The Weekly sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1872, June 24, 1873, Image 1

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0 lie Daily and Weekly Sun t l fX.lWWK H. HTKPHEV*, Proprietor B ,,rB s ok 8VBRCKIPTION. .nr-iyr*"' 1 ™ CO ? iU n*if y »rly too Qo»rt«rl7 .. .2 CO MoutlltT fCtS' Y_Prr *» «> ._D1 letter* of * lu«lnt»« character ahould be to •- 1 * JAMK8 I. MITLER, H\uxntu Manager. THE WEEKLY SUN. VOL. IV, NO. 51 ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1873. I WHOLE - -! i) numbekOI— t „K I *I»>* T,,K WITH THE coisnitTioi. LMUhV tOLLEOE RX* » {NATIONS. Oa Friday lust the final examination of With a view to private an well aa pnb-1 the Senior class at Emory College, Ox- ;. f interests, we have the pleasure to an- *‘*d, Ga., took place, with the following r"*v r onnce to onr readt rs thin mornini' that award of honors, trom which it ptlled to decline doing so on account of Wallace pressing. The display of the ill hea th of his wife. j fruits was quite extensive, consisting of This will be an introduction of a nerie ! a number of different varieties. Toe of literary and musical felicities for larges* display was 1 hat made by Presi- which LaGrauge is so celebrated. To-[dent Wallace, and comprised of applet, SOUTHERN FEMALE lOLLEUE. The commencement sermon of this College will be preached this morning by I R*-v. A T. Spalding, of Atlanta, Key. ,, i ... will he Dr. DixoD, of Augusia, having l»een ccm- !>y at) agreement with the proprietors ot K«en that Atlanta has taken the fiist *nd IhkCon riTcnos, The Son will heteaf-1 lourth honors, viz.: W rl>* ni- tged iu and consolidated with la-‘. Rev. Charts E. Dnwmac, At-j that f»I>' r- All contracts for suoscription Jauta, Ga.; 2d., Wm, H. Sheats, Quit-] advemsements made with The Son man, Oa.;3d., W. It. Poole, Lawreuce- vdl I* executed and fulfilled under the j vide, Ga.; 4tu., F. H. Richardson, At- »rrsDgewent made bet wet n the proprie* j iauta, Ga. ti'ia of *be two papers. The undersigned, Mr. Dowmar is a licensed minister while having nothing to do with the pro- j °f the church. He has received I riel"r-hi|>. will retain an tditorial con- a,J education through the ntctiou with the united |-npers —ho * number ot good people mat ull subscribers t j The Son ®*ty. He was a young m in of marked who in w take The Constii ution will, .n piety, and extraordinary addition to hut emit rihuti ns aa they have preacuer, but without meaLs. He came j of Prof. Schirmachtr and his pupils. We I**" K iveu tljr " ,1 K , i tin-columns of The under the notice cf Rev. A. G. Haygood, ! do not know what will be the character Si s, Ii iv.- ihe increased contributions of w b« interested himself to secure a good ! of the programme except that we are as the prwn nt large and aide editorial staff education to one ot snch rate* promise. Lured that it will comprise some of the of Iiie Constitution. He takes the first honor, aiut, we learn, : finest productions of the great masters arra- gemeut, the undersigned richly deserves it. All honor to those of music, and that it will be the most doubts not, wdl be not only acceptable who have aided one so worthy. He is . elegant concert ever given in LaGrauge by the accomp'ished S;hirmacher, whose attainments as a musician are not sur- M.ttilf of the Pomologlnl S.cltlj. | LITBKAKT SUiICM. A large and interring m-eting of the j KKSELSI chillingly, by Lora Lytton. u*rpcr Pomological Society was held yesterday | k Bpo».. n** York. morning at the rooms oi the. Agricultn Different books affect different j.eo- ral Association in the Capitol, Col. J. R pie differently. This can only be ac- Rates cf Advert isiner. Kioclab ADVKBnsKUEirn will b» ln**rt*d »l one ilo’.l»r per vqnarf of ten lino* ot Nonpareil lor tba flm ln*,rtion, »n,l flliy cents per *qu*refur »ut»eqne:.t one. Liberal <le<1 action* will be made for sdeertiM- menu running longer than one week. Local. B >on» and special notlree will be lfi. ■ prt-.l upon rti.ou»bl<* terms. Notice* for Hr* comp.niea half tbe uia.l rate*. FOR THE WEEKLY. All adrertieementa in«*rted in tbe Weekly Edition will be charged one dollar per eqware for every In- ertion. counted for upon the fact that there are no two temperaments alike. Thus, Keneltn Chillingly would im press some readers only as a very night a musical entertainment re d Astraebau, red June, May, Lord ( pleasant