The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, March 13, 1832, Image 1

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Tlie Athenian. VOL. VI. LEGAL NOTICES. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, BY O. P. SHAW. "VrUJ. —Thri-e dollar* per year, payable in advance, < r Four dollar* if delayed lo tile end of the year. 'I'he latter amount will berifiidly exacted of all who fail to :aeetthe:r payment* in advance. No subscription received for lea* than one year, un- the money ia paiil in advance; and no paper will .c* discontinued until all arrearage* are paid, except at :ho option of the publisher. A failure on the part of subscriber* to notify in of their intention of relinquish- meat, accompanied with the amount due, will be con-1 wdcred a* equivalent to a new engagement, and pa- per* sent accordingly, Aovkrtiscmknt* will be inserted at the usual rates t; '7*AI1 Letters to the F.ditor on mattern connected the establishment, must be pert paid in order to uccurc attention. iC7* Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad. .-.inijtratnrs, Executor*, or (jir.rrlmns, must be publish- , vd. titly dayt previous to the dsy uf sale. The rale of Pereonal Property, in like manner, must bo published /m/y day i previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of au estate must be rM’nrin i no r s-oTiriv.’mr. published forty day*. GEORGIA, OGI.E1HORPE COUNTI. Notice that Application will he madeto the Court of I Inferior Court, sitting fur Ordinary miruosei urdinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be i r > “ ',i Tor sE.vnuvri.v.-qvm hem} quw.vox ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1832 No. II. I GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. .tuni' * Meriwether administrator on *, '-he estate ofDuncan U. Campbell, deceased, applies Tor letters of Dismission from the fuilher ad- ministration ofsaid c.lmc ; GEORGI A, JACKSON COUNTY. Court nf Ordinary. O N motion of John Leek, stating to the Court that he holdst bond made hvJuhn U niters, late -,f said county, deceased, fur titles to a Lot of Land No , ” 3 •'!* {7'n county, .copy of which bond is filed in 1 he Clerk s office of rhts Court, and praying that this I Court direct the Administrator of the a.ii.l John Win- ters to execute lilies to the same. It is therefore or- acred, that the Administrator do make mid titles «c-! cording to the tenor and effect of said bond, to nai.l L John Leek, unless sufficient cause he shewn to the' GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY, contrary within three months, or at the next term ot* I IVTuviiria n;«i in- ■ > , tins Court,after the expiration of three months : and ,t I ?V ,u frnf'“ t R 1"" d T I 1 ' 1 '!"* f " r ts liirtherordere I, that a copy of this rule he published | trlliln on the cstabt U Sa' al, iv'rkiin, de'X"c*d J hese are Iherctore to cto and admonish all and Igular the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause it any they have, why said let- ter* should not bit granted. 3 Ciivcn undor my hand this 15th Out. „ „ JOSEPH l.lGON.'c. c. o. Oct. If* 12...tnCin. f jlOUIt mouth# after date application will bo made to lint honorable the Interior Court of Jackson countv, when sitting for ordinary purpose#, f.r leave to well a part ofllie Negroes belonging to the cut ate of Elijah Shaw, deceased. DKL1LA SIIAW, Admr’x. Feb. 7.~6— wlm. H month.’* after date application Hill bo made *.o the honorable the Inf« rior Court of Jackson count y, w hen sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to Hull at! the n al rMiito of Williain Harnett, deceased ; al#u, lot No, 100, m the eleventh district of Monroe county, druwn b> the orphans* of \\ illiani Harnett, de ceas'd. SAMUEL BAUNETT, Adm’r. Feb. SI.