The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, January 19, 1869, Image 1

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Action vs. Non-Action. No legislative body ever assembled before: in the State of Georgia with more delicate j duties to perform, than that which meets j at the new capitol, in this city, to-day.— Keenly alive to the emergency, all parties in the State look with intense interest to its action. Nor is this feeling confined to Georgia. Her sUter States of the South I VOLUME I. share it. It is felt beyond the limits of tne WEEKLY jOWSTITUTION; Jottings of Travel. South. The North shares it. Nowhere, perhaps, i3 this feeling more general than at the National Capitol. Congress awaits with eager anxiety the action of this body, Its own legislation, in a great measure, may be determined thereby. These things being true, it behooves our Legislature to act with the greatest circumspection. That something must be done is apparent to every thinking mind. What? That is the great question to be considered. We are aware of the fact that many intelligent and patriotic persons argue “Non-action.”— IVe regret that our solemn duty to the pub lic demands that we should take issue with them. Let ns see what is to be gained by their course. It Is very well known that there are at the present moment no less than four bills peBtfi.. g hef.-re Congress, having for their object either the total abrogation of the State government of Georgia or, what is worse, the establishment of a gubernatorial despotism. All of these bills are alike obnoxious to the sentiment of onr people. If nought is done to anticipate some one of them or, per haps, a new bill, embodying all that is ob jectionable in each, may be reported by the Judiciary Committee. Fast experience warns us that the action of that Committee is but the stepping s^ie to law. We ask an intelligent Legislature whether, under these circumstances, an effort should not be made to stay the action of Congress, and, if possible, avert the threatened evil ? It is idle to question the powers of Con gress. With that body, the hard experience of the recent past should teach us that its power and will are synonymous terms, However much we dissent from its course, we are forced to confess that it has not only assumed, but, under the forms of law, ex ercised, whenever desired, the supreme pre rogative, and that nil its acts received the people's approval in the late general elec tion. Hence, to directly clash with su preme power is simply suicidal. If it be in the probable power of the Legislature, by prompt diplomacy, to avert the catas trophe, non-action is crime. The issne we cannot avoid. It must be met. That it can be met successfully we dare hope. In expelling the negro from his seat, the Legislature discharged what it believed to be a conscientious duty. Holding that under the State Constitution he was ineligible, they simply asserted the fact. Up to that time Congress had failed to indicate a dif ferent construction of that instrument. Therefore, the Legislature did not array it self against any expressed views of Con gress. By Congress the issue has been raised, and the ruling party in that body would, no doubt, be pleased should Geor gia’s Legislature assumed a hostile attitude. Without presuming to dictate any specific act on the part of the le gislature, wc do feci called upon to suggest a general line ol policy, which, ia onr judgment, may be productive of ultimate good. By all means let us not furnish Congress with a pretext for presuming a disposition on our part to disregard any of its laws. It may be well to consider the propriety of pre senting to Congress a memorial setting forth the real animus of the Legislature in its past action, aud with all due respect for Us recognized powers, with a view ol bringiug the matter before the Supreme Court of Georgia, we would ask a suspen sion of further congressional legislation on the subject until a decision shall have been rendered, the State pledging licrseli to abide in good faith the result. We counsel action; but let it be temper ed with wisdom and moderation. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1869. 1 INUMBEB 44 Cotton Manufacture in tlie South. Ever since the close of the war we have been fully impressed with the importance to the South of engaging in manufactures as soon as she should recover from her pe cuniary depression, with her general pros perity restored through the agency of her valuable products. The success of the cot ton planters during the pa3t season is highly gratifying, and their prospect for the future is most cheering. The whole people of the South have cause of encour- agment in the flattering view ahead; and there is no better time than the present in which to consider how much they may add to their real prosperity by establish ing cotton manufactories in their midst, and acting upon the result of their con victions. It is worse than folly in them to continue to pay tribute to New England, when the means of converting their own products into manufactured articles are at hand, which would secure to them the profits they annually permit to pass into the coffers of others. We have it in our power to monopolise the growth as well as the manufacture of the staple, and to secure to ourselves the immense profits arising from both. We have shown before that there is no lack of sufficient capital among ourselves to inaugurate the work, and carry it on in dependently of the North. Nor is there any excuse why we should lag back until the sharp sighted New Englanders come in and appropriate all these advantages to themselves. The Richmond Enquirer and Examiner in ikes some remarks on this subject which it would be well for us to consider. It says: New England was permitted to hold the entire business of cotton manufacture, without the least show of competition from the South, and the sequel showed that those who did the work requiring skilled labor received the lion’s share of the profit of the production, as experience has always shown. Since the war, however, the peo ple of the South have learned to investi gate such problems for themselves, and they have been taught, in consequence, to look to their resources for manufacturing, as well as growing cotton. New England, we know, can never raise cotton, hut it will not be long before the world knows that we can successfully compete with New England in its manufacture, for such is the fact which our people have now ascertain ed for themselves. So much lias been written about the un rivalled advantages which various locali ties in the South possess as sites for large manufacturing towns, that we