The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, February 26, 1868, Image 3

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LOCAL MATTERS. ■ TMB MAILS. , BAiLBOiD, saroufil pouchoe for New ft 0® r fV,i„7S,. n’MUington. Aagoeta, Cbula- lW “^iUii.»jAD, tluough pouchee tor Huh- IK >» ,r “‘VulBdgoviUa »o-J Aagni., Mid w.y fin*. Ooalril Biiltjul, »sJ ell pouile oou- #“ :,x Ko'clocke«ry morning . "I 3 - *V a hd GUM Railroad, for *11 points on Stif'f, consigaoas; Bainbridge, Fernoudina, tte r ° .“f.r All oaru of Florida, via Florida Brandi »*.. » a, f l „ mVdaify, except Saturdays. r* u;r m in Braad-vick, St. Simons’s Island, St. t' r . 'cout^aourf country, by steamer at 1 li‘ r - Moudjy and Thursday, • t Lrne points, except Darien, by llBamer. at t r ‘i t,very Wednesday moraiug. 8 - SEi' dlSSX WITHOUT DANGER OF LOSS, ?' J ‘ 0 f iiouoy Orders, at the Savannah Post Of- foy BIO— ft ' 1 '- ,« will open for business at 9 o’clock a. m., m. on wimtajr. “1“ °fflc aud ^ uued lor tlie duiivery of the mail from 9 to T. P. Robb, P. M. *'yeiook a A OK-MTS. i followinn named perssons are authorized to act to receive subscription* and adverUsements Tr-le Ne ws Hxbald. * r y _ Wit EiiiLL. Jr., Ball street, corner Bay ll,,e \-»v_Havkms i Browh, Sews Dealers. * A ,Vimtutili.--l'HEODOBE B. WlBDUd.. r VvdASVlLLE-J. it. »• Davis. iji.-J. J. Keen. U UV ,',v—AnOLWI A. OMBKBQ Jn. uUJ fn S OA.-D.W. Davis. ^-JAMES BUSSRU.. b'.jutiviLdK.-JAMus KnsaiLL. S fJksdEAli. HA.—Jas. L., Bsq. ^,»PtrjN. UA.-Qkoboe S. iiBKBEHT. Sf. Sjs HEAD, S. c-W. H. itaieVtox. U * ItsVlLLlS, FLA.—Db. PORTER. k.Vs'rlJELLO, FLA.-THOS. SlilMOSM. r , \(lSdi’DN, FLA.—H. SXA.VWOOB. Uiuuu*. «•»-">• W JUSBfl - M FLA.—THOMAS J. 5U8PAB1). W ■•-lTTY I'Ll—M. L Moo UK. § jndikoSYII.Lt;. FLA—E. li. liKID. f vN ASDI.SA, FL --J- M. PAYNM. ivvo.iA.-d. Al. FfiriiHOiLO a Uo., 37 Park >E ; ’ t-uusdo.. No. i Spruce street; 0. H. «\lo New York Herald Building, and J. I'da * •• M. PBTriNaiLX, A Oo., State street, . jwiuoK l* KoWsitt. A Co., 23 Congress street, A. w “,.‘ , s suo, No. 89 Court street; S. E Niles. F 'pdlLAL>ELl’HIA—JuY Cob * Co., 1*4 South Sixth ^Kr’INNATl—8. H. Pabvin, 176 Pine Street; ri K QOBVUS a Mack. 130 Pine Street. I’.iioatio-COOK. Cob OKU A Co.. 8* Dearb rn-st. - d -Ei’LK, tld4-, Die General Travelling J* eUl fo r the Nhws and Hkbild lor Florida and Sniii western Georgia. 5 i' -*F*A3ld W everywhere are authorised to re- ^ceivc’jilveraseuioutsand subscripaous at our reg- * uLr rates- JOB PdlSTlSti, ffe have counected with the Nfcws and HbkaLD BiUbUsiuneut, a hue Job Printing OMoe, complete fTiresojcto, wi.ii new lype, presses and other lii. il audeouipeieut workmen. Orderslrom the ui tr* can be iorward-.d by mail or express, and will be promptly lilied, at as low prices as anywhere iuUiti8ute. mtyor’s Court. Bbfore flan. E. 0. Ahdebsos, Mayor. % Tvmm, February 25, UN. When, in the coarse of humsn^tvents, it beeomes necessary tomak* a full detkil ef the proceedings of thaMayorfa Ceort, a due regard should be had to the wishes of partis*, plaintiff and, defendant. Wo went to the Oetfrt y»sterday*perfeot?y nnbiaaed in thought, word, deed or expression, and were met by the. gentleman from Lee, named , with a request, accompanied by the proffer of payment, if we would keep the name of Miss Mary Richards, colored, out of tbs newspaper. Upon the first blush we consented, but an after-clap convinced us that Misb Mary Bichards was not the lady we thought htr to be; consequently wo state the case exactly as it oc curred: Mary Bichards (colored) was arrested by order of Lieuieuant Howard,, of the Police, and the charge against her was disorderly conduct, abusing aud re- slating the officer in the discharge of his duties, and, second, very disorderly in the Police Barracks. The facta of the case were these, Mary Bichards who said she was a teacher and friend of the G. M. Department was at the fair. A disturbance among the negroes congregated around the door attracted the notice of the Lieutenant of Police which was in process of being quelled when Mary Richards with opprobrious language and coarse demeanor, ac costed the officer. Sue said that in New Tork they didn’t do things tbusly, and after several admoni tions from the officer she warordered under arresst and placed in charge of a policeman. Her oonduct at the Barracks was in keeping with her frailties when arrested, aud she scratched, tore and otherw ise injured the hair of the sentinel whose duty it was to search her. The gentleman from Lee county, who appeared as her counsel, and wno seemed perfectly satisfied that justice would be done in the premises, offered to pay he Local Editor of this paper a round sum if he woaldkeep her name out oi the paper; this sugges tion of learned counsel acxmnts for the tact that the name of the daiusel does not appear in these col umns. She was fined eight dollars and costs, and an appeal was taken by the ’’lawyer from fee’’ to the City Council at their next meeting S. Hill, Hubert Williams, Tom Wilson, Jack Hana- lay aud Louisa Miller, all negrons and half and had, were arraigned lor disorderly and riotous conduct on Bryan Bow. Thu general peace and qulst of the city was very seriously disturbed in tho locality men tioned by a the Row aforesaid, In which the above parties were la^licaUd. Aftor hearing the case it was adiudg^l that Robert Williams and Tom Wilson, two precious youug scamps, be confined for fony-eight horns in the lock-up, the others being discharged. A Mr. Paul (not oar friend of the Merchants’ Ex- chaugej wa-rcharged with forestalling the Market. The city made a bad case, not against the defendant, but against the officer, Mr. Paul being dismissed without cosia or any other demands ag rinst his per son or bis purse. Ma John A. Grubb is tiro authoriz«d collector for th c NrvFo and ileu kLD, aiul