Semi-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1875-188?, August 26, 1882, Image 1

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THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUMTER REPUBLICAN. v:si \ i!i.ikiic:i n y [ By CHAS. W. HANCOCK, f VOL. 17. “\movr iio?u;!" 1- ' " T worn IS OF BI.NI.YYIIS H. Htu. “I'll; aluvost !H l s l H‘, I SHOP Muill lusf l pon my io\ s w i*i-’s Ui oust, From pain and d< .itH I'll soon Iv !nv- Thu poarly "iitr 4 * ‘V;i now-1 mv K\juisito pains I'm SLiffoiim* herd, •licit torturing panysl **aivc civil hear. )> ; .i ju t U*y-hd is my bright homo. \\ hoi r 1 ikt thi'so (an m*\• r oon.t 'i is sad t<> leave my weeping wife, The guardian anipdof ms life, Onr rhilditm, too, from them t<* part, < >u! how it wlings’ my bleeding heart. Hut there'sn land, just, just ahead, Where tears no more will o'er be shed: No parting .there, no sad gooddyes in that bl ight home beyond the skies “Oh! would that 1 eould speak om-emm". Ile.fore l leave those oaithly shores; I’d pray the Lord uuf land to bless V roui North toSuitli, from Last to West. To saddened friends and v. *epiug (me>, Kind words I'd speak in loving tone.,, lhit strength is gone, my tongue is stiil, Vlul J in resigned to Jesus' will. “'Du* earth reeedos and Heaver. ap|*oiu Seraphic strains .salute minf ears. The angels come, with them lily To myhught homo above the sky.” Farewell, our statesman, chieftain friend, - Hero in-life, true to the end, The world you'’, c served your race \ o’ ve i ni; And id our tears we - iv “well done. H A SERMON I >t*li\civil at llh* First AlctTioilist i, ■ (lm re 1 1 in A tlaii tu, on Saturday August 1!), IHK”. I>.\ Ui-v. < . A. liviuis, on (In* lhiitli of lion. Ci jamin It. Hill. Religion claims tho most illustrious mail whose icoc.if.* is s • * h*i*j.l v . I.]>h>; el an I iviiu.'i* name all- man delight to honor as altogether her own finally an.l forever. Willing that the nlaudits ol all t ungues shall be heard, she reserves to herself to say the host words about , Iter departed son. The--fame she gives him Ira a *u,U the j n't ten l eartl:l v shore where all hum m renovva is spent ami widens ovpi the sphere where angels enjoy; honor ami immortality Faith is jealous with 1 I. i* l l y* jealousy of the litster that should glow ar.-und his mime. The tiaii jjeut bri dales* Which great tempera’ -'lieveiii it lent him is permitted as time’s appi opi i.-ite tiil ■ nte, hilt fur herself the religion oFJ.esus Christ inadia'.es his departing presence with light from heaven brighter than all present splendor—a light that shines through the portals which admit him from his aftlction into the en joyment ot "the far inure .txeceding and eternal weight of glory . These selected -ruptures set forth that iuitl In t\ IHI . I !n>c ljt)pf 1> * !cit, the kiihtnis.wioii to < od lie made ot himself, his dyin.; testimony and the home he now enjoys. They are not read for exposition or comment, hut arc as chords tliar w i 1 ’ respond in sympathy is we touch here and them the tuiitftill strings .ol' the life whose music always anMish an i often entranced, wliosc sweetest melody was poured forth in the final .-drain. On Wo In:?-; l;iy last as the sun was rising tliti spirit of benjamin Harvey Hill ascended to heaven. The silver i )i'd Was loosed, the golden bowl was broken, an I the spirit returned to. the tied who gave it, the subdued sob,. of the loving household were followed by tin. swift telegram which info rule I the union that it bad lost a great citizen; the tongue of the bell above the cnpitol building told this city the sad tidings daily listen for—that thestaleit Geor gia bad lost a senator; and these mom u - fill sounds of sorrow were quickly tol lowed bv the mellow cadeneed peal from the aspirant spire of the church of < I I, which spoke indeed in grief, but an nounced to all th" wx-rhl that a wearie L, trusting soul, made pure through Christ, inid entered homo at last. Draped cities deplore his fall, com merce clothe-; itself in .sable; society suspends it- appointed pleasure/;, nags droop half way the mast, and. by till tokens the general sense of bereavement is declared. The governments, muni cipal, state and national, lake instint and honorable note o l Ids death. The hat bleu 1 their appieeiutio'i with .he general Voice The people in hjjas meeting throughout the state stn.o in vain to utter the popular affection for the great sufferer who had served them in.all his trough and now sunk in midst, under the burden of.