Newspaper Page Text
- Col Wilfkm McKinley of Milled ge
Ti le, is egtin ill,
—Mm MsTrrsi O'Byrne, of Sina-
nab, died on Monday.
- The lihrmry fair in Acgiata is
I roving quit* * foresee.
—Mr. T. Mr O >bee, of Butler, died
toddrnly a few days ago.
—Ti'* library fever i» faking hold of
Iheeilia-ne of Uontexuma.
— Mr. A. B Raby.ol Morray coonty,
vraa f .nod dead in the woods on bun
day lut.
- Fence or no fence will be voted on
in K cl round coonty on the first Mon
day in July.
—Mr. Jack Johnson, was killed in
Berrien cc-ooty, on Toteday, by Mr.
Itjbert Waiaon.
—Stewart c-nnty lands have de
ereaeed since 1871 from an average oi
it 33 to 33 per sere.
—The increase in the comparative
valoe of land in Talbot cjuuty is from
$2 32 to $3 tt per acre.
- Toirty-eeven of the negroes who
left Chsrleeton last week for Liberia
were from Burke county, tia.
— There has been several deer seen
lately in U|won and also Urawford
county. Also droves of wild turkeys.
— A son of William Smith, who lives
some seven lodes from Uriffin, was
'-rnahed to death in a mill a few days
a nee.
—The address before lire literary ao*
cietit s oi the Columbus Female college
wi.l he delivered by A. If. Coz,eaq, o.
J. .(orange.
—Mr. James Cainp'iell, of Telfair
c.unty, killed a raltlesnski the otnei
day which mea-ured six sod a hall ieei
n length and had ten rattles.
—Mr. S. IS Owen, of Talbot connty,
has this season Iraphtd fifteen or taei.
ty fine beavers, lie says their hash is
superior to the nest heel steak.
—A man by the name of Lambert,
who lives in Heard, was waylaid and
shot by some unknown party in Har
alson county a few days since.
—A lew days ago William Fiahei
was killed by Robert l'caicy, ou the
in.e of Fannin county, tia, and Cher-
tkec county, N. C. Whisky the cause.
—Tile Ballou Enterprise says: Stone
wall furnace will go out oi blast next
month. We learn that rust in wheat
has made ita appearance in some local
—Mr. Wm. If. Brannon h's been
elected president of the Merchants and
Mediumcs bank oi Columbia*, to fill
the vacancy caused by the death ot
Maj >r W. L. Salisbury,
— Kmanuel Ferrell, a colored mao
was killed by a burglar, while aiding
Mr. Andrew Craves to capture a burg
lar in his store at McBeans, on the An.
gusts & .Savannah Railroad.
—The Old Capital atya: The iadiee
of tbe Methodist church complain that
|x reona spit tobsreo on the tl »r of the
rsnctusry. Their indignation is just
'Hie house of Uod should not be thus
—The Gainesville North Georgian
rays: Colonel Avion, the fat boy oi
Tua Coksiiidtiow, waa in tbe city last
week. He ia the liveet agent in the
etatp, and representa one of the fore
most journals in the south. He did not
ceil uisin ne, but we saw hia shadow ar
it crossed the public square and passed
over tbe court bouse.
— Chroroide and Sentinel: Mra. Geo,
W. Crawford, widow of the late <}o»
Crawford, died last Sunday, aged 76
Mrs. Crswf rid was born on the 26.h ol
Becsniher, 1801, (Christmas) and died
OI1 Hie 21st of April, 187H, (Easter San
day) Her funeral will take place from
the church of the (i mkI Shepherd, in
Sumuiurville,this morning at 11 o’clock
— Io the case ol tbe killing of Mr.
Harry Love, the coroner's jory ol Mus
cogee county found Ihe following ver
t'd: "We the jury find the deceaaed
t r be one kuown as Harry Love, and
that tie came to Ida death on or about
tile IK h ol April inst, from a gnn shot
wound hour Hie band of one Bjwdell
Ads ms, at some place northeast ol
Uoinmtins, In Hie slate; and that wc
further find the killing to be murder/'
— Columhns Et.q liter: Besides the
rewards - fh-rrd try JJUnchurd, Wil
liams ,t- Co. and the city council, aggrv-
gnliiig (750, llie governor of Alabama
lias ottered one of $-100, ahirh will
swell ihe amount to fully (1 600. f ir K
U. l’almer, the murderer ol Col. Salis
bury. Jt ia now only a matter of time
as to hia capture.
—The Fuller Herald says: This
splendid daily, Tbx Atlanta Const!
Tin ion, ia an honor to tbe slate in
w bit ti it ia published. Reliable, inde
pendent and just, always on the side
i f progress and A lauta. We aee no
reason why any one WLnting a fitit-
c’lnsa newspaper, should go further
boitli than Atlanta to get one,
- Gainesville Southron: We some
times get our hi idles up at The Con
sTiiunon when it sticks ita proboscis-
Into the details of ciuteide districts’
special business; lint at the same time,
we are ci mslrained to say, it is the
lest dally newspaper in Georgia,and
Waterson’s Courier-Journal out, in the
rouH ; There, now, Bro Howell, don’t
mire 'i.strne us. We didn’t say polili-
c-lly ; we’d see yon darned first.
— In spesklrg of the case of l-on-sa
Johnson vs. Hie Central railroad, the
All any Advertiser navi: Lmisa John-
ton wan the wife of Mark Johnson, the
tolortd mail who, whilst intoneated
and lying on the track, waa killed I y
the tiain on Hie Arlington ex ension in
187-1; ami this waa an action bronglit
by Hie loi mer for damagew. The jury
returned a verdict lor (1 000 in lavor
ol the p'aintii!. Toe cam will go to the
supreme court.
—The Macon presbytery which re-
rmly metal Americas, made the fal
owing missionary appointments:
l.nmpkin- Reads, English, McBryde
and McIntosh. Smyrna and Mount
Tabor—G T Chandler, McBryde and
Clistiy, Perry—G T Chandler and A
E Chandler. Geneva—A E Chacdier.
and McKav. Hamilton—McIntosh,
Hall and A E Cliand'er. Ephesus — A
K Chardler and McKav, Muscogee—
Util, Mrlntoeh and A E Chandler.
11 iwkineville—MrKay and Clisby.
— In rpraking ol the honors ol Wes
leysn female college, the Macon Tele
graph says: In the award ol the honors
venrg ladies of Macon out of the first
honor plans g -t two and two also of
Ihe secot.or P rcea. Rev. R Irvine, ol
Angus's, will the commence-
merit eeimun. Hon. J B ti rrdon will
address the alnmnae. Prof W. W
Bui can, of South Carolina, will deliver
the literary address Commencement
day conns on the lt»:h of Jane. The
college is in a very prosperous Condi
lion, and is one ol the educational in-
slituiiona of Macon may well he
— Wilejr Williams, for the oast twen-
tv e ght ><■•— * prisoner in Hie Easton
(Pa ) per tenti ry, died in that ins’i-.u-
tion 8in ,lay. Williams was not a c -n-
vict, bnt si nt to the p nitrntiarv for
•Vail- keeping.’’ He w-s lire Bond the
hue Mr. Williams, who resided near
Alin ns, Gs. He was edacted at Yale
colit ge, r. n a . ay to tea, and waa found
on me ol me south Fac fic isltuds.
W hen he returned home bis mind be
came impaired, and he waa eent to the
care ol Br. Kirkbridge, at the Pennsyl
vania hospital lor the insane.
— The Talbotlon R-gister: We no
tices considerable increase on previ
ous years of the amount of produce
sow being ottered by our fanners and
their industrious wives. Ail honor ti
the coble Lidiea who aend to uarkei
the under spring chicken, the fresh
eggs, the uncuens pork, the esrly veg-
eiab'.ea, the tweet, yellow butter, and
ni-ny other articles prod need about ihe
b -useho d grourda. Oar larmen have
0 rn for sale, forage ia abundant; there
in an ii create in the somber of hogs
and cattle threngheu; tbe county, and
01 her evidences of limit and a glowing
p-rosperiiy begin to show themselves.
Great reforms have small beginnings.
Tuuiaa move in the right direction.
Farmers and (-.risers’ wives should
. aiwaye manage so as to have something
to sell.
— ihomatville Times: We are
pleated to see a very general desire on
ihe part oi agriculturist* i n Georgia to
ban Com mis ouer Janet reappointed
He has, by close, systematic work,
brought order out ol chaos, and pat
H e great agricultural interests ol Geor-
gmnaligh place. The statesman
whom.roc trees great political reform;
who by his wndom gives law and order
lo tbe country, is emuled to praise.
IquAi.y is the meed cf praise
' ooe who takes up the agricuL
tur 1 interest. and resoureea of
ft ***** u * peoj-re, and demon.
*trates bow and where they may
be improved. This, Dr. Janes has done
for ihe farmers of Georgia. By hia pains
taking reports and publications, much
valuable information has been placed
itbin easy reach of the farmer. Under
his administration the science of tilling
he soil has made wonderful strides,
nd yet, we are but upon the threrbold
of (hia great industry. Let Georgia
look well to her agricultural interests,
and all else will be well.
— Monroe County Advertiser: The
next governor and tbe coming con-
rresemen are topics of conversation
>mongthe politicians But ask a Mon
ro* coonty man tb,at hi* preference,
cud be will tell yon he has a better
corn crop, for the tune, than for yean
past. Tbat’e tbe “ground swell’’ he L-.
u favor of. Captain Mobley has a cow
which as a milker i* probably the beat
me re theeonnty. In two milkicgi he
.burned five gallons and one pint,
meraanng this much after being
rained. A cow of this capacity is
fully worth one hundred dollars. Itia
Monroe county raised cow. The
reach, apple, pear and other fruit tree*
ar more heavily laden with yourg
fruit now- than for years before. W e
almost feel safe in saying tbe danger
from frost is past, and this year will be
more iamoua ior ita fruit crop than was
[set. The lruit ia growing rapidly
and looks healthy and vigorous.