would hard ly go far wide of the mark in asserting that in every tract ot country, one hundred miles square, no matter in what part of the South, moie available water-power is to be found than in the wlioie of the New Eng land Slates together. This fact indeed, is new to the Southern people, but they the officers in charge used their own d.s- 1 |wva „ wer tIl0U?ht it neC essary to avail c ret ion, admitting every man who in- thelnst ., ve3 of tlie vast resources for mantl- by Professor Rogers, himself an English man, in a late number of tlie Edinburgh Review: Professor Rogers observes with truth, “An artisan may rise to be a master, a me chanic to he an engineer, a factory opera tive to be a capitalist; hat no English ag ricultural laborer, in his most sanguine dreams, has the vision of occupying, still less of possessing, land.” (Vol.t. p.693.) Debarred from the hope of advancement, life to the majority of them becomes a dreary blank, labor a cheerless servitude. From the highest service to the lowest, the possibility of advancement is the sover eign incentive which keeps the faculties alert, and brings out whatever of energy or vigor the man has within him. With out this stimulus, the mind sinks into a state of listless apathy, in which routine duties are gone through with mechanical formality. What prospect does the career of the common day laborer in those dis tricts where agriculture is the single em ployment, afford to quicken his thoughts or animate bis movement? Assume that employment never fails, and that health and character are main tained, what is the history of his life? From the period of early manhood when he comes into full play as a laborer, be may go in the same unvaried round from week to week, from month to month, from year to year, without having made one step in advance, gained one inch of ground above the level that he started from, until the time when, his strength become ex hausted by to 11, and his earnings having yielded no provision for old age, he retires from the field upon a weekly pittance from tlie Union, the last stage between his life of labor and his rest in the church yard. Communicated 1 Opening of Kimball's Opera House.— Last evening presented a scene long to be remembered by our citizens who had the pleasure ot being present at the opening of the “so-called” Opera House, which,lrom dome to basement was brilliantly illumin ated with gas. The exterior of the edifice presented a perfect blaze of laze of light that arrested the attention of every passer by, and the immense throng of people who were hurrying toward the building gave evidence that everybody, and his wife, if not invited, were quite sure to be present on the night of opening this beautiful es tablishment. The building was originally intended for a first-class Opera House, but the four walls were no sooner built than the Company fell through from want of means. New plans were designed lor the comple tion of the interior, which now, from the elegance of its construction, nor. only re flects great credit upon the City of Atlanta, but, from all we are able to see, would be difficult to surpass even in the largest cit ies of tbe Union. Attentive officers at the door received the tickets of admission, which bore upon them the.words.-ri_ COJIPLlMENTAnr. KIMBALL'S OPERA HOUSE OPENING. Admit one Gentleman and Ladies. But, so far as the tickets were concerned. Views of Eminent Democrats as to i rights of the State and of the people whose our Duty. j representative I am. I will, as the Execu- If there ever was a time when It become the® United”State^Tevwy^rcilr ol the people of tlie South to rise above the ! authority, and in every patriotic , , - .. , | eitort for the welfare of our common coun- level of mere partisans and plant them-j try. The people will approve. War no selves upon an elevation from which, dis- ! ' on£rer claims offerings of lives and treas- „ .. . ... - ., j ure; peace now demands the sacrifice of pre regarding the-petty animosities of the judices and passion. * hour, with the eye of true statesmanship,' they should guard the public interests, John T. Hoffman. It seems to us that under existing cir- that time is now. In this connection, as ; cumstances it would be the part of wisdom the Chief Magistrate of that noble 0 ld ; in behalf of the Southern people, to show State which gave the largest majority a disposition to meet the incoming Presi- against the President elect, it might he dent at least on half-way ground, and to well to consider the views of that pure ^ ve assurance of. their support to his ad- patriot and statesman, John TV. Stevenson. As an unswerving advocate of the rights of the States and a persistent foe to the ag gressive policy of Congress, in the recon struction of the seceded States, his opinions ministration, should he avow a purpose not to he President of a party but of the entire country. Should his official acts and measures have for their object, in the lan guage of Gov. Stevenson, "the supremacy are entitled to distinguished considera- 1 the Constitution of the United States, tion. In hi3 message to the Legislature of Kentucky, which convened on the 5th inst-. on the subject of national affairs, lie says: •‘Since your last adjournment, the per manency of American representative gov ernment has undergone a new test. Tiie American people have passed safely through their twenty-first quadrennial election of President and Vice President of the United States; the excited and an gry discussion which marked so recently the conflict of opinion between the great opposing parties of the nation, and extra ordinary exertions made by each in that political struggle for success, have now subsided and passed away; all yield a pa triotic and ready assent to the voice of the American people expressed under the pre scribed forms and sanctions of the Consti tution, by which two distinguished citizens of tlie republic have been called upon to discharge the high and responsible duties of President and Vice President of the United States, lor the term of four years, from and after the 4th of'March next.