book, lull of the vagaries ot will be given uuder the supervision of Suffield and horse; of pears, the Amire a spoiled child of fortune, who was Messrs. Sfokely and Cox, that will be very interesting. The beautiful operetta aid of ,,f “The Fa.ry Grotto” will com-iitute the of thy, | main feature of tne evening. Ou Tuesday the JiiDior exhibition will power as a j take place aud at night the grand concert but quite £ given bis to ail parties con- \ 2® years of age. c°rued. Mr. Richardson, who tikes the 4th Iu making this unnomictment we cun- honor, is the talented and promising son not forbear the expression of the deep °f <»ur fellow-citizen, F. M. Rioharuson. j the South, or in this country, regret at that parting from all the pre> ; He is only 18 years, and has made quite Such of our Atlanta friends piu-s d by those of any other mans in Hit -employees ai d editorial ussoc-ates in a reputation for his induing taleuts and The Sun Office, which the change uec- hi e deportment We congratulate Mr. tssarily effects Our best wishes ever at- H. upon raving such a son. lead them all. These four graduates are assigned to Mr. James I. Miller, the present able deliver addresses at the commencement and efficient manager of the business 0,1 20th July, upon the following aub- muttc-rs of The Sun office, will continn J 001 **: iu that position. He is fully authorized 1st Honor—Dowman. Valedictory, to collect all dues to The Sun uflice, uud 2d—Shunts. Salutatory, carryout our agreement with the pro- 3d—Poole. Scientific discuss-on. prietors of The Constitution. 4th—Richardson. Philosophical Dis sertation. Eight others of the graduating class are appointed to deliver addresses upon subjects to be seltcted by themselves, viz: J. W. Frederick, Marshallville, Ga.; J. W. Hams, C.irtersville, Gn., J. 13. Jewett, Macon, Ga.; J. H. Lewis, Greens boro, G i.; W. H. Matlit ws, Fort Valle*, Ga.; O. L. Smith, .i.acuu, Ga.; J. T. Van Horn, Colnmbus, Ga.; E. M. Whiting, Rut’edge, Ga. On Monday night, during commence ment, there will be a champion debate between the two literary societies—the Few and the Pui Gamma, Bishop Pierce to preside —the question being that of compulsory education. Those uffirming, would spend a day or two pleasantly, could not accept an opportunity that would assure them a greater degree of euj >yment—for when we assert that the entertainment of Tuesday night will be on the moat magnificent scale, we only s ate what we kuow t) be true. Visitors will pass over the Atlanta & West Point railroad to LaGrange and back for one fare. Jeannette, Doynerre d’Ete, Bioodgood left by an over-indulgent father to and Dearbcrn Seedling; wild goose, follow tne bent of his own inclina- piurns, dark and Philadelphia raspoer-; tions. But to others there is a deeper, ries; of gooseberries, Houghton’s seen- a more subtle meaning ill this hist nogs, Hicks’ ewe berry; mulberry and | work, which comes, as it were, from black apricot. the grave of the peerless Bulwer; for Mr. Beattie, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Or- j in its charming pages, which so moed, Mr. Warren, Mr. Jennings and j beautifully blend romance with plii- otben had choice varietiei of fruits cn ! i°S°ph}> ' v ''J ^ ,l -‘ found a seholatl} exhibiti m. j aC ? ount of stra «= rle . th ^ 1S n °''' ... r- • ‘ffoiug on between rationalism and A discussion relative to holding a Fair ° eve f ation _ the ft ght t!iat is daily was held, in which there was a free ex | waxing hotter between the dogmas of pression of opinion, aud it was finally men an( j the teachings of divinity agreed to have * mi-monthl exhibitions ; Here, also, will bo found a peculiar of fruits on the first and third Saturdays ; resemblance to Contarini Fleming of each month during the season, at ; and Wilhelm Meister—the samein- which it was desired that all portions of! visible and unaccountable develop- the Soate should send con ribntions in ment of ike poetic talent—the same competition. , sufferings which must be felt by After discussing the qualities of the uo ^ e a id impulsive nature when it THE MOC1H OF GOLD, a aerie* of oramailo eketebee illuainUug the life and lima* of CDry»oe‘oiu By £ twin Johnson. Chrysostom, the most elabo rately and gorgeously eloquent of the Greek Fathers means, goldea- mouthed, an approoriate name lor one whose lips dropped diamonds of thought. This