—ft -win.. in tlio Athenian once a month for three months, and 1 * s , 0 .,.“ ‘‘W “f i; ‘ l ~~‘ a “ fc " pusted Up .t Iwo or more public places ju fund county. A true extract from the minutes. WILLIAM COWAN, c. Dec. 6.—19—ni3m. publiflhcdfour months. Notice that Application will be rn.tde for Lett era of Administration, must be published thirty days, and for J etter# of Dismission, six months. SHERIFFS’ SALES. d~^L4RK ShcrifFaSnlo.-On the firat Tug*- day in APRIL next, will bo sold at the Court House in thotown of Watkinsvillc, Clark county, within the usual hours of fcale, the following propcrty,to wit: Ono Hundred ond seventy Acres of Land, more or lest, Iving on the waters of Portor’# Creek, adjoining Appling, Allen and others : levied on as the property of Thomas Wheeler, to satisfy a ft <V in fa- vor of Murray &. Humphrey*, for the Udo of Edward Quinn h Co. vs. Thomas Whoeler. POSTPONED SALE. 4 T tho same time and place the following pro perty, to wit: Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, adjoin trig Hopkins and others. Also, Forty Acros of Land, inme or less, whereon Mrs. Doolittle now lives, ad joining Echols and others, one roud Wagon, and four Horses : levied on as the property of William Yar brough, to satisfy a fi, fa. in favor of Joh . Nesbit, vs, William Yarbrough, Anselmn L. llarpn, John W, Harper and Abraham Doolittle, security on fhc 3tay One bay Horao about nine years old, two f-orrel Mares, one about ten, the other about four years old.: levied on as tho property of Daniel Craft, *o aa- tisfy a ft. fa. in favor of Stevens Thomas, vs. Daniel • Craft and John W. Thomas. One light Road Wagon and two pair bind Harness, and one Sorrel Mare with three white feet about four years old : levied on os the property of Ed* \/ard Craft, to #nli#fy a fi. fa. in favor of Saunders bt Gilmore, vs. Edward Craft and Daniel C aft, security on stay. Feb. 23. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’tf. g^LARK .SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will lie sold, on the first Tuesday in MAY neat, at tho Court House in the town of Watkinrville, Clark ou:Uy, within the lawful hour# of sale, tho following property, to wit: Six Negroes, to wit: Amy a woman ubout twenty-five years of age; Lizy 0 girl, about four years u.’d; George a buv, about two years old; Joe u bov, about aixvcarsold ; t.iudy a girl, about four years tdil; nnd Nelson a boy, about five years old : levied on U’ tho property of GabritJ A. Moffett, to satisfy a rt fa. rJiucdon tiiu foreclosure ofii mortgage in favor of Ste* .« ns'Thomas, vs. said Moffett. 1-«h. 23. JAMES HENDON, D. Sh’tf. TUTALL Slioriir* Sale.—Oil the first Tues day in APRIL next, will bo i*old, ot the Court House in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, within .!i0 usual hours of sate, the following property, to wit. Ono Hundred A«-, r e# ~fi-L— t-—. adjoining Casey and others, on the waters of the Grovi River: levied on as tho property of John V. Cotter, to Hutisfy sundry ti. fua. one in favor of Venual Quarles and others, vs. said Cotter. Ono Hundred and Fifty Arros of Land, more or less, tying on tlic Mulberry l ark of the Oco nee Kivor, whereon John McKinney now lives* levied ou a»* tho property of Asa NVhidbey, to satisfy a ft. fa. issued frontal Justice’s Court in favor of Mathew Long, va. John McKinney, maker, and As;. Whidbey ind«i u*r. Levy made and returned lo in* hv a Constable Tub. 2d. JACOB EULliHAHT, Sh'lF. H ALL SherilTa Sale.'