-• mysterious malady. From our whole country 'j come testimonials ot los broad lame, anil this historic hour passes on and away freighted with the richest words that tongues most gifted can utter and pens most felieilous*cati wiite. be it my work in this sacred place- not to relate the well-known biography— not to praise bevotiddue —-hut to .so touch the great, vibrating life 0.l Seuat-n Hill, 1 that its rich, resonant tones may reach the lit ing and make melody it. their hearts unto the Lord' G-c 1 speed the uttemnee aud give grace to the he r ers! It was home swell, hallowed h urn graced bv a saintly mother ivliii h was the aluta mater ot his religions life. The rudiments of Muir's matchless doetiine were lit -t imoede l in his • apa cions brain by mother's hau l T hen came the direct appeal ot the minister of the church -the consent of the young heart, and his conversion in Troup county when he wan fourteen years of age "I was i,livened there", is flic testimony of his ow n lips. Hi acceptam e of Christ seems to hav been'without reserve, and it placed him oti the blight roll of the twice horn chihlren of God. He laid his head in tfie lap-of religion.' gave his heart in early surrender to its charms, and consecrated himsell unto Christ in the .lew of his youtlr. Afterwards he boro his faith tnarfu! ly through the peculiar perils of his college course, "lie was a pure bov,” says state commissioner Orr, his college mate: “There was not the shadow of immorality on his character.” W hen the highest honor of his class blushed upon him, * hen unwonted flatteries fell thickly around him, when worldly hope stood him in the open wicket to the path of fame and showed him the higher'summits accessible to bis ag gressive .genius—lie was still, thank • Sod. a christtan ■ \Vc may u c vise! recollections of main* yet living men to show a- the manly-lignite instinct with oratorio ac tion and the speaking face lit. with the tires of eloquence that now first drew the gaze . f men io a boo ls.speech hum the college platform. Two great sen ators; Preston and I'.eirien, listened, looked saw p nvei enthroning itself, applauded the youth, and. joining in the common enthusiasm, inspired him to attempt the steep ascent to human greatness. !’crimps, it was by the in spirations of this sue.a ss he gathered up the purpose and powers that lay within him in boulders vet unchiseled, rive rock was smitten, internal foun tains lav. locked will iii. In the double streams of duty to ti. i and eounfrv, the uni red a a tors began to (low. Earth's hightest places with never failing hope of Heaven Combined; wa- the possibil ity of liis coming life. v ,v it u i u: i., Marriage eaTiie next, wit h the woman ever, worthy of him., al ways devoted to liim.**ver dear to him, and for whom his trembling lingers traced tbc last word, "dearest,” and afterward wrote no more. A family bind beyond express ion and proud of him even to idolatry gathered about him first and last. The home altar.of prayer arose, in which as the priest of his house he consecrated them to (del The church at Hat. range —where he went to reside in the prac tice uf law—enjoyed at once his liber ality and his -label'. I would also with the proper emphasis mark the earliest public service in which his magical' powers ot speech were used for the good This State. < '.Hie I f.ortli hvLts neigh bors he put himself upon the side of personal sobriety and the duty of civil government to give protection against temptat ion in a. series of speeches made in Troup immediately after the close of his collage life. His .views were sup ported: t.-v los own example. I nplcdg e 1, lie lived and died a sober mail, hav - ing a'stained wholly through all his life. He reasoned with I’aul like pen etration . f what|Temperanee that stands .upon Lighteousiiess and hoped for the judgment to come. I bis Was more than thirty years ago, Ideas on this mo mentous subject of intemperance have moved on since then. Statesmen look at it now- by the, light of the public welfare, the judiciary are wearied bv its breach of law and brood of crimes, and eiti ens see wealth, and pur ity wither by its blast, d'he testimonv of Senator Hill’s opinion and examples, from first to last, wa- again>t a wrong by which our eoiiuu.y suite is in almost every, home in all its vast dominion.. His entrance into public life seems to have been imperative. His people, pleased by liis manners and proud of his gifts, | ushed him out into that fierce light which heats upon all public men. lie {mind himself, almost before lie knew it, in the midst of the danger ous whirl. Few men wholly escape the perils of public life. The billowy oceans has buried in its dark unfathomed eaves more natives than it floats, The haz ard.-, of political strife must he met by g.roTl men, hut let him who sets hiiP prow seaward and pushes out from the sale Imve where the still waters are, take heed ieht his boat he beaten to piece by the boisterous billows or strand on some ..rocky coast. Some have thus ventured—lust all -made shipwreck of faith in man, in God, and every claim of Heaven—then gone down between the jaws and w -ves that opened wide ft. take them i' . t (fliers have : tillered themselve.-, to he tossed about tilftil the rigging was rent, spiin tered, and all their moral machinery tumbled into such mat a I justn entsthat they rolled in helpless drift on the great sea and public life: and vet, all have righted up,renewed their strength, readjusted il.