book is a vivid pic ture of this great man and the times in which he flourished. Whilst it does not aspire to the dignity of a drama, still its dramatic beauty and power attract and thrill the mind of the reader. -I SN'T HOURS OF CHILDHOOD; or S. IvcUona !or the Improvement of the Miiid amt Heart. This is a series of simple and in teresting stories for the instruction and entertainment of children. They are suited to cultivate a taste tor something higher and purer than the light literature of the day. Fiery parent may feel safe in placing Sun ni Hours in the hands of nis children. The above three beautilul little books, which we notice seriatim this morning, are the issues of the popu lar publishing house, A.S. Barnes & Co., Now York and Chicago. COVDkNsflD NEWS. Alexander H. Sth-hens. Wt*My connection with The Sun has been so brief uuu so little Known that it would stem unnecessary that I should have any words at parting ; but still I cannot Hever my connection with the pa per without expressing briefly the kiud- Less I have received at the hands oi Mr. Stephens mil all connected with the office. Associated, as 1 have been, more directly with Air. Stephens in the edito rial department since the first of January last, I now wish to express publicly the uniform kindness of heart und courtesy of demcHtior that he has ever extended towards my seif. It is my sincere hope that lie may long live to hies-* our be- ou the part of the Few Society, are F. loved State with his wist- counsels, and H. Richardson, E. AI. Whiting and J. to do much good iu the councils of the W. Frederick. Those ODposing, on the nation towards harmonizing and fraterui- p ar t of the Phi Gamma Society, are zieg the people of all sections. Charles E. Dowman, J. B. Jewett and R. With a'l connected with the office I part with regret. I have ever found them courteous aud obliging. To them I am under umuy obligations for their torbear- auce and patience toward me. S. Saulsburv. YOUNG COMPLIMENTARY T > ALABAMIAN. We take pleasure in copying from the Louisville Cout ier-Journft!, of the 13th A Bridal I’aity Air. John J. Callaway, a young at torney at law, recently wedded to the accomplished Miss Phelan, of Alemphis, Tennessee, daughter of tbe late ex-Senator Phelan, of Mis- siss.ppi, were at the Kimball House day before yesterday, on a bridal tour; but we were not aware of the fact until too late for a notice yesterday morn ing. Mr. Callaway is a native of Ogle thorpe county iu this State—tne son of George W. Callaway. After the war the son; sought his fortune in Louisville, Ky., where lie pursued the study of law, aud where he is rapidly rising iu his pro fession. It was with pleasure we met him aud his charming wife, enjoying all the happiness of a “boney-moon.” May continued joy und long life attend them. He lias many ‘‘boon companions” in the late war, who will, doubtless, ie glad to hear of his well-beiDg and future pros pects. *-#-* Dii different fruits, the Society adjourn.d to meet Dext Saturday. Georgia Western Railroad—Meeting of tire Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of this very important enterprise met yesterday morning, President L. P. Grant iu the chair. The lollowmg Directors were present, viz: G. W. AJair, A. W. Mitch ell, J. H. James, W. J. Garrett, F. P. Rice and John Collier. Mr. James offered a eerits of resolu tions, which were adopted. The fol lowing is their purport: 1. That in lieu of the cash subserip- ^j a k"' i liem" The consolidation of The Sun with 0 f June, the following notice of Air. W. Tue Constitution I think very judicious y. Siioiter, of t .at city, a laiemed joung and proper. The combined circulation l iwyrr, recently from Alabama, and a of the two papers will present to advor- E. W. Alfkiend.