any adverUsements or M l*crl,»uou9 Handed to lmu will receive prompt at- teution. CITY INTELLIGENCE. Index to New Advertisements. lue iieaoisLip Montgomery sails for New York next Siiurday. Card erf Ur J. B. Newton. & fcrencb'^eutieniau wishes board in a family where lie can £tvc instruction. Necklace of plain g;dd beads lost. Canary wir. s aud cages for «ale at Meves* Savannah Mn-senm. / Two light trettiug wagons for sale by Bobt. Haber- chuui * ^ona. Seed rice for i-ale by Eobt. Habersham A 8ons. F.r Liverpool—the fine Al ship Aaron Brown. Meeting of Georgia Chapter, No. 3, K. A. M., this evening 7)4 o'clock. jfi Auction sale ol lurniture, etc., to-morrow morning ai 11 o’clock, by Bell -S Hull. Underwriters’ a»le of candy this morning, at 11 o'clock, by Beil A Hull. Auction sale of groceries, etc., this morning, at lO* o'clock, by Bell A Hull. Auction sale of pork this morning, at 11 o’clock, by ball A Hnil. Earost*ne oil for si'e by Williams. Ward « Mcltitire. Notice that afi bills against, the ship Giants’ Cause way mast be presented this morning. Flits.—An alarm of fire was autiuded yes- tiiday evening at 8 o’c lock. Tbe different fli e com pmlea promptly responded to the call, bat their ac- ut« services were nut needed, aa it was simply the v-’-L-c-hitt. ,,f a. Chimney upon me premises Of Major A idereon, which was bqudohed before the ezines reached the rpit. v Auction Ha lb.—We call the attention of pitties interested to tbe sale of dry goods, clothing, •loots. sho* H, etc , advertised by Messrs. Blun A Mayer to take place this day, at 10 o’clock, a. m ter (tore Nu. 105 Broughton street. Educational.—We are informed by tbe Jeut of Public School*. Mr. B. Mellon, i»: be boa on his list a large number of applicants for the position of teacher, moat of them ladies, and among them many who are exceedingly well quali- fled, both by education and experience, far tbe duties of that rcdjmuriblfc position. He w-onld like to aid tUues teachers in obtaining sitoations, and desirea us to eay that Trustees of Sanools, or ethers desiring t-»i U*r=. may make application to him, stating the character and circumstances of their school, the kind of teacher wanted, a^i Whether male or female; also, taa amount of s.vury offered. He wiU at once put teem m comnMQi>'<*iiou with well qualided teachers, an 1 thus fir>her tbe interests of b >th parties. Mr. M-'ileu, from his position of Sapirintendent of PublL Schools, his long exporianoe as teacher and -exteoaive persoual acquaintance with teachers, is ^eiain^ntly quali iei to luruieh all necessary informa tion. and to make selections to suit the requirements of the schools in need of iuatrnotors. Commercial. 4^For other commercial new*see first page. Savannah Market. Oman or the News and Hesald, Savannah. Febrnsry 25—6 P. M. Kino of Pain sold by Druggists generally T. li. Walsh, Wuolesale Ageut. Superior Court. Hon. W. B. Fleming. Presiding. The Court mat at 10 o’clock, A. M. yesterday, and the case of the State vs. item Fields and Tom Reilly (colored), charged with the murder, as pnucipsls, in the second degree, ofJolin Hallford, was called. This case has excited some int real in the community aud has already been reported ia the case of Stafford, convicted at this terra of the Court. Fields and Ri ley were alleged to have been partietpx criminu in the murder of Hallford. Messrs. Thomas and Les ter, assigned by the Court for the defence, made an abieaud conclusive argument to tha jury, who re turned a verdict of •* not guilty.” Tbe case as already reported gives the whole ac count of one of the most atroeious murders ever com milted. The Court adjourned until to-day at 10 o’clock, A. M. oi the dccJ re?' nd ni' t * Mbo* J; ligLIA J* J -.lion, 8 kdit?- 1 Mr - Alfred Kent, Off West ., V J ? o inspect a hose carriage Highway Kobbery.— Seldom do we have , to chronicle a <:.u*e of highway robbery, bat such is .th; fact we »re obliged to muation as transpiring near the city of Savannah, uu Monday : A youth named Daniels, who reaVles about U miles from Savannah on the Loutsvi mao can > to. town with a load of country produ< ; bavin* gold the aume, he was re- turuiug Lome wi 'n at the eight mile poet he was captured by a irgt h«gtWad his cart gutted of all t ie provisions urcl Sefifbmah. lio gave no tice r,t .v , c .. i z j kU j tixa citizens turn- v i fh. *t£er, but failed to capture ^ . 'at instance iu which,high- \ d.wifl* people tra-reling the in'-'* ' r:i, committed upon n - .r.« »a« / v * since, and the extreme pen- v , " q&iok upon the cimmission * i V it the viltkin may be ar- a > t i te. Kbliablb ?—We are and we do it in all u j that it shontd be answer- ^B. h. We have in oar midst n - i- 'fc .. 0 t tbs mechanic arts, both in * u •«’ Kh r .j^ciieid o’design. Wlliink, ^ a * v, and a hundred other* Wc eo ’ u v<i. a ; . flutes in mechanical skill whl - h 1 ip.. \Ton* /•*out effect. We y«oterday tisitedth Affg «- ••• - - ■ - Broad stre. ^Bging to ^ .. which had bceo fitted up aoder tne for,.■: ane o. 5ak taut Fireman Barren of c Fire Dap in .ont, ant looking at this Job c*st our eyes al. >at for jiher item* of interest. A 'L'.am engine Uoet the bailfivrork of the establish ment of Mr. Keat— living .tad platting the lumber J*ernry to carry on . ;. W eetublbhraent for j .wheel, carriage and blacksmith work. The osecirriaie we inspected belong* to tho city, and Tr* u° rm rly CjU d-iaaed; but, under the supervision p 7^ B&rron * wl1 '’ ha8 in view the benefit of the _ >re epartment, at a n outlay of some thirty dollars . 