The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, March 05, 1868, Image 3

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r thk mails. , Railroad, through pouches for New BtO^joUia. WASdiugtou. AugudU.Oharles- S.l ,tt,U il P aadilACOU. at 5 o'clock P. M. n 0jU“ nba r Railroad, thtough poucheB for Nash- BiC K:, ' r f. uiiledgeville and Augusta, and way * Atl^ 14 * f ,i‘ atM miilroad, a-xtl all points con- o’clock every morning ... ,a*.1', , and iiuLV iiAiLBDAD. for all points on lkAT 1, i Xintigaoas; iteiubridge, Fernandina, ifosj^-.inarts of Florida, via Florida Branch . iul ', in dally, except Saturdays. • P* jjrjudvvick, St. Simeus’s Island, 8t. v\.r ^ ‘Unuguous country, by steamer at 1 * r ’'?-,JifMoudayaud Thursday. “ e ,me poiut.a, except Darien, by steamer, at f rl f rjy Wednesday moruing. ;c ‘ j t • • iSV WITHOUT DANGER OF LOSS, J1J.SK' 0 i Jlouey Orders, at the Savannah Post Of- c vri! i 0 pen for business at 9 o’clock a. m., o’clock p. On Sundays the Oihce '•‘ jpe-ied lor the delivery of the mail from 9 to "■cluck »• m - T. P. Robb, P. M. AGENTS. Hewing named perssous are authorized to act I sc _ reCOlVO subscriptions and advertisemonta ^tWdANUHSBALD; \VM. EdTXLL. Jr., Bull Street, corner Bay • . V HiVSSS A BROWN, News Dealers. X . l( 7„,"*li — rUKODOBK R. WaBDHIU.. fc ^SviVLE-J.B.S. Davis. O.V.-J- J- Keen. l V. i -ADOLPH A. OMBBKO JB. i-'Jfcs uA.-O- W Uav m. ^-.vr —James Russell. i ,'sViLLE. -James Kussbll. All (iA.—Jas. L. MostLEY, Esq. 1 • '"Tl \ tiA — (iEOltOE S. HEKBEBT. Si J Vtv tie —*V. H. CALVBBT. FLA.—Db. Pobtek. ui: iri.'EbLO, FLA.—Thos. Simmons. Ji - iM.ifoS, FDA.—H. STAN WOOD. FDA-J. W JONKS. * ,V FDA.—i’UOMAS J. SHKPABD. y-rr" Til. FLY—M. L Moo It k. V iaisviLLs. FDA-E. U. RKiD. Jl :^> JlNA, FD -J M. PAYNE. * ■viili—a- Nl. 1'ErriNOU.L as Oo., 37 Park ' ' V doKAt No.-i Spruce street; C. H. ’ •'i-Skdo., New Tors Herald Building, andJ. ' S* XI- PErfiNomL ft Co., State street, • i* HoWrLij At 0-»., ‘id Congress street, A. ! '" L s a <jo , No. 89 Court street; 8. It Milks. • iILtoLbl’IItA—JoY Coe ft Co., 144 South Sixth .'."•■•ISSATI—S. H. Pauvin, 176 Pine Street; Li s Mack, ldo 1’iuo Street l AiiJ —(Jook. COBUKN & Co., 87 Dearb rn-at. • -Hi'Lit, .-sd-» is the Concral Travelling “fot the News and 11 eu ild ior Florida and *\ i ?tcruUc.ugia. . , ,’rt vsltfi iS everywhere are authorized to re- 1 ’ Iv'ofliHeiueutsaiid subscriptions at our reg- J(ht 1'itlNTlNG. ice tod with the News and Herald a lice Job Pnuting Office, complote • ,'iiVS typo, presses and other V i j J7i,'() u^etout work.ilen. Ordersiroui the r cm bo forwarded oy mail or express, and ,'promptly alle.l, at as low prices as anywhere jute. 4i,ns A. UsUBB is the authorized collector for v, Yni> lists\Li>, aud any advertisements or 'rijium.i handed to hi.u will receive prompt at- C:TY INTELLIGENCE, ludi x to Now Advertisements. galtt of provisions, etc., ibis morning, at 10% t } Dlua ft Meyer. • ■iumnship Huntsville saili for New York next ii day morning. , lia g ui the Irish Union Society this evening at 7# r:0ck. «..ood draft horses for sale. ,„lntion ol partnership of Russell & Qoetter. as wanted. ling from the modern poets by Hon. Mrs. Yel- ,non at Masonic Hall, on Friday evening, n sad oats for sale by A. Minis. plast“i, cement, laths, etc., for sale by Grady Tilly* >tic f * to shippers. aarfor sale by Sorrel Brothers. 'Jegolar communication of Solomon’s Lodge, No. 1, ami A. M„ this ovnulug at 7>, o’clock, pure’s halo li-xt Monday byG. W. Wylly. Abrival of Steamships.—Tho prevailiDg ^earlier, ice, and hard winds of the past several i bare interfered with the regular arrivals of our <nvi»8 steamships. Han Jaciuto, Capt. AtkinB, reached her doek iy yesterday afternoon with her usual freight and •cagers, and with the usual fileu of New York pa- i up to date of leaving, for which her purser will 4’. thanks. Tk. lluatsville, Crowell, from the same port, fol- TcJ with a large freight and paseenger liat, also files, for which pursor Egan will also aeoept r, thanks. h-y bJih report cold, ice, and heavy weather, as the middle aud eud of their voyage. A Most Coubagbods Acr, in its Truest -The *ubj«ct of our remarks is Mr. Charles Burrows, painter of this city, who has contracted to Prcabyterean steeple. Judging by his work Vi as that of hia workmen, which can ba aeon at i, they must be experienced hands. He stands >::feet over the second of one of the large balls as erected u scaffolding thereon, and has engaged ..i to assist him in tying tho knots, so as to make s ire, he has also erected a tent over said scaffold- hr llie purpjae of protecting the gilt with which, iters the balls. By Saturday noon, the entire >la will have a coat of paint ami the balls gilt, wr permitting. Mr. Burrows certainly deserves '■rajtemeut. for he understands bis business, what he undertakes to do, he doos well, ire English Load and beautiful Gold Loaf, besides colors and oils, have been supplied to him from b«ob Lippuian's. Drug and Faiot House, South erner of Congress and Barnard streets. i-lty four*. Hon. W. S. Chisolm, Presiding, t met at 11 o’clock, pursuant to adjournment, •e brand Ju-y being it! attendance, who were fur- with bills of indictment, and retired for their •Bsileratiou. They subsequently returned with tho lowing bills: fhflState vs. Frederick W. Myers, Assault and Bat “'-True bill. ‘tr State vs. Martin J. Ryan and Robert Scholl, to Ple kijeeny—True bill. Ite Grand Jury were discharged until next Monday «k. 10 o’clock A. M. jllic Court was adjourned until to-day at 10 o’clock Savansah Medical C >ll kob Commenck- st.—Several errors having . o .urred in our notice liic eoiauenceinent * f the Sa\aunah Modioal Ool- " n Tuesday evening, we republ-sh the names hie young gontloraen comprising the graduating Vwlth the proper corrections : f f’ox-Thesis: Polasaian, and its uses in dicino. W ' w 4iuo«-The8i* : Typhoid Fever. I • M - HvvenroBT—ThS&ia: Blood. iyAN Hall Thesii: Huunatemiels. R'liLta M. Conner—Thesis: Puerperal Fever. ■ Ullky—Thesis: Tho Bile. Charles-j. Boruoijqhs—Thesis: Pbtbisia Pulmo- fxer<; >se8 of the evening were opened with l y«-r by Bev. Mr. Laudriun, and not by Rev. Mr. >U l ' aN 8tat ed iu our report. ?' liE IjKct ore os China To-night.