The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, August 24, 1877, Image 1

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The Cedartown Express. J. T. Gibson, Proprietor. Democracy—The Palladium of Our Social and Civil Riqhts. VOLUME 111. CEDARTOWN , GEORGIA, AUGUST 24, 1877. Subscription, $2 Per Annul NUMBER 40. PROFESSIONAL J. A. BLANCH. jgLANOE & KING ATTORNEYS AT LA W, CEDARTOWN, OA. C#*'Vlll practice in nil tho Courts of the Rome Circuit, in tho Supreme Court ortho State, and in tho U. 8. District Court for tho Northern District of Georgia. Nov, 11,1871. T. W. MILNER. J. W. HARRIS, Jn J^JILNER & HARRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CARTER8VILLE, GA. OT Office on Main Street, noxt door to Gil- catli Jb Son. Mr. Mllnor will Httoud tho Superior Court of Polk county royularly. Mnrcli 9,1877-tf ^ T WLLIAMSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLED AT LAW, RoCKMAllT, Ga., OTWii.1. pratlco in nil tho Courts, Prompt at tention to business entrusted to him. April, SHI 1875-ly J)ABNEY at FOUCHE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome, Ga., iW" Will practice in all tho Courts of tho State Prompt attention to all business entrusted to them. ^flLLIAM M. SPARKS, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, CEDARTOWN, OA. T5W Will pmctlco In nil tho courts of tho Romo Circuit and adjoining counties. novil, 1871 ^BDA JOHNSON A T T 0 R N E Y A T LAW CAKTEnSVILLE, OA. Jift^OppicE at tho Court liouso. warn svw FOR T1IE Caiuimi^n Against National Fraud. A President who was not elected by tho ponplo having been inaugurated at Washington through processes of fraud, wo cull upon honest men • parties to rally together in u determined mid per* sistont effort for tho correction of tills great wrong and for the punishment of the guilty, to ho enforced through the ballot box. For this outrage upon the right of self-govem- ment tho Republican pnrty and Its chosen mana gers are primarily responsible; but the men who have taker, ollico through such means, and who are actually exorcising the power of tho Govern ment upon such authority, are scarcely less guilty than they who cuuuoivud nutl uxeojloff tills unpar alleled political swindle. The fhiudulont President and his advisors huv- Ing undertaken to forsake the ancient ways of tho Republican party, and having Invited a Democrat and a formor Rebel to occupy one of tho most im portant offices in the Cabinet, propose to debauch tho honest public sentiment of the South by tho bestowal of offices and by an enormous system of Government subsidies to railroads and canals, hoping thus to coinplutu in corruption tho work begun in fraud. At the samo time, wtth hypocrit ical pretenses of reforming tho civil service, they flatter tho vunlty of Northern theorists, to tho end that tiie great crime in Which this administration is founded may bo overlooked and condoned. ' Against this complex scheme,- us against the emi - splinters With Whom it originated, wo cull upon the people to commence immediately a campaign alike merciless mid pertinacious. Wo promise them that from beginning to the end THE SUN shiill never lie found laggard or timorous in tills holy crusade; and we invito now recruits from every quarter to Join in tho movement. To our old friends and readers—a body of about a million souls—tho mime number as the majority of white citizens who, In November last, voted for Samuel J. Tildcn for President—wo need only say thnt we shall continue hereafter, as In the past, to contend for honesty, real reform, economy, nnd justice in public affairs, and that we shall still en deavor to supply all who may consult our columns with careful, completo and trustworthy accounts of current events and news from every part of the world, while from Washington especially, our re ports will continue to be full, accurate nnd fearless. The prico of the daily BUN is 55 cents a month, or $0.50a year, post-paid; or with the Sundaj edition, $7.70 a year. The Sunday edition, eight pages, ulono, is $ 1.20 • year, post-paid. THE WEEKLY SUN, eight pages, Is $1 a year, post-paid; and every person who sends us ton or more subscribers lrom any one place, will ho enti tled to one copy of tho puper for himself without churgo. Address may4-0t THE SUN, New York City. 1877. 