Newspaper Page Text
Lduin F««il.
Foncit h dead A great actor he tv as.
Not an actor of tLc LbLcst grade, tut in bis
line. Inimitable. His gen'ns wea maieular
and elormy. Perhaps no tragedian better
suited the populace. Fr.r years be was the
nxoosj’c'a of Ifcc American etngc.
He ruled long, but his power bad begun to
wane, and he died aorotMiSin for bis fame.
Hi* life was like his gesios, turbulent. His
social and domestic experiences gaye got-ip
to the public for yon*— ■
He was ever sixty year! of age.
Sew VorK on cothe.
yj^t _'j yi eld Knichcrboclccr Slate of N cw
York has espped the climax of the Coffee
C polity bnsincss. Wc iengine the bonce of
the buried Knickerbockers of a century ago
rattling in their ccihaa over tbs degeneracy
of their corn.
New York elected Fred Douglass, the no
ted negro, as a Giant Presidential elector, and
to tigaaiixe her ardor in the great cause of
human equality, she has selected the same
cdored individual as the messenger to carry
the State returns to Washington.
Women dec ter*.
Fighting Editors—Duel at Band Bar
Ferry-Two Editors theCoabstaatf
-The Casus Belli—The Bones Fire
—Fruitless A Wafts to Settle—Two
Shots Exchanged—Itob od, Hurt.
From the Chronicle & Sentinel.
Band Bar Ferry la
the reputation a_ _ „ _
which it had before the war, and
is becoming a favorite resort for
belligerently inclined parties from the States
of Georgia and South Carolina. But a short
time since two gentlemen from Athens re
torted thither to tclUe their little unpleasant-
n*ss a! t-sterdsy n emnle of Carolinian?
f. - i;:*-!e excursiot! got-
• ■ The pi:!;-: li
is rapidly regsmiBg
a duelling ground
The propriety of having female doctors b - In tLc i rue of lh<
dag tcicatlflcaliy dircutsei
... tJ -ir tirrtin* over it. anu nroduc- ,.. .
arc batting their brains oyer it, and produc
ing Tolumin- us pamphlets pro and con. In
the meantime, pending the dinenssion.aEOod
Ituny of the fair tex all over the country and
Earoi« arc-moving" briskly forward and in
dead earnest clutching at the pains and hon
ors n-dg .iis tf the Doctor’s coramirsion.
AVc hear tl ra-hcre of women Doctors, and
< ...1 diva really tuccmful ono pop3to
thorn dice. New York has a lady physician
of rich skill and pop ! .rity ns to glean her
fifteen or twenty thousand dollars of yearly
Atlanta has had one or two suggestions of
the thing, bat no substantial reality as yet.
The University of Zurich in Europe, ad
mit* women to the regular course in medi
cine. and gives the successful applicants the
Doctors degree.
Thin inauguration of cqtuii’y la that famed
in. Unison has started a right lively fusillade
of pamphlet*. Dr. Von Bischcff, a learned
physiol* t of Munich, blazes away at the
tiling. I a his view women arc incapable—
lot- iii ctu illy and physically—of being phys
ician ?, uud their modesty is an*.intaStsnble
I)r. H^rronm, rf Zirich, another cqml’y
ri. in .r.t pJ.yslolngJsT, takes np the cudgels
f Tthe pr.tlcnats.iudlncd to doling pills and
:*r with hatnan i!H Ilia experience
h . * been that his female pupils went through
Ter "res and h-ird all r-'rti of delicate rcien-
t'fln i "mode*t:e3, In the presence of the male
students, without ar.y less of dignity or im
moral engendermnnt A cireful professor,
and an rertheiic feeling of rcientlCcdaty, can
!*.niih f.ny fmprop r result.
I* ; ■ strenuously contended that the best
:.y To f lac .te doctors is liy throwing open
in ;. .1 c lieges to both sexes, and not
u:v v p-ratc Schools of medicine.
It if n-it iced the women graduates In
K !mj»c r.ufcup in their subsequent success
with tin: men. They win position in the col
! -get? and command practice.
The writer met a Dr. Foster in Florid:
year or two ago, who is the principal o
largo m spring inf tituiion in northern
New Yo;k. Dr. Foster said that pome of his
beat physid ;:ii were lidiu whom ho had
WoH.what does it:.!! mean? What is to
ha Ihucod of it?
newspaper ediions
f ><»m Orangeburg, South Carolina, Mr.Jaa.
T. Heyward, editor of the Onsgeburg Timer,
(Democratic.) and Mr. Ma!co!m J. Browning,
editor of the Orangeburg News (Radical]
From what wc can learn of the affair, the
origin r.n<] progress of the difficulty were as
follows: When the news of the Boston fire
came a paragraph appeared in the Times,
substantially, thus: “When General Sherman
burned Columbia the Bostonians Area can*
nr ns over the news. Who will shoot now?”
The Columbia Union (Radical) published a
very harsh criticism upon the paragraph in
questhm, which the Times declined to notice
on account of the source. A few weeks
ago the Orangeburg Mews also essayed
lecture to the Times upon its editorial. This
provoked a severe reply from the Times.
Among o*hcr things stated ip the reply was
an exertion tint Mr. Browning** (who had
recently taken charge of ibe Newt) editorial
orcdccc-sor was a negro man named Clyde,
a tLc L-iue of the News, which appeared
latemmt was denounced as a
jciojs falsehood. Mr. Hey
ward then sent a demand for retraction, which
wns refused, and then a challenge, which was
accepted, and the parties agreed to come to
Georgia to fight it out.
The original agreement was that ' parties
t .till fiibt near this city, on Sur ,the8tb
instant., at 12 o’clock. On Sat*.; .ay night,
however, when the train reached Branchville,
Mr. Browning wa? arrested. Reports of the
duel had gotten out and come one had sent
intelligence ahead in order to have the fight
stoppe d. M r. Browning, tf ter being detained
awhile, gave bond to keep the peace in South
Carolina and was released. The discharge
c;mc loo late*for him to keep thenppoint-
and the duel for that day
wa* frustrated. The other principal
cached the city in time without experienc
ing nny detention, and on Sunday, at 11
o’clcck, accompanied by his friend, rode
promptly to the Ferry in lib carriage, where
jc waited tome ti ne for his antagonist. The
other parti* s r.ot arriving he returned to the
city. On Sunday night Mr. Browning, wc
A Spicy and Interesting Comma-
n feat Ion from Oar Second
Tho Radical I Ion to Gobble tbc Lib
eral Lamb under Beast Bdtier’s
Antpicci-The Louisiana
71 addle and wlmt IK Indt-
eates-IIenry Clears on
the National Flaan*
ces - Terr linen—
Art Tlafters-
Th« Daslt-
a u a y u—
• Jla
I Eagle BooX Company, Ucxra, street.
It w31 be eeen that Congress has relieved
the disabilities of Colonel L. Q. C. Lamar, of
Mississippi, elected to Congress from that
State. This is an evidence of growing liber
ality. In his petition for relic!. Colonel
Tjim.r need the following language, which
the Northern press call “singular
“Yonr memorialist would not sue for such I WANTED AGENTS S&&SS&S
special legislation in his favor if he was not, Americas family KHirnso machine. Tue
after due super-examination, conscious of lib I simplest and best tm tho world. Addresa AuBian
entire fidelity to the interests and happiness Kottito jjaemw Co., 3i5# Washington sue*,
of the people of the United States, and the I ^ ,
Constitution and laws thereof.” KOft Agants warrod i Jnst out! a splendid ntw
3UU chart: Christ Blessing Little
MON EYM^Si^oata--
B^CtzeaUtrs free, Stafford Hj
nj, f 6 Felton street, Hew York.
Campbell County.
Campbell County Sheriffs Sales.
the legal hoars of sale, the following property to-
Part of lots and fractions, Koa 51. OS sn4152, in the
14th district of originally Fayette, but now Camp! ”
county, Ga. Levied on to satisfy s fl fa !»ned ri
Gunpbell Superior Court, in favor of Alford Austell,
against Samuel Demoney and Pinkney Demonr, as
the property of the said defendants, and pointed ont
by Thomas W Latham, plaintiff a attorney.
Al;o. at cam* time and plac*, the Interest'of John
W Phillips, tu lots of land, Noe 131 and 137, in the 7th
district, 4th section, of originil Coweta, but no*
Campbell county, Ga.. said interest, the nn iv:dcd
seventh in remainder in raid lota of land, after the
DeKalb County Postponed SberifT’s
TILL be sold, before the Court House door in
J the town of Decatur, DcKa'b county, Ga.,
within the legal bonrs of sale, on the first Tuesday in
February next. (1873.) all that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the county of l>eKalb, and
known as lot No 4 in loooer’s plan of a subdivision
* “oward's land, and sold bjrG W Adair in July,
fronting on tho right-of-way of the Georgia
Railroad three hundred and tLiny-one feet and five
Thb matter brought up tlie question of 1 cbrUdren.” ImmiD-ejJe* 1 ttO r g cn:s want- __
fimnc?tv, which was treated as follows: 1 cd for ocr la^ue M*p of ttc “Taitw | tcnnlnaUon'of thelife estate of Nancr 1'hillipe, sub-
-, . . , | imraen.-e **VVorTd ’ Map m levESse side. Onr *'95.® I jo-'t to the chatve of one-seventh o: fi25\ a legacy to
There was scarcely a div^icn on >Lc mo-I and cr arts go Hk-hot-flrc. It aahts & LL M Tl'-’i-UT. I Q te ^ arv Ann Denton, under the wirlof Lcnsrd PhU-
lioa to pass the bill, and the instunt it was I Empire 3«ap ant Chart Etblishment, U'*I * berty I ii pa , deceased. Levied onto satUfy a 11 fa issued from
- - ~ • I v^nr xork. I Jnstlcc court of th^i U63th district, G M., (with o her
executions) in favor of Miss Mary Word, against the
Railroad, said land containing 22-30100 acres. Levied
mbyviitucof a mortgage fifa -ssued from De
lb Superior Canrt. in favor of Splc:8 & Kocwook
George eharp, Jr., and — -- - —
9- ^7 th^ * blcago Tribnuc.)
Mi.a A-.ltic Bpltacder, of Munich, Bavaria,
n pecon(!-cla?8 netresa n:ul a, first-class specu-
!::?<;r, lits shown it lalcr.t ft.r swindling on a
*• !.' -::1 scale which would put to'shumc
a. .v:Lii;g cvej concocted la Wall street «r
any other American street, even by the most
A»Uilc male Pcitr Funk. Munich may now
boMsl i'» Ixxr, its Wagner, and its Spirzcdcr,
withetu fear of competition. The ftory is
on interesting one, particularly as showing
Hie s’aio of perfectIm to which swindling
b«s tsvn brought In Europe. It deserves to
b. - el.i ‘ i.d as a lino art. It appears that Mbs
Spitz*. Jer lias always Iiad a knack at borrow-
Iih?, tut tever seriously set licr wits at work
to utilize ibis knock, and rcali/o on a large
tc de, nnlil some two or three years ago.