—It Is ^l y “ t5CesS4r y to remind our readers that Hon. S[ . ar< ^ wi 'l* under tho auspices of the Goorgia feiu lCS| ! ' oci 4’* ‘Ldiver a lecture on nhina this ad k? 1 lh ’ : Theatr ®» for the benefit of the Elliott q ’ " &re r ®quested by the < >mmitteeof Ar- e lo s tat«* that tho dross c .rcle of tho Thet- arivl, fj r * yjr?ed f ,r ladies, and gentlemen accom DO" them. He Avig liii|iortant. KAST WANT anticipated at the pbhfombey kerfn »epot. kst. r ^ * S into five classes: °: etH0 ^. creams, soap powders, and es- of soap. ,*y’ C( 7' l * w * oi,H ' a ®d cosm«:tics for the hair. •8 ext 0RDe WatwPS * iRVvuder waters, toilet vinal- rac!a Hli(1 essences for the handkerohlef, aud :r; s ~ r ^ tenet. adi.t a<erjS of roses, of orange flowers °t mint. ■'ks for u° n< ^ ° reaw for skin, powders, creams, **ic« vrV ewmi 'lexion, deutrllice powders and den- ^iup a tr8 ’ d>ea for tbe Hair, preparations for per toieg c ,:r tmenU - aC< ^ elegant sachets for per J t Lj.^ nUOt ’ > 1,1 80 ' ar pe an assortment as Is found in ’^' naa 8 Sporting House, Southwest corner ' W a,1 d Oongre-s streets, pavticnlarize each taring fide. \i r - * • j. ” Wo “ld ailaise every one iu wantof goods ,0 c “ll and t.-xamine liis beautiful and well &to ' k ’ as His importations of these beautiful at ^ rc u P° n tho hpa of every one, not alone that, 'C- H P 0n tlio persona of our fairest ladies, - Uie aim of fHia establishment to get oui 4 j. U * tliat ia new and beautiful in France, Kug- cjj: '* an '* at ‘d Germany. We Invite oua and all Ud e *amine his stock. febl4-tf Oo; “STiTonoH Water is a certain cure for uT 8 ** di • bru E8iaia. Reg alar Meetteg of Cow well, Council met at 7^ o'clock yesterday evening. Present—Alderman Ford, Mayor pro tem.: Aldermen Meyer, Hunter, A. N. Miller, Burroughs, Wylly, C. C. Millar, Villalonga, Brigham, Waring, Gue. The minutes of the Inst regular meeting were read and confirmed. APPEAL DOCKET. The case of the city of Savannah va. Mary Bieh- ards, colored, on appeal from the decision of the Mayor’s Court, was taken up in order—counsel for theaipellant, Mr. PoweU, from Lee, being present and representing the plaintiff in the case. The case has already been reported in the wgalar proceedings in the Mayor’s Court. The case stood, on appeal: “Mrs. John T. Denham, colored, alias Mary Richards, colored, charged with disorderly condnot,” fcc. The witnesses on the part of the city were called. Lieutenant Howard deposed—That there was a dial orderly crowd iu front of the fair, which he had dis persed, and that hearing some evciting talk on the opposite side of the street he went over, and was abused by the woman, the appellant; ahe gave him exceeding tnsoience, both in tone and manner, and abused the police generally. Sergeant Sava a deposed—That he was on doty in the Barracks; that she threw both of the policemen aside, and reaisted being searched. Gross-examined-She reaisted the police and re fused to be searched. Policeman Hinaa sworn—Lient. Howard ordered mo toarreat bar; alio said aba belonged to tha Woman’s Bighta Association, and wltb opprobiona opttbota re fined to be arrested, aba aaid sba would allow me to search her. Police nan Wood—I am the night sentinel; my duty is to search prisoners; she aaid ahe had no pockets and struck me, clawed at me and pulled my hair; I hardly think aha was sober ; she was the worst woman I ever looked up. The city closed here and the counsel for the appel- laut introduced Moses Mossman colored, who being sworn, introduced to prove the character of tha wo man held at his house Ho deposed that she was recommended to him to be a married woman, and that a white man said she was his wife; she was look ing for a house to try and gets school; she went from my house to Dr. Reed as a seamstress; she don’t owe me any mouey but the geiitlema i doe.-*; he has been boarding at my houoe four weeks; she seems to be a respectable woman; whenever she goes out she goes out with my wife. The appellant was allowed to make her statement, which was the same as made before the Court. Mr. Powell said that the caso of this woman was ouough to exoite the feelings of all men. She was a woman, aud inasmuch as we are all descended from woman, she should be entitled to that generosity which nil men yield to trne womanhood. He went on to elucidate the f ids ot tho cass, and in referring to the search of her person, he contended that the fact of her resistance proved the fact of her virtue, and that the indication of excitement incident to that search was what any woman of virtue would resist. The case, he said, appealed strongly to the feeliug of the Court, she being a woman of a lrgh sauae of virtue, of propriety, aud an educated woman. Ou motion of Alderman Waring, that farther action be suspended until the next meeting of Council- seconded, and on motion carried. The Fire Committee, on the petition of C. K. Os good & Co. anil Gordon k Calvert, recommend that the petitions be favorably received on certain condi tions. Adopted. The same Committee reported favorably on the application of Messrs. Habersham and Cnlien to make repairs. Adopted. The Committee on Public 8ates and City Lots, on the petition of Nancis Nanis, asking the lease of Springfield Plantation, reported favorably thereto. The Special Committee on the application of Lewis Gardener, on the removal of night soU, recommend tliat the $8 and $4 for large and small size privies for the first year, aud $6 aud $3 for the remaining years of bis contract. The Special Committee on the recommendation of the Georgia Medical Society, to furnish medical at tendance for the indigent poor, reoommending the election or appointment of four physicians, to. as many districts, at a monthly salary of S60. Laid over till next meeting. The .Special Oomrai too on the recommendation for tho discharge of ballast, recommend the lo *er end of Fig island for that purpose, and that $600 be appro priated tor the same. The report or the City S irveyor in relation to d-aiuingtlie ponds in the southern extremity of tjie city, and furnishing estimates for the same. Re- ee.ved as information. ORDINANCES. Alderman Wylly, Irom the special committee of Council at an informal meeting, reported an ordi nance as a substitute for Ike ordinance regulating the fire companies, which, on motion, was read a second time and unanimously passed. It provides— First. That no organization