—Tuis pi emi nent physician, recently of Lee county, but foi many years previous to going to tnat county a successful physician both at Crawlordville and Sparta, has deter mined to settle at East Point. Of him enters the world, pure und undefiled, and finds that might is right,” and that money is the lever that moves the earth. Thus, in following the Quixotic hero of this thoroughly fas cinating book through his flight from the real into his search after the ideal, we recognize only the strength which comes to many of our fellow-crea tures, and which we might see, had we the power of the inner-sight, or it we could divine man’s spiritual as well as we do his material nature. Thus, the conclusion is fixed upon us that men are not what they would be, but what education and circumstances . , This, of course, is truer tiou to the road now due by the city, its j of a monarchy> where there is an es- bonds be accepted at tbe rate of eighty- . ta blished aristocracy, and where men two cents on the dollar, sufficient to I are bom to certain positions, th a n of liquidate the amounts now due and to be- a Republic where a shoemaker (?) come due up to the 24th of July next, on may become a President. The soci tbe pay rolls of the cdtnpacy. ety though that thus has the power 2. That bonds of the city sufficient to ! to drive men into certain groo pay contractors to the 15th of June be und into the accomplishment of eer- accepted at the same rate, if the con- ! deeds, has its good as well as its tractors will take the same in liquidation ' )UC ^ ‘‘fleet. On the one hand it de- of their demande. i ! el °l )eS V Ult ' S U ^ le 111 8 0 n , . „ ., . _ . , . ture, and on the other restrains him 3. lhat the President settle.the.right; frcm wagting his life j n the pursuit of way with the lessees of the State Road, j philanthropic pliant' ms. No one 4. That the President and two or more j inan — wc repeat it—no cne man can Directors attend the next meeting of the | a it er the laws of nature, or coerce the Georgia Railroad Company, and ask a j world into his way of thinking. Then, renewal and increase of their subserip-1 is it not better to devote that life to tion to the Georgia Western. 1 doing good to humanity within the Mr. Adair offered a resolution request- laws than to waste it in ing the President of the Company to inventing new theories and new dog- furnish the Board with Lis views, in 'which, it carried ou^, would per- . ■ haps array nations against each timers u medium oi communication scarcely equalled by any paper published in the bouth ; and I shall wish the fullest l 'M.o\ty to the new arrangement. C. H. C. Willingham. distinguished graduated" .he University the Albany Aeics makes the following of Geoigia: i nj tice. „ A pleasant featnro f the occasion was the address ! The numerous friends of Dr. E. W. which luitowad by William a. shorter, Efq., of this Alfriend in Southwestern Georgia will city, recently of Alabama. Mr. Shorter h«s hut re— ipyret to learn that he haa Open comrtelleil I ctntly come among tt*. but he has a ready a wide Ie g r y l 10 learu VUai ue nas oeen compelled spreading circle ot a quaintances. which are, with to give Up Ills practice OU account of Ills his talents, the inundation of future succ sa ai the health, and has moved away from their tisr of hts cln seu vocation. Ue is an Alabamian of • - . TT , , , *! t, • a moat • istiiiguisbed. family, his uncle having been miust. He has selectett Last Point, near TilK NOK1 11 GEORGI A AGRIt ULTV- at one time Gowrnor of the State. His father is th- Atlanta, ttS a lOCdlion for tile present, and RAL COLLEGE AT oa ii lon KG.\. i rapuraiion ““ne^y^m UeV.s l , to b . av « bft Leesburg yesterday with The first agmua! .•oiumencemcnt of the «*»»} *1!?™ «» 1 ! bls f ^ mll . y f ° rLlsuew ho “ e : Th ® llocto ^ duties of our male col.eges. The address on the i S a \ phvsiCiau, aud bis goodness of above institution will begin on Sunday, n> very abU. and delivered with ■ hpart and integrity of character had se- the Gin of July, at which time the tom- ^ f ’ to Mr. Shorter is made c , ured f ? r Ll “ the friendship and confi- _ T , . 1 dt'jce of a wide circle of acquaintances, by tne Conner Journal, in connection jj as our w i s ] lcs { or pjp, fi eu ith with an address made by him at the an- and prosperity among tucse with whom mini commencement of Mount Holvoke ' he casts his lot, and we commend him Academy, a celebrated school for young ' vi * h P^ure to their confidence and . patronage. Indies. W e taae the gi\ atcr pleasure in | >-•-« noticing the npid ri>c of this giited | \\ ater-A\ okks.