1S77® The New York WEEKLY HERALD. James Gordon Bennett, Prop’r. fpHE dully edition of the New York Herald iscon- A ceded to bo tho “Greatest Newspaper of the Age,” both in point of circulation and popularity. The weekly edition of the Herald, as is evidenced by its huge mid increasing circulation, holds the mine rank among the weekly newspapers of the We*aro determined to sparo neither money nor labor in still further improving our weekly edition, ind all that is necessary to make up a greut nows- • oaper, worthy of its world-wide reputation. Bach number of the weekly will contain a select tory, and tho latest nows by telegraph from all -arts of the world up to tho hour of publication. (Postage Freo), One copy, one year, $9, two copies, one year, $3, four copies, one year, $5. Any larger number at $1 95 per copy. An oxtra copy sent to every club of ten or inoro. Additions to clubs recoivcd at club rates. Tlxo Dally Herald, Postage Free. Published every day in the year. Annual prico, Twelve dollars. Wo publish no somi or tri-wcokly editions of tho Herald. Newsdealers Supplied Postage Freo. Daily edition, three cents per copy, Bunday edl tion, four cents per copy, Weekly edition, three cents per copy. Write the address on letters to tho Now York Herald in a bold and legtblo hand, and give tho name of cadi subscriber, of postofllco, county and Btato so plainly that no errors will be liablo co No deviation lrom the above rules. Address NEW YORK HERALD, Broadway and Ann streets, Now York. Newspaper Law. The lolloping is the Law, as it stands, in reference to newspapers and subscribers: 1. Subscribers who do not give ex press notioo to the contrary are considered wishsing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order tho discon tinuance of their periodicals, the publishers may continuo to send them until ail arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from tho of fice to wliioh they are directed, they are held responsible until they have settled their hills, and order ed them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other pla ces without informing the publish ers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held re sponsible. 6. The Courts Imve decided that “re- fusiug to take periodicals from the office, or removing and leaving them uncalled tor, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. G. Any person who receives a news paper and makes uso of it, wheth er lie lms ordered it or not, is held in law to he a subscriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they nro hound to give notice to the publisher, at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it; otherwise the publisher is authorized to send it on, and ‘.lie subscribers will be responsible until an express notice, with pay ment of all arrearages, is sent to the publisher. Presentments OF THE GRAND JURY FOR FIRST WEEK, AUGUST TERM, 1877, POLK SUPERIOR COURT. We, Ike Grand Jury chosen and sworn for the first week, August Term, 1877, Superior Court of Polk county, respectfully submit the fol lowing general preson;meals.- We have examined us carefully as the time would admit, the books of the Ordinary, Clerk of Court. Sher iff', Treasurer and Justices of the Peace and Notaries Public. We fipd them all neatly and correctly kept, except those of W N Strunge^C M dump, J D Enlowand W M Sparks,, who churgo for trial of cutfse when there is no defense, and t^e recom mend that W M Sparks and J D Enlow itemize the cost of each case upon their dockets in future. Some of the books of the justices of the Peace were not brought in for our inspection, to-ivit: from Hamp ton's, Esum Hill and Bunconiji dis tricts, and we respeotiully recom mend that they be broughEJorwurd for future examination. We find no deficiency in tho Sher iff’s hooks, except a want of entries upon his hook as to the disposition of all li fas uftcr the sale of property, and tiie proceeds of same. By conferring with tho fiiiftneiul committee