shall bo connected with the Savannah Fire Department without the con- seut of the City Council. Second. That every engine or apparatus shall be considered the propurly of the city, and shall not be withdrawn without a notice of thirty days. Third. No engine or apparatus bs assigned to pri vate work, or removed ^hout the jurisdiotion of tho city, without consent or CouncU. Fourth. Every Steam Fire Kngina Company to sleet th^ir own engineer, to be examined by a board of en gineers, aud confirmed by CounoU. Fifth. Each steam Fire Company to be allowed $150 per month, for all ordinary expenses. Sixth. No engineer to put on more than seventy pounds stsam at fires under penalty of $30, Seventh. Tests of oapacity only to be made at an nual parades, and then throagh hose furnished fo r that purpose. Eight. Eugines to take any available route in going to fires, but on returning not to pass throagh squares, market or sidewalks. All disagreements between the Chief and Fire Com panies, or in subordination, ko , to be referred to the Mayor, with an appeal by either party to Connell. An ordinance to create "the office of Inspector of streets and lanes, provi ling for the election of said officer aud other purposes received its first reading- An ordinacce to create an officer of keeper of drains (already published) received its second reading. This ordinance, wat as Btated In lieu of the Super intendent of Dry Cnlture. On motion, the ordinance waa laid over till next meeting. An ordinance making it unlawful for any Alderman or oity officer to be surity (already published) received a second reading and passed. The petition of citizen* of Savannah, asking Coun cil lo is*uo process to abate a in the shape of a lewd house kept by one Mary Jane Greer,* situated on Abercorn street, and known as the Ice House. General Jackson presented the petition, and sus tained it by a forcible argument. Alderman Meyer moved that the matter be referred to the Mayor to call an extra meeting of Council to investigate the matter. Adopted. Several pet'tioBs were read and referred to appro priate committees. Memorial of citizens In relation to the removal of the Powder Magazine to an Isolated spot. Referred to Commiitee on Public Buildings. Petition of Mr. Neff and Rosenbaum to tap the pnblio sewer. Deferred to Tue Street and Lane Com mitted. Petitions of residents in the vicinity of Pulaski Square, asking the repair of the same. Laid over. By Alderman Hunter— Resolved, That the Chairman of Street and Lana Committee be authorized to fill up «••• ®‘°* e Pulaski square as other squares. Adopted. By Alderman Wj ! ly— Resolved, That $326 be appropriate* he P U JT***? of draining the ponds. Referred to in the city Sur veyor’s report. AUernun Wjlly, Hunt.r ,Qd Meyfr. wore >pp.lnt- od a Committee to carry out the .bore reeoluUoD. A Committee of three, were on motion ot Aldermen One appointed to report for the commnuicetlon ef the Inferior Court to referenoe to the eetebU.hment ofe work houre. Referred to e Speclel Committee of three with the Meyor added. The Committee appoint ed, were Aldermen Oue. Hunter and Weriu*. The eleotloD of Mr. MoAleer he Foremen of the Washing on Eiglne O wnpeny roc. .Marklne. resiglned, was confirmed. Aldermen Waring moved the Appointment ofe ppeciel Committee to welt upon. Mr. Wm. gcArenger, in referenoe re the condition of .treeli “m‘u“'of eeeonnf prered. $«.*I2 *7. cil ailjour bed. Mayor’* Cowrg. Alderman Foad, MAyorpro teen, presiding. Wednesday, March 4, 1868. In the absence of His Honor this morning the .chair was filled by. Alderman Ford, find the admin- istiation of impartial justice was sonseqoently not delayed. We have often been forcibly remi ided that a morbid curiosity is ona of the strongest passions of human natnre, and is not, as some philosophers (so-called} contend, confined to the female sex. Es pecially Is ft a largo element In the composition of little minds and ignorant people. Notice the lobby- ltea whngathei at the Mayor’s Comt from day to day, and the observing student of human nature can tell with almost mathematical certainty the social and mental st-amfird of these fn quenters upon the courts. JEriallsm here finds a strong argument, par ticularly in the cull season of summer, and wo, whose duties compol us there, shrink at tho contem plation of what lies before us during the hot weather coming. The continued case of Captain Ogden, of the schooner Arctic, waa first called, and was further continued nntU 10 o'clock to-day. Thomas O’Connor was charged with being drunk and disorderly, and insulting ladies in the street. The evidence did not show any insulting language, bat the fact that O'Connor, while under tho spell of wine (whiskey) followed alter two ladies, who took refuge in a store. ; Thomas is not the only man who. has got intc difficulty following after petticoats, end may congratulate himself in getting out of the scrape on the payment of fir 3 dollars and costs. James Tully, with a different kind of feeling was charged with striking Mrs. Little, in her house. Con stable Jones, was at the Cuurt armed with a formida ble piece of paper technically called a warrant, which having been exhibited to bis Honor, James Tully, was taken before a Magistrate lor prosecution, foi assault and battery. J. O. McEeuny and Sarah Redding two white females were ^charged with being drunk aud dis orderly In the Exchange, aud also disorderly at the Police Barracks, and the facts in the case being proved they were fined $j each and coats. B. K. Cil list inn, was up for being drunk and lying in the Street, bis face was much brnisod from falling on the pavement, in consideration of its being a first offence, and having been in Barracks since Tuesday morning, he was discharged. Tho same disposition, under like circumstances was mate in the caao Jno. Fortune, both being sea faring men, who have more lattitudo allowed them. Chas. H. Howell, wa3 arraigned for enrsiug, abusing and striking witness in her house; here again loomed up the Constable having papers to arrest the body of Howell, and he was turned over to Justice Laine’s Conetab'e, to be dealt with as the law directs. Primus Williams (colored), was found drunk, with four setts of white metal spoons, a box of canned oysters and a now black frock coat in his posse-cdon, which satisfactorily to accouut for, he said he bought the articles from Mrs. Barcho, and the case was con tinued to allow the lady to be produced this morning at 10 o’clock. Edward Smith and James Johnson (colored). Charged with fighting in a store on West Broad strict, were fined $5 and costs, which not being nble to pay. they were seut to the Barracks for five days. King of Pain sold by Druggists generally T. H. Walsh, Wholesale Agent. DnowsBo.