Berrien County news. (Alapaha, Ga.) 1875-1886, May 19, 1877, Image 1

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Connell & Goodman, Proprietors. VOL. 11. I.— 1,„ , ' CONN ELL & GGO DlilAN, I ’rop’rs A. H. TURNER, - - - 'Editor ALAPAITA, GEORGIA. MAT 19, 1877. Another change in the A. & G. R. R. The Emperor aud Empress of Brazil are iu Paris. The vicinity of Irwinton, -iu Wilkorson county, has been visited by myriads ot birds which are doing con siderable damage to the wheat. Somebody else appreciates the Thomasvilie Times. We judge from the weeks we fail-to get, and when we do, of its haying the appearance of being well read or badly abused. ' Typus seurvey aud other diseases are prevailing to' uu alarming extent in the Turkish army. Three thous-* and troops are sick in Mostar alone. The army is also iu great want of sup plies. Thomas county is organizing a cavalry Company, and Triplett is want ing an artillery company started. Now the next thing we hear of, lie will be wanting the Capitol carried to Thomasvilie. . A terrible battle was fought around Batoum on the morning of the 11th. The Russian forces made a furious attnet upon the heights, which were defended hy Bashi Razonks, and were repulsed by a terrible lire of cannon and musketry, and the ground was covered with the dead and dying. llis Frandulency, iu an interview with au Ohio editor, says the Re publicans will lose Ohio this fall, and in two years they will gain South Carolina, with Wade Hampton as the Republican candidate for Governor. These are the words of Hayes, not the language of inspiration. To those who are so unfortunate as to become preiflaturely gray, or whose hair exhibits a tendency to fall off, we recommend a t ied of Hall’s Ilair Re newer. We do so with the utmost confidence because it is eveywhere received *with marked favor, ;uid has built upon its own merits such a sure foundation that it is known and used in all civilized countries. — Addison (N. Y.) Advertiser. Some editors in Georgia have a supreme contempt for facts. Ope of them lives down about Baiobridge, and is trying to bulldoze the people into voting against a Convention by declaring that it will cost one hundred thousand dolllars, and wants to know : “Can we afford to pay fifteen dollars a barrel for flour, and pay a Convention tax besides?” That settles it. — Telegraph & Messenger. Must Go Fuhi ter. —“Send a thief to catch a thief.” Hayes is a thief, and he caught the other thieves that made him President and kicked them ' out for doing,so. This may be un grateful, but it is honest. The cause ot all Hayes’ repentance is now plain to ns. himself is a rogue. He is a rogue because ho assented to stealing President Tildeu’s place, and now he is coerced by the “putrid reminiscence” into throttling tha men who made him a de facto President. We will coerce him further gentle men.—Elgin {111.) limes. Detroit Free Press : The man who invented the Gatling gun, has now brought out a still better 6liiivg. It is a* caottvh which shoots off 1,000 balls per minute aud the faster a soldier dodges the move times lie will be hit and knocked into the middle of next j week. ! ALA,PAHA, GEORGIA. SATIRIST. MIY 19, 1877. NASHVILLE_DEPAItTNENT. . BY REPORTER. The people hero seem to be' 'much dissatisfied with the nomination. If the people in this section do not make enough corn to do them this year, it will be for want of suitable seasons. The loafer’s club of this villa seems ** . to be a thing of the past. It3 dis organization followed close upon the heels of the last election, siuce which time, there seems to be no hope of its revival. . A m,an that we once thought had good sense,. asked us the other day if we could give him a Stfty dollar bill forborne change, like as if he thought a man fn this country could have a whole fifty dollar bill these times ! The war between “Countryman” and “Troup” is progressing finally, [t remind u very forcibly <>f the war between Russia and Turkey. - Charlie was included “Countryman's” last attack, which indicates another great power is to be involved iu Europe. Ere this shall meet the eyes of the priuter T. D. Futeh, sr. will have taken, as 1 is wif'e'Miss Sallie Haynes. Snead is already in possession of the license, aud is engage to perform tho ceremony Thursday eveniug. He has us employed to help him keep the secret, 1 Col. ri. T. Pecples is employed by G J. Stufe^hoOlCSmritl^^ sioner who represents the managers of the “Peabody Fuud”), to deliver ten addresses upou the subject of . ed ucation in conuectiou with said fund. He w ill deliver his address in Nash ville at the closs of our school first of July. We arc frank to admit the charge prefered by “Stonewall,” the Adel Reporter, aud maintain that we have just cause for our inclinations, aud from our limited acquaintance about Adel, we are of the opinion that if we should live over there long we would, iu the language of ono. of our old citizens, “be down with the same disease.” The Comity Board