is also confirmed by a letter from & respectable merchant of Taruptuo, winch • we give below. • Colonel vT jic.a, formerly charge d’affaires of the 1 Mexican government at Washington, had arrived ai Tampico, charged wiih a special message from ’ Santa Anna, die object of which, was to ascertain the slate of the city and its means of defence.— fen thousand dollars, sent by Santa Anna, to pay ihe iroups, had been received at Tampico. ) *he brother in law of Sania. Anna, who was here a few weeks since, came passenger in the Erape ' Tor. | Extract of a letter from a respectable American merchant to his friend in this city, received by. the Emperor, dated •'TaMrieo, May 20, 1832. ‘‘l imes brighten on ns. The invading army at; ' V“fa Crux has raised the seigeand retreated • and 1 baa a Anna is in toll pursuit. On the receipt of the news here, we fired a saline from all the forts and ; vessels oi wa -, and Teran on hearing die noise raivj ’ a.vav and has not since been heard of. -His troops) were all deserting him, —of our friends No. 11, a' gieal number has ahead come in, and die whole 1 division is io meren on Mon ay up die aouniry. ‘ Santa Anita says in hit leller to Col. S. dial he'will he in VI r.ico in eighi days from this date. Jalapa, .Puebla, Feroie &o. have pronounced in favor ot oan a Anna, and runmors a s afloat that Mexico is also in Ins favor. All goea well. Migoni i kick ed uul and Fueto ia administrator in his stead ” N. U. Bet. i 1 Mortar made with one peck of salt to each bushel oflim , with as much sand and loam ns will nuke it - Work, lain ma luck coat on ilieinside of chimneys, 4 Mislead of piais enng, it is said, oivthe authority of a wmer in me N.-w York American Advocate, who j mad - die experiment, -vdl lie found io supersede • he necessi yof ever sweeping chimneys. 9 ’ 0f28.5-9 children born in the city of Paris, the' last year, 10,000 are said to have been burn out of wedlock. Office of the Georgia Constitutionalist, 7 Acedia, June 1, 18JJ. £ THIS paper is at present published by Mr. Wjc. J, Uouob, bnt at be lias disposed of one half of his interest in the establishment, it will shortly appear,' considerably enlarged, and in a new dress, tinder the editorial control and management ot V. G. 1 GCIEO. dj“ Persons holding Subscription Litis are n queued to forward them to Guif.o & Buses, Au gusta, as soon as they conveniently can. The jirriv-i al of the printing materials from the north, will enable the publishers to issue the new paper soon- : er than it'was anticipated. *,* Papers in the State are requested to give the above n few insertions. -am=-r- —i— i 1 75th battalion, £ ' Oth Regiment, Georgia Militia. J At a Battalion Court of Enquiry, held at die Ci ty Hall, in Align ta, on Saturday the 22 of June, instant, according to previous notice, to try DefauUj ter- at Parade, on the Uli and 15 h of May ult. the following named persons were fined the stuns attached to their respective names-non commis sioned officers $5 each—and privates $). Os Capl Clark's Company, I22rf District. Cor A p. Pillot, Alfred Hood, $3 Theodore drown, f. 3 Alien Taylor, do John Pisher, do H. Grubbs, di> I) M’Catheine, do Pliileninn Grubbs, do \ PiequVt, do J. VV. Wood, do Hardy Revtl, d) Mitchell Nelson, do L. B Welch, do James M. Carter, do F E Dugas, do James Manhattan, do ( Caleb Lamb, do Ed. E Ramsey, do , Daniel Hughes, do Beny (led, do Os the Richmond Hussars. | Serg’t. J. P. Smart, #5 Win Shannon, $3 O. T. Buulwa.e, $3 John Rees, do Wm. H, Grimes, do G. R, Rountree, do C. J. Jenkins, do G. J S. Walker, do Jam-s Johnson, do Wm. H. Magee, do Os Capt. Thompson’s Company, 12 Oth District. 