- The first ihaIa of tho British Ship Jame, Jardine, Captain Benjon. waA UrowMd resLdaj Afternoon At 1:20 o'clock, under tko Mow ing circnmatanoM. Tic ahlp la loading pool, and lie, .uUld. the Bark Kathleen. of the Charleaton and Florida Una M ■*““ J*" Three plank, conriilutlng a ganjway conntota the two .hips, and at 1:2.1 o’clock jaaterdajr, while tha Animate waa walking Urn gnngwnp between ifte Teasel, hi. foot oangbt io the late retire. Iretween the plank., .nd h. fell headlong baiwreo tire two Abb* into the river, striking hit bend to th# toil against Ins aids of the Kathleen, he never rot® to the surface After dragging i?r bts body, one hour, it was recovered life being extinct. There were many witnesses to the fell and • coroner’s investigation was deemed unnee- B% TU» deosnsed it % native of the Isleof Jersey, named Peel Lord, is n single man. and aged 2$ year*; he wUl be burled W the British Consul. Commercial. Savannah market. Office of the Kswq and . Hkkald, 1 Savannah, Marcli 4—6 P. M. j Coxxon—Opened excited, with sn active demand which has continue* throughout the day, holders having covered up their samples, or asking “ out of the market ” prices. Cable dispatches shows Liver pool market irregular and excited, and New York has advanced 2c to-day. Our market has followed, aud shows an advance of-2c since our last report, closing firm, and advancing at very irregular figures. We quote: Ordinary 21 Good Ordinary .....22 * .(51) Low middling va*i(q> Middling .24‘»qii25 The sales to-day have been as follows: 6 bales at 20)4, 26 bales at 21,12 bales at 21J£, 19 bales at 2L J*, 259 bales at 22, 50 bales at 22>4, 3S7 bales at 22G46 bales at 23, 27 bales at 23%, 132 bales at 23%, 4 bales at 23%, 62 balas at 25, 3 bales at 26. Total, 1,631 Jralee. Sea islands are firm, and in Tair iionmnd re* fail prices. Sales are as follows* 1 bag* at 45, 8 bags at 50, 7 bags at 63, 9 bags at 65, 6 bags at 60. Total, 37 bags. The receipts to-day amount to 1,664 bales. Gold—Steady. Brokers* are buying at 140@141; selling at 143&144. Exchange—Quiet New York sight, buying at >« and selling at >4 ^ cent off; sterling is firm, and bought at 152 for sixty days time. Bacon—Coniinues active, with an advancing ten dency. We quote: Prime clear sides, 163£@17c; clear ribbed sides, I6gj)16‘4u; ribbed sides, 15‘*(<$lt>*.c; shoulders, 14c. Dry salted shoulders, 12,' 4 'c; do ribbed sldoB, 14c; do clear ribbed sides, 13c; do clear sides, 15jfc. Hams, plain, 16® 18c; can vassed, 18@20c. Flodb.—The market is quiet, but firm. 8upply quite sufficient for the demand »nd increasing. We quote: New Georgia super, $13(y>13 50; extra, $i5(gi $15 50; family, $16@17. Northern, super, $lof<^ $11 50; extra, $12 50@14; fancy and family, $l:‘i(& 16 60. Fbkiohts.—To Liverpool, hy sail, on uplands, 7-l6@i4d; on eea islands, y z d; through via New York, by steam, on uplands, J»d; ou sea islands. l?,d. To New York, by steam, lc on nprnnds, locos’ sea island, $2 5o.on rice, $1 on domestics; by sail, >,c on uplands. To Philadelphia, by steam, Jfc on up lands, $2 on rice, 75c on domestics. To Baltimore, by steam, X& on uplands. To Boston, through via Philadelphia, by t-team, 1 %o. In coastwise ibere is a large quantity of freight offering, with a small supply of tonnage. Vessels arriving would be quick-y plaor d at %@29-32c on cotton for boston—a of 1,000 bales capacity has closed at that rale; $i0 50on luuilier to New York and Boston; rouqh rice, 12^ : 3c to Bos ton, 16c from the AlLtniabn. A schooner to Rich mond with r.iilro d iron has been taken up at $5. Cuban freights are dull; little offering Tonnage is also wanted foreiguwise for timber and lumber. Grain.—Corn is dull snd declining, ou account oT large quantities oir the way. We quote: prime Mary land, $145@160; Tennessee quiet at $1 artful 42. Oats are in light deman-'; heavy mixed have been sold at $lfrom wharf, $1 10 from store, $1 13 tor seed. Rice.—Quiot, but firm. Prime clo-m Carolina, 10\ <2$llc; rough, $2 26(g»2 3o; seed rice, $3($4 50; lten- g-.fon, 10>,c. 8UOABS.—Good stock, and prices unchanged. We quote: Crushed, I8@18Jic; A white 17c; B do, Htj'ac; extra do, I6c; yellow 0,14^^15>,c; brown cl irified, I4Kc; Muscovado, 13}^I4c; Porto Kico, 14(d)15c. MAUKET5 MV TEbKGUAPtl. Foreign Markets. London, Mi-.rch 4—Noon. Financial.—Conso's, 93>*(§)W)4. United Slates bonds, 71j.®71tf. - Pabis, March 4. Financial.—Bourse active. Rentes firm. Liverpool, March 4—Noon. Cotton—Active, excited, and advancing rapidP; transactioni very h^avy; prices have advanced luily Aid since opening of m irkot; upland-* ou spot and to arrive, 9,*<d. Orleans. 9^d; sales probably 25,000 bales. Bbead-ttuffs—Steady. Liverpool, March 4—Afternoon. Cotton—Is still active. Domestic Markets. New Yoke, March 4—Noon. Financial.—Sterling, 9^. Government bonds, old, 1)0*. Gold, 141. Cotton—Iii le better, 24@24>4c. Flour -5®loo bettor. Grain — W neat a shade firmer. Corn lc better. Rye ht adv. oats are a ab ide firm -r. F no visions—Mss pork firm. Lrd lower, I6@16c FRKiohts—Dull. Naval PTOSES.—Turpentine firmer at 7t£@7234c Ryiin-very firm; strained and common, $3 86 Baltimore, March 4. Cotton—Very firm at 25o. Fl-»ub—Qmetand unchanged. Grain—Corn firmer; white. $1 10<gll 12; yellow, $1 l.@l 14; oats steady at 78@80c; rye firmer at $1 76; wheat steady. Provisions—Firm but inactive, New York, March 4. Financial—Gold. 140J£; aterllng quiet at 9?£; 1862 eoupons, 10 *£; North Carolina. 6l?S@62. Cotton—kora active and advanced, with sales of 6.000 bain* at 25e. Flour—More doing for export; State, $8 60@10 60; Southern, $9 «0@14 60. Grain—Wheat a shade firmer and more doing; corn. Southern white, $1 16@1 i7>£; yellow, $1 24. Provisions—Meespork, new, $26; old, $21 §0; lard unchanged. Groceries—Qitiet and firm. Naval SToRBa^-Turpentine, 72@T3o; rosin, $3 25 @7 06. FnnidkTs—Drooping. Mobile, March 4. Cotton.