—Or tho first Tues day in APRIL next, will bo t >ld, at the Cour- IfotiFo in the tow n ofGaMie**ffdc- II dl county, within usual hours ofaalc, tho follow. property, to wit: Ono Negro Girl, 1»y the na ao of Harriet, about seven years old : levied on a the property ot Oolltns Smith, to satisfy a mortgage ! ft. fa. in favor ol benjamin I.. Goodman, vs. said Sm '.h. Property pmn- •’.'d out in said ft. fa. Jan. 31. A. CHASTAIN, D. Sh’tf. n \LL ShcntPs Sule.—On the firnt Tues day in APRIL next, will bo s»td, at the ’oort-houso in the town of Gaincnvi!?e, Hall county \»*ithin tWo usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One of Land So. 43, in the 12th Dis trict of {lull county : levied on a* the property Manual* Stephens, to satisfy afi. fa. issued from Franklin Infe rior Court in favor of Osborn Gamer, vs. Manoab Ste phens and William If. Under** od, and Thomas King, endorsers. Property pointed cat by said Ubdcrwood. Fifty Acres of f.and, r tore or less, whereon Cary IV. Jackson now lives • levied on as ti e proper ty of Cary W Jackson, to ratisfv two fi. fas. issued from a Justice's Court in ft or ofP. I. Murray, vs. said Jackson. Property poin'od out by pUiutirf. Levy made and returned to in* bva Constable. Feb. 27 A. CHASTAIN, Sh’ft. September Term, 1831. Present their Honors John Banks, Edward Cox, and Thomas It. Andrews. RULE NISI. npilOMAS EDWARDS, administrator of L'ttlehor- 3. rv Edwards, deceased, states to the Court that helm* fully settled up the Estate of said deceased, prays to ho dismissed therefrom, therefore ordered that all persons concerned, aro required to file their objections agreeably to law,or letters Dismiaaory will issun in six months. An extract from the minutes of the Court, thia Cth •September, 1831. WILLIAM II. SMITH, Clk. Sept. 20.-"33....uiftm Copy of a Lost Note. H niF.N I receive Micnjah Bond's deed to Lot No. 6, on sanare IV. ;n the town of Katontou, then I owe John RaoclifTfifty dollars. (Signed) HENRY BRANHAM. (On the back:) I endorse the within Not*. (Signed) GEORGE HUGHS. GFORG1A, CLARK COUNTY. P ERSONALLY came before me, I. A. Purker, and being duly aworn, this deponent saitli the Note of which the above is a copy, has been destroyed by fire, accidentally, and that ho has no certain recollec tion of the day or date of aaid note or endowment.- Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th dav of Jan uary, 1832. ISAAC A- PARKER. F.TStELnncn Soauxll, J. P. Jan. 17. J- m3m. Them ore thari-fon- In rile and all n.iJ gulur, the kindred and creditors of r.aid deceased, to be and uppear at » iv office within tin- time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any thev have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 9th \»*v. 1831. JOSEPH I.IGON, c. C o. Nov. 13.—4C.—mCtn. Copt/ of a Lost Note. O NE day afte: date I promise to pay William S. Wilson, or bearer, thirteen dollars and filly cent.-, lor value received. C. C. COLWELL. f*th August, 1827. GEORGIA. OGLETHORPE COUNTY. Superior Court, April Term, 1931. RULE MSI. I T appealing to the Court that William S. Wilson has lust or mislaid the original Note, of which the above ia in substance a true copy: Ordered, that the above copy be, at the next term of this Court, estab lished in lieu of said lost original, unless cause be .shewn to the contrary. And that this Rule he publish ed once a tnorrh for three months previous to the next term oft his Court, in the Athenian. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. JOHN LANDRUM, Clerk. Jan. 17.—3—rn3m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS EtheMreu Sorrell, adminii-'trafor on tin* estate of Lewis Burnett, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the further admin istration ofsaid estate: These are therefor#* to rite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand this 2lst dav of Jan. 1832. JOSEPH LlliON, c. c. o. Jan. 21.