Newspaper Page Text
H *r Locitioa, Surroundings
Business, Etc.
Her Importance as a Great
Commercial and Man-
ufrt turing Centre.
Her Net-work of Railroads
Touching Every Po nt
of iho Ccmp its.
I ulton, Iticr, Suer, Tulntn, the
kra...,ud I'nllitfEitr;
II rr Xn>l<«ll >c»rif- Til Kn.
truvt M.nw Mountain an*
■ hr lilue Itidce la ibr
r Admlratil* Clloatr, a< d it,
Krtalar.t; or Ti-mporatarr
Kirtlll trl j >hunn by
la *P**Mqg of dima'r, ml .1 proof of
rtai baa been anted »^. c * e i„k c
ntmbgM*, a p ro f«dooal
letter from Wai. H White, V D . late
Mrnoo 1st aad ttad Iowa Volunteer
Infantry, aad for jcura a resident of At
Jaata. As will be ateo the letter it cer-
tinea to Mr tereral or oar leading phv-
aiciaaa. Tlie biter treats of cltmauc ef•
feels.bcallufuloess. A.-, of lhe city, and
includes sa official mc.eorol. gf,j regis-
•‘ATIATTa, — .
Gutumem: Nor.ti Georgia is
ebow 1,0TB feet ebose the ocean, as re-
ceo'ly d.monauated by Capl. Bomwell,
**l Lniied States coast survey. Tic r-
oioaphcre is invigorating, and cot »ub-
jcci to marked unexpected change., as
will be teen by the following meteor ilo—
gicsl table, taken trom the official ic-
eotda of ltie military poet at this place.
rw*a jeav '**'!• ,
tears. 5B8-! stemti.. '= . ;
ZVLT IW7S, m- i. J bL RlVl« CACII — i —
* J - t * l * E - St-*! Si Sock. ;?
MONTIL ??kC; ,1-
•‘Anxljtis erf ConadxriUe.Pa .coke br
C iimalt and H * r.
Water 0.657 Snlphur 1st trial 0.711
Volsl.le ..114 Sulphur 2d trial 0 743
A-h 13 650 Siipuur 3d trial 0.720
Carbon by diflerence, M ie8."
We also give tbe result of a test made
The B>c Stock-Jobber Failed—Lia
bilities a Million aad a Hall. LeJger.
bT .l i T , ” a . C s ' NkW Vobk, March 13 -Daniel Drew
ai Bfjjti >0, of thin coal wuh Cum Le: laud
1 .in.. r. .• # • whose petition iu bankruptcy has been
V" nT *** * * ,<:W °t tcallo X ,ts P #Wtre r filed, ia liable upon an endorsement note
Air. Beav r ny>: “Two 'Ionkey ta-
gitut of equal » ze «nU capacity an t oi
the SiRMf make wire u^cd for the us
In on.- wan b irnt D»‘lu Coal company ’i
of the Diew theological seminary, at
Madison, New Jersey, in the hum of
$250,000, and also an endorsement cote
to the seminary at Middleton, Conn., in
$100,000. The*e two notes are unsecured.
coal, and in toe ctlier beat Cumt* ria -d; , uj* other unsecured liabilities amount to
Coal Firllf, bod Farid-, Iron
Field* aad l onralrd Min
eral Deposit*
Tie >uclea« «l ike Greatest Calf o j
ike Hon 1 k
Atlanta, the capital of tha state of
«Morgia, 1m ka Wed up<.n thesiuntnit of a
•tending rirfg* fr« na which the waters on
the one ride fl*»w into the Atlantic ocean,
»n«l on the other into tbe gulf of Mexico,
1U7H feet above the level of the ocean,
VM livl alaove the Tenneaaaee and Cum
berland river* ut ( hktlano.>g* and
Nashville, ami about 1150 alao7e the
ThailahfM < lu-e river, seven mile* distant
from the city* The hication ia about
•1 «0 tuiU-a from Chat U nion, al><rai the
1* »iue il.alaur.a from .Savannah,
and Na-hvtJle, 500 mi lea from liicbmond,
am! ib «qui duttant from New York and
New Oilcans.
In KJO, the «:onvtrartion of the .State
tii.,il wim authorized, and the piem ni
Mir of the Union l*.»nvn»rer drp»»t w«a
loi »t«d ami t ailed “Terminus." lu 1643
Termiuu* »»h Incorporated und» r the
rmin of M.irihabVille, and in 194? .Mar-
thb-vihe waa incorpurai. d under ths
name of Atlanta, lu lm*4, I he city was
ihatroyed by (irneial .Shermau. Tne
1 leatiu lion wa-s the moat ruiimua of any
«tt> iu the * milt, t xorpt p« rhapa, Colum-
hm S < Thu entire buainiN portion
of the city and all theprincip i) building*,
undo bug 11 very U»gc number of tine
ri-idi M e*, were utterly demolished, and
MiiiHiiimd by dev« uring llaiuea.
The rapi 1 n habiUlation aud growth of
Atlanta Sinn- the war are without a par
alh 1, 11ml fully rt< mouatriite her in»|M>r- eommereial and inanu-
ta< luring outer. At the beginning of
the late war tlie imputation numtirud
M (»t0, b» day alie nuiubt is (Mu. Very
m ally lotiilly de-troyed by tlie war, yet
by r« ai*ttea.«,r« solute energy ske h u ris n
I rout tlie mhcH, long ofc«>mmodi-
ou* business bouat streleh out uloug her
■Ain!-. Slid lllaliy iKtUliful Itsidtiloa
dot her hills.
The d ily busy hum on the streets
hear* • vide net* of the Ilfs, aclvity, and
toris i f the trade <d the city. She po»«
m vm- tl Hiring mills, wuh « capm-ity of
luiuv bundled l»»rn Is per day; rolling
mills, turning out imTChaul and r.iiiroad
Iron, -piker, Ae ; cnuy lactorha with a
eapa. tty of m«uv thousand |Miunda per
day of plain aud Vrcocb candy;
allot*", iii’iuulaeluriiig gill', louse p iwcra,
i ngiiuv, A •; terra c«*lta worka.supplving
a hilf d< /tu stale.-, tobaeco, t igtrs, fur
mtuie, triii k, pump, aoap, paper bag,
patent mi du; 10% ice, and van ua other
ta« toiie-piud u large whok«ale l»u.* uea*of
every hraoeb (We a e now cncilng a
cotti>n tai't«*ry of 11,000 spindle* of
Isowvll improved machiucry.)
are rurllrnt and givu her all the tW-en-
tial advauug's ol a compute sy>t ut—
the Western ami Atlantic railroad, reach
ing tliuvlly to the West aud Uorih; tlie
tieolgu rai'ntad, iu ning e.v*tward sud
uorthwartl; the Mseoii anti Western
rndroad, s-retching to the southern sea
boatd; the A Unta and West Point rail
road. o|*Tin g «p the great southwest;
the Alr-I. ne railroad, devcl
opin^llie i< ».»urc4 * ot northea-t (ieorgia
mid tin* Vafottn**; and tbt' tieorgta
W'rsle n, n« gr.*de«l to the coal field*
of Alahanit.
WHAT coxruint tk* t«» atlarta.
aev»*n p mud* of kindling wood aud fifty
p unis of coal were used under e*cu
engine. Fire was started under each
engine at twenty minutes ps« . 1 o'clock.
Doric coal got upsLara at 2:10, Cum
berland got up steam at 2:12 p iu
D«dc c steamed up to 2j}£ pouads <«f
steam by stetm gauge. Cumb^rUud
steamed up to fifu cu (tounda.
“C'umberlaad rngme st«-pp- d at three
“D-de crg»ne stopped at three fi teen
p. m.
betwten $100,000 and $200,000. The
amount of all Li* liabilities, secured and
uo-f-cuted, D about one million five bun-
dr* d thousand dollars.
Mr. Drew has b en in business for
forty years or more, and in Wall street
for ib rty vein pa-t; but since he left the
-tr« tl in March, 1575, he has done no
business whatever. He dates the be
ginning of his financial misfortunes to
tbe lo.-s of a million on a coiner in
Northwestern two or three years ago.
11c next lost on Toledo and Wahas , on
tbich he was “short,” txd on theeule.'"
••The .‘he,, etc., in the fire box was! P'* 1 * «<* , consuucliat? the •‘CiDxd.
weighed, and there weretw.* pounds !*-►» bouthern" railway. lie was also a gen-
under D.dc eng n.- tlisn under Cuuijer- ^ P»rtner in the firm ol King, Cji A
land.” * CeO., brokers, into which, he says, he
From which it appears that the Dad- ' weDt * s * of friendship. When
coal got Steatn quicker, got up more ,h *- v *** >uod *hat they held
steam, burnt longer, and burnt rno;e to no property in their own names.’and Mr.
ashes thin Cumberland. lhe on] y member of the
f firm w.ib property. he of course wa»
Tfotriiait i;i,» i J*" f ,i ■ , , .. i lorced to bear the 1 <**>**-. The O-nck-
t.e,ot iron ur'eexU.Vi.hin Ut j fu"‘“uli?“£2
Of Atlsou. imtnedistelv unon tha rail ! tJl? en^J^U,
realized to meet ail the liabilities. T e
examination will pr »babiy not take place
for three oi four weeks, owing to the
numb, r of other carta which have the
“It will l»e oljuerv^TlKiiT
da^ in lH7:i wn* 1 r, deg. at*ove zero; i
!H«4, 12 deg above zero and lsTA, 4
deg above zero, iimkiug our rntsn win
terly weather *U«ut 4# deg above zero
And the mean beat of summer about 7-1
degrees atwvc, which is ao average of
f [°m 10 to U degrees less than that of
the middle and western stale*, and com
pared with which our atmospheric chan
ges at sll seasons sre more gradual and
lea* extreme, while a guilt or a blanket
ia reoutrrd at night.
“We are not subject to epidemic dis
eases. Not even in Atlanta, wuh a pop
ulation of .'M.OOO, with daily arrivals
from all sections, has yellow fever or
cholera ever prevailed, and but few
sporadic c*«*s of dysentery or small
l*ox have trfvn developed. ( hill* and
fi ver whcu tliey have occhtmI (a* a rule>
could be iraierl lo a visit to, or
former re-idenca in a me missmaticdis
tricu Thl*^bracing atmo-pherc oxygen
ates Ibw bioud wiibout opprcaHin'the tin
breathing sp|Miratu.*, ai <1 is therefore pe- • fl m . e
culiarly adapted to pets ms from a north- I i„. r d*s»rs.
ern or OKire rlgor.iuv climate espc-ciilly w , n . nearly 60,000 biles of staple *e,e
so if they V« ludering with chronic I handled by her dialers, and her com-
weakneMiot the luug* In this respect mcrcial wants and inti rests, and that of
we Uriieve it b«:lier than that of Florida, the country adjacent sre ample to atisorb
of Atlanta, immediately upon the rail
road*, and along their lines exi.-t several
furnaces in full blast. Here in tbe city
is a roiling mil! with over 600 horse
power of engines, and a capac ty lo turn
out 17 000 tons of annually.