The proceeds of the fruit crop ol last
year netted tbe people of Monroe
countv about 130,000, besides furnish-
ng a large quantity for home con
voice is said to cover three octaves
from lower E lobigh G.
—A beautiful toilet of cacbemire and
Er-gUah crape is made in princess shape,
and these materials acd this style make
the most desirable deep mourning dress
that can he had.
—George Alfred Townsesd says
Hendricks will be nominated’ for the
presidency on the first ballot In 1680,
whereupon the Boston Poet remarks
that George is too previous.
—Captain Harry Ward, aged one
hundred acd one, who fought in the
war of 1812, stepped for the first time
in hia life yesterday on a railroad car,
rode into Watertown, in this state, and
mvde ont an application for a govern
ment pension. He ia reported to be
a* active as at aixty, and will strive to
draw bis pension with dne punctuality
lor the next fitly or sixty years.
—Let us gsther together sll the Eng
lish sparrows in this country and put
them down behind the coat collar of
the withered old mcs3-back in Troy who
brought the first pair over.
norm in Dixie
—Col. J. J Fox, a leading rr.emb i
•f the Carrolton bar, died in Walter
boro, 8 C., on Friday night.
—John Wyatt, colored, inspector of
covtoma at Penaacola, died Friday. He
was presiding elder cf the African
vfethodist Ep eeopal cnurch for the
Penaacola district.
—From the N.nety-eix (8 C.) Guar
dian : Last Sunday morning a colored
woman in this city gave birth to achild
whose apt carance is quite a curiosity.
From Ihe waist to the crown of the
child's head ita skin is pure white, from
he hip to tbe kneee the skin is coal
black, and from there down the skin is
w b ;*. The head is covered with hair
white as driven snow, and unusually
long for a child oi that age. The child
is large and healthy.
—News and Courier: E G. Hay
wood, jr., and L. U. Haywood attacked
Maj. W. B Gulick with sticks whilst he
was engsg d in conducting the choir of
Christ chnrch, Raleigh, N. C., on Wed
nesday evening. Mt j -r Gulick was
knocked down and beaten in the
chapel. Qaite a number of young
ladiea were present, and two of their
rts, Mr. Quinn, of Charleston, and
Samuel A. Miller, of Raleigh, ran to
the aid of .Mr j vr Gulick. In the melee
which ensura Mr. Quinn received
severe blow on the temple from a stick
A panic followed among the fair sex
pr Bant, many of whom j imped through
the windows and fled, affrighted away
At. this stage of the affair tbe rector
entered end hia presence quelled the
— Buffalo hunting in Texas is the
merest butchery, and q life unworthy
the name of sport. The killing is done
with telescopic rifl*s, and one or two
men, by carefully keeping themselves
c 'created, can kill a herd ol forty or
fi ty upon one or two scree of ground.
Aa soon as one ia killed, the res',
smelling the blood, collect around the
body, snuffing and pawing, and paying
no attention to the report of the gun so
long a* they do net get the ecent of the
—8. J L Owen, writing from Mon
roe county, T*nn., says: ’ Bsar Sir—'
have taken a good deal of pains to as
certain the prospects of the wheat crop,
and find bnt one expression among the
best farmers; that is, that tbe rnst will
intensely damage it, if not rain many
places. The rust is already on almost
ail the top blades. Farmers are much
il -(Milrased about the prospects, so (ar
as East Teunesnee ia concerned. I am
ol the opinion that yon might safer
calculate not one-hall a crop, and if
had stock "U hand would hold f jr bet
ter prices.”
—A farmer in Charleston county, 8.
0 , bought, f jur year- ego, twenty-two
common sheep, at (2 50 each. Tuey
h d themselves all Hie year round, and
dogs did not disturb them. The own
er I as sold a quantity of wool and a
number of lambs, and now hassixtv
ewea of better grade than those be be
gan with. Taking into account the
(I-cces and lambs sold, the sheep
b .ugbt have yielded a clear profit of
four dollars a year each. Ooe sheep
gave, at one shearing, ten pounds of
wool, which were sold for $180. The
avenge value ol the fleece is one dol
lar. These are hard (sets and highly
ei.conragirv. Sheep raising is mani
lestly very profitable.
—Chattanooga Blspa'ch: It is a pit<*
that more of our citiz ins did not av. i
•li-mielvcs of the benefits of the
un ions. Sunday school convention
which this week held itaseasirnnin our
neighboridg city of Atlanta. The fine
horpualit; which thecitiaensextended,
the very warm and Christian 1 jve and
seal which gliwed upon all faces, and
(ell from every lip, were evidently the
product of the spirit of God. The im
pression of the great and
abiding result* to flow from the Sunday
school work in onr land, and thruugh-
ontthe world, was very strong upon all
hear s The word ol God brought di
re c Jy, by so many helps to ita stndv,
now everywhere scattered abroad, end
iin ml led by such earnest men anti wo
men as those in this c invention—ia in-
died the in*t nmentdity and the
method with which lo meet all oppoeers
-il Christianity. God’s word can for
ever answer and conionnd the word
01 man, when they come into compe
ik sanrur.
over a tboi
in the private banks of E-igland, draw
ing not more than one per cent, inter-
t, held simply for safety.
—Mr. Beecher thinks that Mr. Conk-
ling is “a very big rat in a very small
trap.” Perhaps Mr Copkling enter
tains a like opinion of Mr. Beecher; who
—The western railroads are fighting
each other on passenger rales east.
Ia a few months they’ll be cutting
down the wages cf the employees to
make up the lasses occasioned by this
little fun.
—When yon look at the goddess, for
we understand she is an alleged god
dess, on the new silver dollar, doesn’t
it make your blood boil to think of the
m-n who has evidently chocked her
under tbe chin with a croquet mallet T
—Haw keye.
—Dr. Mary Walker is said to be dy
ing. 8be could stand ah tbe masculine
wavs but tobacco, and she says she is
dying because her lungs are fil ed with
tubercles, tobacco-planted and tcbrcco-
E oiaooed. She ia now in Providence
ospital, Washington, and is reported
as in a very critical condition.
—Sharon’s eeven-s’ory palace hotel
in San Francisco is the biggest kind of
elephant on the hands of the proprie
tor. Every month at least $12,000 in
terest is due on mortgage account, and
the running expenses of the institu
tion are rcarcely met by the receipts.
It is well kept, but it is too big.
—A free negro woman was kidnapped
in Cincinnati twenty-five years ago by
a slave dealer and sold into slavery in
Kentucky, where she remained until
the cloee of the war. Recently she
said Sheriff Ward, of Lltt’e Rick, the
kidnapper, for $15000. A long and
closely contested trial resulted in a ver
dict lor $5,000.
—Secretary Chase, when he issued
the first greeubsek. hung a gold dol
lar to his watch chaio, announcing hia
retention ol weariog it until green
back came np to par. Once he 'aid
that he hsd often donbled whether
tbit day will ever be attained, and hsd
left off wearing the charm; but his dis-
pendency wts premature.
—Putting out a fire is s queer jab to
let out on contract, but it has been
done id the esse of the burning coal
mine near Pittsburg. The fire h.ia been
raging for two month*, and the con
tractor ia to get $35,000 if he extin
guishes it before it does a certain
amount of His plan is to dig
a deep trench and fill it with stenea,
thus m kings barrier.
—Beverly Douglas, the Virginia
representative who got drunk and
made a spectacle of himself in tbe
house, and concluded that it isn’t a
good electioneering ergument, and
irLs to explain. He makes rather sor
ry work cf it, but concludrs with tbe
gratilyiog announcement that he baa
determined during the remainderof his
tei m “to abstain entirely from intoxi
— During the thirty six years of its
existence, tbe income lax has brought
into the coffers of Ureit Britain and
Ireland the sum ol £265.000,000, or
♦1 U-'VOOO/KH) in pi'd. Tim tilgnest
rare-Id. 4J. on tha pound—was in
1836 57, tbe ynara fallowing the Cri
mean war. The lowest, in 1873,
21, while the present tax, inclining
the increase from the “rtix-inilIioi.“
vote, is only 5J. (*b >ut two per cent)
on incomes above 150J.
— In Paris j tea on the approaching
exhibition are in order. A wiilowtd
mo'her, of penurious habits, with an
only son, is reported to have called <»d
a physician in reference to her boy’s
health. She described his symptoms,
among which wa^ want of appetite.
The doctor said it was only the las^i-
♦ode of sprirg ‘ Let me treat him and
I’ll give him a stomach to devour ail
before him.” Tue widow thought a
moment. ’‘Provisions will be so dear
when the exposition opens! Ii is bat
ter to let bim remain as ha is/*
—Th«* rew pope has selected his
apartments at the Vatican. The bid
chamber of IX has been turned
into an oratory, and tbe hue pope’s
library has become the bed c ham be: of
Leo XIII. The pope continues his
measures of internal reform and econo
my at tbe Vatican, and is abolishing
many sinecures. He has notably or
dered au auction sale of some scores cf
big coaches and hundreds of long-tailed
black horses which encumber the sta
hies of the Vatican. These were origi
nally used to convey the servants of the
pontifical government between tbe
Vatican and the quirinal, but as Huce
the c ecu pat ion cf K me all the officers
ire a', lbe Vatican the clerks have b.*en
using the vehicles to take them to their
oil ces in the morning and home *>gain
al night. Tue pope as he received this
explanation said dr) ly that there wa=
»n elegant ’bus system in Rome, and
the cierks must either live within easy
reach of the palace or else fiud some
other occ i pation.
that year cf 1852.1 saw that Grant waa
determined to inaugurate Hayes at all
hazards, and I d-du’t see how it could
be done without bloodshed. I saw Mr.
Hides, acd told him I was, for one, in
favor of inaugurating him at all haz
ards. Mr. Tilden replied that be was
not willing to take the office at the
price of blood, and so he remained pas*
eive, as he has been ever sinre. I have
talked with him freely, acd I suppose
it better that no more should be said
in print” __
General Sara IIonMoa and Ills First
Mempbla Appeal.