At that time she advertised in the Munich
p >.p#m for loans, offering a high rate of inter
est. Mortgages w«re worth, at that time, 4J
percent, per annum, and the banks charged
hut five per cent, whcrcaa Miss Spitxcder of
fered ten percent, per month. The capitalists
of Munich, that c!a:s which laj-s in wait for'
such cxhorl’itaul interests as are lying around
loo**, greedily snapped at tlio SpitzcdiFa
gilded bait. It was tail’d dly enticing as she
paid three months* interest fa advance, and
too roniindcria quarterly insl-illments. The
fclirmo was^ success. 3Ioney poured in so
c p’ u-iy that the Spitz-dcr soon had more
i t imy than she wanted. She did not stop,
however. While tho iron was hot she kept
cmstrikl ’g. New advertisements went into
Iho p ipers, and the stream of money in
Tho iatere t was easily paid out of the
principal, nnd tho Intcri^t which she paid
came back to her again iu the shape of new
loans, like bread cas: upon the waters. Then,
as another bait for the unwary money-lend
ers of Munich, it was given cut that the
bpiizedcr had made real speculations which
netted profits of 100 per cent., nrnl that frhc
could loan nil the money that could be fur-
nlihcd at £3 ptr cent, a month. The new
cant of gilding c:\ the bait made it brighter
r.nd brighter, an ! at !an the Spitzcdcr had to
start a bank to ccammodate the funds,which
ware becoming too cumbersome to handle in
dfyidTmllf. 8he at once enlisted iu her in-
tcn-is llic Catholic clergyni-n, and some
clerical politician?, and fomi there appeared
at Dicl:&n, tw*> or thn-o miles from Munich,
the Catholic Savings Bank. The character
*>{ the Institution commended itself,especially
through the influence of the too credulous
clergy, to the servants of Munich and the
peasantry of the suburbs.
The l ltramontane newspapers supported
her claims upon tho public money, and, in
addition to these, sha started a paper of he
own. Further to ingratiate herself into th
g*x>d graces of the elasi upon whom she re
lied for deposits, she established a ••people’s
Kitchen,” managed after the f.’.shioii of our
Ho*y Tree ccfft'c-reesn.*, which the earned on
at a ln?s cf about $3d i cr *I »y. This, how-
< vvr, was of little account as i : g as depot-
,u in * ver the counters « ii.r nuiu b i
nud I: r muncr-uts 1.c» r.t the rate
f.\ ; i $3,COO to $10,00) per day. Meanwhi’e,
1mmu the fndep<ndent priss and the nuthori-
T*e^ warned the people, hut to no purp. se,
and money continued to pour in until the
S: ■»dcr h td millions of li jrins :;t her com-
lu’ .ud, and then, of course, when the proper
moment came, she punctured the bubble and
it burst.
The Catholic Savaisgs Bin:; broke n:
with it broke all tho branch Vinks, and t
nun crous individual ccrtificii
qv. 1
rf no value tothehol.U
Spltzcder** ant graph S; it.
ga’b.rre ! every thing l. gcth/r, aad.b : n*
o>U the authorities brokeo n th • s .
and they were found empty.* T«,. v U
hunted for the books, ar. 1 f \ r. .• q
had been destroyed. T-.un the r.u;’- »rit
and the Chamber i f c\»v, ard
£ bre wd capitalists who were g. .
cent per month, aud ltndiug o .. 1;
c?t, thus keeping capltr.l co: - » :
tion, sat sorrowfully down t • <*
bad kwt, aud found that it wu ; ,n
lion florins, or $1,GOOflOQ in Munich rd
which is tut a sm:d! port of th* - • ta!
Their capital is still in m •*. .*. p . '
bn. is heading the wrong w.-.y fr-T.i Mu
and is already retired from eirca!a* ? n ir.
ancient city * f tS.c Gly. i tl. k a:vd F. •
tfcek, of Kualbsch a:vd P:1 -y, W-gm-r :
WuriL The ctpilal of the p .-* Lis !
much capital of the ptesen?. :.ud v. pr w
My find Its ciasto'ifll n in th. c iu*.
*>f’ the future.
Me-anwhile, where is t!.e SpitZtd.x?
regrei to state she may be «.:c..y in 1
country,or at !cz»t iu routr f.-r’i. :
DCt-dy actor once applied to in r i r help, j
•lie him a tlic-usand fl iin?, s \i:g
huu,“Take thl?,go to America, a-.d *,»:
per.’* If she thought that an ac . rwl;
ihor.-aud florins could prosper in America
ft n-'t conclusive that she would dem it
height of felly for an actress worth miilli'
of florins to stay away ?
There are some circumstances nadir which
her advent in this country would be a po i
tire blessing. Lc: her only ccmc and plant
her*elf :iud her fl rins in the vt^* thick of
Wall street, and make it lively for Jay Gould
nnd others of his kidney, a:.d ike Spitzcdcr
would be hailed as a public b.-nefactress. Let
her go in among our balls aud bears, our
wheat and our gold gambler?, r.r d, like Mar-
ceL“Dowii wiiii them, slay them all, every
bjuL” Then will the second cl;u- s actress be
learn, came in frem Bracchville, a: cl Mr.
Heyward’s friends and the friends of Mr.
Browning made on arrangement for another
meeting r.t the same place on the next day
(yesierd iy) :;t l£ o’clock. The whole affair
id ccareely any one in the city knew any
thing a';r.u; it. If the duel bad taken place
on Sunday, us was at first agreed upon, the
chances are that no one would have heard of
it in time to be present, and the only epecta-
lors would have l»ccn the surgeons and the
principals. But after the carriage went out
on Sunday morning end its destination be
came known, suspicions were aroused which
resulted in the discovery that a duel was on
foot, though nothing could be learned from
the parlies. As it was, however, this infor
mation was confined to a few, and &t the
time the carriages left the city yesterday not
more than twenty persons knew that a dad
was on tapis. After the parties left th -* town
several persons heard of the affair and came
down to the Ferry in time to witness it- ter
The carriage containing Mr. Browning, his
Second, Mr. Waller, and Mr. Van Tusselsand
nn-dhtr gentleman, was the first to leave the
city, ami arrived first on the ground, halting
near the bank of the Savannah river. In -
few minutes Mr. Heyward arrived in an ope
pi.acton, accompanied by his second, Mr.
V*>S3, and Dr. Lcg ire, Col. O. A. Butler, of
this city, nnd Col. Frederick, of Orangeburg,
his friends. Mr. Heyward’s carriage halted
in the fringe of trees running parallel with
the river, and Mr. Browning’s vehicle also
entered the grove soon afterwards.
The beauty about tbc Sand Bar Ferry duri
ng ground is that it can be used by persom
fr. m either State—the Carolinians fighting
in Georgia and the Georgians iu South Caro
lina. As the parties to ibis affair were South
Carolinians, of course the duel had to be
foimlit on this side of the river, usd it was
dccuU d that the fight should take place near
the Ferry. A bitter spot could not have
been chcifct-n. Between the river aud tin
woods, a distance of several hundred yards,
there is a wide open sp cc nluiGst entirely
devoid of trees aud undergrowth, and thick
ly carpeted with grass. 'This was the field
selected. Through the thick grass tbc high
road to the Ferry wound its way. In the
road, which runs almost at right angles to
the Savannah, tbc men were to be placed at &
distance of about fifty yards from the
\Vas to be ten paces, and the parties were
be placed north and south of each other.
Some trouLV, wc understand, wis experi
onced in agreeing upon weapons. Mr. Brown
iu/, as the ichnlleDg* d party, bad the' right U
dt:i id : what kind of weapons should be used.
Fistols, of course, were to ba the weapo: s
but what kind of pistols?.Mr. Heyward,
through bis friend, proposed a pair of rti
lor duelling pistols,which were rejected. J
friends next proposed a pair of Colt’s nav;
revolvers, which have become popular witl
duelists of late, and which were also declined.
A pair of strong shooting Derringer’s were
next offered, and these also rejected. Mr.
Browning’s friend then proposal a pair of
Smith & Wesson cartridge revolvers, which
were finally accepted by Mr. Heyward.
In a toss up for position, the choice was
won by Mr. Heyward’s friend, who placed
Ids principal with his face to the North, and
nl the more elevated end of the line—the
road sloping a little as it appronchtd 'the
river. Sir. UroaciagV friend won the priv*
lege of giving the word.
In the meantime. Dr. Degauss ore Ford, t<
surgeon ot Mr. Bro .vuing(Dr. Barton, of S. C..
acting in that capacity for Mr. Hey ward,) and
some of the other gentlemen present, at
tempted to have the matter adjusted without
an exchange of sh ts. But the effort proved
unsuccessful. Mr. Browning refused to i<
t! act his article unless Mr. Hey ward wool
first icixact his, which the latter positively
declined. Nothing, therefore, remained to
be done h :t to pul the men upoa the field and
kl the qu.tUon be settled by lead.
At half-past twelve o’clock the men came
from the grove to the field. Mr. Heyward
had ou a lull dress suit of black, closely but
toned up. Mr. Browning wore light pants
and a dark coat. The pistols were handed
the principals, and Messrs. Voss and Waller
to. k positfou on tho right and left of the
center of tho line. Too principals stood
sideways, each grasping his weapon with :
muzzle down. Mr. Waller gave the woj .
“ Gentlemen, are you ready ? Fire l One,
two, litres. Stop.” Ths weapons were dis
charged between the word* “one” and
“stop,” but without effect—both men uirnin.
too high.
a shcond snor.
Mr. Browning’* second then asked the sec
ond of 31 r. Utywitrd if lie was satisfied
Elie Iatier replied m ihe negative, and prepa*
•/.ions wcic mads for another tire—-.ill cf
for In i i i settlement again proving unavuil-
i: g. A/ .iu the pis.ois were handed to the
pnucijMis, the woid gittn and the pistols
discharged. Bmh parties w*.ro uninjured—
Mr. Browning’s ball going in the ground, and
Mr. Heyward s striding m the rear of h.s an
D.\ Ford, Colonel Butler and others now
agnia sought to arrange imttqs .Mr. Brown
iug, v.c learn, claim-, d that uuder the code-
having exchanged two shots—he had already
nv. n's nisiV-C ioa, bu: declined to retract un
it.- • th .c w;.s a mutual ri iraciicn, which Mr.
li.j v.aid iclosed. L*:g .. Sy hi* flui ds, w
rept . ... . the view • - ns above tub;
Mr. lie;*ward consented lossdutc aud lea
thuthld Aitboul maklrg lifends. T;.e tw«
paiaci.- \U then auvsriCe.l rl.ui
i ' .luted spr .king, and retired
iro : ill; gr and. Ththen enlcrcd il
c.riiii «s, and piinc:pal.«; seconds, surgei
_• i. rs M the city.