Perhaps fully one half of Georgia is
vet covered with virgin forests, couaisi*
ing of oak, walnut, (>oplar, pine, hick
ory, maple and ash. Atlanta i* abun
dantly and cheaply ►Uf pli*il with good
and durable timtier for building, furni
ture, carriage and other parpo-cs.
The hi st quality of rubblework stone
aViourids all through tbi* section. With
in a few miles of the city, and up m the
lines of «,ur rai roads, .‘■oujistone, mar
ble, lime and sand>tone of superior qu&li
ty are found. Witbin night of Atlanta,
and imm diately on the line of the
Georgia railroad, stands Stone Moun
tain Tin* immense braider of lhe finest
g’anite rises 1,830 feet in one solid man,
with a rircuraferencc of six miles.
Wit* in a few hour* ride of Atlanta
rich mineral-, among which stand promi
nently, gold, silver, iron, copper and
coal, with other miocra .* and precious
atones, arc found in greater or leas pro
‘Atlanta i* 30 mil's within
*tlon belt. The golden
prows luxnrartly at
During the past cotton sea-
Tlio *oil around tbo city has a good
clay foundatloo, ia *u»ccptihlc of almost
Miiy niuount of improvement, and
under Dm d«w systain of agri-
cu’turo, where conducted with
judgment, >kdl and perseverance the
tesultM are proving amply compcuaa-
lory and *uec«o»ful. .\buudant hkrvtals
wl.l hereafter tie gathered of a great
vaiie y of proiluctlona, such as the cere
al* «*t* all kind*, cotton, tobacco, the
grama**, aud Iruila of every variety
known in tin temperate zone, ana of the
fiuci'l quality.
AlLata. however, is not dependent
up u the fruitful valleys of upper Geor
gia, the pto.luctlve table land*of middle
Georgia, or Uie rich cotton ng.ooof
southwestern Georgia. She i* the gr at
ua’ural railway center of Georgia, Ala-
bama, Florida and South Carolina. In
1*170, thissfour state* yie ded crops of
cott«*n, ritv, sugar and tobacco, valued
at $Hil,0 S’.oOO In lH7«\the commerce of
•\tlanta i xter.detl over 30.000 square
mile* of territory. Over 100 cities and
tow.;* make her'their principal trading
liable to the influence of
damp, chilly wind*, the uiiasm of low
flat land*, budden changes, and unpleas
ant ocean and gulf bree* s. In the win
ter months, we have Home rai >y weather
requiring the u-iiai precautions against
lh« *e atino-pheric changes.
I have hadopp »rtuaitie* rurely enjoynl
by physician* of jU'Ling the cliu ate of
the -evtr 1 aAitionnof the l ulled Slab*
Having | w** duty early life in New York,
practicing my prote*ion for fourteen
years in th-northwest, and being t*ta-
tion**d Imving parsed over most* f
the a-<ulb during the war, 1 have no h«s
itancy in *a>ing th*t the climate of
north Georgia ia the equal, (taking one
moniU with an t'her.hd any in Ameiica.
1 am HU.-laint-d in tin* opliiinn by what
haa been generally observed and written
by int« llu.eiii travelers.
“Wn II White, 31. !>.**
I«ate Sjrgcou 1*1 nnd22d Iowa Yol. Inf.
“We fully concur with Dr. White as to
a bat be bas stated in tbe above letter a*
to epidemic*, i hill.* and fever, as to
our climaie and it* tlTecis generally on
p*-r*<»n* c«uiiimr from the uorth.
“II. V 31. Miller, 31.1).
“W. G 11WKN, M l).
“A. M Caluouh, M l),
“l*rofsw-or Atlanta Medical College.
“Wm Arram Love, M.D .
“IVo'ccuir Atlauta Medical C »Uege.
“W. F. Wk-ruoiiKijiM», M D ,
“ProfoMor Atlanta Mt-dtcs! College."
Once the traile of tho city was cotifiu-
ed within pn*critH’d himiiJs, t.nt now
ha* overleaped ilu-ni and Iki u extended,
until she share* much of tne htHinns
once controlled by Augusta, Macon, Sa
vannah, Columbus and Montgomery, all
of them old ami established cities when
Atlanta was a forest. All of these cil es
have railro.ul*, some of theui navigable
rivers, yet the great preponderating ad
Tint ten of Atlanta ho* been, aud i*, its
We have spoken of the unsurpassed
facilities of Atlanta for the ncention
and elutributiou ot unmenso products,
taring on the natural paasway between
the great grain and stin k raising regions
of the northwest and tbo great cotton,
tobacco ai.d nee raising regions of tho Atlantic state*. Thit a.-*L*t* her,
yivieg great facility for the <oll(clit>n
ot material* and the distribution of im r
chandise from and to every iu»int and
every quarter of the country.
She |M*aM**cs oilier advantage*, which
are loo apparent to retpiire notice. 1** r
hap* it i* right that mention should be
made of tbe great value of the state geo
logical and agricultural bmesus being
located here. From Dr. L ille, the ac
complished state geologist, mueh infor
mation can Im* glt-aUid ot the gold, trait,
copper, iron, slate, marble, lime, etc ,
that lie* buried in < ieorgia soil,wniting f..r
capital to work it out He will tell of
the 229 different kind* of wood found in
the slate, and show 73 kinds dressed am!
polished, so as to show grain, color, fi
lm*, etc. lie will show 166 lists of
soils and sub aoils and nature of growth
ou tbt in. lie also has full and complete
geological maps of much of the country
ca*v id acies* to Atlanta.
Dr. Jane*, the cntrgctic state agricnl
tuialcommissioner, will show to visitors
in hi* department fine specimens of our
agricultural product* aud what can lie
dune on Georgia soil by proper and care
ful culture.
Mauuf AC.ming has paid well as far as
it ha* been tried in th s city. Why
should it not continue to do so? Tne
greatness of a city mainly depetd* on the
greatness of its natural advantage* and
the use it makes of i&cm To make the
gills of heaven available they must be
iXTA |, skilfully, energetically af
i> p etura>qu* and attractive. The ci y j |> ro priaU < d. Immediately around aud
D >pr.-A*l
tunber of hill*. : UtMr tu* city are an abundance of the
ot many Ihsu i- 1 chief material* for uianutsciuring pur-
iiu riwid« mm On the east I a* ccal, non, umber, mar-
Stouc Mountain preaenu a grand appear- I tile, granite, limestone, cotton, e:c.
Alice. On thv noiih, can be mcu thedu» the coal
taut peak* of the L.iie Kidg\ and sppa- i ij^rgia Is bituminous, snd l»oth fer
rvntlv clo w by u* arv historic Kvnov*aw t aaJ j roa m ^king ha* been pi
and I. »*t iu I oounced of the very best quality. Tl
Ogleth*»rpe l ark, West V. ml, the water j j fiad* arc cocfined to north a»
voik*. Kirkw4Hal, Ldgewood and Ponce , ^ XUc ^
at the present lime ten million dollar-
worth of cotton goods per annum, and
such as may not meet a home demand
will resdily find an outlet through tlie
mercantile houses establisbul in our
Cotton manufactured here will make
Hmoo’her, monger, and more duralile
fabric* than those made in old or New
England, for the cotton will not have
beta compressed, drenched in rs n«,
rolled in the mud of wharves, hU-urlied
by exposure iu it.* travel by land and
*• a, and from another cause, the sir of
this donate lalngdry aid* in tusking
belter cloth.
If our nutursl advantage-* f< r tnHnti-
fsrtnring COtlon were projierly develop
ed, tbe profits arising from it would be
*o great as to attract abundant capital
and skill fnrni almost every othtr quar
1* of the be.*t. and rapidly advance in
culture and refinement. Itrigbt exam-
pl* s of generous attainment and lofty
intellect are not wanting among our citi
zen* II*-r statesmen are eminent in the
courcilsof the nation—her author* and
journalist* rank deservedly high—
her educators are exp« tit need gentlemen
—the Jelo'juence ot her pulpit tie
M-verc rearming of her judges, the tal
ent of her bar, the skill of her physician*,
the high toned character of h« r business
men exhibit an array of citizens who are
tit for a companionship with ih«>
most gifted of other sections of this
or any other state. Tbe numerous pub
lic and private buildings of the city show
by their beauty in design, their harmo
niousness in proportion, and their <lc-
gance of execution, the skill of her me-
chanii s.
A liberal catholic spirit pervades lhe
community, luduatiial and enterpri-dug
men who will attend lo their business
and aid in building up the city are wel
comed from every section of the country’
regardless of birth or political sentiment
for investment and e- terprise. She has
sparkling, water from pure freestone t >
those of the stronge.-t mineral and medic
inal qualities.
With a larg- number of churches, a
capital system of free scletol* in which
both races receive a good English cdu -a
li-m without charge, an cxccihnt market
affording all the necessaries and most of
the luxuries of life, she cordially invites
a larger citizenship w ithin her limit*.
We have been pleased within tbe pnst
few days to see a large numlier of excur
sionists in our city from the great north-
we*L In a kind inti rcour»e,and the fret-
interchange of opinion.*,** well a* of our
different products, God grant that there
may be cultivated a spirit of good will
and mutual sympathy, snd forbears and
cent uric.* to come keep the ch »m which
biud* u* together bright and uubroktn.
U W. Adair,
Wm. II White,
Julius M Brown,
J. Hknly Smith,
J, 1'kathkr, Jk ,
V. 1\ Sltv-ON,
J. T. Lumpkin,
Tiirnly Thousand Dollars for an
Spe -ial to the Cine naa*i E .qulrrr.
Babcock cannot keep In* head ab->v<
water much l ugci. Hi* outragetm
rime* arc c'oaing on him on every side
The military committee have summoned
before them Gen. Buttirfield, of New
Ywrk, late a**i*iant secretary of the
treasury. They will, it is said, prove by
him tint sli >rtly after Grant was inaugu
rated m 1869 a certain New Yorker ad
dre-s.d him a latter saying: “If you
will procure my apitoinfmeut to a po*i«
ti »n in the custom hous • 1 will give you
$20.0'0.** He took the letter to Wash
ington nndpu* in it Babcock’s hand-,to be
laid before tbe president, that Grant
might puui*h the offender. J?ix weeks
later be was ihuuderstruck wlit-n
heard the man had got the very office he
wanted. Four month* later the success
“Unde" Daniel Drew, as Le is fatni -
iarly called, La* been for many year*
one ot the moot pioinim nt operators on
Wall strict. In hi* day Le has met and
vuiiquiihcd some of the Letviest j ‘libers
on the strict, but during the last year or
hi* venture* Lave leu ted disas-
trously. lie has been the principal
spirit of innumerable “pools,” for,
ihough a Very illiterate man, his active
shrewdness and lack of scruple maut-
bim a giant in the bull and bear world.
lie is said t» be a queer compound of
knavery and piety, and some amusing
slot if s are told of the way he mixes
religion and gambling “8omctims,”
he lemaiked lo a lrund once, “there
Uaint been a greeny of any account on
street for me. ks, and I gets low in
*piMs aud det-poudeni, but, ju^t a*, the
light time, one turn* up, and then I
rtuLzc the truth of that beautiful pas
sage from scripture, ’the L *rd will pro-
Another story is told of hi* ignorance
of the comm n nt biunchisof an Eng-
l sh education. One morning Uncle
Dan’l did not appear nt hi* office, aud
a* he was tbe only man who kuew the
safe combination, the book-keeper
went to bis Lou a? to a-k him what it
was He reached the place, knocked on
flu door, and asked for Drew.