— Although the electoral vote of Kentucky was not east at the election for the Presi dent elect, yet I am quite sure I faithfully reflect the voice of her people in sayin of a party, but as the President of the entire country, and as such they will all unite as with one heart and one mind, irre spective of the past, in yielding a cordial support to all his official acts and measures, having for their object the supremacy ol the Constitution of tbe United States, the restoration and perpetuity of tlie Ameri can Union, the suppport of the State gov ernments in all tlicir rights, as tlie most competent administration for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies: economy and rigid accountability of all officials in ad ministration of the government.” John T. Hjffmap, tlie Governor of New York,,1s also a Demoeaat and friend of the the restoration and perpetuity of tbe ■American Union, tlie support of the State Governments in all their rights,” as Dem ocrats instead of compromitting our prin ciples, by declaring our purpose to uphold him in these, we would but the more firm ly resolve to adhere the more firmly to the cardinal teachings of our own party. Should we not be met in a like spirit by. the Chief Magistrate of the nation, we - would feel that we had discharged our duty with out incurring any sacrifice whatever of honor or principle. The Works and Jobs Before Con gress-Two Short Months’ Time. The present Congress expires on the 4th of March next, when the New Congress (pretty much of the same kidney in both houses) will take its place. Within tlie interval of two months, however, tiie Herald 1 thinks the business before the present Congress must be finished Of it will have to be commenced over again at the beginning or abandoned. Tlie calendar of both houses embraces tlie A Cheerful View of Business. that their stocks command from two to The New York Mercantile Journal, says | t "' ent J' times their original cost. That is the Richmond Enquirer, takes a cheerful causec l '* e great profitableness of the 1 mills. Wiiy cannot we have such mints in Geor gia? Our labor is as cheap or cheaper than it is in New England. Our water power is unexcelled, and we will not be compelled to pay tlie freights which they pay. Isn’t it rather a comlortatble reflec tion that §100 in stock will bring tiie snug little sum of §2.000? Are our people will ing that all these profits should remain there? If they are not, let them neglect no occasion to encourage, by every means view of the business prospects of the com ing year. It refers to the number of large I failures which have lately oceurrdil in the large cities, hut does not regard them as | possessing any great importance. They are directly traceable to operations in Wall street, and were caused by the money gambling, which is so prevalent there. A monetary stringency in Wall street, brought about for tlie purpose, extended its effects into the various ramifications of business throughout the country, and for the want of the accommodation, which tlie P°'y er ’ t* le Northern capitalists to “loeked-up” currency of Wall street cortlil have afforded, many well known mer- t Allowing list of legitimate, regular and they look to him now, not as the President incidental measures and miscellaneous Jobs :— 1. The regular annual appropriation bills, involving, say §200,000,000. 2. Deficiencies, incidental appropria- tionsand private claims, including nu merous jobs. 3. Financial bills, including the national debt, bonds, banks, currency, internal rev enue and tariff measures and all the reve nue rings. 4. Reconstruction hills, including tbe ratification of the late Louisiana and Geor gia elections, bills aud constitutional amendment of universal suffrage and’am- iiesty, the restoration of Virginia, Missis sippi and Texas, &c. 5. Territorial and Indian affairs, entbrac- ulgcil in the luxury of a - Idled shirt,” ami whose facical indications did not stamp him with tlie mark of having. :it some time of his life, been a regular grad uate of that highly popular institution, the j turc to theip *. colIntrymcn o of Xew Eng . Georgia penitentiary. The stair-ease resembled the Jacob's Lad- t. der mentioned in Holy Writ, as angeiie Immigration to Georgia. One of the first questions which should engage the attention of tlie Legislatuie is that of encouraging immigration into the State. Tlie importance of tlie subject is only equalled by the practical wisdom nec essary to accomplish satisfactory results. Nothing short of money to be controlled .by an organized system will .reach the de sired end. We are well advised of the trulli that there is a great surplus of Euro pean population, the reward of whose la bor is barely sufficient to secure the neces saries of life, and that these people would gladly exchange their cheerless condition for the hapeful prospect which invites them here. But liow we are to extract them from tlieir European penury and poverty and transplant them to the pro ductive soil of Georgia, is a problem which must be satisfactorily settled before we can make any progress in tbe right direc tion. State, county or individual co-oper ation is essential to tbe result. However strong may be tbe desire with tbe peasant ry in those countries to better their condi tion, they cannot do so without the neces sary means. We will find it necessary not only to visit them at home, to enlighten them as to the peculiar inducements we hold out to a change from their native countries to ours, but we will find it nec essary to assist them in the change—to ad vance them means, and to make some tan gible provision for them on their arrival here. The inducements which we will ol- fer them to emigrate are so great that they will not hesitate in making the change wb: n once assured that they will notsuffer for the necessaries of life before they gain a foothold upon our soil. Tlicir present condition is one of hopelessness and pov erty, and they would gladly escape from It on the first intimation of a change for the better. The condition of the working classes in England is better perhaps than that of the subjects of any of the other Eu ropean powew, and yet theirs is without any future better than one of penury. As a correct picture of the agricultural labor ing classes in England, we append the fol lowing summary of their condition as given i factoring which they possessed. They | were satisfied with the profits of prod action, | which were certainly large enough, and l were willing to leave those ol manufac- land. This satisfaction does not now ex ist any more than the "Union,” and the j people of the South aru directing tlieir at- ! tention to the advantage of adding the | profirs of manufacturing cotton to those of [ its production. Had they the capital j necessary we should see in a very few ! months a wonderful development of our _ . . , IT , „ ... ! manufacturing resources. We should see Entering the House of Representatives. , . . , .. , . . . . ” , , , ... , . i hundreds of cotton factories sprmgiug up ic ear was delighted with the sweetest , " , forms were ascending and descending con tinuously. Wc had no idea that so much feminine loveliness could be lonn,l within the limits of tlie State, yet there they were