—Col. (M W. Adair young man iu Louisville because the ; savs the young c-ity of Birmingham has Shorters of Alabama were oiigiually ! water-works costing only 860,000—the j other, aud drench the world in blood ? But to those who have not read the HOGAN SVILLE. mend meat sermon will be delivered by It v. Dr. Lipscomb, chancellor ol the b....o University. On Tuesday an a.l- dn ss will bo delivered by lion. G. o. Ocr, Slate School Commissioner. Hot. II. P. B.ii, M. C., will make an address during the week, and other distinguished gentleiui u will also make addresses. This se ot>l, it will be remembered, is a branch - . the State College of Agricul ture at Athens, and now numbers one » hundred aud seventy-five scholars, the whole number of students during the session reaching near two hundred. Arrangements will be mule with the Air-Line railroad to carry visitors to the commencement for out' fare, and return free, on certificate ot the Secretary of the neorgiau?. A VALUABLE IN YE VII MEN. FOR FIRE- water being brought three miles—upon the identical plan suggested by him lust winter iu one of a series ot able papers writing, relative to the enterprise, de rived'from his own observation daring hfs late visit to Alabama, and that the | boTundTdiscussion,'Ve are happy city papers be requested to publish the | to Etate that Kenelm was at length same, which was adopted. ■ awakened from his boyish dreams, and that awakening was caused by a deep sorrow, like those which come Frogres*—New Babies anti New House* £o so man y 0 { US. And what is —college commenceraent-Mrs. stranger, the rude shock that brought him back irom the ideal woi Id into a hcgan-sville, ga., June 29, isTi. , world of reality, which needed liis Messes. Editoi^j : Our rising little help and manhood, was disappoint- towu is quiet, yet we feel that we are , ment in love—ior Bulwer, with all gaining suffi’ient importance in the com- j his genius and greatness, appreciated mereial world to m.;xe it take an interest j that God has given us affections, and iu what is going ou. Just after the sur- that through a Love which is pure render, Hogansvilte contained but three ! a ndlioly granl things must and will or mur houses; now we have a popula-, be accomplished. And onlv think! tion of aoout five hunored, thirteen bus,-1 K j had d Su raerc fi ess i y at ness Louses, consisting of uiocerv , * f r houses, three; d-y goods, two;one fnrni-; women. Is it a pumsh- ture and tinware; one drug store, aud i ment that such men should become one liquor store—the rest keep mixed!martyrs to their owu scorn? If so, stocks of dry goods and groceries—a j our poor hero was rewarded and the steam gr st aud planing mill. 'world beuefitted, for with his little Ihers is no belter country iu the S ate Lily's death came a sadden awaken- of Gfcorpii than that m a circuit ot ten • j: . miles of Hogansville, while I can safely t( ? d lt f s , ^eglected-a sudden say, certainly no better people. We have he was join to fulfill . . , | - , . , . , , ... fine water and srood health and the bes* 1 some grand destinv, and write this A patent nozzle for h- se-pipe has just , laid oefore the Chamber of Commerce, babies “ the ^ h ' re _ acti on, he xeturned to his father to h<‘en introduced into me in some of the of which he was tne author. In that i Hardly a month passes that anew tell him that lie was now ready to Fire Departments in Koitueiu cities, j paper he estimated the cost of supplying j house d<es not go up witLiu the corpo-, t a ke his place in the arena of life. R ferring to this Dew patent, the Savan-; Atlanta witL water at 8100,000. He 1 ration limits. Mr.^ Lofton has torn away ^ j^ xen r this book taught nothing else iseinan can shut off the water couve CoUe_^which will be furnished at Dab- uieutly, without shooting along a length lonega. rickets will lust irom the 5th 0 f Dos© for the operation tj be perform- l.ily till the .4 h July. . . - e d at the other end. There is a spray- The snci’ess attiuned by this school in r uah Aeirs says that, with this nczxle, the says now, since examining the Birming- h un water-works, tuas Atlanta can be effectually supplied at a cost of $75,000. No heed was given to his suggestions last winter. It is time they were taken into consideration. the old hotel, and is now building on the j h M erect monnment to the site. He proposes to put up one that , . T > i r ■ . :. \;iil be an ornament to our towu and dead Bulwer for arousing us to the country. ‘ fact that we are all put in this world The Commencement exercises of the ! to do something, r tnd for urging us Male and Female College, now uuder to the performance of those duties charge of Prof. Williams, comes off on j w hich