18 t ’ een tnsdaa masliine which could not be par ovnr N ° rtl1 41 iua limc8 that am >0Qt - Wi4 * tQrne< * anrr 0 FUla8ki ’ Ii ’’ ( c,) l°red), and the boys will eci »te tbe reel uy doing goud service in th# De- partaent. reliabt r * UrAtU lh3 <lUS8,,on ’ ar ® cnr nio^hanics evervtn ? ~’ aDd th<> fart her inquiry, can we not get d id r 1 ,Qe iQ ® >aTanua h at prices be'ow what is 0 N ° !th "rn mechanics aud contractora. County Coart. . Hon. Levi 8. Bussell, Presiding, e following cues were disposed of in this Coart yesterday: «, The State vs. John Murray, indicted for misde- eanor, plead gni.ty, and waa sentenced to thirty days or fifteen dollars fine. • Joseph Cohen and Adolph Hugbsnsy were decided aot fiflilfyon a cha’ge of larctmy. Aekival and Depahtore of Steamsh k e eteamshin Moutgontery. Captain Ljocs, an vn 1 - er dock ou the tide yesterday aftersous- Sx > tafollowed closely by the Ban Salvador, Car 1*1 . erson. from the same port, both Ships br?n. Sag freights and fair p raeenger lists. The puratin ut • Miove steamers have our thanks tor full files of ' ‘ Tork papers. The ateaniahip Leo, Captain Dearborn, cleared 7r era **** d win sail this morning, with » full rei khtof cottuu and meichandise. Savannah Fire Deparlineat—Hpeclal Meeting. A meeting of the havauuah Firs Department, called for a special purpose, was held at the Firemen's Hail last evening. Chief Waring iu the Chair, and a quorum representing tbe different white fire aom- panies being in attendance. The roll was called, and the following answered to their names: Messrs. Waring, Barron, Bluu, Cooper, Kearney, Hurt, Dillon, Dixon. Eagan, Russell, Me Kinzie and White. Tbe Chairman stated that the object of the meeting was to lake into consideration an ordiuancs submit ted at the last regular meeting of Council for the bet tor Government ol the Savannah Fire Department. The orrfnunco w—» row? by the Secretary, and while the reading of the same was going on an alarm »f fire Was sounded. True to the instincts of firemen, mere paper business went by tbe booed, and tbe meeting nem. cun. adjourned to the scene of tbe tire. he Department rc-aaarmbled at the Hall, aud re sumed the business of tbe evening, reading the ordi nance proposed. A preamble and resolution were offered by Fore man Bluu, and a substitute offered by President Koe- seU- After some discussion, in which severaLjnsmbers took part, the following preamble and*i3s§lntioris, offered by President Bussell and amended by Presi dent White, were adopted: Whereas, An ordinance for the farther regulation Of the Fire Department and the tire com pa Bias of the city of Savaunab, their employees amimgfattte, and for tbe better preservation of said city frSnrlfe, was introduced at tho last session of Council, received l's first readiag, and was published for information, Ac., And whereas. It is the opinion of this Board that if said ordittince be passed, it will demoralise the pres ent organization of tbediavanuali Fire Department— Be it thereiure resolved. That a committee of four be appointed by tbe Chief, aud that be be chairman of said committee, to mek« a fair presentation to ,;ouncil of all matters pertaining to this Departmout which need correction or change, and urge upon tapD not to pass tbe said ordinance; and that s .id commit tee be empowered to call upon tbe fcjayur and all men, urging noon them the reasons why tha said ordinance should not be passed. Presidents RusaslL Dillon and White were appointed said committee. High Times.—A aeries of robberies have been committed, during tbe past two days, which demonstrate the fact of an organized band of thieves ju the community, and the failure of the police and detective force to protect citizens from this wholesale depredation. A widow lady had her house entered aud literally gutted of everything valuable, including her spoons and provisions. Another lady had her rings taken from her fingers, after the administration of chloroform by the robbers. It would be well if tbe detective force, for which the citizens pay taxes, would exercise diligence in arresting and bringing to justice these outlaws. Look Before You Leap.—We are re quested by the gentleman whose place of business was prominently placed in a manufactured local published in our jptemporaneoua journals, and beaded “Bhoofia* wttk Mttminy'’ and grits, to state that there is not tbeeiatifififfrtot of troth In the affair, tne said local being jnannCacturedf#* a peripatetic news Vender and an ia item liable writer of poetry without rhyme or sense. The gentleman and wife rho have been bronght thus prominently before the community feel naturally indignant, and by their r<quint we make the above explanation. i —£ Constitution Water is a certain cure for Difibete* and all diseases of the Kidneys. For sale by all Druggists. febll—eodlm Awls Important. THE LEAST WANT ANTICIPATED'AT THE PEBFUUEEY DEPOT. Perfnmery ia divided into five classes: 1st. Toilet soaps, cream* aoap powder*, and es sences of soap. 2d. Pomades, oils, and cosmetics for the hair. 3d. Cologne waters, lavender waters, toilet vinal- grea, extracts and essences for tbe handkerchief, and spirituous waters for the toilet. 4th. Waters distilled or roses, of orange flowers and of mint. 6th. Almond raSnm for tbe mtln, powder*, creeme. mllke for the complexion, dentridee powder, nnd den- trlfioe wntere, dyea for tbe belt, prepehtlon. for per fnmlng tbe apartment* mid elegant eecbetrfor per. filming clothes. We oennot, in ao jarge in aaeortment aa la found In Hr Lippman’a Importing Houue, Sontbweat corner of Barnard and duo grew street., particularize each article. We would edelee erery one In wantor good! in bin Uoe to call and examine bia beautiful and wen. .elected stock, aa hta importation! of those beautiful goods are upon the bps of erery one, not clone tbet, bnt they are upon tbe pereona of our fairest ladies. It baa bean the elm of thie eetablisbment to get out everything thet is new and beautiful in France, *ng- land. Scotland safl Germany. We invite one and all to call and examine hi* *tock. febU-tf ML.. Woods, A Jt.G K R. Per steamer Pilot Boy. 1 * C, Rev G Allen, i G Strs, order. gSTubh . _ ham, Bnghaa, H A Co, J A J F Brown, Bolshaw / Cooper, O A Oo, Clagho Co, So Ex G®. Tiaon * Woods, W H WiitWsrger, Cotton.