smiling, happy and joyous—delighted w ith themselves and all around them. the ear was delighted music produced by the Military Band cf this post; who, we venture to assert, have no superior in the army of the United States. Immediately above tlieir head was tlie full length portrait of tiiat brave old military chieftain and peerless gentleman. Old Hickory,” a man whose name will never, never die. The house is brilliantly lighted by a cir cular of gas jets some thirty feet from the floor, and at least fifteen feet in its diame ter. All around these jets was placed a fluted glass mirror, that threw tlie bright rays of light completely over the room, rendering all side lights completely unnec essary. Tlie fresco work on the ceiling, and indeed all over the room, was really mag nificent. and elicited loud marks of appro val from all who visited the building. Tlie Senate Chamber is very beautiful, though not so imposing as the House of Representatives. Over the seat of the President of the Senate, is a full length [Mirirait of George Washington, the first rebel known In American history, from the celebrated painting of Gilbert Stuart. It is very beautiful, and an ornament to the Senate Chamber. Tlie Supreme Court Library contains two full length portraits; tlie one on tlie left of the Hall representing Benjamin Franklin, tbe Printer, Philosopher and Statesman. As we approached the other, a very beau tiful young girl approached us and asked: “Whose picture is that, sir?” “Gilbert Mottier de Lafayette,” we re plied. “La! yes,” she responded, “he was a Northerner, wasn't he?” “He was something lor better,” we re sumed, indignantly, “ he was a white man, a brave and gallant Frenchman of noble birth, who left tbe Court of France, relin quished all the enjoyments so attractive to youth, and the bosom friend of our peerless Washington, did all in his power to secure to us all the blessings of freedom. Would to God that nine years ago onr un happy country could have secured the ser vices ot a friend like him.” “Amen, to ilia: quiet prayer!” murmur ed a soft and gentle voice at our Kdbow, and turning around we saw a face so bright and intelligent, that for years we shall be apt to remember it. The committee rooms deserve especial notice for tbe extreme good taste in which they have been arranged, but the apart ments up-stairs, the doors of which were all marked: “Sleeping Room—For Rent,” were in bad taste to say the least of it. They might very properly have been re- seivedfor the use of .the attaches of the building, but the idea of makiug a cheap lodging house out of the topof so elegant a building seems really absurd. Among all the visitors,- and their name was legion, we did not meet one -that did not seem pleased and delighted with all they saw around them. Itwas one of the most charming re-unions we have seen for a long time and we are happy to learn that not the slightest accident occurred to mar the pleasures of the evening. _ . ,, ing numerous Indian jobs and jobs in the South, whose views it might be well to | KO , d res , olls antl some ltl A i aska . heed. His opinion as to the duty of thc-^-Commercial treaties and Democratic party and its policy toward the hnd jobs, such incoming ad ministration,Is distinctly enun ciated in his late message to tlie General Assembly of New York, from which we copy as follows: Few questions of principle or policy will lie presented for your consideration to ward the decision of which precedent or ex perience will not furnish you an accurate guide, or at least effective aid. We need only, to the discharge of our trusts in our respective departments, grave, responsible, and numerous as they are. an earnest spirit, a constant and vigilant regard forthc pub lic interests, and an unceasing watchful ness in maintaining the integrity, honor and dignity of the State. With these we cannot fail to meet tbe just expectations of the people. But beyond the limits of onr jurisdiction there are questions and principle! of far wider significance than those which en gage our official consideration, which ap- the Sandwich Island .jreaty and Canadian reciprocity. I 7. Internal improvement appropriations, e.t the head of which stand the big' jobs ot the proposed Niagara ship canal and tlie rebuilding of the Mississippi river levees. 8. Pacific main lines, and branch rail roads and other railroad land and bond absorbing jobs—a tremendous schedule. 9. Steamship lines and subsidies, embrac ing several promising jobs. 10. Patent extensions, embracing a bail ee t of very profitable jobs. • 11. New post offices and post routes, air lino postal railroads, and bills for the gen eral regulation of telegraphs throughout the United States and with foreign coun tries. . 12. Miscellaneous bills and resolutions, and jobs of all sorts,-not included in the chants have been brought to grief. Among the recent failures, it is to observed, how ever, that the greater number are those whose profits were made out of the war. and whose business sprung up like a mushroom under the tremendous rush of activity and flow of money upon which our “ countrymen ” at tlie North fed their “patriotic” desires to “rally ’round the flag,” aud "save the Union.” This process, though highly re munerative to tlie "patriotic” sellers of “shoddy,” and the “Union-loving” dealers in damaged supplies of all kinds, was, nev ertheless, to tlie country at large, a tre- meudous depletion of resources and dis placement of values. Tlie present opera tion is a slow hut sure and solid re-ailjiist- ment. Rome of the prineely fortunes which arose out of tlie war, and some ot tiie lines of trade hastily built up during that period,have almost as magically melt ed away, "like the baseless fabric of a vis ion.” Connections were formed by one of these war merchants of the Newcome fam ily with older and more “solid” houses, and these connections have greatly damaged, and, in some cases, ruined the old houses. Tlie Newcomes were sure to succumb to the lirst reverses, and their present pros tration only mean3 that the first reverse lias come upon them. Besides tiiis endemic, there has also ex isted a more general cause of depression in the business of the country in the large amount of the public debt and tbe heavy taxation imposed upon the ipeople to sup port it and the extravagant outlays of tlie government at the same time. This latter has made the pressure tenlold harder ta bear where business was so enormously inflated, and the consequence is now seen Jn these failures. But we need go no deeper into.our in vestigations after the bidden causes of the present depression. Let us look to the causes which will bring about a better state of