The letter recently published in the
Appeal, written by Colonel Willoughbv
Williams, of Nashville, has created
much discussion here in Memphis as
to the cause of the separation of Gen.
Houston from his first wife was, no
doubt, an excellent lady; but we cars
not believe tbe story told by her friend-
in Memphis, f >r General Houston was
happily married to bis Use wife, and
was a most exemplary husoaud. Mr.
Asa Jarman, of Texae, has j ist com
pleted a memoir of the life of General
Sim H u<ton. Jarman’s vereionof the
separation of Houston and his wife is
perhaps the true one. He says that
Houston married, while governor of
Tenueesee, the beautiful Miss Lucy
Dickerson, not willingly, but under the
pressure of parental influences. She
had been engaged to Mr.Robert Nicker*
a n, whom she desired to marry, and
when Nickerson returned to Nashville
her love for bim remained as warm
ever. Houston, becoming convinced
that his wife was more attached
to her old lover than to himself,
acca-.ed her accorlhgly, when,
with much womanly lecling, she
confessed that it was true, announcing
that “she liked Nickerson’s little finger
better than Honston’s whole body.’*
convention, and we have not the
slightest doubt that a good man will be
selected, who will command the sup
port cf the entire party. We will
“ eld him a ready rapport.
How to PcBkloD t onrrderatCB.
Manttxua* Weekly.
Bat we do ask that our next leg
islature adopt the Me flett register, to be
used by all liquor dealers in the state,
and that the receipts from that soared
be applied to the pensioning of conftd**
crate soldiers and their widows.
Always (be Way.
Memphis Avalanche, ind.
It’s always the way. Montgomery
BUir, C. A. Dana and David Dad’ey
F«eld, the three most ultra, m&ligaant
Bourbon democrats in America, are
renegade republicans and original abo
Tbe l>«*mocra!!c Mnw.
Coakiiug’s Utica Republican.
A democratic paper in Washington
has swallowed the administration pa
per. This is according to the fitness of
things, It is the way everything per*
aimng to the administration is going.
and quarrsling
—The prettiest girl in Paris this sea
son is au American.
The war met Kussia 850,000.000
roubles ($671,500,000).
—Princess S ura «ff is writings book
against her treatment In this country.
—The E jglish soldiers are debating
how many pounds of lead a man can
carry in his body and yet live.
If B.iyard Taylor had been sent to
England, he would have becred the lion
in his den.
- Edward E verett Hale says the voice
of ' he average A mer:can woman is too
loud. Mi. Hale is a married man.
—William Cullen Bryant practices
with dumb-bells before breakfast every
- Stewart’s hotel for women, with
accommodations lor two thousand, has
Lrty boarders.
— Now that Beecher’s usefulness is
o’er, how would Simon Cameron do for
pa&!or of Paymoath church ?
—A baby, 13 months old, weighing
103 pcu.'.cU
- Under ihe patronages! King Hum>
ber r , au international exhibition is to
be d at Milan in 1879
—•Moulton is abi-ui to move back into
Brooklyn again. Ha thinks the good
old times are about to return.
- In Uh‘ iprint a liTetter *‘tuteiuent '
Tiitoc do.'e;
teller's fancy
tine, “would be a possibility il any one
**s wilting to be the second person m
—Don Auvoatin Edwards, a yankee,
“ leftafjr-
wbo baa just died in Chili, !**»• t,,-
une ol $25 000.000. He had a monop
oly of the copper mires cf the country.
— Haw to sirg according to
Lvblanche: “Shut your noee, keep
down yonr tongue, and sound your
—Harry Ward, of Sackett’s Harb r,
aged 101, toik his first ride on a rail
road car the other day, to complete the
papers for his epplication as a pensioner
of the war of 1812
—Tbe southern Illinois girls h».Te got
*-» they hold oot a red ribbon in
one hand and a mi ten in the other, and
N»y to a fellow: 4 Lookee heie, now;
which’il you take ?”
—The tio-foH on which a verse cf
*G >d save the Q :een” was recorded by
’ he |h*uograph, was sent to England
and reproduced there exactly as it was
tueg by a bdy in New York.
— Seiika Williams, a mu! a to, barn in
Natchex in 1850. is
Who Iw (he Lnch/ Mi
New York Tribane.
Ho! pretty page wiih the dimpled
chin, that never hath known the bar-
ei’s shear, go on with your m x>ning
bj night and your dreaming by day,
for the ideal one ia sure to turn up in
ihe fullness of lime. The last case of
manifest destiny is reported from the
city of Evansville, Ind. A physician
soon after leading his bride to the al-
:ar, wrote a letter to a college friend in
northern Georgia, inform!i g him of
what had happened, and advising him,
'kfter the manner of a bridegroom, to
-O and do likewise. The rsiing yoong
lawyer replied from N. wnan, Georgia,
th*t he would be very happy to marry
il be could only meet his ideal; and
then fol owed a pen picture of the wo
man for whom his soul languishes, all
the mental charms which found
a place in his appreciation being duly
duly mentioned in the description.
W hi e passing along Main sire*- one
day months afterward, the physician
happened to see a young lady of ex
quisite beauty and rare intelligence,
and like a fluthhe recognised her as the
ftnb diment of the lawyer’s dream.
He made inquiries at once and learned
hat she lived in Kentuckv, and was
vie:tine some friends in Evansville;
acd subsequently he procured, without
ber knowledge, one of her photographs
and lent it to the promising young law-
Tnis gentleman wa. pleated with
the counterfeit preteat men t, and
acknowledged by the next mail,
that it was indeed the f*ce of
bis ideal. Subsequent, be paid a
visit to her father’s hoo^e in Owecs-
bmo, and presented letters of intro
dn< :ion Jronc Messrs. S ephens and
tli *; and after a short courtship dea
thly had her way, the marriage cere
mony being performed in the Baptist
of the tow - ■
hurch <
: town late last week.
Bo*co«> Baddy.
New Yutk World
“ A good many people seem to dcub:
that Senator C nkling ever gave ex
plosion to soch views as he iscredited
with in the cjmmnnication from Utica,
just pnb isbed in the World ”
“ Yes; bnt who are they ? Persona
who know nothing ab->nt it Because
it was true, it created just each au up
roar as it did. It is n j wonder that the
people are excited ovrr theje events.
Everybody knows what an execrable
fraud has been committed. 1 only
wonder that it wa* permitted to be
consummated withou- bloodshed. Fir
my own part, I was willing to give jlj
own life in: he atrn^gle for justice, if
necessary. When I saw Grant collect
ice troupe around Washington I was
vividly reminded of tbe blackest cf all
crimes eg -inst the liberties of the peo -
pie-the usurpation of the imprri.l
purple by Louie Napoleon. I wag in
hex in 1850. ia spoken of in the Pans at that time,ana I can never for-
*l ‘Aaiuica’s colored Paui,” Her get the terrible scenes enac.ed Uure in
H .nston thereupon informed her
she had better marry Nickerson, and
without a word to the public, he
abandoned his gubernatorial office and
quietly left the state for the Indian
settlements. _____
An Euaj on Ike X»*ro.
Springfield Eepub icon, rep.
Meanwhile the negro has got to learn
the lesson that every other race has
had to learn since the foundation of the
world, that bis fatnre depends upon
himself, and that, if he is going to win
success, he has g^t to work for it. The.
delusion that the ballot was to put an
ignorant and long downtrodden race ft
once upon an equality with an intell
gent and long-dominant one is, we
smpect, at the bottom of the intelligent
negro’s doubt and despondency in U o
many cases. He sees that sufirage has
not brought all the promised blefsingr;
he even confesses the trath, which re
cent southern history bas so conclu-
fively proved, that his race is not yet
fit to govern tbe state. And tbe shock
to bis preconceived opinions is so sod
den and great that philosophy has not
yet come to bis aid, to remind him
that he has been expecting the impos
Bible. It is not strange that he should
be dejected and ieady to accept the
fresh delusion that a mere change of
ekies will work the expected transfor
A gartulon of PrUUegc.
SprlDfcfl .Id Republican, rep.
Now, it is to some extent of course
simply a personal question for every
member cf the senate whether he will
allow a thief to retain unq lestioned his
seat in : hat body. Bat it is also a ques
tion which concerns the peo
c juntry whether a man who
of penitentiary crimes shall be per
mitted to help mhke laws for them
And, with what is known against John
J. Patterson, the American public is
fast coming to consider his unquestion
ed retention ol a seat in the senate
v bamber in the light ol a national die'
TMaioieli’a Only KlvaL
KeiAUki of aenerd BiLks.
Our only enem e* are those who have
been discharged from the rebel armies,
end who are still undaunted by their
deieat, bnt filled with longing for re
venge. They alone are the enemies of
this country ; tney alone threaten its
existence; they time peril its future.
Snail we yu Id onr rig its lo those men
who come np from a section lately
thirsting for cur lives and plotting onr
annihilation, whose lips are yet trem
bling with tbe oath of perjury 7 We
must conquer them. This is the vie
tory we must win, and which once won
we mast hold firmly and forever.
Doean’t Take to Htrang*rM.
Monuzims Weekly.
We are opposed to sending a strarger
to congress every two years, and be
lieve it to be an excellent plan to le;
we'l enough alone. Macon county will
support General Cook in tna conven
Allent snedmau.
Wubicgtjn Pott.
Gen James B. Steedman, the Com
mander in Chief of the Tilden army in
the war for the Preservation of the
Fruits declines to betray confidence.
Magnificent Agamemnon 1
Ju«t ihe Cheese.
New York Hail
O! Leo Marserine. she said.
See bow mj bean doib fl liter.
A Word lo (he Democracy.
We would have the democratic
ranks held close and firm-forgetting
nothing, remembering everything,
steadily bent upon redressing the
Fladlnx 1 luaiiir Oat.