—Sales, 3.700 bales; market opened firm at 22yic atid closed at 24c, holders asking 25c; no sales repotted at this figure. Receipts, 308 bales • exports, 864 bales. « Augusta, March 4. Cotton—Market active and excited; sales, 103 bales; receipts, 340 bales; New York middling, 24c. New Orleans, March 4. Financial —Sterling,* 51@54. New York sight, )* discount. Gold, <W* Cotton—Active .and excited ; middlings. ^24c. areirea 7,000bales; receipts, 7,612 bales; exports, 3.691 *RtoUn—Easy* superfine, $10 00. GBA1N —Corn firmer, 98@#6c. Oats, 75<a77e. Provisions.—Pork firm, at $27. Baoon and laid quiet and unchanged. Charleston, March 4. Cotton—Market excited, and advanced l*@2c; snuS^S boles; middling, 23 Cincinnati, March 4. Flour—Uoob*nr*d- SKKSSSSpiiv » nd »»' I^Visioh*—Shoulders, 1U&S cMar sides, 14*C. Lard dull fit l»Xc. Louhvills, March 4. Provisions—Meis pork, $24 60. Bacon shoulders, UXSlixc; claw aides, ux@18.Kc. Wilmington. N. C., March 4. Naval 8tokx3—Spirits of turpentine advanced to 66c; rosin weak; strained No. 2, $2 40; loW|No. 1. $600. Cotton—Advanced, middling, 24c. Tab—Firm at $2 30. LATK5T MARKETS BY MAIL. Macon, March 3. Cotton.—Owing doubtless to favorable noon dis patches from Liverpool, and the small offering stock on sale, the market opened quite animated to-day. snd an advance of a half cent on yesterday'a quota tions was easily obtained. The activity prevailed until the close of the market, and all good grades of cotton brought 21 >40.—Telegraph. Montgomery, March 2. Cotton—The market was fairly active, at un changed prices. The Liverpool news, quoting s de cline. bad no effect upon cor market. Quotations nominal. statement. Stock on hand, September 1,1867 660 Received since 56,114—66,114 Total receipts 66,674 Total shipments 46,207 Stock February 29, 1868 10,467 [Mail. Columbus, March 2. Cotton.—Market firm yesterday with Northern middl ngs at 20>£c. Warehouse sates 662 bales. Re ceipts 35 bales—V7 by M R R, 1 by Opelika R R. 7 by wagons. Shipments 216 bales—78 by M R R. 138 by river. Total receipts sinee September 1, 1867, (in cluding 358 bales, stock at that time) 79,040 bales; shipments, 67,678; stock. 11,362. We kave changed our previous shipments to make them correspond with warehouse books.—Sun. Atlanta, March 3. Cotton.—There are no changes from Saturday last to report m the market. We therefore state Ho. as the price. We heard of no sales or receipts.—hit. Albany, March 2. Cotton.—None offering, and quotations impossi* ble.—News. Griffin, March 2. Cotton—Was brisk on yesterday, at 17c, and very little arriving.— S:ar. Darien Weekly Timber and Shipping Report. (Roported by H. T. Sbaw, Timber Merchant.) Darien, Ga., March 1,1868. Timber.—Shipping timber arriving freely, and taken uu at lair prices. Mill timber coming iu slow ly, and bringing from $8 to $10. VESSELS ARRIVED THIS WEEK. Schooner Marion Flag, Maloney—Young A Lang- dun. VESSELS SAILED THIS WEEK. British bark Susquehanna, Maiilard, cargo timber for New Castle—V. Kpping. VESSELS IN FORT. Ship Howard, Roberts, loading lumber—J T Pater son & Co. British bark Tin to, Condorn, waiting—C Epplng. • Schooner Ida May, Drisco, loading at mill—J T Paterson « Co. Schooner M B Harris, loading at mill— Ybarra. Schooner Benjamin Brown, loading rice—Master. Schooner Coquette, Cruise, repairing—J T Paterson & Co. Shipping Intelligence. Vintaturs Almanac—This Day. Sun rises jg Sum sels.. 5 44 High water 6 40 A M PORT OF SAVANNAH. Thursday, March 5,1868. Arrived Yesterday. .Steamship Huntsville. Crowell, New York—Octa- vus cohni ft Co. Steamship San Jacinto, Atkins. New York—J Rossc. Jr. St auier Dictator, Willey, Charleston—L J Guil- martiu ft Go Steamer City Point, Adkins, Palatka—L J Gnil- raartin ft Ou. steamer Sylvan Shore, Tucker, Fefnandlna, ftc— Claghorn ft Cunningham. llr hark Georgiaua, 579 tons, Fowler, 40 days, Liv erpool—Crane ft Gray bill. Cleared Yesterday. *“ Steamer Dictator, Willey, Palatka, Fla—L J Gull- martin ft Co. Ste mer City Point, Adkins, Charleston—L J Gnil- martin ft. Co. Pr ship Margaret Evans, MoCnllough, Liverpool E A Soullaril. Sailed Yesterday. Steamer Swan. Gibson, Augusta and landings—M A Cohen. . . mearner n M L-ooi, r/tuung, Darien, ftc—M A Co hen. Steamer Lizzie Baker, La Rose. Palatka, ko— Clachorn ft Cunningham. steamer Dictator, Willoy, Palatka—L J Gniimar- tin ft Co. Steamer City Point, Adkins, Charleston—L J Guilmartin ft Co. Steamer Pilot Boy, McNulty, Charleston—Claghorn ft Cunningham. import.*. Per Br bark Georgians, from Liverpool—400 tons coal, to Bav Gas Co. Receipts. Per steamer Sylvan Shore, from Florida—64 bales sea island cotton, 25 bags cotton seed, 10 bales hides. Per steamer Dictator, from Charleston-21 pack ages mdse, 50 b tgs peas, 15 tierces hams. Per steamer City Point, from Florida—15 bales sea island cutton. Exports. Per ship Margaret Evans, for Liverpool—2,170 bal'*s upland cotton, 332 bales sea island cotton. paMcagen. Per steamer Sylvan shore, from Florida—O J Young, W Bi-uell, C G Moore, J W Williams, J C Samer.J Abbott and tedy, D G Caldwell and lady Capt Gray, U W Pyles, aud 5 deck. Per steamahip Huntsville, from New York—F A To vneend, Mies Cntnmtnge, J Kelly. Mrs Fitzgerald. J Fitzgelald, Miss M A Fitzgera.d, F Fitzgerald, R N Thomas and lady, J T Cady, R Wastray, F Church- hlll- Per steamer City Point, from Florida—Mr R bert*. Miss Roberts, Mrs Symons, B D Copp, Oliver, Mrs Bailey. Z Block ingtou, J P Reigel, 0 G Young, D Walton. W Dent, W G Swan, Piukerson, E J simp- son, H O Denton, and 4 deck. Per s'earner Dictator, from Charleaton—Rev B J McManuix, Krv J Qniun, H G Eastman, 8 H Iugor- oll, T Parish, Dr and Mrs sands. Mr Peel, Mrs and Miss Scott. W McAlisier and sou, W Wetson, J B Duckwort h, R Mnre, Mrs H A Esdom, Miss E Elias C Lorant, J E Ward, E Etustine, J Knox, W Blake, T P V»lc. J C Dutch, aud 5 deck. Per steamship San Jacinto, from New York—H Livingston, H Center, H W Curtis, EG Platt, Jno J Phelps A W White and wife, 8 Jellson and wif-, H H Emmori aud brother, F D Bozsrt, J A Husee, jr, F J Temharn and wife, D Sloane, wlte, d ovt, E Collins and wife, Mins M Collins, E G Howe and wife, Mr* t’ol-lus and daughter, Mrs Green and daughter. J McCullough, K Rsinington, Mrs E Dch- uer. W Allen wif-.