The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, November 05, 1872, Image 2

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ccliln jftmstitntion. Term* of Subscription: WEEKLY CONSTITUTION per annum (3 00 All ratorripttaw are p*y*ble ttrktly la advoci and. *t tfc- rzp(nii«w of the time for which payment • made. nr.Jew predoatlj renewed, the name of the enMferrlhrr will he atricken from oar hooka |P“ CIcU of Ten |15 00, and a copy of the paper #e*t free to thejretter-op. National Democratic Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT: HORACE GREELEY, FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: B. GRATZ BROWN, OF MISSOURI. FOR CONGRESS: LUTHER J. GLEXN, OF FDLT03I COUCH. IS] Fulton Democratic Ticket. FOR ORDINARY: DANIEL PITTMAN. A. K. PERKERSON. yea clerk cupkrior court: W. R. YEN ABLE.: FOR OOURTT TREASURER: C. M. PAYNE. FOR TAX RKCEXYXB: A. G. GRIER. FOR TAX COLLECTOR: a R nOYLR FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR: B. F. WALKER FOR CORONER: WILLIAM KILE. I elect io* Mirrm 1] ATLANTA, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 5. F.x-Governor RuIIock. The Cincinnati Commercial says that Bul lock, of Georgia, is in Paris, and'Xcontem* plates a Kile trip this winter with some friends. _ _ A Dreary Failure Long Drawn Ont. RxcmioND, Va., October 30.—The Straight- out Democrats met again this rooming, bet _ a* only six persons were present, they had a private conference and adjourned without making known the result of their delibera tion*. ^ ^ Tickers. Vote a wlii'e ticket that simply contains the i smcR of the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, the electors and the candidate for Congress. Iho Koine Commercial. This lirr 1y young paper lias changed bands. Grady A Shanklin have sold nut to Kevin & Co. Mr. Charles H. Smith (-Bill Arp”) is connected with It c*ditorially. It flashes with Arp's humor. It is a welcome visitor to onr snnet urn. Success to it. Per»«nai* We had a call yesterday from our old Sa vannah friend. Dr. J. C. McXulty. The Doc tor is now the enterprising special agent of that flue company, the Fire Insurance of North America, of which Mr. Hancock is tlic Atlanta local agent. This company is one of the strongest in the country, and is represented by excellent agents. m m m __ liueaalew on Greeley. Buekalcw, the Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania who was defrauded of liia elec tion hy the most stupendous political fraud ever perpetrated in this country, made a speech in New Jersey on the night of the 31st. It It ns l icon said he was not for Greeley. The following emphatic sentences show that be is: I hope that you will leave nothing undone in la-half of onr cause between this and the hour of closing the polls on Tuesday next to support the candidates I have named—Hor ae #• t#n* ley andGratz Brown—liecauae they are in favor of peace and fellowship ami good will and brotherhood throughout these Mates; because they are in favor of reform ing official life in all its branches, and chiefly because they are men of integrity and honor, and will stand as Arm as a rock, immovable and determined against all forms of corrup tion in the government of this country. The Climax of Grant's Tyrai Hrarh 4 In the Prostitution of the Federal t on la hy III* Henchmen to RuEZla a Free Proa. h Rich day Grant's administration shows more boldly the desperate purpose of its policy to limit public liberty, and throttle free institutions. In Pennsylvania it clutch ed suffrage in its iron and corrupt grasp. In Georgia it has striven to force the ballot box and failing in that it has turned loose the en ginery of the Federal Courts to avenge its own prevented crime on an unoffending and defenceless people. But the climax has been reached, when in North Carolina Federal Judges seek to force grand juries to indict newspaper men for dis cussing Grant's administration. The time for alarm ha* come when such a step ss this is taken. The very cap-stone of despotism is set wlu n the right of a free press is taken away, and the people are not even allowed to give utterance to an opinion adverse to the administration. The extent of this ocitrsge is immeasurable. If permitted, it makes us slaves indeed. It violates every rule of re publican government. Nothing could more effectually show the terrible tendency of the Radical creed. It will, if successful, convert this free govern ment into sn absolute despotism. Once de prive the people of the right to criticize their rulers, and all is gone. The very genius of onr Republican system is the responsibility of the officers of the government to the peo ple and the unrestricted right of free discus sion of public matters. Free speech and a free pr. ss are the very essence of our free institutions. This attempt to commit this most appalling of crimes against liberty, should arouse Ibe people to overthrow the administration that seeks its perpetration. How can our Democrat’c friends hesitate between Grant, the friend, and.Greeley, the enemy of such a policy. Grant is for and Greeley against it. Grant's re-election is an indorsement of the policy and the prompting to its continuance. Greeley’s election is its disapproval and its death-knell. All opposi tion to Greeley helps Grant. In the maddest moment of a support of a central policy which he now abjures, Greeley never went to the extent of seeking t> violate or impair the transcendant right of free speech and a free press. Greeley was an original Stars rights man. He was an old Whig of the straight*.st sect. His very support of the enforcement and Ku- Klux measures, so elaborately harped upon to evoke prejudice against him, was given from a sense of justice to rectify wrongs that be conceived were being perpetrated. But he and hi- Liberal Republican allies dis covered the dangerous tendency of such cen tralized tyranny and bayonet despotism, and are now in antagonism to the administration that proposes to continue them. The issue lies in our own hands. A united Democratic and Liberal Republican vote can defeat Grant. And he who professes to be a Democrat, and who in the light of this great North Carolina crime of the administration can so far forget his duty as to attempt for any cause to divide the Democracy, will be diiectly auxiliary to the election of the des pot an i the continuance of the crimes which he professes to seek to stop. li this bold assault on a free pre>*, the very tife goard of public liberty, and the great in- ftxwnttot for the preservation of Republican institutions, does not drive our “Straight’’ friends to cease their attempt to weaken the constitutional army in its only possible pro gramme to defeat Grant, and the daring usurp- :::g faction that thu* dea« s right and tries to throu'-c the country's liberties, then they stand in ill.’ attitude of wilfully helping the usurpations tiny claim to condemn. We wilt not aid Grant even by indication. Dem xra’A, to the polls to oust the usurpers from power, and preserve our liberties. Ar. Stephens the Champion of a New Departure Candidate. O u, Mr. Stephens, has beep pleated on several occasions to taunt Tins Constitution as a New Departurist, because It supports Mr. Greeley. He has in that vig- orons a langusge that characterizes his political tvs, spoken of the “New Departure heresy" in connection with this journal. His assaults on us on this line have been unre mitting, and as lively as an intoxicated cricket We propose to show the glaring political inconsistency of onr very able neigbl^r. In th** f r ? place The Constitution La» never advocated the new departure. We defy Mr. Stephens to quote one word from its columns in advocacy of the new departure. Our support of Mr. Greeley is based upon his representative poeni-m as th** selected leader of a Liberal Republican movement in favor of local self-government, the sanctity of the habeas cor j^us, national fraternization, a return to the constitutional methods of peace and civil service reform, against the despotic, centralized, sectional and dishon^t policy of Radical role as symbolized by Grant's admin istration. The deliberate and authoritative adoption of -Mr. Greeley as such leader of such gratifying movement by the great Democratic party, of which we have been an humble, though zealous member, carried with it ouf championship, at the cheerful sacrifice of all personal prejudice and indi vidual sentiment. Political party never did a sublirac-r act in g nobler spirit than this heroic self-abnega tion of the great constitutional organization of the Union. It was a grand etep for popu lar good will, the burial of war hates, the re union of a severed nationality, the re instate- ment in power of a deposed and degraded Constitution, the retrograde ion of the gov ernment from startling advance and onward progress to a destructive and demoralizing despotism, and for the purification of the na tion's entire range of corrupted public depart ments. Greeley's personality was nothing. IIi» cause y everything. It i-* the cause we sup port, not the man. An inanimate figurehead, a bannered rrg, nny selected symbol of the great id«ra would get our support. Distort it, falsify it, deride it, antagonize it as one may; admit it an incongruity, a paradox, even an inconsistency; so long as Greeley stands for the great goods that we have enumerated above, and Grant stands for the opposite, it is the patriot's duty to support Grctl.y, and his triumph is the popular indorsement of what the Democracy has striven for and the country needs for its prospe ity and glory. It is a narrow pitiful contracted uostate*- man like treatment of a slnpendu' S, tr.xn sccndant is-ne to dwarf it down to any man*: personality. Principles and results influitcly eyond all individuality however surpassing, arc at stake, involving fundamental freedom and the broadest national interests. In such a juncture to be squabbling over a personal record, a puny trivial, accomplished thing of the past, is child's play, ho irrelevant and foolish as to create amazement that thinking men should indulge in it. But we have made rather a digr..ssio from the purpose of this editorial. Coming back to that, we urge that even if we ha-: been a New Dcpartorfst, which is not the ■, Mr. Stephens is utterly inconsistent in objecting to it. He to-day flies at the head of Ida c Iuiiwk his candidate for Vice