Springfield Republican, rep
Mr. Blaine is getting found ont all
arouud. Even the Indianspolis Jour
nal speaks of “Mr. Blaine and a few
other Benators of ecaly reputation.”
A Frwclfc -I Objection.
Phi'adelphia Record.
The only objection we have to pre
cipitating resumption is, that the
nearer we get to it the wors8 aflairs
The Office Hordrr’a Beltan*
Behind the office-holder stalks his
relative. ___
A Fen Picture ol Cankllag.
Wathicgton Coneapocdiccc Philadelphia Pres
The magnificent Roscoe is a ccwarl.
—There is no necessity to neglect
your business if you will only use Dr.
Ball’s Cough Syrup at once—the molt
reliable remedy in the world forcouglje,
colds, etc. " 243
Secemlon ol Thre« Million of People
the Church ol Fiiglaud io the
C hurch ol Home
By Cab’eto the N. Y. Hertld.
Pabi*, April 20.187S From a p rson
who professes to have an intimate ac
quaintance with the Vatican, 1 hear that
a movement is on foot which promises
to be the most important ev rnt in tbe
religious history cl the century. This
ia nothing less than thu secession in
large bodies of membeia of ihe English
Protestant church to the Roman Catho
lic church. Toe number cf receders is
placed ai as high a figure as 3 000,000 of
peopl .
Included in this exodus frem the
Church of England are bishops, rector*,
curates and deacons. Authorized del
egates are, it is ai6erted, now io R jme
negotiating the conditions upon which
the secession tabes place.
Acceptance of tbe Catholic faith is
pr mieed on the follow ng conditions;
1 The acceptance ot al* the doctrines
cf the Catholic church.
2 To solve the difficulties among
Angelicana relative to ordination,
bishops, ministers and deacons
consent to receiye fresh orders in the
Roman cl u ch under certain condi
3 AU new priests undertake to ob
serve celibacy.
4 Ministers already married shali
not be a*ke i to quit their families, but
shall be debarred from hearing confes
5. The new Catholics to be placed for
a period of twenty years under a spe
rial episcopal hierarchy in order to
smooth the many differences of opinio
tha* may arise during the transition.
This plan is modelled on that adopted
by the cbnrch in the east. In Armenia,
for instance, every city has its special
I give thin, as the French say, $ciu
t'uU reserve, but it c^mes from such *
h'gh sjuice that 1 would not be j i8ti
fidd in treating it with ^credulity.
Anybody bnt TlliDu
Cbar.Mtoa Newt tied Courier, dem
The national democracy have been
beaten once by the feebleness of their
leader, and the south says distinctly,
and positively, that it does not mean to
be so beaten again. The person who
prevented the democracy fr*nn er joy
ing the frnits of victory in 1877 will not
be allowed to play the same game over
four years later. Mr. Tilden is not en
tered for the race. The south bars him
It is diatinction enough for Mr. Tilden
to be the only person elected president,
since the foundation of the republic,
who did not obtain his office- The po
sition is unique, like Mr. Tilden, acd *
is not proposed to compromise his dig
nity by allowing him to become presi
dent. The sonth will not have Mr.
DBA Til.
Nine Hundred autl Niaety.HIne.
T^ibuUon Standard.
There are at least nine hnndred and
ninety-nine men in this district who
believe the people are doiDg themselves
a very great wroLg and the aspirants
param’-unt injustice in not sending
each one of them to congress. There
are also men of ability among ns who
would represent us with credit. The
present representative is a man ol ster
ling a oth and substantial ability, yet
bo will have to come down and out and
let somebody e;s3 have some of tbe
loaves and fi-hes; we believe however,
that Mr. Harris could make a strong
pull for a return on an open race.
.A L<MK>n lw Pvlltlcn Gramm
Mr. D x announces his lecture under
the title: “Are the Uni ed Slates
Government ?’* True politics require
;hat he should say, “L* the United
States a government?” From a mis
take in grammar in this business
srang up the rebellion.— Boston Tran
script. Yef», but fifty thousand wars
would not m.»ke “is the United S ates’*
tolerable grammar. It wouid be sad
ihe American cl Liam were nquiredto
murder his language as well as his ie>
Liw c tizms for the sake of giving life
to a silly grammUical inaccuracy.
Tbe Billy or tbe Tolley.
Chicago Tribane.
Mr. Sharon’s private business being
most through, he proposes to spend a
brief vacation in the senate at Wa b»
ington if he can get any one to identi
fy him, and eo secure bis teat which is
covered with thirteen-ply cobwebs.
An iu.emous man with plenty of
check might have achieved fame and
fortune during the Kel’cgg Eustis-But-
ier controversy by walking in and pre
tending that he waa the rosy Soaron
and tbe Blily of the valley—the Hum
boldt valley.
A Hard Oae.
Ohio S ate Jjunul.
Mrs. Tilton solemnly confessing that
she ia guilty, Mr. Beecher with as
mnch solemnity asserting her icno
cence, and both having precisely the
same opportunities for in ormation,
and apparently a kiLship of motive in
self preterva’ion, presents a question
in evidence knotty enough to oistract a
Philadelphia lawyer, and to bring all
tbe standard hgU works down to the
msigaificance ot a dime novel.
Tbe Republican ChMm.
Chicago Inter-Ocean, rep.
S i long as the southern democratic
leaders control the southern policy cl
the administration, and northern mal
content impractic&b es conduct the
civil service, there cau be no hatmon;
bit ween the president and the rani
ana file of the republican party. Un
less tbe differences are speedily adjust
ed the breach will become a ebatm.
Fade Joe Medlll Excited-
Cnica&o Tribane, rep.
The democrats of R chmond, Va.,
have “adept* d a resolution excluding
tneb acksfrrm voting at tbe primary
elections.” Tuere is, however, noob-
j ction to the blacks voting at the reg~
alar election, provided that they vote
for the ticket nominated at the prima
ries from which they are thus txcl act
ed. Lit us conciliate again. And
again. A id once more. Tiger 1
lbe Eagle* «u Ibelr Eon.
CmoBfo Inter-Ocean.
Two Georgia negroes, on? ol Urem with
a »x bar.-:y prevented aa eagle Iran c*rrr-
g < ff a amail ealid.—Exchange■ since the vile abme of the eagle
n n the silver dollar we have expect-
ie would become riled and commit
jost such depredations. Gold bugs had
celter let that bird ahee; he is blc*ed
up by the natives of this country, and
ry.t»a r ‘T7 business.
Maata a Salk! Capitol
Lumpkin Iud»p:an<tem.
We would prefer for Atlanta to plank
down tbe value of the old cepitol,
which waa about the proposition, and
let the state put up a structure on A t-
ianta’a ten acre lot that won’t bu ge
when the heavy weights of the Georgia
legislature get to splurging.
The I'll lb District.
lbe Trne Story of His Fnbappy
Fatal Visit to Havana.
Correspondence of the WoilX
Havana, April 14—The romad:
story of the death of U ngressun
Leonard, of Louisiana, in this city pet
month, has given rue to so mnch com
ment in the United States that the ax*
act facta should bd related. It was flrtt
asserted ihat Mr Leonard bad died tf
the yellow fever, and C msul-Gsnenl
Hall, in his dispatches to the state de«
partment annou; ciDg the event, so sti
ted. Afterward gentlemen who weie
in Havana at the time of Mr. Leonards
death, returning to America, denied
hie, and asserted with eome vein
menco that .*here had not been a c>wa
of yellow jxek in Havana for five
months. From these c jntradictory re
ports grew stories that Mi. Leonard
bad committed suicide, and aLo tha*
he bad been slain by his rival for
hand of the young lady whom be
engjged to marry in this city.
Over a year ago Mr. Leonard met
New Orleans a young lady nami
Gobel, whose uncle resides in Ha’
She is said to be a person of charm:
manners, but not beautiful in face a
figure. Mr. Leonard became infatual
with Miss Uobel and they were
gaged to be married. Excepting
ancle in this city, Miss Gabel’s >
lions are sa d to be in only moderate
circumstances. Mr. Leonard corre
sponded regularly with Miss G»bel ;
and it was dually arranged that be
should come to Havana and marry her
at her uncle's residence in the Calle
Lamparilla. Mr. Leonard came toHa-
vana about the 1st March and atojped
at Ihe Hotel Telegraphc. Upon his
arrival he called upon Mies G>bel,end
to bis surprise and grief w’iis received
coldly, and informed that the antkipa
ted marriage could not take pace.
Two accounts are given of the reicojs
offered by Miss Go be l for breaki
tbe match One sat of gossips
say that Mr. Leonard was merciessly
j I ted; that Miss Gobel first informed
him that if he married her she stould
ins'ft upon his living in this city; that
he finally agreed to resign hia EGt in
the house and make his heme in (uba,
*n d that after agreeing to this Misf do
bel told him fl.tilv that
she did not love and
would never marry him. Theother
stery is that the young lady’s ftends
objected to ti: e match. Leonard seemed
io be greatly mor*ified as well as de
pressed by the termination of his
gagement, and took passage on tha first
steamer, the Colnmbu?, sailing fr m
this port. Tbe Columbus was tc have
sailed on Saturday, March 9, but owing
to unexpected delay about her carg.j
did not get away until Sunday morning.
tie s earn
er, and about 9 p. m. came down to the
wharf accompanied by a friend to go
aboard himself. The evening was one
of the sultry, damp nights peculiar to
Cuba, the atmosphere being not espe
cially hot, bat (lose and offensive.
Leonard walked np and down the p er
for an hoar in conversation wi*n his
friends, and soon alter 10 o’clock
stepped into a gondola and was rowed
eff to thu steamer. Almost as soon as
he reached the vessel’s side he wa
taken with a chill, and his symptoms
were so alarming that about midnight
ne was taken from the Bhip brtex to uie
Teiegrapho. Dr. Burgess, the Ameri
can pbys.cia < of Havana, was sent
for on Sunday eveuing. Ltr
Bargesb's story of how Leonard died
may be beat told in bis own w^rds.