‘ and son, Mrs Prior, child and svt. A Gorsl. nl and wire, Miss 8 Yonug, Miss M Ly decker, L C White nud wife, U L White, S F D.ty, Wife aud 3 children. Miss Weeks, J H Abbott, P fl Moyles. and 6 steerage. [By Telegraph.] Charleston, March 4—Arrived, steamers Man- batian. Moneka aud M it.mzai, from New York; bark Rowland, from Havana. Sailed. Champion, for New York. Conslfiuees. per ftearaer Sylvan Shore, from Florida— A C Mc Rae, J W Anderson’s Sons ft Co, L J Guilmartin ft C< p,;r steamship San Saoloto, from New York—A ft G R R Agent, Ga C K R, GW Allen, Botehaw ft 8„ BloS ft M, Urjau, H ft Co, Bell ft U, Barnett ft Co, B L Ih'Ulinean, C J Beatty, M A Cohen, Claghorn ft C Cbffrey A H. S M Golding, Cooper, O ft Co, Cham pion ft F, DeWilt ft M, M J Doyle ft Oo, T J Dnnbsr A Co, Einstein A E, D Fa’-vey. A ft L Friedehberg, a Comm, C L Gilbert, Ducke .h-dmer ft S, L J Quil* 111a t-n ft Co, i Gross ft Bro, J W Gregory, Hilton ft R. N A Hardee, Sons ft Co, Holcombe ft Co, G M Heldt, Gen B It Jackson, N B Knapp. MKraosaft Oo. Levy ft B. J L>ous, Lovell ft L, J Llppman, La- throb ft CO, J Lama, S M Lederer, 8 Moore, J 0 Ma ke: ft Co, R Mclnitre ft Co, Mallon dk F, F M Myiell, JC Mather- D Mal’eit ft Co, J Oliver, Levi Orser, C‘»hl**r. Palmer ft D, C D Rogers ft Bro, Buggies ft A, W G Roblnee-i, Bo Kx Co, E l> Sinythe ft Co, Tiaoq ft d a a soloinons ft Co, P Tuberdy, M A Topham ft CO, J B West ft Co, W H Wlltberger, M H Williams ft Son, W H Woods. Per st amer Dictator, from Charleston—W M Mix on, L J Guilmartin ft Co, F Patterson. L Dayton, A A S ft Co, Mrs A H Es-drom, W B, O H A. Per steamer Oity Point, from Florida—Sloan, G ft Co, J L Villalonga. Bouie ft B, F M Myrell, Davant ft W J W Anderaon’s t*ona ft Co, E Salas. Per steamship Hantsville, from New York—MaJ G E Alden. Alexander ft Ii, Blun a M. Blair ft B, C J Beatty, H Brigham. Barnett ft Co, Bate*ou ft Bro, J A ft J F Brown, Brigham, H ft Co Bell ft H, Brady ft M, M A Cohen. Claghorn ft C. S M Coldiog, DeWitt ft MJH Demand, Einstein, E ft Co, Eiustetn ft K, Er win ft H, M Ferst ft Co, I L Falk ft Co, A ft L Freid- enberg, Ferrili ft W, T Fitz H^nry, 8 Goodall, A Goram, Guckenbeimer ft S. C L Gilbert, C Green ft Son L J Guilmartin ft Co, Holcombe ft Co. Heldt ft L. Hooter ft G, W Hone, R M Hnut, R Habersham ft So:.*, A B Ives. liOfell A L, J Lyon. Sir Lizzie Ba ker. Latbrop ft Co, J Lindeay, 8 Moore. Meinhard, Bros v On, F M Myrell, J O Maker 4k Co, A J Miller ft Co Millar ft Bro, W D R Miller. Mms-ju ft Kstiil, M 8 Meyer, T Meyers, C Meitzler, R Mclntire ft Co, G T Nichols. T Nngeut, J Oliver, Orff ft W, Palmer ft D. Oppenheimer, M ft Co, Randell ft Oo, R N Reed ft! Co Cl) Rogers a Bro. T Reber, ship Star of the West, A A Solomons ft Co, F W Sims ft Co, str Syl van 8hore. WB Stark ft Oo, Starr ft B, I'isonJk G, CWT, HA Topham Jk Co, £ Gifford, W H Woods, Weed ft C, and others. Consignees per Central K. R. Match 4, 1868. 1,535 bales cotton, 424 sacks corn, 184 sacks oaf*. 16 cars timber, 1 car lumber, 17 boxes tobacco, 12 boles yarn, 4 bales domestic*, lo rolls leather, 8 hhds bacon, 4 cords wood. 1 horse, 16 bbls guano, 7 bbis and 2 boxes eggs. 5 bags peas, 5 boxes. 6 bars iron, 4 empty half barrels, 18 empty kegs, and mdse., to H Q Knwe. W B Hodaon. Watts 4k McR, J G Davis, J ft W Rutherford, A Dobell ft Co, Einstein ft B. A ft G R R agt, W E Basstoger, A Kohler, La Koche ft D, E E Hertz ft Co, J G Haynes ft Bro, G Gemenden, J McMahon ft Co, M 8 Cohen, CBR Agt, Austin ft B, N A Hardee’ Son ft Co, W Battersby ft Co. Padelford ft C, Ferriil ft W. Bryan, H ft Co. Knoop. H ft’Co. Gnerard ft H. Clark, J ft Go, W H Woods, Sloan, G ft Co, j F ft M Hamilton, W H Stark ft Co, WHktofiofr ft W. Wilder ft F, W J Sams, F W Sims ft Oo, BP -K Washburn, P H Behn, A 8 Hartridge. Bothwell ft W,' A T Cunningham, J A Phillips ft Oo, L J Guilmartin ft C. C Bppiug ft Co, A P Wiggins, ■ O Wade ft Oo, j W Anderson’s Sons ft Oo. SEED RICE. Q.EORGBTOWN AND SAVANNAH RIVER, very free from red, flail threshed, and 45 to 49 ponnds. b26—lw ROST. HABERSHAM ft SONS. NEW GOODS! IJeSVitt & Morgan , Will Tills Day Open PARIS DRESS GOODS, Consisting of Grenadines. Bareges, Challies, Mohairs. Poplins a-id Lisle Thread. ENGLISH, FRENCH and AMERICAN PRINTS. WHITE and PRINTED MARSEILLES and PIQUES. A full line or BLACK BILKS, MOURNING GOODS in everv variety, A toll line of WHITE GOODS—L nen Sheetings and Table D mask, English and French LONG CLOTHS, FANCY CAS8IMEKB3, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS, BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, ftc., ftc., at the lowest market prices. feb28—tf 137 CONGRESS ST. KO MACHINERY USED! EMPIRE CITY LAUNDRY, OOBKBR OF MONTGOMERY STREET AND CONGRESS STREET LANE. ^LL KINDS OF WASHING EXECUTED IN A SUPERIOR MANNER AND AT LOW > RATES. 9* Articles called for and delivered, in any part Of (ho city,Tree of charge 49~ A TRIAL IS SOLICITED. tel>28—lm A. J. RADCLIFF ft CO. ADVANCES ON COTTON. ABB PREPARED TO MAKE liberal Advances on Cotton Consigned to us, to b? hnld any length of time, unit ing Consignors Particulars will be given on appli cation at our office. HARNEY & CO., 12 Stoddard’s Upper Range* feblO—It Polytechnic College. L. M. Shafer. I£sq., 89 York street, opposite the Court House, is hereby appointed AGENT FOE THE CITY OF SAVANNAH, To receive and collect subscriptions fur the Polytechnic College, located to the City of Bainbridge, Georgi s. It is earnestly hoped that the citizens of Savannah will-serionsly consider the Importance of the College, and lend a helping baud in order to its early comple- febl5-tf W. H. HOOKER, General Agent. Jas. ‘W’. i£eogh ( LOCKSMITH and BELL-HANGER, H AS REMOVED from the corner of Jefferson and President streets to the CORNER OF WHITAKER STREET AND CONGRESS-STREET LANE. mh'2—:r Board at $7 Per Week. QOOD BOARD CAN BS OBTAINED AT THE ubufo price par week within a few minntes walk of Bay street.' Afctf, a FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. Apply at this office.feb25—tf Furs and Skins. I’iEER, OTTER, MINK, RACCOON, etc., bought for shipping; also, Hides, Beeswax and Wool. CHARLES LEDLIE, .feb!9—MAF4w • 212 Bay su, foot of Jefferson. Mules at Private Sale. JP»OR SALE-SIX PINE WELL BROKE MULES For farther Information Inquire at the office of mh2—tf WILLIAMS, WARD A MclNTIRE. LECTURE ON CHINA! A LECTURE WILL BE DELIVERED,: under the t\ aus. lces-of the Georgia Historical Society, BY THE Hon. J0I1\ E. WARD, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 6th instant, at eight o’clock, in the TUftATRE. Subject—CHINA. TIOKETF can «;e procured at th- Book Stores or fro.rt the Committee. The Historical 8 ck ty and the lecturer desiring to co-operate wi h the community in paying a tribute to the late BIS'JOI’ BLLIO i T. at the time of hia death the beloved and honored Pre sident of the Society, the proceeds of the lecture will be devoted to that purpose. A. R. LAWTON, W. d. BOG. RT, J. S. F. LANCASTER, mh2—td Committee Georgia H,stoma Society. TO FARNER8 AND PLANTERS. Ws Offer for sale the DOUBLE REFINED POUD* BETTE, made by the Lodi Manutoctnring Company, from the night soil of New York City, at $25 per ton of 2,060 lba., freight added. PURSE ft THOMAS, Agents, Savannah, Ga. Road the following testimonials : ■ at Hoxg, Near Marietta, Ga„ Oct. 16,1867. A. J. Roberts «£• Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemon—I am well pleased with the result of the use of the “Double Refined Poudrotto” on my crops. 1 tried it 'oiT'bdth corn and cottou, and am satisfied wherever it was applied the yield was more'than double what it would hare bc-on without it Y regret exceedingly my not usuing it more extensively the present year,-but will try to make Op my loss hy pur chasing a larger quantity next spring. I regard it as the cheapest, most reliable, and easiest managed fer tilizer within my knowledge, ai»« cheerfully recom mend it (os I have tried it thoroughly) to the farmers of this seotion, and particularly to those planting cot ton, from the fact of Its causing it to mature from ten days to two weeks earlier than it would without the use of the Poudrctte. I also used It on my garden, -Akd found it of much beneV t to all kinds of plants. Very respectfully, &C., . J! G. 8. OGLESBY. Extract from a letter received from Professor Martin, of Hampden, Sidney Cbllegd, Virginia, dated July 1st, 1867. Tile Doable Refined Poudrctte to operating-'like a charm crop, and attracting universal attention from all beholders. I am already satisfied that it is the cheapest and surest renovator of our worn-out High 8hoaus, Ga., Oct. 4,1867. Janies R. Dev. Esq- : Sir—The Double Refined Foudretto I bought for two other jtertle* to connection with myself—one ol them need it on cotton and corn, and thinks it an- swetbd finely; the other put it on cotton, on very poorgroond. and thinks it doubled his crop* I used it ou corn. It auawered finely, and was thought by the hand that cultivated the crop to be folly equal to Rbodes’ Super Phosphate. I also need it pn about an acre of cotton, and, I am clearly of opinion that it is the best and cheapest fertilizer to use, and 1 exppet to order several tons this winter. . Yours, very respectfully. 18AAG POWELL. ELfiAVnxK. Schley County, Ga., Oct. 4,1867. The Double Refined Poudrette purchased of yon last spring, I think, increased my c/op of cotton 160 pounds per acre; put it upon worn out pine land, at the rate of *10 pounds per acre, drilled iu with cottou ' Sooreu'io.. 8. MONTOOMEBY. Salibbuby, N. C., Aug. 10, 186T. Janies R. Dev. Esq.: Dear Sit—I can safely say that your Donble Refined Poudrette is tor superior to any other other fertilizer cotton; furl hav# given it a fair trial this season. Yours, JEHU FOSTER, Jk. Savannah, Ga., Sept 25,1867. James R. Dev. Esq., Present.: Dear Sir—I used the Double Refined Poudrette tewf ht of you last spring, on-corn. 1 think it increas ed the yield one-half. 1 consider it an excellent manure. Respectfully, T. HOLCOMBE. Ridgeway, 8. C., Sept. 21,1&7. Mr. James R. Dry; ■ Sir—I applied’the Doable Refined Poudrette by it and in nombtoitiun with other fertilizers, on cot ton! and «!&»«£&wttfc it;a© much so that it is my present intention to purchase a larger supply of yon the next year to apply to my cotton crop; Yours, very respectably, , // K . . HENRY O. DAVIS. Boon Moukt, Edgecombe, Co., N. 0., Nov. 13,1866. \ R. Dev. Esq.: , : «»p—In reply to.your inquiry of the results of onr mperiend* In th«f nss Of your Improved Pondrette, purchased ef frm/or thi* year’s cotton crop,.we would beg leave to my that the present season has been one utnte unfavorable to the action of all fertilizers. Several kinds of manureuwere u*e»i by ns. with the exeeptloawf ‘jmrRxta^xtns, with Utile orno effect td THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP Leo, DEARBORN, Commander, Will sail for the above port on Tuesday, Murcia 10* ut — o’clock — m. No Engaged Berths Secured Unless Paid for by MONDAY MORN IN G, March 9th. Through bills lading given here on Cotton destined tor Liverpool, by first-class steamers. For freight or passage aoplv to HUNTER ft GAMMELL. mh4 S4 Bay street. Shipping. Murray’s Line FOB NEW YORK. Shipping. BLACK STAR INDEPENDENT LINE!! FOB HEW YORK FOR BOSTON THE FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIP Equator, Captain SPENCER, Will sail for the above port on Friday, March 6, at — o’clock — n. For freight or passage apply to mb3 4t bTAFR ft R05BRT8. Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Co. For Philadelphia. Cabin Passago *90 The first class steamship TONAWANDA JENNINGS, Commander, Will sail for the above port on Saturday, March 7th, at —o'clock—m For freight or passage apply to mli3 HUNTER ft GAMMELL. FOR NEW YORK EMPIRE LINE. CABIN PASSAGK $,S. STBKIIAGB. with Sab.litcnc. $17. p*r GREAT REDUCTION IN LOCAL FREIGHT FROM NEW YORK. TAB PINS 81DEWHEBL STEAMSHIP SAN JACINTO, ATKINS, Master. Will sail as above on Saturday, March 7th, at — o'clock — m. tar Positively no engaged berths secured after Wednesday. March 4th, unless paid for. Stir For freight or passage, having superior ac commodations. apply to JOS. ROSSE, Ja., Agent, iso. 12 Stoddard's Range. WM. R. HARRISON, Agent, mh2 No. 6 Bowling Green. New York. FOR BALTIMORE. THE STEAMSHIP North Point, BILLUP8. Commander, will sail for Baltimore on FRIDAY, MARCH 6th. For freight or passage, having good accommo dation?, apply to feb29 J. B. WEST ft CO. FOR NEW YORE ATLANTIC COAST Mail Steamship Lane, SIDEWHEEL SHIPS, SAILING EVERT THURSDAY. Cabin i’auage, (25 Steerage, $13 The newand very fast sailing side wheel steamship HERMAN LIVINGSTON, 2,006 tons, EATO.N, Commander, will positively leave on her regular day, Thursday, March 5th, at 8 o’clock p. m. Bills of lading given here on through freights ,>f cor.ton to Lt /erpool by first-class steamers. For freight or passage, hav ng new snd splendidly Arranged accommodations, apply to W ILDER & FULLARTON, 8 Stoddard's Upper Range, v Opposite the Post Office. N. B.