President Juhu Quincy Adams, the earliest, most zealous, most persistent and unchanving New Depar- turist in the Union. Not one Hyllable of hi* New Departure views ha* Mr. Adams re canted. He stands upon them unalterably. Yet this political heretic (in-Mr. fcUpueu’s view) is Mr. Stephens* political leader, the repre tntalive of his policy, the type of his principles, and the head of his political move- incut for restoring constitutionalism. Mr. Stephens thunders at u* for being a New Departurist when we are not, and sub missively follows the champion New Depart* urist of tlic nation as his political captain, lie swears at us and by Adams on the same ground. He blazes at us and swallows Ad .ms on identical principal. Was there ever grower political inconsistency ? We say it in all deference, in all p rsonal respect to the venerable Georgian, of whom we write. But we claim this to be a proper characteriza tion of Mr. Stephens* assault on us and his following of Adams. No, the adoption of Adams a* a candidate by the “Straights” is a m<*t Inimitable stulti fication of their course, and an equally in imilnhle vindication of the Democratic party in supporting Gre*ley. They effectually spike their own guns. The very essence of their creed is hostility to th« amendment*, which tlieir candidate, Adams, swallows whole, bones and feathers. The Hubstifution of Ad tins for Brow the political li. ure head of the straight ecru is swapping the witch for a devil. And In the light of Mr. Stephen* urging indorse ment of Grata Brown and his views before Greeley was nominated, his rejection of Brown now ami his submissive acceptance, 'and tirey advocacy of Adams, that most double dyed of Njw Departure a mend men t- gulping heretics, has something in it border ing on the farcical. No! Adams’cundidacy means Grant and Wilson's election. Grant tread* on our pros irate forms. Wilson says a hundred jean won’t make “rel»el” blood loyal and fit to take part in the freeman’s right of helping to run their own government. Greeley and Brown's election means over throw to centralism and Southern oppr * ~ and peace and equality for the South. Choose ye wisely. Democrats! SPEECH OF COL. E. Y. CL ARKE, AT THE 3Iass Meeting and Barbecue In LawrencczUIe, October 24th, 1372. JSSTAJfTIAIAT Erroarzo.] Icl'ow-GUttens:—Four years ago we were engaged in a Presidential struggle. All onr energies were enlisted in a grand effort to overthrow the despotism which the Radical party had established, not alone over the South, but over the en tire country. Bat Seymour and Blair were defeated, and four years more of despotic government ensued. It would be difficult to )!ct the wrongs, which the American peo- . but more especially the Sour bora people, nave tnffertd during tfci3 i*riod. Entire Sia’cs have been put nnder military rule, legislatures have bjen overthrown, and ille gal governments fUitained by Federal power to imult and plunder a peoDle already im poverisued, The rights of property and pert-on have been alike violated, our treasu ries have been robbed and multitudes of our citizens have been incarcerated in prison. We therefore hail with joy the impending of another Presidential struggle to throw off the yoke ol despotism and secure the lost rights of freemen. The contending boats are mar shaling for the final encounter, and it be- hoov* s ns-to rally to a man under that ban ner w hich has inscribed upon it the redemp tion of the South and the restoration of con stitutional government. That banner is borne by the nominees of the Dcmpcratic- I .-publican party, Horace Greeley and Gralz Brown. STAND BY OUR'COLORS. It is true that in onr first skirrabhrs with the enrn y, our success has not been complete. In assaulting a few outposts, while in the iin have steadily advanced, we have t suffered some lo.a. This should not dis courage. What if ultimate defeat awaits us? Brave men never yield the battle until they go down beneath its storm, and never lower tlteir f olora until they fall with them. Rath er let Georgians emulate the heroic spirit of their noble Governor, who said to the military at Warrenton “hands off the civil authorities of the Stateand to the Federal judicials in the case of the Chattanooga and Alabama Railroad, “we will stand to the last by the rights of Georgia.” And such a spirit will eventoully carve victory out of defeat. Our Atlanta Public School*. We give this morning to our readers the in teresting first mutual report of Mr. Bernard Mallon, the Superintendent of the Atlanta Public School*. Its perusal wi'l prove in structive. It is a document of deep interest. It presents a record full of honor to Allan*; and to Mr. Mallon, and his corps of : ants. Atlanta has done nothing of which she has cause to lx: more proud than her aehievemnt in establishing her magnificent Public School system, as Mr. Mallon well remarks, in an unprecedentedly short ami ■mccts.-ful manner. It stands a monument to h r intelligence and public spirit. We cannot omit to express the deep obi: gallons wc arc under to the worthy superin tendent whose genius, zeal aud energy have wrought out such a grand resuit Toe skill and experience of a long life spent ia teach ing have used the material generally afforded by our people to work out an achievement of surpassng merit and utili'y. It is really wonderful to think of, and it •hows alike the superiority of the free ovi the paid school svstera, as well as demon strates the genius of the Superintendent that the new system should be substituted for the old one and in the fiist year more than double the old one in the number of its ben- •ficiaries. It has been a labor of love with Mr. Mallon. He has resisted the seduction of a higher salary proffered elsewhere,and pro ferred the inferior compensation given here in order to complete and perfect the work he has b guu. All honor to bi*a say we. And w* hope to see him paid what his ser vices will elsewhere bring. We cannot af ford to give him up. We trust it m iy rot be inappropriate to refer to The Constitution’s labors for edu cation. It has ever been a favorite idea of the preheat management. Three years ag- we began a system of educational reports ex tending over the whole State. We sent a spe cial reporter to all the colleges and leading schools. Later we induced Dr. Stout to give ns rlcs of articles advocating a public school system for Atlanta. And to his ex perience and zeal the city is largely indebted for the great work. We are gratified beyond expression to wit ness the splendi l consummation. And we hope soon to see the day when our whole State will rej >ice ia the enjoyment of noble system of working public schools. It is monty splendidly and cheaply sr ent. And whatev er the amount required we would spend it. None will repay us m 're richly. Atlanta has done her duty. IIer]*ehoo!s are her pride and her glory. Dirp'tch to the Cenrier-Joarnal ] New York, November 1.—New York has been thoroughly organized and canvassed, and the Liberal vote will be large. The Dem ocratic vote being united, oar friends are con fident of carrying the State for Greeley and Brown by a large majority. Augustus Schell. we should not abate our energies. The first that we shall thereby silence the most dest uctive battery of our enemies. The Radical party have continually charged the South with (ii*loyalty and treachery. They have persuaded the people of the North that we hare the government, will not obey the , and are at. heart hostile to the Northern man and negro. Now, when the South shall unit support a Northern man upon a platform requiring obedience to the laws aud support of the government, the charge of nmity to the government and di-obe ;e to the laws will be completely hushed. Tut sincerity of our professions will be con clusively proven. Again, the moral attitude which the South will m-sum:* by u united support of the great .literal .movement, is a inn* ter of great con sideration. I' is not so difti ult for the victor tube magnituiiU'>aa as for the vanquished; and, should the South declare for reconcilia tion and fraternity by the support of a Northern caodidut<» taken from the Republi can party itself, and a life long opponent of many Southern ideas, and the North rejects that candidate, A M-iRAL TRIUMPH all !*e achieved that will challenge the ad miration not only of the present bur, also, of the ages to come. The voice of enlightened nations will Ikj he ird proclaiming behold a iorious pt-ople! In the conflict of arms that Southern people won a military fame inferior to none blaz »nci upon the pages of history, aud now, iu the contests of peace, they rise moral grandeur that puts to very shame their J^orthern victors! And believe it, the best citizens of the North will, them selves, acknowledge it, and such inen as Horace Greeley ami the li’ocral Republicans will \te nui’ed to u* henceforth as with bands of steel • A ^OPULAR MAJORITY. Again, though the Radical party may se cure a majority of the electoral voles, a pop ular in j»ritv may lie obtained against the Administration. Such a condemnation of Radicalism by tffe American people will es tablish a prestige, that will insure its disas trous overthrow in future cle tions. Still another reason, fellow-citizens, that we should press forward, is that we still have the most cheering PR .8P£Crs OF SUCCESS. We should not despond, for we have no it c .use for despondency. If wc fail, the result will be due to the false basis of the calculation uia*« by the Northern managers of tlic party. It was assumed that it was necessary to carry two of *he three States, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, to insure the lection t>f Greeley. Failing recently lo carry mt one, despondency was the result, and, if defeated, we may attribute it to this cause. But with Indiana alone our prospects were excellent. N-. w York, New Jersey, Connec ticut, New ILimp-hire, Delaware, Indiana, Oregon nr.d California, *»f the Northern and Western States promise eighty-two vote* for Mr. Greeley, and a United Soutb, excepting South Carolina, 127 votes more, making a total of 209 electoral voles, or 25 more than necessary to elect. Wc may drop three or four States fioin this estimate and still have enough. Let ua struggle then, for a united South, and victory may vet perch upon our standard. I*, becomes every man to do his whole duty in this crisis. But nnf-»r