He said : “When I first saw the patient
he was in high fev- r, had burning skin,
pains in the hack, side and chest, and
sickness at the stomach. At times he
was delirion?, tut when routed
answered questions lucidly. Tbe fever
continued wi hour, abatement until
Tueeday night. Oa W’edntsday he
seemed to improve and was much bit
ter than at any time siLce 1 had been
attending bim. la the afternoon of
Wednesday, however, unpleasant gas
tric symptoms began to manilest
themselves, and in the even
ing be was taken w>th black
vomit and hiccoughs. Bitween 12
and 1 o’clock Thursday night he
There is no donbt that he died of y<
fever. I have had it myself, and treat
ciees of it every month in the year.
There are sporadic cases here all the
ime, just as there are sporadic cases of
*yphns in every large city of the north.”
On the day before Mr. L^nard’s
death Misa Gi bel, having heard of his
idat-ss, sent a note to him by a servant
-ay mg that everything might be arraeg-
**d to his satisfaciion yet, and advising
aim to go to Nsw Orleans.
GSM. GtJltltON
Relief for the Afflicted
37 doin'! Piacs, LOUISVILLE, KY.J
Ur Sorif^v tf FeauWa,
>p*er. ke.. rwrime*
(iiraV' J _ rr r : * ^ •ynemi Gonorrhea.
*nv. :
Cures Guaranteed in \ Cases
Cures Guai
rcaxoMUe «uJ ocrrv»j (.tin. e r’.n
GEORGIA, Fal fan Coaaly.
Ordinary’s Office, April 6,1378.
E P. CHANB1RUN. administrator cf tbe
* estate of Lion Voms, d cmwI app ’esfor
letters of dismission as administrator of eald
All parties interested wust show cacse why
said letters shoild not be granted, If any th- v
STe. at ihsnext Jaly term or this court.
173 spr9...wSm Ordinary P C
GEORGIA, Fulton i'ouuty.
W Ordinary’* Offic-. Attril 5, 1878*
II"SREAS. Mra Corde’la Sm ’h bas applied
ff-r letters of admitU’.rstlou on the estate
ofTbomasP Smith, late of saidccuoty. di ceased:
All p r?on- concerned are hereby nXilled to
file tfinr obj etit^s. If anf ex’s\ on or b fore the
173 aprt. wlw
or so
ar.gS -dAwlv
View of Marriage!
IM • r — .H n ot u»ri*« aud th«
Mcuunthit u:;flitortt; tue •*.
9 A book for priTkte, con«id-
• ra readies. SA> pages, prio%
Milton Censiy Depot j MherUTa Hale
\\7JLL be sold War* the court house door II
W the town ef A’phar-uj*, wuton c-untT.
Geo.gia, on the first Tuesday in May mu.
between tbs legal hours of sale, tbe following
-Toperty. lo-wit
lots of 'and Nos. 680 and SSI, in tbe id dlvrict
and 21 ecciion of Milton county, Georgia. Isv eC.
cy virtue of and to e*r.rfy an atif chm-mt
icd from he Just ices Court or tbs RH<1 D!f-
t, G. H . of said county. In favor of T D Ba*-
den vs. Nancy William*. Levied on as th
rrep rty of Nsccv William*. Tenant in po*?ee
-* - i’ly notified. Levy made acd and re
me by Wrr. J, Morris, L. C., of *a!<t
This March 29. ^8'8.
Lure of cure, 22* freer*. pric.-iO cts.
fhoM of the Throat arid Lungs, Catarrh.Rupture, tie
n H*bit,JEe„ price 10 eta.
Either book »mt postpaid en receipt of price; or aTt tire#,
Addnas £& IJ'n! ‘fith bust LcuuiJ Me.
434 acet6„d£wlyi
P OR the speedy Cure cf Seminal Weakness,
I ort Manhood, and sll disorders brought ot
by Indiscretion' or Exerts. Any Drngritt baa
the Ingredients. Address DR. JagIIEH A
' “ fclxtb Ntreet,
86 feb5.. dAwly
Restores manhood and tbe vigor of yoath to thf
most shavered constitution In four week;
FAILURE IMPOSSIBLE. This Ufe-reetortaf
remody eboald be takes by all about to marry, oi
who have become weakened from exceasoc an*
other cause. Success in every case is as certa*
as that water quenches thirst.
Agent. Dr. JON. JA«*U
PLics. New York. Drn|gli
61 aug5,lS"7 - 'ly
Drnggists Supplied
BratDMrlyllf.. Mufccod Bertored.
Impedimenta to marriage removed
New method of treatment. New and
remarkable remedies. Books and
circulars sent free in scaled enve-
Address 11017ABU A8SO-
v.ra.lOH.419 N. Ninth 8t., Phila
delphia, Pa. An Institution having
a high reputation for honorable
conduct and professional skill
Iton Works.
Canal Street from Sixth to Seventh,
ENGINES, portable and stationary, SAW
M.’CHINDRY for G >hl and Coal Mines, Blast
Parnacee, Ac.
We call special attention to onr IMPROVED
PORTABLE ENGINES, for agr 1 cultural and
other purposes. Also, to onr new $ riles SMALL
Lt*CX)MC.TIVES for hauling lumber, and
other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge
The bet-t Planters recarl onr GINNING
ENGINES superior to any In use Send for
Illustrated Catalogue free. Other things being
equal encourage Southern Institutions.
Repair work solicited and promptly done.
Shafting, Putlev*. Ac., for Gin Honene.
WJI l£. TANbf.R * 1
M ian26...dAwly
Ag«ms War ted.
Words from (lie Northern Press
Hon. A. K. McClure, writing from
Washington to the Philadelphia Times,
in editorial correspondeLcs, givi
The notable feature of the senate, to
one who has been familiar with the
body ten years ago, is the many new
ftcea to the extreme right of the chair.
There are Gordon and Rtnsom and
Maxey and Morgan and Hill and La
mar and Bailer and Witherr, all ex
confederate chief*, now legislating for
the government they rebelled against
and they rival their opponents on the
opposite s de of the chamber in conser
vative national views. The magnetic
men of the body evidently are Blaine
on the republican aide and Gordon on
tbe democratic side. Bath are of tbe
nei voub temperament, genial in iuUr-
course, keen at repmee and a.wa>>
ready for the fray. Blaine, Gordon and
Lamar are sitting in a group, the great
republican leader leaning over the
desk cf tbe Georgia warrior on one side
and Lamar binding to both on theother
side, chatting in a manner so friendly
and jovial that the devotee of the
bloody shirt would chill in his hero-
worship of Blaine, could he see how
fruiernal the blue ar.d the giay can b
in tbe amenities of the senate.
The Newark Courier says editorially
General Gordon, of Gcorg a, is one of
h * most noticeable men in the senate
WLh his tal ? , erec: and manly form he
loons every inch Ihe s .idler. He is a T h„ treuwkm w«* regularly Into-j orated b,
fine specimen of a southern gentleman, the Lerfsta ure.-f State for Educational anc
and of the 1 ’ — *"
T r II £ —The choicest In the world—In
I LHd. porters* prices—Largeat Company in
. America—■'rplc ertlrie — plcasct
everybody — Trade continually increasing
Vgentt* wanted everywhere—best lcducemotits ,
1on*t waat time—e^nd for Circular to ROBER
iVKIJj', Pres, of the Original Ames’ran Tea
Oompanv, 43 VescySL, N. Y. P. O. Box
* hhhdid oppoKTUMrrr t«
1)AY, UAYHt? 8 ’ AT HSW OEL3;AN3 ' ■TOSS-
Louisiaua State Lottery Com’y,
This Institution v
co .rttous, brave, faithful and
strictest integrity. He has made
.splendid record as senator and bas be
come one cf the leading m^n cf the
nation. His c ireer as a C jufedv rate
general ia well known to our readers.
Be entered the aimy as captain,
the rank of maj w-general, and wssen-
trusted wiih most im]H>nant com
11A IUA IF A Y*!
Intrlgnatlon ol (tie
Fall River, April 24.—The feeling
of indignation ag dust def.iult*»r Hatha
way has irtentifi d to-dav Numeront
threats of lynching. Undoubtedly
something of tbe kind would have hap
pened bad Hathaway been allowed to
remain at bis residence another day
It is thought tbe liabilities of two mills
will nearly equal the aggregate wealth
of the directors, or abcut $1 500.000
It is acknowledged that all the direct
ora of the Birder City and Sagmore
mills are ruined, with the exception
of Charles P Stickney, who loses $150,
000 for his investment of $18,000 in the
corporation. Providence, New Bed
and Boston t anks of Fall Rivt
probably involved, but ihe officers are
reticent, dreading distrust cf the peo
\ Vtt 3 PHIS,
Thousands of victims of Scrofula. Rheumatic
patients who have cast f ” ■
sufferers from syphi""
poison, all over the
The seat of these diseases is in the blood,
heir crutches:
an mercurical
land, bear witness of ita
and impure blood causes unhealthy accre
tion, which develop Eruptions of the Skir
Sore Eyes, foul Discharges from the Nose,
Head; NightSwcats: Whites: Sallow Com-
plexion; Kidney Di*e«se; Nocturnal Emis-
. and a long trainof d.reful ills.
In 3<u district, the filth, we expect s dixie
Cockade Feed caller.
Mr J. C. B ake, one of the patentet s
of the above machine, which was patented in
May last is now la Atiteus and Augusta, Ga.,
here he has them on exhibition, a .d will be
in Atlanta May L at the NxtioaxI Hotel, and in
vite* the public to call and examine far ttes-
From an examination cf the above
n col ad n Jonsly eay that for
durability, cheapness simplicity ol construc
tion and effidercy In performing ita wxk. It ia
ter ahead of any cutter we ever aiw. Mr B ake
wiJ remain for a c upie of weeks for the purpose
of Belling coonty and state rights.
poo apxll^dAwdt
—A dear head and quick action must
be possessed for the steady and suc-
ceesful tff »n; but who can have 6ucb
when snffering with cold? Use Dr.