Washington, December 0,1S72.
Tun ac ion of the Radical members who, in
a spirit of generosity, voted against accepting
General Banka’ resignation as Chairman of
the Committee on Foreign Affairs, has not
met the approval of the pot-house politicians
or the Radical press generally, and especially
the administration howler—the Republican
of this city, which, while lauding the Senate
for reading or rather kicking the Liberal Re
publicans out of their cburcli, has been
pouring buckets full of denunciation and
sneers on the heads of tlm chicken-hearted
members who, for once, under the persuasive
eleoquencc of Hon. Jas Brooks, of New
York, forgot the iron demands ot party and
paid a compliment to aa old and esteemed
The Republican has rung several changes
editor ialv on the want of a leader in the
House, and said that no member of its lyirty
was big enough to wear the mtnllc of Th&d.
Slevcn* 1 rtcon that he is about light, but
there is one member who has cheek enough
to make the effort, and Ben Butler has as
sumed Thsd’s old clothes and will appear in
a few days in the character »a leader, and of
fer a resolution rrorganiz ng the committees
of which the Liberals— Banks, Farnsworih
and Bhriu—ure chairmen. Benny says that,
as r ear as he can calculate, from the data
furnished, the time for the lion and the lamb
to lie down together has not come yet, ex
cept indeed the iemb should lie down inside
” >u, and he purposes that the Radical
lion shall gobble the Liberal lamb forthwith.
The majority may driay action oa Benjamin’s
masterly stroke of policy to air the dead
man’s mantle by parliamentary tactics.
Even should Butler succeed in ousting the
Liberals from their chairmanships, the glory
would be but transitoiy and the mantle of
leader would still be entirely too large for
any Radical in the present Congress.
irJU iu pua uiu uui, avu iuv. iun.iu» iv **i ~ •
out of' the way a Pennsylvania member I ttTCCt > * cvr 10tx -
sprang a general amnesty bill on the House, j ,30 Q ,i, December jd, b ,
and moved to suspend the rules and put it on I mw arm q;
i'f I Atlrc esgraelcg. tncbef, rent be mat! for $100. I ~A]5>,Vt"»imo Umoaud place, ono lot of cor, aaF-
suspending the rules and passing the bill, to 1 ^* c mail Ha ton-IIcle and Machine I posed to be Bixty-flYO boshtl*. acd th- cc hundred
eighty four against. A two-thirds vote is rc-1 I bread Cutter*, and Needle Threading ThlrnWe, I boodle* of redder, the same belnsi tho undivided one-
quired to suspend the rule, which was lacking I Was g
in the vote to-day. Among those who voted I
LOOK! FREE TO ALL! L h T^mfron Cr &S^ur > poin:Edw ! f?/ThSnS?W
Latham. Dec 31871.
Illinois, Bingham, But
ler, Coburn, Dawes, Foster, Hawley, May
nard, iBprague, Monroe, Peck, Snapp, Smith I PER WEEK TO AGENTS, lIa:Q or Fcma’e
and Upson. Havens and Parker were the To all who «ill write for an Agency we wifi
ily members from Missouri voting against I re- da copy cf th&t “Wonder of wonders “ the IL-
:nen-ion of the rules Garfield and Stc-1 LUSTRAtED Horn OF PLENTY, it contains
v^u wmc 0f «he only wSns fromoV WSfiSltaiMffi
who voted to suspend the rules. Farrell end j Patterson, New Jersey.
Hay were the only Republicans from Illinois 1 .
who voted on behalf of amnesty. This vote pDCC no , k ... nta -...j. ou'ntRI F I
seems to settle emnesty in the Housefor this I rnl.C £ cftbo P Ull I I,
session, although it maj come up again on a pictorial I10.UG ItIBLE, it l? the only Tht*l’% therefore, to dto all and singular the ctcdl-
Adanii .nuuic'pal i lcciiou.
Th: ny.-Iar Dem* cm tic tTket wn« elected
i. !"• wetk by a mij..*rity u‘ seven
0. • hundred, ar.i the attempt to radical
1. : the t i’.y government bas tigually failed.
We etc i?pe«ial!y j.istifled a; the cK-e:i
of J : w Hamm <.k, (wLom wc have known
m rt* i::-iu tweety yrai>) t > the Mayoralty.
He • - ; r :! I m *n, :• good Democrat? and
will flU i’ e cilice with credit to himself and
benefit i ‘ tbe i u'.L\—Scuihem Wa'chnan.
The Atlanta tbarler Licet ou.
Tue mu /’d- >1 ckciiun in Atlanta resulted
in the triumph n vir-.iea'ioa of true Democ
racy r.n : signal rebuke <*f mal contents. Fa’
row, otherwise a talented and courteous gen
tleman, tuifered b.iacc.f to be duped into the
embrace of a syren, which we hope will
worn him in the future. All hail the Dc-moc-
|»<BrnimSU flifri&
. , \-~z r - ^ C ' buyers, Ordinary.
There i* ct« in nature a parallel, or thing* animata J no Dccwivcd, bat for co**rh?, colds, tore, j octS-wCOd Printer’af
and inanimate. In the gorzeoaa hues that Udro the ducat, t.oar^-ncss end bronchial difficulties, use only GEORGIA, Campbell County,
autumn leaves, ere they f*d» ana fall \rc see typia.d j WELLS’ OARBOLtO TABLETS. I OamNxnT'a Omen, December 32, 1S7V.
tbe beetle flash which dyes the chceJc, cndthebril I uorthlchi imitations treon the market, E0RUE W. ADERIIOLDhas applied for exomp-
l s ant luster which sparkles the eje of the consump- I tnt t cc.nly BcicnUfic p»p -raion of Carbolic Acid V? tion of perronaltj. and IwiU pass upon ihe same
, . - - ........ r fo r Lung diseases is when cnemically combined with I ft t H o’dockA. IL, on '.he 16ih day of Dcembcr,
tire just baore dca.h se a hia sea. np n the victim s I 0 .jj fr wc u known remedies, as these tablets, and all 1 1372, at my oflJcc. in Fairburn, in said county
brow. And in like manner Is the rcsurrcclion pu-I parties arecautioned a^itns: uiing any other. * x —x -*—*—
> I in nil cases of irritation of th-.- mucon
telegrams from the rival Houses iu Louisiana
The Warmouth faction sets forth the iniquit
ous proceedings of the Caecy-Kellogg fec-
tion, and vice versa. Grant does not care to
make himsrlf liable to the charge of interfer
ing, thouslr his sympathies are with his
brother-in-law, Casry*s crowd. The State
court* which decided in favor of the War-
eAgcri!selling I M id John'WPuillipe, as tho propertvot the_taid
Storgan, L C.,
Pile? So cent* each. Circulars of of varous otter I half interest of the said Jordan Beavers, and also 1 lot
W 5
amnesty were—Ambler, Oakes, Ames, | B^dway, New York,
tty,Beveridge,of'* *
ILL be sold before tho Court-hour0 door, la De-
. iUtar, DcKa'b county, Ga., ca the first Tuesday
___ Fcbrunsry, 1873, under an order of the Court of
Ordinary of eald county, th: following parcel of land
belonging to *ho estate of John W Naso, deceased,
fifty acres of lar.d. in the 18th district of originally
Henry, now DeKalb county, being the northeast cor
ner ot lot No 254. about ten acres cleared and fresh;
balance in wo ds andwe ltembcrcd, a good log dwell-
and good out buildings, well of water, peach orch
etc. Terms cash. Sold for the purpose of distri
bution. 3L IL NASH, Administrator.
dcc7-w!0d Primer’s fee $10
I Kible Dictioxaut - - I
and merits n-tke it the cheapest end fastest selling I tion
not be granted to C. U. Garrett
allried; as in ths spring time ths soft sun-beams I
In nil cases of irritation of th^ mucoasTnem
winnTcgctetion Into life, tothealorloas rer<tf the I SS^ns»dISSSl pi^ertiM^
Sun of Hightecusncss will cause the dead in I 110 warned, never neglect a cold, it is easily
Christ to burst asunder the bind) of the grave and I cured in its incipient ftate^ when it
. .. . , , _ . | the cure is exceedingly diQicu t, use Wells Carbolic
come forth purified and renewed- Dcstk—physical, j JJasp'dlic
Given under my tanda
Printer’* fee $2
spiritual or eternal—invests life with shadows that
impress us, ever and amn, from the cradle to the
grave. We plan, invent, scheme and build; death
circumvents, mimes and destroys. It is the com
mon lot of humanity—the stcpping-slono to eternity.
And we a:e never so sadly Impressed with
its visitations as when its mhlcss hand is laid
Fayette County.
JOHN Q K -LLOGO, 1C Platt St.
bole Agentrfcnr United States.
Price 2 j cents n box. Send for Circular.
Guardian's Sale.
, iuiame-rnuele BIS- I D Of Fayette county, wifi lie toll on the’Bret Tum-
LIVINGSTONE Sci>VBaiB8 usd TIIuID- I day in Jtnuery, 18p. at the Court House door In said
upon loved ones. I. haa moved «VKS^CBE3tu
us •rt* curled away one of our number, nnd wo ■ wituaccoun 01 nn. is* ... * I ••—- i«i^ ***•• >*♦ «v >*
mourn the loss of a brother b.ljv»*d. Thomas A.
Octaqcs is no mere. Aged only twenty-three, yet 1 mis u me uniii LUJiriar-ib mm 1 — — ifioTnrr nTTE-vci r
this did not exempt him from the touch of the great ^^*3 * g^n^rne havlng. ,U HCBnARD > BBO^L, Fub^ | noylO-wtds * Guardian.
Icvelcr of all dis'inctions; bright a r d Joyous aud full j iishers, B.»etcn, Mas3.
of hope, yet this stayed not ths hand of the dcstroy-
the comfort and stay of a widowed mother, he
obeyed the call, and, in the triumph* of a living 1 1c ui d
to those who trust in tic merits of our Redeemer.