- H i !,iti„n.v t.< God and man and gone by His grace in glorious beauty into ti e heaven -of eternal rest. Not, many have sail 'd those weathering every tempest without the- wieltehilig ot a bolt. Still gome men have thus lived in public service, an I all men in iv pyliveas to jire-ervi-their firmness of faith, serenity of spirit and .purity of life atnidst the. most; riotous political turbulence. Senator Hill did not escape these perils, i t whiv'li I speak, nor wool 1 his most partial friend declare that lie was unaffected, by them. His hot -rror, however, wa stiangeiy -wn-ed bv his revereuce. lie c.onceived.av he told me that fin hi iv' men should not in* officious in religion lest they bring icproach upon the cause His views of course, were wrong. The prevalence ot his opinion and its extension to all men in secular business, would paialv/.e tlie arm of the layity and commit the ad ministration of humatrTtfdeinptiou to a close corporation of clergy. No condi tion of religion would he mote deplor able. lint, lie formed this opinion in the beginning with a clear conscience, and declined, to oflieiate in religion after his open entrance into politics. After that I am sure his religious joy began to decline, ami yet In all Ids ra>i,.-i. INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS, AND DENOTED To MAYS, LITERATI’BE, SCIENCE AND GENERAL PROGRESS AMERICUS,'GEORGIA; SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1882. whether possessing or lacking the joy of salvation, lie held, last to the eardi rial doctrine taught by that Divine Savionr who.' with incomparable speech, revealed the fathomless truths of man's on I v faiili. Ibis helm, his lived faith in all that Christ is taught, kept the prow of his life pointing heav enward even while i! was tossed'about, on the tremulous waves of his uncom mon career. 1 revive with sincere pleasure the rec ollection of a personal incident that hears on this stage of his spiritual life. NVe walked together one day while in the old State capital at Miiledgevi lie and sat down on the hank of the Oconee river. It was in lMill when the fearful question of the union’s disruption was tossing all minds in a tempest of trou ble, He was dreadfully afraid of seces sion, aful I. many years his junior, could not share his alarm. NYe were both members of the State Senate, citi zens.of the State,members of the church and. responsible loi the part we were taking. The die, however was east and nothing could stay the calamity. As we sat and talked ho suddenly said to me; "Is it not strange that we who are both Christians should trust so much in this matter to human w isdom NVe are praying men,and yet how w e differ! 1 am afraid,” sai l lie, “as.much of the as of the political dangei.- of secession.” Soon after 1 went to w*ar, for which 1 was most fitted, and he went into the councils of.the novy gov ernment, lor which he was so well adapted, and we met no more for. ten dreary years. tits mri\, ruin. •Senator Hill never for. a moment faltered in his faith. Some great intel lects have so far suffered the intrusion of doubt as to suspend, their faith for a season contingent on the result of re search into “the doctrine of Christ. Thus Sir William donee in the noon of Eis mental | owt-r ma lea deep study of the claims of Christianity, ending in his full acceptance of all its great ti nt hs. So NYebster once souglit mental peace by patient thought and recorded His conclusion thus: “Philosophical atgn meat has sometime shaken my. reason for the faith which is in'me. hut my heart has ilwsfvs assured and reassured me that the Gospel' of .lean Christ must he a divine reali’v.” Howell Cobb, the great Georgian was disquiet ed in mind until like the nohi • llereans, he searched whether these things aver ted I Christ were so, and closed his quest by acquisition of the pearl ot great price, lint such men were to vet iulid* Is. They had not dobaitebedtheir hrti *.* by lew 1 Easons with doc trines tliat, woul I debase so ; .*t * . dis rupt gov eri..'■*"•.■ .•;.*.* 1 1 i "' | S .Ci'ri's daiioii ot human welfare. d'hev only indulged iri-doubt in order to pursue truth. 'Hut Senator Hill never had even these doubts, nor the lteeiTof them. “Mv eoii.chtsiunk about the religion of the Bible rame,” said ho “through rea- [ son, faith and prayer;” With .these | three cords lie continued the cable that j even held him to-’the anchor cast with j iit,tlie veil.” Which of the three can bo dispensed with? Without reason in ttligio.’i we have a blind belief which is sure t-i err—a superstition that yields all right ofmind to find the w ill of Hod. \\ ithont faith it is imjiossible to be re ligioim as it is to sec without sight. Without, prayer, who can drive faith ami reason—twin steeds—in the chariot of religion up the steps to heaven? lint with these combined, we mav lay hold | on the great gospel hope and hind our selves there with a firmness that noth j ing can break. And the •testimony, of such a witness who knows whereof