1 Corp. Dubois, 5 $ John B. Guedron, $3 R, Y Blair, $3 John P. Andrews, do J. P. Malisp-rey, do Robert Barber, do Gregory DJIon, So James Lumbar, do Robert F* Poe, do Charles Board, do John H. Ogden, do Thos, Glascock, jr. do |Thoma> Ware, do Os Copt Drtgksrn’s Company, 396 th District. Serg’ . O Weaver, $i —— Buckley, $3 Franklm W M'Koy, $3 O'sian Gregory, co [ Wm Carr, do Charles D. Williams, do Noah Smith, do A Sabal, doi Berry Baird, do Alex’r M'lver, do Di Hudson, do Samuel Cresvyell, do J. S. Beers, do Moses Ogden, do W. P Beers, do Henry Grimes, do A, R Gordon, do Banh Kearnes, do R. H Mu -grove, do —— Pi aw), doj M. P. Earle, do. Wm. Jordan, do Jacob Huoer, do John Raiford, do Alfn-d Chichester, do Lewis S, M. Grier, do John Co-kery, do John H. Camming, do Wm. Pearce, do Hsmy H Gumming, do' Wm Davenport, do John V Cowlings do Alfred Parmalee, do Wm, C. Way, do Os Capt H. Alley's Company, 600th Distrist, I Thomas Bell, 43 Geo. R. Jssup, S 3 fohn Garner, do P Fleming, d 0 Ivwi- Gihson, do Wm. Phillioa, d n | David Murray, do J, Prescott, d o ] J. Reason, do Hardy Jonea, do H Bent, do B nj. Ansief, do N Smith, do H. Bailey, do E Brookins, do John Moise, do, J. W. Pritchard, do E H Barron, do A R Latimer, do John Coglan, do- A. Brown, do H. Snead, do Green B- Holland, do P. H Blown, da Gen. H Metcalf, do The Delinqu n's fined as above, will pay their fines to Thomas M Lisitsa, Colledor and Trea surer of the Battalion, wi hiu ten days from this ' date, or Executions will then issue against them, aC cording to law. Published by order of the Court. Augusta, June 12, 1833 Notice to Delinquents S Tb* undersigned will a'leml a the Richmond Hotel, on Wednesday the 13. h, Sa'urday ihe IS h and Wednesday the 20 h instants, from 10 o’clock ,A. M. till 2 o'clock, P, M. At the Globe Hotel, on Thursday the 14. h, Monday ihe 18th, Sc I hu r s day the 21st instants, from 10 o'clock, A M. till 2 o’clock P. M—And at the Office of J. W. Mere dith, Esq, on Friday the 15 h, Tuesday Ihe 19lh and Friday the 22d instants -to receive the fines of Defawller*, assessed as above. And on Saturday ibe 2dd instant, Executions will issue according to ■ law, against ail whose fines then remais unpaid. THOMAS M LIKENS, Collector and ’Treasurer. Augusta, June 1.2, 1832. it POST-OFFICE,? Augusta June llf/t 1832. THE ATHENS MAIL W ILL close everv Sunday, Tuesday and There. ' ‘ day, at 8J A. M. and arrive every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 P. M. Phis arrangement will commence on Thursday the I4th insf. WM. C. MIC: U P. M j June 12 it 31 •MfcA'AU.N-U'-.' 