“ A’ho’* there ?” ttktd Uncle Dau’L
**I»’a me," exclaimed the book keeper.
I want to find out the safe Combina
tion ’’
i) >or," shouted back the disturbed
financier, and .-unk ou hi* | iliuw iu pi-
u* meditation.
Shoitly at ter war Is the bo«.k keepei
returned and knocked avion.
“Well, what is it now?' shoutid Un-
le Dauiel, iudigoautly.
“What did you say the combination
i’»s, Mr. Drew?" **k«U the fio«)k keep
No. 13 North j Fourth Street,
at once sent out from Hazelgreen for
med’cal assit ance. All the doctor
available at o_ce wu»t to the scene of the
Tne village of Hazelgreen has a pop- J Saving Time and Labor in Iron
ulatioo cf probably 1.OC0 inhabitants : n «. morG than its Cost
It is situated twelve miles directly east more Inan ,ts ^OSX.
of Dubuque, and ten miles north ol [
Gal. na, in the extreme so Jtheastern por
don of Grant county, Wifl, and not
more than half a mile from the lllinob
state lice. It is almost wholly a mining
village, and is situated in very nearly the
bean of the best Wisconsin diggings
i one tbe oldest villages in |
he lead-beitiog regions, and tu
18U4, was quite a village, when Du
buque and Galena wete places of let*
than 1,000 inhabitants It is surrounded
by a fine farming as well as mining ter
ritory, and cont ins several stores, a
hotel, and all the usual adjuncts of a
country villlge. The town stands out
upon a rolling prairie, and hence must !
have rtce* i ed the full force of the fear I
ful *torm which bore death to so many
of its inhabitants. Hazelgreen Is m ted
*s the place where the poet J. G. Perci-1
val dit d twenty years ago, and where he
lies buried. Among the buildings de
si royed was the Methodist church. The
otorm was pretty general over the north
webtera count!y, Sparta and LaCroese |
reporting considerable damage from
flood*, winds and hailstones. Dubuqui
aud Burlington Iowa, were also in the
path of the hurricane, but received only
a small part of its strength, which seem*
to have been held in reserve for the town |
of ll*zvlgreen.
vas the reply
t at forty lung
••Door'. dt«>r! door!"
hur'ad lhruogh the p»u
For a moment ti e | u/./.Vd • inployee
kloiwl irre&oluu*, hint then a bright idea
mi ink him.
“How do you spell bluor,’ Mr.Drcwt”
he a.*kt d.
“Sich ignerance!" thundered Uncle
Dan'l from under the ccver, “Why
tl-<»-a r-e, you d—d fool. Du a r e.”
The bixikket-pt r smiled audibly, went
back to the office aud opened the *afe.
Who’* Wh’j in lyJG.
The oldest member of her imj'-sty
piivv council is the Right il«*n it--It
.\loc-Kerzie, *ged W; tlie youngest, 1IR
II. Prince Leopold, aged 28. The oldest
duke i* the Duke of Portland, aged 76;
the youngest, the Duke of Noifolk.sgetl
29. The oldest marquis i* the 31arq'iis
of Tweeddale, aged t9: tbeyounge*t.lhe
Marquis ol Caiudeo, agetl 4. Tbe oldest
t arils the Earl of lorven and Melville,
a^id 90; the y oungest, the E^rl of Nor-
bury, aged i:t Tlie oldest viscouut is
Lord Stratford de Kedcliffe,aged 88; the
y.tungeat,, Yncouut C’litden, aged Id.
Tlo oldest baron is Lord Chelmsford,
aged 82; 'lie youngts'. Lord Southamp
ton, ug«d 9. The oldest of the titlid
heirs ot peers is Vi?count Kirkaldy, heir
to the Earl of LcVtn and Melville, aged
39: the y >unge*l are Viscount Crow-
iiur-l (h< ir to tlie earl of Cottenham),
Viscount Forbes (heir to the earl oi
Kingston), and Viscount Stuvodale (heir
tu the call of llcuestei). each of wh<
in his s -cond year.
The oldest n.cmU-r of the house of
• unmou* is the Rt. Hon. J. Warner
Henlv, M. I\, of Oxfordshire, aged 82
itie youngtsi, the iloo. William F.
O’Callaghan, M. P. for Tipperary, aged
The oldest judge in E iglaud U lhe
IU. Hon. Sir Fnzroy Kelly, lord chief
baron of the court of txebiquer, aged
80;ihey ouiLesi-, the Rt Hon. Sir George
Jesoel, matter of the roll*, agetl 32. The
oldest judge In Ireland is the lit. lion,
.lame* Munobon, chief justice of tfce
court o! common plea*, aicd 72; the
youngs*.!, ihe Rt. Hon. (Jhri»toph«T
Valle*. LL I), chief baron of the court
of exchiquer, aged 43. TLe oldest
oiili lord of sessions 1* Lord
Neaves, ngt d 70; the youngest, L >rd
Shand, aged 47 The oldest prelate of
tlie church of England is the bithop of
L'anJaff (I)r. Alfred Ollivant,) aged 78;
tbe youngest. Dr. Edward Parry, suffra
gan bishop ot Dover, aged 46. The old
e*t prelate of the lri.-b church is Dr. John
Gregg, bishop of Cork, aged 78; the
youngest, his S4»n, Dr. Robert Samuel
Gregg, bishop of Osaory and Fern, aged
42. Tne eldest hiahop of the Colonial
aud Missionary church is the Rt. Rev.
Samuel Gofiat, bishop of Jerusalem,
aged 77; the youngest, the Rt. Rev. Reg
inald S Copcloton, the newly cwisecru-
ted bishop of Colombo, aged 30. Th.*
olded bishop of the Scocb Episcopal
church is the lit R v. Rot-
ert Elen, bishop of Moray anti
K »sa, aged 71; the youugest the
K K*.-v. Hugh Wtll-mghby Jermyn, of Brechin, 33. Tue oldest ol
the retired bishops i» the IU. Rev. James
Chapman, Die bishop of Columbo, agid
77; the youngest, the, UL R v. Edward
Twt-lis, t i-hop of Orange Silver. 47.
Tue oldest bjrooet is Sir Richard John
Griffith, aged 92; the younctst. Sir
Henry Pulk C*rew. aged 6. Tne oldest
kutght is G»-n. Sir John Bell, G. C. Bell
. .... nge<l 94; the youngest Sir Ludlow Cotter
ful applicant wa* ov.-rtakea in crooked j ('’Ideal son ot James Laun ncc C tt« r.
maimed, so that their lives arc despaired
ot. There were «i^ht of the citiz.ns
killed their, bodka lor tbe most part be
ing terribly mangled. Some were
caught under falling timber*, others
were impaled by splintered boards, while
some were dashed to death by teing
caught up in tbe the storm and thrown
against building*, or thrown with great
force to t j the ground- The carnage is
reported to have been terrible to an
alarming degree, and when tbe wind had
passed by its path was marked by rained
buildings, and dead, dying, tnd
wounded inhabitants. Immediately
after this tornado had died aw»y a heavy
rain storm set in, tbe water fal!ing in
perfect torrents, and extinguishing at
once tbe Flight dimes which had sprung
up, probably from a blacksmith'* shop,
which shared the fate of many other
buildings. In addition to rain, there
wa* a heavy hail Ft >rm, tbe weather
having suddenly turned cold. The
d-rad, so tar as could be ascer
tained, are Joshua Richards,
Mrs. J.,hn Looney, Mrs. Thomas
Hichaidi, Mr*. Thomas E!w*rd»,
Mbs Tnumpson, daughter of Edward
Th Jtnpsun, who, together mi h his son,
is supposed to have perished; sis; * son
of Joeph J»ckson Between fifteen
and twenty persons were wounded. The
first news of the disaster was brought
By tbe use of wh'ch every family may give
thilr l*nen that brl lisnt p.ilisb,
peculiar to fine laundry w. rk.
P. &. G.T DODD A; C’O.,
Dcr-las Depot j Shet UT« StUt.
In the town D ugDsvtlie, Douglas county
UeO'Xla wl b'n tne legal hour* of sale, on
the first Tuesday in April n.xt, tha follow-
mg property, to wit:
Egh y acres of land, It being Nos. 927
928 of ihe l?th district and 2i section ot
originally Cherokee, now Douglas c u».ty
Levi..-d on as the property of A V Bru ubv,
Fiesidentof the New M*nche*ter M*nu
factoring Company, to sutL-fy one Tax tl
f* issued by Jno F G’.ovtr, T*x Collector of
D. uglas county. Levy ra uie by M 8 Gore.
L C, aud retunud to me.
Also, at the rame time p! ce, 20 acres of
land, lot No. 223 of the 2<i district and o.h
oectiun of origiu ily Carrd 1 , now Dougls*
county. Levied on as the pronerty of G A
Wlnu, to satisfy one T«s C f» i utd by
Jno F Glover, Tax Col ector tf Douglas
county. Levy made and reiur. ed to me by
W J Abe;crumble, Lt.
Aleo, at the same time and place rine
tcrea of iaud 1 t No 18, of the tir»t district
and 5 h sectl n of oiiginally Carrod, now
Douglas county. Levied on as tbe proper-
tv of F V Lanurun*, »o salt ty one Tax fi f i
Issued by Jno B Glover, Tax Uecior of
Djugla* c iunty levy mad* and teturneo
to me W J Abe cromtle, L 0.
Also, at the aame time and t>la e, one
hous* and lot No 1, clock No. 2t, of the
town of licuglaavUie. agr»eoly to of
John A Grau. i evkd ou a* the proper y
of W* 11 *oa h, to satis y one Tax fl f»
it sued by Jno F Gio er, Tax Collector of os county. Levy made and ret .rned
to uie t*y W J Afi. rcromde, L C-, at the tame and (1 ce, 100 arret of
(and 'ot No U?, t f .he 3d dfetric: and 5th
**c fo .if origi ally C rroll now bougl**
County. Levied «»u a* the pro erty of
Us ar Re ts , to tariff> one Tax fl fa 1 sued
'•l J o l Glover,T x C liecto • of Dousla*
countv Levy made and retain.d to me by
J wtiu F Tbeiaaso:-, L C.
Also, at ihe same time and plcc*, 117
tetes of laud lots Nos 813, S93 aud Si3 of
he 18ih disiric. aud 21 sec iouo'orig nally
•Jherokee, uow Do glai county. Levied
on as the pro: erty of N S Lipscomb, to
satisfy four fi fas is ued from the Justice
Lour of 'he 784 h Distil t. G M. lu favor
of VV E Scogftius, r xecuto cf Wyly oc«>g-
g*ns, Ut ceased, agdnst N 8 Llpt>comb.
Iboptriy pa nted out by W E 8*. c grins,
plaiuiiff, Lml returued t> re by M 8
U»re, LC. 1 hi* a*.h d»v of FeL., 1876
J.*t % . JAMXS.
mar2 -wtd Deputy h« riff
The Alexandria Sentinel.