GEORGIA) Fayette County
481 Broadway. TL Y.l I OnszKanr’s Omci, November 26t \ 1872,
°t }0\riAX03, ifELODEONS, and j i-jeRRY HICKS has applied for exemption of per
. , .tT 9 ZIZi I _L sonalty and setting apart ana valuation or r
terf at very low prices for Ci\utk,orpart I and { wl n pM . uponsatne at 10 o’clock,.
on the 7Ui day of December next IfRV. «t iny oB
mouth party, have been overruled by the
Fcdyral court*, and this shows rs the practi
cal workings of the enforccn»cnt acts, by
which the simple charge that the rights of
the negroes have been in any way invaded is
sufficient to give the Federal courts cogni
zance of the whole matter. Thus every elec
tion, State, county and municipal is under
the jurisdiction of the United States
Courts upon a mere pretext Tbc de
cision of the Federal Court in favor of the
Cascy-Kellogg faction will no doubt settle
Warmouth’s political fate. Had the leccnt
election been nciosc me,and had Gen. Grant
required the electoral vote of one, two, Ibice
or more Southern States to elect him he
would have had no difficulty in being count
ed in by the action of the Federal courts
assuming jurisdiedon on the mere el-
legation that the negroes riclris had been in
terfered with. A nice political machine
truly, is tho 15th amendment and its enforce
ment acts. It is claimed confidently by Radi
cal politicians that with tbc present Govern
ment machinery and such additional power
as they may propose, to grasp in the next
four years, that nothing short of a political
earthquake can loosen their hold on the ad
ministration of affairs.
That the country is in a terrible conr!id<
financially is agreed upon by every one. /
kinds of measures are suggested by ninnUrs
of Con^rc.-s, each one beirg the panacea for
our financial illness. Some urge an eailv re
turn to specie payments, some pn terlhe
pansion in the volume of the currency,:
others clamor for contraction. If tmre
nny one subject tuaf the generality of
especially Congressmen, think they know **”
ab -u*. it is finances. Henry Clew*, the
York Banker, writes to Secretary Bout wo
oa the subject ami proposes the removal n
the amelioration of the restrictions upon the
National bank reserves; the free issue
bank currency upon deposits of bonds
Washington as at present; proper arrange
ments for insuring the contraction of ten
bank r.ot-. circulation iu seasons when money
is unduly abundant, and the niter abolition
of the usury laws. Amid nil the pr« jrctsfor
bettering our condition. Secretary B ml well
U receiving more than hia share of cusses
from the strapped business men of the coan
The Radicals here are iu great glee over
tlic election of Merrimon rs Senator from
North Carolina, and claim ttut he will bi
accession to the Ridical strength in the Sen
ate. The Chronicle reminds its Radical
friends that Governor Walker was elected by
a union of psrtic*, and that that speculation
did not pay. Those who suppose that Sena
tor Mcngimon will desert his principles be
cause, for reasons of their own. the Radicals
voted for him, they will be slightly disap
pointed, and will bestow hard words in lieu
of the honied phrases they now so liberally
lavish on him.
This city is fast becoming x.n art centre.
Year after year sculptor*- and painter« are
making this their home. The latter coterie
nnw numbers, prominently among iis names,
that of Walter Ingalls, the well known ar
tist, whose Fruits of the Amazon have been
so much admired. Pope Pro Nono paid Mr.
Ingalls the compliment of sitting to him for
his portrait, Horace Vernet being the only
one, at that time, who bad painted it He is
now engaged on the portraits of a number of
prominent gentlemen. That of Professor
Henry, of the Smith- onian, just finished, is
a rare IB truss, and attracts :i great deal of
/The Board of Public Works of this Dis
trict took the House Committee on Appro
priations on a gallivant about the city yester
day, and though they greatly admired the
improvement-, are not willing to appropriate
any money until it is shown by the investiga
tion ordered that there is no fraud or extrav-
^janc/, as charged by Mr. Roosevelt, of New
The amount of money to be taken from
the Treasu-y to psy supervisors of election,
and their deputy marshals employed in the
recent Presidential and Congressional elec
tions will amount to millions of dollars. This
is one of the ways our uncle’s cash goej.
The committee appointed to investigate the
charges made during the electi->n, that cer
tain members of Congress received bribes
from Odkcs Ames for their services in srcur
ing legislation for the Union Pacific Rail
road ~ The committee not being of the
whi ewRShiug order other mean? must be
adopted to prevent exposure, and as Mr. Me-
Ccmb, wh«t made the chniLtM, cares more for
having his stock paid f«.r than onv
Oakes Ames, there will he no difficulty in
having the thing fix* d.
Has been given to the insolence of the r.e
grocs of this rity by tbc failure of the cases
against certain restaurant keepers for refus
ing to wait on nc/roes in their places of
business. Evcrj thing h-is been done by the
District Legislature to break down every so
cial birrier between whites, but Jcdg: Mc
Arthur said that the law could not determine
to whom you must sell jrur goods, and tor
this much cf serial and business rights
vouchsafed to n» |>oor down trodden plain
folks many tracks arc given.
The Vice President elect. Senator llenry
Wilron, addressed ’ir.* Doshawajs, a Tem
perance Society, last evening, and drew a
very forcible picture « f the evils of dram-
At the Theater Omlquc, whtre a variety
business flourishes, each evening during the
week, amid the drinking of whisky anil the
smoke of cigars, there w ere religious tcrviciS
held yesterday under the patronage of the
Young Men’s Christian As oriation. The
appearance of bl&ck suits and white ervats in
the place of the gauze, tig his and tinsel ot
the ballet girls, an 1 o’d hundred instead of
the “Rollicking Rtrns” w.ts, indeed, a
w;!l spend this winter with her cousin, the
wife of Speaker Blain™. *
Ttac Savannah Fair.
Wc hav/ received from Mr. J. H. Eslill,
Secretary of the Agricultural ; nl Mechani
cal Association of Georgia, a card to the Sa
vannah Fair to be held Deccmb r CQtb.
We can promise all who wdl to a pleasant
tiffi*. P»T»wwi wrerdoc* lUcgs hail wy,
expression of our sorrow ani sympathy with I 'i^ciare fint.ccasa PI A SOS, modem improvements, I
the bereaved, the followirg resolutions were nnasim-1 for SETS caxfu Novo ready a OOXCERTO PAll- |
adnnird hv this Union * I L0It ORGAN, the most beautiful ttyle and r
onsy adopted hy uus union. ^ \ tone ever made. Illustrated Catalogue* mailed.
Resolved, That we extend to the family end f.icr.ds I Music and Music Merchandise.
of the deceased our hcarlfclt con o’.cscc and sympa
thy in this ssd bereavement.
Resolved, That a copy of these rcsolndonsbo sent
to the family of the deceased, and that they bo in-
c:rporatcd in the minute* of the proceedings of this
Resolved, That a copy bo tarnished to each ot the
city papers for publication.
D. C. MINOR, Ordinary.
Committee. I VVurran'ed cqanl to any Phosphate mr.n;ifa:tared.
t-’end for Paraph’et of Ucrtificatcj aud An.lytii, by
"tans, PirgoU, endMcvvirr,to
G5 Fonth Gay S rest Balimorc, Aid.
SMITH—WIL?ON - At the r. sidcnce of ths bride’s
paren's, on the evening of the 10th by Rev. A. T, I
Spalding, Mr. Joseph Smith and Hiss Lilia May |
Wilson, all of this city.
POST—MARTIN—Married, at.ihe residence of the j
bride’s father. Mr. Silas Martin, at 6 .o’clock, c
10tt» Instant, by Rev. F. 51. T. Brannon, Mr. Z. T. I
Tost and Miss Ophelia Martin, daughter of Hr. Silas J
and Mrs. Vary Martin, all of Grantville, Georgia.
May they both live long and be.hep. y a’l of their
days are tbc wishes of s sincere friend.
r trrea'y-four (24.)
creek which rnns '.hrou^h said lot, being the dividing
. line. In the seventh uistrictof said county, contain
ing one hundred one and a fourth (101X) acre*, more
or le**. Levied on by J. B. Avrca. former Deputy
Sh( riff, as the property of D. D. Dcr ham, to satisfy a
fl. fa. issued from Fayette Superior Court, in favor of
***ai. Bennett vs. D. D. Denham, the tame b<-ing the
rchase money. Property pointed out by Ilenic &
irder, plainUITa attorney. This November 25th,
•* ** r Tvipra n suitu *
Printers fca $4 50 per levy.
I remain in the bleed. a:id produce
W C. J. McDONN*LD has applied for cx
• tion of personalty and Milting apart
valuation of same, which I will pass upon ui
, w. . «... pass upon nt .
Cuchu and Dandelion, Office,Monday,December0,18W,, atlOo’carndtA
tre kept in gor,d running order. I D. C. MIN01t,.Ordinwy.
w. c. Hamilton & 00.,
O t ?iEN*rs Want abs lu'.cly the beat sell. 1
, fng books ? stead for circa'ars cf VENT’S I
Guardian’s Sale.
II51BLE Over MOD pages 10 by It in. 200 pages I
' beaque 23 Gilt Kd^e, |
Gilt, ill
f^Ks ttUOO I U Y VIRTUE of an Order cf the Court of Ordinary
, “Beldes : TihfttiuT! CaiM- For W&tW Even- JJ of. Fmtoncoanty. I wHUcIlBcfore tho Court
laps, an:h roco ready. Th* Ajibuicax Farkzb’s I Houfc door In Atl*nta, in said county, r
I House " ~ " * *'
I zoo tic 1
I Cincinnati.
|rsS75 to $250 per month. ! where! I Knignt, minor, for the benefit of Mdd pit nor. Terms |
O male ar-.d fouale, to introduce the (iRNUlNE I
S1SG MACHINE. 'iTila machine will stitch, hem, L _ ...
C- fell, tuck, quilt, cor-.*, bind, bra*d and embroider I GEORGIA* I u It oil Crunty.
I^in a mo-t miH-rior nuruwr. Price only $J5. j \ LL persons having demands against the cf Lite of
I rSm Pnii» -*»fi nnfl n-nmntMl for fiw years. Wc I ;i Thomas O’Reilly, late of said county, deceased
Tho only Reliable Gift Distribution in tho J
L. D. Sice’s Nineteenth
Tote Drarrii Wednesday, Jnn. let, >73
$ 2 00, 000 00
In Yalnablo Gifts!
» Fully Ucen-cd aud warrauted for five years,
will pay $1 CO) for any machine that will si
B stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic ».
I than ours, it makes tho “Elastic Lockstitch.’’
05 hvery stitch can be cut, end t-liil tho cloth cannot
be pulled apart without tearing it. V7e pay agents
£3 from *75 to $230 per month and expenses, o~ "
53 commission fr- za which twice that amount c made. SLCOMB Jb CO., Boston,
Mass.; PitUbnrg, Pa.; Chicago, 111, or St. Louis
Georgia) Fulton County*
Okdinaky’s On *"
Wl HEREAS, L. C. Well-.
V V estate of D. H. Wells, late of said county,
ceased, represents th t he has fully discharged
| trust.
i concerned, are hereby notified to
!2'000*000 acres of ihe
' a ids in America.