Bail's Cough Syrup and procure inure-
rdielT 234
tics of roots and herbs w hich act on the*blood,
cotuiaff in direct contact » i:h the Kerm of dis*
eases, extendine its influence to every pan of
the «r*:em ltia & powerful alterative.
Under its influence the ?ves vtoa sparklinir.
the complexion clear, anu unsightly blotches
rapidlv disappear.
The value of this compound in general debility
cau r.ot be overextimated. it arouses tbe flagging
eucrsries of life.
known as “Female Weakness.” use T’.tt’s S.vaaa*
PA hills A»n Texas’s Dt.:JGHT. It will care Leu-
corrbwa, Spermatorrhn a. ar.d orhe r foul dift*
charges, when all other medicine fail* 1
Sold by Druggists. Pn.ce. 11 Motile or six for
*5. Sent by expre?s on retetpt • price.
OFFICE. 35 Morrax St met. New York.
To Jail Builders.
R IAL ED bids for th; conrtra'.tIoe of a Jail and
•TaiorV fte- d^r-oe comotned n Fay * to tile,
wit be n«lr«! b» tbe orders -ned. on I the
firrt of Jane, 16:8, at 10 o’c o:k a m
D-awine*. Flats and Sp ci&'ationa are on
file ia oar cfflcd.
W. P. REDv. INK,
907 aprt5..wSt Boird Commia lxien
in the k'own wor , A. c amp't Watch frttto
Aq**U. Adir«w A. Cwuu&a « U>, LUicagj
pnrposes in 186^, eitb a CaplLti of
*-*- L b added a reserve,
list of raiaxa.
1 Capital Prixe , ty QPQ
1 Capital Pria*.
1 Capital Prixe.
s of $2500 .
9 Approxlmntton Prizes of. |X0C^
9 'pproximatlon Prize* or 200...
9 Approximation Prizes of 100....*
1867 Prizes, amounting to...„ filtT!
Peeponslble corresponding > -ents wanted
^prominent points, to whom a liberal com pen
Application for rattato club should only be
uadc to the Home office in New ( rleans
Write, dearly stating full address, for fort
information or send orders ti
P. O. Box 692, New Orleans, Id
Or to AMOS FOX, 5 J
ante. Ga.
t Alabama street, Ate
All onr Grand Extraordinary Drawings are
i n der tbe supervirton and management of GEN
219 apt 12 ..d4w frl inn wed Aw4w
Ibird Grand Dranlng
6 apr2...wdtd
Deputy >herlft.
i and thirty’
Douglas Coonty Deputy ^berlfTs Sole
*.for Hay. 1S78
W ILL be sold bet ora the court house door In
Dougin- county, Georgia, between tbe legal
hoars for Sheriff’* sale on tbe first Tu-adxy in
May, 1878, the following property, to ’—
lot of land number five hnndred
thr. e, in the 18th district and second sect'
originally Cherokee, now Douglas cennty. Levied
on and t*> be so d as the property of Nelson Bow
en ar«i Ban Bowen, urdcr ».nd b • viitue of two
Juwice Court fi faa lsene t fr» m th * 1273d dUtrict,
G. M., o! Douglas county, in favor of W. M.
Causey vs. H rt Bowen and Nelwm Bowen. Ten
ant in possession notified. M ar >b 27,1878.
4?0 mar29..wtt Deputy8h<
Hilton Conn ty Deputy HberilTs Sale
first Tuesday in May next, between
hours of tale, tbe follow ng property, to-wit:
Tbe house in th; town of Alpharet a, Geor
k own aa the property belonging to tbe Uasooic
fraf ernity of said town. Levied on by virtue of
and to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Justice*
court cf the l!76‘.h District. G. M , of said coun
ty, in favo: of Elizabeth Crialer n. O. A. Watkins
— tO P. fiktlton. rffleers of sail fraternity
6 aprt^.wtd
l : HP>y t tnlfl.
GEORGIA, Fallon connty.
Ordinarv’s Office, April C, 1878
YX7HERCAB, Margaret R. YOUNG, adminie
vv trator of the estate of Kobwt Y« u r ’g, de-
ceased, haring applied for letter* of dismission
from said estate:
Th's is, therefore, to notify all persona con
cerned to file their object'on*, if any they have,
within the time prescribed by law, else letters will
be granted said applicant as apnlted for
E8 apr9..w4w Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Fulton eonnty.
Ordinary's Office, March 4,1878.
ii RNEST G. ROCH has applied for letter-* of
Xu administration on the estate of Nancy
Holmes. Rue of said coonty. decea ed.
This is, therefore, to notify a 1 pers-ms con
cerned to Ale their objec ions, If any th^y have.
wi:h : n the time pn-scribed bv law, else letters Will
be granted aai<-* applicant as applied for.
73 mar5..w4w Ordinary.
cwrj applies
'aOffice, A
S-lina Lei...
.. isnsbln of Ihe three m nor
children, orphans ol Jam is MtKele, deceased:
All persons concercei are notified to Me their
objections, if ary exist, on or before the firet
Mon lay In ka> next.
178 apt9.^w4w Ordinary.
IN compliance with the law, notice is hereby
A given that I have thu dey sold and traw-
(erred all my stock in the Atlanta Savings Bank,
ULOBGIA, Fnltoa connty
Ord'nary'a Cere, April 6,1678.
W HEREAS Bozsman Adair hu applied to
theguardians ip of th* person and prop
erty of Thomas Alexander, "*** '
It c mi* Alexander, deesased:
cerned to file their objections, . . the time prescribed by law. else letters
vrillbj granted saldappUcant as applied for.
Daniel Pittman.
88 apr9.„w4w Ordinary.
SberlO’v Sales fo< Hay, 1878
ooor, in tbe tewn of Fairburn, Campbell
county,Ga, within the legal hours of sale, id
tbe first Tuesday in May next, the following
property, to-wit:
Lota of land Nos. 38, 39 and 40, in the 9‘Jb
distsic 1 of originally Fayette but now Campbell
county, Ga. Also, lot No. 183, in lh* 13ib dls-
vtLt ol originally Henry but now Caropbell
c untv, Ga, ooutaining in all 810 acres, more or
lets Levied on as tbe property of Hose*
Peters, by virtue of a fi fa ia-ued Irom the 120Ub
•lfa:rict, G M, in favor of L 8 Ho,in agaiust
Ho*«a Peters. Property pointed ont by plaintilT
ittorrev. .JOHN L. CAMP,
ap:7~.w4w Sheriff.
bberlflta Uorigage Hale.
door. In the town cf F irburn. Campbell
county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Ji
next, within the legal hours ol sale, the
ing property, to-wit:
a follow*
|egal hours ol sale,
ra old. two
cows ana one cau, ana *ix need
Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fl fa
>f McMillan A Snow vs MAE G*stwaj, imucu
from the 8uo*rior Court cf tbe county of Camp
bell. returnable lotbe * * * toma -•—*
court as the property _ . _
Gas tway. Pointed out by plaintiff's attorney.
_ » of Fr*nk Hayd* n. deceased, has rtpp.i -d
Irav. to sell a portion of the rea 1 estate or sa!o
deceved, at privat; sale, b ia > wild andv:
1 his is. th, r. Lire, to notify all p r ois
cerm d, to flic their ob** rt!om>, if any the bare,
within the time re*cribed bv l.-.w, else leave will
88 ap 9 ..
U1.UKU1A, roitnai cuomy
Ordinary** C fflee, Aptil 6, 1878
VATU SHEAS. Jami** f>. Collin-, adtninls nt
v* o thcceta- oi B njsmln Little, aeceasad,
ha applied for letters of dismissi n:
This la, there'ore, to notary all i.-eraons c
cerned. to ill-their objection , It any they hi
within the timep-es-rribid by law. else let
*111 be granted the applicant as applied tor.
Daniel pittman.
8i apr9...wlamlm Ordinary.
UEOKGII, Fol ton connty
Ordinary's Office* April 6,1878.
C KONTZ has applied for letter* of adMnL*
cca ; Ration on the estate of Joseph Lanier, it
This* Is, therefore to notify ail pen.
cetr.ed tn fl e ihefr ob ecttors If any they have,
within the *im» preec ibed by law, o'so letters
will be gianted raid applicant as applied f r.
88 «p:9...w4w Oi din try.
In the City of Loaieville, Ky.,
On Tuesday. April 30th. 1878,
r7nder the immediate toperrirl *n of R. C Winter
-mith. Ex Treas State of Ky.,Gen. T. A. Hi
Pre^ t ales Trading ardTrans. tv>.,Col Ge
fl. Gray, and otaer prominent citizen*.
1 Prize
2 Prizes ftO f 01 t
5P tea 5000
5 'rlaes>
lo Pr res 2 000 <
25 Pr'zis 1 • it)
50 Prizw £00 each
200 Pr zes 20) each
300 Prizes ItO each
099 Priz-s, all fash _
Whole Tickets, $'n : Halves, «5: Quarters, f2*50:
vtlle Courier- ocnwai. and New Yoi>x IIzba d.
Money ra -be sent bv Mall, Pnatal Order, Reg
istered Letter, Express or Draft payable to Com-
vonwealt i Distribution Co. All erdtrs for
ti. k ts and apr irstioc- for agencies should be r d-
t°‘* COMMERFORD, Sec’y, Courier-
Jonmti BalM'ng, ocisvtile. Ky. ctrealam,
giving tall pvtlco’ar*. sent free Xi pg
64 taetMi-12,26 ** »,1f,f8.30wkW.2a
’-PCtiiei2 9,16 ,*Tinr4.11,18.Idea:6,13 20«kyS.9,16
UCOKGIA, Fulton conaty.