things. Attention is turning Jto the interior trade of the country, and the people are directing their energies to agricultural productions. We have already more than once ol late referred to the flat tering prospects of the cotton crop of the South, and we may add now the extremely promising condition of the agricultural interest?, of the. Northwest, -and the en couraging progress of the great lines pitch their tents amoug us. The Tribune on the Georgia Case. The New York Tribune in a radically extreme view of the Georgia case, as may be seen by an article copied from that pa per, forgets that tiie whole process of re construction, in this State, was confided by Congress to Gen. Meade, and that the Leg islature, before it organized, complied with all the terms prescribed by that officer, be acting under tlie instruction of Gen. Grant, and as advised by the Reconstruction Com mittee in Congress. It would be better for the Tribune and the Radical party to frankly confess that they had committed a faux pas in receiving Georgia into tlie Union under a' Constitu tion which does not recognise negroollice- holding, instead of charging tlie Legisla ture with a design to thwart the will of Congress. Congress Reconstructing Georgia. The Hartford (Connecticut) Daily Times says: Congress is proposing to reconstruct Georgia, to dictate to the people tiie sort of Constitution they shall adopt—and tiiis af ter Georgia lias once complied with the cenditions imposed upon her people, through usurpation by Congress. The new attempt to degrade tlie people of the State, is rousing the entire people. Tlie Radicals of the State now protest against it as an dbtrage too intolerable to be borne —and they are protesting in terms which the “Reconstruction” Committee cannot misunderstand. They feel that the time has come for Congressional usurpation and oppression to cease; and that Georgia should now be a State in the Union, on an Quality with tiie other States, and entitled to regulate her own local affairs, according to the principles upon which the Republic was established. Having been humiliated and governed and oppressed enough by Vermont and Massachusetts, the Radicals of Georgia now assume that the people ot their State are entitled to the same rights and privileges that are enjoyed by the peo ple of Vermont. They will make their own Constitution and their own laws, in no respect violating tlie Constitution of the United States. Being entitled to this they demand their rights, and the friends of freedom throughout the world, will accord to them the justice of their cause. The Plow of Currency South. I which arc to open up tbe great trade of the | ,}° rk t>.LuiA „„.t.. ....... A- rHerald, of the 8th iihstant, says: "Forty peal to us as citizens of a common country, list mentioned. all over the South. For want of capital the South must wait a few years longer, when, as we showed the other day, the re turns of the cotton production will give them the capital to engage in its manufac ture. Then farewell to the prosperity of “rocky-bound New England.” Radical War upon the Catholics. A Washington account of thenonse pro ceedings on the Civil and Diplomatic Ap propriation hill, last week, says: “Mr. Brooks made an effort to get in an amend ment to the bill providing for a renewal of the mission to Rome. This gave rise to a lively debate, during which Mr. Covode, of Pennsylvania, made an onslaught, upon the Roman Catholic Church in general and the Roman Catholic voters of Western Pennsylvania in particular. Advancing towards tlie Democratic side of the House, Mr. Covode declared, in an excited man ner, that the Roman Catholics were en gaged during the late campaign in manu facturing fraudnlent naturalization papers, wholesale and retail, and had defeated him in his district. This was tbe grounds he took against sending a Minister to repre sent the United States at Rome. Mr. Co vode spoke with much feeling, and evi dently let out the animus of tlie dominant party’s opposition to the mission to Rome. Some of his friends took occasion to dis claim a fellow feeling with him, but the amendment was defeated by a nearly solid vote of the Republicans.” Cotton. The receipts at tbe various ports up to this time, says the Savannah Republican, do not indicate that tbe large crop theo rists will realize their estimates. There has been a heavy falling off in New York, Charleston, Savannah and Mobile, amount ing in round numbers to 125.000 bales, while thejincrease in Virginia, North Caro lina, New Orleans and Galveston, is, In round numbers. 250,000. leaving an aggre gate increase of receipts to the amount of 125,000. The receipts at the Atlantic ports and Mobile for the remainder of the season are obliged to be far lighter tba n in 1863, the high prices having brought the greater portion of the crop into market. Last y ear, owing to tlie obstruction of the western rivers, the crop was slow in reaching New Orleans; this year the navigation has been open throughout the season, and high prices have prevailed. Yet the receipts at New Orleans up to this time are but 473,. 000 of the 1,2000,000 claimed for her, a fig ure which will hardly be reached, if ap proximated. The stooks at all the ports are also some 10,000 less than last year. From these facts and figures, the reader will be enabled-to form his own. estimates of the crop as compared with that; of last year. Cf Augusta Factory stock soW on Mon day, in that city, at §1 50, after- the quar terly dividend had been paid. which press upon the people in the form of unequal responsibilities, and in which we all have a deep and abiding interest. I al lude to tiie national issues which await so lution. I do not intend to refer to them in a partisan spirit, or to discuss them at length. These issues have presented new and difficult questions of government, ot finance aud taxation, resulting lrom the Rebellion, and we are without guides in previous history to lead us to their deter mination. Nearly four years have elapsed since the close of tlie Rebellion, and the Federal authorities have had unrestricted power to re-establish civil government in the States rescued from sedition, ..and re store to their people peace and tlie motives to industry * and yet how littie has been done toward these ends! Had they been attained, tbe South would now be enabled to bear its share of the taxation entailed by the war, and tlie North relieved of its unequal responsibil ity, while the whole country resuming its former commercial relations, would be so far advanced in prosperity and power that in a few years our financial troubles would cease to be the subject of anxiety. Instead of securing these results Congress has di rected its efforts to the suppression of rep resentation, and the subversion of repub lican government in tbe States, prolong ing the subserviency of the civil to the military power, and postponing the return of peace. The people, at the late election, have chosen by their suffrage the Chief Magistrate to whose guidance they are willing to commit tbe destinies of the country, and the settlement of the issues which disturb it. These questions do not belong to party, but to the whole country; and it should be our earnest prayer that he who has been thus chosen, shall prove equal to the great trust with which he is charged. Party organizations must he kept up a- the means of preserving great principles and maintaining the Integrity of the Gov ernment and the liberties of tlie people.