—4—mGm. Coach Making. Female Academy CHEROKEE CORNER, OUUVIllOllPi: COUNTY, GKOKCIA. M il!'. LEIGH respectfullyinform*the pubiie, that ibis Inemution will in future be tinder hci nupci iniendanee, assisted by‘conipt tent teacher?. Iter lir**4 sessiuii will cuiiunencc on the first of January, 1832, the second on the 1st June, terminating the 1st Not. ut which |wtiod, there w ill be an annual examination of the pupil#. CONDITIONS OF ADMITTANCE. Do’trd, in.-truction in the whole course of Eng- hsh Hindu s, c-.nipruing Reading, .Spelling, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Gcogiuphy, } use of Maps and Glola GUARDIAN’S SALE. A GREEABf.Y to an order of the honorable the In- -"hl ferior Court of Clark county, vvh**n anting for or dinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tucxday in April next, at the Courl-lmusv of Muscogee county, Lot No 59, in the 7th District of Muscngca countv, belonging to Willis B. and ClnrainonU A. Harvey, or phans of John Harvey, deceased. Sold fm the bene fit of said orphans. Terms made known on the day of sale. THOMAS MacKOY, Guardian in right of his JT w ife. Jan. 2-1.—4— tdf. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. WVl ILL be sold on Friday the Cth day of April next, v ▼ hi the residence of Charles P. Witherspoon, Ian- of lacks in county deceased, all the pcrrnnal prop- rty belonging to the -*tn*e of said deceased, consist ing of h uses, hogs, corn, colton, cattle, household and kitchen furniture, &c. Sold for the benefit of the hei-s ami creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale, which will continue from dav to day until all is sold. IVIES II WITHERSPOON, Adm’r. Feb I t —7 Ids. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY, ‘MW/’ 11 ERE. AS Gabriel A. Moffat, Administrator on » ▼ ti e estate of John Hull, late of Saint Clair county, Alabama, deceased, applic# to me for IcUorsof ‘ emission from the further administration of Hairl es- Aml whereas Gabriel A. Moffat, Administrator on the estate of Peggy Strong, late of Clark county, dec’d, upplies to me fur letter# of Diamiation from the further administration on #*id estate: And whereas Gabriel A. Mnffct, Administrator on the estate of .lark Strong, late of Clark county, dec’d, applies to me f>r letter# of DismWMon from the further administration on said estate: And whereas Gabriel A. Moffat, Administrator on the estate of Harriet Strong, late of Clark county, deceas ed, applies tome fi.r letters of Dismission from tho fur- theradmini'drotioiimi said estate : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred lid »rrditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office witt.m the tune prescribed by law, to shew rau.e, if any they have, why said gcltem should not be granted. Given under my hand this 4th October, 1931. JOSEPH I.IGON, c. c. o. Oct. 4—-JO—tnfim. VDMINISI R ATIUX .S SAI.K. "^IHK^ILI he .-old »t the Conn H.tusc it. Jack.** vv county, on the tirbt Tuesday in May next Near » woman named I lane, belonging to the estate Williure Shaw, deceased. Sold for the benefit ot the creditors and legatees of turn! estate. Terms made Known on the dav of sale SUSANNA/f SHAW,’x. Feb. 7.