The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, April 04, 1878, Image 1

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.By Jno. W. Radley. Official Organ of Polk and Haralson Coun ties Subscription $2- Per Annum. VOLUME IV. CEDAUTOWN, GA., THURSDAY, ATRIL -1, 187M, NUMBER 21. /»h' n f /•? s’ .v r o .v i / QUA NOE & KING ATTO K V 13 Y S A T L A \V\ r •. ( '.v .t. w. nahuis, Ju* jyriLN«:n HARRIS. AT T 0 n \ 13 V S AT LAW, < A UTKllRVILMi. GA. ^ILLIAVT M. SPARKS. Am>iiHP.Y N. OoirNSRu.on at Law, f (.‘nilAUTOWN, OA. Ulrmlt Mil.’ a-Kotnlng enmitltfK. nnvll, 1871 w'» '5'rMMGS, N. P. & Ex. Off. J. P. GVn. C’nlleotions solfoite.l, ami monov p .01 over on no'willy. JAB. D, TuTLOW, J. P. OEDAUTOWN, LA. "•V. 5 ?** onicd lit. the Umirt lrmiMM, All • • j11. ■ •vil iii liia hands wiM receive lTomjit attcutlou. M M !», HUT Am OLD iTKLHA BlAUl FEED, SALK & LIVERY STABLE, Win. ttniuey, Piopi iotov, aHSisTi'sJsiSS'S ivcrtaoiv/rilny. A’.l wlm i i i iifj :n;il;rt lin*t V Mu: ;•-■ -nit mmh> MM: , JVKfc "ilS’/Vn D. IL,L8ll)3tt ir, Bgent. (M.rks’ Building,) Ooclartovf7-n, s x : s G«. Iln: just rec iv d ii lull line of 1'AMll.V GROCERIES, which ureonvml lo the I.uhllcn: icmmliluiirlccs. A..ytbln» usually Icapi It. » FIRST-CLASS GROCERY, Stock of Jewelry, M ATCHES, CLOCKS, GOLD & SILVER AY ARE. RK PAT. R I N G 01' WATCHES. CLOCKS mill ■JEWELRY, I.HUM, An /HitTISHMh’.VTH l’Ol.K COUNTY. Liliol for Oivorr.i in Poik Sujibrioi Court, LUOY DAVIS 1 ltulo to I'urfcct Service, IIKVl'v DAVE, / VelirinryTcrm, It HplienrlliR to tlm Court by tho return or the ‘ lint roohbi in thin nr that he <1um not next term »fthin C< nrt. rile that thuco-eb- con- what was iiis i;iu;i:i)’ Libel fur Divorce in Polk Superior Court. Supcriiii’ ('mil l, February Turin 1878, Ilia Honor, J. AV. ll.'Uiidmvood; Jddge. 1.0" lilll WKKII ,i,\mi;s impWNKn. Unit l|»- I' jjttnnt i'im- not re.-ldc III tilin' futility, '”•1" ' tUot la* (loci not renlde In | truer in JI •nveii. mid ver on wiih timid mid ho id; n giive In charity Wlmt bin bolicl ?” The Inviting The Sunlit i:; «n invilitv Held t'j (.•migration. fruitful hills and fertile valleys, productive pmirietf atifl rich hotumi lands, it oilers great*n*s to' nil iii starch ol h 11' i 1 e A la 'ditnate nmnoi lie sur- imsyetl; neither tho scorching rays of ■ ton d ann, nor IVei •*i»B Huauol liotlheru Wi'nds destroy Hie tatior id the ItiielmiulniUu. IiistAud of heing' f reed to cro’vd Iii;: work into a few short month.', lie has tho year before 2s n is so warm Hi do nothing, nun so cold s. m. da yen pot.'T, ! nmrch l-l-l in Ordinary. ; ORAMPTQN'S ; I uipericil Mo 'bp j.s' run jikh’i: u. u. i.iiimm'TEii Aft. Meeks’ Building. GHtAT RAOULTION IN PRICES. First-Glass Sewing Machines, Twenty-Dive Dollars IN CASH, OF CHAES Crampton Brothers, York City. S, I, 8 mid 10.1 JUS5. GRABS, Oedahtown, Ga. JACK TALIAFERRO, Sale Feed and Livery table. Email Hired, Home, 6a. Best < h<> most keep in docs lor week.‘a, A hotter farming country than the tfoutK does not exist. N- lands are richer nor their crops more vtuied. Lotion is no; the only maple ol the soil;'blit wheat, and oats, and rye and . <>rn ; su'd grass and sugar cam* me all amoiif' i's products. Hood - hor.-i-s* aro bred in ‘Teup.e-see, and hogs are raised in abundance. Attention imw i. ; Itcing . u.'iied to h'heep, and so far vi>h the b i results. Indeed all kinds ol -took do* well, and with a' little cure a farmer linds that lie can neon initiate « iort.ime at bis horn- nil.i •'.oner anil more sin ly than I'YtBt- king business in towns.. A..u,.. a;v c'teap. » • w arc* so poor that they can not. buy a home. Transpui: -i!on is neither dillic.ult. nor high. Hail ways, rivers and dry roads leads to the best markets. The* people in the main, are civil, kind and free. Mo man is persecuted lor opinion sake. Every well disposed jterso'n wlio would In come a citizen will meet- with friends and ndt a lew. If any fancy ijuiefc neighborhoods, such are not, rare. Schools and col leges are everywhere, and churches of nil sects abound. Are these not nd vantages enough?