unately there area few Democrats who niff r-vith the great mass of the party as to the p-.'h »f duty. The great body of S an hern Democrats believe that the redemption of the South and the restoration of pure Republican government demands the ehciion of the Democratic candidate, Horace Greeley. But some demur to this. Let us therefore, it.quite what parties and- WHAT CANDIDATES AUK IN THE FIELD. It is claimed by the discontented of the Democratic household, that O’Conor is a candidate for the suffrages of the American people. But is this so? Certainly not. He twice p<»-ittvc!y and unequivocally refused^ and yet the str ight committee notified him that they should support him anyhow. Upon his answer they have put ont an elcctora! ticket. Here is*the letter. Ir any man can make anything out of it. he has keen per ceptive power: “Nkw York, Sept 25,1873. “Mv Dear Si*: I am only one among our great forty millions. My consent or ap proval is not necessary to any public act, of many, a few or one. "Wf course your courtesy in asking wheth er your proposed use of my name would in volve anything personally disagreeable to me demands my thanks, yet it would seem to have been needless. You must yourself have seen that whether or not I concurred in your views, there was in them nothing that, as a man of ordinary common sense, I could regard as personally offensive. “It may not be amiss to say that I differed with you as to the position of Gen. Grant in popular esteem prior to the Baltimore Con vention, and be ieved that a sagacious nomi nation at Baltimore might have led to hi’ defeat. In justice to the wire-pullers, ] onghtto say that I thought little and did noth ing in reference to the Presidential nomina-' lion prior to the Baltimore affair. Yours, &a, Chas. O’Conor.' This is nr questionably as “cleax as mud.” It somewhat resembles a celebrated Irish let ter. You know our Irish friends make about half the genuine wit of the world, but are also credited with much not belonging to them, and* this letter is a specimen. The writer iu the “old count hry” sends greeting to a consin in this: “Your only living uncle is dead. He died suddenly, after a lingering disease of twelve months. The poor fellow during this period lay perfec ly quiet and spacbless. all the titne in vio’ent* convulsions and calling for wa»bcr. His egc I don 1 know. But next March he would have been 25 years old, lacking ten month-*, and if he had lived to that time, he wouid have been six montb9 dead.” »Vid an em grant to a clerk, demanding his nativity, “that’s what I wont to know. My father was an Irishman, my mother ah Englishwoman, I whs born on a Dutch brig, under the French il.g in Flemish waters. Now,wh»t is it?” But Mr. O’Connor has since virtually declarel that he is not a can didate; this making the third refusal. In deed, he will not be admitted as a candidate into the Electoral College. \ vote cost for him is utterly thrown away—is equivalent to not voting at all. But ssys one, “that just what l mean lo do, “i will not vote at all.” Now, some of our friends utter this senti ment wi:u a manner that indicates confidence in i!3 nobility. Strange that any man should imagine that he was doing something of which to be proud, in refusing to cast his vote —in refusing to aid in the selection of the b^t m in tor office—in refusing to perform his duty for the welfare of his wife a:. 1 chil dren iui-1 eoimrv. Surely, there is nothing mvulv in this. It is strongly suggestive of the independence of Jerry, one of those happy husbands, w’uoii* w ves relieve them of all trouWc and responsibility, save ih ii of meek submissivenc^s and cheerful obedience. Jerry was always sent out the bock dour, when company came in at the front. But occa sionally there was not time for this, sad he was then unceremonious’y slide.! under the bed. From this retreat he wouM cr.udously protrude his eyes and ears in the effort to see and hear what was going on, when Ills'wife’s head would vigoron-ly shake him back. But Jerry, af last growiug drsperaxe, cri d oa f . “yrva may shake v^ur head, wife, hs nririi as you please, but as long as I have to- tpiril of a man. I will {yep? I am not ia favor of female suffrage, ba: I do think that a general law would be just, providing in the^cose of any man lacking the intelligence or tlm courage to vote, that his patriotic wife shall cast his ballot; and any man refusing to rote on the 5th day of November next, when such vital Issues are depending, would be righteously met on the night of the election bv the indignant protest of his wife and not allowed to sleep in her boose. .Too many have loose and incorrect nations upon this subset of voting. No man has a right to stay away from the polls. THE DUTY TO TOTE a solemn obligation of every citizen under Republican government, that cannot be set aside at wilt Upon the votes of the peo ple the very existence of the Republic de pends. It is due to one's fttnily, to one’s neighbor, to society, and to the country, their welfare and prosperity, that he should cant hit ballot to pat the best men in office. He knows little of the obligations of the citizen of a free country, who does not appreciate bis obligation to vote at all elections. We all know that a large proportion of the mis eries of the past is the result of good men staying away from the polls and thus yield ing control to the bad. In this day of doc toring Constitutions, it would not be amiss to adopt an amendment to the Constitution to the United States disfranchising every cit izen who persistently refuses to falfill this sacred obligation to society and country; for such a man is totally unworthy of exercising the freeman's privilege of suffrage, and ought to be disfranchised. As, therefore, every good citizen who per form* bis duty, must vote, and it is equally his duty to vote wisely, it is necessary to scrutinize closely the parties and candidates really in the field claiming onr support. O’Conor being no candidate, and if he was, haring not the ghost of a chance, the contest lies between the Radical party on the one side and the Democratic-Republican party on the other. The issue is Centralism, witn the soldier Grant, or Constitutionalism with Democratic administration under the civilian, Greeley. There is no alternative; we must support the one or the other. Can Southern men hesitate for a moment? Let us reason together; let os inquire WHY ALL GOOD MEN SHOULD SUPPORT THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE; and especially every good Democrat I shall lay down two propositions for discussion: 1. Horace Greeley u entitled to our support by reason of his superior personal and political character. This proposition by no means presents the issue in its most important phase. Tran- acendently mon$mportant are the principles, interests, and cause, which are in issue. But it is well to discuss the personal and political character of Mr. Greeley, because there are Democrats, who, leaving out of sight, the more momentous questions of political re form and governmental administration, base their opposition to the party upon mere personal objection to the can didate. In discussing the character of that candidate, I shall indulge in no muu Bin adulation, but shall seek to present it honestly and justly. At the same time, fellow citizens, I am not, and never have been one of the class of “bitter pill” Demo crats. I not only support, but support cheer fully, warmly, heartily, the nominee of the Natiotil Democratic party, Horace Greeley. I do so. because 1 beiieve that his election will remove oppression from the Sonth, re store constitutional government, and per- petnnte American liberty—because I believe that justice and equality for the South, the rights of the States and fraternal reconcili ation will triumph—aud triumph gloriously, in bis election. It is hardly necessary to investigate THE PERSONAL CHARACTER OF GRANT. his opponent. It is too familiar. A cold, sel fish, unfeeling man, he has cruelly and need lessly caused many a tear to flow and brought desolation to many a household. There are thousands of families both at the North and at the South, who mourn the loss of heroic sons through the heartlessness of Ulysses Grant, who persistently opposed the ex change of prisoners daring the late war on the pitiless ground,dbat'the North could bctteraflbrd the loss of men by death in prison tiffin the South. This same heart- lessnoes he now practices toward Southern men imprisoned under the ruling of his ad ministration. Immoral and dishonest in hi9 earlier life, he seems now to care chiefly for the gratification of selfish desires, gratified by means of gift-taking, nepotism and sensual indulgence. He is wanting not only in mor dity and feeling; he is likewise want ing in firmness of character and in ability requisite for the Presidential offl e. He is indeed but “clay in the potter’s hand”—for the manipulation of such men as Morton. As foi*hi9 ability, no President since the for mation of the Republic possessed near so lit tle capacity. Bchurz was right, when he said, that Grant had never compre hended the difference between mili tary command and the duties and re sponsibilities of the Presidential office. He may be a good •soldier, or a good judge of horse flesh, bat he is no statesman. grant’s want of capacity is palpable. He has been making speeches lately. Here is one of the longest of his life! and a fair specimen of his powers. It wa9 made in New Jersey at a fair: Ladies and Gentlemen—I could not bat f *rl grate ful lor the reception I hare received at the bands of the citizens of Newark and of New Jcnej to-day. I had the pleasure of riallinj? the -Ute Pair near E’izv retb, where l saw little etae hat people. I was at your* Exposition to-ni^ht, and again people, but little of what they had there to see. I hop j to see to-morrow whit I went to-night to see. And here is another: Gsntlenen—I am most h»T»py to he here to night > witness this display of Newark’s manufactures. Your far-famed ciiy nasdoncweU: her manufacturers have an influeuce opposed to the importation or for eign manufactures. Since reading these eloquent efforts, an anec dote of Akennan and Grant does not look so much like simple fun. The President was disturbed by a question under the 14lh Amendment, and referred it to his Attorney- General. SaidAkerman: ‘I am asked, if a