— The majority of the citizens of this State Here is a catalogue which would be very alarming with a six months’ session of the present Congress before us; hut as tiiis Congress must wind up Its affairs by the 4th.of March it will bo simply impossible to get through with more than a third or a fourth of the jobs before the two houses, while there is fair prospeet that not one- tenth of them will be readied, for want of time. Then, as with th8 new Congress General Grant will take tbe helm in the place of Johnson, we look for a vigorous application] of the pruning knife in the work of retrenchment and reform. Pacific, and thence to the East Indies. who opposed the policy of the presentdom- inant party In the dfmiitry and the election of its candidate for the Presidency, adhere firmly to tlieir views of public policy, the adoption of which they believe will afford tlie earliest and bestsettlementof thegreat questions which now distract us. They will, however, lay aside all merely partisan considerations, and join in a common spirit of magnanimity and patriotism in sustaining any administration of the Fed eral Government In every earnest effort which it shall make to restore its credit, to maintain the public faith, to re-establish the authority of the Constitution, to unite all our people in amity and concord, to givepeace and prosperity to all sections of tlie Union, and to assert, among nations, the honor of our flag and the rights ol those who claim its protection. There is a spirit of party intolerance growing up which not only arrays men in bitter political hostility, but which creates personal hatred through mere differences of opinion. It follows the elected repre sentatives of the people with detraction and misrepresentation, and impairs their usefulness in the discharge of important trusts involving the public welfare. I con sider this a dangerous evil. Public officers, both Federal and State, should be judged by and held responsible for their acts, and not prejudged by clamor and party intol erance; nor should they be intimidated by either. My duty is defined by the oath I have Taken to execute the laws of this State, and to support its Constitution and the Constitution of the United States. I shall endeavor to do it faithfully; and while I shall uphold and maintain the po- Morals of Public Men. A Boston journal, tlie Commonwealth, makes the rather exaggerated statement that every afternoon after 3 o’clock some twelve to fifteen United States Senators are so drunk that they are unable to attend to business. The Washington correspondent of the Missouri Democrat, also says that “ the coming session of Congress will see the certain death and entombment of three men now in the United States Senate, all from drink. Take away the pay and good clothes of these three men, and they are already tavern suckers and parasites of tlie most abject sort. I saw one of them at a friend’s house, only yesti r lay, ask for a glass of whisky as soon as he entered. He took it with both hands, which shook aud rocked rather a3 in some theatrical exag geration of drunkenness than in real light of common life, and to see his greedy lips slip by tlie glass's edge, cheated like Tan talus by his own nerves, was dreadful. He is no worse than two others, but happily his term expires on the 4th of March.” The New York Sun adds: It is not too much to say that tlie Senate owes it to its own good name to expel these drunkards. But we do not anticipate from that body any action of so rigorous a na ture. The disposition of Senators is to bear and forbear with the vices of their col leagues, no matter how gross or how noto rious. If a Senator were openly to receive bribes, or to commit forgery or murder, it is not likely that he would be punished for it by the votes of his feRow members. Rethenciiment and Reform.—The speech of Mr. Washburne, in tlie House of Representatives, tho other day, on retrench ment and reform, a synopsis of which wo published last Satnrfiay, is taken as an in dication of tho views of General Grant. W ashburnc, if anybody, being esteemed his right-hand man. If the policy of the in coming administration is correctly fore shadowed by Mr. Washburne, the country has cause of congratulation on tlie near approach of the 4th of March. The race ot government swindlers and undertakers in magnificent railroad schemes may be considered as near its close, and a second era of old fashioned honesty may be hailed with the advent of the new President. At iiU^"dTCttineirand - prfni5pi«“tovrhTchl events, we shall look hopefully for a I am devoted, and assert and defend the consummation so devoutly to i>e wished. There is so much good, practical, common sense in the following, from the Rome Courier, that wc adopt it entire, and commend its home truth, to tho people of Georgia: in at I V'll They D> with the Money? There will, by the first of March, be more spare money in this section of the country than was ever known before. Tlie cotton crop will sell for nearly as many dollars as it did in lS59-’60, and now it cannot go for negroes, and will not for land. Hundreds of planters in tiiis and adjoining counties have now in hand, from §1.000 to §5,000. and feeling sort of good over it. but really not knowing what to do with their money. They keep very quiet about this matter and to not entrust.the secret to their most intimate friends. Some have exchanged their greenbacks for gold, anu it Is known that over seventy-five thousand dollars in gold has been carried home by planters, trading at Rome, in the last six oreight months. If all these men who are thus hiding tlieir money, only knew that so many others were doing the same thing, they would realize tlie fully of their course. AH this money should be, at once, put to some good, safe and profitable investment There is now no clanger of any immediate great financial