—Sour them Far- vill that all the tax* Tho following 's tli" receipt bv which th • o lobrat «1 Vicuna bread was uuuio th t I ®ca no s • famous on the (Y-ntemiial g'i it ids; Silt in a tin pan iour*potmds of Hour; hank up ag n.- |)'*ur in one quartcf . nlk and water, acd mix into it cnou-i» Hour t;o form a thin Hatter; tlum qMickb, and ligiil- v mid one pint of milk, in which is dissolved one OUIIOO ol - all and one 1 '1 thive quarto ounces of ycart: ' 1 *• ivo the renutind ; • of the flotir v tho sides ol ; lie pan; cover 1 no pan with a do h and set in w lace frev from draught lor three quarters of an hour; then mix in the touching the return that you ar • icst ol the Hour until the dough will about to make, and that you will < ivc iho bottom and f-.ides of the make a true return of all your taxa* pan, and let H .-fund two and a half hie properly, af its market value, on hours. Finally divide the muss into "lie pound pieces, to he cm in turn into twelve parts each. This gives square pieces about three and u half i"olios thick, oHoh enmer of which is mken uj» and foulded ..ver to 1 ..e ivn- t'", and then tho c .'••■-are turned over on a d ugh f m d lo rise for half an hour, when th- y re put in a hot oven tlmt b.kes tic. m in ten laic, nl is. Tux As the tax rec polled by law t. payers in this State give in their la able property in a blun t lime no we jiublisli for the hem lit, of 01 sides; rcailc’• t ho oath to he admmibtej ml •'liter, and the questions which have to be answer, d by every tux-payer, i that nil may have a chance ready lo aosv er tli in, j beam The lbll"wing i; the oath to he ad- j i 1 Ii mi ministered, and querdioijs to bo fro-1 Ilian pounded to tax-payers; “You do solemnly .'Wear timt you. will true answers make to ‘all lawful uiiest.ions which 1 may put to yon The Miracle of •joml down our scientific inqui- gropitig at a point here, and - ilre-'ging on a ■•.got yonder, in the q [ dark of the o-'eau depths, ami r think wonders of our discoveries. But what production (loco t)\e known to bn I !"'ar mil.: vnl nown;'. Tlio trem order | blin; bn we sink .through to he i miles of m >;• ripus w.\t* rs in th? on- ' beam we can rend down thv/-"M the all . hie darknecs that v/i two third u f a woi Id ir knowledge, emit re.' iggioratice. We are ii]) as'yet in the lir. t day ol April I In- best of your knowledge and be lief; so 11eI j i you hi oil. ’ Questions: 1. Ilow many lots or nen a of land do you own in this county, and what L ill irue market, v;tIuex* v. JI"W many lots or acres of land do you control in this county as exe cutor. admiuiht Liitlo Chiliiroii l’coji'lo who h ibt; .ad\ dren out. of their h.-avis, and close their doors upon them, have no idea how much comforl liny 'it aside— what pleasure, "ha! mill incut. Ul ir-urse tL iiille ccntore,' meddle with thing ■ and b .ve the traces of their Ii’ : r en iiie . iii, and cry and “hollu r’ ? a litllej bill, when one gets into tin* way of ii, us .clhers and otlmr loving relative.-; do, those things become of minor importance. Children Hry shell pr-"y thin pi, and ator, guardian, agent, jt; t:stee <•: • !■ , i wise, a. d what is t he him* market vel-’.e" !J. \\ hat is the value of your mer- i cliil- ; i-i| iU „li.„. (,„■ stuck in!’ 4. litaly money, note*, guano notes, open accounts, bonds obliga tions for money upon persons of this .•r oilier .States or counties, or bonds of e n point ion., or companies oft his or other Slates or counties (excep l iiited States bonds) ul their true market value? 5. What capital have you invested in Iii) ping, tonnage, etc.. n. What amount ol capital is there invested in tho cotton, woolen or other manufactory, oi v/iuob y...c aV,. President? 7. What cnpitiil have you invested in iron works, foundries, cl?. 8. What capital have you invested in mining, • m. ? 0. What is tho value' of the* loial number of shares of the bank, ip- which •heir liitlo hands is so sul't, the sound of their little voices so sweet, their faces are so pretty, their movements so graceful and o-nuical, the whole family goes baby mad—and it is no wonder. Mo book was ever written that was half as inteiv.