negro, und'r the fourteenth amendment, marri*** a negress nnder the fourteenth amendment, whether, nnder that amendment, the property which neither has b< comes the property < “ either, an<t which? After a rarelnl review or all tl facts, I would say. Yes.” [Enthusiastic applause.] Grant, sending up a whiff of smoke, r< plied, “ \mos, old horse, I believe you are correct” Such a man is but a tool in the haml3 of corrupt and wicked Mortons tons, and a most wilting tool be has been for the degradation and persecution of the South ern people. WHAT A CONTRAST IN'MR.'GREELEY we have. His is a personal character that few can boast. Steadily be worked his own way from boyhood to manhood, honest and courageous. Of irreproachable morals, he was kindbeaited almost to a fault. His kindness to a Baptist clergyman of North Carolina, a Rev. Mr. Gwyn, will be remembered, to whom at the close of the war, he sent two hundred dollars for the ac count of a Federal raid, which had well nigh impoverished the minister. His kind ness and magnanimity to Mrs. Davis, and through her to the Southern people, make a bright page in history; “Madame, yon may hope, fori will sign his bond.” In him we would have a President, who could not be made the tool of any man, or clique, or ring and in horace*greeley’s firmness of character we have a guarantee against corruption. You remember liis defiance of the New York club, that arraigned him for signing Mr. Davi*' bond, and his reaffirmation of the doctrine of universal amnesty, though it lost him Sen ate! ial robes. His devotion to whst he deems right has ever been undaunted and unswerv ing. Mis ability is great. No one can deny this The eloquent Voorhees, the most dis tinguished of the Straights, and one of the last to ground arms of opposition, thus in troduced Mr. Greeley at Indianapolis: “I do not hesitate to nj in your presence and be fore the whole c .antry that for parity of sentiment, elevation of thought, integrity of parpore, broad phlianthrophy, lofty benevolence and elevated ►tates- man»h‘p, the speeches that Horace Greeley has de livered on his present tour through the vt est have no equal, no parallel in American history in the poli tic* of oar country. [Great apolaase.] If I hvl never been for him before, I would be for him to night. [cheers]. ^ I introduce to you one who by Ills own brain and bands has carved for hiu.s'lf a foremost place, not merely in the lust-.ry of tb* country, but in the history of the world, one who fro-a the position of labor and toil has p need himself in the front rinks of mankind—Horace Greeley. [Loud .and prolonged cheers.” Now let ns review the POLITICAL CHARACTER OF*MR. GREELEY. As to Grant, it is doubtful ;if be has any settled political principles. At the beginning of the war he was a Democrat, declaring “he would lay down his sword if tue war was to free the negro.” He is anything, everything ior office. His politics, such as they are, seem to be embraced in two ideas—official and moneUiry aggrandisement of himself and family, and relentless persecution of the South ern people. Avery different political character is that of Horace Greeley. First a IV hig, he became a Republican chiefly on account of his opposi tion to the further extension of negro slavery. He has ever been democratic by nature, con tending for the freedom and equality of all men. Wherever a people struggled for liber ty, his imenscst sympathies were enlisted. Ireland never had a stronger advocate; and, even before the cessation of hostilities be tween the North and South, Horace Greeley lifted high his voice for the full restoration of the Southern people to equal rights in the Union. Bat they object to him, that HE ADVISED SECESSION and then bitterly fought’us. He did not ad vise secession, bat urged that we should be allowed to go in peace. But, when war came, he sided with- his section, as did the Union men of the South. Surely, he should be honored, not denounced for this. He only is worthy of denunciation, who proved traitor to his native section. Itistrnethst he h«s soundly berated ns But political opponents always do that. These things are not and ought not to be re vengefully harbored. Bat be has SLANDERED SOUTHERN WOMEN, say his enemies. We are told that he uttered an indecent slander against them, and Radi- c»I papers ketjaii^ilie mast-head nnder the title of “Greeley's Infamy.” No surer mode of arousing the iadisnant hostility of South ern men could 1 be adopted, for their chindrons devotion (o woman is one of the glories of their character; and then, too, what people ever-posseaeed nobler, chaster purer, more patriotic mothers, wires and sweethearts. Therefore some hate Mr. Gree ley for this supposed slander. But it hap pens that the --infamy” in this case belongs to the Radicals, as Mr. Greeley never uttered the atrocious seaflment. The New Tort Tribune venr recently denied it and defied the proof. The Radicals, who persist in the falsehood, artf the only slanderers. This is the truth of sli similar charges against him. They are simply Radical lies—what thev knowjo be ijea. Still it is o’-jecte^l that he VATOUED TUB KU kLl'X LAW. Well, be did. Why? Because Grant through his minions In the South had forced, not only the Republic'ns of the North but also the Democrats to believe that in many parts of the Sonth there was constant perse cution and murder of Northern men and negroes. Having been frequently at the North, J know this to be true. Bul'mark the change when Grechy came Sonth to see for himself. On his rehTrn he declared to the people that the “car]*t-bigger was a mourn ful fact,” and that irwas hard to condemn the Sonth for occasional violence, when the bayonet was at their throats and the carpet- haggeria hand In fer tickets. Since that time he ha3 contenflff-most earnestly against Federal interferencnmthedomtsticconcerns of the Southern States. OREELET'S EEI-Si BEST ATI VE CAPACITY. Bat the greater reason for the mpport of Mr. Greeley lies in Wffact that ?ic it the rep- retfnlalice of agtoit party, a great movement, a great caute. To thmrhe is folly committed by platform and by declaration. The issue between the Radical party and the Demo cratic-Republican party, ia marked and mo mentous. Mr. Greeley represents the great reaction in AmerlciqjKntimeni against the leading principles of Radicalism. The Lib eral cause may be osi forth as embracing chitfiy three great ifleas: l«f. The right!if States ae agairut Centralism; 2d, The suprem acy of the c-sil orer tl>e military authority ; and, 3d, lleeoneiliation and fraternisation on the basis ef perfect equality. Let ns briefly con sider these propositi&s. In the first place, then, the success of the Liberal movement will be THE TRIUMPH OP STATE RIGHTS I n ed not review the existing state of affairs under Radical rule. Yon know that all the departments of -the Federal Govern ment have been virtnaBy consolidated into one. or rather made entirely subservient to one. States and StamOsgislatures have been overturned nt Fcdera^rill, and villainous State governments ‘ upheld by Federal authority, until the stealings of several hun dred millions oL dollars have well nigh put the South into bankruptcy. The Cincinnati and Baltimore platform declares against “centralised power,” and demands for the State self-government;‘.and the election of Grejley will secure iUaTl this alone were the result, how glorious the change when-we shall be permitted to govern ourselves; when we shall no longer be cursed by Radical State officials, by them robbed.-and plundered and outraged; when we shall be relieved even of the presence of many of them, who, in the language of Horace Greeley, “will imitate then- illustrious fugitive, Bullock, and retire to tbo shades of private life—the denser the better for themselves and their country.” Another result of our .success will be the restoration of constitutional government in the 8UFRSVIACY OP TUB CIVIL OVER MILITARY AUTHORITY. Since the close of the late war military law has usurped the place of the civil. Entire Status have bcen'governed nnder military die- tatiu u, the ballot box has been supervised by soldiers, and under the suspension of the habctis corpus thousands have been arrested and marched away under the bayonet to prison. Many now languish in confinement But iMcently fifty odd in N onh Carolina were drafted from their homes to a distant county. At Washington we see a personal government, the one-man power—a semi- military dictatorship. Grant’s Secretaries even are military officers, in violation of ex plicit law. A moat fitting representation of the na litary idea now pervading the entire government was had at the Philadelphia R dical Convention when Grant, in full uni form was unveiled amid the wild shouts of parlizans. If, at the South, we squirmed under our sufferings or made a manly protest, instantly the cry of Ku-Klnx was raised, and the minions, the hirelings, the army of Federal office-holders—re-echoed “Ku Klux,” and the Southern people were still further oppressed, and the iron forced deeper into the soul. There is but one reme- cy for all this—but one way to re-establish the supremacy of the civil !aw,andthat is by the triumph of the Cincinnati platform, which dec-lares for the sacredness of the ha beas corpus arul for civil over military au thority. The cry of Ku-E nt will bo hushed when norace Greeley has politically Ku Kluxed Grant; and constitutional govern ment will then be restored. Blessed day, when the horde of Radical Federal officials, Revenue Collectors, Postmasters, United Status Commis-ioners, and the balance who have per.-ecuted ns with petty tyrannies, shall drop their countenances and make tracks from Dixie’s lund. In the election of Mr. Greeley, there will be another great triumph—namely, the re-estab lisUutent of quiet, peace and fraternal rela tions between the late warring sections. RECONCILIATION CPO.V TUB BASIS OP PER FECT EQUALITY. This is the only reconciliation to be de- sired—that would he geninue and lasting. But the Radical party chose the continuance of bale—it is the feast upon which the inhu man monster fattens. Wendell Pnillips, in Massachusetts, utters the atrociouB, blood thirty wish that ’Grant may he President till every Southern white man over 40yearsof age m»u In* in Ilia trrnvp ” R.