—6—ids. \ DM1N1 ST U A T0 US’ S A L kT ILL fo* Hold onThuraday the fifth of April, agree ably to the last will and testament of Patrick Cash, Lite ofllie county of Jackson, deceased, itll the personal property belonging to said estate, ConsUling of horses, cattle, oxen and curt, bogs, nl,* »*p, n set blacksmith's tools, i Jersey wagon, co wheat, household and kitchen furnitii oilier arlirlert loo tedious to mention know i on the duv of sab All persons having claims against lb- rick Cash, deceased, will render *hem luw ; also, those indebted arc requested lo make i fnmr. hiibiicribers bxvu renuived their establishment il to the New building directly upposlto their old stand, where they intend continuing their business up on a mote extensive *>cnlc. Having e.xpciieneed work men, and being well snpniied with tin- best materials, they are prepared in build to order, either Carriages, Barouches, Gigs, Sulkies and I'llhcrries, or any oth er article ufconveynnce m their line of business. They intend by striet attention to>, mid tilt* laithful trier in which their work shall be executed, to eon e to deserve Hut palrnmiga they have lierctolore so liberally received. Repairing tlone in tho neatest manner, and ut the shortest notice. All kinds of Sad dlery and harness making, ami repairing done in the nsi imtliner. Sign and ornamental painting will continue to bc xecuiediu Uicir usuuLtyL 1 . CLARK & YOUNG. Jan. 3.—1—tf. FREE TRADE. IVo CoiiiHiiisition. 513 j I'-J 60<s1 46 Oi) Si 00 3i 0O 100 ii. luditur, oals. n‘, mill siindr) Termi inadi: * -Halt* (if Pat* i accutditif tn Fi b SI.—8-nl.-, ■SAMFI.I. UAK>r.ti'. i 1.11)0 KL1. WOKSII t'l, | Adm't F ill'll nil* allcr ilolf Iipplu-atio i «ill b« i.imlc tn t' r liuiti.ral.ln the infnriiir cmirtnl' tlfli'ihnrpf tvhfii silting l'ii onlinary pur|ioans, lm I.,a»f in sell a pari iil'a tract «t' land in said fomii)', b lnnpinc tn tin- I'.iutc lit Win. V . Ilaliln in, lain of said niinilv, deceased. THOM AS C. WLt.UPS, \ Ajnl , f|j Etirtlicmvnrc, (ilass, China AND LOOKING GLASSES. THOMAS J. BAR VOW <fc( o. Importers, .Vo. <SS, Water Street, New York. H AVING made oxteiitive comiesioriH with one of, tl»*’ largest anti most improved Po lcriesin Fog- IhiiiI, are enabled to olfi r one ttf the tnn«l extensive atticks iri market, c insisting of every variety of EAR- THEN WARE., CHINA, GI.AS i and LOOKING- til.\SSES,either repacked to order, or tn the original pa. Uage at uncommonly hw rules /v r c*.-nh or city arctv- taw rs. The very lihernl support hitherto recrivd from our Southernsind estern friend trying circumstances, culls fur our wn Wo have survived thus fur in thestruggl of men, who have coinhmetl all our destruction, siiuplv bceau-e w e will in combining to compel the country ir an cxhorbil&nt profit on his pnrchaHos can only reiterate former assurances xortton tn proniot .tier the • Ht thanks, nil a hodt Ifi.rta to ••11*1*4*1 not join them chanla i thin III*' using ever; Air iriereiiutil' Ertmch, Sp.iiiii*h, Ouills, Ink and Writing paper per Annum, School bunk* at the tnniul prices. Payineuls nitdohalf yearly in advance. K.u< h young I.udy will he cxpectad to fuiiiisli one pair sbutiH, lianti tow cU uud wuali bowl. Hooks used by the Senior Cluss. Ty tier’s Elements of General Hist try. Ancient ut>4 Modern ; I)r. Jonen* ConvcrsulioiiH on Natnrut Philos ophv; do.’ tin ('hcniMtiy;* Jamieson's Granimai of Rhol-, one and Logic.; Towle’s Gruniitiar of AHlronomy; Muiray’rt Grammar ; \\ ulkcr’s Dictioimrv; Woodliridg# ml Willard’s Geogruphy; Colhiirnhi Siqucl; Camp- 'tdl’s Poems; Cowper’s do.; tiriiiishuw’M History ol Rome, Gictcc, England, and the Untied Mates. Junior Class. Webster’s Spelling-Book ,* Columbian Orator; Mur ray Abridged ; Colhuru'a Arilhinctic ; Cumining’s tgruphy for beginners. MRS. LEIGH wi»be#to aiNiire thoanindividual* wko may be induced to commit young ladies lo her cars, that the strictest attention will be paid to tbsir impror»> merit in the different brunches of fenialo education j habits ot neatness and propriety of manner will be in culcated. Llocution, combining un euuv, graceful, and -cl iittcrunee, will be under the entire and imme diate care of Mrs. I.., wlm fiatlue herself, from tliec** !