3*000)000 Acrc3 in Nebraska, in the Platte
j Valley,]
666 inamebioan sjltor! Mild Climate, Fertile Soil,
S Frizes of $1000 each) PUFCYI) IOF. * for Hrrin growing »iri Stick Baleieg aasnrpasacdby
10 Prizes of $600 ditto \ bMEMM' 1 „ vomWe tcras
One Span of Matched Horses, with Family I and more convccieut to market than can o_- found)
S*reo Somvsteafls for
Cheap Farms! Free Homes I ...
On the line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. I thdr mtiortlon*. If tnv eiltV on or before the llr«t
ilieJ>e8tl!a:WiU " ,U1<1 ^ i,lCr&1 I M °bday in January next, else letters of dismission
La.ds in America. . ... y, | wfli be granted the^flW
PITTMAN, Ordinary.
Printer’s fee $5
Carriage and Sliver-Mounted
Harness, worth $1,600!
Five Wows Sc Buggies, with Silver-
mounted Harness; worth MOO cacli.
Five Fine-Toned Rosewood
worth $500 each!
25 Family Sewing machines, worth
6100 each S
2300 Gold and Filter Lever Hunting \
Watches (t» alT) teorthfrom $20 to $300 each / [
Gold Chain*, Silver-ware, Jeweliy, etc., etc.
Nombar of Gifts 26,000! Tickets Limited j
to 100,000!
Agents Wanted to Sell Tickets* _
whom Libera) Premiums will bo
Single Tickets ?2; Six Tickets $10; Twelve Tickets
$7^; Twenty Five $40.
any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed j
101W. Fifth St. Box 80. Cindctatf, O.
Actual Settlors.
.The best location fo; Colonies—Soldiers crtitled f
a Homestead of JGO
Send for the new Ocacriptive Pamphlet, with tew
■ ’ P. K. R. Co..
Cot ac a, Nen
Land Bayers Efotice.
I, or in email tracts to suit purchaser*,)
in the A. & W. Pt. R. K., or.e mile below Fed
station Campbell count}', Georgia, thir:cen miles
low Atlanta. House with seven rooms, £ve :
plnccs. Fruit of nearly all varieties in abundance
Till s perfi ct. Terms rash If not sold before, “*
si ll publicly first Tuesday in January.
dcc5-dlaw&wtd A. B. I EARS.
DeKalb County.
Fulton County-
AdmiuWtratoi'-* Sale.
Fnlton County ShcrlfT’. Sale. lor 1 Fulton Conntr Poitpon.d SberllP*
January, 1ST3. 1 Sales for January, 1,72.
W ILL be told before tho Court Bonre door In I TTriLL^ereldbafocsth. coart hoan door laths
_ the etty of AUsnts. FnUon eonnty. Gs., on the V*. gg^.*"-?*»»Syg”g«F-g*,-i«M»ths
of parcel of * land containing one hundred I Tho property, god*, chattels, franchises, and right
and a half ecres, more or less, it being the south half I of way of the Atlanta, Decatur and Stone Mountain
of land lot bo. 131, in the 14-h DUtxictcf originally I torn Pips company. l}ing aud altuabr or b.ixg in
- boundsd»nth| gWcoutty; IgriodojM^Ujejwi^y^thBAUanta,
sstttfyauSlifaliuuSrfcosa rS3atup5BroJ£t
Also, a tract of land containing (JJO ’hree and I lj» favor ©f John Fojce vs Atlanta, Dccaiureaod Btoee
one quarter acres, more cr less, having the following I Mountain Turn PikeOompany. Property pointed ont
boundaries, to-wit: Commencing at ths northwest (In lien fi fa, October 4, P73.
corner of land lot No 106 and running southwest ward I Also, nt the same time ar.d place, lo^cf land No 61,
ly along said land lot Hso 134 feet, thence eastward!y I In the Seventeenth District of origoaliy Henry, now
to tho rich: of way of the Macon and Western Rail-1 Fulton county, Ga, cental ingSO,^ acres, tmee orlesa.
road 734 feet, th-nce northwardly a’ong tho rich- of | Levied on as the property cf James L Mathimn.
of said Macon and Western Railr.vid 188 feet. I Also, a lot containing M *c «s, an Decatur street, in westwaidly along tho garden fence of the said I the 4*h ward of the city of Atlanta, adjoining Long
premises to the nerthwre-t Corner of sa d gnrditi fence I ley, Robotron A Shchan. It being vert of land lot £
680 feet, southwardly 1S3 feet to northwest corner of I In the 14th district of originally 11cmy, now Fnlto_
said lot of land No 106: all levied on as the property I county, Georgia; levied cm as the propery of X J
of Edward White, by virtvc of and to satisfy a II fa 1 Bln on. Also, a lot o- parcel of Ian* containing sin
issued from Fulton Superior Court tn favor of Wil-1 teen acres, more or lefs, situated on the east tide c_
Hum R Phillips vs Edward White, maker, and V A I Peschtryo rod. adjoining Wallace, Solomon and
Gasktll, indorser. Property pointed out in 11 fa, Dc-1 others, it being the residence of IIO Hoyt, and sUn-
cember 2d, 1873 I »tcd In the southern portion of land lot 1 6, in the
Also, a* the same time and pi ice. four s»w!ng ma-1 17th district of originally Umry, now Fulton county,
chines—two of said being cf Wilson's I Georgia. Also, a to: containing X of m acre, situ •
latent, and twool Finkle & Ltoa’s patent-one iron | atcAon Daniels »trcet and an alley, fa the Fourth
*—‘ dcak and one *m«l upright !‘ ‘ ' " *
s theproperiT of '
virtue of aud to satisfy
ipcrior Court in favor or
ber 4,1873.
Admiatratrix’s Sale.
W ILL be so'd before the Court House door, in
Decatur, Dcttalb county, Georgia, on the
first Tueed.iv in February, 1873, under an order of the
Ordinary ol county: one hundred acres of land,
part of lot No 229, in the 18th dUtrict,. belonging to
the estate of Wm D Wright, deceased: some 15 or SO
acres cleared, balance in tbc woods, mostly upland
and wdl timbered, no buildings, good spring; about
seven miles from Dccittxr. Terms cash.
—w401 Administratrix.
i containing twelve acres,
and situated in tho soul heist
121, in the 14th DU;rictof
ton county, Ga, bounded o*w *«»» — ■ i- , - . .—
Cool’s land, and extending b-ci north same width I Folum county, securities. Propcrtv ].
•ions the eastern line ot enM Un4 lot Ho. Ml. six I H i Bentmond, Aetoroej Oenorel, Jto*. ISM.
honored Mid tblrtj fort, levied_on a, the property ot | _ Alro. «t the eeme ttoa ew^plnce Vet In the
OLLED before me on this 4th day of December,
it ear, aud s.'alow fork in the left ear; of a pate
color; some white oa the belly and white on the
face, about two or three years old.
Appraised by G. W. Webb and J. M. Ilawktns, free
holders or said district, to be worth nine dollars, an.
that It Iis worth fifty cents a day to keep said heifer.
The owner is nereb.'. notified to come before ire,
..rove property, pa. * * ....
a.vay, else th * will ,
wn, the taker np of said heifer, about three miles
t of — v
w. aw:
dec6—wit Printer’s fee $3
_ 1S72, by J A Carroll, o' the BSfitfc
DcKalo county. Ua., an estray bay Ilorao, about
twelve ye&rsold. a “ * “ • *" ' ^ *
foot white; white
white spots on the aide*.
t and between the ejes
raised by K. M. Wiriams and W. A. Wilson,
.strict, to be worth one hundred dollars, and that
it is worta fifty certs a day to keep said horse
Tho owner is hereby notified to come before
* -- * -^d take
... Decatur,
the firs Tuesday lmFcbrnar?. 1873.
BcKalb County MicrifT* Sale
W ILL be sold, before the Court House door In
town of Decatur, DeKalb count}, Ga., within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in J-n
nary next, (187),) the following property, to-w It.
T# o hundred and fifty acres, more or less; the same
being the we«t half of lot No (352) three hundred and
fifty two. Also, the west half of let No (353) three
hundred and fifty-three, and dfty (53) seres, more or
less, in ihe south-east corner of lot (353) three hun
dred and fifty t ree. All of said property lying and
being in the 18th district of origins ly Henry, now
D Kalb convty. Levied on as the properly of Wm
CJ*clis >n. by virtue of and to satisfy a 11 fa issued
from DcKa- b Superior Court, in favor of IlLl A Can
dler vs said A m Jackson, said Jackson now being in
>3*sc*?;oa of said property Property point d
<y plaintiffs Levy aide this Decembers. 1873.
dcc7-tds Printer’s fee $2.60 |»er levy.
GEORGIA* DeKaib County.
O aim? a ivy’s Omci, November IS, 1873.
\YT HR KRKAS, John W. Tuggle having applied
t l for letters of administration oa the
Lodvwck Tmrgle deceased.
This is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned,
_j filethcr objections, if any they have, within the
time prescribed by law, else letters will be granted
.. —*■ v'ied for.
W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary.
said applicant a
Printer’s fee $4 -
GEOIIGIA* DeKalb County.
Ordinary's Omcs, September 25, 1S72.
YT7IIEREAS, Drcwry Mauldin, Adminis'rator
TV tho estate ot Benjamin .M.culdin, late.of a
county, deceased, applied for letters ot dismission
from said trust:
This is, therefore, to clto and admonish all .
sons interested to be and appear at my office, within
tho time prescribed by law, then and there to show
cause, If any they have, why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under my hand at office.
W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary.
gcp33-w3tn Printer’s fee >10
GEORGIA, DeKalb County
OitDiXABY’s Office, October 19,1873.
WHER' AS, J.O. Eidson, * dmintftrator of
* V estate of W. M. Eid»on, deceased, having
plied for letters of C la mission from said admira
These arc, therefore, to dto and admonish all
sons interested to be aud appoir at my office in _ _
citur within the tlmn prescribed bylaw to show cause
if any they e ra, why said letters should not *
granted as applied for.
Given under my han-l at oXeo.
W IL WEBSTER, Ordinary
Sr’s fef “* “*
Printer’s fee $10 00
GEORGIA* DeKalb County'
Ordinary’* Office, November 21, 1873.
M RS. JANE TUBNEK having applied to me*
letters of guardianship, of the person aud pr
erty of Martha Jane ard Nancy Turner, m'nors
Wm. J. Turner,laieof Newton connty. deceived.
AU persons concerned are hereby notified to
W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary.
GEORGI A, DeKalb C ntily.
Onpnranr’s Of. November 13, 1872.
Wf IIEREAS, J. W. Swi'’cy having applied to me
VI for the guoriiiausbip of the person and prop'
erty of Julia and Emma Wright, minors of F. N.
Wrik'ht. deceased:
This is, therefore, to notify all persons conearncd
to file theii objections, if any they have, within the
tirao prescribed by law, else letters of guardianship
will be granted said *t*t llcont as applte-i for.