Wc nu nlione-lm rtlatiuglhe iocidcnts
of the inauguration of Jackfon'a atmue
in Ricbmood Utt fall that General J E „ a , ., R „ „ DHAWK K
Johnston .tad expressed hi* pleasure at I **1LE8 ALARM CA811 DBA>V h k
mec-ting hia old seivan*, Jim Ferguson, I rilor ® Trucks, Baggage Barrows, all siz-*,
ol Fairfax courthouse, and given him a' I Coffee and *>rug Mil s, Letter Tresses, 4 -
'’testimonial ” Well, Jim had gone phircipal scals waRxnoraas:
borne with bright memories of the occa FAIRBANKS A CO, 311 Broad-
s:on, and a livelier recollection of hU w*y, N. Y.
old gener .1 than ever, but with no ex FAIKB 'NKS at CO., 1C6 Baltimore sire t,
pecUtton of ever teceiviog anything I Baltimore Md.
like the surprise which he encountered J FAIRBANKS A CO , 58 Camp atrett, New
J4y!4 he 1501 lh * f0llw# FAIRBANKS at CO , 26 Matu street, Buf
lug tetter: fslo, New York.
Savannah, February 10, 1876. FAIRBANKS & CO., 888 Bruudwuy, AI
‘Dear Jim: 1 cannot tell you how glad I bany. N«w York.
Mr*. Johnston wa* when I told her you FAIRBANKS All)., 403 tt Paul's siree*,
find conic to aee uie m Richmond. And! Montreal
we agreed then to send you % Christmas I FAIRBANKS St CO , 34 King William St
wire PCOpl ® FA1RBA%k5JbROWN • CO , 2 Milk Si
were so slow lu brtogiog me my money Bos’on Ma*s
that 1 could not raise a detent sum for FAIKB ViKS St EWING, Masuulc Hail,
-ou. At last, however, I am paid, and Philadelphia, T**uu.
I send you fitly dollar* in a check ou I FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CJ , 111 Lake
the National City bauk of New York. I Bt . Chicago.
with our best wishes for you Mary aud I FAlRB VNK4, MOR*E A .Co., 139 Wal
your children. nut AL, < tncinnatl, Ohio.
• Hem. m* *r J m - FAIRBANKS, MOSSE A CO., 183 Superior
neon m er, j m, that you.c nice.' 8t Cleveland Ohio
and truer friends Ilian Airs. Jjunsiou I faiAbaNK-, MOHnE Jt
• 4n “ I- I St, Pittshureh
J. E. Johnston. FAIKB \NK8. MORSE & CO., Lth St Valu
"Let me know If you receive this.” I St., Lnul»dlle.
It is, we know, almost a breach of I FAIRBANKS St CO., 3'2 aud 394 Wathing
l-rupriily to publish this letter, but it _ s.„ »„n
shows fU well the kindnissofa great! F c*sco, A (^ffora(a UT aIXS ° N ’ 8 ?
For sale by 1-adlng Hardware dealers.
mar4 —deod& vSw
soldit-r’* heart, and 31 r. Ferguson is a
anxious to hat
give it as it is.
New Yoik Commercial Adreriscr
One of tne mysteries of New York, of
hick we have never seen in type an at-
mpted explanation, ie: “What under
the sun becomes of th« enormous quan- [
lily ol this coarse brown wrapping-paper
which we everywhere see piled up to tbe
ceiling in warehouses, or shying across I
the sidewalk from truck to store, like
Parthian arrows darkening the sud, or
pcrclrace coming to tbe city from nulL
in the surrounding country, loading
who e trains of freight car*”? Thia sure
ly i* a profound puzzle, which few even
among old resident* can unravel. But
here I* the answer: (“Tell it not in Gath;
publish it not in streets of Askelon.”) In
brief, we have at this port an enoromou.-
• xport trade in straw-paper between
New York and Havana, where it enter*
into manufacture of tobacco. The trade
can be reckoned by thousands of tons
Not a steamer leavi a port that docs not
lake out from 2,000 to 5.0 0 reams, or id
occasional instances as high as 39,000
But very few days Lave elapsed since a
steamer sailed with the q mnti’y last
named. It was long since evideut that
tnis h.avy export of paper—that, too,
.Hilton Conutv Postponed Deputy
hheritrts Sale-
HIT - ILL be sold before tte court h us-
V Y door In the town of Alpharetta,
MiUou county, Georgia, between the legal
uou*s of rale, ou the first Tuesday in April
n xt, the following property, to-wit:
Lot of land uumber 755, in the fifth
-rit and second »ectiou of said county
Levied on as the property of R. L. Haynes,
toraif-fy a fi. fa. fium the Jusdccs • ourt
of the 11 6 h Distr'c, U. M.,ia favor of W
P. Biown v» *aii R. L. !!%ynes Pioperty
p *tut* d out bt said R L. Ilaynes. Levy
ai de by the underalg ned a* l. C. Sal
land Is w. II11 proved *arch !, lHTfl
_Trar4-w*d Deputy eheriff
'I'oLl.t- D beWc m« on the I3rh dsy of
1 March,1876, by George et^tl *rd. p o
c., of the 5o6th dbtiicl G. M , of DeKalb
county, Georgia, an estrav «OW, eftone
color, wi>b rcl bead, ueck and 1 g«, clear
oiliy hiv *. long slitn tail, marked with
swallow fork iu ear, aril pided bull
Calf four da;* old Appraised fiv T. J
Jackson ml J. T. Wul'aius, Ireehol iers of
said county, to be worth twenty -five doilois,
and thirty d\e cents a d y to kicn them
until tola.
Tne uw: er Is hereby unritied to come be
foie me, p-ove property pay co »* ami ex-
en.-es, and take *aid Cow and Calf away,
else they will be sold on the prtmL*e» of aald
E. W Leach, Guardian, Ac., va. T. B
Swauaon Ad.uInU rat. r on e*iate • f
Samuel Swansea, deceased, ot jll. ti II
t**r Ac ount, Dis'rlbutl-m. Relief, Ac.,
lu t'atnpb.-lt fuperl >r Couit.
I T appearing to the U.irt, month • re
turn of tbe Sheriff In this* ease, th
aruli Jennuigs, F M. Loler, Guardian
of E C.,T. J. aud V. A. Swauo«, lui or
defendant* in the above * sled cote are i
lo be found.
1l further a pcarlug that th*>y reside
wifiout the. limits of said Sia'e. Ills,
tht re fore, ordered that the said S rah Jen-
mugs, of tha>s* county. Ala, Angus us
Stephens, Caihuiiue Eider a d F. M Le*
ter, Ouirdia'i of B. C'.. •. J. aud V. A
aw AUr-on of the ^ta‘e of TeX^^, b« served
by publiea i-o^of thl-* o der lu Tint At-
umi CoNsitrUTioN, a newspaper pub
lished in the city « f AiLui'a In sold Slats
once a month for four moil hs; and that
• hey be *ud appear 11 per.-ou, or by attor
ney, at tu.u x- leim of this ourt,to;o*ku
auswtr to sail suit. February Term, 187’i
J. »,C. O <!.
1 hereby certify that th > above aud fore
going 1* * true ext a- t ft m the rniiiu
• ne Campbell Supf-rtur Court, February
lerm, 1871. M. II WOobDALL,
nisi 10 «1au.4ii Clerk A C.
Campbeli ConBtj SherllT* Hale.
T HERE tu be sold before tbecv'Tt
house dtxw. In the towu of Fair -urn.
Hits!! oouo’y, on the fis 'lu.-uay In
April, 16», the follow- eg t‘top r y, to- »fi:
The u divided half inu rest in a c ert in
town lot N j Loi.k owu trouiia. ou TvK.m'*a
srieet seventy four feet, ai.d ruui.iug
uorih ninety teeL The s.nie b i. g lu the
town o’ Polatett*. Ga , an 1 k owu a* the
Harry Hay pi ce L.-vi. do.p the property
of J \V Abrahams, to si.t.*fy a Ut fi fa, is
sued by Spencer IIurve>; T. C., L r *.'»»«•
and c uaty tax for 1'74. Levy made by E
L Jackson, LC, and um*d over to me
Also, at tte time l place It u acns
of land mo e or less tu the tonli-eart por
tion of lot of laod No 67 lu tUe 9.n dist lei
of original FaVctte, but now Campbell
doubly aud bounded aa I iLv.: com
ment l’g at a p«iiut wh*re the
-heolu county line between the con vie
of Fayette and Cam. bril C’<»>ses ihe old
Campbelltoa r« ad, lead! g from oW F.t -
bu n to Can.pbe'ltoc b. Mr. G Smtih'.s
farm, umii g 1330 ch us n« r b, vjq >Vg ee-
ea^t to a point—-a m 4 de corner, ttieuce wot
1* chains to the r^ad ab .ve n euiiou .1,
tnen<*e southeast along the io*d to 'he
starring ooiut. Lev ed ou a* the property
of H C H .zle.hy Virtue o a tt fa Im ued: ro I.
•he Jus ice court lA*4ih .1* riet •* M, n fa-
vo ofAHCox against J A C, 11 .
Uazle and Geo Look to‘e sold by vltiu.-
•>fad cree of court. Levy niaue fiy B *
R-an, L C.
Also, at the same time and place part of
lot of .aud No. 83, live acres m-»re or let*
na fifteen acre* * f iot rt hunt No :U8, »td
fony six teres of lot of .and No 107 in Ten
di-tnet of original Coweta but now Caiup
bel» county, Georgia, contaiul g n j11 alxty
six (66) ac e*. Levi d ou a> t c property ol
George W T.rreuce, to sa Isfy two (;) mb-
!«** fi fas In tav r o: oeo*ce Co k
Richard Moore, aga.u.-t (•
Tarronce, i*eu*d from Canul
bxll tup rior cou t, and wpp oved by ihe
clerx of lhe courr, as req ilrcd b> la -; also,
fl fa la favor of Ja 31. * an'elle
Property pitted out by Tairrucv.
mh2-wtd DepU'y Slier ill
Kindles the enthusiasm of tbt world
wherever heard. AuKflTS WANTED
everywhere to ae'l hl» CourcxTa Life ard
Explnrntion^* and Last Journal- *59
p»gca—only $2 50 Proof, by fact*, .ml
our ip e&did illustrated circu'ara, u at tt
out eUs aay ether book, sent free. v*rite
at once; or, if la h 'ste »o w.-rk, send $1 00
for ml! on fit for it and anotuh fine book
OKtTis, to genuine addreia, LlVfNG-
Sn -Nh’S PUBLISH IRS, Cincinnati, O.
dec.ri -wly
FajelteCounly :* her iff 8a lea.
W ILL be sold a* the court h u<-e door
in Fayetteville, Faye*tccouuty, Geor
gia, ou the first Tuesday in April next, iu
th*s legal hour* of sale, the following de
tailed property, to-wi i
Two burnt red two and one-half acres of
l«nd known aa lot nu her (6) sixty, iu
tbe 6 h district of Fayette c uuty, ihe -amt
being the late residence ot R C Br.dge-
late of aaidcouu y, dtc.-aa d, about out
mile from Brook»vilie, the samj b ing
levied .n by virtue of aud to satisfy • u-dry
fi fas in my hand« against * id R C Bridges,
late of sa d eOuut>, deceased t-swlt: One
fi fa In favor of PH Brtzz-ll vs T C Bridge*,
issued from Fayette Superior four*: a!so,
»lx Justice.- G.urt fi fas issued f om the
Jus tee*Court of the 495th Jtetri t, G M.
of Fayetto * ouuty, uow may bauds, wuicb
have oceu 'evLU by J \Y W.-rU, L C, and
tu ned over to me, to-wit: Ouc lu favor of
Johu II Jones, one In favor of F Powell
and f. ur In favor oi d.» ncs M Bridges
ransferee, e*c , vs. said K C Brld ea
Levh d on a - tbe proper!v of the defend
aut. R O Bridges, to *« la'v said fi f»s.