he ■ affirms is of more weight than the ut t teiancc of ten thousand men who know , not. wlmt they say We may set the | wisdom of the august Senator,matchless I in eloquence, learned-in-law, sagacious in statesmanship, v ersed in history and j philosophy,noble in patriotism, ol large | knowledge of the human heart, and ripe j experience in religion—we may set, J say, his definite declaration about the religion off luist with overwhelming | force against the vague vapid generali ties -which now and then fall in flippant speech from the lips of arrant infidels. | .Joining with hint then is,a galaxy of I witnesses lot the Ghristian faith stiin | ftig out from the firmament of our na tional and State governments i'heii ! testimony that ‘ light is come into the | world,” cannot he discredited by the I opaque stars until by < i oil’s glory which nouiu-i aniiii.o lin •,v ~- ui.ay of the I universe and declare that theta' is no t i ud. Our country is chri.-tiau. It is not infidel. It cun neve; he so until it suf "f'-rs siiliversion Irotn the foundation stone. Pan great Webster spoke truly when he said that (’lit istianity is the common law of the ITiited States. Happy that people whose rulers , are tigliteous men. The good genius of civil government smiles with lntppv hear! upon the State who.-e God is the Lord 1 It is a cheering affection f.a this hril limit .■■talesman who drew so ram-hat- i tention to himself that in all his life no j selitintent escaped his lip,-; that would I suggest, a doubt concerning the <dn is j tiaii faith; ho profane ndr low word was ever uttered to he < aught up and re i peited. nor level of aiiy son iml uci- 1 j any to op from the strictest tu utility; and he -stood unimpeachable of offense against his voting Countrymen In his influence over young men lie fulfilled , the duty of a statesman as laid down,! in tlie ancient hooks of State cralt,that the rulers teach the young by precept and example how ti ~ ~;t t fiem selves next the commonwealth I have seen them grasp his hand with manly > emotion and ;o nnv with Ilia last words >1 Christian counsel. NY mild that, all may emulate both his greatness and liis faith. . In all this period of worldly strife he never ceased to reverence the sanctuary. His liberality di! not abate. NY hen 1 wrote to him in NYhashington for liis subscription to complete this church lie replied by telegram in a sum advanced beyond every givet, and I cut it down to equality with the foremost contribu tion. He tendered me. when lie him self was already feeling the pang of pain in liis tongue, one hundred dollars a month to sustain a reverend and emi nent suileter a.t Eureka Springs. He would give to they lorwiiatevet amount was required to meet a need, and he fostered the charity of his *.vife by liis genetous endowment. This church made firm a trustee, expressive of its confidence, and he departed this life in the love of hi* brothers with that ollieial mantle on hi* shoulders. ' •' * * > •• • ri:. This traverse wi-tli rapid stride over the active life of this illustrious man has,been made with scarcely an illusion to his eivie career.. Rut liis comrades in our ciuui.try's councils, his brethren of the liar, liis fellow-men of all pur : suits, have already begun-’to utter a vast, volume of praises descriptive of hi course. I am borne by a single purpose over tho-* periods of his ear liest history on through the stormv i iuics ot t he. coufedt racy into the murk v giooln otihe reconstruct miters, in all ot _ winch T see his good ..angel hover with anxiety about hirn and seek to keep hint steadfast in. the- faith: Still on, in State and national triumphs, oi idetitly nscchtliug in fame and accum ulating power nntii God, with a touch as light as a feathers' fall, makes a minute Would like the gash of a cam bric needle upon His womlerous tongue anil doom him to certain death. •-'l'wd.-years ago, a:, m v house, lie told me of this troiilih* The secret was already getting out, but men could scarcely believe, iie was being urged to speak on the questions of the hour al! over the State, hut he -could not, must no , in very tiuth he desired not to enter the warm .affray- of friends which then was at its !o-at. Sadly he e. in lcm plated, even then, t lie v ot he;ng silenced bv disease. The win le sad story is now only too well known, and ivy are left the heritage ol wealth which hi- sufferingf yielded. 