< brit y sin- han attained us u corrector of “ Impediment.* Speech,” both ut E.urope, her native country,-and in America, that thu-will succeed in her attentions. Mil. Leigh will make an extra charge fur young ladies nfllicU •d wiib the hahit ot Stammering, and they will ba ex pected to remain in her Acudcmy one year. Nov. 15.—4ft—iii3in. pat friends in the extent and variety of our stock, the Lu-nes* cf our prices, and the skill and cure of uur packtrs, d>*j ding upon a free-trade ns tbeo/ilv sv»tcni whiiji give stabilii v to the interest uf city and coiiu- tiy merchants. TUG MAR J BAKR-HV N. (*>.. 63 Auter strect, Now-York Jan. 31.-5-31. NEW GOODS. F|Iiir. Tiber has re Jff addition to In.- for oh . aiming many oilier#, the fol will sell on tan tcr>»—«.u .»reasonable i eived and is i »«.i k of Good* owing article Nov. Li SAMUEL BALDWIN, -1C—w*4m. I 7I(»UR months aftc to ilie honorable the inf* GEORGIA. CLARK COUNTY. 7tlKRE.AS Juntos Hanson ami WiHiatn Gamer, w it A BUN Sherift ’ii Sale.—On the first Tuesday in APRIL n.'Xt, will he sold at the Court-ho use in the town of Clayton, Rabun county, within the usual hours of sale, the follow ing property, twwit: One Lot No. CC, in tho 13th District of, originally Habersham, now Rabun county : levied on es the property of Victor Sini»h, to satisfy ® fi. fa. is- pued from Franklin Superior Cuurt in fi*%or of John t- mions, ta. Victor Smith. Mireh6. JXMZS JJ. IIP MS ON, Sh’ff. udniiniHtrators of Elijah Garner, deceased op ply t-> me for letter* of Dismission from the further ad ministration ofsaid estate. These arc therefor** hi cite and adrnoninlt nil and sin gular the. kindred and creditor# nfnaid decfaned, to he and appear at my office within the time proscribed b> law, io shew* cause ft' any llicyt have, why said lelt* ra should not h»* granted. Given under my hand this 30th Angw«t, 1631. JOSEPH L1G0N, c. c. o. S* pt. C.—3*5.—mfttn. Jute application will be made nirt of Rabun coiin- sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell »• real estate of James Strother, late of »a.d county, reaped. Sold for the benefit of the hesraand citdit- j . ofsaid deceased. JAMF.S B. HENSON. | AJln .„. A. Mil.I.Fit, i Nov. 15.— Ifi— w*!m. GEORGIA. HALL COUNTY. W hereas John Wayne, adm’r. and Orpha Wilson, Adinr’x on Iheesiale of John U dson, dec ... ap ply lo motor letters of Ui.unisaioii from said estate: These are therefore to .rite and admonish nil and sir- eular the kindred and eredriors ol said deceased, to be and appear at my oiricc w.'Uim the time preecnbed hy law, to sh**«v cause, it any they have, why said letters suould not he granted. Giicn under inv hand this 5>li September, ie31. GEORGE HAWPK, r. c. o. Sept. IJ.—37—mfini. F OCR months after date ,ipplfiction rfh made C ’ Vl e court ofMndraon coun- i,en .ittii'ff fo,ordinary onrposcs. for have to sell .Rea Fslate of N. Ison Thompson, iltegn.mat*. late nty,deee»-eM T!(r , M p S ov, Adm’r. Nov. —* a I 'lOITt nimilhs alter date application will he * m the Honorable tho Inferior Cnurl o Hall county, when silting for ordinary purposes, f. lo sell all the Real F.sts'e of Joseph .ieOntclien, de. ceased. ItOBEHT M*CLTCHi'.N, Adm’r. Dec. V7 —.'rJ -w lm. t JIOL’K inontliH afterdate applicate... will he made . to the honorable the Inferior Comi r.f Clark coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to tell a tract of I.and lying in Madison e.rjrny, un the wa ters of Little Sjroiv creek, adjoining Talbot and otiu rrt, and one tract in Clark couniv, adjoining Jackson and other.. Sold fur the hen. tit ofllie heir, and creditor* of Richard Whitelieud, late of Clark coimt y. d. e ca ed. lil'.KRV «. Tli.I.MA.V, Adra’.