—Oar market to-day opened quiet, but •teady. some holders being anxious to realize, and a few sales ef middling are Reported at 21c. Buyers did not appear disposed to operate until towards noon, when they were*out, more ireely, but geueralijf offered prices too low to soil holders. As tha' day advanced tbe advices continued gloomy, but toward the close New York reported a firm market, with on advance of >«c, nhich caused this market to close quiet, bit steady. Prtnaa have ruled very irregular throughout the day. We quote: gamer * d, w g i *-“>•*“* The sale* to-day have been as follows: 5 bales ai 17c, 18 at 18, C at 18*. 24 at 19, 831 at 20, 41 a* 20#, 348 at 21, 40 at 22;^>U1, upland, l.OOf bates. Sea island* are steady and quiet, with sales to day of 29 bags, as fullowa: 2 bags at 35c, 12 ai 47, 8 at 52 aid S at TO. The receipts to-day amount to 3,415 bale*. Gold—Opened firm and closed steady, are buying at 142; selling at 1*5.. Exchange—New York sight, buying at and sell ing at , 1 ,* 'P cent off: sterling advanced; bought at 165 for *ixty days sight. Bacon.—The stock on hand is light, and the de mand continues good. Prices are nominally un changed. We quote: Shoulders, 12}iin,:3o; ribbed aides, 14>«@14)ic; clear ribbed sides, 14^(all5c.; clew aides, 15,^@lt>c; dry salted clear sid'-s, 13>i@14c. Ham*, plain, itifcdlSc; cauvassed, 18(gi2uo. Flour.—The market is quiet, and prices are the aame as last quoted: Georgia super, $13 50; extra, $15 50; extra family, $16<§t17. Northern, super, $10 75(5)12 25; extra, $12 75^14 25; fancy and family, $16@17 Freights —To Liverpool, by steam, on uplands, 5^<i; on sea islauds, l'jt; by sail, on uplands, >ad; on sea islands, %d; through via New York, by steam, on uplands, ; on sea islands, 1 ‘jil. To Havre, by sail, on uplands, l*«@l^o. To New York, by steam, lo ou upland*. l;ic on sea island, $2 50 ou rice, $1 ou domestics; : y on uplands To Philadelphia, by steam, 3fc ouup-' lands, $2 on rice, 75c ou domestics. To Bsltimui steam, \con uplands. To Poston by steam^fi lands, lo; through via Philadelphia, by fetaan;T^c. In coastwisa there is a large quauiiiy of teei^it offer ing, with a large supply of tonnage. Vessels arriving would lie quickly placed at on cotton for Bos ton; $10 <m lumber to New Yorx and Boston; rou-’h rice, 12^ 13c to Boston, lGc from the Altunaha. Caban freights are dull; little offering Tonnage is also wanted foreign wise for timber and lumber. Grain.—Tbe supply of couutry corn continues fully equal to the demand. Qu stations are un changed— trom depot, $1 45; ;roui store, $1 50. Maryland coin is aeilibg at $1 45(gtl 50. and Tennes see at $1 42, l a (fl»l 45. Oats are unchanged, and are selling from wharf at 95c; from store, $1 lo; seed oats, $1 15. Rick.—The offering stock is small, and prices are firm. Clean Carolina, lKjgdl.'^c; rough, $2 25(q,2 50; Kan goon, 10,Sc: seed ranging from $3 to $5 Sugars.—Good stock, and prices unchanged. W* quote: Crnshed, 18(^185*c; A white. 17c; B do, 16>ic; extiado, 16c; yellow C, 14^@15>^c; brown clirified, 14>.c; Muscovado, 1314c; Porto Rico, 14(g»15c. Thompson. Tison A G, rg«f. Weed A C. WH Charleston—Claghorn lay ward, Agt Empire Lime New. York—A Jl Alexander AS, H Bng- nett St Co, Blan A M, J A . Bell A H. Champion A F, ok uv. uiutuuiv A O, Clarke, J A Co, J F Co< mley, f WCornwell. SM Goldin*. JtaWitt A M, Duncan k J.Mtotettre A 8v ffinstirn Al, X Kent A. 0#A A L Freidenberg, W ITGrifiln A Co. A Go aim. L JGuilmartin k Co, C L Gilbert, H Gowdy, Prof J Gores, Guerard k H, $ Goodall. MiUon A R. House man, A k Co. W Hone, J E liernmidez. Holcombe A Co. H A Co, A Kohler, J Koox, Z Lindsey, 8 M Lede- rer, Levi dt B. J Lyons* M Lavin, l^throp A Co, H C Uland, Levitt A Co. .Meinhard Bros * Co, J McGrath,* A J Miller k Co, S 8 Miller, F M Myrell, 8 Moore, T ‘Moves, J C Maker A Co, C Metzler, W F May, Miller Bro, M 8 Meyer, J Nolou* Orff A W, T Pauper, E J »P #Oo, LeayittMCo, S M ore, S McIntyre A Co, F X J OMaker*Co, NeaPrtBe Muffles A A, WOK ‘ tOo, 8* Kx Oo. AA FWSitEaAOo, JO ^ Randell A Co, Rnggles A [ 8. C D Rogers * Bro. A A i, A W Stone. W H Stark A > H A Topham A Oo, W H tMAC W West. ceuifBui psriCsRtrai R. R. February 25.1868. ■s 8SI bales cotton, 487 boAs corn, 16 hbd* bacon, 7 sacks cotton seed, 2 bbis laraish. 2 rolls leather. 2 boxes ammunition, 6 boxeaand 1 keg (4) caddie* to- Brokers bacco. 1 car cattle, 1 pKncv} bundles prihtfng paper, 1 bux eggs, 1 barrel, 2 chair*. 2 aacka salt, and mdse, to A A G R R Agent, A uoflun, Sadler A Co. Crane A G, W I! Williams A Son2E Laventure, J Wanen, Dc- lettre k 4/’ B Barry, Aiden, A O Carroll, H S Haines, A S Hartridgs#»:Mahon A Co. Cen It R Agent, P H Behu, W fl Park k Co, Bothwsll A W, N A-HartW Sons A Co, C Bpping A Co, 81oan, G A Co, F W Sims A Oo, L J tintmartin A Co. Hiikinson m W. tiaersr I A H. F L Gut A Co, Clark,! A Co, R Habersham A Sops. H R Christian, G F Lamar, ttrigUam, H « CoTffadelford AC, J F * MHamilion, Brady A M. J B West A C<* W T Woods, W H Woods, W B Gritliu xk Co, Knoop, 11 A Co, Roberts A T. J W Lath rep & Co, Pur*e A T, W Batteraby Ado. B Brad ley A Son, H Gowdy, C Green A 8on, HuiteraG.O Cohen A Co, Wilder A F.Q'fen* AU.BE Allen, Tison A G. J A Clark. f Consignees per Atlantic Ac Golf R. R. A February 25. 1868. 