Ordinary’s Office, April 6,1878
VI7 HERE AS, J. W. McFanl bas applied for let-
ters of adminlsration on the estate ol
Janie* McKeri, dcceasei:
Th«s is, tberefo e, to notify all persons con
cerned o file their ob lections, if any they have,
within the time presort trod by law, else letters
will be granted the appl 1c int a* a; plied for
fijJlS* 1
SI&S ^’Sha/tinc, PuucYSSkig —
New Garden Nurseries.
Established, A. D. 1828.
rio: q tartly than in former >c*rs In many
departments we have rr-d- renrUerablesdat-
ti ns, and ehal’ endeavor to et d our produce
Trud to name, well established tnu in every way
or the conflict between R resta and Tuhxkt la
the LIVE book for LIVE /weUs Has 700
octavo pages, IO© Engravlncs of Battles. Fort-
re«sea, Gncerals, Ac, Ac. Pric >. $3 OO
Term* nneqnaled. AGENTS WANTED, a 8
GOODSPEED A CO., New York, or Cincinnati.
cstabliihed J
Send for descriptive Catalogue.
Address orde. s to our General Agents.
Greenesboro. N. C.
Mi mart..d!awAwSmo
GEORGIA, Hilton eonnty.
Ordinary's Office, April 5,1878
1TTHEREAS WiPiam Bui-e bas apv’ied to have
V v Jolla nidi, a - inor ch id, about two jears
o:d, bound to hi a:
•i his Is, tb*r» fore, to notify all person* con
cerned. to fl!e thetr objection*, if anv th y have,
on cr before the flrjt Yoodav In May -exf. as
aid application will be acuM or thst car. at my
o®ct- W. H. NRSBIT,
63 ap.6 w4w Ordinary.
GE Btila, Hilton eosn'y
Ordirary’s Office, April 3, 1878.
W PEREAS, A J. Vsnghn bas aprlfed tohav*
”11 lam Di’da. * minor hUd, about eigh:
years old, bonn't to bim:
This la. teetefore. to rotlfy a’l psnon* cor-
creced ?o fits tfasir ob'ectio t, tf icy th y hsv%
• n or b*fore the fli>t Mccdav in Ms> next, a* said
application will te atied on d»y. st my offito,
aprt .w4w Oriiray.
and Morphine hahltenrsd.
' ftwavsr&tss
w *■
•f ritx'ft-,yrc9xt«r- aosrrxtlom italxt m
dlrarSxrt of Lrxix aaJ amt -
*3 xCM. two tl»- *5. Sold
^ Birrs spicmf «
^ «S. Sold bw drrrrixtx For Ct-eu!«r »hh
tVUOTAT*, xluui 1U. Bxtb, au aw* cu. caiM«s. IH.
wEuRGI I, Fnlt-m Connty.
OrPuary a Offlct, April 18,1878
R W. JOYS R has applied for exemption of
• pereonri jand set’ing apart and va aatioc
or ho •eetesi, and I *■ il pass npm the rame at
10 o’ctock a m. »n Mofld y Anrli», 1574, a: my
efflte in the ci‘y o f, Ga
a.v20 w2; tr-lcary F C- (
GEORGIA, Fnlfon connty.
Ordinary’s Office, April 6,1878
Y70LNEY DUNNIN J. executor of the w.ll of
* Jaxe- L. Don-ilng deceased, bas spp <ed for
leave to sell tbe real estate ol said dec-ased.
This is. therefirre. to notify sp. persons con
cerned to fils th irobj ctlons. If u>* th#»vr >,•*»
witt in ’he time presc ibed by law, <
Hinted sal’ a]—*
I aprt ..w4w
GEORGIA, Fnlton Conntjr.
Ordinary’s Office, April 6, 1878.
TESSE M. LEE has app'.i* d for lettera of ad
O mtPistrat on oa the estat-:of W. S. Griaham,
dee ied.
This Is. ’herefer*, to notify all persons con
cern© 1 to file their objections, if any they have,
wi hin tbe ’ im pweribed »y law ef e letters will
be granted said applicant a* app ie t for.
68 mart w4w Q;d na-y F, C.
Fayette Sher f!’a Hales-Hay, 1-78
the town of Favstteville, Fayette county,
“ 'he first Tnesday in May mxt,
legal boors of sale, tts fol-
between the
'owing described land, to wit:
Lot o* land number two hundred and forty-nine
(2(9) and lot of land number two hrndred and
thiry two (23<), each o* contatnteg 202ta acres,
and east haif of lot of land number two h-n1rcd
and fifty (ts^) and the weet ba f of lot of land
number two hundred for y sight, each half con-
taimng 100 acres of land; also thirty cere* of land
on of northwest corner of lot of land nuxbcr two
hnndred and thirty-three, and com ami r in ail
six hm dred an-* ’htrt»-seven acres, mo-e or Isas,
ard all or said land si mated te the fi’th te) dls-
rict of originally Beriv, now F.ys te c nnty.
Leriei cm and to be sold as th* property of M.
B. DeVaaghn, under and by virtue of fnn teen
Jost cea Coot fl hi lssced fro* tbe 1088 dls-
'rief.G. M. rf Claytoi. coo tr, four of ?bem in
favor o'A. W Tom r .s M. B DoVaiubn, and
ten (10) of them in favor of Rocker A Lowe va
M. b. D^V*nthu. » ropery pointed out »y *.
L W attenrn, main iff- a’tcrnsv. J. p Hu hie
tenant in pone«ion notified in writing of levy
L vy mad-s by B W Bro n, L- C., and tornod
ovrr to me. April 2, 1878.
A’s j. at tbe same lime and place, et hty acres,
of land, mor.- or less, on tho norb s’d«- of Io’
n -ml er (8) eight in the rixtb di-tilct of Fayette
counter, Gvorgla oa d d s» f • laws to-wit: On
the cast »< d rorth by lands of M * ’are Edcocd-
s jt, on the *o-:th by. a as of a T Bridges, on ;be
aesib C North Lc^ed or. as the property of
’o»cph T Starr, by vl tne of and t<. s -.tiaf five
Justice* Court fl fas i»u d from 'he495rh dirtric*.
G. M . cf Fayette conn-y, in favor o; J W Dakar
vs. Jcs: hT pri'-<ip»l, acd Bur? et ten-
frow, indorser. Levy mad j by S. J Jones, L
U., anc ha dfd to n»e Tenant in posee-r.on
Klven wri.tts i notice of the levy. Property
pointed oot b> plaint ff. April 2d. 1:78
000 tpe7..w:d
B. R Cah*tzll,
(Chart red under the laws of Tenn.)
I N view of th’r brrocnscly large tacrcase in the
number of invention* in the So r *th. this con
has bnn ore nise^, and is prop-red
tranrav, Tomptly. an i on reasonable terms, all
bnslnees connected with
Patents, Trade Marks and
marks conducted, and defence of suite on
and trade marks attended to. Briefs ma
furnished to attorneys in patent and trade mark
cases Patents, or interests in pa'en' '
and sold, and contracts made a: to
Territory & Eoyalt ■’ Claimed
by patentee*. Contracts for the manufacture of
machines and articles patm'ed » cured, and al
information eorncc’td with patents, trade mark
and C“pyrU bts fnrcixhed. Llt.eral terms mad
with attorneys a d agents and th cugont th
country. Ad ress,
Sentbsrn Patent Corn party.
Nashviu.*, Tkhr.
RyranzNCXfi—M Bon.s, fsq„ Prosldcct Fite
National Bank; Col K W 'fie, PrcpidTit N, C
St Louis Radway; John kirkman, B»q, Prcm ■
W FCon er,Chancellor,etc; HmN itaxte
Circuit Judge etc., Nashviiio. Tenn
237 febl2- d^m wed sat Aw3m
GEORGIA, Fill tun Connty.
Ordinary's Office, April l 3 ,1878
f E )RGE Mo rINLEY has applied for exemp
li ttonof pcr*onal.y an’settingapart'nd va
uat.on of ho : estead, and I will pass nron th •
same at 10 o’clock a ra, on Monday the 6m day of
May, 1878, a* my tffic in thee ty of Arianta, Ga-
401 apri’O t
AYF.AR. Agents wanted. Bttsl-
iteas legitimate. Ibirtlcnlarsfroo.
•MU>U*J WOBTU*CO..St,Lottix.lfc»
GEORGIA. Fnlton Connty,
Ordinary's Office, February 4,1878.
\\rnEREAS, 8. B. Love, exemto- of the
* v estate of Cynthia Green, late« f said coon-
:y, dece sed applies for letters of dismission:
All persons concerned are hereby r ntifled to file
their objections, if any exist, on or before the
first Mondey in March next, ei* lettera of
•lismlssion will be granted! be ir-.t.
91 feb6 -wamSa Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Fnlton Connty.
Ordhtay's Offlo, Fcbriaxy 5, 1878.
VAT PEREAS, B. E. Rawson, guardian of Frank
v v IIvris. n»iror. t-as applied for diemission
fro'n s fid guardianship:
Th sis, therefore, to notify all persona concern
ed to file their objection* if any they have,
within the time proscribed by law, else letters
of dismission will be granted the said appli
cant as applied for.
123 feb6-wlam3m
GEORGIA. Fallon Coauiy.
Ordirary’s Office, April 18,1378
O TTO I. Braumuller has applied f r exemp
ti< n of personalty anfl settler apart and va-n
tion if hemtstesd, and I will pa-s upon thu same
110 o'clock a m, on Tuesday th* 24 day of May,
18 8, at myo'hce in t.b- c'ty of Allan %. Pa.
401 ap**0 w2t Ord nary F. C.
GEORGIA, Fayette Connty
Ordinary’s office, March 1 1878._
ITTHEREAS, James M Smith, administrator
V? on the estate of Lewis C Smlihd, deceased,
shows that he ha* fully discharged his said
trust and pra«s for letter'of dismis ton.
All perwms concern'd are be*eby noilAe* to
file thrir objections, if any exist, on or before
he first Monday In Ju r e next, else le tors of
di sir is-ion will be granted the applicant
106 mai7...wlvm2m Ordinary.