5 iWNK. Acsosta, .Inn* 11th, 1832. DIVIDEND, No. 1. THE Board of Director- have this day declared r. Dividend of Two Dollars per Share, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal re preseulatives on and af'er Thursday next. j GEO VV. LAMAR, Cashier. June 12 2t 103 CJ* NOTICE —The first num ber of the GEORGIA GAZETTE, will be issued on Tuesday, the 3d of July next. —And all persons who have in lheir possession Subscriptions to that paper, are respectfully requested to forward them to the office of the Gazette, in Athens, by the 25 th instant. ; (CjT Editors within the Slate arc requested to give the above an insertion. JuneS 3t JO3 Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank, AUGUSTA, Jonx 5, 1832. DWIWttXD iNVL ft. A Dividend of 4 per cent for I the last six months, has been declared, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their order on de al nd. JNO. P. LLOYD, Cash’r, June 3 2i 102. BY TO-MORROWS MAIL, Virginia State Lotteiy, r ( lass, In 9 (DISMAL SWAMP ) • 60 Numbers Lottei y—lo D-awn Bailutß. HIGHEST PRIZE ;i 2 0,0 00 doll iU% Tickets &». Half g 4 Quarter $2. ALSO— , BY SAME MaL. New-¥ork Consolidated Lotteiy, Cn*B. N. . 18. C 6 Number- —lO D -wn Balloid. CAPITALS. 1 Prize of £O.OOO Dulluro', -1 do of 5 000 Dll Li to. 2 do of 1,600 Dollars. 2 do of 1 500 Dollars. 2 do of 1,270 Dollars. 2 do of 1,230 Dollars, 20 do cf J,OUO D liar#. 20 do of 500 D dlai a. 00 do of £OO 1) dlars. 50 do nf 100 Dollar#. &c &r, tic &c. Tickets $5 Halt 50 Quarter g.l 25. Beftra’ VnYvcuA kVv&tb lAat. DRAWN NUMBERS OF THE UNION CANAL LOTTERY, Clltsß, N .. 11 8 16 22 34. 48 IR, 3 7 I, 10. Lowest Prize 85. Phizks Lashed ’amjj | |C7* Prompt attention paid to order* et aisiMis 9 Yortunalfc Lottery No 241, Broad Street. H7* Address W. P. Berks. June 12 It ;i AX Q>&l)ixA-N UK. JTo prevent Slav-s r q isnti g Retail Shops on J th S bfai'll Day J Sol Beit O d tined by h ' City ( loj ~ Augusta. Thai r eliult not be iowiu. ,ur any Li , censed Iteiaihr f bpirilunus Liqq ira to pernn. , any slave not ewned or luted by mm • r her, 01 ~ awfully u ider Ids or In r c r; or chargn ito en ,i or his or her R:tail Shop, r remain in it or , l helot aitvched thereto at any ora; dmii g h ,■ ’abbath, or between nine o'clock at night uru, ,1 uo-risf at cny other time, withou 1 »ißpeoit:l tick I iof tier nia ion .turn bin or ht owner <<• hirer Sic 1. And be it further Ordained, fuat anj t per n who it-ay v.olate any of ihe prov. uma o j h r O iltmnce m y b fined in aau n not exceed ! i g one i u idri d dullara. | Done in U0un...l the 4 h day of lame 1832. ii/vMUHL HALE, M y*f i lly tbn U.ynr, I (Ho VI WaHtsß Cle k 'n e 12 1832. 101 “'a f A l K 'JK liEliiiliiA. S j lly ll.s Axes. ,n y Ani.SiiN L ,*i K N Gower j t nor u d Command rin CAt-/ of ihe Air.tyand] Navy vl this State, and of A Miiuia the eej . 4 \l ''k- 1 lit kb, m and oy an act of tin. Legisla f » Urc o ha S aie, pa.»cd on -he 23d day o. , Dtcemuar, 18 12. entitled '•Au act to regu ate the iuture eieciiona of tnemb rn of Uo-.greau in tin ■> ale, 1 ' it-is enacted and oeci-rcd, “iha. vo *,<o. 1 ■ hu Excellency be Gnvemor alia!! a bum tin cw of Uongreaa fixing tile va io of R-piesemu I ves to b„ elected tor the National I.vgiL.B'ur grcfcably to he late ceiia-us, it tb i b,.: his d.i y , issue his FroclnraaLon, announcing the i until i •i Represcntativca oi this S ate ■„ entiued to.”Aij« wncrcsa J h, vc r ceivcd - fiicial i ilortnation Iht •ie Cong e«» u ttie Uni'ed S.ales hav by "m act for the ppo liniment of Tiep rce an ivti among , the teverat r according <Ac Ff.h Ct tu. " ,ia a;U die 22d day ol 18Jt, dctlar.