are born with us. There’s one tne 1st of July. The sermon will be: tbing cert ain, and that is, that no S;: rr 01 , ca . a cert by tLe young ladies ou the Wedaee- ^ ea(i aQ ai fnless, o jjectless exis day following. This department is in tence, and the sooner we realize this charge of Mrs. M. E. Robinson, whoisan , fact, the better it will be for US, and " musician, an elegant lady, I the more good we can accomplish. very — I . . t » r^ -n i *, . , one as should have cnarge j s 0> we will only close this imperfect who have attended fires, and Dave been r members are in favor of going to Iceville. ; of the daughters of Georgia. and hurried notice of “ Bulwer’s Last" wetted” through the inability of the I Ample preparations ere being perfected I shall try and keep you posted during G(‘()ir|{U lit hi*. The wheat crop in Upson county is turning out well. The commencement exercises ot the Georgia Female College, at Madi son, takes place next week. The given growing grass greatly neves the grain growers of Elbeit county. The LaGrange Light Guards are to be reorganized. Already 79 names are enrolled, and we only see a few of those of old members.j Emory College has this session 197 students. Of the 494 alumni from 1841 to 1812, ninety-six have died. So »ve learn from a catalogue. Und >r (he let tor-carrier system of ’ the Postollice Department there will be twelve letter bo»s established in the city ol Savannah. Tae Masonic lraternity of Griffin will join in the celebration of St. John’s Day, at Newnanon nexfcTues- • day the 24th. Tbe Bibb County Fair, which has been in progress since Thursday was quite successful, though the wet weather greatly interfered with the programme in several instances. The News informs the merchants ot Albany that unless they advertise more liberally, the editor will not be able to write interesting letters from watering places this summer. The Masonic fraternity of Morgan county will have a basket picnic at Hill’s grove on the 24th inst., to which all members of the fraternity, with their families, are invitsd. On Monday morninglast, Mr. K. G. Hill, of Lee county, in attempting to rescue a little negro from the brutal treatment of its mother, got into an altercation with both father and mother in c insequence, and the re sult was tha; Mr. Hill was compelled to shoot the man in self-defense. The n :i expired immediately. Tin L. ronicle & Sentinel puzzles its nia .matiem readers in this way: Use the numerals 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, in such a mauner as to make 100, no more nor less, employing each figure only once, and all of the figures to be used—no figure to be used but one time, whether as a fraction or whole number. Obediah Talley, Charles Arington, Wm. Cooper, Jr., Rodcric Cooper, Wm. Cooper. Sr., David A. Bennett, Henry Benin-tt, Alic Bennett. Sam’l Bennett, L Lewis, ^-?ke Brown, John Strickland, and Robert Bu chanan, colored; were arrested in Heard county last Tuesday morning charged with violating national rev enue laws. They were carried to Newnan,.where they waived investi gation and gave bonds in sufns Hing ing between *200 and ¥500, and were released. so JiortTime"dem nstrates the fact nozzle attached to the stop-nozzle. A that free education is demauled by the 1 relief-valve is attached so the Tose is in-, , very wo.n's und necessities of tbe peopie. ,.; au tuneonsly relieved when the water is ! t T ^ iAS T^ adets ionic. n e This is one of the first tfforts in Georgia sLni off at tbe pipt! . of July this company go on a picnic ex- to popularize education, aud will doubt- The new invention has been subjected cursiou and target shooting. Tbe locali- less be are adu attendance about 75 are voting ladies. ver y popular ilariz? educatiou, auu win uouut- Tbt new invention has been subjected cursion and target snooting, me locali- ojj ioiiowmg !> flowed by others. Both sexes t< jyeral trials and has given general (y (or this pleasant affair has not yet charge of Mrs •• ted. Of the number now in satisfac tioa-and will, no doubt, become been ^tied upon thou-h most of the *^ mrl ‘ 8htd uce about 7o are young ladies. very . V)pn l a r among firemen. Those j Dee p ^ n ’ tu< ^ u S“ ' just such an McMahon.