-. Nov. In.— IC-wIm. t jAOUR months after data application will he made * to the honorable the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell'the Real Estate nf Jane Bradshaw, dee.nscd. JOH.' LANDRUM, Adm’r. Nov. 15.— Id—woo. F OUR months afterdate application will he made to the honorable lira Inferior Court nf Jackson county, when sitting for orditiarypuruo*. a, for cove to sell Lot No. 50. in the J'tli District ot formerly IIrnry, DeKalb county, containing I ha' llarriv Dpc. 6.-49—win ► biindrc'd i wo anil alf Acres, it being part of the Real Estate of Jo eph rriv.ii, dtseased. Sold for tire Ig-' 1 h* of r e heirs. TILMAN IfaUIHSON, tx’r. F C_ to the honorable tho lufere. when sitting for ordinary por[«.sr rral estate of John Thornton, late of sa.d couniv *lo ceased JACttfl RID! OatrSmn. r court of Jaekson . s, f.r leave to sell r Scgnett’si Brundv, Mackerel, Holland Gin, Cranberries, Malaga Wine, W him Beam, Canary, d*». l’ tiicliuug T* a. Dry Malaga, do. llvs'iii do. Mat#* illcs .\iud<*irs, do. Imperial do. Must ui Win**, belt fiif IV|*l»*r. family u.tu. All*|.irv, N. F.. Rum, Uyu Gin, Nntinegit, Sug ir# Loaf and Brown, UluVcf, Table s alt, Candler. Ii..;!, Pulatuff, PAI1TTS. White and It**d Leatl, Terra do Retina, Spanish Brown, Fiiniicc Stone, V enetiAii Red, I.tihaig**, Chrome Yellow, Japan mid C*»pa Vermillion, Lamp Bho’k, Stone Ochre, Leather Varnish, Turkey Umber, Linset-d Oil, and I’m isiaii Blu *, Faint Brushes. HARDWARE & ail. Wafihr ard Waft r Iron*, Stork and Pad-L Fine I’. rket U F-liRnive**, Nails Table Knives in set'..’, Steclviird , Hoes, Sifter**, Gum and Pi'.tol#, Patent Ca«t Stec Fu»cui*.*iun Cap#, P E It F 1 M E R V N’:,f l'« (.’ornpoun**, B**arsn*l Mara*** Volatile Salts, Koghsli M,h P , Preston, do. J’anev; do. Fancy Powder, Cuhq;rio Water. Puff* nod Boxes, Salem * icademy\ CLARK COUNTY, GEORGIA. rniMF, annual Exnminatiu.i of the Students nf tbl# Instiluti<*n will comuicnce on Thursday the 17tb ins*. Miid close on the 16th, with an exhibition at can- dlclight. Parents and tjunrdians and all friends to Lk- termnrc, ore requested to attend and witneas the pro* gresAuf the Students, 'he Board of TruKtce# fttl much gratified in being able Instate to the public, that they have engaged the service# of their old teucuera, Mr. \. Ii. fccott and Lady, wliobe excellent character* as trncbfr** are #*» well known in Georgia and the ad joining »iatt*H, hs to need no recommendation on out l»»r* to imliifH Vtrvnin «m| Guardian# to eutrilBt th* ••iliieauoii o/ tlmir children and ward# to their care and instruction. If ability, fsiilhfulue*# and long exporieuco would en* title any Teaclier# to the confidence and patronage ot nn '*n!ightened roinmiinity. .Mr..Scott uud I.udy are cat- taioly eiitiih*d to the entiro confidence and moat liber ul pat outage of an enlightened people; uud wc can with confidence recommend parentH (w ho wish tlit'ir child ren to enjoy the v**ry superior advantage# x>f (hi# Aca demy.) to move to, and take up their 7e#ideucc m Sa lem; form point of health and moral#, ilia not #urpa»* «ed by any village in the state. Board can he procured from eight to nine dollars per month; v. anhing, lodging and fuel included. Ten Or twelve Modem* cun b« accommodated .with board, washing a ml lodging, in the family of the Rector, and in many of the 1110.11 respectable private families in the village—ami moreover, to inspire confidence in parents who may wish to como to this village for tho purpoM of educating their children, the trustees have engaged the sent ir cm of Mr. Scott and Lady aa teachers for the t**rui of five years, from the first of January next* The exercises of the Academy for the ensuing yetr, trill r.oinnomc** or* the first Tuesday in January. Tuitionat the u.