-<l iha n>‘ S;a'.e of Georgia, after the 3d d»y of Man h , 83 J, . ball be repecaented in ih Houseo'B;prc eoiaiivea id the United States, by nine ra.mbtr, ' uhe sleeted within the said Slate. ; 1 Have th re ore,>r the auihority of the bo [ ore reefed acts, ig.-hed h « my-Pr cutiulion, ai • council Kio the cu.z .in of 'lua Stale, that at tin ’ -exi annual election or members of ihe Legi la ure, and every tw > yeats thercaf'er, until alter »;d by law, th ; pe< pie of this Su'e will b r entitled to Die aerv.ceaol, and auth >ri7. ;<i to eke Nine Re reseiitaiivcs so r. present int in in the llonai o F.jpreacntaiives ol tne Congresa of the United stales. Given Under roy hand, end the Great Seal ol tils.t Siate, at ihe Slate-ilouse in Mil ledgovi le, this filth day of Ju ie, in 'he year of our Lord, eighteen hundred #r-J thirty twc and in Is- fifty mx h year of itu Independence of the Um ted States o' Aim rica VV iihjii Luutjikiu. By the Governor s r v»Ha*ii 1 ABsitrott S c'ty of State, fcr Ihe E i ,ra ol the several newepapera k | tin a ut-- are rcqueeiadto publish the above &//ce May 12 It (Q 30 A Petition received from sundry citizens on the subj-ct oi Keiailing Spirituous! Liquors, was read— Whereupon Resolved, That it is expedient to past m Ordinance to prevent any per-j son within the corporate limits, from selling < f giv-l ing any ardent spirits to a slave wilhont a I icket of, I'ermiasion from his or her owner or hirer; and ihatj a Committee of three be appointed io draw such an! Ordinance to be submitted io the Council at the ntxii , meeting. j Ordered, That thin Resolution b» published in all the papers of tlie city. A true extract f'Om the Minute: of Council passed the mh May, 1832. Lteo. M. Walker, Clerk. May 22 07 Merchants* and IHanleie* Hanky AUGUSTA April 20, 1833. ORDERED, That an instalment of twenty flv' per cent on the Capital Slock of this Bank * he paid i» on or before the 20th dty of June I next. By irder of .he Roar cl Juo. if, Lloyd, CashW. April 20 k.w 89 ■Cl^’..'"V”T"- 'i jrs 777‘ ■ - —?-»'uwm, «i v,. , \ CURI.dT REJECTER. • C* Ladies and C‘c.ii<«»sieri of Augusta. af# A moa: reaped'hilly infi rm d that thiasplcndH Collection ( I* urei» will 1 b * opined ior J’lj,' I* fi i to EYttININO, Juite Bh, ut the MAbQjV* /CHALL FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, i'h bp sup nor Wuir figures w ere designed and ts.-euicd in n maatcrly manner by a noted ! «>i«n artlii. presenting % c >mj jiefe and imprraj •ve BOeir- of lie GO N’I)K MINING OOu a ■ VIOUtt I'iv I'IiKCUO .s «•« ilbftl in* 1 'XV 11. And XX of John, aid XXVII and XXVill of Mat h w -d sign d mm -vKii' S Glia,K BRAVED , RAIN lINU on iha same subject. The group iooiuiistfof 2S Wax Figures AS LAHfiti Jis LIFE, RfcPR KNTIMi T B ■ Saviour of U\e World, Arraigned before Ponuu- Pilate, in presence <>l Oaiplis-, the Kj;;h Priesi, nod the assembled Multitude in ih- Mail of lodcm-nt. In tbe rear groin) ia a painted perspec iv' c uvinualion of iho Mob i hmngi g the Hall of Judgment, tormina,t< h R Uistan 1 Vkmv of the