of Education "convened in the. Court House on Wednesday and adopted some im portant measures iu behalf of both patrons aud teachers. The Local Act passed by the General Assembly, has beej pronounced by the State School Commissioner, and most every body else, to be “inoperative and unless an appeal is made to the State Board, the local law will be treated as a nulity. From what we hear we judge that the propersition of the Berrien county Agricultural society, to establish a permanent fair ground with suitable huildiugß thereon at Nat' ville, will meet with much favor and substantial support; as for instance we heard a a man say a few days ago, that it they, make a joint stock company of it, he would subscribe twenty-five dollars, which we thought was very liberal for a man ot limited meaus; especially as lie was not a member of the so ciety—never hud- been, " aud very probably never would be —but pro posed to make the advance as he be lieved it would be a paying invest ment. We hope the . mover will be pushed forward, as it is one in the right direction anil will add material ly to the wellfare, prosperity and ■ godil name of the county generally. We Strive for the Advancement of our cofmty's Interest. Local Affairs.l Local Notices inserted in this c< !>tmn at 10 cents per line for each -in Action. The following named gentleman are our duly authorized agents :} Dr. J. A. Fogle, > ; “ W. A. Fort, <} Atapamt, J. H. Shaw, Adel, £ r T J. II Carrol, Milltown. tj. J. F. Goodman, Tifton. Mr. L. E. Tygratt has oujf [thanks for a lot of the nicest honey w j have seen this season.. ■' f •' Ja. Capt. John Brook is rapidly/substi tuting new ties in the place o'’the old ones, on his sectiou. . ■ ■ - LytfC The majority of our citizjns feel that they were bulldozed in the late district convention. Our itizeus will please r-ineni' er that th.e school will open nex<;: Mott day morning. Let parents hive their children iu readiness to tart that day. | Great snaix how high;Hour has riz! We fear our ri|tioi| will be shortened unless our subscribers begin to pay up. Those who refuse, we hope will not be allowed to haste flour but once ar%ionth aud threat it with shortniug length ways. 1 * Half SHekt.—Owing; wo uo.t re ceiving our paper this week, we were compelled to get out a 1ml; sheqf on such substitute as we Ctf-il 1 find in lo>yii. We will try ni)Aa;et iu such a diteiiifna ngao - ’ ■ A>. have gotten out a full sheet on the substi tute used this week, but could only get enough to furnish a half sheet for couuty subscribers. The News will appear full size next week, and the story “Tested by trials” will be re sumed. We direct attention to the adver tisement of Mr. H. 11. Tift, Tifton, Ga., which will bo found iu another column of to-days paper. This house has on hand a full supply of general merchandise, consisting of everything needed by the farmers', aud which he proposes to sell at low figures. Mr. Tilt proposes to make it to the interest of the farmers to bring him their wool as .lie is prepared to pay them the highest market price, either iu cash or trade. From the very liberal in ducements offered, we bespeak for this house an extensive trade. Mr. Tift is a through business man, liberal just and upright in his dealings. Call on him and test the proof of our us ertiou. Sad Death. —Mr. John Hendley, living in this county 14 miles south east of this place, was killed last Wednesday by a falling tree. The particulars from his nearest neighbor are these: On Wednesday evening last Mr. Ileudly, in. company with one of lirs neighbors, went out a short distanceriroin his house to cut a bee-tree. The tree in falling caught against a suppling which i carried so’";-; distance. Making a turn the sapling was detached and rebounded with such force that it broke off and went several yards beyoud the root of the free cut down, and iu its decent it struck the deceased o'n the side of the head terribly fracturing his skull. The .unfortunate iuaa was carried home in au iusesible condition, and on Thursday he was so paralyzed that he did not move. At J o’clock our informant left and said he was dying. Mr. Hendley was a good, honest clever citizen and leaves a large dependent family to mourn his irreparable loss.. 1 Adel Items. •: ~ r.