crash, and with Grant’s in auguration, confidence in the stability of our goverment will be strengthened and the probable prosperity of the country will be increased. Then why “hide your talent in the earth” when all the dictates of reason and duty command \ ou t« use it. But our present purpose is to suggest a safe and good investment for planters and others having money. It is tiiis: forma joint stock company and erect, at some good letup top, a cotton factory, and go into the manufacture of yarns and domestics. Tiiis will, if properly manat.ed, give you large profits and be of great advantage to the entire community. If you do not engage in some kind of manufacturing, wliat will you do with your money. It is time you were think ing upon this subject, and talking about it with your neighbors and friends. Will you buy railroad stock, or State Bonds, or Federal Bonds? Tim value of these is almost as precarious and vastly less promisirg than Factory stocks, and their ultimate value depends on the good faith of parties beyond your control. The planters of Floyd county, as we be lieve, can raise one hundred thousand dol lars by the first of March, with which to build a Cotton Factory. Polk, Chattooga, Bartow, any other counties can raise near ly or quite as much. Why not start a Planters’ Factory, in each of these coun ties. The profits of Cotton Factories at tho North are immense and they might, here, he 25 per cent, greater. We find in otrrexchanges the following statement of tiie prices which §100 worth of stock in the several Northern factories named, brings when offered for sale: Androscroggin Mills, par value §1C0 185. t Peppcreil Mann fact urir.g Conipany. 5100 1,105. l’aciiie Mills, par value §100, 2.010. Nashua Company, par value §100, 755. Stark Mills, par value §100,1,275. Chicopee Manufacturing Company, par value §100.275. Salisbury Manufacturing Company, par value §100, 270,bj. Boot Cotton II ills, par value §100,-1,080. ■ Laconia Manufacturing Company, par value $100, 1,200. J< -a- Amoikeag Manufacturing Company, par value $100. L312J£. Great Falls Manufacturing Company, par value $100,215. It will be seen, says the Augusta Press, or fifty millions of dollars have gone South, and have been, or will be, absorbed there. The flow ol currency in that direction, at the present time, is still going on, but on a diminished scale. More will go in tiie spring in the shape of Northern capital, which , under the temptation of tlie high price of cotton, is seeking investment there. Emigration has set in, and there will be a strong current in the spring. Tlie revival of cotton culture is a fever just now with capitalists.” In confirmation of tiie foregoing, says tlie Chronicle and Sentinel, we have been shown Northern letters to the house of L. & H. McLaws, of this city, authorizirgthe purchase of a number of small farms, in Middle Georgia, of two and four hundred acres in extent, and advising that “spring visits may be expected.” Sumner aud the Georgia Negroes. A Washington special says: “How the Senate is Sumnurizcd may lie known from the fact that one day this week lie submit ted thirteen resolutions and petitions, anil seven bills, all but one of which wore of a criminal character. One of his petitions, concerning the proper meaning of the fourteenth amendment to tlie Federal Con stitution, was from two hundred and fifty- two negroes of Georgia, alt of who but two signed with a cross mark, tlie column intended for names of witnesses being en tirely blank. And these are the class of people whom the Massachusetts Senator desires to rule the people of a State.” «.»«. — Cuba.—The Captain General of Cuba issues a pathetic appeal to the insurgents of that island to return to tlicir first love, and cease their rebellious demonstrations against tlieir affectionate old mother, Spain. The venerable old mother lierscll is so near the point of dissolution and so beset with foes within that her maternal entreaties are not likely to he heeded by tlie refractory child without. In tlie mean time tlie cry of the Cubans is “on with the revolution;” down with tiie Spanish Gov ernment in tlieir midst, and up with the independent ensign of the Antilles. Repeal of tub Civil Tenure Bill. The repeal of this bill in the House, by a vote of 116 to 47, is a hopeful sign. The excesses of Radicalism are giving way to returning reason, and tiie whole country has cause of congratulation on the repeal of an act so intemperately con ceived. The wishes of the incoming Presi dent are thU3 not only anticipated, but ap propriately met. May we not- hoiie that he will in like manner for the good of the country influence the subsequent legisla tion of Congress. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 10. I860. Editor Constitution: One of the evi dences of the returning prosperity of our section is the revival of the mule trade. This has been very heavily carried‘on this season. I have just conversed with a stock drover, who tells me that it is about clos ing up. The demand has carried up the prices in Kentucky so much that very little can now be made. Tlie heaviest demand lias been for medium mules, ranging in price from $100 to §175; very line stock has been in no demand. The peoples’ pockets could not stand them. Profits have been realized about §15 per head. The farmers have been unable to buy be fore tiiis; but something lias been realized this year, and preparations are being made for tiie next year's crop. The mule trade has been principally in Georgia; the other States not having been supplied. Those who have not been able to buy before tiiis will have to pay higher prices, if they can buy at a'l. During the war. tlie mule trade sought the Eastern market, but it is now working into its old and more profitable channel — tlie South. It will take a year or two. however, before the supply will reach in amount what it once was, owing to the great consumption of stock North and South, for army pur poses during the war. The Georgia friends and stockholders of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, will be pleased to learn that under the ad mirable management of President Cole and the courteous and efficient Superin tendent, Col. J. W. Thomas, the road has much improved. The expenses have di minished and its receipts increased, while its general condition has been greatly bet tered; but it will be impossible to recu perate it thoroughly, until its mountain of debt to the U. S. Government, is in some way lessened and adjusted. It is fortunate in its Superintendent, Col. Thomas, one of the best railroad men in the whole country and as gentlemanly as lie is skillful; his thorough comprehension