-irif <rpll fJronf'a S nr electoral ticket, and even that isdwind- g. It is amusing to hear the O’Conor ad vocates claiming headway. Every time a leading man leaves them they cry out, “gain ing ground.” Like the man, always generous under the influence of liquor. On one occa sion he bought s turkey. On bis way home after night he fell a number of times. He said to hia wife, “here are eleven turkeys.” “Why, no,” said his wife, “ only one.” But he insisted that there were eleven, “be cause I fed down eleven times and every time I fell on a turkey.” Ail the good men among the Straights are quitting their suicidal course. Even the colored men of Georgia are rallying to the Democracy. Instance their vole for Gover nor Smith; and here in Gwinnett, judging from your barbecue, not only the white men aud colored men, bnt even the OJtossuma of your woods are for the Democracy. Bat some of oar friends complain of onr harshness and charges against them. Is it strange that we should feel our confidence shaken in them, when we see the Grant politi cians aiding them—when we seethe Radicals supporting Straights for office—when we know that the inevitable tendency of the Straight movement is the success of Grant? The first step in the awakeningof Voorhees was the congratulation of a Radical. He exclaimed, in alarm, “if yon can approve my speech, theie is something wrong in iL" You may be sure your position is wrong, when the Radicals are trying to snst tin yon in it. Doubtless, a few will persist in this madness. Bat let them TAXE WARNING. A sad day will it be for them who in Geor gia aid directly or indirectly in the election of Grant. In the great Coltiscum at Boston daring the World’s Peace Jubilee, after the playing of the Star Spangled Banner before an audience of 75,000 people, a Radical untped up and called three cheers for Grant In that mighty concourse there was not a ting!* response. Not with utter silence, but with utter condemnation, will be greeted that Georgian who turns his back upon his peo ple in the time of their need. may be in his grave.” Boutweil, Grant’ Secretary, protests in North Carolina, against the fraternal clasping of bands, and his' chief counselor. Senator Morton, proclaims in In diana that “rebel soldiers shall never occupy the same position before the law and the country as the Northern soldiers ” This is the spirit of Radicalism. The very counter-- part to this is Liberalism. It declares for peace, fraternity, reconciliation, perfect equality. The Liberal movement is the very Gospel of humanity—nay. it is based upon Christianity itself. Said the great Voorhees: “Mr. OreJer’s election signifies penes and recon ciliation, signifies lore in v ~ me sceoons w -ere ba.*e bis prevailed, signifies purity iu every depart ment of the government.” Would to God that every - Southern man could rise to the wi^om, tlic* soul-elevation of the noble In Jianian as he exclaimed: “I Hood forth once to oppose this movement, but bowed to it wbt’U my party drci'ted to embrace it. “To-ntfcht I co farther; to-night I embrace it with all my heart, with all my mind with *11 my etrengtb, as tending to the purification, the redemption of our whole country. North and South, everywacre.” The spirit, th“ purpose, the effect, of the Liberal triumph was well set forth in that opposite picture at the Baltimore Con ve it ion, when the drawn c.irtzin exhibited a glorious farm and woodland scene of peace and pros perity—so vas ly contrasting with that at Philadelphia. Never were the Christian doc trines of forgiveness and reconciliation, put on trial before a mighty people, as now they are. Surely Heaven must bless such a cause and give us victory. In the triumph of this great movement WHAT TRANSCENDENT RESULTS will flow. The Republic will be swung far back on its old constitutional track. Riots will cease, bayonets will disappear, b-istile* -will be lost sight of. ^In the language of Horace Greeley, “the country will enter upon a grand New D.parture, from strife to har mony, from famine and desolation to peace and plenty.” True, there will be sad results but not for the people. There will be a mournful family procession from the White House. There will probably be a cottage for sale at Long Branch. And from Radical officials, bond thieves and public robbers, there will go up a wail, that will put to shame the 'cry Jeven of the “Whangaoodle of the mountains of Hepsidam.” O,’ what a blessed privilege tojprc&cli to the assemb ed gang before dispersion—from the text, “And he gnawed upon a file ” Can it be possible that any respectable num ber of white donthern men will retard this great movement—aid in the forging of further chains for the South? Will they^not rather go with the people; for thu is thk people’s movement. Soma say that politicians engineered it The assertion is absurd, in view of the facts. At Baltimore, during a night of the Conven tion, a vast concourse assembled before the Barnum House, and Cilled for distinguished Georgians. At last an old countryman from Coweta county appeared and stated, that he had tried to find one but failed. “Speak yourself,” shouted the jolly crowd. “Well,” he answered, “the truth is we, the people, concluding to take matters in onr o wn hands, came on here and left the politic ans at home.” Indeed, the people whirled the politicians along with such amazing rapidity that these latter became dizzy, and like a drunken man who imagines every body drank but.himself, the e politicians thought the great mass of men “crooked” and themselves alone “straight.” Let us have A WORD WITH THE STRAIGHTS. Will yon come with us, or will ycu hold aloof, and thus aid in the election of Grant? We have seen that it is every man’s dnty nnder Republican government to vote Will you be false to your obligations ? Will you still refuse to he p a movement to over throw a party, which is the cause of Southern humiliation aud impoverishment? You see that all your leader* have left you. Where is tho distinguished man now in your ranks ? Voorhes is gone. Even old Jubal Early has hastened to make amend for his first re fusal to support the Liberal movement In Georgia you will not poll much more than SOUTH CAt&OLinA. The Orangeburg County Fair* Orangeburg Co., S. 0., Oct 30,1873. Editors Constitution: To-day was “the big day” at the county fair. Everybody, big and little, young and old, for miles around were there. Great, broad-chested, ruddy cheeked farmers and their portly dames, the merchant, the mechanic, the lawyer, the doctor, the judge, etc., and all bent upon the same thing, viz.: To enjoy themselves os much as possible, and “ see all to be seem” At 9 o’clock the bell tolling gave the sum mons that the fair was opened for the day, and from cverv quarter of the village north, east, south and west the crowd came flocking towards the gates opening into the exhibition ground. The scene of the Fair this year is in an old building formerly used as a soap factory. But despite this it presents a very good ap pearance, is spacious and convenient, and, al together, just the very place for a “county fair.” The Agriculture) Society, we think, de serves a great deal of praise for the manner in which eveiything is conducted. One hall is devoted to garden, field and orchard products, household department, etc., and the other to fancy work. Among the former ar ticles we noticed some giant okra, grown by Mr. George Jenkins, the laigcst stalk of which measures over 16 inches in length; also, a basket of very fine pomegranites, raised by Mrs. J. A. Gates. St me lady—we have forgotten her name—exhibits some monster turnips and] a choice collection of other vegetables. Thefloricultural display was truly a beau tiful one. Here wc found flowers of almost every hue and variety. The Justicia and Night Blooming Cereus, exhibited by Miss A. B. Me Keen, and the Egyptian Geranium by Mrs. E. J. Oliveris, and the display of Geraniums and other flowers by Mrs. J. D. A. Broun and Mis3 Sophia Clarke, are worthy of e-pedal notice. Visiting the Art Gallery, we foufid here some very handsome paintings, prominent among which arc those executed by Miss Amelia Langley, of Charleston, South Caro lina. The pencil sketches of General and Lady Washington, drawn by Miss Alice W. Olderson, are very creditably done. The painting of a basket of flowers, by Miss Mary Simmons, reflect much credit upon the young artist In the Household Department we found fine collection of jellies, pickles, preserves, etc., put up by different ladies of Oran all so well done that it wa9 hard to which was best. The butter exhibited by Miss Kate Felder and Mrs. D. Houser de serves praise. Miss S. fybinson and Miss Ann C. Anderson have on exhibition some veiy fine cakes; Miss Kingstnan a plate of home-made candy, and Mr. Albergratli differ ent kinds of candy made at his bakery; Mrs D. Louis some excellent looking rolls, and Miss Julia Zimmerman several samples of light-bread. Other ladies had on exhibition different articles, but these we mention as being especially worthy of notice. Among the miscellaneous articles we found a bird cage made principally of cane, the work of Master A. B. Easturlin, of Orange burg county. While gazing at this, we could scarcely believe that it was tho work of boy. Fussing into tlic room devoted to fancy work and embroidery, we fouud so many specimens of female art and industry we were quite bewildered which to take note of, fear ing we cannot do ail justice. But some we must mention; among them a basket of fruit of different colors made of rosin, the work of Miss Lizzie Elliott, a little girl just twelve years old; a basket of wax-work, by Miss P. Rich; specimens of embroidery by other ladies, prominent among them Mrs. Juliu Quattiebaum and Miss H. A'lella Coleman of Edgefield, S. C.; and a lamb’s wool sacqut and cape by the Misses Sanders. Mrs. 8. it. Glover, an old lady eighty-six years of age, exhibits a foot-stool. Everything about it is perfect, and for a lady of her a wonder ful specimen of work. We must not forget to mention some samples of home-made silk thread shown by Mrs. D. Louis. It is us good as any we have ever seen imported. Next we paid a visit to the space attached to the poultry-yard, and here we found ‘ fowls” of almost every breed.,from the magnificent Brahma down. Mr. J. R. Beck with and Mr. Joe Fcraer have, we think, the finest collection. The coop of pigeons shown by £. K. & J. C. McKeon arc worthy of more than a passing