~ REPORTED by STONEWALL. Mr. AlexanHer Pafrson, whom we spoke of ns being very low, died mi the 17th, inrt... iu Ids 88th year. His daf ituv. .is gradual mid without vio lent suffering. *. Like a shock ot corn, he gradually ripened for tbc harvest. Mr. Paterson had been a member of of the Primitive Baptist church for many years. Pie leaves two daugh ters, one son; the Church and :many relatives and friends to mourn Ins loss. But they sorrow not as those without hope, restiug assured that their loss Is his eternal gain. \Vccp not for him for lie’s gone, Where pain aud trouble never come. To reign with Christ, his gracious King . His ceaseless praises there to siug. His weary sold at last at rest, Aud leaniug oa his Saviouris breast His pains aud sorrows all are o’er, lie to'die no qioro. A little son of Mrs. Stephens* em ployed on the plantation of 11. J. Parrish, received u fall from a mule a few days ago, terribly fracturing one of his legs jnst I- low tlieknee-joint. Two * articles have been left out. One of which appeared in our issue of last week, and the other giving"' a brief of the Valdosta Convention as we print the full proceedings. —Ed.] ' - Items from >1 ill town . " ' r.y f>c CATION At.. Some youT.g lawyer who v, atits trf art iuto busiucss would do well to o locate at this place. Mr. 0. H. Carroll has watermelons as large a. hen eggs; who can beat it? Ilog cholera is prevailing to a great extent through this section; some having lost nearly all their hogs by the disease. Sheep shearing, is the order of the day) and night also. We have been informed that one night last week, about live miles from this place in Lowndes county, some parties penned and sheared a lot of sheep by fire light. They must have beeu bard up for a little cash, or was iq want of a (rood suit of woolen clpthes. O J> Our i[*ate little village was aroused on last Monday evening, by the ar rival of our Sheriff, Mr. L. P. Good win, who arrested two of our citizens. It is said for resisting the bailiff in our district. R. Chism Esq. was called in and oue of the parties having his witnesses at hand, went to trial and was releisseff by tho court, the testimony iu the case proving conclu sively that he was innocent. The other party prepared to carry his case before Justice Snead, which w ; ns done on the following day, and after a preliminary trial was released by the court. Ot’.r bailiff has, been advised to resign, apd he says .“lie’s., doift) throwed up au’ done.” It has already been surmised that tho Russian fleet iu the Atlantic waters was sect there to keep watch on the British nierehaut marine if Grhat Britain should undertake to interfere in the Eastern sprimmage, and now it is telegraphed all the way from Lon ilou to oue enterprising Journal that, the Russian uien-of-war how at bau Francisco ares to attack and seize British Coin aibia just as soon as Great BritaL is drawn, into the trouble. $l5O Per Annum. NO. 48. BERRIEN POSPONER SIIFF’S SALE. • Will be sold before the Court house door in Nashville,, Berrien comity on tho first Tuesday in .lime next, be tween the legal hours of sale, the - fol lowing property to wit: One lot land number (392) iu the (sth) (list, of said county, to satisfy one Justice court fi fieri favor of John Lindsey vef James J. Nobles Lew made ami returned to me by a onust-aLle. t. L. P. GooiAviV, Sh’ff. "blrrikk shkulffs’sale. Will be sold before the Court house door in Nashville, Berrien couuty Ga , on the first Tuesday, in June next, between the legal hours of sale, the following,property to wit: 25 acre# ot lot ot' laud number (399) in tins (1 Oth) (list- of sa'id comity. Levied duals ijße property of John Crosby to satisfy a Justice court ,fi fa ' is-u'sn. from the 1144th district, G M in favor ot J. W. Talley. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. May 25th, 1877. 4G-50. ’ GpoDWiN, ish’fl. Also at the same time and piece, ■9O acres ofjkit of land number (317)f it the>(sth) district. Levied ou ns tli£ property of M. J. Tucker to satis fy one tax fi fa issued by the Tax Col lector of said county. Levy made aud returned to me by t, eoustble. May sth 1877. 46-50 " J. 11. Griffin,- Dp’y ShfT. School IVotice. rile first session^of Alapalia Acade my will commence on Monday,' May the 21st, to continue for five mouths The undersigned having had swiw experience, iu tiiis|state and in N. C. j&r-teaching, respectfully s.digits, the patronage of tho public. Young men or pH’s prepared to enter any of the r ; oij-ges _iOf_ the - State. Terms tire sufiC-“ chjirgb'l in, other schools of ;■ e com ' Ihi lavs apply to Y IL Ro\B7 P. S. Board can be obtained in private families at veiy low rates. W. R. b. War Mapff* Schedler’s Map of Turkey. Greece-, Rounu.nia, and the North-western part of Asia Minor, together with special maps of the Black Sea, Con stantinople and the Bosphorus. Size!,. 17 X 22 inches. Colored. Price, folded aud in cover, @0.25. Publish ed by E. Steiger. 22 &24 Frank furt Street, New Y'oik, by whom copies will be, promptly mailed upon receipt of price. The same publisher is issuing a number of. other War - Maps, which we si all mention here after. I. K. TIFT, TiftOAj G a. , lias constantly on hand a largo and well selected Stock of general Merchant? ise Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, \ Boots find Shoqfc *.. ' * Hats, •Crockery ware, Haidware, . Tinware, Groceries &c. All of which will be sold at - extreme’ low figures. 0 C WOOL! WOOL! Will pay the highest market price for- Wool, aud respectfully ask farmers to Call on me before selling their wool.. O : • Country Produce. Will pay the bight market prices for ' all kinds of Country Produce.. ll*. 11. TlF'i, may!9-3m- . Tifton',. C®