—No engaged berths secured after Tuesday, March 3d, unless paid for. feb’29 FOR DARIEN AND JEFFERS0NT0N. CHANGE OP DAT. THE STEAMER II. M. Cool Captain C. G. DEMING, Will, on and niter SATURDAY, March 7th. leave Savannah EVERY Tf7ESD& V A ND SATURDAY for Darien, from Padniford’s wharf, at 9 o’clock A. M. Of N. B —OnTUE^D- 5 YS will ran to Jeffersonton and. ail landings on SatHla River, arriving at Hailey's Lower Mil s at 8 O’dock A. M., WEDNES DAY and return at l o’clock same day—leaving DA- rien every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 8 o’clock A. M. Freight payable by shippers. ft-b'29—tf M. A. OnWEW, Age't * UNITED STATES BAIL FOR EERNANDINA, E. FLA. TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK AND ST. MARY’S, LEAVING EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY MORNING, AT 10 O’CLOCK. THE ONLY STEAMER , HAVING A THROUGH ARRANGEMENT WITH THE FLORIDA AiaILKOAD. THE STEAMER * SYLVAN SHORE, Capt. WUl leave Savannah regularly as above, connect ing with all points on the Florida snd Central Rail* road, aa*t from Jacksonville to all points on the St. Johns River. Returning will leave Fernandina every Tuesday and Friday Arternoou, arriving at Savannah on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. For Freight or Passage, having superior aroemmo- dsttomi, apply at the office on Fionas Steam Packet ^ Wlrerf, Ol to CLAUQUBN £ CCHKISGHAJI, feblO AlMIta. For Saie or Charter. ii ° > !t?aiid to the counties below on the Chattahoo- .. , river; also in theadjoining counties In Alabama. Witt attend to the presentation and collection of that pi a they have 0< A SCHOONER . of One Bnifdred and Thirli'(U0) Tom, rend, for sere For fanned ttoa inanixe st the offiosiof Mil—tf WnjJAltg, WA&D * XgUTIKB.. ft THE FIB8TCLA88 STEAMSHIP HtJNTSVTLLE,” CROWELL, Master. Will sail on Sunday, March 8, ut 7 o’clock a. xa. For Freight or Passage apply to OOTAVU8 COHEN ft OO., Agents. 82 Bay street, Savannah, Ga, Y^k? “* L ° WD * N ’ Agent * No * w street. New nhs For Liverpool. The A1 British barque RUBY, Captain McIxttme, about 1,600 bales capacity, will have dispatch. Fcr freight apply to mb3—3t E. A- SOULLARD. For Liverpool. Tb.fin.El ship AAEON BROWN, hn,- |lng s tog. portion of be. freight ensagrei, srtll bsve qnlck aispatoh M above. For farther freight, e- gtg.ments spP'y to JOD26—if BHIi.HAM, HOLST A OO. For Liverpool. The first-class and very fast sailing Ame- |ricaa ship SCREAMER, Son. Young, Mas- ter, having ft portion of her cargo engaged, will have early dispatch. For balance of freight apply to feb27—lOt WILDER ft FULLARTON. Auction - inis L>a* B1 BLUN AND MJSYKR. THIS DAY, 5th inst., at 10 o’clock, will be sold, 60 bbls Potatoes, slightly frost bitten, 10 boxes Goshen Cb»-ese. 20 refins Wrapping Piper, 5 tierces Canvas.-e i Hams, 20 small boxes Candy, 5 boxes Frw*h Mastard, 1 bbl Georgia Syrup. 3 bbls Vinegar, Dry Goods, Clothing and Hosiery. 1 A1 Draft Horae, 1 Ruggy, 1 Jersey Wagon, 1 Cotton Gin, - ALSO, A large assortment of— Household Furniture. mh5-lt Auction Sales—Future Oavs in bankruptcy—assignees ratio. BY GKO. W. WYLLY, Auctioneer. By virtue of the authority vested to me ss Assignee of the eatate of P. Leshler, bankrupt, I will offer for sole, at public auction, on MONDAY, the 9th day of Match, A. D„ 1868, at 11 o'clock, at Savannah, Georg o. the goods contained in the stole No. 148 Brosghton street, consisting of Gloves, Hats, Shoes. Clothing, Buttons, Collars, Shirts, Jewelry, ftc. mhfi-td EDW. O. RICHARDSON, Assignee. Administrator’s Sale. BY BLUN A MEYER, By permission of the Honorable, the O nortof Ordi nary, sold on FRIDAY, March 5th, at 11 o’clock, A. M., in front of the store, One Iron Safe, One Extension Table, Two Sotos, Ope Tea Table, Foot Arm Chairs. Wire Dish Covers, Wire Safe, Pair Scales, Office Desk, .One Copying Press. The above being the perishable property of W. D. Etheridge, dee’d, late of Chatham coonty. By order of JAMES REED, feb25-10t Administrator T. C. A. NEW BOOKS. A STORMY LIFE, by Lady Fullerton. Queen Victoria’s Journal in the Highlands. Sense, or Tboughttul Papers; by “Brick Pomeroy. ” ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SEA, by author of Schomberg Cotta Family. NONSENSE, by “Brick Pomeroy.” STELLWAY ON THE BYE. ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY, by Louis Baaer ibis Cooper, Olcott ft Co. Chesapeake Phosphate. ^ VERY SUPERIOR FERTILIZER. WUl be a >id to Planters on time for approved paper. feb’27—lw ROBT. HABERSHAM ft SONS. THE LADIES OF THE Needlewoman’s Society B EG LEAVE to inform the public that the price of the bOODS as their Depot. South B'oad rtreet, one door east of Barnard, hits been REDUCED to the lowest point. They respectfully solicit the patronage of the charitable and benevolent, who may need each articles as the SOCIETY bos for sale. jon25—tf EUREKA: 11 /■YUErANNUSL" SUPPLY of that well tried and \J uticeesafW* Fertilizer, . “The Eu#«ka Ammoniated Bone 6uper*IUtt>sp1h^te of Lime,”■* Is nbvf-aff'Mtt and datty expected. Those who desire to m-e it most apply early, as the aupply is limited. ft*b?4*~2W ' F. W. SIMff ft OO. JOHN B. SAEDY, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. ALSO. IKPORTER.ANDDBAJ.Ea IN C»UAWO, feblO—tr SN SOUTH STREET, NEW fORK. 4 GENTS WANTED. NOW READY TOR OAN- Ai YABbEBS, “THE WAB BETWEEN THE STATES : in Cssks, Character. Cosduct sad Reswlts,* Br Box. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. Bend for cirenlara, with terms, and a full descrip tion of the work. Addvosp, NATIONAL PUBLISHING OO., fepl3—lm* Atlanta, Go. fe|>U i CORN AFLOAT. rpWO CARGOES, OF ABOUT BIGHT THOUSAND bushels each, tor sale to arrive. feb28—lw ROBERT HABERSHAM ft gONS. To.: th© XiadiesI FRENCH DRESS f | ' —AND — clOAK-ma king: HfRS. E- touts, harm* engage:! one of KmIuk fix h: DOTSY-i Drew and cloak CutteM, u naw - fitruTiin taught ¥ooSr»ri IWfnwWMarelt. ,• f^"*- 133 EP*»TAIRS. DRre J. R. NE WTON i VlZIi HKAt THE SICK " “FWSE!" 'ijjwiRrwMWMa AT n. ampmWb hah. r e ojcueHiA -