56* bates cotton,'Amirs cattle, 12<rts lumber, 13 ears word. 73 sacks cofn, 6 hales wot*, and mdse, to J L Villalnnga, L J GuilmsrUa A Co, Sloan. G A Co, FttrriilAW, Brady A M, BRrden A G, Tieon * G, “ W Anderson’s Sons A Co, N A Hardee’s Son A Co, csdhlford A C, E i£ Hertz A Co. A Dutenhofer A Co, Wilkinson A W, C L Colby A Co, Roberts A T, dark. J A Co, Bms, G A Co, J L Hardee, A 8 Hartridge, Johnson A Del,, Bryan, H A Co. Duncan A J. Davant A W. Forwarding Agt. Metcalf A N, M Y Henderson, Latbrop s Co, .1 A W Ru herford, W Ik Woods, Uoase- mau. A A Co. Garui&uy A A, W T Woods, agt, P H Behu, Burroughs. F A Co, J F A M Hamilton, Wm Hone, K Mclutire A Co. FLloyd, E A Fuller, HA - - |* v t. • w GUANO! GUANO * i — - . - ? •,: No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, per tom off 9,000 pounds, in bags.... 80LUBLR’ra0SP?l0>PRllU V'lAN GUANO,ninmonlttCcd with N« v Ptr tofi oraijlOO popndfijl* ba|i...... ?v ..; AHMON1ATKD SOLUBLE Pacific GUANO, aimantatcdwlth i* ter, per ton off *,fif DOnnds, In bags or barrels OO BAKER’S and JAKtlS’ ISLAND, SOUTH PACIFIC, best PHOSPHATIC GU ANOS, per ton of 54.000 pounds, In bags or barrels +..$30 OO BOLIVIAN, rich gebttta* PACIFIC GU’AfiOS, per ton of )i,000 pounds, to bags or barrels ...fife..... :..$S9 OO Also, lower grades of PHOSPHATIC CARIBBEAN SRA GUANOS....$35 00 to $40 OO AI$*, GBOUND LAND PLASTER, GYPSUM, At $3 50 per barrel. CASH AT SAVANNAH. Credit will be given until November 1st, 1888, 4pon un doubted city Rccepiauet*—in w hich case an extra charge will be added. PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE*ABOVE-MENTIONED Sulub 1 © 3?&ospho-Peruvianjs ' ' • * • • L AND — . Ammoniated Soluble Pacific Guanos! Which are RICH COMPOUNDS of BAKERS ISLAND and BOLIVIAN G0ANOS, analyzing 65 and 80 per cent, booe phosphate, rendered soluble, and yielding 30 to 35 per cent, phosphoric acid, ammoniated with No. 1 Peruvian Guano, and with animal matter, making a$post concentrated and rich Fertilizer; combining the chief mineral constituents of-all vegjifation, and adapted as nearly as possible to all climates, soils and crops, having been thoroughly and satisfactorily tested by practical and scientific Fanners and Planter^,; upon Cotton, Tobacco, Wheat, fend Vegetables of all kinds, from whom the highest testi- - - monials have been reccfredf * For sale, by the CARGO or RETAIL, in bags and barrels, in quantities to suit pur- JOHN B. SARDY, Importer and Manufacturer, 5S South Street,^corner 'Wall, New YorM. TISON & GORDON, 96 Bay Street, ’ * ’- GENERAL AGENTS AT SAVANNAH. pa~. c. GINESI, No. 1 Slodtlard’a Lower Range, is also authorized to eelL "S^ For further particulars send for Famplilet. filAURUTS UY TELEOH4PH. Domestic Markets. New Yobk, February 25. Financial—Gold quiet at 112(5*142;*,storting Armor, aLQj^lO; ’62 coupons, 11*i Cotton—Duil and heavy, ctosiug more steady; sales, 4,000 bales, at 22)*c. Flour—Dull. Gbain—Wheat dal'; corn declining. PnoviaioNS— JNsa mes- pork, $25; old, $21. Lard, Naval .^toees—Spirits turpentine, 72&73c; rosin, $3 35#T 00. >?• Fbeiohts—Steady; cotton ny steam, 7-16. Cimoinnati, February 25. Mess Poke—$24 50@i6 00. Bacon—Firm. '*“* London, February 25—Evening. Financial.—Consols, 93 ; United States Bonds, 71*. Livzbpool. Febrnory 25-Evening. Cotton—Clote I firm aud more active. tT^isnds, 9^d; to arrive, 9?»d. OrlettLB, ’JJ^d. Sales. Hi.bOO balos. Augusta, February 25. Cotton—Market firmer; sales, 1,025 bales: receipt* 1,200 bales; middling, 2o 1 /£321u. Wilmington, Febrojry 25. Cotton—Declined; middli -g, 20)iC. Navxl SroEES -Spirits fc^p-ntiae more qaiet and nominally 7oe. Rosmquiei; No. 1, $3 75. l'&r firm at U 85. * New Obleaes, February 25. PiNANClAL.-^terling, 158^102 J«. New York sight, disvuutiL. Gold, 14I>*. Cotton—Quiet; nikidituK, 22@22.^c; Sales. 5,5(^p hales: receipts, I 878 hale*; exports, 6.762 bal^s Buuae in* Mocassk*.—rrAUsaOlions-light'anu pric> 8 uttch<tiigrd. Floub—nrmar^npijnnux $rp25; double extra, $10 7a;IotV grades *ca:ce - • UraHT.—Corn firm at 95cfi|$l 02 j*.' uadi untoi at-846. Pkoyi-ions—Mesu>oCk has advance 1 to $26 50; very little in marke$F B-ron scarce and firm; abou:- d*;r*. I3c; dear sides, Laid firm; tierce, 15.-4 @76 >«C. Charleston, February 25. Cotton—Moderately active at a : partial decline of l>,c; sale*, 1,150 biles; middling*. 20^^:1c. MomuttFebruary 25. Coiton—Closed firm; saleiv3.0«4^>ales; middling: 21 &c; receipts, 3,408 bales; exports, 20PbaleH. LATEST MARMLIfiTst BY KAIL. ‘ Macon, February 24. Cotton—Operations in onr market were brought to a complete stand-still by the news from Wasbiug ton. While buyers seem loath to eater the market, holders were equally averse to putting their samples upon the board, anti we have not a single transac tion to notto.— Tdq/rctjih. COLUMBI WEEKLY COTTON HTA' 358 3,227 Holden, T J Dunbar A Co, r Davia [By Teleg|^)h:i Charleston. February 25—Arrived, staamew Sar agossa, MataiiZas and Columbia, from New Zork; ship flanuah Morris, from New York, and achr Nim rod, from Uavaaa. “ Port of St. Mary’s—Mori no Intelligence [EEPOUTED BY0. L. BUEN8 k CO.] St. Maey’n, February 22, 1368. ‘ cleared. Br brig Ida, Gray, 154,000 feet lumber, Montevideo for orders—S L Burns A Co. *. . Br brig Geo crump, French, 194,000^|Bet lumber, Montevideo, for orders—8 L Barns k CS' L VOINO AT 8 L BUBNS A CO'S lhtX3 Br bark Glacier, Wiltorop, for Lonikn. Br bark, T A J, lieesq, for Grlmrby, England. Br brig Cora, Atkins, tor. Glasgow, Scotland. VESSELS SAILED AND UP FOB TEW POET. Br bark Keiia-del-Sub, New York. Srhr Hu a r Stetson, B< stou. S' hr Jessie L Leach, Philadelphia, behr Veto, Boston. Special ‘Notices. ;mb C9, February 2 ATKMENT. Stock on hand September 1,1847 Received pa-sed week Received previously 72,535—75.762 Total Shipped past week Shipped previously.. Stock on band to date... 76,120 3 810 61.01b—64,826 11,291 al-. [Sum Shipping imeiligence. Ilnutura A Imauac—'Flils UM. Sun rise* C 23 San sets.. . 6 37 High water -.... 11 27 P Al NOTICE. A YOUNG MAN, DEAF BUT NOT DUMB, de- A sires to obain a SITUATION where he abie to • am an honest eapport. Baa a good English edacattom^Wonld try to tnaki lumseH generally useful. Would Pvef. r to have writing to do. but will accent anything else except work inburro Ad reas by note, at Herald offle where an Interview u ay be had. Is a G, birth —' « ■ss&f PORT OK SAVANNAH. Wednesday. February 26,1868. Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Fanntf. Johnson, Baltimore—IB West A Co. Steamship Montgomery, Lyons, New York—O Co hen A Co. Steamship San Salvador. Nickerson, New Yorlfc- J Rosae, Jr. steamer Pilot Boy, McNulty, Charleston—Claghorn A Cunnioeham. _ Bark ShHrpsburg, 66* tons, Rende 1, New York, 7 days, via Oharlestoh Bar, iu ballast—E A Soullsrd. Schr Campltell, Torrev.lBslumore-F W Sims A Co, Sctir Arctic, Cgden, 194.tous.New York, 18 days I Taggart. . Hunter A Gammell. TO FARMBKS AMO PLANTERS. We offer for sale the DOUBLE REFINED POUD- RETTK, made by the Lodi Manufacturing Company, from the night soil of New York <Nly, at $25 per ton of 2,000 lbs., freight added. > PURSE k THOMA8. Agents, Savannah, Go. Read tho following testimonials : At Home, Neah'Mabietta, Ga„ Oct. 16,1867. A. J. Robert* A- Co., Athinta, Oa.: - Geutlemon—1 am well pleased with the resnlt of the nee of the “Double Kettne.1 PoudretLe” ou my crops, j tried it on both corn and cotton, and am satisfied, wburever it was applied the yield wa* more than double what it would have to.on without ft I regret exceedingly my not usutng it more extensively the present year, but will try to niaki. up my loss by pur chasing a larger quantity next spring. I regard it a* the cheapest, most reliable, anil easiest managed fer tilizer within my knowledge, and cheerfully recom mend it (as I have tried it thoroughly) to the f&rmets of this section, aud |>articularly to thoso planting cot ton, from the fact Of Us causing it to mataYe from*ten «l:»vutb two weeks earlier thou iff vnnw without Ibe^ use of the poudretto. I also used it ou my garden, aud found it of much bene t to oil kinds of plants. Very respectfully, kc, Q. tflto OGLESBY. Extract from n letter received from Professor Martin, ol iiamp.len, Sidney College. Virginia, dated July 1st, 1867. The Double Refined Pondrette is ope/ating like a charm on my crop, and attracting universal attention from oil beholders. I am afifoady satisfied that it is the cheapest aud surest renovator of our worn-out lands. <i High Shoals, Ga., Oct. 4, 1867. James R. Dev, Esq.: Hir—Tne Double Refined Powlltotto I bought for t.v> other parties iu connection with myself—one ol th;<m used ii on cotton uud corn, and thinks it an swered finely; the other put it on cotton,ou very poorgiouud, aud thinks it doubled tiis crop. I used it on corn. II answered finely, and was i bought t»y the hand that cultiwed the crop to be fully equal to Rhodes’ Super Phosphate, .^also used it on’about an acre of cotton., and 1 am elect ty of opinion that it is the best and cheapest fertilizer in use, and I expect to order several touR this winter. u Yours, very respectfully. ' ISAAC POWELL. m Ei.laville. Schley County, G*., Oct. 4,1867. • t’llte Double ltefiued Pondrette purchased cf you lost spring-, 1 think, increased my crop of cotton 150 pounds pi-r acre; put ii upon worn oat pine land, at the rate of *znu pounds peVacnp drilled in with cotton 8. MONTGOMERY. 8ALHBUBY, N. C., Aug. 10, 1807. James R. Drj. Esq.: Dear Sir—I can safely say that your Double Refined Poudrette is far superior to any other other fertilizer for cotton; for I have given it a lair trial this season Yours, * JEHU FOSTER. JR. Savannah, Ga., sept. 25,1867. James R. Dev, AfiQ- Present.: Dear hir—I used the Double Refined Poudrette bought of you last spring, ou corn. I think it increas? ed the yield one-half. I consider it an excellent manure. Respectfnily, T. HOLCOMBE. Ridgeway, 8. C., 8ept 21,1867. Mr. Janus R. Dry: . ieL' 8ir-jl applied the Double Refined Pondrette by it self, and in combination with other fertilitters, on cot ton, and am pleased with it; so much eo that it is ny present intention to purebase s larger supply of you the next year io apply to siy cotton crop. % Yours, very respectably, * • HENRY a DAVIS. Rocky Mount, EDOttoaMBE, Oe., N. 0., Nov. 13, 18frf James R. Dey, Sir—In reply to yourInquiry of the resnlte of ottr experience in the use u your improved Poatf“““^ purchased of you for thisyear’s cotton crop, we . »n*g leaye to say thq$ the present season has been one quite nnfivorable to tli* action of all fertilizers. .Several kinds of munntes were used by us, with the exceptional your Pouiteette, with Rule or no effect to the crop. Circuit, and in the counties below on the Chattahoo chee river; also in the adjoining counties in Alabama! Wili a4end to the presentation and collection of claims again*! the Government at Washington City, . where they have made *»uafactt»ry arrange mente for that ponvwe. * • /* feb4-^odtf Cleared Yesterday. Steamship Leo, Dearborn, New York- im ports. Per schr Campbell, from Baltimore— 300 packages powder. Kxporu t Per eieamfihlp Leo, for Maw Pbrk—94»* bales cotton, 63 boles domestic*, 2© paftages md*e. » _ ^ Memoranda. Tbe bark Sbarpsburg, from New. York, reporta having lost anchor on Cn$rie«tomBar. The schr Campbell, from Blttimore, reports on Saturday afternoon, off Cape HstteraA, experienced N K gale, .carried away galley, stove In cabin Win dow* and washed tbe desk-. -*c.i Toe steamship Aionticomery, from New York, re port* February 24th, 7 A M, *25 mines south Capo Lookout. exch*ng*d eigi ville, Renee to New York. Per steamship San Salvador, for New York—H Hauas, 8 Palmer.|S Palmer. Jr, Q Foster. H N Blan, Mrs J S Fern. W E Appleton and lady. E D Wash- burae, A G Uonton. AL Kflsey, N 8I Finley. Mai 8 A Bussell and avt. J P ChiflMr, H A Solomons, s Clapp. 