—The Paris correspondent .. wetle< i” through the inability of the | Ample preparations are being pertected : l snail try ana Keep you posreu anring ; adv j gino . our f r j nds not onlv to of the London Xncs describes President bosemau to .restrain the water in the to make this on- of the most pleasant ! J}® ! read, but to ponder well its teaching, McMahon as a man of military appear- PM lb ^. » 1 aud euj ° yaule pictiic8 of tht - seasou ' Au | cerUinly the poputr' paper' here. Ex- and while we breathe a sigh for who ance, bis carnage erect, out he walks “““ attention of our energetic Cuief Eu-i excellcUt band will be in attendance to ; CU8e haste. t# ) sleeps in the Abbey, we can also add, stiffly iu consequence of the hip-wound K i Qeer Gapt. Swell to this subject. discourse sweet music. Ice cream, danc-. : “well done, thou good and faithful he met with at Sedan. His blue eyes, ( t , , j C g ( beantv, and lore, will reig^i sn- Miss Hosme. ’a monnment to Miss J servant. Enter thou into thv re- ofoblS^rtat Stto FEJ.AU. SCFFBAOE.-Mi,. 8»»» B. I S«. ,oan«.f lor .hi. p»i oo- . ,o Mg E» 8 l»l.l.d, .ho dted , ward.” M.J/W. -1 - . _. . . I * .1 1. K^an AhaJ 1118A and I ....'/.n RE S P!'N8IVE WORSHIP, a Ji*cour.e witK actes. By Wm Ivts BaJdington, D. D., *ud !-U^r* frn.o Dr*. G. B. Bacon, L. Bieoti, N. J. Lurtoy. H. E sULcl., K S. Swrrt, Jr., aud otliem. of oliservation, but neither Femalz Suffbagf-Mds bnsan B. 1 re me. keen penetration nor intellectual power. Anthony has just been fined $100 and casioo. The Physiognomy is Irish, butwithout a ( costs in a prosecution/or nlegcl.y v .ting . . . . . . , , „ , gleam of Irish mirth or humor, the coun-1 m Koch ester, N. last November. | Crop Prospects in Alabama.—A friend , and is tue only sculpture by an Amer.cau being sorrowful, in Rome, has been placed in the Church at St. Andrea Della Fratte, in that city, last November. The same We are glad the judge had the nerve to good judgment, just returned from a artist to be found in any of the 1'alian ,t ‘‘McMahon has not the do his duty—for, unless the malt sex toQr th “ h the tion of tae ludicrous._and , P^t^their “ n ^\ parus of Alabama. interior and central Alabama, reports the crop pros- writer adds that fainttst perception ue - - - , „ . tliat his imagination is easily led away by | ment of the women, we sLall be com . . the pomos and shows of life. His mind peltad to remain at home and rive our peers on the r ute of his travels as gloom- hus a certain t uic tendency which, if al-; atteaition to the doniestie affairs oy tht [ j er t 5j»n he h*s eve’ saw at this season of - " -*-■» * hnnaehold. This would brute of churches. affairs of the Tied to inteilectual poweL would make 1 household. This would be a coodition ^ have been too wet him one of the greatest men of the ceu- of affairs *be r ^ b I®. r ’‘ _pb° ut an to work, and the grass is 'plaving the tury. Bu. uutortunately his will and in- male sex cannot submit to with ut an » » * F 3 6 teUect are both feeble.” 3 I effort to resist it in advan e. | * l,d wltb ;H>rn and cotton ' Major Hutton, of the United States engineer corps, is now in Fredericksburg, Ya., superintending the blowing up of the wrecks sunk in the Rappahannock River at thatp ace during the war. The object of this neat little book * is to increase the interest and pleas ure of public worship. The views of so many distinguished men on this subject impart great value aud variety to these pages. We clieerlully com mend this judicious aud edifying ex (jiusiit m i : line jji volume to all Christian worshippers, sen d to a f i • i u l j I.unis £ YI. Mi»( • I nmoHi Items. A circular bus been issued nropos- ing to raise a subscription in order to confer on M. Thiers a civic crown. < Prince Macao, of Japan, is L am ing the “an pretervaiive,” etc., in ‘he National Printing Office in Paiis.j. The police <4 Buffalo claim that they have snec.-ded in suppressing evetY gambling house in that city. The Stanford (Ky.) Journal hafe found anotbei father for Captain Jack. It isn’t tvorth while telling how and who. One of t. c witnesses in the Tich- bome case testified that he had a weakness for praying, and found it a source of strength. The successor of M. Lebrun as senior member of the French Agsem-. bly is M. Guizot, now aged 86. The oungest is M. Emile Ollivier, who is Ynly 48. At a recent auction sale of noted sn uff boxes in London the prices ra ngid fum $150 to *3,Gt‘0. The hi ghest sum vus paid lor a box wit ex ijiiisite m.i iiuie i aint'.r.ts,