1 will name as one liappv result of lh:s fragie close oi si- lib* tii.n Senator Hill’s -.offering has developed to our v iew* love.vv hich the people of his State had tor him He cn;>ved tin *i'ig it life * in’rn i-: .i k;i 1 >li* proofs of popular , 1 1fi vvlocli gave men * siir ftti’iW dfYer fi *>v in i. nu n t was | my good’forttMlc Kytiear iiini -peak. 1 ! was just entering <Ji uianhood and had just commence* his hriijiant Van- I vass for the chief magistrate of our ! great State. I sto. 1 ani ing a multi- j tude and beheld vviSi rising wonder the : great, ’ides of eloiiuaice pouiitig out in ] m ysterious powers, font thrilling voice, glorious eyes, Fourty grace of gesture, mien and smile iintl he swept my heart from off its feet and took it to himself. Ile has not always timed mv head,but I have never recniln. lily affection, lie wi - not a man of tli people, in the com moil meaning. of theterm.' His consti tutional reserve, hisfundreas for think ing alone, hi- stiuiims habits and his family attachments :opt him away from the social world, hit It- was after till a true tribute of the people He l ived them in pure benevobiioe. His speeches are dull of lofty seutimeits concerning the claims of the lintnHest man. Xo one was readier than lit to Tender the lowliest colored man l.s just rights under the law as n foliov hi ng There was, therefore, i generous out - flow of the. popular heait to him. i am sure that in the first decide ofdiis polit ical life lie. was moi-ii pquilar than his party platforms.'' II" .dew his friends to him after the mauneidf Henry Olay, and the defeats of both in contests for popnlat suffrage tiros- from similar cause:,. ’There was e IC r a (Mate, pride in his eloquence, and tow and then he was the idol of the. poqdo. Vet lie suf fered his impetuous ..tonights to bear him beyond all pojuihv following, and Kotnetimes strangely ih red to brave the people he loved by..declaring, opinions far ahead of tlu- time.-, assuming that they could not umlfistind. Lut he yearned after popular allifetion with all li is gieat heart tuj, Gpd gave him by. suffering thv Te'vi*J, he pitied to know. J Two years riped the melwnv fruit for.lns taste. Suffering such as he en dured with ( diri-tian heroism called unto the deep cif sympathy to send forth its m ist precious treasures and it re Kpomled. Friends vvh'ii had loved him long, hived him in i" than ever, and generous foes laid down nil weapons of as-,au 11 and wrote it lens of Ills great ness, and'the country’s loss. Lminenf national leaders tum-iu-d with the '-ad liesi. of .his stroke hastened to cheer liim with warm assurance "f sympathy, lie was.followed fiorn td'iiv to piace in lijs search for 'life with streams of univer sal thought, and feelittg 1 an.d -prayer. And when at. fust ec entered Georgia, to leave no more until tjie gate of lleai on opened for-him; Vs people tlii'ongod all statioiis-to see hi- face ,again. Tim, this capitol . city op-ned her arms to hint. Fncovered, si'ent, tearful stood the people in sorrowful tauk's as he passed . thrungh ‘hem to his home Thev would im'i 1 for tic him in tln-ir arms, And (rotii tint .moment on until ’this hour, till- d(;i.. ..stnitinn has not •cessed. tMi how, pi iceiesA i- a peoples love! The mete reward of the majority vote i-as* f-r a -atidi ate ; insufficient wealth; the exalted ofliete that appears so tetn[ ting to ambition is often a bar ren peak that topples over an abyss; the shouts of a multitude when har angue stirs enthusiasm into frenzy are poor plaudits unsatisfactory to a great soul. Hut the genuine love of the i eo pie expressed in ballots of tears that vote away their hearts to hint who un selfishly servo them, is the richest,most radiant glory that mar. can win and wear this side of heaven! NVhat epi taph ana uincing temporal fame can ex cel the simple inscription that may in* lightly cut on this Senator’s monument, lb* died beloved of his people! Tin; REstn.r or ms srmttuxu. 1 wuuldTook once more into the re suits of his suffering and trace as far as possible tlm designs of God in this singular and startling stroke by which our noble senator fell. Itis nut curiosity, but intelligent interest that prompts us to ascertain the final conclusions ar ia ■ .1 at by g<oat minds uli the subject of religion. It was natural that earn est. inquiry was made concerning the dying views of that great mind which for twenty-five years have been engag ed in thought over a nation imperilled, two great people at w ar, a land disor ganized, together with massive related subjects that concern the well being of States and peoples. Accustomed to great thoughts in ail his life, what, would be his thoughts in his dying hour 4 ? I will answer this question with a lew selections from hisMyiiig declara tions. Senator Hill believed that he suffer ed in the kind and continuance of his malady by the will of God, for the good of man. lUca sutler often as the instruments, .of God. The Divine l'ca *her instructs tin* dull children of men by .startling pictures,and uses con • spicuotts objects to arrest attention. Had this widely known sufferer died alter brict illness or by ordinary dis ease. tlie impressive utterances of his last days would not have been given to the world: or ha 1. the same words j fallen from the lips of one without his j fame, they w *.uld .net have affected a j continent. His mighty faith—almost Paul-like in power'—is now the herit age of the whole church,and the knowl edge ofthe sublime trust will cheer the In aits of millions. •'I lie tragical suffering'of .lesiis had a h gieal purpose. The glory to follow was not. the end aimed at, but it was only the ante-a Ivent splendors that burst Iresi i around him vv lien heaseend c*l hie throne, the Hon of man suffered for the good of man and the disciple would not he above his Lord, desns went unto death in mulct to fulfill a Jaw j whose strength., whose s qie we i!o tint know, and whosrt white bla.