-iing as a little child that is learning to talk and to | you are Presiden think, that is developed from a tiny j io. What is the value animal into a being with a consci* j hoiH’lioid and kitchen turn it once and a heart. Ask tho Gif! Wonivdi A gentleman traveling.’W.rt relates !h*e mllowl. - Hiding !icr-; !•: ; i . ... u. it, through the av.ii• Is in .Sign ;r county, Michigan, I cam? ; • th - d n in the middle of v/hi. h si- I a '•*.» hou-e with its owner sitti 'g in the door smoking hif pipe. Stopping my b.i se biuoie him tn? following ipu.m-. c “Good evening, sir,” said 1. th “Good evening.” 1yd. with ‘•('at) l get a glass of milk to are’ldren, ! ilrink?” narrow hollow ] ’’Well, 1 don't know. Ask the old of our nr.ti. ' alley, with all the uni- i woman.'’ verse, outside the closely engirdled j By thin <ime the wile wao funding hills, for a great wonderland, of by his ride. which we dream childish dreams, at j “Oh ,\es,” film said, “of couvsa you the light of inoriling or evening km- j can.” dies from beyond, ol naiiiivj L bile di'jnk:'ii!. ' A* dr wlmt dost thou know of them, O ' ‘hiiP. we v.rv going to man? Look out on the great mira-( Have a st. i’ cle of nature, bloom and stars, away to the gates of the city of God, what dost tuo.i know ol its lews anil tvomlers? Begin at the fee!. Tell me the mystery of that glass blade. Gan you Lull me hpwn comes to grow? ' an yon say move than it does glow? The wing;; o- 111,a guilt, .belting luu.ilivil times in each second as it. hums in your ear, are s great a mystery to the? us tho lloating of stars, night by night, across the inlinite. You know nothing, (jonl'ess it, and say no mol'? I’.hout wlmt contradicts and wlmt agrees with th? laws of nature. “Will, til? old v Ask K llt Again 1 usknl: “II ov much land ha chaived- I.Vyt ; ' •“.Well. J -vaily dul.’l k tiie old v.— alie know ‘ About nineteen acres •Icsi then a troop t.f eVhlren came rumiing and simuiing around Hie i got Ask id. •Don’t ku >ur cbiblvn:” said I. Ask the old woman Tho Sensation of Hanging. 1 did not wait lo hear the reply, Imt divw up the reins and left mi ring the past week the gallows j med.ately. A Rosy r titui'e. 'I'lie were io bell-lower of ly Hull yesterday, and she her yellow haired le a on ni.y agn- c ll I turn I shoulders n id li-ieind to the mighty “tick! tiek! tick’ of tho G Np' It. “We iboi’t want such a big clot k t, do wo darling?' she w imp..r- he oi- leaned J. T. Fears, Agt., FAMILY GROCERIES, CONFECT 1 ON!'; R1ES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, etc. Bottom Pi'icos, For The Cash. KELLEY’S HOTEL, W. A. KELLEY, - ■■ - Proprietor. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW HOUSE, Newly rBipsg She Didn't Scare. A boy v;ho was disappointed the other day in making a sale of tinware to a woman on Park street, mutter ed something which excited her in dignation, and she gave him a great big piece of her mind. In “jawing back” he Bald;' • “Your husband ought to be arres ted for working on Sunday!” “Working on Sumlny—comsi hero, bub!-Now, bub, if you’ll prove that my husband ever worked on Sunday, or any other day in the Week, I'll give you a dollar! I’ve lived with him for twenty years, and. have al ways had to buy even his whiskey and tobacco, and now if lie’s gone to work I want to know it!” The boy backed off without an- other word. A'house too closely shaded by trees will be apt to suffer from, dampness. In building, let the living and sleep ing rooms, as far as possible, face to ward the South, and thus gain the advantage of the sunshine. The sun is a great preserver of health. The following j nut lv.s.dution for amending the Uon.stimi.ion >f the i : . tes l bot h h : - - : <> Congress, and will b ; submitted to the Stales for ail »ption: Mo Mate shall make any law res pecting an establishment Of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise tliure- ol: and no religion siiail ever he re quired as a