Worth of
For ONE Dis pLAR we will send bh below
all Warrant©*! Gold Pla>«t *: 1 Pair Gold
Store 81 cere Buttons; 1 piir En?rr.vsd Sleeve
Bat ons; 1 set Pointed Stuls; 1 set Amethyst
tu s;1 Wedding Ring; 1 Engraved Band Fi 'ger
Hite; 1 Amethyst Move Rteg, 1 EtegnntR ne
mvrke-1 “Frls dsh p;” i t’sn l*o ne 8csrf Pm, 1
sp’ecd’d 8!lv*-ed fcst Pin: 1 set La le Jet end
Go!a PinandDrop^; 1 vjsevrtt Jet and Gold- 1
Ladles* Jet bet. Ornamented; l set Ifa-'d^oms
o-ebnd Fard*0'©;l Gent’s El ’gantLskeG.-orge
Diamond S:ed: 1 C » dinal Red Bead Necklace; I
Pair Ladiee P. a-t Ear D. ops, l La ie* Ornamented
'et Brooch; 1 Farcy Fctrf Ring and K'egnnt
Watih f'hain. Take yoor choice, the entire lot of
20 piece* eent po*l paid for 81 or any 8 pieces you
choose for 50 ceiU Clnb P.emiujt. Anyone
-ending ns a Inb of twelve «t one dollar we will
end* * oln Silver Watch Free.
F BTOPKIIAN, 27 Bond Sti, New York.
Administrator’s Sale.
G eorgia, d juglar* couuty. -By v rtue
of an order from the Honorable Po rt of
-u-tx..r»:u uremr, uu the first T need ay
in April next Vtween the legal h-mrs o» sal* all
the real esute belonging to tbe estate of Stephen
Umes late of said connty. • eesased. be'ng io»«
of land Noa. 729 710,731, 734 7*7, ^48.7*9,653
654 64». in the 18ib d'stri t and 2d aertlouof
originally Hierok e. now Donras eonntv, Geor
gia. 8'iW forth- lencff' of the heirs an > creai-
jot* o said deceased Terms One-third ca»h,
mdtwo thirds flr»tof Octobe rext M*rrh 5,
878. J. S J • MB* 1 , Adminl'tritor,
l r 0 msr7™wtds
Dougina Connty Deputy Shorlff’a
Sale* for Hay.
\\?ILL be sold before tbe oourt house door in
vv tbe town of Dongtessville. betwoen the
legal hours of sale, on ’h • find Tuesday in May
nex», ’he following prone rty. to-w«t:
West tide of lot of land N j 897. i» the 18 b
dhrtric* and second section of OTig n illy Chero*
’W Douglas county Oi. Irevi-id on aa the
the estate ot Jo
ou© tax fi fa , Is
tax collator of I
fi fa , isaned by J F Glover, deceased.
_ ...lector of Dongits c nnty. Ga. uro
made by Z M James, L C, and returned to me
ono-hslf undivided Interest In lots of land Nos
r Dvu:
Lipscomb, to satisfy one tax L
John F. Glover, deceased tixcoi'eator .. „,
ias county, Ga Levy ma le by Z M James and
eturned to me.
Also, at the same time acd place, will be sold
lot "I land No 842 In the tikh district and sec
ond section of originally Charok'e now Dinelss
connty, Ga. Levied on as the property of N. 8
Lip-comb, to aatify on lax fl. fain fa»or of John
F Glover, d?ceas d, lex col'ector of Dongls*
connty Levy mad* by Z.M. James and returned
tome Tenant notified. G M 8AUTER.
493 mchU_wlw Deputy Sheriff
>=£*5 s. n
IIP iifefili
si 5 IlflllllPi
*0 lllplllii 3
R- * 5g?wSP-??<
Htlron Uonmy NherUTa Male.
W ILL be s'4a before the court bouse door In
the town of Hpharetta, Milton connty.
Ge orgia, on tho flr»t Tae*dv In May next, be
tween the legal hoars of sale, the following
property, to wit:
’ ot <if land number (756' seven bundrod and
fif y-six of the firet district and tecond section of
mi -inally Cherokee, now Milton connty, Georgia.
i a vied in at th' proerty of R L tia-mes to
satisfy two 0 fas I •►usd from the Justices Court
ot tbe ln-'th Di*t rict, G. M., on« of which is in
favor of W. P. Drown against sai 1 R. L. Baynes,
and tbs oiher tn favor ol Ab^l C isler a? inrttald
R L Htynes and A J. McWakln Sail land is
well Improve 1. Levy adeand returned to me
by M M. J.-tmes, L C. Property pointed ont by
the defendant. Tnis March 20 h, 1879
GEORGIA, Fallon connty.
Ordinary’s Office, February *, 1878-
W HERE48, D nfel P. Dl l, a miMstrator or
the estate of Jo. A. Divis, l ite of said
All p r one co iccrncd ar# hereby notified to
fl;e their onjcctions, if any exist, on or be'ore the
Ir.-t Monday 1 * May ue*.«, else letters will be
rranted the applicant.
151 febS..wliun1m
Well Auecn. Send for onr anger book U. 8
\uosnOo.. Bt.I-onia, Vo. |**t mayl-wcowlv
Sslllng stationery raek-
sg* In the world. It eoe-
talna IB * boots ref Pip*-,
18 Envelopes, Pencil, Penholder, Golden Pee, and a piece
of valuable Jewelry. Cmupieie annplepackage, with ele
gant gold etewe Reeve Button*, get Oeld-ptated Studa, Ea-
grared Gnld-nUted Ittnc, and a Ira-flea’ Pa«h Ion able Fancy
,?< t. Pin and Dropa, postpaid 35 cent*. 5 PACKAGES with
Assorted Jewelry 81. A Splendid Watch and
Chain froe with every *50 worth of Coodw
you buy. Ks<raordtnary Inducemeuls to Agents, f
3RIDE A CO. 11 Clinton Place* New Yor«
t sae «wee fw terms, etc. J.d
WANTED ie every Ce. hi the U.8.
Good Pat andsteedy work. Write St
C. McCt apy A Co, PhUsd’a
City Funeral Undertaker,
lgent Tor the Egyptian Balm.
( HAVE the femat Mod, of Bortxl
C»w»ndCMkrtjlnUie suit. Hr Mock of
Wooden Coffins and Caskets is foil and eo-npl to,
ind I can aell theta cheaper than any other house
n the cty. Cone an4 examine before yon buy
deewbere. Orders from abroad will receive
OfficeanfSAro-rooms Na 26 West Alabama,
PO the Superior Court of Fulton connty, Georgi i
A lbert howell, f p. Howell, w . a
Hemphill nnd N. K T Ftaeh, represent lha
bey desire to be Incorporate!, for twentv year*
•tn-er thectrporate came of the Atlanta fioottl-
ution Publishing nrmp'ny. The object* of
ht’r av*celation are to publish a rewspaoer to
V known as the Atlanta CorKitatioo and snci
other paper, fotreal or p-riodlc-1. a* th *v may
teem proper; ‘o dvail other print ng, publish'ng.
-nd Job w >ra, and all such bostnea* a*
onneeied therewith. tobln-L make and ptiblieh
“wk*. pampbletaor oiher tbm? , and to m»nn-
've u'e, buy an ' eell al! thlnga an'W’aintngor
^•clonging to the orln’teg and mbltabteg buri-
aees Th? ^monnt ofeap tal tobe employed b/
•be-", and actnaliv ptid in, is one bnn Jrcd thao-
*w»d dd'ara Tbrir plae- of do ng fcodneea «du
be t^ocity of Atlanta, Fnlton eon ity, Georgia
larch 2L 1878. HOW% GLENN,
Attornrj a for PnJtlonere.
A tra • r-x'.ract from the mtnutte of Fultan
npetiorCour. Th’a March tt,_’87A
GEORGIA, Fallen cttnnfj.
O dinary s Office, Ap II C, 1818.
F OHV a EVIN*, tmardian of Nan y G. Tonr
linao", mino-, ban anpl’ed f nr .elfera of die
mls-lonfr rn -aidjrasrdia .h»p:
hi- is there rot <•. to notify all perrons C'r-
srn<d o'fl’eth ir obi cions, if snv >h‘y have,
v tbln th: I ■nsnrescr'bed by laTv,el*» letters will
e granted said applicant *• erpl>edjfor.^
88 aprt wlw
Pub io Wotice.
I N romnlia-ce with the Taw werirreby give
notice h \\ we. and each of ns. h ,ve rol ana
*.r,d tracer ere*, I our stock In v.h- Georgia
3aikin?ani Trust Com;any.
‘MB' 3 H. vT.OW,
WM Krnnl
„ __L*
AManta Ga, M Teh 8‘b. *874
J. H. MEt» SLIN,
874 ^
. re. . n • ,0-0 I * ftunary-e wmae. -varrn 4 no.
T C , 7. fflCe *t PCfl6 ’ 18 ^ . T SAAC N ’ CRAVEN, admiristnOor or the eriate
2 P KKER a ticlnUtrator of tbees a eof ! JL of Andrew Neese, late of said con .tv, de.
• H. D P rk?r. deceased, has applet for cease*, ha* app'ied for dtami eton mid
leave to s 11 tbe real esta e ot said deceased I crate:
S eam ICn^Ioes!
This I?, th*-r fore, tn notify ah p-rs>r_
cern- d to fUe their obj cti na, if any th y have,
wit i in the time prescribed by law, else leave will
be granted a ill app: .cant * * appll-ri for
88 tprl v4w Qntitary.
This !*, therefore to n >tify all per o .s con
■ cerned fl'e the r ob’ecil;.n% If any they ham.
. within ' h-* tfm*pres ribe : bylaw, eive letters will
| be grafted said appl te:*
73 mar5..wlaaj3aa
£.Vtend for price irti Address,
000 .ewi^ra.Trtt^q