W U. WEBSTER. Ordinary.
novl5—w4w Printer’s fee $4
Lind Com’r U. P. R. R. Co.,
j The Master Spirits of the Worid,
p and
* ^HE TREA30 fs£ HBU8E 0? AM ERIC*..
I^'UM. Now or
a *pW—1u! vS-dA wl v
Cate, l-xtirpftte ; .—/ Ti/ir r.T, I mmsoi iub mw, unu o.i uuici;
subs-a cos i ■ the Blood anJ will eftj tuaily dispel all cstat0 wll C ome forward
ions derangement. I i... m
I predixpc si ion fo tdlious derangement.
Is Ihcie xvuut of action
Liver aud Spleen ! Unless re!i
the blood becomes Impure by deleterious secretions.
GEORGIA* Fulton County.
a LLpcrs nshaving claim* oga'nst t*:eestate of
MraiLM Arnold, 1st? of Fu ton county. Go r-
gin dec used, are requested to present them to mein
... .v_ ! ode’s ted tj saH
settle. Decern-
(). H. PATTILLO, Administrator.
I bit 10, 1872.
Printer’s fee $5
Standard Collections
promptly aided the system i3 debili
tated with loss of vital force, poverty of the blood,
dropsical tendency, general weaknc.-s a^d inertia. , , . ... ,
Have you a weakness of the Intestines r Vou are | DRED DOLLARS, for the apprehension, w th proof
ia danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful Infiam-
mation of the Bowels.
sufficient to convict, the party and his accomplice*.
Have you weakness of the Uterine or Urinary Or- I , ... . _ , . „ .
gang? You are exposed to suilcring ia Its most ap* I who assassinated my husoand, V Llimn P. Mi-ton, in
I rim Hr. Ooorria, on the night of the lGth day of
by shooting him through the window of
his g room, while at his supper table
This 17th day of Jane, 1872. .
Vocal and Instramcatal Basic.Ii^
The whole set Ij.qpcpf theroo.t relraWelTe.tol
Foil Gilt, for Presents, $f 00. The price would I cin!titlui0!1 U 3 -*
Gema^of Straura (cow having a splendid sale,) m I tJ V/ At Ij SU JLJ X3L ^
1 which is pronounced by t v e leading modical author!'
* * * ” ris ’ thc most powerful tonic
Bankers, Dealers in Exchange,
musical Treasure, Vocal and Instrumental.
Silver Cord. Wreath of Gems.
Heme Circle, VoL L FianLsl’s Album.
Home Circle, No. IL Piano Forte Gems.
« An /T£ f , tbcj * l,0V,s staled, postpaid, fer the
Fetafl Price.
OLIVE K Dll SON &, CO., Doric:
CHAS. H. DITSON A CO., New York!
novSO— aprl3—vrcd&satdArw‘
ies of Loi djn and Puri.
and alterative known to the m'-dica! word.” This is
no new and untried discovery bus ta< been long used
by the leading physicians cf other countries wlih | xb-.masvillc
organs by cathartics and phvilcs, they
porary relief—Indigestion, flatulency t
with piles ard kiiuired dis uses a:c
“irr nso
Keep 'he b’ood part and heal h is assured.
John q. Kellogg, is Piatt ft.. New York,
Sole Agent for the United Stale s.
Price. One Dollar per Lottie. Send fer Circular.
d.cT- Mitir
!, h ° Sv'to/ I Or*iTgnedTtsTe"tUI. diy'tntored Inti a/limited
nd dvsna- ria I pa'-nership, under the law* of Georgia, to do baeinc^a
n*e to fo'ow I a 1 j’nomasville, Georgia, under the firm name c f
I Wright tt Stegall. The general nature of tbebusi-
H APPY Relief for Young Men from the effects ct
Errors ard Abases in early life Manhood re
stored. Imped! meet* to Marrisgc rt moved. New
method of treatment New and remarkable remedies
Books and Circulars sent free, in scaled enrcloTies.
Ninth street Philadelphia, Pa. an Institution bavin"
a high reputation fer honorable conduct and pro A?”
rional sldl 1 . declO-dAwSm
Kentucky State Lottery.
LegaMz-rd by an art of the Legislature.
Most liberal Lottery ever drawn. Only
7,140 Tickets and 3,080 Prizes
To ho drawn Dee. 2S:h. 1873, in Covington, Ej.
One Capital Prize of §25,000.
3 Prize of $5,C031 13 Prizes rf fiSO
1 Prize of 2.150 i SO Prizes of ^60
3 Prizes of L900 iriizes of 23
3 Priz< s of 5». 12,610 Prizes cf . .. c
1,063 Prize?, amounting to $0lJt£D
Tickets, $12. Halve#, $6. Quarters, $3.
63T”Gur I ottertes arc chartered by the State, ,ar.d
crawn at the time named, under tLa tupervisicn of
sworn Commissioner?.
SHTThe drawings will be published in the New
York, < hlcago and Louisville pipe s
rWe will draw a similar scncme the last Satur
day or every month drring the year* 1-72 and 1371.
0r* at cur ri?k tiy Postofilcc Money Order,
Registered Letter, Draft or Express.
la^Sccd for a circular.
I stld, and Thomas
I the special
I commences
Two Valuable Fanns|3»r®
FOB . aAtS
itra. both or the county and etate crore-
omas C. Mitchell, or the fame place, 1s
psrner Said copartnership business
on this dati. Scpicmbar 2d, 1872, and
th-ec years from date. Thomas C. Mltch-
partner, has paid Into the common
stock Ten Thcue&nd Do.l irs. Dated this Scptem*
I ber 3, 1CT2. ARTHTR P. WRIGHT,
W*tuc*s J. M. Saxrn, Notary Pnbhc.
octSl— 1 wfiaa t
fainn# lying on Coo?a River, about twcl'
Rome, in Sioydcouniy. known as thco:a *^rr paui,
and the <iainn place. The Er?t couui'ting f 40 acres,
of which 440 is good bottom l:oi, withull necessary
improvemen's. This fa*m lies in t!.-e bend of tie
loath , „
toritamc by d eamb-at twice a week, liat'rarelris
each a fa-m placed upon? he r.ierkeL For a diriiibu-
tion amsrg numerous heirs it will potitively be cold,
and at a Jow price. Ta ‘ f ca is r.ow staked and
tenant*-d fer the coming year, bat the parchaeor will
receive the rents.
The Quinn pla*e lies ore-half m'le below and c a
ts ins SOO a- re?, of which 2.0 art; deared-mostly good
bottom land—improvements twlorable—'water /o.d -
: aad c
i be
, lira: ch Iliiiro d in
rapid construct! a, run-- 400 yards of this farm,
the river lying between, a- d a good ferry ttUblisaed
at*hi« point.
Per-ou- desiicg goo ! farms are raspcctfally in
vited to con. and cx»aii;:e fr ihe: as elves
Address E. U liAi-Rl*’, Ex:cuter,
Kfne, Georgia.
Rjfcrtollon. Fca. Ya-.ct.yand Gen. 51. L Bonham,
AUanu, Geor.rix
novii—c 3 too w - w
GEOUUIA? Fayette Csnnty.
OiiDLSAnz's QTTtcz, December 6,1S72.
einptien of per.-entity a-, d retting ap-rt aid
vuiaati'tii of fame, which i will p-«s upon ou the 17:h
day tf ibis iritsLi, Ly 10 A. 51., at my office.
D. C. MINOR, Ordinary.
Printer’* fee $3
1 piece cr land, containing 43 acres, 13 seres
cd, and the remainder in the wowis and well
timbf red. a good house with thr.e rooms sod two
chim -cy-. also a good kitchen and a good well of
water. For Further particulars, apply to
nov23-w3t Nor cross, Ga.
3300 RBWAZU>.
QAK BOWERY LODGE, No. 81, F. A. IL, hereby
offer a Reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS fci
the apprehension, with proof sufficient to convict the
psrty or partis, who assassinated oar beloved
Brother, William P. Milton, in ElUj iy, Gcc-rgta, on
the night cf the itith day of April, 1872.
Done by order of the Lodge, and given under the
Seel thereof.
This 7th dortif JaEe, A. D , 1S7L
WorsUpfol Mis er pro tern.
W. R. Welch. Secretary pro tcm. sep!5-w90d
GEORGIA* Berrien County.
W HEREAS, Hardima Sirm^as, guardian for the
nflatr heirs of Kirkland, deceased.
having app ied fer letter- cf dismission from said
This is, therefore, to cits and a 'moeL-h all per>
eons intcrctted, to bi and appear at my office, to
show cause, if nny they have, tvitlii.i the time
allowed by law, why said letters ehoald not be
granted. Sept*.mber lSih. 1872.
Pitntw’. *5
Henry County.
GEOBO' A* Henry Connty*
OnniKAitv’s Orricz, September 25.1873.
J OHN J. LAN*-Y applies to me for letters of ad
ministration cum testamento anexo ou the estate
or John Lancy dccunsc t late of said connty.
If objections exist, let them be filed
Statutory time, or the letters will be granted.
W itness my official signature.
GEO. M. NOLAN. Ordinary.
sept29—w3m Printer’s fee $4 00
Guardiun’s Sale,
) dinary of Henry county, Ga., will be suld before
~ ’■ -*— — “ ,J — first
mu C’ourt-h«*use door, m wuui/. wu uiu
Tuctday in January n< xr, fifty ceres or land in south
east corner of io No. 203, in old Sixth district, c*
said county, si d . iso ten acres joining the earnec
lot No.
Sold as th'.- j r •; cr: y of Georg j W. Gray, ward i
undersigned, and or his benefit, 'terms—credit tu
til £5:h of Decemi'tr, 1873, with ten per rent, interest.
Gift). W. VlILKlsS.
nov32-d3:.'d Guardian.
GEORGIA j SZcury County*
Ouoi* act’s Office, November 25,1673.
rpHOM.V it. . RYAN has appliel to me for
X of the prop.-rty of Robert L.
Hubbard G Dryaa, hon-rcrideat orplans vt M.
Bryan, deceased.
if objections ex’st. let them be filed on or before
th . first Aicnuay In January next, or th: letters
be g-wiicd.
Witnc s my official si nature.
GEO M. NOLAN, Ordinary.
nov37—w4w Printer's fee
GEORGIA, Hear) County
Osni^AHt’s Orricz, November 18th, 187:
S &RAIIKING an! RobertDorton has
for icucrs of ndmlnistrotlon de ‘
i non,
, the estate of John Wade
ceased, late of said county:
ustamen-o acnexo, <
UEOBiH*.* Henry County.
Onsnrjunr’s Omci, November 15,1873.