Tenant tu pes'esrioj noiitied. Propelt»
tadotcl out bv plaintiff'-* atiomey, K T
Dorsey. This March 2 »8J6.
Also, at the tame time and i lace, two
uuudred two aud one half ( U2j 4 ) cCies of
I nd, lot No h7, iu the up «r «.hd etriri
of Fayett* county Levied on ns the prt p
erty of Juptha Landrum aud Wil t-* F Lau
d’tiw. asexecuto’S, etc,t»*a'ief a tt fa
Issued from Fateite bu^erior Court in fa-
vo. of Geo D Johns, u. *Too» rt> • olntcd
>u*. by, lain* iff. Teu .nt iu poss-osi m po
titi.d. March 4, l*7rt.
Aim), a* the #i'oe time and pric**, seven
ty seven acres of land, mure o less. It ths
ing th * south of lot No. 4i lu th? 5th
d .tilet of Favetto county. Lcied ou as
t*«e property of Ma I ha Grade n by virtue f
aud to s- tlsfy a tax fl fa b?>u; d b> the Tmx
Collector of Fayct e Levy ma 1.-
by U L McGough, L C, and Landed to me
March 4, 1876. J W. bKO .Y.N,
mar 7—wtd Shut IT.
liEORUlA) Fulton county.
Court of Ordiua-y, March Term, 1876.
RHTHERBA8, J. F Ganiu n applies for
Tf letters of adiuin stra’loti on the estate
of L B Uauimuu, ate of *ald county, Ue
Ah persons cowemed are hereb » notified
to file their objectious, if any exist, on oi
before the text term of the ('ourt to be
held ou the ii'fct Monday iu Apik next, cIm
letters will be ed tbe a.-p’.icani
l .*7 —w4» Ordinary
GEORGIA, Ca.npiiell county.
Ordinary's .fflee, December 21, 1875.
u peti
entered on record, that he ha> lullj admin
I'te’ed Martha A Sewell's estate:
(his is, th re fore, to cite all persous
concerned, kindr* d and credltoi*, to »how
cause, If my »hey have, why said admin
istrator shoul i no be discharged from his
adinluistration on the first Monday in
tpii, 1876
dec23—dlamem Ordluary.
GEORGIA, Campbell county.
« ~ 1976.
pptied to n e L-r permanent Gttera
t cdmii 1st ration on ihe estate of Wlraton
(V. Cot hran, (lOe of th ■ State of Texas)
that 1* In tltc (aid county of Campbell,
Mate o* Georgia:
This Is to cite all and singular the credi
tor* and uex< of kin ot Winston W. ('och
rau, to be aud appear at my office, within
the time allowed nv law, and show cause,
K-rimneat letter* Oi
not be granted toB
ostoa W L’ochrai
estate, tbat I* 1. said c>rautv afore raid.
fe!> rt 4— w4w Oidmary
Bherlff** hale.
of McDonough, In tail county,
•h * Hist Tucsdav lu April nexq within ihe
le^sl bouts of sale, .he followlag prop
e ty, to-wit:
One 8ixty Saw G'n. Levied on as the
property of PC Sawyer, to tatii-fy a fl f*
i-fue.i from Henry Superior C urt In r aw>r
of officirs of court \s. said P L Saw er.
nopeitjr pointed' ut by plaintiffs lu fi f,.
Ttiiant In posse sion notified Th!a 11th
day of Fcbruar , 18 6.
Highest Premium $50,000
By authority of an Actof the Leg'slatura
and the Articles « f Incorporation of the
Top. ka Library Aid Asa: cl lion.
R A. BARKER, Cec'y.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 31. 1816.
For tbe purpose of endowing the Topeka
Library Association, and to purchase
additional Books foi old Hora
ry* on whl h occasion
the sum of
Will be Impartially dls'ribatedby lot among
the holders of Tickets.
l GRvND CASH PKFM UM ...$50,000
l GR4ND CASH PREMIUM .... 30.000
l GR ND CASH rKKMIUM.... 20,000
1 Grand Cash Premium l&^JOO
1 Grand Cash Pre mium «0,000
1 GrandCarh Premium 6,000
1 Grand ata Premium 6,0rt)
l Grand C«ah Premium 4,000
1 Grand Cash Premium 3,00
2 Grand Cosh Premium 2,500
1 Uraud v ash Premium 2,010
I Grand C**h Premium 1,600
I Cash Premiums ol 11,00) each.... 9,000
6 Cash Premium* of $.Vj j each 8.00J
10 Cash Premiums of $300 each. ... 3,000
20 Cath Premiums of $ '50 each 5.(00
*0 Cash P izes at #li<0 each 6,lO0
lOOCaah Premium* $50 each 5/kO
200 Cash Premiums, $ 0 -ach 6,000
3uOCa*h P.eiuiutns, $25 each 7,500
500 Cash Preml. ma, $2 # each 10,0(0
800 Cash Premiums, $lb etch 12,000
1,000 Cash Premiums, 3 Oeach 10,000
a 'XX) Cash Premiums, fi each 10.0 0
>,000 Cash Premiums 47,500
10.',00o Cash Premiums amount'# to 3975,000
To any person purchasing or any agent
disposing of seven tlck'-ts and remitting 37
to us, we guarantee oce or more prizes.
. ixc« kpokators.
R A Barker, J M penc: r, John 0 8earte,
W O Terry, 8 U MacDonald, Peter D Co^k,
D B t uimi rt.
demy county.
Administrator** Sale* I editor and proprietor State Record.Topeka),
B Y.virtue of eu order erwited bv the " u Cook, Treat urer,(C«} Tr. »«V,Topek»)
Cou't of O dinar, ot Dade oomitv, g A Sec clary, (Ex 8ecrctar, of
Georgia, on tbe fl *t Monday iu Jruuary. J
176, will be sold before the Court Hou*e I v
door, lu the town of reoUm, in aald roun- hpb cb ^ cUr ,ml w>Pwl»'lty
ty of Dade, between the legal hours of sale. ccl c . re * u * • demand for the
on the first Tuesday In April next, all t »a: 1 « . , .
tr..ct or pa r-e I of laud knowu as lot uumber I^Ageot* Wanted. S nd In your orders
one bum! ed and thl.ty-flve, 10th dist., ana ”jr. u l ? •f cur » »
fourth section of said couuty. Said prop wSTLlberal Comnihslons are given a»»d
-rty tul^cinu-to the estate of M. a KiI ftI’i .V* r " tt ™
Iran, of .aid county, deceased. (jo!d “JT !™ to
tor thebene&tof the heir, and credlora ‘““HI'’ P™*!* >» *■'«
Y.rais made known on day of aate. Thl. H ua ** l ? t P i OUT *»“». Town, Connty and
•Jill day of Ye; ruarv. -8:6 l ? ule P 1 * 1 ® 1 } -very lime you write, and ad-
u ivov. , u I dreaa your 1 iter, to
feb29—[Jvn'J-wBin] Topeka, Kan
HE0UU14, DeKalb f ount],
OamsABT’a OrrtcE, Jan. 1st, 1856.
-vKKiS, W. U. Uitler, almiou to
rde bunt, non, oa tbe eata sle
VE0K .11, Campbell comity.
Ordinary’, om™, January 21. 18M.
w HERE vS John J. Fain, admlnlst a-
l tbe estate of Daniel G Sut-1
re*, ar ceased, has applle 1 »o me for letter* I ^ ... UM -
1,1 8i ou ttU et bUe: I me for letters of dlsmisalon from sal 1 trasr
I he*o are therefore, to cite sod adtnon- j This la to notify all peraoas luWreated U
i*h ail person* tnlereated to be and appear «how cause If any they can, within the time
aitny office, within the lira • prescribed by I allowed by law, cite letter* of dlamlsblon
law. tht*n aud th -re to show cans*, If any I will be grautedto said applicant according
th« y can, why letters o r dlsmUslon shuulu to law. JuUN B. STEWARD,
not be granted. R, C. BEAVERS, l*n4 wlam 8m. Orelioare.
i*n22 — w ianffim Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Campbellcooitj.
O.iliaary'* offloe, January 6.1676.
GEORGI A, DeKalb County*
_ . . Ordinary's Office, Jan. 1,1876.J
%^L r HKREA8, Ab«cUmTronhaui, admin 1 _______ .
If lstrator, with the >» 111 aun«xed, of 1 \XT HERE AS, J G EMkod,
Joseph Hlsh >p, deeeased. applies 11 me for I » » Boyce Lidsoo, of aald
'ett-rs of liismU ion from sabl trust; I Oeaaed, ho* 1 to me for letter* or au-
Thece are, therefore, to cite end adtnon I ®Uak>n on aald estate.
i*h all persons interested, to be amt arpeai I Thl* 1* there foie U» notify all persons
at my office, within the time prcscrl ed by I concerned, to showcase, if auy thev can,
aw, theu and there to show cause, If auy I wlth'n the time allowed by law, *D« Irtters
hey cau, why 1.turs of dismission should of dl*®l*tion will* granted to aald appli
ed be granted R C. BEAVERS. cant according to law.
Jan9—*d1a'u3 Ordinary i JOHN B. STEWARD,
' JMri-lwffi-n. Ordinary.
A \ rB ^aE^. ’ J HtARK /'
Manufactured onlv bv
Ckicaoo. 8L. J*mis and Cincinnati
GEORGIA, Di-Knlb comity.
Ordinary's Office, 1 JMarch 7,1876.
J AMES HUNTER has applied for letter*
of guard auriiip of tbe persou and
property of Mlssourio M. Cape, au ilivRlti
mate minor of said count\:
This I*, theref ore, to c te ami notify al>
per-on . iulere ted t > b* and appear at in-’ and show cause, if any, why said »p
pli ant shou d not be lUtru.-ted with said
guaidian^hi.i. within tbe time al.owed by
la«, else lt will be vreottd to him.
mai9—w4w Ordinary
niltoD I'uuntj Uepnt, huertn'M Sale.
U r ILL be sold before the Court House
door in the town of Alpharetta. Mil-
ton, Georgia, between the legal hour* of
sole, ou the first T ue**day in .-tpri next,
i In- following pioperty. to-wl-:
Lot of Utul number* 107 a::d l'»8, in the
firet diatric and second bectio - of or'gii al
ly Che-oVee. now Milton couniy Dll d
>u as the properly of J*cli*ou Grah~ui, to
>ati*fy a Tax d. fa bsued for hi* State and
County tax forite year U75 March I,
18 6. IIAMP 1' N SMilH,
ma:4—wtd Deputy Sheilil.