qualiiicufiuii to any of- lice or public n‘nst ninbw any Suit,?. Me public revenue of, nor any loan of credit, by, or under the authority of the United States, or any.. Stale, Territory, District, or municipal cor poration. shall be appropriated to, or made or used for, the support of any school, educational or other institu tion under the control of any reli gious or anti-reljgi ms sect,organiza tion or denomination, or wherein the particular creed or tenets of any religious or anti-religious' sect, or ganization nr denomination shall be taught. And no such particular creed or tenets shall be read or taught in any school or institution supported in whole or in part by such revenue or loan of credit, and no snob, appropriation or loan of credit shall he mu lo to any religious or anti-religious sect, organization nr denomination] or to promote its interest or tenetij. This article shall not ho constructor to prohibit the readflig of the Bltd r 'n any school or institution; aud it, shall not. have the effect to impair | rights of property already vested. umr * and ioal tools, law or other libra ry, books, pictures, etc. ? 11. What is flie value of yourhor- .-CS, cows, hogF, sheep, carriages, bug- kies, wa 1 elms, diamonds, and jewelry ol all kinds, worn or owned 1;’. Have you any other property not herein enumerated’;' 11 so, what is its value? Id. Have you returned, with a trim valuation, all Wild and improved lands, with number, district, section, and county, that you own in this anil other counties? I f. Do you return a poll? LV Are you a lawyer, doctor, or a deli I ist? JO. How many hands have you employed between twelve anil sixty- (iye years of age? 17. Have you, in the return just made, given in all of the taxable prop erty of which you were possessed on , :he lird of April last, or were inter- j rsled in, or entitled to, either in your j owr rLdit or in the right of any oth- : .*r person whatsoever, either as parent I guardian, executor, admiiPstrator, | trustee, agent, or in any other name has been uusually busy, uili the stilt has been- yxtremely disastrous to ;h(‘ central ligures in these ghastly exhibitions. me jime since the A me •!•■:"« pr* ss was discussing the question; “Doe: it hurt atuan to hung Kim?” The conclusion arriv ed se ' d.11y ho Ilia*, hanging was a painless death. No” some of t he ^ .English magazines tire .TjKcukiling ' ,. ( j on llie sinisiil ion c.l ulmn^il in-won, "No, mv liltln d iisy,’ lie nnswnv t, »'"l '••‘•V almost miikcoul tlmt hang- ns Ini hugged lit ra little closin') "! inn is mther a pleasurable and dcsir-, kill buy 0 , 1(jk |(J1 . tw) c) .p,,,.. nlilr npemtion. One person who Was ivliioli’il rim three<l» - to this n k’a hung, to all intents ami purposes, two. I’ve got her picked out ul- anil afterwards revived, declared that * ready’” Small farms make near neigh bor.*-; they make good roads; Hie}’ nuilte plenty of good soliools and ohnrohes; there is niore mousy nmde in proportion to the labor; less inliui' is wanted, every thing is kept liont; less wuges he paid lor help; less time is wasted; more is raised to tthe acre; besides, it is tilled better; no watching of hired help; the. niin'd is llot kept in it worry, stew, and fret all the time. -A We tho irn writer thinks that if ny of spoiling tho is“ though,” and bo is“beau,” he thinks the proper way of spoiling potatoes is poughleighteniut. “Wlmt makes 11 little boy on the'train the other day. "The oars,” answered his mother.— “What for?” ‘•Because they are mov ing.” What me they moving for?” “The engine makes them.” “Wlmt engine?” “The engine in front.” “What’s it in Ii for?” “To pull the train.’ “What train?'. ‘This one.’ ‘This cur?’ repented lip youngster pointing to the one m which they sat. ‘Yes.’ ‘Wlmt does it p'tiil for?’ ‘The engineer makes it.' ‘Wlmt engineer?’ ‘The limn on the engine,’ ‘W'liat en gine?’ ‘The one in front.’ ‘Wlmt is that in front for?’ ‘J told you that before.’ ‘Told who wlmt? ‘Told you.’ ‘What for?’ ,‘0h,. be.siill you area nuisance.’ ‘Wlmt’e is nuisance?. 