_ exemption of pcr-onalty and _
iantlnn cf homc-etead, and l will nass upon ihe same
the 30 - h day of November, 1873, at IU o’clock A.
a: my office.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
OaraxaitT’s Omci, November 25lh, 1873.
TOI1N FIELDS has applied to me for exempt
O personalty and scttirgap^rt and vamatloa of;
Mead, and I will pass cpjn the same at 10 o’d _
IL, on the 24th day cf December, 1-72, at my office.
GEO. M. NOLAN, Ordinary.
nov27-w3w Printer’s fee $2 00
>urt in favor ot Joseph T EichberttvsWm I Gcorrla ; levied ou as tfie property'of II b iloy^rii
Property pointed out by plaintiff Dec m-1 levied on j>y_virtue of ana tosatnfy a fl falseqtd by
Mac Ison Bell, Comptroller Genera’, in favor of the
by Wonsan StrauJ, L C, and returned to me. 'Sjccm-1
llollind .nd Brook*; a
ber 2,1 o ' ' I » kM Gd by KX> f<Jot o. Vot.Jlh tire. t. Io tti. fim waiii
Al*> ft tho ftoic time irad |)!«c. * lot frondns I of MW «lty. «Uopl»f Adair Md Ir«ia oil Vdnita
tarenty.'wo fret, more or lore, on the weet tide ot I l*nd :ot rt In tho fourteenth dlaf let of (iiynsl J
WhltchaiU elrcet. In tho dly of Attar*, and rnnolnt I Pentr mw Fulteji «M«y. Octald*. Al.o. nart of
- ' • • inareafnaacmty«nt(KC|lw*.*SW£i*!a«mwt,Mi«adaylMttadM<.tt
ireeL On aaid lot lea two* I waa*of a.ldtlly aaf AUanla,cotta'try », of anacre,
ftory brick hnlldlntf occupied ae a etore room by I fltiut 0 onanalleyandMaeonandWcdcrnRal.iowl.
"lay ton A W.hh iiried on a, the properly of S jdlolnlre Jack aad Wellhonte; ataa. pen of ta d lot
_Girdncr, by irirtne of acd to ratlffy a fl n from I Tllnmlofl'.itrlct, brink a loldfllay 62 feet In Iho
Fnlton Snaminr Conn. In favor of O J Dallas and tlxlh ward pfthedtyof Alknta. almaled on Brreal
md T A Dal'aa and wife. Property pointed out 1 >fe>t. adjolnlcz llca^y and tho ftmmel ..tye;*
Intiffs. Oct. 33,1872. I a lot containing ono aero in tbo sixth ward of t«t*
so, at the rame time and place, a store house and I city* sltuited on Gray and Kinny s:reet-, e<]Joining
on which It Is situated, on the oast side of White-1 ^ »t being part of land lot 8: in srid district;
hall street. ^U|thc city of Atlanta, fronting on White* | I?. ^ j>-lW
feet, adjoining i
and“olhcm Lvled on“«"hrpropcrty'of j~C DttK I Swnewillftre^Vln the Fitd VVtMaf'faidclTy.'ad-
by v'rtno of and to ratlffy a 11 fa l-eeed fr. m Pnl'on I Jelnln* imi and Cook; tt!«. a lo' toatalnl. ( H of
Superior in favor of J G Jones A Oo vs J C I *" “ “ ‘
Davis. Property pointed ont bv plaintiff Dec. 6, I »tf«
1873. A. IL PERKERSON. Dep. Sheriff 1
doefi-td Prin cr’s fee $2A0 per levy
part of
Administrator’s Sale.
B _ t . . „ | Moore; abo, part cf la d (xlng a lot coiT
Y virtue of an erder from tho Court of Ordinary I talning 13 acres, on Fair strett. In the 3d Want «-f
of Fulton county, will ne sold on the first I haid city; also, part cf land lot {J In said district, ft
Tuesday in January next, on the premises, in said I being a rot con siting Hot an acre oaGUmove and Fort
“if legal hours of sale, the following I streets, in th- 4th Ward of said city, adjoining hho-
ting to tho estate of Richard John-1 hanc and Laird Also, a lot ccntiL ing X vt an acre,
>1: a «*a®en- io-wit: I on Fo svth and Brothmon stitet, in lri Ward o' said
That tract or parcel of land Ling In the Third I city, adjoinin'/Adair and Bovren, it being port oft
Ward of the city of Atlanta. In Fnlton cr-nniy, Gcor-1 lot 78 in the 14th District of orinina ly Ilci rr,u.—
elajbeing pari of land lots Nos. 53 and 54 of the 14th 1 Fnlton connty, Ga Levied on as the pxoptrtr cf V
district in said county, commencing at southwest cor-1 A «**!•»»,
-of thei Nursery of Petes, Harden A Co, on cart I Also, a lot 30 br tn feet on Broad and Walton
sreet, tbcnco slorg east sl'r 1 -—•- •- «o-w* *w- * -- -
dred feet, more or lees, to the s othem line of arid I _ _ _ _ _
rnrsery, thence west slocg said line to the b*gin-1 80 feet on Whitehall ttrecl. In the 6th
ning corner, in a'.l nine acr. a more or I city of Atlanta, ae joining Valin lna and
leas. Said property will be sold iu j arccls* | Collier, it being part of land lot 77
. A purchcscrs. Plats of which I in th- 14th district t f origiunlly llcnry, now Ful-
be bad at the office of Wallace & Foirlcr real cs-1 ton county, Georgl.t. Ai-o, one vault acd tete,
tate agents. Titles good. I one counter a-d desk, three deeka. two tables, twelve
This property is very desirable for building lots. I chain, one cMce lounge.three stools, three carpets
hiving a delightful grove cf rare and beautiful shade I and mattings ar.d other small articles vt furniture la
trees, and also a pood rrchnnl of very select and choice I tho Georgia National Bank; «l* vault and safe,
fraita of many varieties. It l' near Fair afreet, and I one Cu outer and dctkattached, ten chair-, ore desk,
within about one-half of a mile of the main depot | two tables, one map frame and maps, leer chairs acd
Persons wishing a home In the city, or to Invest In I lambrequins, two office stools, one washrtand, three
city property, would do well to attend the sale of this I carpets and mattings In the office of the Georgia
property. If the r. cw railroad depot shall be located I Braking and Trrst company, and gas fixlu cs in said
near it on the old Thompson vineyard, which la ex-1 two banks’rooms.
pccted to be done, this property will then bring twice I Alto, one lot of Iron, seventy-five thousand three
Its present market price. I * * * * *
Terms or sale One-third cash; one third in three I
months, and one-thira in s-x months from date of I ihtmhaQ. AU lcvkdonas the property
sale, last two payments to be secured by note and I fmdantaby virtue of and to ralltfj a fi f
good personal security. Possession given on making I Madicon Ben, Comptroller General, tn ft
first payment and giving proper note of the other! 8tat* of Georgia, U S., Foster Blodeett prin* ipal and
two. Titles retained until all the payments are made. I Hanibal I Kimball, John Rice and Varney A UaakilL
Interest from date of sale. E. N BROYLES. I late of said county, aud Henry O. llq> t aud Lewla
Auminfstrator on the estate of Richard Johnsor, | Scofield, of said county, securities
rffUFcd. Prlnlrr’a fra* SM »n***JlU " *
a fi fa Issue d Inr
in favor of thu
Printer’s fee $20. cov33-40d 1187L
) two hundred and six*
(W) t*rcs j liquor barrel*. (tSf vt^hu- a Uvcc-lccS
the first Tuesday in January | Plsnk, twenty fctlooc. (30) fifiy barbels cf coal, ecu
the legal hours of sale, before I •* coopet T a tools, (IX) one and a half hands of
in the town of Nashville, Ber-1 P 1 **** 3 oue-horae wagon, I two-bone wagon, ono
- —* to . | work bench and vice, onolnm pump, ftffifluyfrot of
xm I rubber hose, ono iron keUte,OMbu^eof band boo.
wit: One acre cf 1 nd with a good store h'rnse upon I
it. Levied on as the property of J I Parrish to rai- , ; —»
fy a Justic Court fi fa in favor of H T Pee:1c* admin I ««▼« « e*tf»t hundred pound% one grrad stone.
■ * * —*— - - * * - - 1 three shovels, one onr-holf bushel measure, (5)1
istrator on the estatcor B P McDonald, dcreased., ----r-- —. . ,
against J J Parrish, principal, and H J Parrish ssrorf-1 whole bales and (3) half bale* hope, (t.) *ix barrels of
s — - - * one borrcllri-h moss, («) three barrels
isto, (4) ftnr hogsbeBda of class and
leriedim a? the properly of George C.
*- of and to satiaTy
ton Superior Court
. levy n
Shaw, Constable, this December 3d, ’873.
Also, at the same time and place, two hundred and I
ity Levio | ueorgev. 8pencer and George Se.tx. Property puRn*
a* the property of Thos D Lindsey, to patlsfy three | ®d out lnl. t±, August i .th, i87L
Justice Court fifa*. issued from a Jos tic: Court of I plsre the Interest of
the 115Cthdlrtrlst, G. M.; o^c In favor of Holcomb. William TIUcbaum acd William Rich in the lot
null A Co. for the use of J A Slater A Co. against I *w»wn as ths Norerous corner, in tbecity of AUa. ta,
Thos D Lindsey, and one la favor of E RWell* 1 touting on Marietta street 53feet-;nd on Peachtree
against Tbos Lindsey, and one in favor of A Hewitt I street, ono hundred and fittccn fret, more
aralnst Thos D Lindsey. Slid tend unimproved. ?,*<**» .t*??***!?,* •
Levies made and returned to me by J R McUranlc, I building; the inttrett of theea.d W ilium * lUeuaam
Constable. Thi-Dee.3.1873. J I being me one fourth, undivided, if at a-c on said
THOS. 1>. FUTCII Sheriff B. C. I iotud!ll «buLding thereon until the first of J tu-
a ^1,. r o v u, . nenu li ^ i ^ thc . Bld w illl.m Rich being
Kcyr.ep.rivy ihe one-fourth, undivided, of a lease on sad lot and
„ . _ . _ I the building thereon unUt the firrt day of January,
Fulton County Sheriff Sales for 1 1876. Ajbo, William Rich’s iat«Tcrt Iu four acres oi
January, 1S?3. | land intend lotNo. 47 of the 14th district r-f Fulrao
W/ ILL be told before tbc Conrt Douse door f n the I co-utT^tuthe
VV cittof Atlanta. Fulton county. Gsorgta, on | J®
tt’e first Tuesday In January nex*, within the legal I to ’P*» tt*®. 1
hours of svlc, the foPowing property, to-w It: I •??*?*« huoiviat
A city lot in the city of Atlanta, known as city lot |
Noia.(n tho 34 ward of said city, fronting on Reed I
* «a moroor j— —^ •- ** - 1
oct, more or
l other*, it t
Lvidcd. rli Icrl'd on to wtlifjr* fi'f * la
Fulton Superior Court In favor of G*orge W. Collier
vs William Rich. pri».c pal, and Willisua Ttt’chmuu,
street 30 freVmore ' aud'nmSmT 1 1»dt aune ! Tiopcrty pointed or"
width 100 feet, more or lew, arijoiuiag th* pronerty of | Decembers,
dost by plaintifi’s attorney
Watts and other*, it inilwudoffisiid lot53fn^thc I . . A. ML PERKERSON. Dtpoty ehrriff
14th district of Fulton county. Levied on as thc I dec3-wtds Prim m> fee 63,>J
property of Nelav Abies by virtue of and to mrisfy a |
lien flta from Um Justfcws’Court of the lOSfiUtdl* I Fulton County Sheriff^ Sales for
J*let G M, in favor of J. F. Crow vs Nclci Able#. I
Levy made by J. R Thcmpcon. L C, cud returned lo I Januarjr f 1S73*
me December 8,1873. I TTTTLLbe #o!d before the Court Dorse door, la
ns-third un-1 VV thc city of Atlanta. Fulton county, Georgia,
1 on thc flrrt Tuceds - *- * —
before the Court D«
_f Atlanta. Fulton county.