DeKalh IMn M. for A,r,l GE^^nntT ^
Wf HERE AS, frarab a. Mu>phy applies
W ILL bo sold before the court house I VV fo* letters ot adminlstra'lon on Uie
do r in '.he town of Decatur. Do- I estate of Wm. L. Murphy, late of said
Kalb county, \vi bin the legal-hour* or sale, I county, deceased.
■s fir-t Tuesday iu Apnl next, the fol- | Ail persons concerned arc notified to fife
their objections. If any exist, on or before
the first Monday In Match next, else litters
wlil be granted the ap llcant.
w4w Ordinary.
.GEORGIA, Fulton county.
O.-dluary’s Office, March 3, !87«.
AMES PA' KF.R has apnl ed for ex
emotion of pereonalty and . will pas
upon the same, at 10 o'clock a. in . * n tbe
214 day of March, 1876 at my • file.?.
li \NIEL PITTMAN, O dinsrv.
rair4—w*2t ) n u.i mci ty
ways and forced to resign, Uabc^k, it i-* I
alleged, kept the money. Police.
‘ U '“ l,OUS ' 0t ' min« MlMNW | of Ohlo~h7S£“£» 7^ ineem■
pumsmw •eeaere. and tbe probability is Uiat we will get*
TUU CUMATK OF ATLANTA. this coal delivrteJ in Atlanta at ka*
Arouml the city, the eoun’ry u an ele I than $4 50 per ura with a promise of a
Hirt.i aged 2J Til-* oldest recorder
m K >.Und i* John Uramwell, recorder
of Durham, aged 82; the jouugeft. Geo.
E. Daring, recorder of Fav.rsham, aged
, , , quantity by their perfect purity am
all of a single description, the coarsest great strength’; the onlv kinds made bv l
*nd Che ipest—could not be for ordinary I practical Chemist and Physician, with
contuinplion. No market could possibly I scientific care to insure uniformity, heaith-
dtinand such quantities urkss people I fulno*i>, tlelicacv and freedom from all in
were inotdiuate shoppers and did noth- I jurious > uhstauces. They are farsuneriot
ing except run to the grocery for small I to tlie co muon adulterated kinds. Obtain
package*. The paper referred to sella at the genuine. Observe our Trade Marks
twenty six cents per ream of eight or I aa above, “Cream" Raking Powder, “Hand
nine pounds and when p.ckcd for export and Cornucopia.” Buv the Haki.Rr Pow-
u» usually preastd in»o bales of 160 each, der only in can* securely lalwlled. Many
It U said that the exports are so large J have been deceived in hose or bulk Pow-
that our enure domestic consumption is d?r sold a* I>r Price’-*,
scarcely equal t<» one,sixteenth of the total
shipped to Cuba alone, while additional
quautities ate in demand for Brazil, Ber
muda, &c , very much of it doubtless
going into the manufacture of cheroots n uu roiMO U1U1
and cigarettes. For this purpose we are , nd Grocers generaflv.
told u serves admirably, lh-paper, un- 77-— — .
dir combualiou, leaving no residuum I Esrly 1CXQ8 ClUStGr*
other than a pure with ash. There is T HAY F b ,, d . , UD .,i v of the
but one conclusion, as remarked by a J p.\RLY TEXAS CLUSTElf Cc-TT N
leading dealer m tbe trade, that the bulk FoR BALE, at theiow price of three
of tin* p iper is converted into cigars of dollars per bushel. From one to tw.»
the lower grades, and when relumed J bales per acre can be ratted from ihesefeed
uud«*r cu* om hou-o brands, neally I on orditary Dud. *t is very early and
b. \ml and frazraul with illusive odor*. I ro »l se * • flue *8jnple. ( o’ton, like evny
manipulation which straw-paper under-1 f or ^d that will douhfe his crop *»fcot
g«H.-s tu process of conversion is,of course t'*rtlficates of Its won lerfulyield and
known only to the initiated. But it is j production can be given If required. Parties
well uudtfetocd that when salurated in ordering can send m m* y by post-office or-
the j*»ice of tobacco stems, and perhaps I der or registered letter, or will seed them
almost dissolved, tbe once de-pi.-e 1 \el-1 U- O. D per Eapre**, if d« sired. I have
if not superior, to lhe gr-nuioe leaf. ou t dlscommodicg him to much ex pet
fact, it I* sometimes possible to d. tect, as Addre#, j N. UCTCU NsON,
we are informed, the delicate film of pa- n,sri5d3 , awtwlm Hogansvf.k, Gs.
per tnterlapped with leaves in the tin ——.—
uhed cigar, or nea ly folding the exteri-1 MAKE YOUR FORTUPifc.
or. To ^uch a refinement of art baa thia
Dade County Sheriff** f ale-.
1 W1LL, as Sheriff of tbe county of Dad*,
befon the Uourb House door in th-?
town of Trenton, county cf Da-Je aud S a*e
of Georgia, within the Irgal hour* of sale,
ou the first 1 u-sday in April next, sell *o
the highest bidder for cosh, tbe following
dtscr b“d pto[>erty, vix:
On - town lo-. In the ’own of Hiring Fawn,
lying ea?t of the A St C. R. K., being ml of
tha* pari of lot No 8», in the 18 h (tjsirict
aud 4th section, on the east side of the rail
roal and north of Hiring Fa mi Lou Com
(•ante. baru tot, except the tot owned by
Pcl'it, and except 20 f« et slo g 1 ties id
iue between said piece of land and the aald
barn lot, and except 20 feet in »Mtti along
the «a»t .ide of arid strip o land where It
Joins 1 iu said district; said piece of and
containing about & of an acre, more or'
Al.o, one uuuivid-d % part of lot No.
u the l.'th di-t let and 4 h section a s<.
7 acres, more or less, of lot No to, in the
18ih district and 4th sectlou of ade coun-
•y, b< lug all of sail lot heretofore pnr
ch .&td by the defendant from L o. Han
na, itc udiag the bou»e iu whicn defend
ant now rerid s. bald property levied
upon by W. K Stewart, coustab e, to satis
fy « li fa in favor of E. C Broyles vs. R.
11 T'tnm. Property ooin’ed out by pla!’-
till’s attorney a» d fl fa. turned -vet to me
by sold cons able. March 8, 1876
Also, at the same time aud place,
hou-m and lot in the town of Trenton,lay
ing opporttc of Freight depot a T d east ol
the railroad, knowu as the Keub-n Honey
; 1 *ce. Levied on to satisfy one Tax fl. fa.
iu favor «)f 6 J Ha!**, T C., vs. Reuben
Ha iev. Prop«-rty po’nted out by plaint ff
Tliis M*rcL 8ih, 1*76 The ab-ve levy
made and turned ov«-r to -».e by a oorsta
ble. JAC(*j STEEL,
marl 1—wtd Sheriff.
vatcM rolling ubk* land, free from bodies | **ill lower price. Mr. Lewi. Scofield,
of stagnant water, while iwvigiHwting | long known a* the energetic and skrikd
breezes blow mwtly from th.* high and I proprietor and manager of the be .field
dry regions it the north atd waat, the | rolling mill of AtlanU, tested the Dole
disagnwab e, and unwholeaoine winds j c »al for poddimg and tvbeating hi** iron
from the east southeast do not prevail] for rails, and he ^ Grand that jailer ffius
* any great fit tit, nor ftt'm the ocean
aud gull wind so deleterious to consum
lives. The air during tue winter may
at Um«* la* unpleasant, yet pectoral ai-
f«v ioua are rare, i'omramplive persons
from the north, will not only And this
dim ite belier than that of the low damp
aeacoast, tut cvh-1. drlightful and
p'co»ani iu summer. lt is
rarviy Hie case at night dur
ing the summer that a quilt or
blanket can be dispensed with There
uaing it, be could pass the flame under
ftud through fine boiler* 36 feet iong,
with complete success in raising steam,
and he affirm* that he haa never used
Utter coal tor his purposes.
Mr. John Flynn, master machinist of
the Western aad Atlantic railroad, also
affirms the superiority of ibt Dade coal
for steam purposes.
The Georgia radical, which has here
tofore used wood entirely, are cha-ging
ewe of their eng ne» m> a* to use Gcor-
of $2,000 and is n »w said to be w.
over a million, may ** well wrap his j — *
committee on fv>reign affairs i* called to . \\ LST.
tbe present «»c»upaat of the office of!
consulate at B re nun, John M. Wilson, ’
late ot Cincinnati, Ohio, and the manner epecisl to New York Tlra« s.
in w hich this office was procured, as a j Chicago, March 11, ls7*\
A terrific and destructive torn.vlo broke
STELa SJSLT'Sai'"" “Sfira *
bribe to vote tor Sherman for senator.
If the c xnmittce will call the prop*,
person* it will unearth rascalities anu i ----- - -
corruption* that will make Bjiknap a ! soo bwestera Wisconsin^ .yesterday a.
saint as compared with Kicnnaa.
l*noseas.<n of the year tbat it become* . giacoal. ,
necessary for any oneioleavrthis dry .pure We repub’ish an analyst* of ibis coal
mvigoraiing atm. sphere to search for | from Sawards’s Coal Trade Journal,
health- AU clause* cau remain here dur-( Sew York:
ing the twelve month*, wuh no climatic j "The coal is bituminous, aad u for
levers, or Um enervating effect ol a bu- , both steam and iron making of the v».ry
mid, miasmatic atmosphere. The goods , Uwt quality.
of our merchants, or their produce, i* j "Owing to:he small quantity of »ulphur
never injured by dampne** of climate., ia lhe CooneUviUe coke it ha* always
in fact grain, tucate, llour, all kind* of 1 heretofore been called the standard coke
merchandise are- s**'*ly carried through l by iron master?. From the analysis bc-
the summer. Tobacco will not *poil j low it will appear that the Georgia coal
here fre-m moisture or heat and thou- ! posaessre even a smaller quantity than
sand* of pounds of leaf tobacco are ship- that About seven umea lcaa
tad here from Virginia to be maculae- ! “Analysts of the Dade Coal company’s
luted on account ot the * xceUetU climate. , Dade county coal, by J Blidgcu Britton
Mee names can labor here and aot be 1 l'Uiladelphia:
exhausted as ia other latitude*. Iv this Moisture ft
climate a laborer can work longer thtu ; Volatile comhuatiblc matter
in northern latitude*. Cold, ice, and Ftx-’d carbon
business been carried that by the use of 1 GRAND GOLDEN ultiWING OF 2 HE
machine* rolled over the sheet of paper 1 _ ... _ .
State Lottery
(Iocot. orated 1 &'»?.)
GE0RGIDeKalb county.
Utdliury'i Office, March 7, 1876.
ty of K. M. Cobb miuor child
M. Cobb, deceased:
This is, therefore, to cite snd notify *)|
persons concerned, to be and and a -pear
at my office aud show caus**, if any they
-au, within the tim*; allowed by law, why
old applicant shoxld not b - in seated with
it. . .«...ti . .. - 1.1 •. ..(.I . ■ I. m nt... H W r 11
tbeiguanJiaiiabljt of *aid u lu r, else it w'
be granted to him,
Ui-sday lu Apnl next, the fol
lowing described property, to-wlc
Lot of land N j. 180,25 tor's of fractional
lot No. 218, aud*5 acre* of fractioial lot
No. 219 ail of said lo*. and fractional lots
in the 18 h district oforig naliy Ilen>y,uow
Dt-Kib county. l«vld on by virtue of
and to satisfy a fl fi issued from the Bupe
rior Court, of DcKtib county in favor ol
Aml^ith acainst James Ml Uc*i, as the
pio. erty or tbe defendant.