'A hoy who asks too many questions.’ ‘Whose hoy?’ My boy.’ ‘What, ques tions?’ The conductor came through just then and took up the tickets, and the train pulled up to the station before we could get all of the conver sation. The last we heard as the la dy jerked the youngster off the plat- |dowment fouud form, was “What conductor?” he felt no pain, mid his only si usg- tinns were nl lire Ivd'piv his eves, wiell changed lirst to hind:, and then lo .- lcy-bliv. Whece colors are even a sum i pleasure. A culprit who veto revived when iillimsi. dead com plained I Imt, liming lost nil pain in mi insLaut, he had been token from a light of which the charm delied description. Another nriniinal, who escaped through the breaking nl .the halter, said that, idler a second Or two uf Buffering, n light appeared, and acre ' it » mnsr, beautiful avenue ol trees.’ All agree tlmt tile unensi- ness is quite momentary, tlintii plea surable ll eling immediately succeeds, that colors of various lines shirt up before the eyes, and tlipt these hitr- ing hec-n gazed at Inrit limited space, the rest is oblivion. W this is the case Michigan nnirdorer may regret l.lie law that, consigns them to a liv ing tomb inslend of treating them to an entertaining chromatic exhibi tion. A ooloueu mail. Samuel Lowry, living near Huntsville, lias been quietly engaged in silk vulture, and will this spring have two. acres laid out in the production of the white mulberry, the food for his silk worms. About three years ago, Lowry recei ved liia first lot of eggs from ail En glishman living jn‘ Nashville. Re and his family devoted their atten- lion to" the study of silk culture, and in year or two, with practical expe rience, began los uooeed in the un dertaking. The enterprise has suc ceeded bo well, that Lowry, with the countenance of tending citizens of North Alabama, haa determined - to establish nil academy for both sexes, their moral and intellectual-advance ment to he amended to, while the culture of silk will bo a Lading fea ture of the institution. Lowry esti mates the profit per acre at $150 lo $300, with ii continuous, increase us they become more experienced. In a week or ao lie leaves for the North, where he will visit Washington, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, will) the object of securing an cn- “We’ll he verv, Verv happy,’ sho sighed. “Yuli bet we will! I’ve flgueil it right down line, and I believe we call live on twelve eggs, one pound ■of sugar, ten pounds of Hour and une pound of blitter, “And you’ll have a hunk i see pleaded. “1 will, even if 1 have tc hand mm?’ “And will we keep nit?’ buy square pil- i?’ . collar “And have a piano?’ “Yes, darling.’ “A nd 1 can have son lows with shams on tie “Yes my tulip—ye d ’ every domed Ihiug fro garret, have the front door painted bine, mid——-but leas gohi look at some second-hand cool: stives!’— Detroit Free /tree ■. Wiiehi! Tuu Injury Was— “Gentlemen of ‘lie jury,” said u Tin- carom lawyer, “what kind of swear-, ing has been done in this case? Here we have a physician, a man ivjinj from his high and noble calljng, should he regarded as one who would scorn lo strain his soul with: perjury or bo iguilty of giving nUcmitoe to 111) untruth. But wlmt did iie testi- tify, gentlemen? I pul, the question to him plainly, mi you all heard: ‘Where was this man stabbed?’ And what was bis reply! I’nblnsliingly, his leal tires ns cool- and placid as through cut from marble, lie replied that the man was stabbed about an inch liml-a-lmif to the left of the median line, and about, an inch above the umbilicus, ami yet we have proved by three uniiupeaciiiihle wit nesses that he was vtabbei,just below the Young America hooting works.” There is no ditiion’-y in having a flower garden; a tW moments each day will keep it in .l’der, if nut too largo; and even a ew square Let of laud, planted wi-h a good selection of flowers, all c'which can he sdeur- sd at trifling will give flowers, everyday &■“ early Spring unt.l lute Autui’ n > “nd will also be a con- stunt SOl'OO of