sutr- Hiding c untry. (C7“ Admits c 25 Gen s—Children uuder 12 "mm of pg ’ h»l , price - Open from 9 A W to j P u. aerf irorn f until 10, brilliantly ilinrcinsit ed at night. June 5 jqj XTTMTzKr received f>om JYeio York, «i choice assortment of Staple Sr® IStaQlhsi*’ Jind expectins soon to receive additional supplies, now on the way. J UPER Irish Sheetings, approved s'jie On,Helen’s H!ite. O ve and Brown CasnUcti for summer wear, Qantlemen’a Cotton mat, do. do. do stip-n r bleach cotton Shirting', put vp as Liven f-»iu! cape Read Rags, rich pa te, Blue stale, lilac, pink.and Mack Gingl aim, Superior bVct watered He' Ribb i. * -airiest kind Pa m I. ejii and dm k featb* r F nr. in great variety Hu. binei <j i' hog f.acen r d J >r* ■'no-p. Assorted bond Gan*. Shrw '*» blue, brack ml gr,*. n Lallan Sewing Silk* ‘•re- n anti white ( irenee Si k , hack Hollands, and Sn>'ra Id e», for I,inh ira, ' Lowell mat Cotton* St N - w O lr*m>n ijnpy rown Shirlmgf, Irish Frenc’i !t Rogorh b own Dr-iir ail p icn Superfine d ub < b elt" 1 cdirHMs a idea Veit inga, French rnai u adore & tiurab e colors, Boys’ Pearl Buttons, Skc Iko. . Wl-iy 23 ’< ' 9y> (t7* Besolveb, that s.fter the • SOthinot. estcxuu-inß issue against ail persona who have made default in the payment of the City Tan- , ts fur the present year. Resolved furiher, That the Collector and Treasur er put in suit all oiher debla due the City Council as er the said 20th instant, and that notice thereof be given in the Gazelles of this City. A true eitraci front the Minutes of Council paw ed the 2d June, 1832. geo m walker, ckrk. I June 5. 1532. f iOi T iX O.n UUtiS. I” K Oolite or ami Treaaiirer will nflend at bt» Offic , third door brow the Bridge B«nk buildiiig, tiom Minday lllh to Sa<urd v >' e 16-h •nstan' indu • t<, from 3 o’clock A>M. to H ’c ck P. Si. for the purpose of cu lt c tog the IV* flu - no Dogs for the pm nt.ycsr. Ihecitjr Marshal i« a'c author *ed to collect the said la* om th 'ir w-o may find it more convenient to pay it - o him, John H. Mann, Cilltcior and Vria urtr C. jt, June. 5, 1832. 4 lOi ■ Augusta, May 31st, 183 s! 12> K'iON havi' g bu»ior> a. -,e, witfci A. me late F.rm of r-rnin & I'mciii-Tin or wth ihe uuiferslg ied, will callout, •* Komoc, who io our amhori* ,d Atitrney dui ingur ab tence. and to «• h n all persona indebisd will . plcaac make payne-m. Alfred Cliiclieater, Lewis M. Force. HAVING this day 10M and trano'erred all my rig ii, tide arid interes - in 'h. effects of the Into tirn, of Husiaii t i BiCttssrSß to Aithid hi cut rtsr au and i.iwji M. Kohch i ,ey are here by -u 'y sinhor » d * d empowered to collect the leb s due to, and to eeUlc. all ihe c ncerua of the late firm. Jacob Huner. Mav 29 183? ICO W 9 in , Mac kfetak,) &C. &<L, j JUST KKUKIVED, 20 Barrelo j, 2S do N Gin ■ 10 do Wo, 1 rtl i| 25 do 2 do j' ■ 10 Boxes Loaf Sugar j So Quar er fiask-i Sweet iasisga Wine I 10,000 - anish Sf.g U’B. r: F'Ui SALK 117 | J. Marshall. March .30 82 'llir,®* CStOOHjs* JUST IIECEIVEO, a® d ALES BROWN SHIRTINGS 2 Gases Bleach do, 2 da Pirida and Stripe* 4 do. low pric d Prints 200 dozen white and colored Cot.Jti huh" Hosa Attn a oiacats issoaTyscr o:r BTAFLBANO FANCY !D 01 V ® ®©3) 3 a VUU BALX BT J, Marshall.