glance. As we were standing there admiring them the band without warned us that the racing had com menced. We hurried forward to catch sight of the ring. The excitement grew in tense a3 came favorite horse won or defeated. Then came the display of stock in single and double harness and horseback riding. Then, for an hour or so, we were enter tained with various kinds of amusements by the little boys of Orangeburg. It was a great disappointment to all that the tournament was dispensed with this year. Again for a couple of hours we had raciug and exhibi tion of stock, and at 5 o'clock the Fair closed to open again at 7 o’clock, P. M., but we left this afternoon not caring lo stay longer. To morrow is the last day; and also the one for the award of premiums, but this we do not think will interest your readers. Yours, Annie Maria. OUR FASHION LETTER. FASHIONS FOB NOVESIBEB. Society Reception* — Lecture* and Opera*—Evening Toilette*—Tlse Useful and the Beautiful-- W Inter Cloaks—Prac tical Fashion*. New York, November 1,1873. The fashionable season may now be said to have began in real earnest, hotels are crowded, houses—even those unlucky “fur nished” ones which are forever “to let,” - seem to be most of them taken, florists and confectioners are hard at work, and all the signs are indicative of a lively if not a bril liant campaign. THE OPERA SEASON differs in many respects from that of last year. Lucca has established herself as favor ite, bat she is not Nilsson. Her voice lacks the wonderful sweetness of the Swedish songstress, and in a commercial point of view, is not up to the four dollar mark. She is very charming; her voice is rich. She has a thoroughly artistic method, bqt she does not possess that exceptional charm which Nilsson had, which drew people from a dis tance night after night, at any cost of time or money; which grew stronger every time one saw her face and heard her voice, and which crowded the Academy of Music on the 1 ist night of her appearance with an assem blage larger and stronger in their enthusiasm than that which greeted her first appearance at Stein way Hall A POSSIBLE STORM. Symptoms there are already of an approaching storm. People may pay four dollars somewhat reluctantly to hear Lucca, but they will not pay it to hear Kellogg, and Kellogg having made up her own mind that she is just as good as either Lucca or Nilsson, cannot see why they will not and vents her discontent on the management. Then the tenor is weak. Tenors, in fact, are scarce and when we get hold of one like Capoul or Wachtel we should not let him go. Janet, it is true, is a host in hiuuelf, probably the best and most thorough dramatic artist wc have ever had for a baritone, but we can not make up for an indifferent tenor. More money has oeen spent upon this season than any which have preceded it for years. New scenery has been added, costumes have been purchased and made quite presentable, and the orchestra and chorus under Marctzek’s able baton are well trained and efficient On the Lucca nights the houses are stiff flue, and the spectacular effect from the boxes mag nificent, the toilettes of gentlemen as well as ladies being, as a general rule, in strict ac cordance with the etiquette that demands evening dress. A NEW SENSATION. If Lucca is not quite equal to Nilsson she had the honor of creating quite a little flutter of discussion in critical and society circles by being different from Nilsson. Her Mar- guentel is as far removed from usual conception as a soubrette from Bister of Charity. Lucca is pretty, slightly pettish, very piquant, wears her own dusk hair braided down her back, and her dress cut low. Bhe makes more business points” than Niilson, but she does not suc ceed in impressing us with the same ideal irity and innocence; the story in her more common-place, the portraiture more picturesque possibly, but less inspirational. DISTINGUISHED VICTORS. It is not often that we have such a galaxy to chronicle as have arrived upon our shores during the past month, and is still incom plete. Scientists, historians, lecturers, novel ists and journalists have come down upon us like an avalanche, anxious to see for them selves if all the wonderful things that had been told them of this new land was true. The lectures of Froude and Prof. Tyndall offer a genuine treat, which are anxious to secure an opportunity of sharing and have already in the cate of the former brought together audiences composed of the most distinguished men and women in the city from every walk of life. Society is becoming a very cortly luxury in New York city, and only those can par t.cipate in it to any extent upon whom for tune has rained down a golden shower. “Parties” are absolute, but a grand “recep tion” involves a cost of about a thousand dollars, exclusive of dress, and all th« appur tenances of wealth at commmd. You may have a staff of six or eight v&nlsof your own, butthey have nothing to do Laying the Corner stone* The ceremony of laying the corner stone of the new Jewish Synagouge was witnessed yesterday by a large number of spectators. At 3 o’clock Maiachi Lodge, No. 146, met at their rooms in Huff’s new building, from which they marched, under Marshal Lowen- thal to Ayre’s Hall, where thev received the Grand Lodge of Masons. The procession was then formed and marched under Grand Marshal of the Lodge. Halting at thecornerof Second and Poplar streets, Rev. Mr. Rosen- field then delivered an appropriate and elo quent address. After which the laying of the corner stone was performed by Grand Master Samuel Lawrence. The procession then re-formed and marched to Ayre’s Hall Maiachi Lodge going to their ball. The stone is of granite, and bears the fol lowing in black letters: 1873. A. D. 5633. Congregation of the Holy House of the Lord, [in Hebrew.] BUILDING COMMITTEE. J. H. Hertz, Chairman. D. Abraham, E. Isaacs, V. Kahn, Jos. Danenbui^, J. Harris, D. Goldsmith. M.\ W.\ Grand Master Samuel Lawrence D. B. Woodruff, Architect; J. J. Cornell, Builder. The box contained the following articles: A copy of the Macon Daily Enterprise of Saturday, the 26th; copy of the Telegraph and Messenger of Tuesday, the 29th; list of officers and members of the congregation; list of the city and county officers; record and date of laying the stone; history of the congregation; by-laws of the congregation; by-laws of B nai Britb; copy of the minutes of the first meeting of the congregation; sil ver coins of various sizes and dates.—Macon En'erprise. WEST PSlTrLETTER. Reaaarkable Case of Jlcdical Skill. West Point, October 31,1872. An instance which rarely, if ever before, occurred in the annals of medical history, took place in our town on last Saturday night Mr. II ■, either'momentarily deranged or under the influence of liquor, swallowed an ounce and a half of laudanum. Borne parties witnessing the act, immedi ately notified our esteemed townsman, Dr. J. B. Tcdd, who at once took him under treat ment. His case was considered hopeless, but yet Dr. T. succeeded, by constant use of the battery and injection of atropia. in rescuing the patient from a certain death by Sunday morning. W. upon an occasion of this kind, except put the house in order. At about 3, P. M., thwfash- ionable restauranteur takes possession of it— carpets the steps and sidewalks, over which be spreads an awning, and sets half a dozen to a dozen colored waiters, who through the summer figured at Saratoga or Long Branch, to work at the table and door belL China, silver and napkins, if need be, are furnished with the c.uail, the oysters, the boned turkey, the sandwiches, the chicken salad, the epergnns of fruit and flowers, the Charlotte Russe, the jelly, the maccaroous, and the ice cream. The wine may not be supplied from the above source, but, in addition, there are always side tables with tea aud coffee, lem onade, cake, and claret punch. In this respect the reception docs not dif fer from the party’proper, but it is widely different in the manner in which it is con ducted. There is node of the old-fashioned stiffness and formality of the party, people come and go, walk about aud chat, occasion ally listen to music, and sometimes to a song from some society prima donna, but the staple of the entertainment is conversation, varied by a glimpse of a stray literary Hon or art 1 slic star. Few soceity people, however, could have brought together the assemblage which greeted Miss Faithful the other evening, at the house of Mrs. Laura Curtis Bullard. There were present Parke Goodwin, John M. Bigelow and wife, Bret llarte, John Hay, Dr. Bellows, R. M. Stoddard, the poet, and his wife, who is a clever novelist; Anna Dickin son, Mrs. Lucia Gilbert Calhoun Runkle, Wbitelaw Reid, M. Clarke, of the Golden Era, and hosts of others more or less known to the public. Alias Faithful, founder of the Victoria dress, editor and proprietor of the Victoria (London) Magazine, stood in the midst of them a massive Englishwoman, dressed in black silk trimmed with rich white lace, the Victoria medal upon her breast, her hair cut short from her beaming kindly face and somewhat bewildered. . Bhe is one of those women who have answered all questions as to what woman can do, by doing it—and her manner inspires the*fullest confidence in the purity and sin cerity of her intentions and motives. evening toilettes. The Grst entertainments of the season ob tain additional splendor from the freshness and beauty of tLe toilettes, and this is par ticularly the case, when as now the colors are in themselves exquisitely lovely, and made to show by gas light. Pale pink, pale blue, light peacock green and the faintest shades of buff, are the colors most in vogue, profusely trimmed with white point applique Valencenncs or Irish lace. White point is not much worn except in collars, baskes, and coiffures, by elderly ladies. The long overskirt is quite out of date for evening wear; the trained skirt has an apron and a panier, side sashes or a broad sash cooped low on the side but no overskirt— these are resumed for walking dresses. The favorite sleeves are the antique, with Jacc ruffles, and the close, coat sieeve, with an open cuff or lace ruffles at the waist. Bodies are cut square, surplice or low, with basques. A new silk for evening wear, imported in all the new evening shades, is called by the rather blind title, Satin dc Leon. It is very much like