-.eles.s lire bums on in all too universe wherever there is wrong, and it is the purpose of Aio.l through him to turn away that awful tide from every believing soul. Senator Hill saw (Lid's i’revidence in his strange affliction and was resign l ed. in response to one of mv questions lie.wrote these wqnls of sweet mbmis sion: ”1 am ivillirup-for trod tu have his own way.” His resignation to suf fering was not the submission of a ! caged eagle; It was not the quiet.of.a j lion thrall, It was the rest of a noble I heart and brain upon the immovable 'truth that Hod reigns. His snbmis j siveness was without reserve. Not I once did a murmur escape his lips. We | wonder at the total absence of impa tience betokened by gesture, look, or : word. Surely no other laitli in God can I bring peace to the mind of man Less ! than this great trust in Providence and | this resignation to the will of God | leayes us to suffer all the pangs of itn ] certainty, and to fret, away existence I until the shock of deatii hursts on our startled souls the face of the ever pres -1 ent p-'rsoaal < loiL "t.lll'll IS (■ HKIST ONI V. Senator Hill horn witness often, hidli in sileech and writing, of his unques tioning acceptance of all the vital truths of religion. “Faith in ' Christ only," as the ground of human claim on the mercy of God, was clearly seen by him. . He wrote down this credo: "i believe that God is a living God, and that Christ came-into the world to save sinners, and lie will save'me.’ Thus lie added assurance to his faith and Was persuaded that his soul was safe in the keeping of its Lord. Another slip of the pad. whose scattered leaves will enrich tiro min i an .1 cheer the hearts of tlumsan Is contains this erm iilative testimony of'Lis sure hope, "I am confident of a home in Ireaven. I liev -r hail mote faith.” lie was on :i summit ad trust, and si-.. in iulicritance assured to him by t’ r word of God which omiureth. forev. ; (luce the conversation was on the need of-. thoroughness in faith and life ‘in order to usefulness an i peace.’ V\ e were digging at the roots of the great question of godliness in man’s natrii'e and actions. Why should an unwil! ing or a partial service be given to-G od .’ As the colloquy went on, the listening Senator signed for the waiting pad, and this luminous'sentence front -hie pelt ".Nothing but consecration will do.” A life lralf-piirp.oscd, a love limited, a service grudgingly given were, un worthy that religion whose authm arid finisher is * consecrated Christ At another time 1 asked the living Senatot to indicate some scripture he would like to have read. Speaking very promptly-, lie said, '.-Ttetid me Paul's letter to the Coiinthians on the ferunection.” A'ccoi liuglv 1 read all the great chapter relating to thut ma jestic question. It. was aeiuciftl ques tion In the davs of the apostle Mate- riaiists even.then denied all resurrec tion and asked. “How are tho dead raised up an 1 with what body do they couie. ” It is a modern issue as well, and will be in debate until the trump sound and the living are startled to thr* rising of the dead. 1 paused after read ing,to heat the great Georgian suy what ho thought in this awful hour, when eternity was lending its etherial force to his mighty intellect. And this is what he wrote: “If a grain of corn will die an t then rise again in so much beauty, w hy may not I die and then rise again in inlinite beauty and life? How is tho last a "greater mystery than the first? And by so ranch as 1 exceed tho grain of cun in this life why may I not exceed it in'tho new life? How can we limit the power of Him who made the grain of corn and then made the same grain again in such wonderful nowness of life?" 1 leave theso pointed questions, with t hci r vnst end ri'*b suggestion, to be the comfort of every one who is look ing in hope for tiio general resurrection trom the dead and the lips of the world to come through our’Lord desns Christ. I am now discoursing of the greatest moments of his great life and come to tlie great crowning hour that became more and more sublime to {lie close. NYlien 1 first called to sec him, immedi ately on his return from Eureka. I found him resting on lus bed worn by travel. 