that was recommended by former Grand Jury, we find Unit it will consume several weeks time to go back und look into the finances of tho county, and at an expense of 81 50 per day, each; therefore, we re spectfully recommend that the said eommitteo be discontinued. We recommend that tiie balfuice due the Ordinary for recording old papers, as recommended by a former Grand Jury, of 8148 19, be paid, to gether with 819 25 money paid out by’vllini, which is included in an itemised account, rendered by him, and no more of suid account. We recommend that the Ordinary furnish to the overseer of tiie p-oad in Van Wert district, leading from Van Wert to Villa Rica, by way of W B S Davis, powder, fuse and drill to remove a rock from the road, pro vided the amount does uot exceed the sum of six dollars. We have exumined the publip buildings, and find that the Court House is in good ooudition at'pres- eut, hut find the Grand Jury room is very much in need of permanent and comfortable seats, and we recom mend that the Ordinary purchase and furnish for tho exolnsive use of the Grund Jury room, twenty-four chairs, not to exceed seventy-five cents each, hut to be stroug and du rable, and that the Sheriff be requir ed to buve locks put upon the doors of the room, which he is to keep locked, except when it is occupied by the Grand Juries of the couutyi Wo find upon examination of the Juil that it is as perfectly and neatly kept as could be, Unless supplied by sewerage ami wuler facilities to con vey water through the different de partments of the building. We also find that the prisoners ate neatly and cleanly clad, nnd it seems, from their physical appearance, thut our jailor lias supplied them, amply, with the necessaries oi life. We recommend that the Ordinary give an older on the County Treas urer for fifteen dollars, to Dr. E II Richardson, Jr., for amputating the leg of Caroline Prior, colored, a pau per of this county. The roads throughout tiie county are all reported ill good condition, except u piece knoivu us the Lost toad, about one and onc-hulf miles in length, which Is reported to he in a very bad condition, and we recom- moud tlmt steps he taken to have it worked out. The reports of tho Ordinary, Clerk of Superior Court, Treasurer and Sherifl', were presented to our body as prescribed by law, mid tiie same found to he correct, and wore approv ed, which are hereto attached, Tiie Tax Receiver’s hooks were bc- iofe tiie body, examined und nil nec essary corrections mude in figures op posite each amount us given in by parties owning tho property, Iu closing our duties as Grand Ju rors wo respectfully teuder our thanks to his Honor, Judge Under wood, the Solicitor General, und oth er officers of tiie Court, for favors re ceived at their bunds. We earnestly commend the moral principles and admonitions contained is his Honor’s charge to this body, to the favorable consideratidti of ull who heard it.. We recommend that those present ments be publish***! I,, both our coun ty papers, and that they be paid five dollars eacli for tho same. ISAAC N JONES, Foreman. Giles W Featlierston, Janies F Cone, Levi H Pettit, Peter M Agan, Johnathan J Blakely, Natlian Chap man, Robert II Peek, George W Peek Richard Gam mo , Henry M Gresh am, Josiuh B Caldwell, Robert C Wynn, Roberts Hamrick, Welling ton II Short, Lewis G Childers, Isa ac B Sewell, David M Russell, John C Waits, David N Hampton, As- bury P Hunt, Nowtou M Wright, Henry T Buttle. bert, to soil wliUky by the quart, 6 00 May 17 To* of 187G from J R West, T O, 344 46 Aug 7 Reed of E’ W Clem ents, Slid', for rent of room in Court house to —Green, 15 00 34 12 la ia 1 0 50 1 4 00 22 25 13 20 41 32 35 Report of W. C. Knight, Clerk of the Superior Court of Polk Coun ty, of public moneys received and paid out since February Term, 1877. To amount received ns follows; 1877—Moh 2. J S Noyes vs M A Chisolm and A Huntington, securi ty jury fee, 83 00 Aprl 3. Peacock vs Dev- er, Biance and Barber, endorser, judgment fee, 100 Aprl 3 L H Walthall vs II Gresham, jury fee, 3 00- 7 00 CR. Aprl 4. By paid T L Pitt man, County Treas’r, 87 00- 7 00 Aprl 3 To