-ual rates, payable quarterly in advance. Draw [», Faulting and Mu#>, extra charge,but very low. .vanhjs ksurr ey. totheTrmuu. Salem, Nov. H.—15—how 3m. if Oil, Together with a variety of other articles, consisting of Hat", Stioca, Boots, Clocks, Leghorn Bonnet**, Child- ren*a Cop.i, Chtoa Ornament**, Saddle# and Bridles, Blacking in Jugs and Bottles, Match I.ightH, Wagon arid Carriage A hips, Umbrellas, Indelible Ink, Carmine and Prussian Blue Sanccra, ice. &cc. i^c. —ALSO— Jl variety of School, Classical, and Miscellaneous Hooks, Together w ith rwery a rticlo of Stationary usually railed for? Orders f*»r book# from Academies or Schorda, lc- gal*or otli**r prof* «o.mol gentlemen, will be promptly xeciit* d ritlu r in U*’Mo»i, New-York or Philadelphia, i;»on a a good teriiM a*! they e*n be nfiorded in any Southern market.^ ^ ^ f»J.^R , .5. A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA— Ihj WiLbON Lcmpkin, Gotcrn* or and Commander in Chief of the Army and Wavy of this State and the Sliftiiti thereof: W HERE \S by the ninetQenlhJcctioii of an Act ofllie General Assembly fortlfc trurvuy and di^ ition hv lottery, of the lands in the occupancy of the Cherokee#,and »»th«r land# claimed as Cieck land*, pass«*d on the twcniv-tirnt day of December eighteen hundred and thirty, it is made the duty of the Inferior Court of each county, to maktt out or cttUMts to he mad# out, lists of persona entitled to druwn under #atd Act— And where#a by the first auction of art Act of the Get# eral Assembly tn alter and amend thu foregoing act, passed on the twenty.»ix»h day of December eighteen hundred and thirty-one, theqnaldif atiou of peraonseis- tilled to said draws haa undergone alteration—Ami w hereas by the third section of an Act, to lay out tho Gobi region into amall hits, and dispone ofthcaamo by separate lottery, passed on the twentv-fourth day of December, 1631, the person# authorim A to maku out the foregoing list, are further required to maku out se parate list# of persons entitled to draw# under the aot last ufuresuiJ; I have therefore thought proper to issue thi# my prm* clamation, hereby requiring thu Justice* of tin* Inferior Court# oft he #everal countha in this State, lurtliuitb •o proceed to the execution of tho duties enjoined on muni by cacti of the foregoing Act# of the General As sembly — And I d‘» hereby charge each and every of them, to Ho vigilant aiul careful, in tho strict nb*ci»- sur e and faithful performam i», of all and singular, thu duties enjoined on them by thu aforesaid several Act# ol the (tenural Assembly, Given under mv Hand, and the Great beat of tbr State, at tire Slate-1 louou in Mtlledg**ville, thia the twentieth day o( February, in the year uf out Lord one thousand eight hurdrud and thirty-t w% and of tin: Independence of the United .Stall# of Amciicx, the lift\-•i.ith, ' WILSON LUMPKIN. By tho Governor: EvMiAHD Haiiiltun, Secretary of State. Feb. 28.—B—St. . ^ NOTICE. / T HE undersigned having purchased the entire Mock in Trade of Mr. U. It. ltountrcc, informa Ilia friend# and the public, that having added hi# Stock, to thi*, lie it thcrelbre pieparrd to aecommodat# hi# customer# on the *nost rna-nuble tirnia. at the houic formerly o**cnpn«d by Mr. G, It*. Rwuntrcc, Corner vt Bioad a*»’l M> lot-jib street*. A. CAUDCLLE. * ugufU r Jan. C—2, - *v- Il ii Jj ! ; i[ (i L ;j £ II (!