8 Rogers, Miss PerdAlo, Mi» A S_Teruald, B H Hardee, W B Stellenwerf. L W Terry. George W Clock, N Dominy, J Smith. M Wiileta. IJtedeii, E A Smith, and lasteenive. Per steamer PUotuoy, from Charleston—H C Pat terson, J M Holine. O a Green, J L Lake. jr. W S Millar, J H Millar, J B Hubbard, E W Waterman, lady and daughter, Miss A OusttnaU, J MfiNelty and 6 deck. Per steamship Montgomery, from New York—W G i Robinson. T Moves, 4 Legott,, Mrs N Adriauce, Miss . _ A Sabine, JfH Sabins, F F Carrie, litas H Mosher. J P Keigel. J B Hogg. Per steamship Loo, for New Yora—Mr and Mr*.J Wood and child, Brand Mrs Willard Mrs DL Has kell, Cspt -G Dearborn, Mrs Ohsmoerlsin, Mrs K Wi martu, Mias Barker, M Livingston, H O Carter, U 9 OMM'l »rlil>lUg3 . ... . Johnston. H 8 Clark, B Obersketi, wife and infant Miss A*h, C Wiisun, F Conklin, W Wilson. CeuIgBcu. Per steamship San 8fiHrador, for New York—Anstfn It J, 8tt Dictator, WWitt IK. Mi Doyle k Co, W M Davidson. 8 Everett a Co. A k L Fricden- berg. M feist .fe Co. A Comm. Gnckenheimer k 8, L J GattQMttoBOOi Griffin k Co, CL Gilbert, M seed. Yours, Ac., WATCHES,' DIAMONDS, PURE SILVERWARE, Etc. SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, Corner Congress, Whitaker and St. Julien Streets, HAS JDST RETURNED FROM THE NORTH WITH A FINE STOCK OF, Diamonds, Pure Silverware, French Fancy Goods, Etc. He would call particular attention to his large stock of Gold and Silver Watches of tbe Most Celebrated Manufacturers French and American Clocks, Silverware of Excellent Workmanship. Warranted Pure. A auDerb .asortment of JEWELRY, FRENCH FANCY GOODS, suitable for WEDDING .and HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Mabie, Todd & Co’s Celebrated Gold Pens, Warranted. AGENT FOE WHEELER & WILSON'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS LOCK STITCH HEWING MACHINES f • rocefies, Bfy Jfbods, Furni- *' ture, etc.,fet Auction. iMday) Feoruary m of tha store, will to- THIS BAY. (Wednesday) in front of « Choite DfT SeitedtielliM, Choice Bacan Shoulders, Homs, Lard, Cheese, Starch, Floor, 1 Ale*. Wines and IiqttoA, Cigar*, Tobacco and Snuff, DRY GOODS, ** ' <-i “ mu5rrcKK.Ao. Pork at Auction. by Bm eatu.. THIS DAY, (Wednesday) at 11 •’dock, in front ef the store, will be told. 10 bbls. Extra prime PORK. febfini Underwriter’s Sale. tr BKU. S bull. - , Mth, U U o’deek, THREE BOXES OFtJANDY. Oemafed on boerd the eteemer Sea Sehnder.ea bar pessage from New York to this port, and oold wader inepecMoa of the Sort Wardens for aoeeutof tto Underwriters ondoR concerned. Terms cash. BY BLUM * BEYER. On WEDNESDAY, February 2Ah, at 10 M., wiU bo sold, at No. 154 Broughton doors West of Bamaafi street, a stock of' DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, BOOTS AND CONSISTING OF CALICOES, Hob i, DeLaines, Poplins, Meruoee, Trimmings, Ladies* safe Gent’s Mesa, Undershirt*, Overahirta, Nettona, febM-M** mi i ead Oeet'a Qaiten, Sheee, etc, etc. Auction Sales—Future Davs Fine Fornftiire at Auction. BY HULL * BILL.>- ■„ ,A Jt ,t TO-MORROW, (Thursday) Febraan 27, st II o'elesk, in th* brick house, comer of lltfrtfeim sad Lib erty street*, will be sold, A complete and large assortment of FINE FURNITURE, Consisting of Fine Bocfewood Bcooetol Parlor Setts, Dining Roo«aj*tt% ’ Fine Black W&«»Chamber a._ Fine Large Partor eng Dressing Book Goeae, fodeboerto, UH CHINA DINING AND TEA BEIT, Large assortment of Crmfepg ttfrd IHmshtsl Beds aud Bedding, . A large assortment of FINS OIL PAINTINGS sad ENGRAVINGS, fine and costly embroidered DAMASK WINDOW OQttTAzNB, Shades, Fancy Artie lea. Kitchen Ware. Btofffi “ The above Furniture is o Terms—Cash before d (These Machines were awarded the highest premium at the ParifeExposition.) JBT NAUTICAL ALMANACS AND CHARTS FOB. SALE, ‘ WATCHES AND JEWELRY CAREFULLY' REPAIRED BY^TaCPER^lNCED WORKMEN. . -S' JSB- CHRONOMETERS RATED BY TRANSIT. jar HIGHEST CASH PitICH PAID FOR OLD SILVER. , aorii-rSm * * K "■ ■ . i -■* 36 kartell Bret <luU!t KEBOSBIK OH, Forsolblow by feb26 WILLLIAM8. WARD A ncnrnw. Snipping. BLACK STAR INDEPENDENT LINE!! FOR NEW * % Tim FIRST-CLASS STSAUSIIIF MONTGOMERY, LYONS, Master, i t m * Feb. 29. tat — o’clock - Will sail oif Sait For FiRght or Pkasoge apply to O0TAVU8 COHSS * CO., Aventa, • 82 Bay si reel, Savannah, Go, •Mt liOWDEH, Agent, No. 93 West street, New YJrk. -feh26 FOR 'NEW YOM. EMPIRE LINE. CABIN FASSAb* OS. ITHHKAGK,wlth SutaUtenc, ill. J£B~ GREAT REDUCTIOIT IN LOCAL freight From newwork. TBI FISK SIDKWHiSEL STEAMSHIP SAN SALVADOR, - J JZ. B. NI0KEBSONi Commander, WQ1 *of! as shove on intnrday, Feb. 29th, at — o’clock — at B8“ positively no eagogedf bertha seenred alter ’ dueadny, F * Wsdueaday, Feu.:^6, anfeos paid for. $Sg- For freight or p igtuige,' "* i ‘ commodstioDB, apply m JOS. RO! M /J/ j feO-12 ^ ‘ J 1 * WM. K/GARgll feb24 No. b Howling ureen'. . NOTlCJi. A Aoousta,- Gi.. December 21, 18(17. TV) TUB STOCKHckiDEKS OF TUB M1LLKD6E- 1 TILLS. OR MACON AND AUGUSTA IttIL- ROAD COMPANY :-^Calls for payment on 8ab-““ scnptionalM the Capitol Stock of this Company have been mode up to fifty-five per cent. Stock npo > which this amount has not been paid will be for feited to thfiCompanr. A furtbep.tmfl to now made for twenty.five per cent., pqifealf an or before February vfiih, 1848. at which 4?ate eighty per cent, will be doe. and Btook forfeited if not paid. ^ r All Stockholders in arrears will at once correspond with the Treasurer. The Road is now In operation to Milledgevillc^and Is doing a largo bustne-s. It is belfcved that are rangemem* will be made by which rartber calls wili >be avoided. tf prompt pa?meat la now By older of t lie Board of Directors. R. B. BULLOCK. J. A. 8 Millioam, Secretary and Treasure*. riving at pulley's Lower Mil s at 8 o’clock A- M., SUN DAY aud return at 1 o’clock same Cay-ffevving Da- riedfevwy ifONDAY amd ^fepBSDAY, at 8tt’cloci ^Freights reduced on Satilla twenty-five per cent; — ... “ by shippers. M. A. !Y»WENi Aren* Land* Plaster! SHALL LOT FOB SALE LOW BY tcb24—3t ORADT k lta.LT. liOOO BU8HEIB TENNtSeEE ' PRIMS CORN! For sale by feb24—2t CHAMPION k FBEBMAN. HAT! HAT! pi LOTS T° SUIT PURCHASERS, Landlhgaodlor sale b7 “ ■ Ieb7 WILLIAMS. WARP A McTHTIBE. -DIANE BOOKS MANUFACTURED ( OF THE FOR* 1 DARIEN AND JEFFERS0NT0N. THE STEAMER Ef. M. Cool Captain C. C^DEMIWG, .. Savannah EVERY WBDNMfeAY'AND >AY for Darien, from Padeifora’s wh irf. at 9 o’clock A. M. 49*N. B —OiUbATUiiD/ YS will ran to Jeffereonton and all landines on Satilla River, ar- m M.,SUS- yp* 1 m For Sale or Charter. A SCHOONER of OB* Hundred and Thirty (ISO) ^pa. tion inquire at the office c f feblT-Uf , WILLIAMS, ^VARD A McTNTIRR. J. H. rowb: -.