what used to be called ratiu leoantine. It has a fine, thick, satin upper surface and silk under surface. It is softer and not so glossy as ordinary satin, but has a very rich appearance. Nothing can exceed the beauty of this fabric in the new creamy buff, pearl.lavender, light peacock blue, ami green tints. Add the appropriate trimming of choice white lace, and the toilette is per fect. White muslin pleatings ere still used to some extent, and also white muslin over-skirts and over-dresses, but they are only employed upon secondary toilettes, and always suggest a dress made over, or perhaps freshened up, to answer a purpose—a laudable idea enough, but not desirable to those who have plenty of money and want every costume to seem, at least, to have come straight from the hands of the modiste. Sleeves and inside pleatings of muslin are still highly approved, but folds and fabric are of an exquisite fineness, and therefore almost as costly as lace, without its durability. There is a class of women, how ever, and their number is daily increasing, who never inquire the cost of anything. They purchase exactly what they want; if it (a five dollars per yard it is all right, if it is ten it is all righL First class houses have only one price, and the wealthy woman of fashion does not ever ask what that is; she selects what she wants for her purpose, without re gard to cost. A really handsome evening dress cannot be got up now for less than from one hundred and fifty to three hundred dollars, and may cost double that amount. Below the silken panier overskirts of white damask gauze with fringed border and netted heading, are often gracefully draped, the fringe twilled in so as to apparently form a part of the fabric, and the flowered gauze so arranged by the art of the modiste as to form a draperied trimming for body and sleeves. Trails of flowers gar land these dresses and are massed in huge bouquets on the sides. The flowers alone costing as much as many a farmer’s wife, whose husband has bonds and money in the bank, pays for her wardrobe during the entire year. We cannot go back to the simple cities, the arts, the industries, the money making faculty of man forbid it It is at least as well to spend money op silks and laces as as on champagne and fast hou c es. SECONDARY TOILETTES.. But even rich women do not disdaiu hav ing recourse to what are called “secondary toilettes.” They are very useful for small “coverings,” for “at homes,” and for the opera. For, though the aggregate effort of ladies dress at the opera is very gay, even magnifi cent on a “first night,” yet regular habitues are very careful not to display or conceal their freshest and most elegant toilettes in an opera box. It is the pretty silks of last season veiled with a Jis'hu of crepe or laec, a r*.ffied skin under a polonaise of striped gauze or grena dine, or the simple striped, or somewhat faded silk, under an overdress of white embroider ed muslin. An elaborate coiffure, delicate kid gloves, laces, perfumes, fiowers, a rich wrap, half draped, and the partial conceal ment of the seal or box, makes a “seconday or house dinner toilette pass muster very creditably, in fact, it is more in place than “full dress with low necks and short sleeves could possibly be under such circumstances Sleeveless jackets of bl .ck, blue or choco late colored velvet are also very much seen over fine striped and plain silks for opera atul house cinner wear. The basque cut small, and made perfectly plain, only edged with a double piping—the inner piping, the color of the dress. CLOAKS. In our climate there is a necessity for a cloak, in addition to the suit, in cold weather, and this season we have two or three different styles to choose from. The latest and most fashionable is the Dolman”—a close cut sack, with long, wide, open sleeves. The second is the sack “mantle, with cape; the third, the “Polish Coat”—a long garment, body and skirt cut in one in front, square basque back over the skirt, the back breadth of which is laid in a large box pleat This coat is alwars made in brown, black, iron gray or invisible green cloth, bordered with fur, silver coney, black martin or gray astrachan. The fur set, consisting of muff and boa, should match the fur trimming of the coat This outfit is excellent for a cold climate. In cities the “Dolman” is more generally worn and is made iu four different mate rials—cloth, velvet, arnttre silk and bluck drap d’ete or cashmere. The finest of these are covered with embroidery and often bor dered with wide yak la<^ or fringe yak, or woolen lace, is of course only used for woolen material. Silk and velvet Dolman’s are trimmed with rich guipcrc, chinililly or thread lace, and the embroidery is executed with the most remarkable precision, beauty and neatness. The sudden and universal adaptation cf embroidery to all kinds of ladies and children's clothing is caused by the ease with which it has been discovered that very effec tive embroidery can be executed hy the sewing machine. In all the large establish ments a steam engine is now employed which runs the elevator and keeps two hun dred or mor^sewing machines going at the most rapid rate. Embroidery is thus done more or less well, at a cost which enables the manufacturer to put it on the five dollar jacket a9 well as cn tho two hundred dollar cloak, and the most decided mark of distinc tion therefore about the embroidered gar ments of the present day is that it is done by hand. TnK PRACTICAL One of the largest and best known houses announced as the key note of their styles for the season, that a 1 their designs were “prac tical,” and most of them “home made.” The importation of dresses from leading French houses at from five hundred to one thousand dollars each is not found to pay. Really fashionable women will not buy them after they arc exhibited and used as models for others, and so they have to be sold at half price to act es oi or women who have grown suddenly rich, and have not learned to dis tinguish between the eleg int and the merely costly and elaborate. The finest dresses made are now worn by actresses, no woman of only private means can possibly compete with them, as managers now put part of their capital into the ward robes of the “leading ladies” of their thea tres, and instead of cotton laces and brass jew elry, the richest silks and laces are employed, in a profusion that would frighten an ordi nary purse add reduces the ordinary hand some costume to insignificance. This tendency to dress upon the stage will undoubtedly have a good effect upon dress oil the stage, and in time divide and classify styles under three distinct heads—the practi cal or useful, the cultivated aud the costly, nococo. Here is a revival in many things of quite old styles for every day wear. Large old- fashioned, square veils for example, square handkerchiefs of twilled silk, for the neck, with fringca borders, side pockets of leather with belt and strap attached gilt or steel mounted, and coffures combed up straight from the neck and mounted in puffs on the top or at the back of the head, very antique there but very ugly. Jennie June. gcligious. ALR!»ST A QUEL. Am Honorable Settlement Effected Yesterday morning, at an early hour, it became known nearly all over Augusta that Messrs. T. W. Rucker and R. H. Ltunpkin, two gentlemen from Athens, were in the city for the purpose of crossing over the river into South Carolina to fight a duel. About ten o’clock one of the parlies. Mr. R. H. Lampkin, was arrested and taken before a Justice of the Peace, who required him to give a bond to keep the peace. This bond, as a matter of course, applied only so far as the State of Georgia was concerned, and was not binding outside of her jurisdicti n. During the morning qvery effort was made by a number of gentlemen to settle the diffi culty between Messrs. Rucker and Lsuipkin, but without avail. A meeting to Jake place on the Carolina ride of the river, near Band Bar Ferry, at 2 o’clock P. M., was deter mined upon, and about 12| o’clock the prin cipals, accompanied by their seconds—Mr. L. L. McClueky acting in that capacity for Mr. Rucker, and Mr. M. P. Davis for Mr. Lamp- kin—two surgeons, and a number of gentle men of Augusta, left the city in carriages and buggies, pre*ceeded to Sand Bar Ferry, where they crossed over into Carolina. The spot selected as the dueling ground was iu a field about half a mile beyond the ferry. Arrived here another effort was made by friends of both, who wished, if possible, to prevent bloodshed, to settle the d iflic ilty. Prominent among the gentlemen engaged in this laud able purpose were Dr. William E. De&ring. General K. Y. Harris and Chief of Police .1. A. Christian. All praise is due to them for their generous efforts in the cause of pence. By their intercession the principals were finally induced to refer tlic affair to a board of Honor, composed of Dr. Dcarimr, Gen. Harris and Mr. Jas. G. Gregg. The de cision of this Board, however, was not to lie considered final, but was to lie submitted to the principals through their seconds for their approval or disapproval. The Board retired to a house near the duelling ground, and after some time spent in consultation arranged the basis of a settlement honorable to both parties. This was submitted to the seconds, who after consultation with their principals, accepted it in their behalf. We failed to obtain the precise terms upon which the affair was settled, but were in formed bjr the Board of Honor lhat they were—as we before stated—honorable to both of the parties. Much satisfaction was ex pressed by all present at this honorable ad justment of the difficulty. We learn that the difficulty grew out of some remarks made by Mr. Rucker—-who is a lawyer—in reference to Mr. Lampkin dur ing the progress of a trial or preliminary in vestigation, in Clarke county.—^Constitution alist. NEW YORK. THE WOOD HULL AND CLA7LIN CASK. New York, October 2.