Also, at the sa ne tl.-ne and place, 25acres
of Und ia the 18:h district of DeK-dbcoun
ty; p.ut i f lot No. 218 and 3 arte* of
fradon '19, in TXKalb couty. Levied« n
•TA-ntO/ GEORGIA, Fayette e mnty
) To *11 wh -m it may cot certi. Thl* is to
ideuce that ( have cunseuied to iry wife,
C. Paiker, bccomUig a free or pubin-
trader, aud I do hereby a^polut to i Much
free or public trader, and t at front the rtat<
of ihi* publication * will nor. be responalb i
for any of her tout act-, but that she »• u-t
in a'l re-pects, be liable as a f. mine hoi-?
Mar h 4, !8:C. W. 8 PAl KER.
inara vr oi
liVOUUlA, Dade county.
Ordinary's Offlc-% Februa ]
1*76, at uiy oflic s
marl —w2t
•he 7th day of March
J A.
Adiuiuistr .frix’s Nu e
B Y virtue o» an order fr.»m the Court
Ordi i»ry of Fu.ron coun y and Ma e ol
eorgia, thtre Mil! be *ob* before the court
house d or in s.i!d < ountv bet wee
egular hours of sale, ou the first Tuesday
n .«prll next, lhe fol tiwi.iv property be
long! g to lhe estate of Jacob Baer, de
ce** d: A city lotiu rite city o. Atlanta, Ik
ing pare of land lot nmub-r fifty one, t
the 14 hdi tiiet o* orlginsil/ li-iry, no
Fuitoa coun y, ieorj-ia, Inmiing tevenly
feet on tne weriside of sort street, i
diately north of nonrion street, running
bak west same width along aud linu«tdi
ately north ot Uoujtoii street, one hundred
feet, more or less, t» Dr. HbcLc jea’s line t
for the benefit of the bei** sud cr.dltor*
Teims cash. £LJZ * BAI R,
mnr5—*4w Adminis ra*rtx.
Prize l*ic ar«
sent trie!
genius gem! 5u objects to tinr?! Addresi
with stomp. K. C. ABBkY, Buffalo, S. k
may 1—wly
For Snlo.
A Groat ,Bargain-
hand). consisUng of I Steam Engine,
rfll f - - tn * -c ^ ea *" I l» inches by 3 feet stroke; two40lnchs* by
p r ,5 tt 55lS5l li?!® ! x ® tc * 1 Bo* 1 * 5 ™; 1 Pumping Engine; 8 run
b Ln^ ft full 0, ^ ° I of 4 feet and l run of 3 feet French Bohr
coun’y sgalust 11 T Mill can for his stare ] Miiut ner BoiBnir an«l * Iran nir Machine-
aud Conn,., T.x fo, IS74 and lb» KfiSTiJS? ST*5
Levka made uid retwrad to me by U J comply, ot eiceUeut make, end seen,
bully, I t,. TtlU]l»chM, l8n I new. ForpalUculera addrcaa
1 Millwright,
Notice in Bankruptcy. Berdnown, Kj.
N thr bl.tric-. Court of the United Slat a I
for the Northern (driller, of Georgia—In | fl of au order of the Court of Ordinary
the matter of i*ewl< Noah, * Bankrupt—In I of Carroll county, Georgia, will be sol dbe-
Bankruptcy. I fore the court house door In DouglassvUle,
This ia to give uotIce once a week, for I Ga., between the legal hours of talc
ree srccecbtve Wicks, tbat I have been 1 the first l uetday In April next, aeei
i pointed Assignee of eoiate of Lewis I tractor parcel cf End, lying arid being In
■ ‘ “ * “ No 50 In
ash, in tbe coauty of Uwluuett. who has
been ax udged a baiikm^t upon his own
petition, by the United Slates Dis ilet Court
for said DialrlcL Marc*j7, 1876.
ns aril—wot Assignee.
north wes corner of lot No . r rf) In orlulnally
Carroll, now Douglas cou rty; the same col*
trinlng fifty acres, more or lest. Bolds*
the property of W. F. brown, late of i'armll
county, Ga.. fur Ihe benefit of the heirs and
BtunAlop|ttvtkviirB> Zve. CXrv
US w<uki»gte*SL,C%lr—*. nt
A XOSTII-Arnti wanted every-
w..,-.. . inon bl«u4ln|
ml free. Address
fit. toels.M*.
Hide Postponed Sheriff 9 * Sales.
W ILL be sold before the court house
door, la the town of Trenton, T»«de
countr, Gr-orgla, within the legal hours o!
sal*, fur ca ll and to the highest b ddur, ou
the tir t Tuesday In Apnl, 1876, the fcl ow
ing nroperty, to wi*:
i.ot of land uumber ekh'y-ooe. In tbe
18th district and 4'h ae tion of Da l*: court
v, Georgli. Levied on as the property of
K. II Tartim, to sritefy one fl. fa. In favor
of 8. J. Hale, Tax Col ector, against R H
Tatum, an I sundry ether fl. fas. a^aintt
sail Robert II Tatum
Also, a*, the sane time and place I will
11 Iw's of 'and numbers til, 64. 93, 93, I GEORGIA Fulton County.
94 95 I0\ 10J, 108. 110, 113, I 4, f 16, 118, 1
12 S, 124,125 126, 127. 132, ItC. 137,147,149,
150 151, 152.183, l!4. ia the 19th district
aud 4’h stetion of origiually cherukee, now
Dade comity, Georgia. Levi d on as the
property of K. H Tatum, to s »tlsfy a fl. fa.
issued try 8 J Hale T. C , for rttate and
$10 to 25 per Day &2XS:
energetic young uh-i. I* tcJI an »rtri«* u BTAFXJi
•iCOPm,* raratn *M MkMrantMma
adfkW^mxU. Particulars Free. AdOrm,
nther ti. las. in my hands against said I
msrll—wtd Sheriff.
Takes Place April 29,1876 j B“|» DIAC
AT NEW ORLEANS. iwl*« tt B V bj|
work, and
Iv prerents impedimenta to
the steady heat of our tum-
nxers is Dot *o prostrating a* the short,
but frequent and sudden burste of north
ern summers. A laborer h«we d re* not
require as much, nor as costly clothing,
nor a* expensive lodging*, nor tbe aame
Muanllty of fuel, nor aa equal amount of
.... 25 58 J
65 88 1
.... 7 56 |
100 00
.... 7344
Per cent, coke
golpbor in ItO pan* c *ko .
“Remark* by J B. U.: The quantity
of snlphur b low. Three tea’s
were mad* with practically the same
I ternoon. The weather had been remark-
1 ably warm.the thermometer indicating 68
-Th.- Iml’anapo'U Sew. throw* Ul I •‘■t ibvie dunng Ihe^a^op
this little tit lut fnr Its more mj U rc u> * ,tw E “ nu l" ft : ' ,,re 4 oc ot *-
teoale readers: -When Belkn.pmnj hi, SJtbenn* c-ouJ, gave ir«fc«« were le.eicg tbe church .Iter their ; f
m*rri*ite, a 1 uuer.l coruge I d-sturbance. ^hcrly ».ttr»ard the
crtMKd the bridal Believers in I s * orm bto V’ 1 , 'J„ Sad 7
omen, shook the r he»d, end predicted dcnnese eiiu^l oDly to ,u c-mirg .wep
wrrr-.w »nd trouble fur the rewlv wedded « r> « the . f * ,rU
p»ir. Their .ugurien have teen mure ! P« l - 0 “ t , T “■*^
furt lrd ” TOse lo lhe height of a tornado, struck
than iu.ri.ica. ^ lhe lown on lbe WtSt ,jd c ^d tore its
—The recogntzrd u^ati of Rumu so- w»y wi:h almost unparalleled fury
cicty in Paris just now is the Princess , northward a short distance, when it took
Truletzkoi—the .Y>ptsia of the republic, ' an ras trly course, sweeping through
sssune of the Parisians call her. Hrr thecutuc icngta ol tbe village, leveling
salon is one «»f ihe moat frequented ia 1 to the ground between *25 and 30 build-
Paris. and rev*!.* the days of the Pria- ' iags, coosiriing of J residence* and busi-
ceas Li. vea,except that the latter dabbled • nts* house*. Frame houses were wrest*
in politics, while little Trubetxkoi holds «d from their foundations and dashed
, herself alojf from all such entangle- against back structures, which cruru-
| menta | bled and toppled b^fi re the furious gale,
i and fell one mass of ruin. Fences were
—Dr. 3!ary Walker was never heard torn from their posts, the air lor a time
ic swear but once, and uiat was when being fairly filled with boards and sticks,
. she got her pants on wrong side before. numerous ns flying sparks from a
great conflagration. The awe stricken
It is tax Bettses* or Erzaroax Havixu ‘ iteople were so complete^ taken by sur
al old. to treat it prt ap'lv acd prop* rly prise bv Ihe tudden bursting of the
until tt 1* gotten rtl af—Intelligent expert- storm and its lighicinz-liks rapadt’y as
root for tunately presents* a curative In j* pkughed ite way through the d«temed
D f* ^^‘5 i town, that they bad little or no time to
adspted to umite tptedi y all Lough* *nd j ______ fl . r ^f. lv »„ a.^ht ard *« *
Ccli*-affaf any exiting lnCunmaxioo of P rrpareIor 8411 ; m B-gbU acd as a
the 1 hroat or Lungs, and remove the dis- j cot “ c H?*i“5* 4 numbere were
symptoms of Aathtna or Pleurisy. 1 overwhelmed by foiling buildings
au almost peifect impress of tobacco !e *f
i» obtained, the peculiar “•pets” beinj
printed as on calieo. Tbe waste xnr
refuse of factories In like manner ia
carefu ly gathered, and by intermi
with paper once more acquiree body am
coL*i*tency, so that is subeequ nt ure>
the votary of tobacco inhale* it in hit
pipe, securing comfort and solace, or
lakes it pulverized into snuff through the
nostril., imagining hitnscif transported) pu „
indrtamy liuaitude beyond the cues and POSITIVLLT NO POSTPONEMENT i so. si riwc*;
wor-:meauof thU lewer life—on w wisp w-..LouIhvIlie, Kentucky
^ I 1091 >VKL\ WS.1UM, A REGULARLY EJuc.t«i n>d legdl,
• • • _ . ^ - ^ _ _ _ ; qualified Physic! n and the most sue
“All lhat affian Hftth Will HeGive rjAfriral Prize, $100,000 cesaful a* hia practice will prove.
for HI* L’fe.” ua r 1,<u ! v > Cures all forms of Pnyate, Chroaie
a-, «0 Prii“*. amount'ng to $502 500, *cd Scxaal Dbe<aee.