cash re'c’d for fine of C C Mitchell, 820 00-20 00 CR, Aprl 3 By pd C T Clem ents, Solicitor Oen’l, 12 00 By pd W O Knight, Clk, 4 00 By pd E W Clements, Sli, 4 00-20 00 Respectfully submitted. W C Knight, Clerk. Received by Grand Jury as correct. Report of T. L. Pittman, County Treasurer, to Grand Jury, Aug. Term, 1877. To amounts on hand at Febrnary Court, 1877, as follows; For County purposes, For Jurors, For Fanpers, For new jail fund Fines from County Court, Total 8947 93 To amounts received from all sources, since report to Grand Jury at February Term, 1877, as follows: FOB COUNT If PURPOSES. Feb 20 From J R West, T C, tax of 1876, 8295 36 Mch 6 Tax of 1876 from J R West, TO, 624 57 July 26 Iteod of Hugh Lam- Total for County purposes, 81,284 39 To amounts paid out for County purposes, as follows: • 11 P Lumpkin, jail fees 8109 30 W G Taylor, extra pay as Deputy Sheriff, E W Clements, extra pay ns Sheriff, E P Featlierston, extra pay as Deputy Sheriff, C P Gordon, guarding pris’rs, It A Jones, builiff claim, A J Gibson, do J M Davis do A J Goggans, do J L Summerville, do II O McCormick, do J O Waits, for presiding in road case, J D Enlow, letding prisoners, J T Gibson, pub Presontm’ts, II J C Waits, election returns, 2 Emanuel Colheit, washing J Bilker, J C Harris, taking testimony L A Harris, State witness, J R Rrndford, do Barnard Iverson, do S M II Byrd, expense of Ba ker to Asylum, S M II Byrd, expense of Mao Prior to Asylum, D O Sutton, taking teslim’y, 10 G I) Rowland, feeding jurors, 65 AV M Phillips & Co, lumber, 15 68 AV S D AVikle & Co, publish ing Presentments, J A AVynn, brick, . J A Ilockhev, work on gal lows and coffin, „ A J C AVilllums, bailitjlfchni, J R Barber, tak’g hi Allotly, W J Giles, bailiff claSli, 0 H Harris, medical account for jail, T Griffin, work on jail, M F Liddell & Son, medical uccoii ii t for jail, O 0 Green, repair of bridge, E W Clements, jail fees, Featlierston & Co, looks, &c, II L Oambron, rivets, &c, for prisoners, 0 P Gordon, making clothes for prisoners, AV C Knight, postage acot, W O Knight, jury tickets, A J Gibson, bailiff claim, J T Gibson, pub. ballroom notice, II P Lumpkin, horse and buggy for Ordinary, Cher. Iron Co, lumber, A Huntington, blunketB und stationery, P C Blankenship, election re turns, E W Clements, jail fees, G R Lynch, work on jail, AV M Phillips & Co., brick and lumber, Joel Brewer, extra pay ns Or dinary, 238 47 24 per cent commission on 81,284 39, am’t received, 2J, per cent commission on 81,225 86, am’t paid out, By making report to Grand Jury, August term, 1877, V A Brewster, AV R Beck, T F Burbank, J A Brooks, P C Blankenship, J II Dodds, J T Hulsey, M F Harris, N F Cobh, J AV Crulib, AVm Ilogg, J C Brooks, Thomas Lawson, G W Morgan, Wm Crocker, S R Hogg, J AV Million V 75 34 40 3 15 4 17 28 65 10 5 75 12 70 62 08 20 46 79 33 10 30 61 Total amount of credits, 81,289 60 Total amount of debits, 1,289 60 Balunce on hand, 00 JURT FUND. Mch 6 Reed of J R West, T C, tax of 1876 for jurors, $500 00 May 17 Reed of W C Knight, Oik Superior Court, jury fee,'.$3 in the case of J S Noyes vs M A OhiBolm; jury fee, 83 in the case of L H Walthall vs H j/ Gresham; 81 judgment"^ in the case of D W Pea-' oock vs Dever, Barber & Biance, - 7 00 May 17 Becd of J R AVest, T O, tax of 1876 for jurors, 606 70 Aug 7 Reed of E W Clem ents, Sheriff, jury fee in the case of A R Jones vs J W T Hand and A Huntington, 3 00 Total amount received, 81,110 70 Amonnts paid out for jury sorip: I N Jones et al, committee, 818 00 W C Barber, 12 00 J L Brunch, A B Cleveland, O C Green, AV M Lampion, E O Davis, Thomas Griffin, AV J Summerville, P O Harris, J A AVynn, 0 F Burton, John AVatts, J K Howard, Newton Cochran, O C Bttnii; M V Ii Ake, A L Davis, J A Campbell, AV II Morgan, AV S D AVikle, R B Brew ter, It A Ray, J N Sewell, J 0 Pankey, AV P Dupree, A J Dempsey, AV J Clarltc, AV II Hamrick, W F Gurley, J O Hitchcock, II L B Jones, R G Herbert, J W Brandon, J O Pottk, G AV Hunt, John AVriglit, Jus L Jenkins, W T Simpson, * R J Cuson, J M Langford, E Fight, T G AV MoMeekin, F P Jones H B McGregor, % Judson Grubb, John Simmons, A J