—A great deal of talk is occasioned about town this evening over the arrest of Woodhull & Claflin. The proceedings against them were first taken hy Mr. A. M. Challis, a well known broker, who last night applied for warrants for their arrest fora gross, scandalous and mali cious article on him. Tiie^e warrants were accordingly issued, but before they could be executed some one acitg in teh.:f of another libelled party, as it is said, and imparting the aid of Com modore Comstock, the famous enemy to obscene literature, had warrants issued a, sinst the women by U. S Csmmissioner Osborne. The affidavits in the case were made by Al bert Anderson, P. O. Clerk, a Mr. Woodley, of Brooklyn, and T. W. Reese, Clerk in the Independent newspaper office, who swears to the sending of offensive publications through the mails by the accused. The witnesses in the case, Wm. Moody, negro, andC. D. Mills, who mailed the papers, were sent to the commisstonrr’s office in a carriage, and thence to jail until Monday morning, when the hearing comes off. 'They manifested their usual boldness, and discantcd, on the way to the prison, on the outrage of their arrest and confinement over Sunday. They insisted upon suitable apartments at the Ludlow street prison. The general trade of the city has been paralyzed all the week by the horse disease, and the conditions of merchandise are nomi nally unchanged. The absence of trarofer facilities has necessarily checked transac tions, and so in want of business values are nominal. Alabama New*. Wild Turkeys are quite plentiful around Center. General Toombs is to deliver the annnai Address at the Selma Fair. HEAVIER THE CROSS. Heavier the cro^», the *r*rer heaven: Whom God has eel beneath the aoev He (Tier the crow, the better GhfMiaa; Tht* ia the touchstone God epplie*. How tnuny a garden would be waetirg, Ui.w.-t bv *&ower*from weepiiig ejee! The-cold br Arete purtn.-d; The Christian is by troaote iried. Heavier the erwe. the more •eplring; From value w<* climb t»» in«*nnttlacr*“t; The ptlg-im of the deeert t»ring Lon** for tbe Canun of his rret Heavier the crort, the ea'ler dyl-S; Dm h is a friendlier feoe to w ; To life'* decay one b:d*d.tying. From life** dis ri e* one then l* fte*. Toe cro*«* sublimely lift* oar faith To llim who triumphed over death. Thou Crucified! the cm** I carry. The larger, msv t* dearer be; And test If tnt wh le here I tarry, imprint thon such * heart in me. Thit faith, h>pe, love may flourish there. Till for the cro**» my crowu I wi*r. Religious Information. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CTICRCH ITEMS. Rev. W. II Cooper, who recently withdrew from the Protestant Episcopal Church in Chicago, has applied for admission into tlic ministry of the Methodist Episcojtal Church. The Protestant Episcopal Society for the increase of the minis!ry, has announced that students who received aid from its funds must abstain from tobacco and spirits. The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States reports an actual accession to its communion, last 3*car, of 24,114, being a larger percentage upon its whole number of members jhan an}' other Church. CATHOLIC CHURCH ITEMS. Twenty Roman Catholic Bishops have gone forth from the diocc*e of Cincinnati, a number greater than from any other diocese in the United States. The first Roman Catholic See in the United States was created in Bdtimorein the year 1763, with jurisdiction over the entire coun- thy. Splendid Cathedra re—The corner-stone of the new Roman Catholic Cathedral, on Fifth Avenue, was laid in August, 1853, by Archbishop Hughes, of New York. The work was suspended when the walls were about ten feet hi«h, and not resumed until a few years ago The foundation rests on solid rock. The style of the architecture is Gothic. There will be’a tower and spire on each cor ner, measuring three handled and twenty- eight feet from the ground to the top of the cross. The side walls are nearly completed. The new Church at SL Patrick's, near St. Louis, was to be dedicated November 2d. INTELLIGENCR OF THE JEW*. The Jews arc a nation of exile's. Scattered among civilized nations, they still retain their own customs and the peculiarities of their race. They are more numerous than in the most flourishing period of their history iu Palestine. It is greatly to their credit that they every where lake a high position in enterprise, in telligence and morality, and stand among the foremost citizens. Tne most wealthy bankers of Europe, and many of the most distinguished statesmen aud scholars are Jews. Recent investigations iu Prussia prove that Ihc Jews are more wtger for education than either Protestants or the Catholics. The Protestants have fifty-five per cent of the population, and seventy-four percent, of scholars in the higher fchools, and the Cath olics have forty-three per cent, of population and have less than eighteen |»er c*-nt. of the scholars. The Jews have ouly one per cent, of the population, aud have nearly nine per cent, of the scholars. FOREIGN CllURClI ITEMS. According to reports^nnde at a late meet ing of the British B.iptbl Union, “there are forty-four Baptist congregations sustained by lay agency alone.” In Great Britain, laymen in every station of life are appointtal to preach the Gospel. Mechanics, laborers, merchants, professional men, noblemen and peers of tlic realm arc •found on the Sabbath day actively engaged in missionary work. Rev. Mr. Spurgeon says lie has icceived about forty children into his Church, and while he excommunicates about two adults every year he has never had occasion to ex communicate & silicic child. Iu pursuance of a request issued to tho clergy of his diocese some months ago bv Archbishop Manning, the employment of lady vocalists in the choirs of" Catholic places of worship in London is now discon tinued. METHODIST CHURCH ITEMS. The new Methodist Episcopal Church at Davenport, Iowa, is to have-a spire one hun dred aud foity feet high. The next annual meeting of the North Alabama Conference of the Methodist Epis copal Church South, will take place on Wednesday, November 20, at Tuscaloosa. Bishop Dnggett, of Richmond, Virginia, one of the ablest divines of that church ia to pre side. Boston University, the instilution founded by the Methodists of tho vicinity of Boston, will probably lie the most richly endowed university in the country. It is estimated that the estate left to it by the late Isaac Rich will, at the time appointed for its divis ion, amouut to $5,600,- 00. The new Methodist Church at Great Neck, L. L, was the gift of Mr. Spinney. He erected it on a fine site, furnished it with a bell aud an organ, and built and furnished adjoining the church a commodious parson age at a cost of $20,000. Mr. Spinney also donated the sum of $10,000 to the church, the interest of which is to be devoted to ihb payment of the minister's salary. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ITEMS. The First Congregational parish of Dan vers, Massachusetts, celebrated its two hun dredth anniversary on the 8th insL There are but three ministers in the city of Brooklyn who have been pastors there for twenty five years—they are Dr. Storr’s, Mr. Beecher and J. W. Sarlcs, and all are cou- gregationaily governed. The Union Park Congregational Church, Chicago, which cost about one huudred and eighty thousand dollars, Las just passed through a great financial straight, from which it was relieved on fast Sunday, by a contribu tion of thirty thousand dollars from the con gregation. rUESBYTERlAN CHURCH ITEMS. Rev. T. L. Cuyler, of Brooklyn, has tho largest membership in his church of any in the; Presbyterian denomination. Tho Presbyterians arc now building churches at Marion Center, Peabody, and Florence, K&usas. ltev. Ransom Ruwlcy is among the oldest Prc.-bytcrian ministers in Indiana. He prc;ichcd in the oh! Court house in New Al bany in October, 1828—forty four years ago. The Presbyterian Church at the corner of Forty-first and Prairie Avenue, Chicago, has been burglariously entered, and tho furniture and books destroyed, the pastor’s books ran sacked, his manuscript and library scatt* red over the floor, and every article of valilc, in cluding some sliver plate carried’off. The First Presbyterian Church at Newark was founded about two huudred years ago. It was then the only church in town. Large donations of land were made, and the church is now one of the wealthiest in the countiy. The edifice is a grand old structure of brown stone, When the foundations were laid, eighty-five years ago, they were broad enough to hold every inhabitant of the town. The whole town had a hand in building the church, and contributed some thing toward its erection. The parish weut in a body, led by the minister, into the forest, cut the trees aud hewed the frame. Workmen went into the quarries, dug out tbe stock and hammered it into form. Out of fourtecu pastors iu the life lime of the church, twelve have been New England men. _ The Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mis sions have sent this month seven missiona ries to Mexico. Sixteen are about Miling for India. From the first of May to the first of November, no lei*s than forty-seven go out to their minion fields, thirty of whom are new appointments. BAPTIST CHURCH ITEMS The white Baptists of Maryland are build ing a church for their colored brethren, to Costtweulv thousand dollars, bays a letter: “A delightful harmony prevails between the races.” The Texas Baptist General Association have just taken action in favor of total absti nence, and pronounce that the taking of one drain, simply for the gratification of the ap petite, is positively sinful, and that the man ufacture or sale of intoxicating drinks aril much more sinfnl. The Southern New York Baptist Associa tion reports fifty-four churches and fifty pas tors over churches, and twenty-four without charges. This shows at* increase of one pastor and one church during the year. The raemberahip numbers 13,520, or an average of 233 to each charge. The largest com munion in the Association is that of Iter. W. S. Mickcls, numbering 633. In 1776 the firat religious service held in Kentucky was held at Uarrodsburg. The Baptist Church of Kentucky proposes a cen tennial celebration of the same at the roots (still remaining) of the same tree, and at the same spring.—Interior Journal. A Woman's Baptist Missionary Society at Richmond, Va., composed of ladies from all the Baptist churches of the city, has under taken the support of Miss Moore as a mi*, sionary to China. There is to be a grand Baptist Bible School Mass Meeting, under the auspices of the State Bible School Board, held at Eufaula, Alaba ma, on the 5th and 6th days of November, 1872. All friends of Sunday Schools through out the State are cordially invited to be pres ent.