Thi« >• | ' * I sp««matorafc<ea acd In*potency a* the
This we find recorded in the most an - _ __ 14 | re mt of self-abu** in youth or sexual ex
eunt and best of all books, but as we All XU GOi&t ceases in c
see thousand* dying around us with Con- p - . T tev*** 1 producing
sumption. Croup, Coughs, Asthma. 1 One Prize to Everv Bix Ticket* |P --
Bronchitis, ^pitting of Blood and other
pulmonary diseases, we are led to doubt Only 2 \OQO Tickets
- “ at S50 Each
Administrator’a >ale«
W IlL be sold before the Court Uo is«
door, .in the toan if Dieilur, De-
Ka b county,* Georg a, on th : flraiTuead*}
iu April next, wi Inu the *egal hours of sale,
one bundr d a*res, more or lees, of iact ,
lot nunber (3 > thirty two, inth«(lbifc)
1 igh'eeuth di«t let of said c ratify, the wes;
hall of said lot; said lot L«iug cisided b\
the mile road runuiug norta and vuL
about one half of sold lo* improve 1, a smalt
dwelling hou e and o her out ^uliding ;
th.- other partln the wo di-; the same 1-
weil watered Terms—One-hslf cish. the
other on time until DcU’-rnb -1 1st, IS<6, with
interest from date of hale. Man h 7, lb 6
i»9 -wtd* -at or.
the correctn _•** of the above aaserUoo,
especially since it i so well known that
a positive remedy mav be obtained which j
always arrests these diseases.
Dr. Tull* Expectorant never fails to I
give relief, and ewes after every other 1
means have failed This can be and has
bten proved ia thousands oi instances,
where it has effected rad cal caret • fur I
the patient has been given up by all Ms
friends and physicians. This extra ordi- 1
nary success attending the use of thi
1 | coases in maturer ye. rs or other causes, and
, producing some of the following effects
%ervou*ness, Sero nal Eml-aion*, (»lgb»
ami^rious by dreams,) D.mne * of bight,
Defect! *e Memory, Physical Decay, Aver
sion to Society of F« moles, Confution of
Idea*, Loss of Sexual “
Tenth A Twentieth Coupons in Froporiion.
ONE CAPITAL PRIZE ........ #100.000
1 Prize
1 Priae
1 Prize
2 Prize* at 35.OC0
4 Pris *• at 2/(0
20 Prizes at 1,000
50 Prizes at 50)
1900 Priz s *t 100
St*0 0
mxr.5—*1weJ-»*T •un.Xw»:3Jp
medicine is truly wo
David Dcdlxt Fixlo says Tweed never j £JJJ \\ ’50'
paid him a dollar—he got his pay from
Tweed’s friends, and ainee Tweed
awaj h * hasn’t received a dollar from aay
body. Why, here is the most generous
man in the world. He works night and, _ . . .. «««*
ixy 10 defraud the city of Sew Tort and . . * bT J jLiL. •
Power, etc., rendering
marriage nabappv or improper, are
thoroughly and permanently cur-o. bvph*
ills positively and entirely eradicated fr m
the system, (iouorxhcca. Gleet, Arc*
lt b self evident that a physician who
pay* special attention to a certain c.a»* o'
diseases, an I treating thousands annually,
acquires great skill. Physicians knowing
this fact, often recommend persons to my
care. When it li Inconvenient to visit the
city for treatment, medicine* can b sent
100 Approximation Prizes st $200, #20.0^0
100 Approximation Prizes at 100 10 000
1U0 Approximatl n Prizes at 75 7.100
an*! eilier killtd outright or crushed and cle.
doesn't get a eent for it. He most have a
statue.—Eodiester Democrat and Chrool
Tickets for sale by all regularly appoint;
ed agent* and by the
P. O. Box 692, N. O. Jmr7—ddtw7w
dherifi’s Sale.
G eorgia, henry countr.-ww
be aol 1 before tbe Court ii*#u‘e d 01
in tne to • u of McDonough, in said couuty,
on the first Tuesday ia April next, in {Il
legal houre of sal**, the f 1 owl: g prop
trty, to wit:
Lot of laud nurabe- 139, also, ‘>ne hun
re I sc ss of the sou h half of l-jt n mub**i
37 • » ‘ainiigin ail three hundred me er>,
, in the 2d dh-trict ot llebiy
Trustee’s Sale.
I N rcc*jrdsnce with the written agreement
o' the slodtholdeM of the GilKKOKEE |
i'ANY, of Dade county, Georgia, I will, on
Tuesday, the 4th day of
April next,
ise, t
<.’U between the * ours of 10 1
. and 2 o’clock p. m.
Ordlra*y*s Office, March 6, 1876.
W HEREAS, It Is represented to i
nt Y
and that adminlsirailon Is necessary:
All persons concerned, ar ? hereby notified
to show cauee. If any exists, %t the April
Term, 1876, of the Court of Ordloary, why
tetters of adra : nietra»lon on raid estate
should not vest In the Clerk of the Fupe-
rtor Court, or some ether fit and proper
person upon tkelr own hood.
mai6—w4w «'td nary.
GEORGIA) Campbell count/.
Ordinary's Office, February 9,1876.
execution of this spt-licatlcn c-editors,
legatees, next of klu, and any others inter
ested, to be snd ap ear at mv next March
Term of the Court of Ordinary of said coun-
Alitta P.-cpedt ol said Company ....
tv the Wal title thereto I letters of ad minis’ration, with will annexed,
ly, the legal uue tnereio j #hoa , d Ij0 . V(f . grmDM5(1 ^ Pltli j r . Bsitey.
It said
being 'n
dal t pr- perty consists of lots of lands . .
Noa. 8 5. a «. a5l. a5a, as-., 2-.«, and . fr«c- “/Vo
p.rt of I It of l.nd So. .11 In tne | f, ° 8 ~ w4w
i‘h D1 trict and 4th sectl n of sal‘
Also, lots of land Noa 9*, US, oo, va i
snd 141, all In the l»th D atiictszd 4th
bect'.on of said couuty.
Also, the Euglues a~d tools npon fhe
p emtecs, the p »rnc being such sa are
usually u*ed by manufacturerr of lror
Urth all tbe Improvements thereon
8a'e fetf&olute, fend potueMlon given Im
The terms of *%'e will be one-fonrtb casb t
the remainder in one aud two years, with
:• hou d d as follow*: On tl e
r le or J. J. Walker ou the »«mtu l>\
, Jf A W. Wa ker, n tne wt bt t.y 1 cd»
tn<1a Parker, ard on the ras: by
ud of t. W. Wa ker. All JeVl*d un ft»
pr«»p rty of A. W. Wilier, to satisfy a
fa issued from Hemy t-u^e iur Court iu
vor of N. A Ha»dee & bon ve. » id An
rew W Walker. Piopetty pointed ou*. ty
« fe dant I • fl. fa. Tecsut in posse .si u
botltled. This 26 h *iay of February, tb«6.
P E BROWN, Denu y bteriff
marl—»Ll lieury countv.
T : LDD tefore se, on tbe 18th day of
March, 1876, by Joho R. George, ot the
4b7 h Dlstri. t, G. M , of DeKalb couuty.
an estray Cow, duu color, about twelv<
Given under uiy Laud aud official alana-
R. « . BRAVEKn,
Ordinary's Office, March 0,1876.
riERE AS J W. Goldsmith, admln-
. . lstrator of the estate of B. F. Wy
man, late of said county, deceased, applies
for leave to sell tha wh ile of the real estate
belonging to ssldestate, for ibe benefit of
heirs tnd creditor.
AH persons eonce
fled to fllo their obj-ctious, _ . __
Foul for till, will I* K'tm and deed or taforetb. Ilrrt Moud.y In April nut,
mtie cn p.y®ent of >11 lb. parchw. | to “ UwU l »« granted tbo a^ptl-
m' ncy. —*
For further information a »p1y U
ilcrslgnevi or to D.kIrou /t McConnell, At- ]
omrys at Law. Cha tanooga,Tennessee
EPH BRJ^N, Trustee,
W«'V»«- , <srre. Po.
GUjKgIv, Fa tuncoanly.
Ordinary's Office, March 6,1878.
A S. TALLEY Lae applied for tx< .
a lion of perso alty and I wUl pose I u ed ' Ul] nJ e ty-t‘iree and
upon tbe same on tbe 25lh day of March ' are - ■ s - •
lb?8, at 10 o’clock a. m . at my office.
inarT— *2t Ordinary.
snd invited. Chare-e# reasonable,
res poo deuce strictly oonfldential.
Address a* above.
A Private Counsellor
of 2uo pages scut to any addreaa (securely
aealed for ttilrty cesta. Should be read
by alL
Office hours from » a. r. to 7 p. m. Bon
d Y.*t^ 4p “- K
property, pay costs i
said ca tle s*a», el e they «IU be sold <
tbe premises of the raid John R George,
the taker np of sat % cattle, on Friday, 14m
d yef March, 1876 Ibis March 13,1876
mssl5-wlt Ordinary.
DonglA4 County Sheriff’s Sales for
April, I»76*
W ILL be sold before the Court Home
door. In the tow j of Don ;laav lie,
Douglass conaty, Georgia, between tbe
legal boars of saie.o • the first Tuesday In
April nex . the following property, to-wit.
Forty-f -u* acre* of land, m jre or less,
“ ‘ lots of tend tUBW (l G 8) o^e bun-
and nl ety-three acd (*224) two bon-
d-ed a n d twenty the 2d district and
5th section of originally Ct rroll, now Doog-
las county rnJ more fully k own as the
Mshula Wlrn place. Levied on s M lots
Dmi’-las f’onntv DonntT SherilTr I ot 1*°* 10 lwo r f *' d fro » the
Douglas toonij | JusticeCuoolZ' ho 730th District. G M..
Sale for April, 1876, I j n t**or of >*1f Winn vs. J C James. Levy
TILL be so d before tbe Conrt Hons* I made by W H Ada r, h C., and letorned to
^ door, in the town of DonglasvUle I me. F V Landrum t nvnt In possession
uuuvwk county, Georgia, between the legal | n jtified. Fsld land sold for the parthsae
oours, on the first Tuesday In April nex', I mo«ey of the ne. rroj-WJ* *»*«d out
he following pro erty, to-wlt. I »»y plaintiffs. This Mar. h 6, 1876.
Forty acres o* laud, more or less, lot No. I Al»o, at thv same time plsce, lot of land
751, io the 18th d sulcv and 21 aectlon of I ou r.ber (215) two hundred and fifteen, In
jrixinally Cherokee, but now Dougls* | he second district of orlg nal y Carroll,
ty. Georrio, to satisfy a C fa Issued 1 sow Lrougia* cou -ty. to satisfy a Justice
hum the Justice Cou t of tteTWkb DUt let Cou til f*is*ued -rathe 6«»d DirtrtMU
G M. In favor bamuel Hatlclt ys. John Ml M. in favor of AT W t\ i’liam* vs. Wm Ken-
James and John C Bowden. Property I ady. Property |K-.|n«ed out bv plamvff**
pointed oat by John M Junes. Levy made artorney. L-vy made «nd :return, d by J
hy W H A-ta'r, L C. and returned to me. I E Kenney, L C. This JJsreh 7, »87«.
March S, 187ft. JOHN C. JAMBB. 1 ^ H.M. MITCHELL,
- DaputT fitaiUf. • marl fchariff-