1 walked in and took him by the hand a moment*. Looking at nuj with his noble eyes tilled with tears, he spoke the first words of salutation with a dramatic action of hands and a glow of features which I shall never forget. Putting his hand on his heart ho said with a difficult but distinct ut terance, “All right hero," and then lifting his hand up he‘pointed his ever eloquent finger heavenward and added, “All there.” ’ lie had answered ni*. anxious eyes that looked the ques tion which was on tnv heart. It was uu answer of peace on earth between God and man, and was the fitting pre lude to all tli* great sayings which fol | lowed. | He was now also in perfect | care “all i right" in his own heart with all men. ! The transient animosities snning in | the course of ardent political conflicts I were all.silem sd,subdued ali i sunk into j obliv ion. The sti iekeu statesman die*! | vit bout a trace of l itternuss in his soul. 1 Ills eminent antagonists far and near,! in state and nation disarmed themselv es laud gave him fiiendly fellowship of heart and hand. With a most felicitous gesture of both extended outspread palms, and with his old, happy, inno cent smile, he responded s. me time ago to my remark eoticru ling his peace w th men With wonderful generosity lie attributed tiie. occasional dilYureuves which arose between him and others to misnude standing of his x tews and mis take of the m alters in question. A MOST. O K AGI Ttri AC T. l!nt it. all his life, Pen Hill never did a more graceful thing than when lie maite his last visit to the portrait of his mother, which hung in one. of his rooms. When President Garfield’ placed his manly arm around his venerable moth er in the presence of the vast multitudes that Witnessed his inauguration, and kissed her with lips fresh from pro nouncing the obligation of the preside!) tial office, he drew unto himself the warm heart of American .motherhood forever. It seemed to us all indeed; (God bless his memory !) as a bow qf promise clasping in one all the mother lo.v-ng manly- men of our whole nation, ami as the token given by the chief magistrate that --ve the brothers of our country’s mot her should never, never more have bitterness or cause ol strife. So when the great Senator went as a child to ga -:.‘ ,p>ou his mother’s pic tured face and murmured: "I \vHl soon see her,” lie left the sons of this (State and the Pnion a lesson of filial love they should never forget. The portrait shows a dear, old, good face, well traced bv marks of intelligence. The wrinkles ary there, the stoop ot age and other signs of failing life. Long since’ she. went away, hut the wasted statesman became a buy again in feeling, ga/ed with a true, adoring love upon the por trait.' and then above the faded picture looked with eyes that saw home, Heav en and mother -all in one vision of transcemlaiit glory ’ Heaven brightened on him as his days of dreadful stillei ng dragged slung Once he vviote 1 n n.c: "Put for the good I ha-1 hoped to do my family and country-, I should regard the announce ment '! must die' as joyful tidings. 1 cannot suppress a cettair, elation at the .thought of going.’ The world u!ready-has possession of his last words. Thed ’hristian world, in song and speech, will repeat them in many tongues for tnaiiv ages. Thev comprehend all thatmau can nohly live lor in tins life or enjoy in the world to come It whs a b-tv-'hours proceeding his death tvleui he was rapidly sinking and had not written nor spoken a iv ,rd for many hours-, ] sa t hhis side hold ing his hand Opeuiji. his eyes ind arousing himself for a moment he re cognized me. The light if life --aum full into his eves once more,, and w ith a slight eiTort lie spoke out in clear, full ami even triumphant .went the .death less legend of a son! completing lit t’hrist and in full view of heaven, "ai Most hoM!."' I can add untiring thatwould display to advantage tlie umubuTu-d heautv of those final wot- Is. llv said thern ascend | ing to the skies, and very so tn Ins ! great and good spirit cut-red eternity and lie was not almost hut altogether and forever home at last. . lie has heard plaudits sweeter th-- i j FOUR DOLLARS PER ANNUM. NO. 96. ever saluted his ear on earth. The King, in his beauty, has met him; tU Father's he use has opened to him and in such a home as God can construct for his faithful human child lie lives, immortal, paiuless, sinless and in per petual peace! What power, what stHtion, what realms grasped by the greatest men are comparable with this eternal home 1 The loftiest eminence attained on earth is only a diminished pattern of the heavenly hills. All the lustre of hu man greatness should make tliu* dis tnished princes among men aspire the more after the glory that e.xcelleth. When earthly crowns are oastat the Ue4eemer‘s feet they are but a light from his transfiguring presence that out blaze all suns. Men are gicatest when they givo the greater glory of all their achievements to God, and so live that when they fail on earth they find a home not made with hands eternal in the heavens. May the G'rcut God and father of us all comfort this family who mourn an irreparable loss; may He guide our government by the counsels of His will, and grant us all through Christ to meet onr brother Hill again in his happy heavenly Home. T wo-Tlilnls of a ButtleCures. Dr. H. V. PiKltn:, Buffalo, X. Y.: Itrcir Sir —l have- boon taking your “Knvorftc Prescription” for “female weakness.” Before 1 htul taken it ttvo days I begun to feel stronger. 