-rtxrr Sailed Stran, Wluj, 67 A 69 BAY StREET, \J'J 3a ■ - ■ I gA. - i ,:t of •“ kind8 of SHIP BREAD and CRACKERS. :s for shipping promptly attended to. * • i ^ • a -ct\ , «‘£TRQUS & HDwE, rs+M. PhOPRIETO R S. House Senlnt QIRL, efaboat 14 or 15 yi to do HOUSEWORK. Apply immediate! febl»—tf, . 4 L . ed lately a WAlMTTi shipping. FOR NEW YORK ATLANTIC 00AST M-'aol Steamship Line, SIDKWHEBL SHIPS, WB SVERY THURSDAY. t>s«tagc, .:. . .*. >, #13 Tne new and very fast sailing aidewheel steamship Administrator’s Sale. fT BLUM & MEYER, Ef permiarion of the Honorable, the- Coart of Onil- * naiw, wfU be sold on FRIDAY, March JU, at 11 o’clock, A.M., In front of Uo store, One Iren Safe, '■ One Axlunsiou Table, , i Two Sofas, Oue Tee Table. * i l Four Ann Chairs, Wire Disk Covers, v Wire Safe, Pair Seales, Office Desk. -* OneCopting Press. The above being the perishable propfiny c Etheridge, dec’d, lotecf Chotham-eoanty. By order of . General Barnes, T, H. MORTON, CTommandet, will positively leaveon kerrcgqlar^hy, Thursday, Keb. 547th, at 11 o’clock, m. Bills of lading given here on throofePwolghtB pf cotton to Liverpool by first-clase steamers. For ireigntor passage, having new ami splendidly- arranged accommodaiious. apply to WILD HR * FULLAKTON, 8 Stoddard’s Upper Range, - Opposite tne Poet Office. N. B.— No engaged berths secured after Tuesday, February 25th, unless paid for. feb21 M.uruay'^ Bine ■ . FOB £ NEW ^ YORK. Tbs fibst-class steamship ♦Ia e o , ( ■.»* aBOKN.^Corqmaniej, , Will soli for the above port on Tuesday, Peb. 25(b, at — o’clock Mir No Kacaged Bertha Second Unless Patd for by MONDAY MORNING, FEB* RU^RYJ4. Th ran lading gi Vea hire on VfiWbn fieatlaod i I tor Liverpool, by firsf-Hasdsteameta.’ For ireight or passage apply to a,.HUNTER k GAMMELL. feh21 Si Bap street. Sire Philadelphia and Southern For Philadelphia. w ‘ By o lteb2540t Aftminla BY GBD. W. WYIaIaY. :. 4gre»ohtajlirtue terma^f iho Insurance Company ot fiavsnnoh. Board oi Directors, will be sold at the m this City oa the FIRST TUESDAY in. within the legal, boor of sales, the following stock, which an instalment of one dollar per shore is due ondsmpald, upon call of January 17, 1861: Shares, i Short*. John Richardson.,.. Charles Gordon..,.....100 Mrs. Mary Bulb ch.... 60 W. H Oloott 300 W. S. Bogart...... P. M Russell 10 JohnK. Johnson 100 Erwin k Hardee ..400 UqoL W. Davia. So E. & Russell 10 M. J. Soiom«ns 200 Juo. Richardson, Trus tee..... 100 WnuCox e»t...v..;... 20 E J- Parse «... 63 Stonewall Insurance Company 400 Jack Horderns*. 40 JofanA Walker 100 R. T. Footer 100 C.J. RoosfcVeft.:'. * J. Rhodes Brown. ” D. F. Wiicog Mrs. E Hatcher 100 Abnhsxu *0 h W. H. Young Trustee. .250 - A. O. Bhc n»p 50 A. S. Kathleen M 170 David Adams ItO So- Daniel Griffin ...600 Mrs. M. D. Sh*w 100 W. W. Garrard eat...10* John Kiug...... 100 . A. Scott 7«> L W. Morrell eat... ..440 S. Cohen. Attorney for . H. u.jfa E. Eh filch..........,.. 10 A. A. Solomons k Co.. 60 A A Botonopa. Trna «*. 40 J M.bolomons,Tru.te*. 10 Geo. T. Jackson..,...200 G A. Rowland.. ..7, 1 J. C. Dawson 100 Fleming A Robinson,.ICO W. Stevenson.......... 50 B. H. Broadnax 20 * John A. Moore. 100 F. M. Flak .....900 C. G. Doblgren N J. P. Qftgis ,,.v M ....J ,8b Ufiton 8qMr *F ; t x> ’N.ei^ th ri n i itaii ii s - _r inr f J.P. A. J. G B. Young i. M. J And on the following .; share la due: P. Wilson.^*. ... T.O^Holmes.......... ft Mias J^M..Brantley... B. H. slsgrnder Cabin Paauife".. 09^ The first cIami steamship WYOMING, w fTIHR PROPKBTY known os (Pflynt’a Wtouff X —having a front on the Elver of three hundred * ‘ feet fend over, nnd a depth of Mz handred fimk OB tbe p'see fs a spacious Brick Warehouse, ceotataing nine large rooms. Til* above propertyVfll be leased for a term of y^era. Will sail for the above port on Satardwy, Web. 29th, at — e'eleck — ■*. For freight or pasoageapply to feb2i HUNTMA GAMMELL. UNITED STATES HAIL FOR FERNANDINA, E. FLA. TOtTCDING AT' BRUNSWICK AND i ST.’blARYS, LEAVING EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY MORNING, AT 10 O’CLOCK: IMS ONLY HAVING A TUROUGH ARRANGEMENT WITH THE FLORIDA RAILKQAD. t 7TT-. —rTTr^ ' 1 . i > FOB MNT, • 'TbefpKiovThm-story ftbk RwUrfire j e'-tnote uu the corner o' Week Brood —» — taiuLlelure ba«rilu«kuwe. WM 1 Deembljte > good W§UL Ano, FOR RENT OR LEAS15, nutv, OFFKM. SYLVAN SHdRE, noh reeulorii os aiwirt fnnnrrf on the Florid* aodCtotrol R*U- ksonviUe lo kU potota on Utejtt. Capt JAMX8 WiQ leave Savannah leg with nil pokita road, an lire- * Johns River. Hemming wil' leave Fernand^ik every Twegday •nd Friday Afternoon, arriving at Savonanh Wednesday and Saturday mornings. . For Freight or Pasaogw, haring superior accommo dations, apply at the Office ok Wtafila^ Steam Pocket Whari, or to « - CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, feblO ■ -- aiul inidl#atah. For/TBigbt s.Tssaw Hoye..«..s... JPiMitfk 6fi , II. A Pom, aeo-ri*2SSS WILLIAMS, WARDIt flelMTIKK. , jOne Pair Northern Carriage Horse*, will be sold. For'Hent or Lease. js&scxr-rS! ■^msrwsm S FOR nrmo comfobxablx sooiu, CsfUbiiii enitAMe (H . eeuV Mallj «1*M< jP to. to. Ilimil MIl>« 1 ' PHOSPHATE OF LIME ! | *!: • • ‘■■■u-i :• .. -a . 1! •- • • .... >4 yj* hav« ut ob e mu awir 01 BRADl.Rra fpH.EnnATF.rt ifflPES-fBCSFHLtt OF ’111$ > For -UverpftT ' 1 " ^77