of his duties and Ills masterly execution of them, have told strongly in the improved status of tiie enterprise. His recognition of and cour tesies to the press, demand tlie fullest re quital. ✓It is perhaps easy for an ordinary officer to take a road in good order, and carry out the regulations previously es tablished, which have put it on a good footing, keep it up; but to take a road run down and injured by cruel misman agement, deeply in debt, its stock low, its credit gone, its stock worth almost noth ing,"its running-gear badly damaged, its material used up and badly worn out, and nothing in tlie treasury to buy more—re quires the finest exercise of tlie very best abilities to make anything of it. This is the very thing Col. Thomas lias done. In four months his administration has worked marvels, and evinced his efficiency. Nashville lias somewhat changed since I first saw it, seven years ago. Tiie rebellion was then in its inception, and the “pomp and circumstance of glorious war,” made the city a gay and glittering masquerade, f next saw it in all the dismal terror and chaotic confusion of Sidney Johnston’s evacuation of the place to the Federal army. That was an appalling day. The very elements seemed to share in tlie gloom and disaster. I next saw it early in 183G, when the streets swarmed with crushed Confederates and a triumpant Federal sol diery, mingling in strange peacefulness. Every vestige of war is now gone,, save thorough Radical niie. without any war visible. Everything seems "citizenitie'V' if I may coin a word. Business is buoyant, trade vigorous, the citizens garb universal, street railroadsiu full blast, handsome pub lic buildings completed. And yet, some thing is wanting. A dissatisfied people meet you. Xortticrn enterprise has clone wonders. But yet, we can still exclaim, poor Tennessee 1 Ninety thousand of her best citizens are disfranchised, aud their rights, persons and property without rep resentation, and under the control of per sons hostile to them, and in many cases irresponsible. Thirty millionsof pubiiedebt burdens the State, causing bankruptcy. The ruler is a pestiferous old Tliug-n-mud- brained political Jeliu, who is driving tiie body politic to smash at a spanking rate with his wild team of scalawags, carpet baggers and Africans; tlie latter frantic under the imaginary visitations of a blood thirsty KuKlux. A howling dervish in religion and a cranky ghoul in polities, lias this tliin-visaged, paralytic old man proved himself. And a parallel picture to Nero fiddling away in drunken delirium over tlie conflragration of proud old Rome, will be Wm. G. Brownlow, revelling in veno mous ecstacy amid the desolation of his noble State. A moderate Republican Speaker of tlie House of Representatives introduced and ably supported a bill to call a Convention to remove the disfranchisement from the people of the State. After hot discussion, -t was postponed, yesterday, by a vote of *35 to 20, and the just measure is defeated. Quill. Ages and Salaries of the New British Ministry.—Tlie following is a’list of the new British Ministry, tlieir ages, and the respective-salaries they receive: First Lord of the Treasury (Crime Min ister.) Mr. Gladstone, aged 69; salary £5.000. Lord High Chancellor. Lord Hatii- erly (Sir W. Page Wood.) aged 68; salary, £10.000. Chaueellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Lowe, aged 57; salary, £5.000. Home De partment, Mr. H. Bruce, aged 53; salary, £5.000. Foreign Affairs. Earl of Clarendon, aged 69; salary, £5,000. Colonies, Earl Granville, aged 53; salary, £5,000. War De- Prosperity of the Cotton States. Tho Selma (Ala.) Times says: “We do not believe there was ever, before the war even, as much surplus money in Alabama as there will be when tlie crop of last year shall have been disposed of.” This agrees with what the Mobile Reg ister recently said on the same subject, and will be pleasant news to the whole coun try. The Georgia Question.—The Senate Omunitlee on the Judiciary, at tlieir meet ing on Wednesday, had - under considera- was discussed at great length, biifn'o con clusion wa? reached, and the subject was postponed until the next meeting. The Washington Republican (Radical) says: The committee is understood to be very much'divided on the question, arid It is doubtful _what -action will be taken rela tive, to the measures now before Congress looking to the repeal of the law admitting that State, and reducing her to. a provf sional government. If Congress tails to adopt such legislation the committee will probably report on tbe question of admit ting the Senators from that State at as early a day as possible. partment, Mr. Cardwell, aged 55; salary. £5,000. India, Duke of Argyle, aged 45; salary. £5.000. First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. 'll. C. E. Childers, aged 41; salary £4.5000. President of the Board of Trade, Mr. Bright, aged 57; salary, £2.000. Presi dent of tlie Council, Earl de Grey, aged 41; salary. £2,000. Lord Privy Seal. Earl of Kimberley, aged 42; salary, £2,000. Presi dent of the Poor Law Board, Mr. G. J. Goschen, aged 37; salary, £2.000. Post master General, Marquis of Harrington, aged 45; salary, £3,000. Chief Secretary lor Ireland, Chichester Fortescuc, aged 45- salary, £4.000. The above form tuc Cabi net. First Commissioner of Public Works, Mr. Layard, aged 51; salary. £2,000. Vice- President of tlie Council, Mr. E. W. Fors ter, aged 51; salary, £2.000. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Lord Duiferin aged 42; salary, £2000. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Earl Spencer, aged 33; salary, £20,000. Attorney General, Sir Itoliert Col lier. aged 51; salary, £5.000. Solicitor Gon- £3,5000 r ' J" 1) ’ Colcman ’ a £ud 47; salary, Stock Sale in Savannah.—Last Tues day the Republican gives tlie followin'': Three shares Central Railroad stock at $123 50. Five shares Southwestern Railroad stock at §95. Four thousand dollar Albany and Gulf Railroad bond, coupons in Mat', 1867, at §70, Ten shares Albany and Gulf Railroad stock at §47. Five hundred dollars city of Savannah bonds, coupon due in February next, at Five hundred dollars 7 per cent. Albany andGulf railroad scrip at §70. A five acre garden lot on the Skidawav shell road, (our miles from the citv, was sold for $105. Newnan. Georgia.—They had a smart contest lor Mirror and Aldermen of New nan, on the 2d instant, resulting in the election of tiie following by an average of about lorty majority: Mayor—Hugh Brewster. Aldermen—A. R. Cates, J. C. Wooten, J. .1. Pinson, E. Moncgan. We see from the Herald tliat^|*wnanha3 but §702 of her bonded debt unliquidated That is snug,—Macon Telegraph.