1 have taken hut two-third** of a bottle and believe 1 am cured. (Hatefully, Mitu.ll. C. Lovktt. NVatseka, 111. "How tin You Manage," said u lady to cr friend, “to appear happy alt tin* time ' ', T always have Parker's-(linger Tonic Han dy," was the reply. and thus keep myself and family In gissl health. Wivnl im w-ll ’ always feel good Matured." See other cot until. Tor 1 Iv *[• psis. brovyi v r.ix fyft Cmu ith umi, Ikgjfcslik llduCrilii-, ; Uron I c I>lsr yj rlsiw, Jaundli-i-, tmpnrity of tti'- raiin-'iuiiut of 1.1 ver, llitwi-lH sn t Kidneys. SVATCTO.M . OT \ lIISF tsFr* I.IVER- H.vl ttrcalh J'.-in in - ti. Nil, , simrljnui ibr 1,.v,l i.S It mtr the SloHilCt-r-ttUlle, mis);*!- nt - Kln-i,MI.uIMP ; p iirr ins of .i|jpel!ie t! s-l, |;i I.cciily soslise. f U.elinK'S s.lcMOl .ii; w ilti la* . C.i- iieatl is t- i.lted willi |..,i:i, o itull aiiJ . with i. i-iderab’s toil of imnp rv, .1 - Hnpy - l with a painful st-usali n-nfl.-?\i u .t.incsoin-ihrig w iiirii (Ujghl l.i tu .i■ hi * n done, asi ,'.!.1, fry i "sti ami ttiishcit face is -, itvr- .-p iue(K'.a:it, often nr .t.ilivn fur *. oil o l!'. p.," iliii'.inu i ! iii: nucss sini vtcl' iily, v.oiy -1 uli-i li-rt i ,lil ■r ! vniinc. n.itiul. s ; Vl> rii .elion if tlie sh. l ixo-s ,p ip are low indiltsp p. til, illll.alttli :.,ii ...i: 11 ... illial|- \. l r --vs.■o .f- t PC p. I.vl, VI 111... •it IV 1: Ir. ; - I’, >1 in fait, itisliuil. rviri n it’aply Several -I (hi-atsiV' -vmpton aitep I|l i-.V-'-a,.- 'a: -s l;a v, ~, i i.or.t w -leu tun I. w - v i il. V evainui.u t after . ■ uh ha sl ,\vii t.: I.fvcr t liavv liven i n-iislvety di i alvgcii. It shmifi! lie vised fiv alt jierxniiv, nld and young, whenever any of tlie vti. ve sy nrptonis ii}i|iear. I’ersnns Traveling or I.ivioi; In fla il. il 1 1 fly lot-lililfex, tiv lak.i'v; a i a.i-.a atiy- IP krtp tile llt.lllhy .i. i it, will av .-ivj ,1, Malaria, Bllioiiw ttleekr, ttirruieAs. Nau sea, l >rp a-siness, DcpressiPiv if hpo-. en: I^- will ii ■- 1, .rap tike a y-lai • v .nr, Ixit in no 1n - tolleat inf- liev i-in, ci'. If You liuve cutou anything hurt! of -! fi‘cl h* \ X . ■■ •r '.it- a T I"*h . ■ nijjiit, ukt a tlwf-c an : yvn x* *ll l> rc!ir\ < J. Tim unl Hoctorn* ISUIn will he luvud by til way krt'pinK th* ll*ipilutor in Hit* iloune t For, H'h;trvf r the ailment may br. a*h r ti^*t'y safe ptirKtiOv**, aU#*riti%e and tonic .Mi never or out of plat;e. 'I) -rme-l) i Iturmlt i* ami Hoe* not intcrfci with buslncMt* or IT IS* ITKFf.Y YIT.FT\m,F. A i ! f-dN all lh- (Htwn .n,d ,-fh jry > i t alomnl >i (J i.miie, without, any ot tin iojjj!. t .if'er cfl. • . A fiorernorV T>Mmou.v, . .Simmons l iver Refill,tl;-r has (wen ’n it<e hi t." family 1 i .-nir time, and I ;UT’- .tlishe.l u. . a valuable addition to the medical v icrue J U’.i ■ h KTi , t ;•>.<" nor i-f a: i lion. Alnxnmlrr H. Htf|>lii>n, *-f ‘ Have driivr.i heneh. ft 1.1 ihf use - SimniMi- | ivei -r, am x- h i g;.\ c it * further trial, •‘Tho only Thine Mint u**v< r IniK t Kolh v**." - l have u-.ed manv r>::iu’T f i ly t>cp: ;.t, 1 i\t AtTc I; n and ld- hility, I'Ut nrve* nav h nod to ben fu n.c i the ttrnt Siiom -n.s I ivf-i K." h.t i sr-n* <• -.ti Min li :• -lato <j- -rjjjia f*r* it, and v :'-l end 1 for sm;h a medicine, and ttM advice .>ll wh- it vtn,. ilarly’ alTcctcil tfi K ivr if a luul as it seems the only ihinj. tiia; m ter f.-i!s t • rrii. tr 1' M. Jannvy. Minoeap di , M ur !>r. T. \V UMon tuiji I'.eiicncr in l!rrr.N*oi ''innr, t. I iver Rrj.'ula'-) m mv piavti-r 1 liav: In-cn ami ,un >ash.:d k us - •and pi-serihe ii at- a purgative tic! -i t. • !&£)'"Tak : 'Hvly the-flrnuln**, win Ii a(* .vs ha• on the NS'iapjwi the reel / I niie-Mark -t. i Slguaturo of ,1. 11. /hII.IN /. ( i). FOR SAI F n • Ai r OIM' ;<.IST< TUTT^S PILLS A DISORDERED LIVER IS THE BANE of the io for thA Chiri' of thisjdiiwuio aud itn ait**n;lantn, RIFR HEADACHE, ' I>YS P'miA, CONPrCPATIOIf. PILES ot - that TUTT’S piLLS havojpAdckT a rv/ji ld-WHio roputAtion. No Beui®dy Hm evar b. ec SiscrvorefT that act* ho y on the Higontivo giving tham vigor to %■ ilmilate ifooS /> • n nat :ra 1 raaolti th*i Korvoua By*tou\ is Braced, the solos ar>* and tho Bouy Kobvist. Ch.LlI nnd Fever, F RIVAI-, a Planter s', Hnyou bw. *ril klr plantwllott is tn ruAlivtliU district Fur several I ouid net irstco half n crop on tfun-uDt of bilious <ils*ns**s end chllln I w*m Dourly dlot im’ngS’A ’vhon t Dog* i tb* uo of TU'rr'H PILTifl “1 ho ronult *%•* marvolous my lisborors *00:1 but am,* hentty artd robui . wu' 1 Uvu us 1 no further trouble. T|h*r 1 rlloTo tl M|mry*d Uvw Hmiio the llhiod front yolwio* hnuior*. <tu rui<> tin hunrD to net n*larUf , sliA out wlilrti s oik* ran Iwl noil. Try ti*U tourth fairlr, *ml ou n ll| ptln • nlthy >lf{*uon,f **omu#'’ t IIUmmI. Nrrtn, •* ' IVlcr.|A4'nU. Oflkf, W * TUTT’S r UllA\ II Mil •) W' HI.aCK by l MUft* Unp'trU 11 tthtnrpT Hofd hv Jrur:gl ofOu‘f>ollsr Offi.o©, aw t (I hr. flf] !,*/* '#o ( *4f( br