Blackmon L Q AVest, Benj T AVcsl, John L Carter, E R Foote, J AV Casey, T C Farris, John M Carlton, John Hutchings, T A McCormick, C F Milhcnn, A Huntington, Jas F Deter, A A Camp, AV T Tomlinson, Jas B Crabb, AV F Dempsey, G W Morton, Fillmore Hogg, B F, Giles, D K Witcher, W P AVest, Jerry Isbell, Miller A Wright, E D Hightower, 8 00 J H Casey, 8 00 W S Davis, 8 00 J O Kennedy, 8 00 W N Strange, 8 00 L S Ledbetter, 8 00 M E Went, 6 00 Jas L Jenkins, 6 00 S A Borders, 4 00 W H Mansell, 10 00 24 per cent. com. on 81,116,70, amount received, is 27 91 24 per cent. com. on 8994,00 amount paid out, is 24 S5 Total amount of Credits is 81046 76 Total amount of debits 81770 62 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 13 00 13 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 10 00 JO 00 10 00 10 00 10 CO 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 lo 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 io oo 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 T It Daniel, making coffin, 6 00 Tom Johns, 2nd qr., 0 00 Isabella Henderson, 1st qr, 6 00 Isabella Henderson, 2nd qr, 2 00 Vina Bruzier, 2nd qr, 0 00 Nuney Powell, 2nd qr, 0 00 Louisa Prior, 2nd qr, 6 00 Elizabeth Chapman, 2nd qr " 6 00 Sallie Moure, 2nd qr, 0 00 Roht Munii, 2nd qr, 6 00 Hump Gibson, 2nd qr, 6 00 Sarah Newton, 2nd qr, 6 00 Matilda Bucket 2nd qr, 0 00 Violet West, 2nd qr, 6 00 Mary AVriglit, 2nd qr, 6 00 Liddy Chisolm, 2nd qr, 6 00 AV II Redding, 2nd qr, 6 00 Tom Johns, 1st qr, 0 00 Charity Morrison, 2nd qs, 6 oo Sallie Moore, 1st qr, 6 00 Susan Carter, 2nd qr, 6 00 Surah Cntrtbror, 2nd qr, 6 00 Nuucy Lookleer, 2nd qr, 0 00 Surah Strickland 2nd qr, 6 00 1’liehe Ezzell, 2nd qr, 6 00 Rosetta Benson, 2nd qr, 6 00 E & S Johnson, 2nd qr, 18 00 C Grogan *i AV ife, 1st qr, t? CO C Grogan & AVife, 2nd qr, 11 00 E B Puckett, 2nd qr, 9 00 Rutlia Alexander, 2nd qe, 7 00 J B Dempsey & wife, 2nd qr, 12 00 Daniel Pullen, 2nd qr, 12 00 Louisa Prior, 2nd qr, 6 00 24 per cent. coin, on 8241 22 amount received, is 0 03 24 per cent, com on 8285 32 amount paid out is which Bal. on hand 8723 86 PAUPER FUNDS. May 17, Received of John R West, T. C. tax of 1876, for Paupers, 824132 TO AMOUNTS PAID OUT. W M Phillips & Oh., burial ex penses Jo Tucker 89 33 Thebe Ezzell, 1st qr. 1877 4 00 Pleasant Williams, 2nd qr. 1877,6 00 John FarriB & wife, 2nd qr. 12 00 J S & E Devany, 2nd qr. 18 00 Total amount of credits “ “ “ debits Over paid 8298 43 267 81 $ 40 67 PINES FROM SUPERIOR COURT. Feb 15 Iteod from II P Lump kin, Sheriff, fine iu ease of State vs Fillmore Battle, 85 00 Aug 7 Reed from E AV Clem ents, Sheriff, fine in case of Sfato Vs C C Mitchell, 4 00 89 00 Which leaves amounts 011 hand 1st week, August term, 1877, as follows: County purposes, 8 00 Jurors, 723 86 New jail fund, 22 61 Fines fr C’ty C’rt, 249 60 Fines fr Sup C’rt, 9 00—1,005 07 Pauper fund overpaid, 40 07 Balance ou hand, 8904 40 Georgia, ) Personally came bc- Polk County.j fore me Tlios L Pitt man, who being duly sworn says up on oatli that tiie above and foregoing report is a just and true statement of tiie amounts of money received by him from the 1st week, February term, 1876, up to 1st week, August term, 1877, as County Treasurer; also the amounts paid out by him. T L Pittman. Sworn to before me, August 13, 1877. Joei, Brewer, Ordinary. Received by Grand Jury as correct. Report of E. W. Clements, Sheriff, to the Grand Jury, August Term, 1877. 1877 Reed of — Green for rc-nt of room iu court house, 815 00 Reed of A R Jones fee in case of Jones vs Huntington and Hand, 3 00 Reed of AV C Knight, Clerk, fine iu case State vs Mitchell, 4 00—22 00 Paid to T L Pittman, Couuty Treasurer, as per statement above, 22 00 Georgia, ) Personally unpeared Polk County, j before the undersign ed E AV Clements, who on oath says that the above statement is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. E AV Clements. Sworn to before me, August 13, 1877. J D Enlow, J P. Received by Grand Jury ns correct. Report of Joef Brewer, Ordinary, to the Grand Jury, August Term, 1877. By virtue of an act passed Febua- ry 17th, 1876, it is made the duty of the oounty officers to return, under oath, on the first day of each term, a just and true statement of the amount of money received by them belonging to the comity, and from wbat source received; and also their expenditures accompanied with prop er vouchers, etc., and in responco to I make the following state ment, tu-wit.' YE" That to tho best of my memory and knowledge, I Imve received no money belonging to tiie comitysinoo the above law lms been enacted, tuid*?’ and have expended none, except Yip?' tiie passing of orders upon the vari ous claims against tiie comity, tiie proper vouchors ol wliioh, if they have been paid, are in tho possession of the County Treasurer, a list of all of which orders l will attach Iu this report at your pleasure, or I would refer you to and deliver yon Lite hook of minutes containing them, which will he more convenient und easily understood than a mere list of the names of parties and amounts, which minutes, as before stated, con tain till the orders passed by me, ex cept some issued front tiie Superior (.’"lift for incidental expenses of llio same, may have my approval, which nro nut on tiie minuter, and if you desire either, yon will please iu for ill me immediately and i will lurnisli you as soon us possible. While wri ting, 1 beg leave to confer witli you upon two other subjects.’ 1st. It will he remembered tliut tile Grand Jury oflast court appoint ed a committee lo examine and aud it the various county officers’ ac counts und report at this term. For some cause they imve failed so to do, and having learned that llieru is some dissatisfaction, especially in re gard to my very heavy accounts against tlm county, I therefore re spectfully and humbly time yon, by an appropriate committee of un biased and unprejudiced men, have my hooks, uork and aocnonLfl thor oughly examined, and if alter count- und estimating tho samu accor ding to law, it is found that I have wilfully defrauded the county in any, to make such deduction as may’he lawful, and expose mein the same. And if oil tiie other hand, it should be found that i have omit ted to count, estimate and charge for k and services done for which I am entitled to pay by law, to allow the samo. It is true my accounts look heavy and are large, hut all I ask is a thorough, impartial investi gation, and you will confer much fa vor upon your humble servant, whether it he for or against him. Secondly, and lastly, I would nsk tlmt you examine into nnd consider the propriety of tho county purchas ing n pauper farm. There nfu now about 40 poisons drawing from tho county 11s paupers, and each one has made the proper proof that they were entitled, before being placed upon tiie list. From my experience in tho mutter, I am satisfied that it is im possible for any one mail to properly distribute the pauper funds of tiie county. There nro hut lew, if any, of those who are drawing hut iviio have mude the proper show ing that they are perfectly destitute' of the means, and unable to labor for their support, and also that they have neither father, mother nor child who is able to support or main tain them. I11 addition to the forty ubove named there nro several others who have nmdo verbal application, and are ready to make the showing required by law. They now cost the county nearly one hundred dollars per month, including buriul expen- AVonld it not be best to have an alms house for them '{ Those wlm perfectly destitute would gludly accept such a home, and arrange ments could he made for thoso who are only entitled to partial assist ance. Respectfully submitted. Joel Bueiver, Ordinary, August 12, 1877. Georgia, ) Personally camo be- Polk Oounty. ( fore me Joel Brewer, who on oath says that tiie foregoing report, ns required by act of Februa ry 17th, 1870, iB just, true und cor rect to the best of his knowledge and belief. Joel Brewer, Ordinary. Sworn to before me, August 14, 1877. W M Sparks, N P & ex-Off J P. Ordered by the Court tlmt tlm within und foregoing Presentments of the Grand Jury be published in accordance with the recommendation . of the Grand Jury. August 17tli, 1877. J AV II Underwood, J S C It 0,