. contalninir I on the first Tuesday In January i.exr, within 'the
. , , , -. 5 - ,— —naff P^rt of I legal hours of sale, the following proper!i, to-wtt:
A}?} ,n tho 14 l h district of I a certain tract sr puite! of land In the 14:h District
divided interest in a lot or :,arccFof l\t
three and tbres fifths (3 3 5) acres. It
d on as the property cf W L I lot No 16 in the plan of said 14th Dts net; rttraiug
fas from thc Jurtlca^’ Court I thence northwardly along tbs origin*! north line of
_ un „ . , • M.. In f*yor of W FMo*dv I tW.d lot fl#i feet, more or test. t» a ttikv; thence cast*
•v* W I, Morris. Levy made by J R Thompson, L C, I wardly 1,8M feet, more or Ires, * ‘ *
aud returned to mo. Wju£cr 9th, 1873. I sorn hwardly 9!)6 feet, mere or le
. A. M. PKRKKttSON. Deputy 8bcrfff I original snath line of raid lot
>f the 1026th District, G ?
. to a stake; th-nce
lew, to a stake. In thu
t No 16; thence west
ward! y abmg sUd south Una LS71 feet, more or ter*,
to the b.^giunirg point, being far more accurate do-
ecriptlr n a portion o» the tract rf laud convey
dcdO-wtds Prluttr’s fee $2 50 per.levy
L ■' — I to tfce'b^ginning point, bring far
rn, ‘°” sXVJoT 3^*sra.i£5£S3aKW3sia
WILI.bc .0,4 on Z flre, T?Xln Pcknta,
v V next, before thc Court Douse door, in Atlanta. | tacbmcnt 6 fa frsued from Fulton Superior Oeurt ta
withia the legal hours of gale, thc follow I property I faror of J W Goldsmith, ca-hicr, ▼*. t Root, Dorcm*
to-wit: I bar 3,1871
One Dcabold A Kinglc rafe, one Hcrriig life, two I Also, at the same time and p’rcc, the folowicg
rty-foot ehow cases, two email eldorlow cases, six | personal property lo wit:
ten foot marble topped countcuinceg, rix tcn-foqt I One and a half barrels of whisky, one half barrel of
counter ehow cases, fivo clght-iablc*, two upright I gin, one counter snd show case, tuo cases of claret,
show cases, one Uoward A Co. regulator, three eight-1 fire dozen bottles of porter. 4X doxanctamptgue, 8
foot show cats*. I bottles©: clarri, one qua’ter tmrri ate, me quarter
„ °5 »» , * | e property of George Fhatp, Jr. ard I barrel porter, oco silver pitcher, two silver sugar
F* ? by virtue of any to satisfy a mortgage fi. | bowls, one lot crockery and gksswaro. lot kclvcs,
thc First War •
r or Court, in favor of
»• arris Prupc rty painted
, for Joe Ihompervn A < o. v*. M. Cortgan!
to IUU - r »
1 Also, at thc same time and place, a oily’ot, contain*
I lug a half acre, more or lets, !of laud, s!tna'cd ou
i dry and McDonough »»rw-rs fa tho fiec nd
coucty. Levied ou as the property r.f J __
virtue of and to satisfy a fiafa leaned srom Fayette
“• ’ lockv<JOYateu.
September 3.1873.
• house end let
kTi.-ncd from “ruiton San*: I “» Uc rrret (Id* of It. street la th* city tf
ThrtaS Ssroi*™. A -taita, btflianliiz where the alley at-rta oat Inmlry
y plr/n?iff«,Ilerx
Printer's fee.
GEORGIA* Fulton County.
OnDtxasr’s Orricz, December «. 1873.
M RS lUiTY JOHNSON aijd George A Jftpnron,
administrators of the estate of Wibis A. John-
so;*, late of said c uaty, deceased, has applied for
leave to sell all the real estate belorglngto said estate
for the bentflt of heir- and creditors:
to file
;5mc i
aid applicant.
time prescribed by law, else leave will bo granted the
’a fee $5
GEORGIA* Fulton County.
Onnoranx's Orricz, December 6,1872
G EORGS E. GIBBON, executor or the lart wIL
aud testament of George Gibbon, deceased. Las
applied for a flirtation from said estate:
GEORGIA* Fultou County*
OnsiKABx's Orricz, December 6,1873.
S T. BiGGERS, administrator of the estate, of
• Warner Lyon, deceased, having applied fo*
leave to sell the rca: estate or arid deceased:
This ia therefore to notify all persons concerned to
file their objections if cny tluy have, within the
time prescribed by ltw, rise leave will be granted
•aid applicant as applied for.
dec7—w30d Printer’s fee $5
Farm and Tan Yard
1'iacd , wu iuv juawj in a goo 1 ; wtit un
proved. This pi ice is about t>X miles from Gaines-
*ilie. Any or.e wishing to pnrc&.'ac a good and
cheau place, cau do so on good terms, by applying to
R. FLvB or D. E. CUBSUiHB, Real Estate Agent-,
Gainesville, Ga Terms -One-half cash; balance on
time. declO—dltiwlt
JAMES EASON, colored.
MARY E ISON, colored.
Libel for Divorce.
TT appearing to the Court, by
1 blicuff, that .he il fendont doe*
... 'UgllL
motion of counsel, at
side in this btst-.
derod that said cef endant
next term of this c .ar:. else
in default end p:a:ut!ff allowed to proceed. And it is
- - * - - - -*-* publiahad in thc
Priuux’s fee $10.
Work for la their tparo momeaU. or alttha tla». than at aaTtMn*
•ta. rwtlcaiart Uw._*AUwm OJlitaaas * Ca, PonUad, MilSU^
GEORGIA* Fulton County.
OitDiKamr's Orricz, Deo mber 6,1873.
R USH IRWIN has srpUed for leUers of adminis
tration on the erato cf Thomas R Dameroa,
dtceas- d, th s Is therefore to notify all perrons con
certed to file their objsedoos. If any they have, with
in the time prescribed by law, ttee let era will be
dcc7-w4sr Printers’ fee $4 Ordinary^/*
-Fnlton County.
flcT’s Orricz, December Term, 1872,
minor and orphan cf T. J
dec *Vsr4gr
GEORGIA* Fulton County.
OuDiKanr’s Orricz, December Term, 1872
, Tt YARGARET GRAY having applied for letters of
jVJLsdministration on the estate of Luke Gray, late
their objections. If any exist, on of before the first
Monday ia January next, else letters will be granted
the applicant.
- ......
• •. • ■/
■ *-'■ : — 1 —
o'clock A. cn Ute lSlbdaror iKccmbcr. 18'
bt oace. BASIS. fiTTMAS. Ordtojj,.
feorTf-irlw fristarafatn
•ton* It, itrect TO feet ttonto wen •* fc«? li
to uid ailo,. ttasee la aaonkeaucin eii> n alas* ihe
•ontecan udeor >a!d allc, KTIce: to the Mulu
IKkntebrre aald alto, enter. It, .ueet; IcT.aa an aa
Uw property rf W lUrkland b, Ttaac of .nd lo ret
!*[, * fl ft from the Jantmta fon-t of tha muh Ota.
ttlct, a M, In laror of C X June, re W mni...
mk^tow*tSrl“wf Unpl>eU ’ L C ' ,Bi rH,,nK4 to
Aire, at the Mme time and tl ire. a ell j lot froaUrc
on Walker etnetflfeet, to iln F ret WwJef the di,
of Atlanta, aapertcndto* hick Hune width Ilf fret;
lcilid on tue pteotrt, cf J S BelUa b, Tirtooof
aofltorelfcf, two( ht fra ttc Jaiiiee'. Conn of
the 1036th dt.trict, U M, In freer of Innu At Crook,
thank re J 8 Betti. Lodee mad. t,Fl Unto, LC,
aad letoixed to m» Doeanher A I8J1
A. M PSKBBKS'J.V. Deraf, Skerifl.
fle:6->da Fi Int» t'a fee » per ler,.
Executor’s Sale.
B Y virtue of the last will and tvstamrnt of Daniel
Fcrgaroti, dec-rased, we wil rc’l heton the Ck urt
House door in AHauta, on ike First Tofsdayln Jan
uary next, with n the te*»l hours of sate, the south
half of land lot No. 854, ai d the norib h-lf of land
L t No. 355, of the 14th District of originally Henry,
wow Fulton coouty. Bold as th? pro: erty of said
iron, deceased, for diatribe lion. Terms-.
Admiuistrator'ri Sale.
N. 3. FOWLER, Auctioneer
W ILL be arid before theCrurt Bou-ef’orr. I ■
tue cny of Atlanta, wittin the legs* hours cf
sa'e, on ths flratTuesday la January next, aa undi
vided hah interest in tn-« following des ribeoirop-
•rty, to-wlt: Ccmmcn In* at the j auction of I’cxca-
tree and Forsyth streets ard rum Ins duo south
r-two (4*) feet, nroreorless, to Forrji
alo: | Foray ta street to tbs begtoms
r un ancle, and bring pm of andh
sa the property of Willis 2 Johns a, decease 1. for
ths benefit of tha h*i;s snd creditors. Terms cash.
W R. V* HAULS, Admit:istrator.
Atlanta, November 131C1872 _.
uovl4-w40d dFxinteFs fee $1$
XT OTICfi is hereby given to creditors of Bcnjaatla
Little, late of Faltm county. Georgia, deceased,
to render ac account of their demand*.
GEORGIA* Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office, Nov. 36,1832
M ARY F.COUCIL wife of Elijah F P.C